you taking your cue from what potentially happens this week? >> you're running to your lawyer and saying, cut me the best deal you can. i can't win this case. and even when you cut the deal, fred. next week they're only going to enter pleas and not going to be sentenced next week. a plea arrangement. they're going to enter into that and be sentenced down the road a little bit. here's the way to stop this, fred. you have to make a deal here. no defense, no sympathy. even when you make a deal and dwrou go before the judge, no sympathy because of all the kids that work so hard and took those s.a.t. tests and prepared and missed out on playtime and everything else. they get rejected on these schools and these spoiled brats get in because their parents pay a tennis coach a million dollars to put the kid into some sort of athletic scholarship. but the feds are saying most of the time the kids didn't know and i'm going to call bs on that. the kids know what their parents are doing. the kids have to suffer for this, too. some sort of deford prosecution. some sort of deal so the parents