beloved tv series is going to join us. he's going to talk about veronica mars, about the business. that's going to be fun. >> what's interesting about that is the wall street -- >> and the l.a. out of the moving making business. >> fans produce their own movies. >> talk about david versus goliath. two moms taking on food giant kraft. they started a petition online calling on kraft to remove two ingredients from its mac and cheese. >> now more than 220,000 people have signed on asking kraft to take out the artificial coloring called yellow 5 and yellow 6. senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen joins us now. elizabeth, good morning. these ingredients are just cosmetic. but what was so interesting to me, you put them side by side with them without that artificial coloring and it basically still looks the same. doesn't it? >> well, i think it probably can look a little bit different. and i'll tell you this color that you get from these dyes that are become so controversial. the blight yellow orange and kids really seem to love it.