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And it can be forgotten. But a few yards behind me, thats a crime scene. Three days ago, nine people lost their live there is. Those wounds still bitter and raw in this community. What will the president do and say . Hes going to meet with First Responders. Hell meet with victims families. The grief and the praying, it is fresh. Many local residents, as a result, are telling cnn theyre not ready yet to host the president. Its only been three days since that gunfire erupted on this street in a popular area of downtown. Nine people dead, dozens of others wounded. All of this happening in under 30 seconds. People here, people across the country, theyre grappling now with whats going to be different in this time. How do you prevent the next shooting so that you and i arent victims next time . Cnn White House Correspondent Kaitlan Collins joins me live here in dayton. The president s coming to a difficult moment here, a divided moment in this country. He said a lot this morning as he was leaving the white house. How is he going to handle this . Thats going to be something he has to grapple with while hes here. I dont mean to interrupt. What are folks behind us saying . Theyre saying do something. Thats what Governor Mike Dewine heard yesterday when he was trying to speak. Thats the emotion here. But please go ahead. Yeah, you see some of the signs critical of the president. Dump trump, flip the senate, talking about the politics in washington thats come under such scrutiny in the wake of these Mass Shootings. The president is going to be following the typical role of a commander in chief. It sadly has been their job too many times after a mass shooting, meeting with Law Enforcement, meeting with families of victims, some of the victims themselves. Also, the president is going to be facing the resistance hes seen from local officials, including the mayor, who have said the president s comments on the Mass Shootings have fallen short of what they expected from him. The president was asked about these criticisms leaving the white house today. He brushed them off as being pure politics. Weve been getting hit left and right from everybody, many of theme i dont know, a couple people from texas, political people from texas that arent doing very well. I guess somebody said i had one very nice conversation with the mayor of dayton. Could not have been nicer. Then she goes and says i tried to call her. Well, i spoke to her and i didnt receive in i call. Theyre trying to make political points. I dont think it works because, you know, i would like to stay out of the political fray. So he says its just all politics. Another question about what is just all politics is whether or not the president is going to stand by the support we saw for him for background checks there as he was leaving the white house. He said thats something he feels theres a growing political appetite in washington for that. The question is, weve seen him before after shootings, like parkland, where hes backed off. And we just found out that Top White House officials have been in conversations with members from the nra leadership in recent days. What is the nra telling them . Just a moment. I dont mean to interrupt. I want to explain whats going on behind us there, as the president walks down the steps of air force one. The president arriving here in dayton, ohio. Youve been hearing behind us what you might describe as a microcosm of the division in this community, perhaps the division in this country right now. You have Trump Supporters here waving a trump flag as protesters demand action. This is the president there being greeted by local officials. I believe thats the governor, mike dewine, on the right, greeting the president and the first lady. As he lands in a community that is divided over the president s visit here. Theyre concerned his rhetoric has added not just to the division but to the violence, the manifesto from the el paso shooter cited language the president himself has used before, describing immigrants as invaders. That is a reason why in el paso and here in dayton, youve heard opposition to the president s visit. What will the president say to heal those wounds, to attempt to heal those wounds . Hes the president up to this moment. Weve heard skepticism, and were certainly seeing the division here on the streets of dayton, as the president arrives. Kaitlan, the president being greeted now by local politicians here. Certainly we saw the republican governor. Theres senator rob portman. Portman is one of those senators whos come out in support of action on gun control. What are the president s plans as hes on the ground here . So far the white house has actually been pretty tight lipped ant what the president is going to be doing. The question is whether or not hes going to come here behind us, where the scene of this shooting happened. That happened in pittsburgh after that sin gynagogue shooti. The white house did not initially disclose the president was going to go there. Then he did. He didnt go all the way inside the synagogue because it was still the scene of a crime. The question is whether or not hes co hell come here. Right now were already seeing people protesting the president , people supporting the president , those people coming face to face with each other, disagreeing right behind us on the very street where this happened. Thats essentially what the president is going to be dealing with. Something thats pretty unusual to see, such a protest of a president when he comes somewhere in a time of tragedy, coming to, what the white house says, to comfort the city. But of course, this is something trump has had to grapple with throughout his presidency, dealing with people who do not want him in their city. We saw it in parkland after the massacre at that high school where a gunman opened fire. Some of the students said they did not think the president should come. We saw it again in pittsburgh when the mayor of that city did not meet with the president , something pretty unusual during that visit. He said it just wasnt the right time for the president to come. Now, you see the mayor of dayton there greeting the president , off the screen to the right. She said she doesnt believe the president has struck the right tone in the wake of the shooting, but shes still going to meet with him. The president has said hes going to meet with Law Enforcement, victims families, First Responders. But what else hes going to do beyond going to a hospital, potentially, is still a question. Its not unlike what the republican mayor, i should note, of el paso said about the president s visit. He had expressed misgivings previously, regarding the president s comments on immigrants. In this context, he said despite those misgivings, this is the president , i will meet with him, but not exactly a riveting endorsement of the president s visit. I think this is a challenge local politicians face. Many of their constituents and ill tell you right now, kaitlan, as we stand here, were seeing some of that skepticism being expressed by constituents and some anger even erupting here in front of the scene of this crime. People opposed to seeing the president here in dayton today. But on the other side, you have folks shouting at them, waving trump flags, welcoming the president here at this time. Its not a friendly interaction. Again, as i said earlier, something of a microcosm of the division were seeing in these communities in the wake of this. The mayor of el paso said, yes, hes president , im going to meet with him, but he noted hed received a slew of angry phone calls and emails from his constituents, people who did not think it was right for the president to come. Of course, white house officials are pushing back on that, saying if the president didnt go visit el paso and he didnt come here to dayton today, he would still be facing criticism. But it is just remarkable that we see the president face such criticism when he goes somewhere. So you see him there waving to people. People at the airport, local officials greeting him, state officials greeting him. The question is going to be whether or not he comes over here where people are angry. Theyre upset. Some of the president s supporters are also here, of course, waving the flags. But if the president comes over here, hes going to come face to face with the very people weve been talking about, people who do not want him in their city right now. The president and first lady now in the president ial limb see limousine, heading to downtown dayton. Our correspondent Jason Carroll is with a growing crowd. As the president landed, weve seen it right behind us, Trump Supporters face to face with people in this community who have been shouting do something. Thats a repeated chant. The republican governor of ohio faced that same chant just yesterday. Jason, tell us what youre hearing from local residents in the midst of this. Not only do you hear some of these protesters shouting do something, but youve also weve also heard from some people driving by in their truck shouting god bles trump. So it really speaks to the split that you see here in this community. Really, across the country. As we were out here, jim, speaking to people across dayton, we really got a sense from a lot of people who had a lot of misgivings about the president coming out here to speak. The misgivings were for several reasons. First of all, some of those we spoke to say, look, weve heard the president after these national tragedes say some of the right things and then shortly thereafter go back to the very same type of rhetoric that they see as being so divisive. The fear is thats exactly what they say is going to happen here again in dayton. I want you to listen to just some of the people that we spoke to, some of the reasons why they say the president should not be here on this day. I think that it is important for him to show that he cares, even if its just for political gain or notoriety that he came to a place a day late and a dollar short, sort of, kind of. Im not a fan of his. Not a fan . Its a hard time. Theres, what, 23 shootings already this year. Too much hate in the world. Too much hate. I want to talk very quickly about daytons mayor. She is expected to meet with the president later this afternoon. Shes been very critical of the president , critical of his policies, critical of his response. We spoke to her yesterday, jim, and got a real sense of where her head is at, at this point. She says she actually had a conversation with the president. She said the two of them talked about where state lawmakers are on the issue of gun control. She says shes really going to have a frank conversation with him, saying that she feels as though his rhetoric has not been helpful in the past. Thats one of the things she says she will talk to him about when she talks to him face to face a little later this afternoon. Were going to be speaking with her shortly after she speaks to the president to get a sense of if her opinion of the president has changed and where she thinks the country is going to be Going Forward after this. Jim . Jason carroll, thanks so much. Just for our viewers sake, i want to explain whats been happening behind us. Keep in mind this is a crime scene. Just three days ago, nine people lost their lives on the pavement right behind me outside the club. In the last several minutes, weve seen a number of protesters come out here with signs opposing the president s visit here as he lands in dayton, ohio. Pitch mitch, flip the senate, dayton loves happy people, dump trump. Do something has been a consistent chant, an expression of the frustration here. They want something done to prevent the next gun attack. As that was happening, we saw a small handful of Trump Supporters waving flags here. Sadly, a bit of a symbol of the tone of the conversation between the two sides. A lot of shouting, even a couple threats exchanged. I will tell you that by and large in this community and in el paso, the conversation ive heard is a very calm one. People saying we want to see what can happen next to prevent this. That is the nature of the conversation, kate, as ive been in both of these communities here. You are seeing the passion. Thats something the president is going to face when hes here. The question, kate, is how does he respond to that passion . Does he act as healer . Does he try to capitalize on it politically . Its one more test for this president , kate. Already seeing how hes answering to at least the criticism as he was leaving the white house today, saying that he believes that his rhetoric is actually bringing people together. But when hes on the ground, when hes meeting with these families and First Responders, whomever hes going to be meeting with, well see exactly what he has to say. Jim, thank you so much for being there. Were going to get back to the ground in dayton in a few minutes. Were going to be following what the president is going to be doing as hes visiting dayton, before he heads to el paso. Coming up for us, you can see just in the video, just behind jim, you can see the anger and the passion spilling over in dayton. Some officials there saying sadness is turning to anger now over the lack of Real Solutions to these attacks, preventing them from happening again. One of those officials will be joining us next. Plus, also ahead, a shocking and bold lie at the worst possible time as the country is grieving and searching for answers and truth and fact. Fox news host claims that White Supremacy is a hoax. The facts clearly say otherwise. It should be called out. It must be called out. And it will be. Stay with us. At tmobile, for 40 line for four lines, its all included for the whole family. Like unlimited with netflix on us. And now with each new line, get one of our latest smartphones included. 40 line for four lines and smartphones are included for the whole family. Stay on top of things. A faster laptop could help. Plus, tech support to stay worry free. Worry free. 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Help stop the clock on further irreversible joint damage. Talk to your rheumatologist. Right here. Right now. Humira. Welcome backse, everybody. President trump has toucheddown. Hes in dayton, ohio. Hell be meeting with folks on the ground there. We saw those pictures from the airport. Were seeing a very different scene in downtown dayton, where weve been seeing protests turning out to the site of the tragic attack that played out over the weekend in ohio. Protesters demanding action. Protesters against the president. Also, protesters in support of President Trump. You can just see the anger and the passion flaring up there today as the president lands in dayton, ohio. Were going to be keeping an eye on this, as well as where the president may be going. But when President Trump wraps up in dayton, he will then head to el paso. The white house says there hes going to be meeting with victims families and First Responders. But there are also a number of people in that community who have made it very clear that the president , in their view, is not welcome as the city is grieving the 22 People Killed by a man police say was motivated by hate, whose online screed posted minutes before the attack talked of an imgramigrant invasion of texas, invasion being a word President Trump has used. When faced with this criticism before leaving the white house, heres what the president had to say. Theyre trying to make political points. I dont think it works because, you know, i would like to stay out of the political fray. Joining me right now, Democratic Texas state senator jose rodriguez, whose district includes el paso. Senator, thank you for being here. Thank you for inviting me. I appreciate it. Youve had mixed feelings, is the best way to describe it, about the president visiting el paso today. What are you expecting to happen . Well, i think whats happening in dayton is going to be repeated here in el paso, especially here in el paso because, as you all know, the president has been here before, and when he was here not too long ago, he maligned el paso as being an unsafe city, contrary to the facts. He insulted our mayor. And he has since continued spewi spewing his hateful rhetoric against immigrants. You just said hes used the words invasion of immigrants consistently. He and others, including some people here in this state, have used those same terms. So yes, plenty of people i want to remind folks what the president had to say. Letd let me play this. In the last two years alone, i. C. E. Officers have made 200 listen to these numbers, 266,000 arrests of criminal aliens, including those charged or convicted of approximately 100,000 assaults, 40,000 larcenies, 30,000 sex crimes, 25,000 burglaries, 12,000 vehicle thefts, 11,000 robberies, 4,000 kidnappings, and 4,000 murders. Murders, murders, murders, killings, murders. Hes maligned latinos. Hes maligned africanamericans, congresspersons just recently, and hes just on this campaign to use this kind of rhetoric against minorities, people of color, women, lgbtq members, federal judges. I mean, this is a man who has no respect for the dignity of human beings. So we cant expect him, in these short trips to dayton or el paso, to all of a sudden come across a sincerely, genuinely concerned about whats happened in this community, el paso especially, the Border Community especially. He maligns mexico. This man absolutely has no credibility with us in el paso, and unfortunately, we have to contend with his presence. But we will get through it. Were all working towards trying to get some resources for the victims and their families. The rest of the el paso state delegation is meeting with some state leadership in about an hour and a half so we can talk about concrete proposals, ideas for providing assistance to el paso and beyond, on the long term, any possibilities of gun reform, any possibilities of what can be done to curtail the rising White Supremacy in this country, the hate crimes. We need to find some quick solutions. We cant let another incident happen before we take action. What are you going to say to the president today . Do you want to meet with him . Ive not been invited, and i doubt he wants to meet with me. I, like a lot of others, have been critics of his because we feel strongly that we need to speak up any time he r misrepresents the facts. Believe me, he does that with border issues. Those numbers you quoted earlier, el paso is the safest city in the country for its size based on fbi statistics. Weve said that over and over and over again. Its a welcoming community. We work closely with our neighbors in for him to. Well be following the president s travels today. We will not be losing sight, even when the president depart, of whats happening in el paso and keeping to the facts about what el paso is really about. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Let me get back over to dayton. Jim sciutto is there, where the president is currently. Jim . Thanks so much, kate. I want to speak now to our next guest. Hes daytons city commissioner. Thanks so much for taking the time. My pleasure. Thank you, guys, for your time. The president is on the ground now in dayton, a community that still has raw wounds from the crime that just took place behind us here. Whats your reaction to the president s visit . I look at the president s history. He seems to be a master of diversion and divisiveness and misinformation. Im not sure what good can come out of his being here. Just a few moments ago, you saw that i was personally involved with one of my police officers, trying to divide some groups to keep down some of the rhetoric and the potential harm. We heard the emotion here. Something of a microcosm of folks here calling for action, do something, that chant. You have some Trump Supporters here. They were going head to head. Did you sense that deep division in this community here over the president s visit and over gun control . Yes, both of those. We have more than 90 of the people in the nation who want to have some responsible gun control legislation. I mentioned to some people before, as a vietnam vet, i know the damage those weapons can cause. Theyre not supposed to be in our communities. No way shape or form. E. R. Doctors say that when they see the wounds from this kind of highpowered ammunition. No way shape or form. So these potential situations, you never know what kind of night some individuals have had, how much theyve been listening to certain other leaders around this nation who are also divisive in terms of their communication and lack of action as far as protecting the people of this nation. Its very disheartening to see these kind of things continue. You said a couple days ago in the wake of this shooting here that the emotion in this community is turning from sadness to anger. Yep. Explain why that is. Anger because, again, the laws have not been changed sufficiently to protect people. I think we have some legislators, especially right now our president , and i dont mean just to be bashing higher ups. But this is the 250th shooting in the community where multiple people have been killed by individuals who are sometimes having their own set of personal challenges and have accessibility to weapons of this nature. Theyve chosen to take the lives of other individuals. Even at the expense of sometimes losing their own lives. So yeah, were angry at that. Im angry also at the fact that being here on sunday morning, seeing at least two or three families being told of the demise of their loved one, and im thinking about the pain of what i saw there and the pain of the loss of productivity in their families, individuals who have lost mothers, sons, daughters, friends, colleagues. Again, i dont think we think enough about how much productivity we lose in our communities when we have skilled, intelligent people who are neinnocently killed. You lose a lot of support. You lose a lot of love. Youve been around a while in this town. Do you sense, as you hear a small handful of republican voices, for instance the congressman who represents this district, mike turner, whose daughter was across the street when the shooting happened, come out in support of, say, a ban on assault weapons, background checks. When you hear a minority of those voices, do you sense the political tide turning . I bet some viewers at home are shaking their heads saying weve been here before. And i hope not. I did call turners office this morning to let them know that i was very appreciative of his movement in that particular direction. So again, i gave them accolades as far as its concerned. Im sorry its taken so long. I wish, if you will, that some of those individuals who are making those decisions at these Different Levels could have been here sunday morning at the Convention Center with commissioner shaw and the mayor and myself to hear the cries of those individuals being notified of the loss of their loved one. Listen, i imagine the pain you experienced. Finally, because the president s on the ground here now, the president has said in the past id consider this gun control measure or that gun control measure, then hes backed off. Do you again raise the possibility of background checks . Do you trust hell follow through with leadership on this . Well, you know, we havent had any evidence of that so far. These things have been said. Hes good at speaking for the moment. And after that moment has passed, no action happens. He can, by virtue of his office, through executive order, make a lot of things happen tonight. In the morning, we can wake up hes used the power of that pen before for a lot of other stuff. We can wake up in the morning to have some legislation, some actions in place to minimize these situations right now. But hes chosen not to do that, just to make noise. He talks about not wanting to be political, not wanting to be an opportunist. Thats all hes displayed throughout his career. I think hes very confused about the purpose and responsibility he has as the president of these United States. Looking to test his actions. Commissioner, im sorry for what your community has been going through. We appreciate you. We should note that President Trump now on the ground in dayton. Hes about to visit a hospital in dayton where some of the victims of this shooting are now being treated. The miami valley hospital. As you can see there, there are protesters outside there ready to greet the president with that familiar phrase. Do something. Weve heard that repeatedly. Thats the demand from people in dayton today. Stay with us. With amazing amenities like movie theaters, exercise rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars and bistros even pet care services. And theres never been an easier way to get great advice. A place for mom is a free service that pairs you with a local advisor to help you sort through your options and find a perfect place. A place for mom. You know your family we know senior living. Together well make the right choice. Youwhen you barely the clip a passing car. Minor accident no big deal, right . Wrong. 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Woo maximum reliability. Access denied. [ repeats ] access denied. If its not xfinity xfi, its not good enough. For wifi with super powers, get xfinity xfi. And go see, fast furious presents, hobbs shaw. Now playing. Showing you live pictures here of dayton, ohio. President trump is on the ground in dayton right now. Hes on his way to miami valley hospital. This is the scene near the hospital. Protesters outside basically greeting the president as hes heading to the hospital. Hes going to be meeting with hospital staff and potentially some of the victims who are there who have been treated at the hospital since the horrific shooting over the weekend. After that, he will be then flying straight to el paso, texas, this afternoon. The white house says that the president wants to grieve, pray, and offer condolences to the families and the entire communities that have been impacted by these horrific tragedies. The motive in dayton still unclear. The motive in el paso, though, appears to be crystal clear, according to Law Enforcement. Hate, hate of hispanics, hate of immigrants. Said another way, white supremacist ideology. But thats not what you would have heard on fox news last night. Listen to this. White supremacy, thats the problem. This is a hoax. Just like the russia hoax. Its a Conspiracy Theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. Thats exactly whats going on. Hes calling the findings of the fbi and texas Law Enforcement a hoax. On national television. It has to be called out. Cnns daniel dale Fact Checking all of it for us. Hes joining me right now. Daniel daniel, 22 people are dead in el paso. Law enforcement have said that the shooter has been said the shooter have been clear about the motivation. They have the shooter and say the shooters motivations are very clear behind this attack. What are you finding . Im finding what should be obvious to anyone who saw what happened in el paso. Tucker carlson either has no idea what hes talking about here or is actively deceiving his 3 Million Viewers a night. You dont have to trust me on this. You dont have to trust cnn on this. Listen to what fbi director Christopher Wray said a couple weeks ago to congress. I dont think oh, i dont think we have that sound bite. Through the Third Quarter of this fiscal year, had about, give or take, a hundred arrests in the International Terrorism side, but weve also had just about the same number again, dont quote me to the act digit on the domestic terrorism side. A majority of the domestic terrorism cases that weve investigated are motivated by some version of what you might call white supremacist violence. So kate, the fbi certainly isnt playing down the threat of jihadist terrorism, but its also making clear over and over again that White Supremacists or White Nationalist terrorism is a serious and growing threat. All of the data bears this out. The center for the study of hate and extremism at cal state found that 17 of 22 extremist homicides last year were committed by White Supremacists compared to just one committed by jihadists. The antidefamation league, another group that monitors these issues, found 18 of 34 killings in 2017 were committed by White Supremacists compared to nine from jihadists. The Government Accountability office tracked domestic extremist killings after september 11th, up through 2016, and found that 73 were committed by the far right. Not all of these people were White Supremacists, but many of them were. I have a list here. White supremacist skin head murdered an africanamerican woman. White supremacist shot and killed two at a Jewish Community center. Ne neonazi murdered a gay man. White supremacist murdered loub bock, texas, police officer. The list goes on and on. Ill point out in closing, even President Trump has acknowledged that white extremism is a serious problem. His own National Counterterrorism strategy last year that has his name and signature on it, talks about the threat posed by a neonazi group in the United Kingdom thats been in communication with likeminded people in the United States. To make the claim that Tucker Carlson made, you not only have to ignore 22 People Killed in el paso, you have to ignore Law Enforcement and President Trump himself. And its just a remarkable thing. Look, it is always an important moment to have an opportunity to point out the facts as you have them, daniel. Its always worthwhile to point out when the threat like this is on the rise and the facts and figures are actually found. The fact it needs to be fact checked, it is like were living in a two plus two equals five reality on a show that has a huge audience. That also comes with responsibility. At least it should. Thank you, daniel. Thank you. Quick programming note for all of you. Just dove tailing on this conversation im having with daniel right now, this friday, Cnns Fareed Zakaria investigates the reasons why White Supremacy is on the rise. It is a cnn special report called state of hate. It airs friday night at 10 00 p. M. Eastern. Still ahead for us, two young girls in dayton, they lost their mother in sundays shooting. One of them is only 7 years old. She wants her to come down. She knows shes in heaven, but she wants her to come down. Shes among the nine people who were killed in dayton. Two friends who tried to save her before she died, they join us next. E. We uh. We say that too. You gotta use these because we dont mean it. Buy any pair at regular price, get one free. Really. Visionworks. See the difference. My grandparents that i never knew. Ch about im a lawyer now, but i had no idea that my grandfather was a federal judge in guatemala. My grandfather used his legal degree and his knowledge to help people that were voiceless in his country. 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We were asleep, and her boyfriend called and he said, mom, lois facetimed him. He said she said she was grazed by a bullet and she said, babe, come and get me. He said, no, you need to go to the hospital. She said, no, i need to get to my kids. And then that was it. So she was able to facetime . She facetimed him. Her boyfriend, after she had been shot. Yeah, she thought she was grazed. He sa she said, ive been grazed by a bullet. The margin between life and death in these things is just inches. Ill let you know how we know why. Brittany hollingsworth and erica were out with lois on saturday night. In fact, they just showed me video of you guys together, virtually where were standing now, when she was shot in the head. Tell us about those moments here, the fear and what happened after. We were just trying to have a good time. We had spent most of the evening with her. It had been a while since we all had got together, due to her having a baby and everything. We were just trying to have a good time. Her and brittany had been together, and i met up with them at a local mexican restaurant. We ate, had drinks, had a good time. Later on, we met up at a hookah bar. Then from the hookah bar, we came down here. We got down here at 1 03 a. M. , and shots were fired at 1 05. And you were both next to her. Its only by the grace of god that you werent hit as well. We had parked across the street. We came across the street over here. We reporter the bar just up here . Right. And he shot down the sidewalk. We turned around. We took off running. She fell. I thought she fell because she had tripped. At that point, i grabbed her hand and said come on, lois, we have to go. Theyre still shooting. I kept running with her, holding her hand so i didnt lose her. I took us inside the tumble dld weed. At that point, she was like, brittnie, im hit. Im hit. She was leaking blood from her head. She was conscious, she was talking to you . She was. Reporter in the moments after this, she was talking about her children . She wanted her kids. She said i want my kids. I need my kids. I got on the phone with him and said she just got shot in the head. She was grazed. Guy took his shirt off for me, applied pressure to her head and she started losing consciousness at that point. Reporter moments before we came on air we heard a loud noise and i think it was brakes of a truck but you both flinched. Yes. I can tell the feel was still there. Traumatized. You just didnt expect this to happen and you didnt realize how bad it affected you after because how often are we confronted with a mass shooter, you know, who is shooting directly at you and you dont have a choice but to run for your life. Reporter did you know what was happening when you heard those sounds . We had no idea. We hadnt been here that long. We pulled up, got out of the car at 1 03 across the street here and started walking by blind bobs. He started shooting at 1 05. We didnt even have a chance to get to our destination. He so happened to be coming out of the alley at blind bobs because we later found out he was down here with his family inside of blind bobs. Reporter with his sister, who he killed as well in this. Exactly. Reporter i want to ask you this. I heard a lot consistently, as ive been standing here, outside what is still a crime scene. Do something. You heard that chant. This is your town. What do you want to see your leaders do . The president is here. If you had a moment to talk to the president , what would you say to him . I wouldnt talk to the president because i would think that he would understand what were going through. Not only me as a person but us as a community, you know. I just dont think that he will be able to help the situation. Its really tense here right now. Were suffering and still recovering from the tornado, now this. And i just dont think he can help us right now. However, i wish that things could be different. I dont know what those things could be. I wish that people like that killer couldnt get ahold of Assault Rifles. It shouldnt have been that easy for him to get that. His record was expunged from when he wrote that list. That shouldnt have been. If you wrote a list saying you were going to kill people, ten years later, we should know that. Had we known that, maybe he wouldnt have been able to get that Assault Rifle legally. He got it legally. It seems so simple. It does. I dont know anybody that would disagree with with that. No different than when you apply for a job. You have to do a background check. When youre trying to purchase certain large firearms like that, they should do background checks, talk to his school, see what type of kid he was in school before he purchases the weapons, not after he does a whole mass shooting. Now they want to talk to the school, they want to know what was his history like, what was his mind like . They should do those types of things the same way when you interview for a job. Too often im concerned in the days, weeks, hours after Something Like this happens, we move on, right . And you forget dayton and dayton gets drowned out and your friends loss gets drowned out. Tell us how her family is doing in the wake of this. She leaves behind two little children. I think that her family is doing the best that they can do considering the circumstances. I dont know how it feels to lose a daughter or a sister, you know. I do know how it feels to lose a mother, so my heartaches for her children. To lose their parent. But i know her mother will be the best grandmother to those kids. They wont miss an ounce of love. The community has been so supportive to her family. We were at her house the other afternoon and Dayton Police now this. The squad, everybody rolled past her house. They had banners up, saying dayton strong. They were honking their horn. Listen, im sorry. First of all, im happy youre Still Standing because you were moments way from this yourself. Best to her family and both of you. Thank you for taking the time, brittnie and erica. The president s visit to dayton, ohio, protests building at the hospital where the president is meeting with officials and victims and protests here at the scene of the crime. Stay with us as our coverage continues after this short break. Were reporters from the new york times. This melting pot of impacted species. Everywhere is going to get touched by climate change. [upbeat music] no matter how much you clean, does your house still smell stuffy . Thats because your home is filled with soft surfaces that trap odors and release them back into the room. So, try febreze fabric refresher febreze finds odors trapped in fabrics bubbles popping and cleans them away as it dries. Use febreze every time you tidy up to keep your whole house smelling fresh air clean. Fabric refresher even works for clothes you want to wear another day. Make febreze part of your clean routine for whole home freshness. La la la la la. Hello, everyone. Thank you for joining us for a second hour. My colleague, jim sciutto. Hey, jim. Hey, kate. Here we are again, telling the mass shooting in america. Burning question from the people here in dayton and, im sure, for americans watching at home. President trump has arrived here in dayton in the wake of the shooting that left nine people dead, dozens more wounded. The president has been meeting with local officials, First Responders all this at a nearby miami valley hospital. Many residents grieving the loss of a friend, loved one, someone they knew, someone they worked with. And many are asking their

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