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Indian ocean. Thats where investigators are headed for a closer look at a piece of airplane debris that could be part of Malaysian Airlines flight 370. Reunion island is a long way from the area where search crews are looking for the missing jetliner. Malaysian airlines issued a statement saying it is way too soon to speculate if the debris found could be part of the plane. Cnns brian todd has the latest. Reporter its reported to be almost eight feet long three feet wide and maybe the most tantalizing clue in the 17monthold mystery of mh370, this metallic debris which appears to be from a large plane was discovered off the coast of reunion island in the western indian ocean near madagascar. Now the race is on to see it is from flight 370. After one official said the part seen here in local media appears to be an airline wing flap. It would be part of mh370. The number of triple sevens that crashed in this area are minuscule at best. One says it is too soon to say if it is part of the missing plane. Many have serial numbers attached to the parts which are riveted on to that part. A look to see if it traces back to a boeing plane or any other type of plane. Plight 370 disappeared after taking off on march 8th 2014 bound for beijing but never made it, vanishing without a trace. Sparking an International Search that continues to captivate the world. Authorities know the plane veered off course. But dont know why the boeing 777 with 239 people on board made a dramatic turn over the sea and dont know where the planes journey ended. Using satellite data search officials calculated it went down in the southern indian ocean and most recently have been combing an area of the ocean floor 1,000 miles of perth australia, 700 miles from where the debris was found. Now investigators and scientists are calculatinging if pieces of the plane could have drifted that fwaur. Experts stress other planes have crashed in the area and this piece could be from one of them. Contacted by cnn, boeing would only say it is continuing to provide Technical Expertise to the search teams. Brian todd, cnn, washington. We heard brian todd there. So many unknowns in the investigation. We know the location of the debree may possibly match up with drift modeling done by the australians. Im not alone when i say we need to be cautious. Absolutely. A lot of caution and sensitivity. What you have is 239 families watching this very closely. Nobody wants to get this wrong. It will take time. It will take collaboration between the australians and boeing and the french and pos my malaysia the americans. They want to get it right. I had a chance to talk to the top australian investigator the aft bureau what he said is that where this debris was pick ed up is not inconsistent with the search search zone. 2500 miles away. The distance from new york to los angeles. The drift modeling and i think we have a graphic from a local professor in perth we can show you, it is consistent with a piece of debris making its way from the potential search zone in the blue area and up and around across the indian ocean in to the red area. They are cautioning this is one of the possibilities but the chief of the transport Investigation Agency says it is not inconsistent with where they are looking right now. It is possible that debris the flaperon could have ended up there. This is a complicated investigation. This is an american plane, a boeing plane. The debris was found in french waters. The australians have said they will be the ones to examine the black boxes. What is the role of malaysia in the investigation do you think . This. This is a malaiselation investigation, Malaysian Airlines and they have been working closely with the australians on the search efforts and also with china. The majority of the passengers on board mh370 were headed from kuala lumpur to beijing. They were chinese nationals. Two things at play here. This is beyond the time window of identifying whether the piece is from mh370. Theres still the question of finding the plane and the passengers. We have heard this from Family Members over the past few hours. Australian investigators are saying theres very slim chance this could provide clues. It basically will not narrow down that search area even if this is confirmed to be from the aircraft. Finding the plane and the passengers and after that it is uncovering what happened so that it could potentially never happen again. Thats huge ponceability. Not only weighing on the shoulders of malaysia but International Partners looking at this. They do not want to get this wrong. They certainly have to be cautious. This debris a lot more debris could be floating. David molko, thank you so much. Lets try to get a few more answers here. The chief correspondent is joining us from sydney. We are hearing from boeing this is a piece of debris from triple seven. We know mh370 is a triple seven. The only one listed missing in the world right now. You fill out the rest. Lets taugs caution about it. It is absolutely exactly identified. If we assume it is part of the Malaysian Airlines aircraft it is certainly a major breakthrough in the search. However, we have to keep this in perspective. We have to realize this is not going to answer the major questions about this mystery. Its not going to tell us what happened. Its not going to tell us how it happened. It is not going to tell us precisely where the rest of the aircraft is. So we have to keep that in mind when we are looking at this discovery. What does it tell us . Well with it will absolutely give the investigators once they are able to take a look at this rubbish, for instance they will probably be able to eliminate the possibility of an explosion. If there was an explosion, the aircraft broke up in the midair there would be signs on this piece if an explosion had taken place. If it is apart from the barnacles they found on it because it has been so long in the ocean it was in relatively good condition, it would seemingly point to the aircraft have been pancaked in to the ocean in one piece and that perhaps some pieces broke off as it hit the ocean. It will show there was not a catastrophic breakup of the aircraft. Are you surprised i it is this lone piece found so far . Normally this kind of debris would travel in clusters at least, wouldnt it . There should be more pieces out there . Of course it depends how large the debris field was in the first place. Im not surprised. They found one piece. I imagine im sure now the investigators and the French Police the authorities in reunion will be searching the shores of all of those islands looking for further debris. It wouldnt surprise me if other parts were found on beaches in that area. The bottom line is that everyone saying it is a breakthrough big clue but not going to reverse engineer it because the currents are tricky and it will give us a general idea. The bottom line is they may never find the bulk of the debris of mh370. I disagree with that. I think they will eventually find mh370. I think even then there will be an issue finding out what happened even if they retrieve the black boxes. The fact is the black boxes will only record the last hour or hour and a half of this flight. It will not show what happened when the aircraft diverted on the flight to beijing. It will show whether human hands were involved in controlling this aircraft in the last period of its flight. At least it dispels some of the crazy theories out there. The lane was hijacked, on an island somewhere. We know that much. Thats some certainty. Tom, its always good to speak to you. I want to bring in our meteorologist meteorologist. You were talking about how the indian ocean giers andyres could have ended up 2500 miles from where the initial search area was. A long ways away. Generally thats the case. We can talk about the global ocean currents here and generally they move in a certain direction. Things get a little trickier here. We will show you the difference here. Set the stage and show you what we are talking about. The search area remains to the west of australia. As we fly you closer here this is the arc they have been searching here. This is the best case where they think the debris field is lying there. It is a large search area. The debris was found upwards of 2,647 miles away. That has been over a year now. This thing has been floating out there and has been influenced by the ocean currents at this point here. The ocean currents there are five gyres across here because of the circular nature. The gyres do so as well. The piece found on the beach on the coast was large enough buoyant enough to be carried by these gyres which control essentially the first 300 meters or so above the ocean current here. One we are particularly interested in is the indian ocean gyre and Southern Hemisphere. And things move toward the left in the Southern Hemisphere. Wind direction, ocean current will be deflected toward the left here. On the northern side of the indian ocean gyre here is what we are talking about, everything is moving west. Generally things undulating toward though west with. There are nuances with the ocean currents here. Generally we have a west ward motion here. If you talk about reverse engineering its going to be tricky. You have some eddies here as well. I think their best guess is where they have been looking over the last year and a half here. May not tell us much here but it is at least one of the pieces in the puzzle as far as the wreckage is concerned. Thank you, ivan. So many twists and turns but as soon as they identify the serial numbers on that piece of debris hopefully an update on another Malaysian Airliner which was brought down this time we head to the United Nations. Just as a recap to what happened mh 17 was shot down in territory held by pro russian separatists. All 298 on board were killed. Still to come here a u. S. Police officer facing murder charges after shooting a driver during a traffic stop. His the story his body camera tells as the officer defends his actions. To zimbabwe a man accused of helping a hunter kill a famous lion have appeared in court. We will have the latest an the worldwide outrage it has triggered. Stay with us. Look at that Beautiful Hotel on tripadvisor. Wait. Why leave the site . Dont you know the tripadvisor youve always trusted for reviews, book now checks over 200 websites to find the best price . Book. Book. Book over 200 sites checked to find the best price. So dont just visit tripadvisor. Book at tripadvisor. And when you bundle your home and Auto Insurance through progressive, youll save a bundle [ laughs ] jamie. Right. Make a bad bundle joke a buck goes in the jar. I guess thats just how the cookie bundles. Now, youre gonna have two bundles of joy im not pregnant. Im gonna go. [ tapping, Cash Register dings ] there you go. [ buzzing ] bundle bee coming it was worth it saving you a bundle when you bundle now, thats progressive. Welcome back. An update on the breaking news. A piece of airplane wreckage found off the coast of reunion nield the western indian ocean, not far from madagascar. A source tells cnn it appears to be a part of the boeing 777 the same model of Malaysian Airlines flight 370. As a recap the plane disappeared last march, march 8th on a trip from call lacall la lum pure ba if this is the piece of the wing the thread of hope i have been holding on to will have to break. Reality will have to take over. But up until now, i am and most of the Family Members have continued to believe until we have a body we cant give up hoping they will come back. I cant imagine what they are going through. We know they are sending a team of investigators to reunion island to get a closer look. Out spoken since first started and maybe she will get the closure clearly not easy. To the United States where a former Police Officer in the state of ohio is expected in court in the coming hours. He will be facing murder charges. A grand jury indicted ray tensing in the shooting death of 43yearold Samuel Dubose. This shooting in cincinnati was captured on tensings body camera during a traffic stop. This video may be disturbing. Im going to ask you again, do you have your license on. I have my license. You can check my name. You dont have a license on you . Im asking you a direct question do you have your license on you . Why did you pull me over . Again, the front tag. It is not legal to have a front tag in cincinnati. Actually it is. Im going to can you again, do you have your license on. I have a license you can run it again again. Is that on you. I i dont think i have it on me. Be straight up with me are you suspended . Im not suspended. Okay why dont you have your license on you . Okay. Until i can figure out if you have a license, g ahead and take your seat belt off. I didnt do anything. Ahead and take your seat belt off. Ired from his job. The 25yearold turned himself in to authorities after the indictment. Tensing says he feared for his life and thought dubose was going to run him over. The Prosecutor Says tensing is making an excuse for a purposeful killing. I have been doing this for over 30 years. This is the most asinine act i have ever seen a Police Officer make. Totally unwarranted. It was an absolute tragedy in the year 2015 that anyone would behave in this manner. A small number of people gathered on wednesday night outside of a cincinnati courthouse calling for justice for dubose. We will move to another story which has been breaking earlier today. His death had been long rumored but now the Afghan Government said the founder of the taliban is dead. They say mullah omar died in karachi pakistan two year ago after an unknown illness. Two weeks ago, the taliban released a statement attributed to omar. The terror group claimed he was still its leader earlier this year. Two men accuse of helping an american hunter kill zimbabwes famous lion appeared in court today. Both say they are innocent. The american hunter a dentist, his name is Walter Palmer. He said he didnt know the killing of the lie yn was illegal and because of the backlash from the incident he appears to have gone in to hiding as our ryan young reports. Reporter where is dr. Walk wither j. Palmer . Im so disgusted with that man to shoot any lion. But a lion like that, lure it out of the preserve and shoot him. I mean how could anyone think that is sport . Just appalling. Reporter cnn tried to find him at his minneapolis home but no one answered the door. In fact he has gone underground after releasing this statement which read in part i deeply regret my pursuit of an activity that i love and rack tis responsibly and legally resulted in the taking of this lion. Preserves are meant to preserve wildlife not lure them off and poach them. A wealthy dentist from minneapolis is under a torrent of criticism after a Conservation Group alleged that dr. Palmer and his guides lured cecil out of the park sanctuary and shot it with a bow and arrow, pursuing the animal 40 hours before killing, skinning and beheading him, all for a trophy kill. Authorities say palmer paid at least 50,000 for the hunt. Now the dentist with a practice and a home this this upscale neighborhood finds himself hunted as questions remain of whether he will face charges in zimbabwe. T documents show an individual, the same as the dentist was put on probation for killing a black bear in wisconsin and then lying to u. S. Fish and Wildlife Services about it. He pleaded guilty got probation and paid a 3,000 fine. In Zimbabwe Conservation Officials Say the hunters tried to destroy the Research Tracking collar cecil wore. These two men seen here have been arrested for the slaying. A professional hunter and landowner released on 1,000 bail. Both facing upwards of ten years in jail. Their Attorney Says they are innocent. Dr. Palmer says he relied on their expertise as guides to ensure a legal hunt. It is a bad image for africa and shouldnt be condoned. I think action should be taken. Reporter back state side questions remain of what is to become of dr. Palmer . With many on social media mourning the lions demise steadily coming to an anger and outrage. Even jimmy kimmel responded at one point choking up. If you want to do something, if you want to make it in to a positive sorry. Im okay good. Make a donation and support them at the at least, maybe we can show the world not all americans are like this jack hole here. Jimmy kilometerle mmel emotional there. You can find more about their work by visiting the wildcru. Com. Dot org, not dotcom in case you want to go there. More on the breaking news investigators are on the way to the indian ocean for a closer look at airplane debris that could be from malaysia Airlines Flight 370. Push your enterprise and you can move the world. But to get from the old way to the new youll need the right it infrastructure. From a partner who knows how to make your enterprise more agile, borderless and secure. Hp helps business move on all the possibilities of today. 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A controlling flaperon as they call it. So it meets the first part of a test for the match. It is the right type of piece to find and the right color, condition. It has barnacles on it. It is something consistent in the water for 500 day s roughly. Now you have to check out the identifiers or serial numbers on this piece. Most every part has serial numbers on it, like this seat cushion from a different plane. If they find the serial number and it matches the malaysia air flight, then that is a deal. They will know, they have evidence of what happened to that plane. Doesnt answer the question how did it wind up where it is. Remember all the search areas for this plane were near the coast of australia over here. How did this get all the way over there, some 2300 miles or more away . Thats where they have to look at the currents and see if in fact ocean currents were Strong Enough to push it to reunion island and give us us maybe the First Physical piece of what happened to this missing plane. Thauz that was our tom foreman there. If the plane debris is from a triple seven she is fairly confident it is from mh370. I spoke to her a while ago. There havent been that many plain plane crashes there. One in 2009 if this part was from that plane crash. That was not a boeing plane and not a triple seven. It would have been much more water damage and more covered with barnacles. By process of elimination it certainly seemed to point to the Malaysia Airlines plane. The flaperons, this piece of debris that was found, the flaperon a combination of the flaps and the alerons that are used to turn the plane and take off and landing, does that tell us anything of what could have happened here . It can. Obviously if you have the flaps extended if they are down it gives a greater surface area and more lift. It is important in landing. You have to put the flaps down and for take off you have to have them set in a certain area too. Clearly the plane wasnt taking off. Some might suggest if this flap was down that perhaps the plane was in some sort of a landing configuration or trying to get extra lift or thought they would have to make a water landing or the complete opposite. That the plane was on auto pilot and no one was controlling it and it was part of a stall. In other words, the plane had lost the speed that it needed to go forward and it was spiraling down and turning. Initially the search area was focused off of australia. Now it has been found, a piece of debris potentially, i want to emphasize it could be been found near madagascar. Does that tell us where other pieces of debris could also be . Well there are two schools of thought. One is that it traveled the two to three thousand mile actress the search area with the currents. The currents are strong. The currents would be taking the pieces in that direction. However, if i was directing a search i wouldnt want to rely on that. I probably would go back out and search in the areas closer to the point where theres washed ashore to and certainly comb the shores of the area and look at the shores along africa to see if there are any parts of any other countries on the other side of the island. And madagascar as well. Because, you know parts can travel long distances. And i have had plane crash investigations that i have worked on that they have washed up years later. Id want to look a little closer to the reunion island. Finally, mary, what sort of closure are will this debris bring to those 239 families do you think if it is indeed part of mh370 . You know i have had the opportunity to speak to many many of them. They have reached out for information. You know it will bring information and it will of course let them know if this is a piece of the plane where the plane finally did come to rest in to the ocean. But closure isnt really real for them and will never be because there are too many Unanswered Questions and mysteries. They have never had an opportunity to lay their loved ones to rest. I dont think they will ever have closure but this will answer an important question of where are they . Those families may indeed never have any closure. Mary schavio speaking to me earlier there. The former Inspector General of the u. S. Department of transportation. John . About 3500 migrants have tried to cross the channel tunnel from france to the United Kingdom in the last two days. French official says nine migrants have died since june attempting this dangerous journey. Some risked their lives by hopping fences and trying to jump on to trucks or trains which then take them to the u. K. Many of these migrants are from africa as well as the middle east. The u. S. Now where secretary of state john kerry is facing tough questions from Senate Republicans over the iran nuclear diehl deal. Barbara starr has more on heated exchanges on capitol hill including one with a republican president ial candidate. They can walk they can legally walk from this agreement. The fireworks over the Iran Nuclear Deal getting hotter each day. Why on earth didnt we insist as a condition press dense to getting any deal at all that iran for the love of god cease and desist from its terrorist ambitions. It would be great and ideal if one could negotiate that. We felt we had to keep this targeted on the greatest threat of all that you have just defined which is the potential of their having a nuclear weapon. A stunning revelation from the chairman of the joint chiefs. Revealing his view on a key part of the agreement which lifts sanctions on Ballistic Missiles in eight years and lifts sanctions against conventional arms trade in five. When you became before the committee then you said under no circumstances should we relieve pressure on iran on those issues. Was it your military recommendation that we not agree to lifting of those sanctions . Yes. And i used the phrase as long as possible and then that was the point at which the negotiation continued. But yes that was my military advice. One senator, a president ial candidate, pressing the defense secretary on how he views the iranian regime. Does the supreme leaders religious views compel him over time to destroy israel and attack america . I dont know. I dont know the iman. Let me tell you, i do. I know the man. I know what he wants. If you dont know that this is not a good deal. Lindsey graham there, the Senate Republican president ial candidate closing out that report there from barbara starr. Congress begun a 60day review period of the deal and is expected to vote on it come september. To india now where that country has executed a man for plotting the 1993 bombings in mumbai that killed 257 people. He was hanged inside of a jail in western india earlier today. A trial Court Sentenced him to death in 2007. He was considered a key conspirator behind 12 bomb blasts that ripped through hotels markets and buildings in mumbai on march 12th 1993 the deadliest terror attack in the countrys history. A quick break here on cnn newsroom. When we come back new england patriot star tom brady now taking his case to federal court. Thats after the nfl upheld his fourgame suspension. The furious response from the teams owner coming up. This is the story of a family who was constantly on tripadvisor. They would browse through real travellers photos. He would practice. bark they would read helpful hotel reviews. He would practice. bark until one day. Book book book book over 200 sites checked to find the best price. So dont just visit tripadvisor. Book at tripadvisor [ horn honks melody ] well, well. If it isnt the belle of the ball. Gentlemen. You look well. Whats new, flo . Well, a name your price tool went missing last week. Name your what, now . It gives you Coverage Options based on your budget. I just hope whoever stole it knows that it only works at progressive. Com. So, you cant use it to just buy stuff . No. Im sorry, gustav. We have to go back to the pet store. [ gustav squawks ] hes gonna meet us there. The name your price tool. Still only at progressive. Com. Welcome back. We want to get you caught up on our breaking news. A team of investigators is headed to the remote reunion island in the indian ocean. Where a piece of airplane debris has been found that could be from malaysia Airlines Flight 370. A source tells cnn aircraft maker boeing it appears to be a part of the wing from one of the triple sevens the same type of plane from mh370. The jetliner disappeared in march of last year on a flight to beijing. To the u. S. Where a long serving congressman has been indicted on racketeering charges by a grand jury. He faces 29 charges tied to several allege allegedly corrupt schemes. They are accused of misusing hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign, charitable and federal funds. He denies any wrongdoing. I never been involved in any wrongdoing any unlawful activity or missproept appropriatuation of federal funds. I have spent my time helping people. We have helped at least 25 million we can count. I will spend my time helping millions more. Many of the charges stems from fatahs run in 2007 for mayor of philadelphia. He has been a congressman more than 20 years. Three members of a College Fraternity are suing Rolling Stone magazine for defamation for a story that accused frat members of gang raping a woman. The three men who graduated in 2013 attended the university of virginia. Rolling stone retracted the story after questions arose over the magazines reporting and the article was then discredited. The Nfl Players Association filed an appeal in u. S. Federal court on pe half of new england patriot star tom brady. It comes a day after the league upheld his suspension for allegedly using underinflated footballs during a playoff win earlier this year. On wednesday, patriots owner robert kraft ripped in to the decision calling it unfathomable. I was wrong to put my face in the league. Given the facts, evidence and laws of science that underscore this entire situation, it is completely incomprehensible to me that the league continues to take steps to disparage one of its alltime great players and a man for whom i have the upmost respect. Personally this is very sad and disappointing to me. Brady is maintaining his innocence. He released a statement on facebook saying in part i did nothing wrong and no one in the Patriots Organization did either. Of course brady did have his assistant destroy his cell phone. Unfathomable. On that note we will take a break. When we come back, donald Trump Doubles down on his criticism of a lawyer who says he called her disgusting. That story is coming up. So what im saying is, people like options. When you take geico, you can call them anytime you feel like saving money. It dont matter, day or night. Use your computer, your smartphone, your tablet, whatever. The point is you have options. Oh, how convenient. Hey. Crab cakes, what are you looking at . Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. People with type 2 diabetes come from all walks of life. If you have high blood sugar ask your doctor about farxiga. 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Thats the same model as the Malaysian Airline must be number which can disappeared on a flight fromto beijing. A team is heading there for a furs hand look. Safety analyst says investigators can tell a lot from the debris. There are two clues that are unique about parts that would have drifted this far. One is you know of course how long it has been in the water. And what debris is on it. You might be able to get clues as to where it traveled from. Secondly you can also look at the way it is broken apart to determine the entry in to the water, whether was a skid on ditching or a sudden penetration of the water. Just by the way the metal is torn and how it came off the wing. I can see in these photos there is evidence this was a sudden tear. It wasnt something that slowly worked its way off and caused the accident. This is went to some event either running out of fuel or perhaps we dont really know at this point obviously but there are clues that are available from whats on that part. Cnn analyst there now. Finding the debris so far to the west is possible based on drift modelling they have done on ocean currents. To u. S. Politics now and president ial candidate donald trump has remained in the headlines for his brash opinions on pretty much everything. Now he is facing allegations that he lashed out and stormed out of a deposition in 2011 because of a breast pump. This is how the lawyer on the other end of that interaction described it on an interview with cnns new day. Listen. He had an absolute meltdown when i said i needed the break. And it was for breast pumping purposes. He got up. His face got red. He shook his finger at me and he screamed you are disgusting. You are disgusting. And he ran out of there. Trump no stranger to controversy has fired back. Listen to what he had to say about the lawyer and her accusations in an interview with cnns dana bash. She said that you got up shook your finger screamed you are disgusting you are disgusting and ran out. Okay. I watched that and i thought it was disgraceful. Shes a terrible attorney. She lost her case in to me. In fact i won legal fees. The judge awarded legal fees which is rare when you get that. But we beat her soundly. She has a terrible reputation in my opinion. She as a terrible reputations. Bottom line i beat her. And what happened is in the middle of everything it wasnt breastfeed. It was breast pump. She wanted to pump in front of me during a deposition. The way she described it is she wanted to take a break. Not true. If you ask my lawyer who was there, he said i have never seen anything like it. She wanted to breast pump in front of me. I may have said thats disgusting. I may have said something else. I thought it was terrible. Shes a horrible person. Knows nothing about me. I see her, she is now the great expert on donald trump. I guess the question isnt so much that she is an expert but she does have an experience which she clearly doesnt think was very good. She lost. Thats what the country needs. The country nieds somebody who is going to win. We always lose. We lose on trade, to china, japan, mexico. We lose to everybody. Wouldnt it be nice if we could win something . I beat her so badly. Shes a vicious, horrible person. Because you are not a politician we dont have your voting record to go on. We dont have we have your experience as a businessman and part of your experience are legal issues. I guess the question is can i so many people are on television that dont know me and they are like experts on me. You know when Michael Jackson died. I knew him very well and everybody was talking about Michael Jackson. They didnt know him. Some of them never met him and i laughed to myself. Here they are talking about Michael Jackson and they never met him. But she i dont think that anyone is saying shes an expert on donald trump. She claims to be. She is somebody who is recounting an experience she had. I guesses my question is is she lost. My question is people are looking at that. They are thinking okay if he blows up at a lawyer in a deposition. I didnt blow up. Negotiating what would you do if vlad peer putin challenged you . Oh, believe me. I would do well with him. I get along with people. I didnt blow up at a deposition. I dont blow up. So that didnt happen. She is wrong. That didnt happen . She made it up. Trump firing back defending himself. The remark comes on the heels of another controversy surrounding pump. Earlier this week one of his top aides and attorneys told the daily beast that legally you can not rape your spouse. Because its wrong. A lot of people upset. Trump said he was wrong and later apologized. The aide of donald trump said he was wrong and donald trump distanced himself from the aide and says he speaks for himself. Donald trump has been keeping a lot of score on candidates within his own party. On wednesday one of his rivals responded with an unusual challenge. Take a listen. Mr. Trump had a couple of interesting things to say about you. Id like to get your response to them. He said you dont belong on the debate stage on august 6th. He questioned your energy toughness and quote unquote brain power that it might require to run a successful campaign. What would you say to mr. Trump if he were here saying that in your presence . Lets get a pull up bar out there and see who can do the most pullups. There that is rick perry there. I cant believe he said that. Really. That is u. S. Politics for you. Thank you for watching. Errol barnett is up next with more cnn newsroom after a short break. Stay with us. Hp instant ink can save you up to 50 on ink delivered to your door, so print all you want and never run out. Plans start at 2. 99 a month. Right now, buy an eligible printer, and get three months of free ink with hp instant ink. Available at participating retailers. The most affordable way to print. Hp instant ink. 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At pg e weve definitely put a focus on helping our agricultural customers through the drought. When they do an Energy Efficiency project and save that money they feel it right in their pocket book. Its exciting to help a customer with an Energy Efficiency project because not only are they saving energy but they are saving water. We have a lot of projects at pg e that can help them with that and thats extremely important while were in a drought. Its a win for the customer and its a win for california. Together, were building a better california. A plane has been found off an island near madagascar. Experts think from mh370. Plus an update on the passenger jet shot down over ukraine. Russia blocks an attempt to prosecute those responsible. Outrage in ohio an unarmed black man killed by a white Police Officer now the officer indicted on murder charges. Hello, im Errol Barnett with you for two hours on cnn. To those of you in the u. S. And around the world. Thank you for joining us. This is cnn newsroom. We begin with what could be a major lead in the disappearance of the Malaysian Airline a year ago. A piece of airplane wreckage has been found off the coast of reunion island in the western indian ocean near madagascar. The source tells cnn it appears to be part of a boeing 777. The same model of mh370. Malaysia sending a team of investigators now to the island to get their hand on this piece of debris. Of course give it a closer look. Cnns kate baldwin spoke with a man whose life was on mh370. Talking about a small part of a large airplane. So the basic question that arises to me at least, so where is the plane . And where are passengers . And what really happened . Why might something have happened . Who are, whose responsible . So these are questions that spring up. It is a very small piece of what should i say, a more evolving emerging scenario here. And to me i think that it raises more questions than it answers at this point in time. Now, if the debris turns out to be that of mh370 it still is an if at this stage, could be the first step in solving one of the greatest mysteries in aviation history. Here is brian todd. Roipt is reporter it is 8 feet long, 3 feet wide and may be the most tantalizing clue in the 17 month mystery. This metallic debris which appears from a large plane discovered off reunion island in the indian ocean near madagascar. The race is on to see if it is from missing Malaysian Airlines flight 370 after a french air official said the part seen here in local media appears to be a wing flap. If it is 777 it is pretty clear it would be part of mh378 the number of 777s that crashed are minuscule at best. One french official stresses it is way too soon to say if this is part of the missing plane. What do authorities need to examine from this piece of wreckage to possibly come up with a match. Many parts of boeing airplanes have serial numbers attached to the particular parts riveted on to the particular part. Theyll look to see if the serial number traces back to boeing airplane on any type of airplane. In addition to that. You are going to be able to find out, does this part match up with a specific diagram of of parts of the triple 7. Flight 370 disappeared after taking off on march 8, 2014. Bound for beijing. But it never made it. Vanishing without a trace. Sparking an International Search that continues to captivate the world. Authorities know the plane intentionally veered off course but say they dont know why the boeing 777 with 239 people on board made a dramatic turn over the sea between malaysia and vietnam. And they dont know exactly where the planes journey ended. Using satellite data search officials calculated the plane went down in southern indian ocean. Most recently been combing an area of ocean floor 1,000 miles west of perth, australia, 2,700 miles from where this debris was found. Now investigators and scientists s are cal cue lagt if pieceku calculating. It is definitely possible it could have drifted that far considering the time in the water. Reporter experts stressed other planes have crashed in the area this piece of wreckage could be from one of them. Contacted by cnn boeing would say it is continuing to provide Technical Expertise to the search teams. Brian todd cnn, washington. Now australian Officials Say finding the debris so far to the west is possible based on their study of ocean currents. Cnns correspondent has been covering the search for mh 370 since the plane vanished he joins us from hong kong. David we should reiterate we dont have confirmation yet this is mh370. We do have encouraging information that makes this a very strong possibility, just tell us what officials are telling you. Errol, encouraging have to say caution is still the word of the day here. A lot of stake holders in this. They do not want to get this wrong, errol. There has been so much that has gone into the search. Arguably the most expensive search for the plane in history. One of the greatest mysteries as well of all time. Remember they have had nothing to go on. Not a single piece of physical evidence. In fact the whole search area was determined by a number of satellite handshakes. You know communication between the plane and a satellite. What we are hearing though from australian officials, specifically the Top Transport safety investigators, name is martin dolan, the discovery of this potential debris is not inconsistent with where they have been looking. The search area some 2,000 miles off the coast of australia. It is not inconsistent with that a local oceanographer who has been looking at mh370 studying the Southern Ocean since the plane went down and well before has done some modeling. I think we have a graphic we can show you of that. Also not inconsistent the debris over 17 months could have made its way across the indian ocean, driven by currents from the east. Across to the west. The question though errol, there are a lot of unknowns here. There is cautious optimism on the part of australia that theyre still looking in the right place. This underwater search will continue. Again they do not want to get this wrong. This information as encouraging as it is coming some 17 months after the plane went missing. What about the families of the many victims, so many of them already complained about the language the way they have been treated the entire time by officials from the airline, and various nations have you heard any reaction from them so far today . Errol, we cannot forget the 239 passengers and crew on board the flight and 239 families who at this point more than 500 days after this plane disappeared, are still waiting for answers. Are still waiting for any thread of proof of what happened. To the missing Malaysian Airlines flight. Sarah bayjack, partner phillip wood one of the passengers on the plane. She spoke to Anderson Cooper a short time ago. Heres what she said. If ultimately this is a piece of the wing that that little thread of hope i have been holding on to will have to break. And reality will have to take over. Yeah up until now i and most of the Family Members have continued to believe that until we have a bedody we cannot give up hoping that they will still come back. Errol, listening to sarah there it is certainly clear why the search team thousands, why the investigators, australians involved malaysia involved french aviation investigators, bea, the ntsb out of the United States all looking at this boeing to see if they can determine one way or another. If it is from mh370. Lots of question bees ynds beyond that. Will it help if they trace it back. Figure where the plane went down. Their rote search area. Australian Officials Say unlikely. The search for the passengers and the plane continues today. Some 2,000 miles off the coast of australia. Errol. Cannot forget with 239 passengers crew you have literally hundred of families around the world right now watching this so closely hoping to get some answers. David will be connecting with us throughout the day from hong kong. David, thank you. At this moment we want to turn to greg waldron, asian manage editor for Flight Global joins us live from singapore to talk about what a very encouraging development, i want to find out from you, based on scarce info we have now. How confident are you that this is in fact mh370 . Well it seems consistent with the flaperon of a 777, aircraft. The size is right. This would probably be a part of the aircraft that would float assuming it got loose from the plane when it hit water. It is interesting to find this. There is still so many Unanswered Questions about the disaster. Ive dont think it helps us very much in terms of resolving this mystery. Just looking at the flaperon by itself, seeing it alone doesnt necessarily give us any answers. It is possibly part of the wing. Buoyant enough to float through the indian ocean and get there to reunion island. What does that at the very least tell us about the plane debris . If anything . Well with these types of crashes you are going to see about 90 or more of the aircraft actually sink to the, you know the sea floor. There could be other bits and bobs floating around. Maybe pieces of the wing. Other pieces of material. Maybe, you know, livefe jackets that kind of thing could theoretically be floating around there. Could be. Such a long time since the crash in the ocean so vast. Could be a while before we find anything. The debris field is probably expanded immensely since the crash obviously. We have malaysian officials literally racing to get to reunion island. Preliminarily does look like a part of a boeing 777. You confirmed there. If and when it is confirmed as part of mh370. How will that change the search if at all . Not sure how much they can do. It has been again so long since the crash. And i imagine modeling ocean currents could be extremely difficult. We have seen certain graphics publications to show this is not inconsistent with the crash off the coast of western australia. So while this does dismiss some of the more bizarre conspiracy theories i dont think it gets us that much closer to actually locating the keys to the investigation which are the flight data recorder and the cockpit voice recorder which are absolutely essential for the understanding of the disaster. All right. Well piece of debris that is being analyzed as we speak. Greg waldron, asian managing editor for Flight Global. Thank you for joining us today from sing pour. Apore. A look at how this piece of debris could cross the indian ocean. Our meteorologist joins us with a barackdown breakdown of how that could happen. Ivan cabrera. How it got to the island rather than tracing it back to where it originated from. Thats what we want. That will be the tricky part. Show you the ocean currents and how complicated they are in a second. What we are talking about. This is australia. This is the search area. Continues. Fly you in closer. Be able to see we are talking about 4,000 kilometers away. From the search area. There is reunion island. There is where the debris was found. The gires are driven by global circulation party in the atmospheres here. The air pushing the water. In the north atlantic we have the north atlantic and North Pacific gire counter clockwise circulation, because of the way the coreolis force works anything deflected to the right. Southern hemisphere the other way around. Things are deflected to the left here. When we talk about the indian ocean here on the northern flank of that we see things moving from east to west. So specifically certainly we can, trace the event from the crash site and the debris and it is going to be moving to the west. Remember talking to a colleague when this first occur. If we dont find the debris field. This will eventually land on some kind of island or shore and that is exactly what happened here. As far as tracing it back theyre going to be doing complicated, that is ongoing. Errol. Doing some drifting modeling to trace back where the debris would have come from lead us to the crash site which is still the big mystery. Whether this debris is the one that is going to got us back there remains to be seen. At least we are beginning to move in the right direction. As you mention now we can put away all the other theories that were floating out there. All right. Ivan cabrera there. Showing us how some of the gires play into this. Thank you very much. See you again soon. Ever since mh370 vanished a year ago, loved ones of those on board have been waiting desperately for answers. There have been a number of theories as to what happened to the plane. And our sara sidner has more. Reporter good night malaysian 370. The last word anyone would hear from the illfated flight causing unimaginable grief. And unleashing theories from the technical to the sinister. Among them the pilot crashed the plane on purpose. Investigators looked into whether suicide could have been a reason ultimately the International Independent investigation Committee Said it found no indications that would cast suspicion on him or the crew. Terrorism. Did some one commandeer or hijack the plane to crash it. Experts are divided on thisser to. But hijackers, usually have clear demand. That never materialized. And no terrorist group claimed responsibility which led investigators to believe those options are not viable. The plane landed somewheres as the the months ticked by and no pieces of the plane were discovered. Some speculated it was possible the plane had landed. But no communications from the people on board or hijacked demands made that seem less pos but. Mechanical failure, a theory that a catastrophic mechanical failure brought the air craft down is still being kidded. Considered. Rapid decompression. The cabin loses pressure and passengers and crew become unconscious. Plane on autopilot flies until it runs out of fuel and crashes. Without evidence, they are all just theories leaving grieving families in limbo wondering what happened to those they lost. Now in addition to those developments about plane debris in the western indian ocean, we are also following news including air tragedy in Eastern Ukraine. Why malaysian officials are dismayed by russias latest moves. Stay with us. Shopping online. Is as easy as it gets. 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Book over 200 sites checked to find the best price. So dont just visit tripadvisor. Book at tripadvisor. Welcome back. Lets get you caught up on the breaking news this hour. A team of malaysian investigators is heading to the remote reunion island in the western indian ocean. Where a piece of airplane debris found could be from malaysian flight 370. A source tells cnn the debris appears to be part of the wing from a boeing 777. The jetliner disappeared in march of last year on a flight from kuala lumpur to beijing. Now, get you to the United Nations where earlier the focus was the downing of another Malaysian Airliner. Russia vetoed a Security Council resolution to establish an International Tribunal to prosecute those suspected of shooting down malaysia Airlines Flight 17. Russia indicated earlier the resolution was premature and too political. That prompted malaysias transport minister to say this. We are deeply disappointed at a failure to adopt and draft a resolution for mh 17 despite our persistent effort to address Council Members concern and to breach our differences. Mh17 was shot down over Eastern Ukraine just over a year ago. All 298 people on bored that flight were killed. In the u. S. A Police Officer is expected in court in just a few hours to face a murder charge in the shooting death of an unarmed black man. People rallied in Cincinnati Ohio wednesday for 43yearold Samuel Dubose shot and killed during a traffic stop. The shooting was caught on the officers body camera. We will show it to you here. It is disturbing. Officer ray tensing turned himself in. I have been doing this for over 30 years. This is the most asinine act i have ever seen a Police Officer make. Totally unwarranted. Now members of duboses family of course are grieving but say at the very least theyre thankful there was video of the shooting. If it were not for that video camera sam would be no different than all the other incidents because the second officer was ready to corroborate every lie that the first officer said in the report. So i just want to be very clear we feel for a lot of families out there. I wasnt even really big on video cameras. Every day i am going to be marching for video cameras. Because my brother was being prosecuted for frying totrying to kill a Police Officer, he dragged him, he assaulted him, he gave him alcohol, when there was never an open container of alcohol, he was everything violent because he had children and weed charges. That man shot my brother dead. This would be the same if it were not for that video camera. Duboses sister. Tensing said he feared for his life and thought dubose was going to run him over. To other stories we are following for you. U. S. Republican president ial candidate donald trump expected in scotland. The course now called trump turnbury is hosting womens british open begins there today. The second type the championship has been held there. Some of trumps critics accused hem of flipflopping on health care. A big issue in this election. His views have changed over the years to a more conservative stance. In an interview with cnns dana bash he explained where he stands now. Health care in this book. You at the time said you were conservative on most use but lb ral on health care. You advocated a single payer system. Sort of canadian style. Universal health care. What is your position now . At the type, iime, i will say this we were having not the difficulty with obama care. Obama care is number one, maybe least importantly, costing the country a fortune. Also a very bad form very bad. People are losing their plans. Theyre losing their doctors. Doctors, you know one of the biggest problems nobody talks about. Doctors are all leaving. Leaving the profession. Do you think the answer is single payer system . The answer we have to knock down the borders and let people compete. We do where it may be different than other people. I want to take care of everybody you. Have a group of people that arent able to take care of themselves. How do you do that . Have to work out a deal with hospitals where they can get some help. When theyre sick, when they hatch no have no munoney and sick. If a republican, conservative, a very conservative person. If a conservative doesnt like the fact that i have to want to take care of some body if theyre really sick and they have no money. I want to help the person. How do you do that . Work out a very very smart deal with hospitals around the country. So you are in the oval office you are saying obama care. Got to go. Repeal and replace with something terrific. And the terrific is . Terrific will be plans done by private companies. I have to be able to compete. I want to be able to compete and go to company in california. Company in iowa. Company in new hampshire. I will get a good price. The only way the government should really be involved is they have to make sure the come pans are financially strong. So if they have catastrophic events or if they make a miscal cue lags they have calculation, they make money. Other than that they is private. At the other end where people have no money. I want to help those people. I dont think there is anything wrong with that. So they calls, now it will not belike a good plan like the finest plan that somebody that has made some money or has a good living can do. But you got to be able to help the people can you imagine you have no money and you get sick. Like somebody else. And you have no place to go . And you know what if i lose votes over that or if i dont get a nomination over that thats just fine with me. It would be government assistance . You have to help people. And at this moment donald trump is leading in Republican National polls among republicans. Hell likely be pressed to explain his views on this issue and others at the first republican primary debate in ohio next week. Now much more on our breaking news for you coming up. Airplane debris found in the western indian ocean. Investigators are looking into whether it could be the first piece found from malaysia Airlines Flight 370. Leave early go roam sleep in sleep out star gaze dream big wander more care less beat sunrise chase sunset do it all. On us. Get your first months payment plus five years wear and tear coverage. Make the most of summer. With volvo. My name is jamir dixon and im a locate and Mark Fieldman for pg e. Most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg e. My truck is something new. Its an 811 truck. 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The man was hanged inside a jail in western india earlier today. He was kidconsidered a key conspirator of 12 bomb blasts that ripped through hotels markets, and buildings, march 12 1993 the deadliest tear railroad attack in indias history. The Afghan Government says the reclusive leader of the taliban is dead. Intelligence Officials Say mullah omar died in a hospital in karachi, pakistan in 2013. Death long rumored those the taliban claimed he was in charge of the terror Group Earlier this year. Now at this moment we are getting a feed from australia where warren trust the deputy Prime Minister is updating the media on developments on what could be a piece of mh370. Lets have a listen. The refvelation that the parts may come from missing malaysia Airlines Flight 370. Operated by a boeing 777. And the photographs suggest parts that are not inconsistent with a boeing 777. But there are other possibilities. People require examination by experts to prove established positively that the parts are indeed from a 777. Another step to establish that parts came from 777 that operated mh370. Work is being undertaken by various agencies to try and advance that investigation. There is a number on the part bb670. Not a serial number or registration number. But it is possible that it could be a maintenance number. And that might help an early investigation. Im informed it is a realistic possibility that wreckage from from mh370, if if the entered the indian ocean in the place where a current Search Operations are being undertaken could have reached the reunion islands in the 16 months since the incident. Indeed areas around madagascar not very far from the reunion island were identified as a likely landfall if indeed there were parts of the aircraft left floating. Now this kind of work is obviously going to take some time although the number may help to identify the Aircraft Parts assuming thats what they are. Much much much more quickly than what other, otherwise would be the case. On a day look toike today when we receive information about Aircraft Parts being discovered there is particular stress on the families of the 293 people who lost their lives in this disaster. We thingk especially of them. At an australian level we have sought to make contact with all the families and have in most cases to keep them informed of the latest development and we will continue to ensure that their interests are foremost in the way in which we deal with the issue. I should point out that while australia has a particular responsibility in relation to the search for mh370 on the assumption that we are searching in the australian sea and rescue area the reunion island are french territory. So the responsibility fall primarily investigating this debris rests with the french and of course the malaysians who are the flag carriers of the aircraft. Nonetheless, australia has again offered our assistance in this investigation. We have asked the csro and institute of Marine Research to have a look at the photographs and assess whether the barnacles that are evident in those photographs are consistent with something that was floating in the oceans for 16 months or nor and to give us any other advice that might assist in the examination examination. The information that we have is consistent with the search thats being undertaken at the present time. It supports the it supports the satellite data and the identification of the area in the southern indian ocean as the most likely place where the aircraft could have entered the waters. Of course a piece of debris could have float aid veryed a very very long way in 16 months. And it is a very very long way from the reunion island to to the place where we think the aircraft entered the water. Now this obviously a very Significant Development. Its the first real evidence that there is a possibility that a part of the aircraft may have been found. Its too early to make the judgment. Clearly we are treating this as a major lead. And seeking to get assurance about what is being found and whether it is indeed linked to the disappearance of mh370. Are there any questions. Well we have taken our own initiative in relation to the foe graphs photographs to make them available to the relative scientific institutions. But the rel vauvens thise information rests with the relevance of the information rests with the french and how the evidence is handled and how that can be linked to the work that the malaysians are doing as the flag carrier of aircraft. [ indiscernible question ] obviously this is something, this is Important News for them. They have waited a very very long time for any kind of news. Even this is not yet at ace stage where anything positive can be said to them. And so they have an anxious wait again. And i feel very much for them. They have been through a lot. Not knowing, not having the opportunity for closure is certainly an enormous burden for the families. And we respect very much the difficult situations theyre going through at the present time. [ indiscernible question ] we believe on availability of all right information that is being done that the search area is the right one. We have refined the boundaries of the search area on a number of occasions as ongoing work that is continuing in relation to the satellite data that we have to more precisely locate the the resting place of the aircraft. And that work will continue. In the winter, we have been, we havent been able to main taint same level of intensity in the search. Because of the weather conditions are very poor in on that part of the planet. But when the weather improves theyll be a major effort. In the same area. That we have been working on in the past. South of the southern part of the identified area and that will remain our target area. If there has been a discovery of any wreckage associated with the aircraft. It is so far away. You can not reverse its path. And with any degree of reliability know that that where the aircraft entered the waternt just too far away. Too long ago. And we do know that they is it is it is credible. That that wreckage from the, the search area could have reached the reunion island by now. And so we cant rule it out on those grounds. [ indiscernible question ] well it will put some of the theories to bed. But there are a lot of very wild theories that have been around including it landed in russia and it or its been sighted in places where, way beyond the range of of its fuel. And et cetera. So it will put some of those theories to bed. But it wont positively prove it is in any other location other than i getsuess the indian ocean. Okay. Hivei have one more question. [ indiscernible question ] well the approval of the coal miners is for the government the commonwealth has undertaken Environmental Assessment which is triggered under the epbc act. Listening to the australian deputy Prime Minister warren truss update the media on what he calls credible development at reunion island. A piece of debris could potentially be mh370, the deputy minister there confirming this the first significant lead in the search for mh370, but also reiterating that as this just broke within the past 24 hours, officials in australia are still sharing information with french officials at reunion island and coordination with officials as well. It will take some time to get confirmation. Our david malco listening into the press conference joins us now, live from hong kong. One detail that stood out to me david. He said there are a number of markings and numbers on the piece of debris. He actually red out pb670 one of the markings saying a possible maintenance number. Wondering to you what stood out in what we just heard . It is interesting, errol. We are getting a lot of detail we werent hearing before. We had a source saying that they believed that this piece was from a triple 7. We heard from a reporter on the ground. That there was a marking on it. A number look you said. What we are hearing from the deputy Prime Minister in australia the face of australias effort in this. It is not a serial number. Not a registration number. Could be maintenance number. What this says is investigators and teams from australia, from the u. S. From france from boeing and other places are looking act this extremely closely. Theyre looking at every detail possible. Trying to make a determination. You can imagine this really says this is active happening now. They want to get this right. Errol, one thing he mentioned too, australian experts looking at the photographs, looking at the barnacles that are attached to this piece of debris again to see if they can determine how long it may have been in the water or where, where it may have been. Errol, the word of the day though continues to be caution. The deputy Prime Minister there mentioning the families on board. 239 families not knowing what happened is still an enormous burden. Errol. Yeah so many different pieces of evidence that theyll be looking into. That also stood out to me. The fact that they can look at the barnacles and, you know take a look at if it is likely to have been on that piece of debris for the past 17 months you. Do get the sense, each with all of this caution that we are layering on all this information. You get the sense that we are going to get an answer to whether or not this is mh370 very soon. Live for us in hong kong. Watching the latest developments come in on this from around the world. Stay with us here on skrchlt nncnn. Were back with more after this. The next great trip, gotta study those tripadvisor reviews carefully. And now, the tripadvisor you have always trusted for reviews now checks over 200 websites to find the best price. Book book book book over 200 sites checked to find the best price. So dont just visit tripadvisor, book at tripadvisor. This is obviously a very Significant Development. Its the first real evidence that there is a possibility that a part of the aircraft may have been found. Its too early to make that judgment. But clearly we are treating this as a as a major lead. And seeking to get assurance about what is being found and whether it is indeed linked to the disappearance of mh370. Australias deputy Prime Minister there moments ago. Addressing the media as it relates to the to the development that a piece of debris on reunion island has been discovered and potentially been that of mh370. One other note the deputy Prime Minister made although australia is helping in every way it can in the search in the indian ocean. With this development, french and malaysian officials will take the lead in confirming this was mh370. And of course taking the next step. Asia pacific editor andrew stevens, arrived in malaysias capital, kuala lumpur. He joins us on the lynn to giveine to give us that reaction. You have the mh370 and mh17 disasters put a strain not just emotional but financial. Wondering how officials there are reacting to news of this possible link . Well they are being very very cautious about jumping to an conclusions as you would expect errol. The department of aviation has actually put out a statement saying that they have sent a team of their own investigators and Industry Experts to tie in with the french investigators there. And they do say that until there is tangible and irrefutable evidence the flaperon what theyre calling it the flaperon, helps the planes to fly, until there is tangible and irrefutable that the flaperon belongs to the aircraft it is premature to speculate at the time. And to say that we dont raise false hopes for loved ones of the victims of mh370. A team is on the way to review the Malaysian Team on this as you say a very traumatic time for the families and the entire country. Given not one but two tragedies, air tragedies in the place of six months in 2014. That really, really just rocked this country. So understandable why officials want to be cautious. If we think back a year ago to the initial search there were developments of fings s pings on the ocean floor, that were released that gave families false hope. The deputy Prime Minister called this lead credible and the first significant lead in the search does add to a bit of optimism. I understand the caution. But do you got a sense that that officials there are encouraged at all. By this lead. I think everybody is encouraged if that is the right word. I think moving forward with this. Which has so far been a fruitless search. It is a very big step indeed. But for Something Like this which, which has that serial number on it which may refer to the list. That is all very very key evidence. The family it is interesting. I have been speaking to two, three families here. Theyre torn. They say we want to get closure. Know what happened to our loved ones. We dont face up to the fact that they arent coming home. These families have been living in home since march 2014. That a miracle will happen. If it is proven if this is a part of mh370. There will not bea miracle, errol. Andrew stevens is in kuala lumpur our correspondents all over the globe at the key locations and the breaking story, the australian Prime Minister calling discovery of debris at reunion island a credible and significant lead. Well be back with more of the breaking story on cnn after this short break. Before i had the shooting, burning, pinsandneedles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet grew up in a family of boys. Married my high school sweetheart. And pursued a degree in education. But i couldnt bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. So i talked to my doctor and she prescribed lyrica. Nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is fdaapproved to treat this pain. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new, or worsening depression or unusual changes in mood or behavior. 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The name your price tool. Still only at progressive. Com. Sfx phone alert look at us. A nation of checkers. Missing this moment. To check all of the other moments. Really, mom . Just one look. Theyll never notice. Checkers, you can keep failing at trying to sneak a peek. Or, you can change the way you check your phone. Its 30 in the first. Howd you do that . Magic. Acutally, its the Samsung Galaxy s6 edge with discreet edge notifications. Im informed it is a realistic possibility that wreckage from mh 370, it entered the indian ocean at a place where the current Search Operations are being undertaken could have reached the reunion islands in the 16 months since the incident. Indeed areas around madagascar not very far from the reunion island were identified as a lake likely landfall if they were indeed parts of the aircraft left floating. Australias deputy Prime Minister making statements moments ago as we follow breaking news here. Cnn has learned that aircraft maker boeing believes the piece of wreckage found in the western indian ocean is consistent with a triple 7, the same model as the Malaysian Airliner, mh370 vanished a year ago on a flight to beijing. A team of investigators heading to reunion island for a firsthand look. You are watching cnn newsroom. Im Errol Barnett. Another hour to go. My colleague zain asher joins me next. Stay with us. Look at that Beautiful Hotel on tripadvisor. Wait. Why leave the site . Dont you know the tripadvisor youve always trusted for reviews, book now checks over 200 websites to find the best price . Book. Book. Book over 200 sites checked to find the best price. So dont just visit tripadvisor. Book at tripadvisor. eeeeohmumohweh hush my darling. dont fear my darling. the lion sleeps tonight. hush my darling. man snoring dont fear my darling. the lion sleeps tonight. woman snoring take the roar out of snore. Yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. 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Our breaking news this hour airline debris is discovered in the indian ocean. Why experts believe it could help unlock the mystery of flight mh370. Plus new protests inside the United States after a white Police Officer is indicted in the shooting death of a black suspect. And donald trump gets in another public spat this time over a breast pump. Hello. Welcome to our viewers in the United States. And those tuned in from around the word. Im Errol Barnett. Im zain asher. Glad to be with you for the next hour. And this is cnn newsroom. We begin this hour with breaking news out of reunion island in the far western indian ocean. That is where investigators are headed to get a closer look at this piece of airplane debris that could be a part of malaysia Airlines Flight 370. A source tells cnn it appears to be part of a boeing 777. The same model as mh370. Australias deputy Prime Minister spoke with reporters moments ago. Yeah this is obviously a very Significant Development. It is the first real evidence there is a possibility that a part of the aircraft may have been found. It ties early to make the judgment. We are treating this as a major lead. And get assurance about what is found. And what is linked to the disappearance of mh370. Just to put this in context. Reunion island is near madagascar. That is a very long way from the area where search crews were looking for the missing jet lean liner. It vanished march last year from a flight from kuala lumpur to beijing with 239 on board. Cnns robyn kreal arrived at reunion island. I understand you literally just got there. Bring us up to speed. Whats the latest from the ground and how exactly did this piece of debris turn up . Well the piece of debris was picked up by initially, by the, sighted by locals then the police were brought in and seen dragging it on to the beach. What we can tell you the French Air Force has now, is now investigating into to see if there is more debris. If it is confirmed to be part of mh370, which it has not been rather as of yet. A key key part to this story is the serial number or whatever that number is etched in on the wing fragment it could be what experts, a serial number aircraft maintenance. And it could belong to a a boeing 777. As of yet though no information is indeed the triple 7. Indeed, if it does turn out to be a 777. We dont know if there has been a triple 7 aircraft crash in the area. Does not appear to be. Unlikely it would belong to an other aircraft other than mh 370. Right. Deputy Prime Minister saying that number could be some kind of maintenance number which they can cross reference and check. That will take some time. But that also speaks to why this moment is so difficult. The australian deputy Prime Minister calling this a credible and significant lead. But until all of these different agencies can get this information confirmed, we wont be able to help alleviate those concerns of relatives of victims on this aircraft. That this is in fact a piece of mh370 what have you heard from some of the relatives of victims on this development . People said theyre cautiously optimistic. They had so many false hopes raised from false information. But one Family Member did say this was a thread of hope. Fining a piece of debris like this would if it does indeed turn out to be part of mh370 would make this disaster tangible. Its been a roller coaster. A number of Family Members have a hard time believing the aircraft could have traveled as far away as the reunion island. Very far away from where the plane was originally meant to be on course. As you say, the australian deputy Prime Minister saying this is this is could be rather a Major Development or lead. But theyre very cautious as well. Just to give you a barackdown, errol, of the nationalityies on board, mh370. 239 passengers in total. 152 of those were chinese. Six australians. Three americans. And 50 malaysians. 15 different nationalities represented in total on board. So a number of Family Members anxiously waiting to find out what this wing fragment could be. And if it is indeed consistent with mh370. So there you have it. Officials are cross referencing all the information they have and going as far to look at the barnacles on this piece of debris. Robyn kriel with cnns first live report from reunion island. One of a number of teams we have who arrived there to gather more information on what the deputy Prime Minister of australia calls a credible and significant lead in trying to find this piece of debris. Zan. I want to go to andrew stevens. Andrew covering the story from the very beginning since the plane vanished march of last year. Joining us live on the phone from kuala lumpur. We heard robyn kriel reporting that there are people anxiously waiting for what the flaperon could be is it part of mh370 . Ive want to ask you, can we really learn anything new from this particular piece of debris do you think . Well at this stage it is certainly the strongest lead that the investigators have had in 16 months. Looking for this. No doubt about that. The australian deputy Prime Minister in the press conference with the photos. Mostly the photos. The photos [ indiscernible ] theyre not inconsistent with a 777. If you take to and listen to the experts here. So far on those photos. Theyre all saying the same thing. Excuse me. This could actually inform part of form part of the flaperon the part of the wing that keeps the wing stable in flight. Could be the flaperon of a 777. Robyn was saying one 777 unaccounted for at the moment. There is a very very strong lead at the moment. Thats all it is. Theyre still a there is still a long way to go. Errol mentioned barnacles. Australians are analyzing the barnacles to see how old they are, essentially, had they been in the watter 16 months. That would be a clue. We dont know how long it is going to take to get a positive id with the maintenance number. The australian Prime Minister said it could take some type. We cant be any more specific than that at the time. It could take some time. Important to i guess, cautiously optimistic. Want to talk about malaysias role in the investigation. The piece was found in a french territory in reunion. American plane. Made by boeing. The australians said they have been in charge of the black boxes. What will malaysias role be in piecing together this mystery do you think . They will be across all four and at this point, it is complex with a number of countries now involved with this the french, and the malaysian have sent the team away. Sent the team to reunion island to work with the air, french air investigators on the debris. All aspects in the search. Led by australia. And down in waters, australia. And the lead investigators. Not yet clear where parts of the plane will be taken for, to try to reconstruct what happened to to find out exactly the last few minutes of flight and why it did what it did. So malaysians saying, as well saying particularly. The family. And obviously a sensitive time for the family at the moment. They have been hearing the same things we have been hearing. Theyre living in hope. Theyre also one way they want closure. They need closure. What can happen to their Family Member. The other one is facing up to what is going to be possibly a very, very grim truth. Going to be very difficult. They are at the moment. Absolutely. Yeah they want closure. But the reality of what could have happened to this plane, certainly very difficult to swallow. Okay. Andrew stevens. Live for us on the phone from kuala lumpur. Thank you. Errol . We want to figure out what we are dealing with here. Bringing in Jeffrey Thomas editor chief, managing director of airlineratings. Com. Joins us from web cam, perth, australia. Thank you, jeffrey. We are trying to be careful because of relatives and victims. Not to confirm this. It appears it is a flaperon of a boeing 777, consistent with currents and australians deputy pm saying the first credible lead in the search for mh370. Do you think this is mh370 . Look all of the evidence is certainly pointing that way. While officials are not saying so. In the industry there tis a lotis a lot of dialogue discussing aspects of the piece found. It does point very strongly to it being from a 777. Although weep must be cautious here. A yemeni airbus crashed in the vicinity in 2809. There is a possibility it could be from that. All technical discussions from engineers around the globe is focusing on the fact it is from 777. Talk to us more about the technical discussions i guess happening behind the scenes among those who are really experts in all of this. The item the debris we are all looking at now appears to be a flaperon. It appears to have some damage around some of the edges. Just explain to us what it is. And based on how it looks now what happened to it . A flaperon. Two of them. One on each side. Midway made wayidway along the wing trailing edge of the wing. Theyre used to roll the airplane from left off to right. There are sections of those, of the flaperon that you can see. In the imagery which are consistent with a boeing 777 flaperon. Thats what everybody is focused on. Thats what lead them to believe it is from a 777. You did mention a yemen airbus crash in 2009. In the vicinity of where this piece of debris was found. Any possibility that those types of models would have this similar piece . They have a similar piece, however, and this is the big however, the yemeni airbus a 310, their flaperon is made of aluminum this piece is made by composite material which the boeing 777 is made from. A big difference in the two with respect to damage. They both, they exhibit very different sort of profiles when damaged. And this one is consistent with a composite structure. Okay. Even with that possibility the, the big money i guess is on this being part of a boeing 777. Jeffrey thomas, editorinchief at airlineratings. Com. Thank you for joining us from perth. Zain . We thought it would be the serial number on this piece of flaperon. Investigators are saying its possibly a maintenance number. Hoe hope hopefully confirm soon. Many of you, wondering if it is possible for debris to drift thousand of kilometers across the indian ocean. Our meteorologist ivan cabrera is joining us now. Ivan we have been speaking before about the indian ocean, gires, currents that move counter clockwise. That may possibly explain how this piece of debris could have drifted that far . Yes, certainly consistent with the currents in the indian ocean. No question about it. Break that down for you. Show you what were talking about. The search area by the way continues to beep just west of australia. We are talking about a distance now, 2,600 miles. 4,000 kilometers here. You are wondering how debris made it all the way to this island which is 2600 miles away here. Well that could be explained by ocean currents. Likely the debris also hit storms along the way. This is a very slow process. Debris getting lofted back towards the east the north. Generally the current is toward the west. And that is because the debris would have been under the influence, what we call the indian, ocean gire here. We essentially have five major gires across the planet. Global circulation. The wind moving the ocean basically what we are talking about here. In the first 100 meters here. Recall in 2011 we had the japan tsunami. The North Pacific gire got debris from the tsunami. Moved it from japan all the way across the north atlantic. And, excuse me North Pacific. And it ended up on some of the shores across northern america here. Certainly a possible especially if the debris has enough area to it. If it is light enough. Can be carried by the ocean current. Focus in on the indian ocean gire. In the Southern Hemisphere it moves counter clockwise here. Consistent on the northern side of that to have any debris that is buoyant enough to be pushed toward the west. So you think, well we could just follow the debris from the island further to the east. Not that easy. It doesnt move in a direct line here. In fact i will be able to show you the ocean currents. They undulate. Yes the movement is generally from australia heading towards reunion island here. But if you are trying how to get debris and trying to trace it back. A very complicated process. Theyre going to be using very complicated drift modeling to see if they can trace the debris back. But it is going to be very difficult because again. It has gone through a lot from what we think is the original crash site here. So one clue at least at this point here. That is better than what we have had in a very very long time. Ayou saw there, upward of 16 months amount this point. The thing has been out in the indian ocean making it ashore. Quite a long ways away. Break it down look that. Incredible we have the one piece of debrief it is mh370, kidding it had to get through all of that. Some people were cleaning up the piece of coastline on reunion island happened to discover it. One clue. But doesnt necessarily piece together what went down. We will have much more on flight mh370 ahead. This hour. First ive benen doing this over 30 years. This is the most asinine act i have ever seen a Police Officer make. Strong word there in a Community Rallies and an officer faces a murder charge in the shooting death of an unarmed black man. Still to come here on cnn newsroom. A lawyer says donald trump lashed out at her during a deposition. He says she was being unprofessional. She wanted to breast pump in front of me. And i may have said thats disgusting. I may have said something else. I thought it was terrible. Running my own shop has been brutal. But then i got a domain and built my website all at godaddy. Now i look so professional i just got my first customer who isnt related to me. Get a domain website and email starting at 1 month all at godaddy. I want to update you on our breaking news. A tomb ofuf team of investigators heading to reunion island a piece of airplane debris found there could possibly be from Malaysia Flight mh370. Australias deputy Prime Minister calls it a Significant Development but more analysis is needed. Get you to the u. S. Rallies were held in ohio because a white Police Officer was indicted on a murder charge in the shooting death of an unarmed black man. Take a look at this hundred of people in cincinnati attended a peaceful black lives matter demonstration, the rally followed a decision to indict ray tensing. The traffic stop and shooting were captured on tensings body camera. It was very difficult to watch. We want to warn our viewers that this video may be disturbing. Heres our miguel marques. Reporter the conversation captured on body camera between university of cincinnati Police Officer robert tensing and motorist Samuel Dubose starts normal enough but quickly nurnz a deadly confrontation. He asks dubose driving on a suspended lice ns to eded lice tins remove his seatbelt. The officers gun comes out. He yells stop. The officer is on the ground. The gun in front of the camera. If my son is righteous and he gets killed somebody had to be wicked here. I think the person should have been locked up day one. Reporter in the video it is hard to hear the gunshot. This is the video slowed about 20 . You can hear the car engine. The officer shout twice. And then that single fatal shot. [ gunshot ] Samuel Dubose was struck in the head he slumped forward hitting the gas as he died. The car came to a stop after jumping the sidewalk at the end of the block. Officer raymond tensing has now been charged with murder and voluntary manslaughter. This is the most asinine act i have ever seen a Police Officer make. Totally unwarranted. Its incredible. And so senseless. And again i feel so sorry for his family and i feel scary for thefor feel sorry for the community. This should not happen ever. Reporter in the Police Report filed the day after the incident. Officer tensing told the investigator he was almost run over by the driver of the honda accord and was forced to shoot the driver. A statement hard to reconcile with the video. You cant lackook at that video and say that that Police Report follows the video. It doesnt. If there wasnt a video available, i do not believe he would have had an indictment. Reporter the prosecutor in cincinnati looking at possibility other charges based on this the Police Officers own word. The Police Report filled out the day after the incident. Officer tensing saying that he felt that he had to shoot. He was going to be dragged, possibly killed by the driver. Other officers on the scene seem to be taking his side and backing up what he is saying. The prosecutor looking to see if the officers falsified a report. Miguel marques, cnn, new york. Takeup to u. S. Politics now. President ial candidate donald trump kept himselfen the enin the headlines with unflinching comments about immigration and fellow republican candidates. Now slamming a lawyer who says he stormed out out of a deposition over a breast pump. This is how she described what happened on cnns new day. He had an absolute meltdown when i said that i needed the break. And it was for breast pumping purposes. He got up his face got red, he shook his finger at me and he screamed youre disgusting. Youre disgusting. And he ran out of there. Now, in an interview with cnns dana bash trump denied elizabeths version of events and gave his side of the story. She wanted to pump in front of me during a deposition. The way she described it she wanted to take a break so she could take the pump out. In fact if you ask my lawyer who was there here, said i never have seen anything like it. She wanted to breast pump in front of me. I may have said thats disgusting. I may have said something else. I thought is was terrible. Now today donald trump is expected in scotland for a vi to the his golf course. Cnns max foster following the trip and jinzoins me live from turnbury. Max, quite a colorful character. How much is the womens open being oversthad doughed edovershadowed by mr. Trumps arrival. It is. Whenever he is out and about there is all this commotion around his. He does grab all of the headlines here. Certainly come to blows with the scotter government in the past about a separate golf scheme he has got in a different part of the country in aberdeenshire. In this part of the world he is popular. I have spoke to people who live here or come out to watch the golf. Is he a popular figure locally . Very much so. He drives by. See the changes every day. Its incredible just the investment you can do in one hotel. Brought money in which is good. And given them jobs and prospects for the future. So that aspect. Hes got that pro final whatever the profile is he is bringing it to this particular tournament. People are curious, whatever you might think of him, politically or otherwise, you know hes hes putting his money where his mouth is. He is developing golf courses. He is you know creating more jobs. So you know certain for people in the area thats a good thing. Reporter he is not running to be president here. Elsewhere. He is a character. Lets face it characters we need characters in all sorts of strings of life. He certainly is a character. We will wait to see what he says later on. He does seem at the moment whenever he says anything it end up making headlines. He has poured a lot of money into golf. I had no idea that donald trump was popular in scotland. Who knew. Max foster live for us there. Thank you so much. We appreciate that. We will have much more on our breaking news ahead. Another report from our team on reunion island where authorities discovered airline debris. After this short break. It progressing with the prisoner . Hell tell us everything he knows very shortly, sir. As you were. Where were we . 13 serving 14 service if your boss stops by, you act like youre working. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. 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Im informed it is a realistic possibility that wreckage from mh370, if if the entered the indian ocean in the place where our current Search Operations are, are being undertaken could have reached the reunion island in the 16 months since the incident. Indeed areas around madagascar not very far from the reunion island were identified as a lake likely landfall if indeed there were parts of the aircraft left floating. A team of malaysian investigators are on their way to reunion island for a closer look. They want to inspect that piece of debris. Union island close to madagascar 3700 kilometers or 2300 miles from where crews had been searching for the plane. Yeah, just so far out there. We do have a number of cnn teams that have arrived on reunion island. A shrt timeort time ago. Cnns robyn kriel is on the fen to update us on the latest information. Robyn tell us what have you learned since you arrived . Reporter Malaysian Airlines saying it is too early to speculate. Since march last year there have been several false alarms of people things similar to this nothing quite as obvious as this. But they have been there have been several false alarms. Families had their hopes up. The head of the Australian Safety board, telling cnn, theyre charged wit lead edd with leading this church. The piece is not inconsistent with the drift modeling the gires and currents not inconsistent with the search area that theyre covering. It is possible that a piece could have reached the reunion island where we are right now. Its not an exact science, however. The head of the atsb saying there is a lot to take into consideration weather, surface currents wind direction and how high an object was floating will all play a role in where the object wouldened up end up. We need to say one more it is not inconsistent with the drift modeling studies and the search area they have been covering. Okay. And kiddingconsidering that there was a maintenance number. Potential maintenance number the deputy Prime Minister read jut loud not a serial number. There are details, information in this piece of debris that officials now work with. Malaysian officials are not there yet. But just tell us if how organized i guess the current teams are there on reunion island as they look for more debris. Have the major teams even showed up yet . Reporter not yet. This reunion island there is a French Air Force base here. And a police force. So theyre all obviously part of the search. But it might, the search might not end here. It might be a span a very very large area. The australians saying it is unlikely that by finding the flaperon they will be able to find the area of the crash, that they will be able to pinpoint the ser. Air the search. Finding Something Like this if it does turn out to be a part of the mh370, which disappeared in 2014 that it would, that it would be an exact find for the rest of the aircraft would be. However, no one confirming yet. That is indeed mh370, and that maintenance number if that it is indeed what it is is not in fact the serial number. Theyre not sure if it belongs to the aircraft and theyre obviously looking quickly as possible to see what exactly that is. What i can tell you is what experts who looked at what looks to bea flaperon or piece attached to the wing that would be wind resistance. What they told us is it does looks to be could have been in the water for about a year. Doesnt look like it has been in the water for ten years. Barnacles, shells. Its its also saying, errol, that this flaperon might indeed lead to some idea [ indiscernible ] it might give investigators some idea of the last few moments of mh370. It might, if it shows charring mixed, some kind of explosion. It wouldnt be sort of dealing with a black box. It would give indication of what happened to callers, inmates, 370 to crash if it turns out to bea piece of the missing aircraft. It is all encouraging information. Just didnt have confirmation yet. Robyn kriel on reunion island. First of the teams to report. Give us the information. She and other correspondents will be gathering information throughout the day as really we all wait for confirmation that the piece of debris is from mh370. We do continue to wait. Zain. Errol, we are waiting especially the families they want to know whether this piece of debris is indeed from mh370. And there have been no answers, since the plane disappeared last year. I cannot imagine what theyre going through. A group of chinese families hatch just released a statement urging authorities to continue their search for the plane. And their loved ones. Reading for you, we do not want to hear guarantees of 99 likelihood from certain authorities. We need con fir magsfirmation of 100 certainty. No matter where the debris is fond we care more about the where abuts of our Family Members. Earlier, a woman whose partner was on the flight spoke to cnn. Listen. If ultimately this is a piece of the wing then that little thread of hope that ive been holding on to will will have to break. And reality will have to take over. Up until now, i and Family Members have continued to believe until we have a bed we cant give up hoping that they will still come back. Your heart really goes out to sarah. Malaysias defense minister was acting transport minister at the time of the disappearance. He is tweeting abut news of the debris on reon yun island asking his followers to pray for mh370. Of course we are going to continue to follow this breaking story throughout the day here on cnn. And a quick reminder you can always track the latest developments away from your television heading to our website, cnn. Com. Wears going to take a quick break on cnn newsroom. When we come back. Thousand of might ranlts trying to escape war and poverty make a desperate, deadly journey. The pressure mounting on britain and france to do something about it. Thats coming up. 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This time want to got to euro where euro tunnel Authorities Say this week 3100 migrants tried to cross the tunnel. Speaking with some of them who traveled great distances just for the chance of a better life. Reporter French Police have increased their presence around the euro tunnel entrance but some times the waves of migrants are overwhelming. Europes refugee crisis has escalated here in recent days. Ali talmini from syria attempt to reach the fences and get on a truck tuesday night. Then he says he saw another man get killed. We tried to go through the tunnel with a group of sudanese men he says but some of them jumped on the track and were hit. One man died. Ali talmini is with men from eastern syria. He says he was forced to flee from isis took control of the town. They stay here an illegal refugee camp called the jungle a couple miles from the tunnel. He shows me the tents they stay in. Seven sleep in this one. No electricity and very little food. We want to go to the u. K. To get some relief he says we have struggled so much on our journey. We have tried to push through the tunnel and some had their hand and feet broken. Its so bad. Thousands squat in this area from sudan, eritrea, afghanistan, pakistan and many other regions in crisis. Waiting for their chance to make it to the United Kingdom. A surge in attempts disrupted traffic through the tunnel this past week. Most of these people have made treacherous journeys just to get here to the north of france. They escaped conflict and famine in their home countries. And now the last thing that separates them from the United Kingdom is the euro tunnel. So many of them will try and get through the fence and then jump on a train or a truck to get there. Some have been here in the jingle for more than a year. But when the evening comes, many of the migrants are back on the road leading to the euro tunnel waiting and hoping for an open hatch on a truck or chance to jump a train to take them to the u. K. Fred plankin, cnn, cale france. India executed a man for plotting the 1993 bombings in mumbai that killed 257 people. Yakub meman was hanged in a jail in india today. Meman kidded a key conspirator behind bomb blasts on march 12 1993. It was the deadliest tear railroad attack in the countrys history. Now his death had long been rumored now the Afghan Government says the reclusive founder of the taliban is dead. A spokesman for the Country Intelligence service says mullah omar died in a hospital in karachi pakistan two years ago from unknown illness. Two weeks ago the taliban release a statement attributed to omar and the group claimed he was still their leader earlier this year. A lot of questions there. Two zimbabwe men accused of helping an american hunter kill a famous lion. Have now appeared in court. Well bring you the latest on the case and the worldwide outrage it triggered when cnn newsroom continues. Running my own shop has been brutal. But then i got a domain and built my website all at godaddy. Now i look so professional i just got my first customer who isnt related to me. Get a domain website and email starting at 1 month all at godaddy. An update on our breaking news for you a team of investigators are heading to reunion island in the western indian ocean. A piece of airplane debris found there could possibly possibly be from malaysia Airlines Flight 370. Australias deputy Prime Minister calls it a very Significant Development. The latest on the death of cecil the lion now. Two men accused of helping an american hunter kill zimbabwes famous lion were in court wednesday. If convicted of poaching they could face ten years in prison. Both men though say theyre innocent. The american hunter dentist Walter Palmer you see here says he didnt know killing the lion was illegal. And due to the backlash from the incident, he appears to have gone into hiding. Here is our ryan young with more. Reporter where is dr. Walter j. Palmer . Im any just so disgusted with that man. And shoot any lion but, lure a lion like that out of the, you know preserve and shoot him, i mean how, how could anybody think thats sport . Just appalling. Reporter cnn tried to find him at his minneapolis home no one answered the door. In fact he has gone underground after releasing the statement which read i deeply regret my pursuit of an activity i love and practice responsibly and legally resulted in the taking of this lion. Preserves are went to preserve wildlife not to just lure them off and poach them. Reporter now dr. Palmer a wealthy dentist from minneapolis find himself under a torrent of criticism after a Conversation Group charged that he led cecil out of the sanctuary and shot him with a beandow and arrow. All for a trophy kill. Zimbabwe Authorities Say palmer paid at least 50,000 for the hunt. We lost one of the icons, the male lion which was popular known as cecil. Reporter the dentist with a practice and home in this upscale neighborhood find himself being hunted as questions remany ifin if he will face charges in zimbabwe. Protesters took to the streets in front of his office which has since been shutshuttered. We are here for cecil not for dr. Palmer. Reporter this isnt the first time dr. Palmers big game hobby has got him in trouble. Court documents show an individual the same age as the dentist, was put on probation years earlier for killing a black bear in wisconsin. And then lying to u. S. Fish and Wildlife Services about it. He pleaded guilty. He got probation and paid a 3,000 fine. And in Zimbabwe Conservation Officials Say the hunters tried to destroy the Research Tracking collar cecil wore. The two men seen here have since been arrest ford the slaying. A professional hunter and landowner released on 1,000 bail. Both facing upward of ten years in jail their Attorney Says theyre innocent. Dr. Palmer says he relied on their expertise as guide to ensure a legal hunt. A bad image for africa. It shouldnt be condoned. I think action should be taken for that. Back state side questions reman what is to become of dr. Palmer. With many on social media mourning the lions desize steadily coming to a boil of anger and outrage. Even late night show Host Jimmy Kimmel responded at one point, choking up. If you want to do something, if you want to make this into a positive. Sorry, im okay im good. Make a donation to support them. At the very least, maybe, maybe we can show the world that not all americans are like this jackhole here. Jimmy kimmel very passionate about this. As are a lot of people. A lot of people want Walter Palmer to sort of show up. Nobody knows where he is. The hunt for him continues. Lets try to get a chuckle before we head out. Daily show host jon stewart thinks the hype over reported secret meetings with u. S. President barack obama is overrated after politico reported that stewart met mr. Obama at the white house. Poking fun at the medias response apparently including ours. We just dont know what they talked about. If only you could be a fly on the wall during the meetings. Let me tell you something you do not want to be a fly anywhere near president obama. A little nervous being on the daily show. I didnt see that until now. At least they watch. At laeseast he wasnt mean. The meetings were openly listed and the comedian said he went through the main entrance like everybody else. We still dont know what stewart and the president talked about. I would look to be a fly on the wall. I still do. Stewart says they hang out and ate nachos. There you go. Youre watching cnn newsroom. Im Errol Barnett. Im zain asher. Much more on the breaking news of the air debris discovered in the indian ocean much more coming up on early start. Breaking news this morning. Debris from missing Malaysia Airline 370 may have been found. A piece of the plane, the same type same color of the vanished jetliner on a Remote Island in the indian ocean. Good morning. Welcome to early start. Im john berman. Its thursday july 30th. 4 00 a. M. In the east. Welcome the viewers in the United States and around the world. The breaking news a possible turning point in the hunt for Malaysia Airline 370. Sources close to the investigation tell cnn that

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