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Now the right wing has thrown everything at hillary. Not only the kitchen sink, not only the stove, but the refrigerator and the toaster, too. And you know what . Shes still standing. They have thrown everything at her and shes still standing. Americas families need hillary in the white house standing with all of us. We need a president who knows its just plain wrong that women make 79 cents for every dollar paid to a man, yet her opponent refuses to support equal pay. He says quote, the marketplace is going to make sure of it. Well, its 2016 and were still waiting, mr. Trump. We can count on hillary to fight to raise the minimum wage. Her opponent says wages are too high. Now, thats unamerican, because in our great country, if you work fulltime, you should never, ever have to live in poverty. We can count on hillary. We can count on hillary to protect our right to choose. Her opponent said a woman should be punished for exercising her right to choose, and then picked a running mate who believes roev wade belongs, to quote him, in the ash heap of history. Well, i have a message for donald trump and mike pence. We are not going back to the dark days when women died in back alleys. We are never, ever, ever going back. Never. We are moving forward with Hillary Clinton. You know, theres a lot of talk about what makes America Great. Well, ill tell you this. Its not when we insult each other. Its not when we tear each other down. Its when we stand together. Its when we work together. Its when we build together. Its when we fight together. And thats what makes America Great, and thats what Hillary Clinton will do and that is why im telling you tonight, Hillary Clinton will be our next president of the United States of america. Thank you, california. Thank you, america. Thank you. Senator Barbara Boxer addressing the crowd. Michael, we saw before very moving moments from what have been called mothers of the movement, mothers who have lost children, some to being killed by Police Officers and others, one by gang violence. The leading police union in philadelphia, though, said it was insulted that clinton did not invite family members of fallen Police Officers to address here. Is that something, you compare this to what we saw the Republican Convention and it is really a tale of kind of two americas. Sadly, it is. I happen to think they have a point. Im a father of four. I cant imagine a fate worse than losing a child. I want to say that at the outset so i have great sympathy and compassion for the mothers that we met. But the f. O. P. Said they were shocked and saddened and what they wanted was a widow representation of the families of fallen Police Officers. What really pains me is to see that its an either or. That somehow if we are in cleveland its Blue Lives Matter, the sheriff from milwaukee, and we are here in philadelphia, my hometown, and its the moms of those who have fallen victim to Police Shootings. I dont know why it cant be both. Why you cant be sympathetic to the moms on the stage and also sympathetic to the Police Officers. I have to say, i think that i agree with michael. I think this was a missed opportunity. We should point out there were mothers on that stage, the mother of hadiya pendleton, who was 15 years old who lost her life a few miles from the president s home in chicago, shot by a gang member. So it wasnt just Police Shootings up there. But the families of Police Officers grieve for their lost losses as well. It would have been a healing moment to get everyone on the same stage to say we have to stop the violence. Stop the violence. It would have, but i think we have to be careful of false equivalency. At the Republican National convention, the black lives Matter Movement was demonized. Nobody here has demonized it. In fact, the police chief of pittsburgh did speak. The attorney general spoke specifically about the vicious murders against Police Officers. Obviously like all good people, he condemned them. One of the mothers of the movement said this. The majority of Police Officers are good people doing a good job. Thats praising Police Officers. Her son jordan davis was not killed by a cop. These were all moms of kids who were killed by cops. I think these moms, the cops who spoke, Law Enforcement officials are trying to find that unity. I have to say i didnt see that in cleveland. I dont want to say a tweet was sent out from the New York Times saying can i ask a political question based on polls i have seen, maybe the clinton folks should consider doing a section devoted to white noneducated males. It seems they are clearly playing to their base as they saw the Republican Party as well. I think they are. I think thats what you do at the start of a convention. I think at some point you have to broaden out. Maybe the Clinton Campaign is making the calculation that as jake said earlier, you just get the Obama Coalition together and you can win that way. I was at a lunch with john podesta, chairman of the campaign, who said we have to get this balance right. We are really aware of it. Blue lives matter, black lives matter, and i think they will make an effort to broaden it out. We havent seen that. They have to make more of an effort. Im from a Law Enforcement family. My dad was a cop in the military. My uncle just retired as a Police Officer. I do think they need to the fact that Police Officers are being murdered in this country deliberately for political reasons is an outrage. I think the democrats need to stand up against that a little bit louder than we have seen so far. We are picking which funeral we will cry about in america . Jeffrey . One of the things somebody quoted Hillary Clinton as saying, we have to name the injustice. For the life of me, i cannot understand, it seems like such a simple thing. I saw something in the democratic platform about taking confederate flags and putting them in museums or some such thing. Fine by me. I have never understood why after 176 years of writing political platforms, the Democratic Party doesnt simply say we were responsible for slavery and segregation, we apologize and we, you know, lets name the injustice. We were the ones responsible for creating this culture of racism in this country and were sorry. I dont understand whats wrong with that. Historically, thats absolutely right. The democrats were not only the party of slavery but of segregation and jim crow and lynching and all of that. I have to say, we kind of got over it, jeffrey. We just elected a black man twice. Excuse me. We are now the party that earns 90 plus of the africanamerican vote by dint of hard work and advocacy. I appreciate all this advice. Adam is a terrific guy. But as a political consultant he makes a great reporter. A brick is not a wall. Stay tuned. Theres a guy i know used to be governor of arkansas, talks pretty good talk to noncollege white men. We should also point out he will give a hell of a speech that noncollege white men talking about Police Officer joe sweeney, detective with the nypd, served during the 9 11 attacks, is about to come out. According to his biography, he rushed the World Trade Center when it was hit, and after that we will hear from someone wounded in the 9 11 attacks, spent six months in the hospital. My name is joe sweeney and i served as an nypd officer and detective for 21 years. Im proud of every day that i served my city and my country. But im especially proud that i served on our worst day. Beginning that horrible morning, we worked in the smoke and the ash to search first for survivors, then for remains and then to begin clearing the rubble. Police officers, firefighters, iron workers, machine operators, neighbors and friends all joined together to help. We have a job to do and we did our best. At the time, the epa assured us that the air at ground zero was safe to breathe. That information was dead wrong. Thousands of my friends and brothers and sisters in blue were exposed to harmful toxins that have caused Lifelong Health problems. And when we needed someone to speak for us to stand with us, to fight on our behalf, Hillary Clinton was there every step of the way. Within 48 hours of the towers falling, hillary introduced a bill signed into law that helped First Responders get the benefits they earned easier and faster. Then she pressured the epa to launch a new task force and led congressional hearings until the epa admitted that the air hadnt been safe. A lot of people moved on. They thought everything was fine. But Hillary Clinton kept in touch and kept at it. Ten years later, hillary was still our toughest champion, making sure we still got our health benefits. Im at this podium tonight because like First Responders across america, senator clinton has devoted her career to a simple creed, protect and serve. Time and again, secretary clinton has kept her promises, including to the extraordinary Lauren Manning. My name is Lauren Manning and when i arrived at the World Trade Center on september 11th, 2001, i was a partner at Cantor Fitzgerald. I was a wife and a mother. A moment later, i found myself in the midst of the worst peacetime attack in this nations history. I was catastrophically burned over 82 of my body. My chances of survival, next to zero. I battled for months to live and for years to recover. I fought in tribute [ applause ] thank you. I fought in tribute to my friends and colleagues at Cantor Fitzgerald that i lost that day and all the 2,996 people who were killed. I fought to honor our troops who were fighting and continued to fight on the front lines for each and every one of us around the world. And i fought to return to my young son, 10 months old at the time. I fought as hard as i could so that the terrorists would not get one more. Hillary clinton stood with me through that fight and in the darkest of days, and in the hardest of times, the people who show up in your life are the ones that mean everything. Hillary showed up. She walked into my hospital room and she took my bandaged hand into her own. Our connection wasnt between a senator and a constituent. It was person to person and as a Woman Working in business for years, i know you had to be tough and in that woman is a hell of a tough person. For years, for years she visited, called and continues to check in because hillary cares. When i needed her, she was there. When our First Responders needed her, she was there. When new york needed her, she was there. I trusted her when my life was on the line and she came through. Not for the cameras, not because anyone was watching, but because thats who she is. Kind, caring, loyal. She had my back. This is the Hillary Clinton i want you to know. She was there for me and thats why im with her. Thank you. Please welcome to the podium representative Joseph Crowley from new york. It was a beautiful day. Not a cloud in the sky. It was just after 9 00 a. M. And i was waiting on the run way at laguardia to fly back to washington. Then i got the news. Two planes had crashed into the World Trade Center. I raced out of the terminal, i tried calling my two cousins, both members of the new York City Fire department. We had grown up together in working class queens, new york. They were supposed to be off duty that day but then the call came in. Both brothers responded. Only one came home. On september 12th, i stood at what had been the World Trade Center. All that remained was smoke and ash. My cousin, battalion chief john moran, was listed amongst the missing but deep down, i knew he wasnt coming home. Neither were the other 342 missing firefighters. The weight of the loss was heavy but there by my side was Hillary Clinton. Hillary clinton, the new york senator. Hillary clinton, my friend. She understood the pain my family, our city, our nation were under. She fought to help our city rebuild and she delivered. People forget but the assistant package that was first proposed didnt have a dime, not a dime, for new york. Hillary helped turn that around, securing 20 billion we needed to get new york going again. But she didnt stop there. Hundreds worked on the pile in the days after 9 11. First they came to find survivors, but eventually searched for remains. They didnt worry about their own health. They were told the air was fine. But it wasnt. And when Health Issues emerged years later, Hillary Clinton was still by their side. She brought families and First Responders to washington. She took them door to door, never letting her colleagues forget the consequences of that terrible day. For almost a decade, hillary never gave up and she was there with us when the 9 11 health and compensation act was finally passed. But let me ask you something. Where was donald trump in the days and months and the years after 9 11 . He didnt stand at the pile. He didnt Lobby Congress for help. He didnt fight for the First Responders. Nope. He cashed in. Collecting 150,000 in federal funds intended to help Small Businesses recover, even though days after the attack, trump said his properties were not affected. Hillary sought those funds to help local mom and pop shops get back on their feet. Donald trump sought a payday for his empire. It was one of our nations darkest days but to trump, it was just another chance to make a quick buck. Hillary has never and will never forget the reality of that day. And thats why she will never give up on making us a better and stronger nation. My cousin john carried with him a quote from teddy roosevelt. It reads in part, it is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who was actually in the arena, whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood who strives valiantly. My friends, this is the Hillary Clinton i know. The doer of deeds who i have stood and worked and fought alongside. This is the Hillary Clinton i believe in. The proven fighter who has been devoted and has devoted herself to helping american families, American Workers and cops and firefighters and First Responders, helping all americans, and this is the Hillary Clinton i support. The one who has been in the arena, who knows what it will take to keep america safe and defeat and destroy isis and has demonstrated the leadership and determination we need in our next president. My fellow democrats, my fellow americans, im with her. Im with hillary. Because hillary has always, always been with us. Congressman joe crowley of new york. Theres a lot more ahead. Hillary clinton plans to thank delegates tonight for her historic president ial nomination. And bill clinton has been on the Convention Stage many times before but never like tonight. Stay with us. Is it a force of nature . Or a sales event . The summer of audi sales event is here. Get up to a 5,000 bonus on select audi models. Safety doesnt come in a box. Its not a banner that goes on a wall. Its not something you do now and then. Or when its convenient. Its using stateoftheart simulators to better prepare for any situation. Its giving offshore teams onshore support. And its empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesnt seem right. At bp, safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. At bp, safety is never being satisfied. Great grains cereals are made fromreal fruit,clusters, wholesome nuts and crunchy flakes. Good things come together to make one great thing. Great grains. Why be good when you can be great . When you dont get enough and your body aches. Youre not yourself. Tylenol® pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. We give you a better night. Youre a better you all day. Tylenol®. Welcome back. Night two of the Democratic National convention. Moving into more issues on health care and Hillary Clintons history on that. Former governor howard dean from vermont will be coming up. Got a few minutes before that, though. It is actually moving along. I just looked up at the time. Its moving along. Having been involved in a number of these things, i have to say the production values and the thought thats gone into this production shows. And the people, real people trump politicians every time. There have been really compelling testimonials that tied right into Hillary Clinton where people talked about their personal experiences with her and what she did for and with them, and that is precisely what she needs. She needs to add that element that people dont know and this is the purpose of this night. Its going to be capped off obviously with bill clinton sharing his stories. It is, we were talking about this during the break, at the Republican Convention we heard stories of donald trump seeing somebody who was suffering in the newspaper and cutting out the article and saying i want to help this person. Didnt actually hear from any of those people. Maybe that was intentional. Donald trumps party didnt want the attention on it. But with Hillary Clinton this was very much personal anecdotes of she was there in my hospital room. Its the commitment over time, when there are no cameras there, when theres no political gain. Going to Lauren Mannings hospital room and staying with her. Staying with joe sweeney and the hero cops all those years. Hillary has been there for 23 years, helping. Its the personal commitment people dont see. People ask whats she like when shes not trying to get a vote. They need to know that. I think they are doing a good job of showing it. I said this before, theres a big gap between the impressions of the people who know her, who have known her a long time, who worked with her, who shes helped and the impressions of the people of the public, that they get through this political, public lens. Tonight they are trying to close that gap. They are. What it is, theres a caricature out there and they are trying to debunk it. The question is, is it going to work. If there were a word cloud of everything that was said today, i was just taking some notes, compassionate, understanding, a good mother, tough, never gives up. When i needed her, she was there. Kind, caring, loyal. Courageous. All of these words about Hillary Clinton that we dont hear very often so to jeffreys point which is why did they need why did they need to be said. Given the amount of time shes been in the public eye. I dont mean this in a negative fashion, although it will sound that way, but what this reminds me truly of all those stories we used to hear that Richard Nixon was really a great dad and he was terrific with his kids and all this kind of thing, and it seemed to me that it was designed obviously for the same reason that he wasnt really tricky dick and all of this kind of thing, yet it didnt really he did win the election twice, i guess, but he did get them a dog named checkers. Thats right. But the image there was very hard to change. I think after all these years, thats the problem. Same with donald trump. His children and im sure Chelsea Clinton will do it for Hillary Clinton and bill clinton to a great degree also but with donald trump they tried to soften his image. They tried to talk about him as a father. They tried to talk about his generosity, his untold generosity that he likes to keep private. I wonder truly, i take your point, but i wonder if at the end of the day if youre out of a job somewhere, whether any of this makes a difference. If youre trying to figure out how to put food on the table and feed your family, do you really care that somebodys kids think theyre a great dad or a great mom or im sorry, i think maybe not directly but look, ive got a chance to work with Hillary Clinton on some stuff. I find her great in person. I had no idea about a bunch of this stuff. I really didnt. To me, just as shes trying to pull her base together and get people fired up, this character question, is she only calculating, whatever, theres no political payoff for some of the stuff youre talking about. It may not help somebody who is completely economically desperate but i do think it does begin to give people a reason to go out and fight for her. And believe shes going to fight for us. That is why these conventions are so important. You have four nights essentially each night to produce a Television Show and without a filter, tell people your story. Honestly, that was what was missing other than the kids last week. A lot of the time was squandered that could have been useful. Donald trump said to me to tell you that the convention was stupendous and he thinks it was i success. Im amazed. Heres governor howard dean. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Democrats, independents and to the millions of republicans who dont recognize the party they saw and heard in cleveland and cannot support their partys nominee for president and Vice President , 25 years ago i got to know Hillary Clinton when she worked to achieve a goal, that was a goal a century ago. The goal of harry truman to give us all universal health care. Between the aspirations of harry truman and the accomplishment of barack obama, there was hillary, poised and persistent. When her first attempt at health care did not work out, hillary could have given up. Instead, she fought the way she always did. She did her homework. She persevered. She never forgot who she was fighting for. And thanks to her effort, the state Childrens Health Insurance Program was born and she worked just as hard to ensure that the states actually signed up, joining with republican governors to get it done. Today, more than eight million children have Health Insurance as a result. That is eight million children whose families dont have to choose between paying the rent and taking them to the doctor. When president obama took office, he picked up the fight and with the Affordable Health care act passed, we expanded insurance to 20 million more people. Today, 90 of americans are covered and we have made so much progress. And now, we need to elect the person who will finish the job. Hillary rodham clinton. Has a plan to drive down health care costs. Hillary has a plan to stand up to the Drug Companies and lower Prescription Drug prices. And hillary has a plan to take us the last mile and finally achieve health care for all americans. That is what hillary will do. Now donald trump has a plan, too. He would rip up obamacare and throw 20 Million People off their Health Insurance. Donald trump will take us back to a time when Insurance Companies can deny you coverage if you have a preexisting condition. Or he will take you back to the time where Insurance Companies could charge you more just because you were a woman. And what is he going to replace this with . Quote, something so much better, huge, no doubt. Thats it. Thats the whole plan right there. Sixword plan for health care. His Vice President ial pick is no better. Mike pence voted against expanding the Childrens Health Insurance Program which hillary helped to start. Mike pence voted against requiring Insurance Companies to cover Mental Health and addiction treatment. Mike pence voted to end medicare as we know it. By the way, mike pence once said that when both parents work, children end up facing quote, stunted emotional growth. I have a medical degree. Let me tell you what really stunts childrens growth. Not having access to health care, inadequate funding for School Nutrition programs, guns, the ultimate Public Health crisis, cigarettes. I hear governor pence missed the memo, but they do in fact cause cancer, governor, and no amount of tobacco money contributions to your campaign can change that, governor. The choice in this election is clear. We need a president whose decisions are rooted in the facts. We need a president who will defend our interests around the world and who knows what it takes to defeat and destroy isis, not with ignorant bluster and bombast but with a toughness and resolve. We need a president who will ensure that the wealthiest among us play by the same rules as hardworking middle class americans. And we need a president who will never stop fighting to ensure that universal health care is a basic human right. And if that is the president we want, if that is the america that we believe in, then do not wait until november to make your voice heard. Go to hillaryclinton. Com to donate right now. Help make history and volunteer, because this race is going to be won on the ground and its going to be won in colorado and in iowa and North Carolina and michigan and florida and pennsylvania and then we go to the white house. Huge, huge amount of laughter here. A lot of us remember when he did that originally. He wasnt trying to be funny then. The famous or infamous dean scream. The night that he lost the Iowa Caucuses back in 2004. A little recreation of it. The crowd loved it. They certainly did. Its a moment we wont forget. Elizabeth banks, the actress, producer and director about to introduce another video. Went to the world a capella championships so i know a thing or two about world affairs. But i still have a long way to go to catch Hillary Clinton. As our secretary of state, our nations chief diplomat, she traveled to 112 countries and flew nearly a million miles. Why did she take the job . For the fancy title . No. For the nice office . No. For the frequent flyer miles . Probably. She took the job because we needed someone to fight to make america and the world safe. Someone tough and smart to sit on the other side of the table from russia, from china, from canada. Hillary clinton used her office to bring new focus and attention to sex trafficking, human rights abuses and the plight of women and girls all over the world. Hillary clinton did not yell. She didnt insult anyone. She went into the room with a clear and steady vision for the future and she got results. I am proud that she will be our next secretary of state. Shes an american of tremendous stature who knows many of the worlds leaders and who will clearly have the ability to advance our interests around the world. Rockets continue to fire from gaza. Massive explosions rock gaza city. There is panic and fear in the streets of israel tonight. This as israeli war planes pounded the gaza strip. When the fighting broke out between the israelis and the palestinians in gaza in 2012 we were very concerned. We dispatched secretary of state Hillary Clinton to the middle east. She got on a plane with a small group of people, no press, flew through the night. After intense shuttle diplomacy, with israel, the palestinian authority, egypt, she did it. A ceasefire. The secretary really had steel in her spine and stood up and conflicts stopped and a wider war was averted. I truly believe when she sprinted to the region it was her presence with the israelis and the egyptians which i believe brought this ceasefire to fruition. I think one of the strengths that secretary clinton demonstrated always in her actions was that resolve, that firmness in decision making, that clarity of the direction in which she wanted to go. Climate change activists are increasingly angered by the failure to make progress. It was a conference on the verge of a nervous breakdown, a conference in meltdown. Hopes for a global deal to cut Greenhouse Gas emissions are fading. The secretary and the president knew the only way to break the impasse was to find the actors they needed to get into a room, particularly the chinese, and hammer out an agreement. At this point, we are deep into the afternoon of the very last day. And we cant find these people. I remember going up an escalator, we turned some corners and find a fairly nondescript room. You realize you have found Something Big when its basically surrounded by security. When we actually got there, it was very chaotic. This is a joint meeting. My guys get in or were leaving the meeting. Did the president and secretary crash the meeting, did they push their way in . Yeah. It was the only way to get Real Progress on Climate Change. Nuclear bomb, u. N. Atomic inspectors say iran has enough enriched uranium to make one. A nuclear iran is nearly unthinkable. Mahmoud ahmadinejad was defiant. Iran has left the International Community little choice but to impose greater costs and pressure in the face of its provocative steps. If you use the combination of the soft power of diplomacy with the hard power of the threat of the use of force or even use of force and sanctions, then that is smart power. Without the International Community also having tough sanctions against iran, there was no chance that iran would come to the table. So she had to go around the world, twisting arms, getting every major economy on planet earth on board. Russia along with china is expected to back the sanctions. The agreement that was reached to prevent iran from developing a Nuclear Weapon wouldnt have happened without the leverage that Hillary Clinton had so systematically built up during her years as secretary of state. I saw secretary clinton go to the furthest reaches of the earth to visit the victims of trafficking of persons and she would circle her arms around them and offer them support and offer them love and compassion. Secretaries of state dont normally do that. We hope to shine the light brightly on the scope and scale of modern slavery so all governments can see where progress has been made and where more is needed. Secretary clinton was the first secretary of state to recognize that Human Trafficking was happening not just overseas, but also right here at home. The secretary herself stood at the podium holding this report, saying this is a very important issue, the one that is a priority. Not only is she compassionate but shes extremely hard and firm when its time to reach the decision. Hillary clinton has the experience, has the understanding. Most importantly, has the toughness necessary to make the kinds of decisions that this country needs to make if were going to be a world leader. Please welcome senator Amy Klobuchar from minnesota. Hello, friends. Hello, democrats. Im here to make the case for a leader who as you just saw, is focused on security. Security for our country, security for our economy and our democracy. A leader who knows we are all more secure when women and girls have the opportunity to lead with their heads high and their strides strong. That leader is Hillary Clinton. She sees a world where girls are not captured and sold, but are fearless and bold. Where they lead and not follow and where when someone tells a young woman you fight like a girl, her answer is yes, i do, and im proud to be that girl. Now, delegates, heres one challenge. Today, millions of people in the world are held in forced labor or sexual servitude. Human trafficking hits home for me. Im a former prosecutor. A few years ago in minnesota, a 12yearold girl got a text to go to a party. A man picked her up in a parking lot and raped her. She ended up in a hotel and was forced to take explicit pictures of herself. They were posted online and then she was sold to two more men. They got that guy. Our Justice Department and Law Enforcement went after him and last december, he was convicted by a jury. She was 12 years old. Not old enough to drive a car or go to her high school prom. Not old enough to vote. This is happening in our own country. Thats why as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton took the International Report on trafficking, the one that nations use to improve their prosecutions, and she made our country accountable. She added the United States of america to that list because she knows that if we are going to be a beacon for the world, then we have to get our own house in order. And when hillary said human rights are womens rights, and womens rights are human rights, she named sex trafficking as a violation of those rights. She didnt just say it anywhere, my fellow delegates. She said it in china. She came home from beijing and she supported the first trafficking law in our country. And years later, she supported my bipartisan bill thats helping Law Enforcement crack down on trafficking and make sure that kids who are trafficked are treated as the victims that they are and not as criminals. Fellow delegates, Human Trafficking is the third biggest criminal enterprise in the world. As long as isis is selling girls for 165 and parents in nigeria are left with nothing but bows and arrows to chase the terrorists who steal their daughters in the middle of the night, we will never have a just and good world. Because when women are held back, democracies falter. When women, when women are bound and treated as sex slaves, tyrants rule. Opportunity for women is not a sign of a countrys weakness. It is a sign of a nations strength. Or maybe, just maybe, mark twain said it best. What would men be without women . Scarce, sir. Mighty scarce. Elevating women across the world so theyre treated with dignity and respect, thats its called card. You know part of how we make this better is by telling the truth, laying out the facts and sharing our story. Here with us tonight is someone who has experienced the devastation of Human Trafficking. It is hard to put to words the horror shes faced, but ima has the courage to speak out. We all have a vouz. This election lets use it. We welcome you to the stage, ima. Thank you for your word and wore work. Never in my childest dream i would imagine that i would share a stage with so many leaders and visionaries. I grew up in a poor village in indonesia. When i was 17 years old, i was brought to los angeles with the promise of the job as a nanny. Instead i spent the next three years after i get the support i needed, i found the strength to organize from across the country. Before human began to capture our attention, before there were laws to identify and protect victims, even before i escaped my traffickers, Hillary Clinton was fighting to end modern slavery. And throughout her career, hillary kept up the fight. Human trafficking is not just happening overseas, it is happening right here in our back yard. Every day i hear stories just like my own. Still i have hope. There is a growing awareness about the impact of Human Trafficking. There is growing embrace of survivors in our community and businesses and churches and a growing commitment to finding a solution to make sure this generation of survivor will be the last. I have hope especially that Hillary Clinton is becoming president. As a survivor and an advocate, i have hope that we can end Human Trafficking. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome former secretary of state Madeleine Albright. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you so much. My fellow americans, good evening. 68 years ago during a time of danger, democrats gathered in philadelphia to nominate a tough, smart and experienced president ial candidate at the time i was a child in europe where i lived in fear because my native czechoslovakia had been taken over by communists. But within a few months, my family found refuge in canada and that candidate, harry truman, became my First American president. Tonight in philadelphia we nominated someone with trumans fighting spirit to be our next president , Hillary Clinton. This fall we must make sure we do everything we can to make sure hillary becomes our next commander in chief. In this era, we need a leader who has the experience and judgment to keep america strong, secure and safe. I know Hillary Clinton will be that president because i have known her for more than 25 years. Because i have seen her fight and win for our country and for causes that count. When hillary was first lady, we went to the beijing conference and she spoke out on human rights and wiomens rights inspiring millions to fight for a better future. We went to prague where i showed her the city of my birth and made her eat czech cabbage. She didnt like it very much. We met with mr. Pavel, whom she did like very much, because he made so many dreams of freedom come true. When hillary served in the senate, i saw her work day and night as a member of the Armed Services committee, working with republicans and democrats to keep our military strong and protect our troops and our families. And when hillary served as secretary of state, i watched her partner with president obama to restore our countrys reputation around the world. She fought terrorism, she stopped the spread of Nuclear Weapons, and she promoted diplomacy, defense, development and democracy, smart power in every corner of the world. As i travel around the world today, im reminded how important it is that the person who represents our nation is trusted by our allies and who listens more than she talks. Hillary and i share a few things in common. We both went to wellesley college, so i know where she got her study habits. We are both mothers and grand mothers. So i where she got her management skills. We are both very proud of our daughters and grandsons so we must have done something right, but we also know what its like to step off that plane with the words United States of america on it. She knows that safeguarding freedom and security is not like hosting a tv reality show. It is a complex, roundtheclock job that demands not only a steady hand and a cool head but also a big heart. Youre not just representing yourself. You are there for all of us. Hillary has displayed these qualities in every job she has ever had and last week in cleveland we were reminded that her opponent possesses none of them. Many have argued that donald trump would harm our National Security if he were elected president. The fact is he has already done damage just by running for president. He has undermined our fight against terrorism by alienating our muslim partners, he has weakened our standing in the world by threatening to walk away from our friend and our allies and by encouraging more countries to get Nuclear Weapons. Donald trump also has a strange admiration for dictators saddam hussein, kim jong un, Vladimir Putin. When asked about putin, donald trump said, and i quote, in terms of leadership, hes getting an a. The truth is that a Trump Victory in november would be a gift to Vladimir Putin, and given what weve learned about russias recent actions, putin is eager to see trump win. And that should worry every american. Take it from someone who fled the iron curtain. I know what happens when you give the russians a green light. Trumps dark vision of america, one thats isolated in the world, alienated from our allies would be a disaster. We would must make sure that this never happens. We must elect Hillary Clinton as our next president. My fellow americans, at the age of 11 i sailed past the statue of liberty and started my life in the worlds greatest democracy. I am so grateful to our country and i am supporting Hillary Clinton because i love it. God bless america and god bless the American People. Next the main speech of the night, former president of the United States bill clinton. Hell be introduced with a video right now. When i was a little boy, my favorite thing to do would be to go to my grandfathers Country Store and just meet people. They told me that everybodys got a story. I began to make a connection that there was something you could do if you got elected to help people live better lives. Dear president bill clinton. Dear president clinton. Thank you so much for this opportunity to write you. I am writing this letter on behalf of my family and myself. I would read these letters every week. If they wrote us, wed try to help them. I was a single mom growing up. You saw hearts and minds, not colors. You believed that people were defined by their best qualities, not their short comings. You told me my mistakes and fears were experiences to learn from and leave behind. Your message permeated the country. Thank you for believing in me. There is nothing wrong with america that cannot be cured by what is right with america. With bill clinton the work begins and ends with people. Under his administration 23 million jobs were created and our country had a budget surplus. He signed the family and medical leave act and gave historic tax relief for working poor families, the middle class parents sending their children to college. He protected 58. 5 million acres of heritage forests and saved medicare, medicaid and education spending from republican cuts. He actions have changed millions of lives for the better. We moved a hundred times as many people out of poverty as moved out when president reagan was in office with 40 more jobs, that meant we were empowering more people to take control of their own lives. My name is john boyer. I live in ohio. This farm has been in our possession for about 108 years now. My father worked for chrysler and then i started in 1996. Both sides of my family, you know, was always union so we believe in us and in the working family. Things were good through the clinton era. We put away retired a lot of debt. I think thats important. 93 94 was a big boom. Mr. Clinton was captivating. When he said stuff, you believed it because you lived it. My name is jorge. I came in this country in 1988. It was virtually impossible to get a house. And then under bill clinton, i bought a house. We been in this house for 23 years now. Politicians tell you that they care for you, but bill clinton showed you how he cared for you. I remember i was in this rural county, this guy was standing there talking to me one day and he said, you know, we dont want a handout but we do want a hand up. Stayed with me my whole life. We need to share the future and we need to empower people to make the most of their own lives. From bosnia and kosovo to vietnam and colombia, to northern ireland, he worked tirelessly to nurture peace and improve lives, efforts that continued through his foundation across the world. Places like the Central Highlands in africa where he was struck by the simple but powerful way people greeted each other every day. One will say good morning, hello, how are you. At least imagine what their lives were like. In 1999, 83 of the law school class, my son graduated from ucla. You know, i aspired to get my law degree and get my business agree. Dear cynthia. Thank i for sharing your amazing story with me and for what you said about the impact of my presidency on your life. And your sons. Out of your troubled past came a mother, lawyer and citizen who embodies the best in america. Help us make more of you. Sincerely bill clinton. Tell me that you will open your eyes tell me that youll open your eyes i just like the philosophy of the democrats. They tend to care for each other. You get up in the morning and youre really interested in getting People Better life stories. Theres always something to do. [ speaking spanish ] i still write my own life story. Thats what i tried to make people believe they can do. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the 42nd president of the United States bill clinton. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. In the spring of 1971 i met a girl. The first time i saw her we were appropriately enough in a class on civil rights. She had thick blond hair, big glasses, wore no makeup and she exuded this sense of strength and selfpossession that i found magnetic. After the class i followed her o out. I got close enough to touch her back but i couldnt do temperatuit. I might be starting something i couldnt stop. I saw her several more times the next couple days but i still didnt speak to her. Then one night i was in the law library talking to a classmate who wanted me to join the yale law journal. He said it would guarantee me a job at a big firm or a clerkship with a federal judge. I really wanted interested. I just wanted to go home to arkansas. Then then i saw the girl again. Standing at the opposite end of that long room. Finally she was staring back at me. So i watched her. She closed her book, put it down and started walking toward me. She walked the whole length of the library, came up to me and said, look, if youre going to keep staring at me and now im staring back, we at least ought to know each others names. Im hillary rodham, who are you . I was so i was so impressed and surprised that whether you believe it or not, momentarily, i was speechless. Finally i sort of blurted out my name and we exchanged a few words and then she went away. Well, i didnt join the law review but i did leave that library with a whole new goal in mind. A couple days later i saw her again. I remember she was wearing a long white flowered skirt, and i went up to her and she said she was going to register to classes for the next term. I said id go, too. And we stood in line and talked, you had to do that to register back then, and i thought i was doing pretty well till we got to the front of the line and the registrar looked up and said, bill, what are you doing here . You registered this morning. I turned red and she laughed that big laugh of hers and i thought, well, heck, as soon as my covers been blown, i just went ahead and asked her to take a walk down to the art museum. Weve been walking and talking and laughing together ever since. Weve done it in good times and bad, through joy and heartbreak. We cried together this morning on the news that our good friend and a lot of your friend mark winer passed away this morning. We built up a lifetime of memories. After the first month and that first walk, i actually drove her home to park ridge, illinois, to meet her family and see the town where she grew up. A perfect example of post world war ii middle class america. Street after street of nice houses, great schools, good parks, a big public swimming pool. And almost all white. I really liked her family. Her crusty, conservative father, her rambunctious brother, all extolling the virtues of rooting for the bears and the cubs. And for the people from illinois here, they even told me what waiting for next year meant. Could be next year, guys. Now her mother was different. She was more liberal than the boys. And she had a childhood that mine look like a piece of cake. She was easy to underestimate. And knowing her was one of the greatest gifts hillary ever gave me. I learned that hillary got her introduction to social justice through her methodist youth minister don jones. He took here downtown to chicago to hear kiMartin Luther king spk and he remained her friend for the rest of hadder life. This will be the only campaign of hers he ever misses. When she got to college, her support for civil rights, her opposition to the vietnam war compelled her to change parties and become a democrat. And then between college and law school on a total lark she went alone to alaska and spent some time sliming fish. More to the point by the time i met her, she had already been in law Schools Legal Services project and shed been influenced by Marian Wright eddelman. She took a summer internship interviewing workers in migrant camps, a senator Walter Mondale subcommittee. Shed also begun working in the Yale New Haven Hospital to develop procedures to handle suspected child abuse cases. She got so involved in childrens issues that she actually took an extra year in law School Working at the Child Studies Center to learn what more can be done to improve the lives and the future of poor children. So she was already determined to figure out how to make thing better. Hillary opened my eyes to a whole new world of Public Service by she went to alabama to visit a segregated academies, enrolled over half a million white kids, the only way the economics worked is if they claimed federal Tax Exemptions to which they were not legally entitled. She got sent to prove they werent. So she sauntered into one of these academies pretending she was a housewife that just moved to town and needed to find a school for her son. And they exchanged pleasantries. And finally she said if i enroll my son in school here, will he be in a segregated school . Yes or no . Absolutely. She had him. Ive seen it a thousand times since. And she went back and her encounter was part of her report that gave Marian Wright edelman needed to take those Tax Exemptions away and give our kid access to an equal education. Then she went down to south texas where she met she met one of the nicest fellas i ever met, the Wonderful Union leader franklin garcia, and he helped her register mexicanamerican voters. I think some of them were still around to vote for her in 2016. Then in our last year in law school she went to South Carolina to see why so many young she went to South Carolina to see why so many young africanamerican boys, i mean young teenagers were being jailed for years with adults in mens prisons. And she filed a report on that which led to some changes, too. Always making thing better. Now, meanwhile let get back to business. I was trying to convince her to marry me. I first proposed to her on a trip to great britain. The first time shed ever been overseas and we were on the shoreline of this wonderful little lake, and i asked her to marry me and she said i cant do it. So in 1974 i went home to teach in the law school and hillary moved to massachusetts to keep working to keep working on childrens issues. This time trying to figure out why so many kids werent enrolled in school. She found one of them sitting alone on her porch in a wheelchair. The proposition that children with disability, physical or otherwise should have equal access to public education. You saw the results of that last night when anastasia simosa talked. She never made fun of people with disabilities. She tried to empower them based on their abilities. Meanwhile meanwhile i was still trying to get her to marry me. The second time i tried i tried a different tact. I said i really want to you marry me but you shouldnt do it. She said thats not a very good sale pitch. I said i know most of the Young Democrats our age who want to go into politics. They mean while and they speak well but none of them are as good as you are at actually doing things to make positive changes in peoples lives. So i suggested she go home to illinois are move to new york and look for a chance to run for office. She just laughed and said are you out of my mind . Nobody would ever vote for me. So i finally got her to come visit me in arkansas. And when she did, the people at the law school were so impressed they offered her a teaching position. And she decided to take a huge chance. She moved to a strange place, more rural, more culturally conservative than anyplace shed ever been where she knew good and well people would wonder what in the world she was like and whether they could or should accept her. Didnt take them long to find out what she was like. She loved her teaching and she got frustrated when one of her students said, well, what do you expect, im just from arkansas. She said dont tell me that, youre as smart as anybody. You just have to believe in yourself and work hard and set high goals. She believed that anybody could make it. She ld started the first legal aid clinic in northwest arkansas providing Legal Aid Services to poor people who couldnt pay for it. One day i was driving her to the airport to fly back to chicago when we passed this Little Brick House that it a for sale sign on it it and she said, boy, thats a pretty house. It is 1,100 square feet, an attic fan and no air conditioner in hot arkansas and a screened in porch. Hillary commented on what a uniquely designed and Beautiful House it was. So i took a big chance. I bought the house. My mortgage was 175 a month. When she came back being i picked her up and said remember that house you liked . She said yeah, i said while you were gone, i bought it, you have to marry me now. The third time was the charm. We were married we were married in that little house on october 11th, 1975. I married my best friend. I was still in awe after more than four years of being around her at how smart and strong and loving and caring she was and i really hoped that her choosing me and rejecting my advice to pursue her own career was a decision she would never regret. A little over a year later we moved to little rock and i became attorney general and she joined the oldest law firm west of the mississippi. Soon after she started a group called the arkansas advocates for family and children. Its a group, as a group as you can hear that is still active today. In 1979 in 1979, just after i became governor, i helped expand health care to isolated form and mountain areas. And do that partly by deploying trained nurse practicers in places with no doctors. It was a big deal then. Highly vert and very important. And i got the feeling that what she did for the rest of her life she was doing there. She just went out and figured out what needed to be done and what made the most sense and what would help the most people and then if it was controversial, she just tried to persuade people it the right thing to do. It wasnt the only big thing that happened that spring, my first year as governor. We found out we were going to be parents. And time passed. On february 27th, 1980, 15 minutes after i got home from the National Governors conference in washington hillarys water broke and off we went to the hospital. And off we went to the hospital. Chelsea was born just before midnight. The miracle of a enough beginning. The hole filled for me because my own father died before i was born and an absolute conviction that my daughter had the best mother in the whole world. For the next 17 years, through nursing school, montessori, kind gartier, through tball, soccer, volleyball and her passion for ballet, sleepovers, summer camps, Family Vacation and chelseas own very ambitious excursions from halloween parties in the neighborhood to a vienies gala in the white house. She often said our designated worries, born with an extra responsibility gene. The truth is we rarely disagreed on parenting, although she did believe i had gone a little over the top when i took a couple of days off with chelsea to watch all six Police Academy movies back to back. When chelsea was 9 months old, i was defeated for reelection in a reagan landslide and i became overnight i think the younger former governor in the history of the country. We only had twoyear terms back then. Hillary was great. Immediately she said, okay, what are we going to do . Heres what were going to do. Were going to get a house, youre going to get a job, were going to enjoy being chelseas parents and if you really want to run again, you got to go out and talk to people, figure out why you lost, tell them you got the message and tell them you still have good ideas. I followed her advice. Within two days we had a house, soon after i had a job, we had two fabulous years with chelsea and between two years i i was elected again. I think my experience is that its a pretty good thing to follow her advice. The rest of the decade sort of flew by and our lives settled into a rhythm of family and work and friends and 1983 hillary chaired a committee to recommend new education standards for us as a part of in response to a corridor to equalize School Funding and a report by a National Expert that said our woefully underfunded school was the worst in america. Typical hillary, she held listening tours in all 75 counties with our committee. She came up with really ambitious i called the legislature in the session hoping to pass the pay for extra teachers and raise the sales tax to pay for it all. It got easier when hillary testified before the committee and a farmer said looks to me like we elected the wrong clinton. Well, by the time i ran for president nine years later the same expert who said we had the worst schools in america said that our state was one of the two most improved states in america, and thats because of those standards. Now, two years later hillary told me about a preschool program developed in israel called Home Instruction Program for preschool youngsters. She said i called the woman who started the program in israel, shell be here in about ten days and help us get started. Next thing you know, im being dragged around to all these little preschool graduations, this is before any school had kindergarten. Im being dragged to preschool graduation, watching these poor parents because with tears in their eyes because they never thought theyd be able to help their kids learn. Now 20 years, 20 years of research have shown how well this Program Works to improve school and academic achievement. They were enjoying better lives because they were in that program. She did all this while being a fulltime worker, a mother and enjoying our life. Why . Wel well, shes the best change maker i ever met in my entire life. This is a really important point. This is a really important point for you to take out of your convention. If you believe in making change from the bottom up, if you believe the measure of change is how many people lives are bettered, you know, its hard and some people think it boring, speeches like that think it fun. Actually doing the work is hard. People say, well, we need change. Shes been around a long time. She sure has. And shes sure been worth every single year shes put into making peoples lives better. I can tell you this, if you were sitting where im sitting and you heard what i have heard at every dinner conversation, every lunch conversation on every long walk, you would say this woman has never been satisfied with the status quo in anything. She always wants to move the ball forward. That is just who she is. When i became president with the commitment to Reform Health care, hillary was a natural to head the Health Care Task force. You know it failed because it couldnt break the senate filibuster. Hillary immediately went to work on solving the problems to the most important was to get more children with Health Insurance. In 1997, Congress Passed the Childrens Health Insurance Program. Still an important part of president obamas Affordable Care act. It ensures more than 8 million kids. There are a lot of other things in that bill that she got done piece by piece, pushing that rock up the hill. In 1987 97, she also teamed with the House Minority leader tom delay who maybe disliked me more than any of Newt Gingrichs crowd. They worked on a bill together. She wanted to do it because she knew that tom delay for all of our differences was an adopted parent and she honored him for doing that. Now, the hillary bill which passed with an overwhelming majority led to a big increase in adoption in children out of foster care, including special needs kids and noninfant kids. She made life better because shes a change agent. Thats what she does. Like 1997 we were happy for h her here i am staring out the window trying to not to cry and hillary desperately looking for one more drawer to put that liner paper in. Chelsea took charge and told us ever so gently that it was time for us to go. So we closed the big chapter in the most important work of our lives. As youll see thursday night when chelsea speaks, hillarys done a pretty fine job of being a mother. And as you saw last night beyond a shadow of a doubt, so has Michelle Obama. Now, fast forward in 1999, congressman Charlie Rangel and other new york democrats urged hillary to run for the seat of retiring senator pat moynihan. We always intended to go to new york after i left office. Hillary had never run for office before but she decided to give it a try. She began her campaign the way she always does, by listening and learning and after a tough battle, new york elected her to the seat to the seat once held by another outsider, robert kennedy. And she didnt let him down. Her early years were dominated by 9 11, by working to fund the recovery, then monitoring and providing compensation to victims and first and second responders. She and senator schumer were tireless and so were our house members. In 2003 partly spurred on by what we were going through, she became the first senator in the history of new york able to serve on the Armed Services committee. So to kind of make sure people on the battlefield had proper equipment, she tried to expand and did expand Health Care Coverage to reservists, members of the national guard. She got longer family leave working with senator dodd. She also sefrd on the special pentagon commission. To meet our security challenges. Im saying that because nobody who has seriously dealt with the men and women in todays milita military, they are a National Treasure in all walks of life. She compiled a very solid record, totally progressive on economic and voted for and against the proposed trade deal. She became the Economic Development officer for the area of new york outside the ambit of new york city. She worked for farmers, wine makers, Small Businesses and manufacturers, for upstate cities in rule areas and needed more new ideas and investment to create good jobs, something we have to do again for small town and rural america, in neighborhoods that have been left behind in our city, in Indian Country and, yes, in coal country. When she lost the contest to president obama in 2008, she worked for his election hard. But she hesitated to say yes when he asked her to join his cabinet because she so loved being a senator from new york. So like me in a different context, he had keep asking. But as we all saw and herd from Madeleine Albright, it was worth the effort and worth of wait. As secretary of state, she worked hard to get strong sanctions against Irans Nuclear program and she got support her team negotiated she flew all night long from cambodia to the middle east to get a ceasefire that would avoid a fullout shooting war between gaza i mean between hamas and israel in gaza to protect the peace of the region. To go after osama bin laden. She launched a team to fight back against terrorists online and built a new global counterterrorism effort. Weve got to win this battle in the mine field. She put Climate Change at the center of our Foreign Policy. She negotiated First Agreement ever. Since 1995, she went to battle for womens rights. And she fought on behalf of the Lgbt Community in america. Nobody ever talks about this much, but it important to me, she tripled many number with aids in poor countries whose lives were being saved with your tax dollars, going from 1. 7 lives to 5. 1 million lives and it didnt cost you any more money. It was all available, approved, generic drugs. You dont know any of these people. You dont know any of those 4 Million People but i guarantee they know you as making their lives matter and the Approval Rating was 30 points higher when she left the secretary of States Office than when she took it. Now, how does this square how does this square with the things that you heard at the Republican Convention . Whats the difference in what i told you and what they said . How do you square it . You cant. One is real, the other is made up. You just have to decide you just have to decide which is which, my fellow americans. The real one had done more positive change making before she was 30 than many Public Officials do in a lifetime in office. The real one the real one, if you saw her friend vote for illinois tonight has friends from childhood through arkansas where she has not lived in more than 20 years who have gone all across america at their own expense to fight for the person they know. The real one and the further support of people, including leaders around the world who know her to be trutworthy. The real one calls you when youre sick, when your kids in trouble or when theres a death in the family, the real one repeatedly drew praise from prominent republicans when she was a senator and secretary of state. So whats up with this . Well, if you win elections on the theory that government is always bad and will mess up a twocar parade, a real change maker represents a real threat. So your only option is to create a cartoon, a cartoon alternative. Life in the real worm ld is complicated. Listen [ cheers and applause ] we have to get back on schedule. I have lived a long, full, blessed life. It really took off when i met and fell in love with that girl in the spring. When i was president , i worked hard to give you more peace and shared prosperity, to give you an america where nobody is invisible or counted out. But for this time hillary is uniquely qualified to seize the opportunities and reduce the risk we face and she is still the best darn chang maker i have ever known. You can drop her in any trouble spot, pick one. Come back in a month and somehow, some way, she would have made it better. That is just who she is. There are clear, achievable, affordable, responsive to our challenges but we wont get to them if america makes the wrong choice in this election. Thats why you should elected her because shell never quit when the going gets tough. Shell never quit on you. She sends me in this primary to tell West Virginia where she knew we were going to lose to look those coal miners in the eyes and say im down here because hillary sent me to tell you that if you really think you can get the economy back, have it it, go for whatever you want to but if she wins, she is coming back for you to take you along on the ride to americas future. If you love this country and youre working hard and youre paying taxes, you dont want to vote for somebody who wants to send you back. If youre a muslim, if youre a muslim and you love america and freedom and you hate terror, stay here and help us win and make a future together. We want you. If youre a young africanamerican disillusioned and afraid, help us build a future where nobodys afraid to walk outside, including the people that wear blue to protect our future. Hillary will make us stronger together. You know it because she spent a life time doing it. I hope youll do it. I hope youll elect her. Those of us who have more yesterdays than todays and tomorrows tend to care more about our children and grandchildren. The reason you should elect her is that in the greatest country on earth, we have always been about tomorrow, the children and grandchildren. God bless you. The president of the United States, i covered him for a long time. The first time i heard him deliver a speech along those lines, clearly embracing the notion of becoming a political spouse. Talked almost exclusively not about himself but about his wife. A truly remarkable speech. He still has it. He still is one of the great speech givers of this time and one of the great storytellers of his time. He started out with a line that could have been written by harper lee in to kill a mocking bird. The case he was making out for was for not Hillary Clinton the spouse but for Hillary Clinton the person. In this election we have a very stark difference. His job here was clearly to say she represents change, she changed things in arkansas and when she worked for the Childrens Defense Fund. Told about Hillary Clinton and the stories told about donald trump and saying you know who the real one is when it comes to change, shes the real one. And also reminding people that she is feminine, that she is a woman and she said talking about meeting a girl in 1971 but making it clear she was the object of desire, which i know that it sounds maybe a little bit quaint or whatever, but it actually is incredibly important politically for people to hear this because she has become, as he was saying, in many way as caricature because people feel they know her and republicans tried to paint her in a certain way last week but talking about her as magnetic and he really did try to feminize her, never mind as somebody who he wanted to date and went after and chased, tried to get her to marry him three times but also as he went through the years, a mother, a young working mother. And he took on the republicans at the end of the speech, he really went after them. He said there is one image of Hillary Clinton that you earn at that Republican Convention, the critics and theres another version you heard from me tonight, one is real, the other is made up and he told the people you want to vote for the real Hillary Clinton, the one i told you about, the one who gets very, very has effectively done what shes trying to do all of these years. He described you said caricature, what he said was cartoon. He said when you cant run against somebody because they are such a compelling change maker, you have to create a cartoon, its much easier to run against that. The case that hes trying to make here is, yes, youve been hearing about Hillary Clinton for decades but what youve been hearing about is not the real Hillary Clinton, it is cartoon, dont believe it, believe the real person known by her friends. I broke down the number of states he listed off. This is another example of how bill clinton still has it. The way he talked about from illinois, then talked about alaska, about texas, about South Carolina, massachusetts, arkansas, as a way to sort of clearly interact with the crowd, knowing that the delegations were going to go crazy when he talked about that but also in trying to make the point that she at a very young age traveled to try to help people. And also with bill clinton, its not enough to say she was working on the subcommittee, the subcommittee working by Walter Mondale one other thing on the massachusetts thing, on the visit to massachusetts when she was getting information to help children with the Childrens Defense Fund and finding that young girl not in school because she was in a wheelchair on her porch, he didnt have to say anything more because its been such a highlight of the Clinton Campaign and their case against drpt, she doesnt believe in making fun of the disabled, she believes in empowering them. Its also without mentioning donald trump by name, saidily hi never makes fun of people with disabilities, she empowers people with disabilities and also this whole notion that the military is a disaster, she doesnt believe that, he doesnt believe that either. Let me tell you whats going to be coming up next, alycia keys is going to be performing. This is going to be the nature of what is happening right now. This is the first time a Major Political party has nominated a woman. Meryl streep is going to be introducing in moment, a very powerful moment thats coming up. And look at that patriotic outfit that meryl streep is wearing. What does it take to be the first female anything . It takes grit and it takes grace. Deborah samson was the first woman to take a bullet for youre country. She served disguised as a man in George Washingtons continental army. And they didnt fully defend her. All men are created equal, it read. No mention of women. And when she took a blast in battle to her leg, she was afraid to reveal her secret. So she took out a pen knife, she dug out the musket ball and she sewed herself back up again. Thats grit. And grace, Hillary Clinton has taken some fire over 40 years of her fight for families and children, how does she do it . Thats what i want to know. Where does she get her grit and her grace . Where do any of our female first, our path breakers, where do they find that strength . Sandra day oconnor, rosa parks, amelia earhart, harriet tubman. Sally ride, shirley chism. Madeleine albright. Geraldine ferrara. Eleanor roosevelt. Niece women share something in common, passion of mind, a burning passion. They have forged new paths so that others can follow them men and women. And tonight more than 200 years after Deborah Samson fought and nearly you people have made history. And youre going to make history again in november. Because Hillary Clinton will be our first woman president. And she will be a great president. And she will be the first in a long line of women and men who serve with grit and grace. Shell be the first but she wont be the last. And now a more perfect union, its what our Founding Fathers set out to create 240 years ago, a union built on simple beliefs that all men are created equal with a right to life, liberty and happiness. But writing these words were not enough, every generation would have to act on them. We would all need to be founders of this great nation. I was born on the river these were the founders who fought to make sure all men were not only created equal. The these were the founders marched. We needed founders who create the impossible, to say that victory was bigger than a game. To help us think bigger, dream bigger, to change the world, and the way we see it. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. But not all founders live in our history books. Most are brave every day americans who make our country greater one small act at a time, founders who fill us with knowledge and faith, who put food on our table, who heal us and keep us safe. Today we look around and see that our country is more perfect than it once was, that it is a place where more people can live where they want, learn what they want, say what they want, be what they want. And tonight we take another step forward. Tonight a little girl is watching this moment with her mother and grandmother, father and brother and realizing that she, too, can truly be anything she wants to be, even president. Tonight we nominate a woman who has spent the last 40 years fighting for families and children, justice and equality, a woman who will not stop fighting until our country is a better version of itself. Then a better version of that. We all shine on a woman fighting to make our nation more perfect for all. We all shine on women are the answer. We have the power to ensure that this country gets on the right path. I dedicate this song to the mothers of the movement and all mothers who have lost their sons and their daughters to senseless violence until we deal with gun violence in this country, we cant claim home of the brave. Everywhere im turning, nothing seems complete stand up and are searching for the best part of me i hang my head from sorrow, humanity wear it on my sold houlder, go find the strength in me because i am super woman, yes, i am come on, evoh, yes, im a sup woman when im breaking down and i cant be found i start to get weak, no one knows me underneath this clothes, i can fly, we can fly let me tell you i am super woman oh, yes i am, whoa, yeah oh, yes, im a super woman yes, i am, said im a super woman where are my bernie people at . Big up to Hillary Clinton, where are my hillary people at . Its time to stand together and be unified. We cant let politics divide us. We have to show the world that big try and fear will never win because we have so much in common. Who are you, who are you, you look so familiar we have way too much in common, if im being honest we have way too much in common, since im being honest with you, if you can love somebody like me who wants to love somebody like me you want to know somebody like me if you can know somebody like me let me see your hands in the air. Tonight is a celebration because we are stronger. The way forward is with acceptance and love. Lets acknowledge our differences and celebrate them. Dr. King said the last word must always be love. We got way too much in common, if im being honest with you we got way too much in common, since im being honest with you we got a love, its time to love, oh, yeah we got to love, its time to love, oh, yeah lala, lala are you here for love . If you feel what im saying, say yeah put your hands in the air. Tonight is an incredible night for American History and feminist history, dont waste a vote. Vote for Hillary Clinton because love will always win hello, philadelphia. I am so happy, its been a great day and night. What an incredible honor that you have given me. And i cant believe we just put the biggest crack in that Glass Ceiling yet. Thanks to you and to everyone who has fought so hard to make this possible. This is really your victory, this is really your night. And if there are any little girls out there who stayed up late to watch, let me just say i may become the first woman president but one of you is next. Thank you all. I cant wait to join you in philadelphia. Thank you alycia keys closing out this night. Theres been so much talk over the years of kind of reintroducing Hillary Clinton. Weve heard that phrase time and time again. The former president did it in a way that was just telling a story that had this entire convention, i mean, just on the edge of their seat. An incredibly personal story that has incredible political importance, if he can sell it. Bill clinton has been very effective over the years. We used to always say after a state of the union address, boy, that was 20 minutes too long but the reviews from the American People were good. Tonight hes trying to say hes a reality tv star, shes the real one. Change is hard. I know you want it. A lot of you think shes been around for a long time, how can someone around for 25, 30 years be different be new . In a very bill clinton way. He speaks very simply. A lot of of us say eh but the American People say hmm. Hillary clinton has never been relatable, she was secretary of state, first lady. Today he told the story of how they met and fell in love and how he courted her. Either you choose to believe it or you dont. Its real or its fake. The real person is the one that all these people love and respect, including myself and made her into somebody that people can understand, particularly women of course. David, it was interesting starting it was interwoven, their relationship with also her raise ma resume. First of all, lets just stipulate, this guys one of a kind. Theres nobody else who can turn an auditorium like this into as intimate a place as he did tonight. I think the first 25 minutes of the speech were the most important. John talks about what he can sell. I think he did best when he wasnt selling. I think he did about when he was telling and relating the story of their lives together and giving a sense of dimensionality that frankly shes not good at doing. Shes the very sort of defended person in many ways and she doesnt, you know, share these stories in that way. I totally agree. I mean, so many people have said that, you know, people know her, shes been in the public eye, it impossible to humanize her between now and the election. I think he just did. The story of their courtship, how he wooed her, dropping chelsea off at college. I have a college to drop off in the fall. These stories resonate with women, with mothers, with families. Hes did a great job. Paul, you worked for president clinton, you heard a lot of his speeches. I kind of like the guy. I had nothing to do with the speech but ill give you an idea of the process. He never calls it a speech, an oration, its a talk. Lets give a talk. Its like sitting around the nail bend at the Hardware Store where people would sit around and talk. Thats the first thing. Part of the secret to doing that is he doesnt rebut, he reframes. Those of us who had high school debate, were very classically, they say a, i say not a. He doesnt like to do that. It much more subtle, more respectful and he loves the power of narrative and the story and he is a southerner to his cord. Hes mark twain. You think hes going to take me on a little lazy trip down the river and by the end, hes explained the meaning of life. Its really a remark lk gift. You know i love the guy. Yeah. Thats how he gets to that i thought what was most effective was you really began to see Hillary Clinton at different stages of had are life. You talk about a sort of cartoon character and the two dimensionality, the kind of figure that we have in some ways come to know Hillary Clinton as but we began to see her at different places, registering, mexican immigrants, helping with the Childrens Defense Fund, i thought it was very effective and it wrapped up everything we heard tonight from other people who had similar stories. So it was very much i thought it backed all of that up and i think it filled her in a lot. I love feel badly like the grinch here or i think thats why youre here. Thats your job. Or look im about to steal the lollipop from all my happy friends. Theres a story tonight that is on record saying that Hillary Clinton will flip on tpp. Hes had to walk it back apparently. What that speech was designed to say was that the view of Hillary Clinton is shes not a cynical politician, et cetera. Headlines like this reinforce that notion and thats going to be part of the problem online going here, shes not trusted by a lot of the American People. They dont believe her. Can you go back through all the clinton things, et cetera. Whats so remarkable, though, is that theres going to be some people Hillary Clinton is just like a bunch of dots until tonight. Shes this, shes that, shes this, shes that and shes kind of allowed herself to be interpreted by her enemies way too much. Can you cherry pick some dots. I never heard the dots put together in a way like oh, thats who she is, shes kind of like this workoholic dogooder chick. Up until now shes been this mystery and youre able to project almost what you want. Tonight was the first night i saw the dots put together in the right way. You think back to what do we know about donald trump in college . We know donald trump saying i went to one of the best schools, Wharton School and its a great school and im really smart. We actually now for the first time at least ive heard, oh, so Hillary Clinton did all these things in college, like she worked at the yale Child Studies Center where i actually took a class. She did all these she worked in the hospital. Oh, i mean it did sort of fill in a gap in a chronology that people who wanted to give the benefit of a the doubt a story line. Let stipulate your point. You guys will prosecute that and its not going to be wiped away in one day or maybe one convention, but what we saw tonight was what we didnt see as much as we should have in cleveland, which was the fleshing out with stories and anecdotes from the life of Hillary Clinton that gives people a richer sense of who she is. I thought his kid did that. I thought his kid were very good with that. And this may be just because they didnt actually grow up with him as much but there were stories about his interaction with them as a mentor in business as much as anything else. Thats their family life story. When you listen to these stories about Hillary Clinton, what are they . They are stories about her involvement in politics and government and Public Service. But what bill clinton did was he you know, the old phrase all politics is personal, he took the politics and he made it personal, whether she was a young woman at yale. And also one other thing that struck me was this notion that Hillary Clinton is old, shes been around a long time. He said, yeah, shes been around a long time, that is absolutely true and shes worth every single year of it and then he went on to describe what shes done over those dthose decade. Bill clintons gift, when hes been in trouble, the presidency, mostly because of lune lune, his gift has always been when he is challenged to say, yes, there are some questions about me but im trying to fight for you to turn to people. I think thats what hes trying to achieve. Theyre going to say shes old, shes changed, shes part of the status quo but look at her life for you. She keeps coming back. Thats what they did on policeman a. What the president is doing is very hard. Yes, he hasnt given you everything you want, progress hasnt come as fast as you would like but i know this job and hes fighting for you. This is an incredibly tough dynamic because people are clamoring for change but he makes the distinction between what people can do. Tonight was the first night the word isis was actually mentioned. This is night two now of this convention. We had another terror attack, a priest killed during a service. Are they missing something here by not bringing this up . I think it was mentioned once, pras twice tonight, bill clinton made a reference to muslims in america. Does it strike anyone as odd . Its a very good point and ill say what i said before, which is i think we have to judge this at the end of the thing because Johnson Allen is speaking on thursday night and you know hes going to address that. I suspect youll hear some of this from the Vice President , from the president tomorrow and others. They clearly have a plan here. Going to a plan more than the Republican Convention, which was many repetitive messages. One of the underlying things i mean, the clintons, both of them and for that matter myself and looking around here others of the baby boomer generations, the 60s and there finally was a fissure there dont let the gray hair fool you. There was a fissure here and you had you had sort of a lot of us who might have been more liberal in our youth that were reaganized, what have you and became more conservative and we were opposed to the mcgovernites, et cetera. The mcgovernites world view controls the Democratic Party to this day and what it says to a lot of people in subtext is weakness on Foreign Policy issues. So thats one of the problems and then do you want to feed in her record, whether its russia or benghazi or any number of things. It feeds into that. Its often a problem with women. People ask me all kinds of things, never one has anyone said, gee, i wonder if shes strong but two beers into it theyre making all kinds of comments you had a lot of the republican Foreign Policy establishment actually backing her over donald trump. Jeffrey made that point. I think brebt tried really effectively tonight to reframe it when he said this woman has never been satisfied with the status quo, she always wants to move the ball forward. And youre making her sound like david geergen. I have not talked to him about the speech. Normally after a twoterm presidency. And said we are the change. I just believe the most effective part of that speech was the story telling part of that speech. I think when everybodys seen bill clinton make these political arguments a million times. What they havent seen is those personal kinds of observations and i think those were the things that were most necessary. I think even bigger than that, though, was the willingness to call this for what it is, a huge moment in history. When you saw that break thereth you saw male after male after male, and then finally her. I think tonight if youre a republican, if youre a democrat, if youre an independent, you got to take some pride in the country right now and i think they did a very good job of opening that door and also alycia keys coming out, a new, hip, feminist spokesWoman Working very hard on criminal justice issues, for her to come out and brings that spirit and to come out to all the crowd, hey, let me hear from my bernie people, let me hear from my hillary people, we have to stand together against bigotry, this is a feel good convention, whereas the Republican Convention was a feel bad convention. Can i talk to davids point for one second about the personal side . He came out as a husband and hes a guy but hes bill clinton and nobody is like him. Fair enough. But he bragged about his wife. He just bragged about his wife. He said you plopmer down anywhere and theres a problem, shes going to figure out a way to make it better. The other part that was really enduring was he pursued her and she rejected him three times. Thats just very endearing. Hes clearly still in love with this woman. Hes smitten. When they ran through the list of women, i guess it was meryl streep, admittedly this is the Democratic Convention and theyre not going to mention the name sarah palin, however, sarah palin is other than geraldine ferraro, the only other woman who has been on a national ticket. What im suggesting to you and weve had more than our share of discussions on race, i suggest this applies to gender as well, that there is an assumption here that to be a woman means that you are a liberal. And you get outside of a lot of places in new york and washington and thats not the case. There are a lot they did say sandra day oconnor, i think. But who is viewed i think by a lot of these folks by a moderate and all these kind of things. Theyre not celebrating ann coulter here tonight decidedly not. Let me try and weave your point together here. When i was working for barack obama and he was runs for president in 2008, i got a call from a School Teacher on the west side of chicago, he was a young man who grew up with my son and he taught mostly black and hispanic class on the west side of chicago and he called and he was teaching history and he said we were teaching the president s and a kid raised his hand and said how come all thee dudes are white guys . And he said barack obama he could be a president and he said their eyes got wide. Even though we said earlier we take for granted partly because of barack obama, partly because Hillary Clinton came so close in 2008, we take for granted that a woman may become president of the United States but lets not discount what it means to young kids. The power of barack obama, as you call him, president obama, those of us who arent as close, but the power of president obama as president has always been less than his power as precedent. Its the precedent that he set that you could dream that big. And i know for myself i have my little boys, now my big boys sitting on my lap and when obama, when he won, i was crying and my son got up and ran over to my mother and he said, mommy, what is history and why does it make daddy cry . Its history, son, its history, son. I think theres going to be a lot of moms and grand moms telling their daughters this is history, this is history. When you pull back and look at the existence of the United States now, wherever we are here, 200 someodd years old, well have president s of the United States that are women, latinos, black, jews, et cetera,et cetera. Again, i dont want to be mean to you, theyre not all going to be liberal. Where is nikki haley . Theyre certainly not in the donald trump camp in your party. I assure you, if donald trump didnt exist and nikki haley, i assure you as they did with sarah palin, theyd have gone after theres a stereotype that goes on with conservatives, conservative women, africanamericans who are conservative, latinos that are conservative and they to use a phrase left the foundation, you talk to my and. I think it is fair to say that hillary hats occasionally been criticized. It is something, this country witch founded walking distance from where we are sitting, 144 years did not let women even vote. Now. When we finally persuaded your party to go along with this, we got a pass. Jeffrey hangs on to that 19th century actually, that was 20th century. You know how you talked about how you hadnt made the appeal to those white men who dont like Hillary Clinton,et et cete, et cetera. I think bill clinton started doing that tonight. She started doing she sent me down there and we all know she made a mistake so i think she broadened to make that appeal. Nobody did could do. I think thats the wrong question because he did a different thing tonight. He wasnt here as a president handing off. He was here talking about his wife and trying to give people a richer appreciation of it. Look, everything is going to be resolved this week. As i said last night, were not going to know what impact this convention has had for some time. No one is going to come out with a white flag and say oh boy, thou donald trump, he says basically, this is about inclusion. Trump seems to be about exclusion. We dont likes muslims, we dont like the mexicans, et cetera. But that gets him a very easy answer on two problems, National Security. Im going to exclude the muslims. And then economic security, im going to exclude the i have not heard us round the bases yet. I think we are still making inclusion, increws, we should review this on thursday night, is a liggett which was largely getting to trump tonight was personal insights into Hillary Clinton, people who have been touched by her, finishing with the president. Tomorrow i think youre going to get into some more of these issues with the president of the United States, with the Vice President of the United States. And to our earlier point talking about Police Officers and the difficult job they face and the dangers routinely every day, bill clinton did sort of try to thread that needle. Talked about africanamerican, you know, males. He did. He tried to navigate that, he tried to half gate men, make Hillary Clinton reichable nat and how she came to be who she is. I think everything point. One thing at a time. First have people actually like her. We, furst like each other. First they have to like each other. Look, like each other, and then base herl with some flag burning, which has now moved apparently to bernie is every Single Convention of my entire it will. I dont think it necessarily translates into the actual mechanics of the election. Can i bring up another point . We saw a spouse tonight, not a former record. They did in in the video. But they didnt talk about more about and she was our best validator. She did go on 60 minutes when she was in trouble. She didnt give a speech at all. Melania trump i thought did a fine job. They didnt handle it well. But the current first lady set an impossibleably high bar. Anne romney in 2012 gave unof the best generations, marry up. [ laughter ] so let me step on a third rail here. If im not here tomorrow night, youll know why. One this evening i wondered about was would he in any way talk about the fact that he had inflick inflicked good times and in bad. In a mud hole in mongolia, they know that. It could have been pr recall on when he was talking about some of the things, the skirt she wore. I think certainly in some peoples minds perhaps some people are inclined not to like the former president. I think in everyones mind its an authentic story. Bill clinton, he has amazing gifts. Hes as gifted as they come. Thats not taking sides in politics. The republican will tell you that because he drove them nuts for 20 years. Hes as gifted as they come but theres the bag and, the Monica Lewinsky baggage, the personal dynasty. And i think for bill clinton, who often times not only within their marriage had some heart break there, but often times as a surrogate has hurt his wife. I think the question is out of this speech can he sort of maintain an ability to really humanize his wife and really be a powerful surrogate without stepping on whatever their message is of the day . There are so many surrogates out there for her. I think what he did tonight and speaking about the personal side of her and her what motivates her and who she is as a mother, thats so much more valuable than her being a political surrogate on on the stump. And you talk about the baggage and the lewinsky and all that but theyve survived it and they love each other. Well, you would know that better than i do because i dont know anything about it at all. If you say so. I say so. But when he talked about her when they met, it was very lovingly, describing the skirt she was wearing, with the hippie flowers on it, the thick high glasses, how he was kind of shy about tapping her on the back. Up know, these are not only humanizing but it tells you something about their relationship that has survived all of this and that he can go back to those days and talk about it public pi. And i agree with david. Hes fantastic. Hes a political genius in my view. But when it comes when people attack his wife, hes not so good. When he defend his wife, hes a husband as opposed to a political genius. So i agree with david. I think we have so many surrogates. Hill r hillary has so many surrogates out there. Hes better served humanizes her. And i i know one thing that will be buried among the speeches, Madeleine Albright when she was speaking made just flat out suggested that Vladimir Putin was rooting for donald trump in this race and it comes at a time when the New York Times tonight printed a story that basically validated the notion that these leaks the hacking of the dnc computer may have been done by russia. Jeffrey, im not trying to incite you do i like insightful . The fact that she made that point suggested that she is not going to go away. Were going to take a break. I think this is our first break in our hour. Good luck with the meeting today. Thank you. As our business is growing, and youre on the road all day long, its exhausting. Holiday inn has been a part of the team. Youre on the fourth floor. 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Once you take that leap, thats where the magic happens. My name is jamir dixon and im a locafor pg e. Rk fieldman most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg e. My truck is something new. Its an 811 truck. When you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you dont hit them when youre digging. 811 is a free service. Im passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. Theyre the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then ill drive it every day of the week. Together, were building a better california. Welcome back to the Democratic Convention. History was made, for the first time a woman will lead a Major Political party in a president ial election and bill clinton is now playing the very Important Role as political spouse. He had this to say about his wife recounting their courtship. She said she was going to register for classes for the next term. I said id go, too. And we stood in line and talked, you had to do that to register back then and i thought i was doing pretty well until we got to the front of the line and the registrar looked up and said, bill, what are you doing here . You registered this morning. I turned red and she laughed that big laugh of hers and i thought, well, heck, since my covers been blown, i just went ahead and asked her to take a walk down to the art museum. Weve been walking and talking and laughing ever since. Her pitch was ive been seeing her making change for years and years and years. My life was better with that will happen, your life will be, too. It talked about these human moments, too, trying to humanize her but i felt like more of the speech was trying to convince the American People that she represents change in what seems like it will be a change versus status quo election. He can take the most complex contrast and what people are for and what heem will do. People will do. You can believe what republicans say but too bad he couldnt do both because for the democrats theres nobody better at doing that. There was one version we saw of Hillary Clinton, one is real, theres another version of Hillary Clinton, the real one that hes talking about. The point hes trying to make i want to tell you about a point made by David Axelrod in the previous panel, he was arguing that he thought the speech would have been more effective if president clinton had addressed the proverbial elephant in the room and that is his behavior in the late 90s that caused Hillary Clinton to become a very sympathetic figure and just the burdens that that left her with. And im reminded of the George Orwell quote, autobiography is only to be trusted when it reveals something disgraceful. He allowed about heart break and she never quit on me. No question. And to your point, that is one of never mind calling her a liar and saying that she should be in from republicans. The other line you hear from donald trump himself and it goes down the line is that you know, she is married to somebody who did these horrible things. It is not like it is not out there for somebody who is you younger or didnt know about it, especially you wolf blitzer. It is not like it is not getting out there. You know what . Listen. If im Hillary Clinton, i wouldnt want to talk about this in this forum. This is her night and this is about trying to explain things that she did in her life, not things that he did to her. He did at the beginning of the speech, he eluded to it by saying there have been good times and bad times and she stayed with me throughout. This is sort of an illusion to that, i would suggest. Ax made the point that it would be stronger, im saying it is a decent subject for a debate. When you think about the relationship of the clintons, it is clearly a nontraditional relationship. We cant pretend that it is like wolf and lynn blitzer. It is a very different relationship. He, you know, theyre very high powered and often in different cities. From when she was secretary of state, she was jetting around the world. It is not the same thing, theyre meeting, you know, the story, whatever it was, im about to quote to kill a mockingbird. When i was in the spring of 1971, i met a girl. Their meeting is the way that normal people meet but their lives have not necessarily been. He tried to talk about the moments we can all identify with, having a child, taking the child to college, et cetera. The other thing i thought was interesting and that part that you were going to play, really, sort of eludes to that, the idea that she that theyre trying to make her two dimensional. That is easier to fight against and him noting that never mind when she was a sympathetic figure in the 90s because of the Monica Lewinsky scandal but more importantly when she was secretary of state, she did have a lot of republican support. I mean, i watched it and i heard them and he is right about that, that it changed the minute they became the political opponent. Bill clinton spoke for 40 minutes tonight, he is bill clinton and he is unique. System ahead, a powerful image. Hillary clinton breaking the Glass Ceiling as the democrats celebrate the Ground Breaking nomination. Stay with us. Zuccolis. Through ancestry, through dna i found out that i was only 16 italian. He was 34 eastern european. So i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors we thought was italian was eastern european. This is my ancestor who i didnt know about. He looks a little bit like me, yes. Ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. Get started for free at ancestry. Com hello welcome to holiday inn. Running our own business, weve been traveling a lot. A hotel looking to help Small Businesses succeed is incredible. Thank you. Holiday inn is an extension of our team. Book your next journey at holidayinn. Com thank you. Holiday inn is an extension of our team. Staying in rhythm, its how i try to live, how i stay active. And to keep up this pace, i need the right nutrition. So i drink boost®. Boost® complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones, and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. In three delicious flavors. Im not about to swim in the slow lane. Stay strong. Stay active with boost®. Welcome back. This has been a night of unprecedented moments at the Democratic Convention. Hillary clinton securing her place in history as the first man nominated as president in a Major Political party. We saw clinton break through a virtual Glass Ceiling appearing in the hall to mark the milestone and thank the delegates. It was the finale during the second night following a personal speech by bill clinton portraying his wife as a change maker who improves peoples lives. He spoke more of a husband than a former president. Talking about their courtship and their lives together. Lets play some of what Hillary Clinton said once she went live and started speaking after the sort of breaking through the virtual ceiling. Lets watch. If there are any little girls out there who stayed up late to watch, let me just say, i may become the first woman president , but one of you is next. Thank you all. I cant wait to join you in philadelphia. Thank you i think tonight was a lot of the Obama Coalition which she needs to win on steroids which is plus the women. A very aggressive play on the women story. Amy klobuchar says that is what donald trump says were doing, lets do it. A point she didnt make much in 2008 when she thought it wasnt the case she wanted to make. She wanted to make it about the experience in arkansas and the white house and the senate. She thought it was im policit she didnt need to make it. If you look at who spoke tonight. The issues they talked about tonight whether it is immigration, economics, equal pay, whether it is just her there at the end. It is clear what theyre trying to do. They understand the demographics. I understand, im sorry. Go ahead. I thought it was interesting that the package was scheduled where i thought it was an incredibly inspiring and very well prepared. The video package . The video package and her appearance all happened after 11 00 and i dont know whether the network stuck with it or not but you know, i think that it is, you want to walk a line here because this is a historic moment and you want to celebrate that moment but you dont want to send a message that youre asking people to vote on that bis. You know, we wrestled with this back in 2008 about how to approach the fact that this was a historic candidacy and we generally erred on the side of not talking about it because we didnt want anybody to say youre trying to tell people to vote for you just on that bis. And she got in a little bit of trouble for that in the primary with madaline albright. There is a problem and there has been debate in the campaign because you remember, she started this campaign by talking about being a woman. In 2008, she talked about her experience. This campaign she started by talking about being a woman. Then it went away and now were bringing it back i think baulgz of the historic moment here tonight and because they want to convince every woman who likes her to get out there and vote. It was a mobilization thing. The question that i have after tonight is do people, independent voters and our poll shows whether it is too early or not that after trumps convention, he made a lot of head way with independent voters so the question i have after tonights convention, do they shut it off and say there is nothing here for me, im not interested in this, and it is, you know it is more of the same from Hillary Clintons people. We were talking in the break, no mention of Margaret Thatcher or current prime minister, theresa may and susan b anthony, i guess she wasnt in there. On another score that interests me, if a republican had stood up and given the kind of speech that bill clinton had gave, you can bet that by now every last Media Organization would be out there vetting the story and saying is this story true . Is this how it worked . An old College Friend to say this, that and the other thing. As a matter of curiosity, are there people that will go through this probably, sure. Every aspect of hillarys life has been vetted. I mean down to her hair bands. Senator obama didnt overtly talk about being the first africanamerican and it works and youre right. Senator mccain wasnt saying lets roll back the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights act and public accommodations act. Donald trump has said i want to defund planned parenthood. I think women should be punished for having an abortion. He has picked as a running mate a guy who said he would shut down the entire federal government. In other words, the issues that you dont think that as if a candidate was a man those things would be as egregious from the stand points of democrats. Im making a political point. Im making a political point about the packaging of this. If you want things to fall in the 11 00 hour or 10 to 11 00 hour when all of the networks are on and you get the largest audience and you want to reach the women that glory is talking about. Do you schedule it after president clint speaks. He spoke for 40 minutes. Lets play more sound bites from president clinton. Those of us who have more yesterdays than tomorrows tend to care more about our children and grandchildren. The reason you should elect her is that in the greatest country on earth, we have always been about tomorrow. Your children and grandchildren will bless you forever if you do. God bless you, thank you. Just one of many moments you thought it was more effective, as you said earlier. That was very touchings. At the end of the day, wherever you come from, wherever your background is, we are first, were fathers, were grandfathers, grandmothers, and you know, that is something that binds everyone and i thought that was very touching. I thought, he is very effective. Very effective. I thought that he was more effecting talking about her personally in story telling than making the political arguments. We have one of those moments, i think about where he was talking about the third time was the charm, lets see if we have that lined up to play. And that would be no. If you win elections on the fear that government is always bad and will mess up a two car parade, a real change maker represents a real threat. So. Your only option is to create a cartoon. A cartoon alternative. Then run against the cartoon. Cartoons are two dimensional. Theyre easy to absorb. Life in the real world is complicated and real change is hard and a lot of people even think it is boring. Good for you because earlier today you nominated the real one. To paraphase, that is not the clip i was looking at. I dont think that was nearly as effecting as him telling the story of how they met and dated and how he courted her and all of that stuff. That is a political argument. Bill clinton, one of you guys said he is great at reframing arguments. Maybe you did, paul and he is brilliant at it and that was a brilliant effort i just think you teed up something about this question of identity and mr. Lord and i have gone back and forth and others have. Every time you call him mr. Lord something breaks here. No fireworks, no but it is a different era. Eight years ago, i think people felt that if you just didnt talk about it, if you just tried to pretend it wasnt happening, that then the other side wouldnt raise it. So you dont talk about race, they wont talk about race and well all be good. What happened was the Obama Campaign didnt talk about it and suddenly, what we got was especially online, an awful lot of racially coded stuff. Michelle yeobama is a gorilla, animal and a militant. The birth stuff i thought was racially coded. No matter what we do, theyll raise it anyway. Over the past eight years. A willing of people saying hey, lets put it out there. We dont trust the other side not to raise it in a negative way, a coded way. He actually made one of the most memorable speeches right here on the issue of race in the campaign to deal with the things that you were talking about but that is different than you know, celebrating the historic event which was obvious to everyone. The night that he accepted the nomination was the anniversary of Martin Luther kings speech at the Lincoln Memorial and he had he had a moving reference to it in his speech but it was way down in the speech. Never mentioned king. Very muted. And ill always remember it. When he was rehearsing the speech that night it was one of the few times i actually saw him be over come and he asked for some time and went into the restroom to collect himself because the enormity of the historic nature of the event kind of got to him, but it was all, you know, im not saying it is right one way is right or wrong, i was just interested because i think this was a very well calculated couple of days. Very well produced, very well thought through extra teagstrat. The fact that it appeared at the time it did, that was for the people in the hall as well as the people in the country. The clib you did play, when bill clinton was talking about, if youre making the case that the government will screw up a two car parade, this has been about government, the democrats are talking about using government to help people, for their good. Traditionally you have the democrats versus the republican. Smaller government, moving power back to the states thchlt i is democrats versus trump. Trump barely makes the case. He says he needs to change washington. Washington is broken. He makes the change argument but he doesnt make the traditional Smaller Government argument. He is not an idealogical person. Some of those democratic, the debates you think youre going to have, youre not having. Ivanka stood up and said she will pass a child care program, help women in the workplace. You say, what is that going to look like. How will you pay for it . Were not sure. Come back to us later. He doesnt run government like Ronald Reagan did. He just doesnt. Do you think the bill clinton speech tonight, putting the government issue aside and all of the rest. Her big problem is trust, her big problem is likability, right . And do you think that this changes peoples minds because of the way he has presented her this evening . I mean, we havent heard this before from him. A lot of people think it is bunk it is a fairy tale. Look what happened in the 90s, et cetera, et cetera. I think the whole evening tried to do that. They portrayed hillary through the lenses of her work with children. Every speaker i wont care it. Madeline albright, mothers of the movement. Bill clinton talked about it as a mother to chelsea and her work with children in arkansas and Michelle Obama teed it up last night when she said the next president will the power to shape our children for the next four or eight years. I think theyre trying to soften her up by showing her work for children for the last 40 years. When we listen to that clip of president obama talking about a cartoon, i mean, i think i can safely say on the left side of the spectrum, donald trump has been made into a cartoon which, most assuredly, he is not. And, you know, lets consent that there is a degree of inevidentibilii inevitability, if you run for president , whoever you might be, of course, this is what they do. President obama and his big ears and all of this kind of stuff. This is what they do and the image that goes with it that theyre one way or the other, that theyre not good people or they cant be trusted or that they theyre idiots. Et cetera. That cartoon splachl in tune for donald trump. It is false knowing donald trump i would say. I think republicans had an opportunity to flush out donald trump more fully. Certainly his kids did and his wife, but most of the rest of them didnt because they kind of didnt know him. He hasnt been in politics. I think president clinton did try to open peoples minds. I dont think it solves every problem. She has to close the deal on thursday. We also heard that from a lot of other speakers in the night from the woman who was you know, burned over 80 of her body at 9 11 who said she came and held my hand. There were no cameras there. She called, it was time and time again. We have to take a quick break. Well have a lot more coming up. The mothers of trayvon mother, eric gardner, Michael Brown. They were on stage tonight. It was a powerful moment for many in the hall and no doubt at home. What impact did it actually have on voters . Our coverage continues after this. Youve wished upon it all year, and now its finally here. The mercedesbenz summer event is back, with incredible offers on the mercedesbenz youve always longed for. But hurry, these shooting stars fly by fast. Lease the gle350 for 579 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Big day . Ah, the usual. Moved some new cars. Hauled a bunch of steel. Kept the supermarket shelves stocked. Made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. 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A number of whom were killed by Police Officers, sandra bland who was found hanging in a jail cell after being arrested when she was pulled over on a traffic stop, also the mother of one child who was killed in gang violence. I want to play some of what they had to say and well talk about it with our panel. I am here today for my son, Trayvon Martin, who is in heaven. Hillary clinton isnt afraid to say that black lives matter. She isnt afraid to sit at a table with grieving mothers and bear the full force of our anguish. She knows that when a young, black life is cut short, it is not just a loss. It is a personal loss. It is a National Loss. It is a loss that diminishes all of us. Incredibly powerful moment to have that group of moms, a group that no mother wants to be part of. I think a real victory for the black lives Matter Movement. I mean, this movement that grew up around the death of Trayvon Martin and continued with the death of Michael Brown in ferguson. And i think what she said, this idea that the deaths of these black men and women, that it is a National Loss and it is one that diminishes us all. That is what theyre trying to do. People always balk at this idea of black lives matter. The idea is that black lives matter, too, and that these black men and women who have been killed sometimes by Police Officers, sometimes by gang members, should be part of the National Discussion and part of an outrage, i think, in terms of a lot of the street violence that is going on and in terms of a lot of things that are going on with Police Officers as well. We should point out that here in philadelphia, the leads police union said that they were insulted that clinton did not have or did not invite family members of fallen Police Officers to be on the stage. You do have sort of a parallel universe between the two conventions. The same issues are discussed in very different ways. Here you have the black lives matters chants in the hall, the emphasis on the victims and several speakers say we need to respect police because most police are good. But it was sort of the violence first and younger people first and the africanamerican victims first and then mentioning the police. At the Donald Trump Convention it was law and order, police, Blue Lives Matter, a very strong message and several speakers also said and we need to find a way to get our communities to talk together. And you had an argument for gun legislation, too. That is something that democrats think they can get in on. And the parents who lost children to illegal immigration crime. And a couple of others. I think anybody with a pulse was moved by that because we all identify with the horror of what it would be like to lose a child like that. It was a powerful, powerful moment. It could have been a transformational moment if in fact there were survivors Police Officers on the stage as well because what it would have said is this is a national problem, we have to solve it together and recognize ourselves you know, in each other. Some of the Police Officers, at least, in baton rouge, i believe were black. The Police Officer who wrote that incredibly moving essay on facebook just a few days before he was killed about not knowing where he belonged. But this was also a video about Hillary Clinton meeting with these women and convincing them that they would be Better Together than separate. Stronger together. Stronger together. There you go. Stronger together and you have the video of hillary saying you have to organize so i think in a way, i agree with you on the Blue Lives Matter. Part of it, but i think this was part of building the case for Hillary Clinton as somebody they could turn to. Somebody cops were not forgotten or forsaken though. David makes an important point. Joe sweeney, a hero cop from 9 11 from the nypd police detective. He spoke. Chief slight in uniform spoke. I do think they tried to honor cops. I think it would have been much more dramatic. Unlike the Republican Convention which did not honor black lives matter. In fact, they insulted them, the democrats tried to give them proper honor to our cops as well as to folks. By the way, Montrell Jackson was the Police Officer who was killed in louisiana. It was a very powerful moment when the mothers of those young black men were speaking. Some were killed by Police Officers, some were killed not by Police Officers but all itself was a very powerful moment and you could tell down here on the floor, this crowd was mesmerized. It was very emotional. A number of mothers who lost their children, grown children, and it also, it does pose some of the issues and dilemmas that the panel was just discussing which is you want to pay tribute and yet you dont want to fall into the binary trap that the donald trump is portraying which is youre either on the side of the police or youre against law and order. That is how he is casting this and then there is the more nuanced way that democrats are trying to show the issues. It doesnt work in a sound bite. Nuance is not easy. It is not easy at all. One of the things you said, one of my most vivid memories of the Convention Last week in cleveland was you know, police chief, the Dallas Police chief i think it was, he stood up and said Blue Lives Matter and the whole place going nuts and here it was black lives matter that everybody was chanting. I thought it was interesting and pam brown was in the back of the stage so she could watch pam clinton speech and watch the teleprompter. He added something not in the prepared text about the Dallas Police being protectors, so you know, his instinct was to give it a more nuanced feel, add it into the narrative of the convention after we heard the moving speeches from the mothers. It was an important moment in bill clintons speech. A lot of important moments in the speech. But i think this whole section of the program was entitled social justice fights of her life and they tried to under score how she personally was involved in trying to promote social justice. He went back to Yale Law School in which he did immediately following Yale Law School but the mothers came out and said you can be effective if you work together. Remember, it was about a year ago maybe when black lives matter just started to become a chant and Hillary Clinton was campaigning in missouri, not in ferguson, but right outside of ferguson, and somebody asked her the question about you know, black lives matter and she gave the answer which is now considered the wrong answer in a Democratic Convention, all lives matter. And there became a tremendous education process among the black lives matter activists and the democratic politicians. And it was Bernie Sanders also who had to have the education. As did martin omalley, former governor of maryland who was a president ial candidate for awhile there. There was this education process and to think about that being, if memory serves, just a year ago, maybe a little bit over a year ago, versus not only did the Democratic Convention start chanting black lives matter, but these mothers, Trayvon Martins mother and the mother of so many of these other victims of these horrible stories had a prime speaking role with the video showing Hillary Clinton meeting with them behind closed doors, that is a remarkably quick change from that moment in that Missouri Town hall where Hillary Clinton gave the quote, unquote, wrong answer on black lives matter. Those mothers stood on the stage, there were about eight of them and they were poised an they delivered really personal, meaningful accounts of how their lives changed, whether eric garner, Michael Brown, sandra bland, they went through all of those cases and i think people watching obviously would be very, very moved. As a mother, i cant even imagine that happening or giving a speech like that to talk about it. Obviously you are parents as well. It must have been the hardest thing in the world toll do and theyre not politicians, theyre real people who were put in the spotlight because of horrible, horrible tragedies and that is what made it so moving. And one of the mothers actually made the same point which bill clinton made which was to also praise the police. She said something along the lines of most police are, i forget, ill do injustice to her remarks. She said the majority of police are very good. She praised police. There is a sensitivity to this among democrats, ive talked to democrats here who want to make sure that their embrace of these mothers are not miss interpreted or twisted by their political opponents who dont want it to be seen as theyre on the wrong side of the police. So the majority of police, and so you heard that sensitivity, you saw the sensitivity also with the addition of the police chief from pittsburgh and i believe the Police Commissioner here in philadelphia, Charles Ramsey is also going to address the convention. Eric holder pointed out his brother was a Police Officer and we have to thank the police for all they do to protect us. Coming up, were taking a closer look at the pivotal speeches tomorrow night by president obama, President Biden, Hillary Clintons running mate tim kaine. Well be right back. See me. See me. Dont stare at me. See me. See me. See me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. Im not contagious. See me to know that. I wont stop until i find what works. Discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75 skin clearance at 3 months. While the majority saw 90 clearance. 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Hmmmm. Credit karma. Give yourself some credit. Now you can watch nbcs coverage of the rio Olympic Games live at home or on the go. Welcome back tonight two of the Democratic National convention. Looking forward to tomorrow in terms of speakers. Vice President Biden is going to be speaking here. President obama as well, also Vice President ial nominee tim kaine. Obviously an important night. One of the things you said in the Republican Convention for a Vice President ial nominee, the most important nights are the night they speak at the convention and also the night of the debate. The night of the debate. For tim kaine it is important because he is not well known and there was resistant to his nomination on part of the Bernie Sanders delegates who booed him earlier in the convention. It is going to be an important introduction, not just to the halibut to t hall but to the country. Can he replicate that performance . Here it was a very winning introduction. What happened saturday as well as it might have gone in the initial. Sunday was sort of you know dnc drama of the leaked emails and Debbie Wasserman schultz. What is lost is his opinion between joe biden and president obama. It will be hard to stand out in that array of speakers but it is going to be important for him and i think the president s speech is going to be very important for Hillary Clinton because he can provide, if bill clinton provided a personal testimonial about her, barack obama can provide a professional testimonial in a way and speak to her qualities as a political leader, as a leader in government. His experiences with her, and that is going to be another part of the profile that they want to fill out in these four days. Can president obama be for Hillary Clinton what bill clinton was for president obama in the sense that when if you talk to people inside of the romney campaign, if you look at where unemployment was and the fact that many republicans thought we could win. It was competitive for awhile. They looked at the right track, wrong track number coming into the Convention Seasons and right after the conventions. It was weak but the percentage of americans who said we were on the right track jumped about 10 points after the convention and they gave bill clinton the whole convention. He was the explanation point for the growth. People felt better about the country. It wasnt great numbers but they felt better. They were willing to keep their president. Stay with the president of power. That is what, the right track number right now is didismal. Only 20 of americans thought the country was on the right track. President obama is popular. He has 56 popularity reading but correct me if im wrong, i dont think it has been that high he is in a good place. He is in a really good place. Move the dial, and make people feel better, it helps her. President ial job approval in right direction usually convert. At least the gap. It is an enormous gap. The president is at or above 50, the right direction is what . 20 in those will move and im actually, this what makes thez moat move together. The president embodyment moves together. Youll say lets stay in that direction and you saw it in 2012. A big up swing in the last few months. Some of the Economic Indicators that drive this enormously are pretty positive. Youll see them come close. They wont completely converge. It usually doesnt out strip by 36 points like this. Between now and then, we have a long way to go and i think tomorrow, just to review, two big things have been accomplished but a lot is left to be accomplished in the next two days. First of all, there could have been a real civil war, there could have been protests from the sanders people who were serious and sustained and disruptive on the floor sg. There was a walk out. There was a walk out, but walk outs are what you do when youre trying to show that youre mad. Sit in is when youre trying to close down a convention. There were no sit ins. Believe me, i know the tactics. You got past that. That was not a guaranteed thing. You got past that, and then you had to present a Hillary Clinton that people could begin to connect the dots in a good way. It is so strange to me. If i were Hillary Clinton and had done all of the stuff she has done, i would be even more obje obnoxious than i am. I would talk about 9 11 all of the time. I would brag and broest. Lets be clear, if all we do as democrats is to not have a fight and make hillary look a little better and say were inconclusive, we will inclusive, we will have wasted this convention. If we talk about crime and terrorist things, those things have not been addressed yet. I know you say were going to get there but we have to get there tomorrow. This speech, her speech when she accepts the nomination, i think that be could be bigger than it is for most president ial nominees. I mean, every president ial nominee faces the moment where if theyre going to stand there and be seen as the potential next president , but precisely because she is the first woman, i think that there are going to be different metrics applied to it and precisely because she is Hillary Clinton i think there are going to be different metrics applied to it and whether she will pass or not depends on what you say about you know, we have to wait a few weeks to find this out. I do think well know something that night. If she can have a conversation with the American People that night, if she can be a little more revealing of herself, if she speaks in a language that doesnt sound like political language. Right. But instead sounds like a genuine talk as you talked about president clinton, these are not her strengths. These are not her strengths but president ial campaigns are all about tests. This is one of those tests. Right. They think Everything Else can go well but a lot is i agree with you, jeffrey, and i dont say that, you know and i think often times a lot rests on that speech. I think too often obama is obviously very engaged with this campaign and he very much wants to be the antitrump. And one of the things i think he does and i hope Hillary Clinton doesnt do the same thing is he often meets peoples anxieties and fears and feelings with charts and data. And i think that is a mistake. I mean, in a he was in a press conference a couple of days ago and talking about the crime rate and he said, and this is true, that the crime rate, the major crime rate has been going down and that is true but i think theyre missing an opportunity to really tap into how people are feeling and i think that is something that Hillary Clinton has to doop and that most democrats havent done yet. Before we get to Hillary Clinton which is last night, my question about tomorrow night is okay, you have the Vice President , we talked about how big of a deal this is for him to introduce himself. By the way, a guy that has traditionally had a close relationship with police, with firefighters, very close but then you have joe biden, the Vice President and the president. How do they differentiate what they talk about when they talk about Hillary Clinton . Does the Vice President go personal and the president sort of makes the case for Unfinished Business and she is the one who can complete what we set out to do and obviously it is about his legacy and her legacy. What does joe biden do . How do you keep it from becoming the same speech in a way. They actually work down the hall from each other so what are you writing . They may go down and exchange drafts. How do you differentiate. One way would be if joe biden is a heat sinking missile to the heart of bluecollar working people. He is the son from middle class project is the project of his life. He talks about that. Add to that, just the heartbreaking the last time he spoke at a convention, he was introduced by his son and now he is no longer with us. If it was me, they both do a little bit of both. I would have the Vice President speak about economic peace and the president talk about peace. I taught to the senator on security who is a real expert on this. Democrats have to understand you have to begin with the i will p hunt them down and kill them and the big brain will coordinate better with the European Union and i think that advice is what he needs. He is exactly right. The president , it wont be that clean of a divide, if it was me as a speech writer, that is how i divide it up. That would be the natural way to go. I would expect the president to tauch on the economy as well and i would advise all of the speakers other than National Security speakers to hone in on the economy. That is an advantage at least in polling for donald trump right now and so deacconstructing, i think she will do some of that in her speech on thursday night. One of my Big Questions is theyre building this ramp for her. You have the human stories. Your people saying bill clinton saying she is a doer, not a talker. Donald trump is a talker, she is a doer. You mentioned the 9 11 people came whether it was the congressman now, a cop then. A woman burned, the mother aeftz victims say she spent time with us. She follows up. She comes back, she does the hard work. Theyre adding the human element. Can she then, forgive me, tear down the wall. She has had this wall around her. When you go back to the campaign days, she was careful but she would come back on the plane and have a drink with you. Talk with you, talk about sports, talk about her family. She was much more open. I get it, the investigations have hardened her and the views of many made her paranoid. Is it is hard for her. This is a very difficult thing for her. She lived a life that every word she uttered has been scrutinized and dissected and she knows the cameras are running and for her not to think about what she is going to say before she says it but she is reading it this time. She is reading it this time but she is also, i share your concern, david, she can not give a speech that is a 12 point policy long speech before you get in. I think she has another challenge and you know her better than me. I think this fall is so big. Right. The tendency, Michelle Obama didnt fall into it, bill clinton didnt fall into it but you see very good speakers. Hillary clinton swallowed up by the hall. At first it took so when youre standing up there, i dont think people understand, youre standing up there. You are in a very, very big arena here and to try to establish that will be doubly challenging. Are you worried about that . Im not worried about that so much. This will be her fifth convention speech. Now, granted, it has always been in support of someone else whether her husband or barack obama. This time she is going to do it for herself and that is, that is difficult for her. As you pointed out, it is hard for her to brag on herself. It is hard to figure out whether you talk over the crowd but that is style and she knows how to do that. Celebrities coming together to honor Hillary Clinton with a fresh take on her theme song. Youll see that, next. Great grains cereals are made fromreal fruit,clusters, wholesome nuts and crunchy flakes. Good things come together to make one great thing. Great grains. Why be good when you can be great . That i was ion the icelandic game show. And everyone knows me for discounts, like safe driver and paperless billing. But nobody knows the box behind the discounts. Oh, its like my father always told me put that down. Thats expensive. Of course i save people an average of nearly 600, but whos gonna save me . [ voice breaking ] and thats when i realized. Im allergic to wasabi. Well, i feel better. Its been five minutes. Talk about progress. [ chuckles ] okay. And youre talking to your doctor about your medication. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira helping me go further. Humira works for many adults. It targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Doctors have been prescribing humira for over 13 years. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ready for a new chapter . Talk to your rheumatologist. This is humira at work. Welcome back to the second night of the Democratic National convention. One of the videos you might have missed, we didnt air it as it played, a reinterpretation of a popular song used on the campaign trail. Lets watch. This is for hillary. On the ocean sending big waves into motion i can make an explosion all the things i didnt say snowe wrecking balls inside my brain i am screaming loud tonight can you hear my voice this time this is our fight song take back our life song prove were all right song my powers turned on starting right now ill be strong ill play my fight song and i dont really care nobody else because ive still got a lot of fight left in me losing friends and im chasing sleep everybodys worried about me im in too deep said im in too deep well its been two years and i miss my home but theres a fire burning in my bones still believe yeah i still believe in all those things i didnt say wrecking balls inside my brain i was screaming loud tonight cant you hear my voice this time this is my fight song take back my life song prove were all right song starting right now ill be strong ill play my fight song and i dont really care nobody else because i still got a lot of fight left take a village to raise a child prepare them to run a nation we got some hard choices but together were going to make it we living in history america take a bow were about to show the world, yeah, women are equal now like a small boat on the ocean sending big waves into motion like a single word can make a heart open i may only have one match but i can make an explosion this is our fight song tack back my life song take back my life prove it all right song starting right now ill be strong im going to be strong ill play my fight song and i dont really care nobody else believe because i still got a lot of fight left in me go, hillary. There you go. I can already the video that makes me feel old. D. That was an elaborate cultural awareness test. Exactly. Miserably. And for those who flunk it, those people looking at that, the one name they will remember is Margaret Thatcher. Jane fonda. I got maybe 25 of those people. It is, again, the parallel universe. This is a highly produced Television Show. Havent talked is swrn is. The republicans are saying ahha. Donald trump made a bet, anxiety about the economy, add in his change message, repeat, repeat, repeat t repeat. Thats going to shape the race. Well gt get to the generals, get to hillary. Theres more production. Well go through the same thing again. The lineup, the president of the United States, first lady, Vice President , elizabeth warren, Bernie Sanders who stepped up huge for the Clinton Campaign today. Enormous way. Former president s and the candidate. Theyre traditional politics. We have all hands on deck. An a list of stars in the Democratic Party. Can they sway voters . Again, tonight for the first time you had president Clinton Former president clinton calling her a change maker. I dont know if thats an attempt to get a sort of oneline explanation of who Hillary Clinton is. I think thats something that donald trump has. Make America Great again. Law and order candidate. One thing were leaving out of this equation are these emails. I dont mean her state department emails. I mean this wikileaks thing. We have absolutely what are there, 20,000 of whats to come. We have no idea. That will be news when it actually happens. Actually has happened today. That was cool. Yeah. I mean, one thing that you just cant take away when you compare the two things, you have scott, whatever antonio sabata jr. Those are way more i had a crush i heard its like new hamilton. Our coverage continues with don lemon at the cnn grill right now after this. My fellow americans. They say were a nation divided. Thats not true. We agree on a lot. Like paul rudd. Everybody loves paul rudd. I didnt know this was going to happen you know what else everyone loves . Emojis. No. Beer thats why were forming the bud light party. Just wait till you see our caucus. Weve got the biggest caucus in the country ooooeeeyyyyy im really inspired right now. America has seen the light. And theres a bud in front of it sfx crowd cheers, fireworks schwarzkopf presents hair in 30 minutes . Our most caring color collection keratin color with keratincarecomplex. Formulated for full gray coverage and up to 80 less hair breakage. Ready to rejuvenate your hair . Keratin color. From schwarzkopf. Just checking my free credit score at credit karma. What the . . . Youre welcome. I just helped you dodge a bullet. But i was just checking my. Shhh. Dont you know that checking your credit score lowers it just be cool. Actually, checking your credit score with credit karma doesnt affect it at all. Are you sure . Positive. So i guess i can just check my credit score then . Oooh check out credit karma today. Credit karma. Give yourself some credit. Sorry about that. And it is official. Hillary clinton making history right here in philadelphia. As bill clinton takes to the stage in a supporting role. This is a special cnn tonight. Im don lemon. Were live at the cnn grill at the Democratic Convention and boy, it is jumping here tonight. For the first time in over two centuries, a woman, Hillary Clinton, is the president ial nominee of a major party. Her husband is, by the way, the 42nd president of the United States, laying out the case for her tonight with a 42 minute speech that was pure bill to

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