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Management says it was notified 4 million former and current Government Employees that their personal data was compromised in this hack according to investigators weve talked to in the last 24 hours, the top suspect is the chinese military. Theyve been compiling according to these intelligence and Law Enforcement investigators compiling a data base on americans and so whats happening now is the u. S. Government is trying to assess the extent of this damage. Were told that this is much bigger than just the opm office. It extends to virtually every Government Agency thats been hit by these hackers. And whats worse is that this happened months ago and it took a long time for the Homeland Security department for the u. S. Government to even figure out what exactly was happening. Theres a system that they put in place called einstein which is supposed to help detect these type of intrusions carol. And in this case it didnt really do that after it was discovered they deployed einstein to try to figure out where else it might have gone and they discovered that it was much bigger than just the office of personnel management. Evan perez reporting live from washington. News of the u. S. Government breach comes as Edward Snowden marks the second anniversary of his nsa snooping leak. In a New York Times oped he sheds concerns that the public wouldnt take his findings seriously and hails Congress Decision to put an end to the call tracking Program Writing after an Oversight Board investigation found that this program had not stopped a single terrorist attack, even the president , who once defended its eded it has now ordered it terminated. Dennis hastert was once second in line to the presidency but years earlier he was a trusted coach and beloved teacher and according to one family a child molester. A woman came forward saying her brother, seen here endured years of sexual abuse in high school by the man who had become speaker of the house. I asked him when was your first samesex experience . I mean he just looked at me and said it was with Dennis Hastert. I just i know i was stunned. I said why didnt you ever tell anybody . He was your teacher. Why didnt you ever tell anybody . He just looked at me and said who is ever going to believe me . Cnns chris frates is with investigations here at the network and joins us live from chicago to tell us more. Good morning. Reporter good morning, carol. We just heard there from this sister of one of deny hasterts former students. Shes telling abc news that hastert abused her brother throughout his high school career. Steve was abused by hastert in the 1970s while hastert was a High School Wrestling coach and the boy was the teams equipment manager. She says her brother first told her about the alleged abuse in 1979 when he revealed to her that he was gay. When her brother died in 1995, hastert attended his funeral and thats where an angry sister confronted him. This is how she described that confrontation. I just looked at him and i said i want to know why you did what you did to my brother. He just stood there and stared at me. And then i just continued to say i want you to know that your secret didnt die in there with my brother. I want you to remember that im out here and that i know. Where are hastert agreed to pay another man to hide misconduct. She said she never asked for money. Now, cnn has reached out to hasterts attorney and fbi for comment. Weve not yet heard back. In fact hasterts made no public statements since he was indicted last week. All right. Thanks. Chris frates reporting live from chicago this morning. I want to talk more about this. Joining me is criminal defense attorney good morning, brian. Good morning, carol. Nice to see you again. Thanks for being here. Its such a staded a store ed aed a ed aed a a sad story. He later died of aids in 1995. She approached authorities in 2006 saying this really happened. Can someone help me. No one could corroborate her story. Is there any recourse for her now . Well unfortunately, carol, because her brother has passed away she really doesnt have any civil recourse. In some states like in california theres a statute that allows someone to report child abuse beyond the statute of limitations if they file a formal Police Report then for example here in california Law Enforcement can conduct an investigation within a oneyear time period and then determine whether to file criminal charges against the alleged perpetrator. Not sure what the law is in illinois as far as criminal recourse. More importantly here we have to start understanding in our society that child sexual abuse sometimes is minimized. For example, look at the hastert indictment. The child abuse aspect of it is secondary. They were even trying to hide it when they initially came out with the indictment. Trying to catch a Child Predator especially someone in a position of authority and trust and holding them accountable is much like getting a straight answer from a politician. Its very very difficult. Its daunting. You have that person who is in a position of power versus a young child and unless theres a witness or you have some text message or something on videotape, its very difficult to hold that person accountable. Its just mindboggling if these allegations are true and i know Dennis Hastert paid out millions to keep it quiet. This was kept secret for 36 years. At a time in our history when he was speaker of the house there are all sorts of political scandals coming out. Its not like no one was investigating lawmakers. Youre raising a great point. Hastert was two steps away from being president of the United States. Ive been involved i was involved in one of the biggest child abuse scandals in the history of our country. I fought for three years over 80 kids were molested by one single teacher. The reason why im sharing that with you is i learned two things from child sexual abuse cases. Number one, the child perpetrator doesnt just do it one time carol. Most child perpetrators and child sex abusers do it repeatedly. Thats why i was disappointed in the hastert matter that there was no investigation conducted back at the time when this happened. Now we have a second alleged victim. The second thing i learned over the years is theres a major code of silence in covering up child abuse. Also in conjunction with that a child abuser cant get away with this by himself or herself. There are always cohorts involved that know about it who are covering it up and who are collaborators and until we start investigating more seriously and prosecuting not only the child abuser but those fascilitateing the child abuser this will continue. Thank you for your insight. I appreciate it as always. Have a good weekend. This just into cnn, eight suspected taliban militants convicted in shooting of a Pakistani School girl have been acquitted. They were sentenced to life in prison earlier this year but theyve been cleared in an appeals trial due to lack of evidence. Two others will retain their life sentences. Malala was gravely injured when gunmen stormed her school bus in 2012. Last year she became the youngest person ever to receive the nobel peace prize. Still to come the family of a terror suspect gunned down in boston this week disputing claims he had contact with isis. Hear what they have to say next. Making a fist something we do to show resolve. To defend ourselves. 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In an exclusive interview with cnns erin burnett, his brother, a well known california cleric is defending his brother asking people not to judge him just yet. You have to speak more about the muslims of america and not muslims in syria doing bad things who dont like america. Speak about muslims who live here who love america. Thats me. Thats the rahim family. Lets establish the facts. Facts are still coming in. We need more information. Okay. So lets head live to boston for more info from cnns alexandra field. Good morning. Reporter good morning. We know the rahim family has plans to bury their son today. They made a request to the District Attorneys Office not to release that Surveillance Video of his death, of the shooting until after he was buried. We know the family did get an opportunity to watch that video privately. It seems that that viewing has dispelled some of the misconceptions that the family had about what went down outside of that cvs. The family initially under the impression that rahim was shot in the back three times. Family members now acknowledging that that was in fact not the case. They say they do still have a lot of questions about why police approached rahim in the parking lot and what happened. They also have questions about why he was under surveillance. Why authorities were watching him. They say they never saw any indication that he was inspired in any way by isis. They never had any reason to believe that he was plotting anything. Listen to what his aunt had to say. If it wasnt for him being muslim then we would not be hearing terrorism. We would not be hearing isis. What i heard on the media was that they said at the last minute at 5 00 a. M. He decided to he mentioned some lastminute discovery. No plot. No scheming. It was some type of impulse. Reporter authorities have a very different take on this. They say they have evidence that he was planning and that he was plotting and that he was speaking to accomplices. This is a man who was on their radar for several years. He was under surveillance by the joint Terrorism Task force. In days before his death he was under 24hour surveillance. Authorities say that he had purchased three knives in order to launch his attack against police officers. Were now learning that authorities believe that he spoke to his father on the morning of the attack in order to say his final goodbye. They say that they stopped him in that cvs parking lot to reach him before he boarded a bus, carol. All right. Alexandra field reporting live from boston. Authorities are now worried the number of plots being planned by isis supporters on american soil is surging. In addition to social media, terrorists are also communicating using encrypted messages to avoid Law Enforcement. All of this speaking to strength of the terrorist groups recruiting tools. Last hour i spoke with a mother who says her son was radicalized by extremists before he was killed by an air strike in turkey. Listen. In my case i have a hard time believing my son was isis because hes not that kind of a boy. The recruiters define vulnerable path and work on that. At the end of the day my boy ran off to turkey to help with aid and he did that for the first four months. He didnt travel to isis. He traveled to help in aid camps and help with clothes and food and stuff. Lets talk more about this with former cia counterterrorism analyst buck sexton. Welcome, buck. Thank you. I know its difficult for parents to believe that their child could join a terrorist group. Really they are the most effective means that authorities have in keeping track of young people who may be radicalized by terrorist groups online. Of course we have sympathy with grieving parents no matter the situation. In the case of rahim in boston all of the evidence points in one clear direction and thats radicalization that would have occurred without his family knowing. Thats not unusual. In fact thats the standard. Many of these chat rooms and forums and places where that radicalization occurs online they discuss operational security. Part of that is dont talk about this a lot. Generally speaking the way individuals get caught before they can engage in this kind of jihadist plate, a lone wolf jihadist plot is to talk about it or make a show of it to fellow believers and reach out to what they think is isis twitter or facebook account or something along those lines and Law Enforcement says we have a problem. This individual was on radar for quite some time. Under 24 7 surveillance. Thats a big step. The fbi doesnt have resources to put everyone under 24 7 surveillance unless they think theyre an imminent threat. Was his phone tapped . The fbi says they have a call from him to his father and if he said goodbye before then and he knew the police were coming in theres a possibility he may have made the decision to be a martyr and this was his chance to go after the police and even if he knew he wasnt going to win this battle he thought maybe with the knife he had he could have killed one. Thats possible. We dont know. Given the phone call to the father saying goodbye right before depends. He might have said goodbye im going to work or wherever but well have to see the context of that phone call. How do you tap someones phone call . Its not hard to do. The fbi does this for Insider Trading cases and any number of things. Its just electronically they pick up the signature and listen in. Its all recorded. There are many ways. Its not hard to do. They are following this guy for years. What was the final tipoff . He made a decision to change his target. We heard he was planning beheading of pamela geller. Thats already out there. He may have decided that well i dont want to wait to do that. Thats too difficult. Lets do something thats faster. Lets do something thats easier for him to do as a jihadist. Weve seen in new york already, for example, one individual who had sort of selfradicalized that attacked an nypd officer with a hatchet. Not just something they came up with. Isis this year said that you should if you want to wager on jihad, go after police and Law Enforcement. These are higher level targets and you can get them anywhere. He may have decided to go with this. Been radicalized long enough. I want to be part of this Islamic State movement and engage in jihad and that looks like what happened. Theres more information that will come out. Well have to see. Nothing that weve seen so far would indicate that it wasnt a case of somebody who radicalized. Buck sexton i appreciate the insight. Two of josh duggars sisters publicly stand up for their brother despite being his victims. Well talk about that next. What do you think of when you think of the United States Postal Service . Exactly. Thats what pushes us to deliver smarter simpler faster sleeker earlier fresher harder farther quicker and yeah even on sundays. Whats next . Well show you. Was it illegal to release josh duggars history of molestation . Depends on who you ask. The duggars and an arkansas official say Police Reports should have been kept secret but in touch weekly is arguing in a new article online that reports were legally obtained through arkansass freedom of information act which is one of the most liberal open records laws in the country. As you probably know two of the duggars daughters, jill and jessa, are set to talk with fox news tonight. Theyll talk about their older brother, josh touching them inappropriately and expressed their anger at their own exploitation. I do want to speak up in his defense against people who are calling him a child molester or a pedophile or a rapist. Some people are saying. Thats so overboard and a lie really. I mean people get mad at me for saying that but i can say this. I was one of the victims. With me now, executive director of the National Childrens alliance. Welcome. Thank you for having me carol. Help us understand this. Jessa told fox her brother is not a child molester or a pedophile. How should we characterize him . I think we should characterize him at the time as a youth with a sexual behavior problem. I think that its very difficult for us in cases of sibling abuse often victims have mixed feelings about the person who offended against them. Thats common they both love the person who offended against them and also know that what happened was wrong. I think its confusing. Jessa also said she had a right to characterize him however she wishes and she does. She says she has that right because she was his victim and the use of that word victim is somewhat confusing. I think you can just hear the mixed feelings she has in the way shes describing what happened to her. I think the other thing we should keep in mind is that there are other victims as well. Two individuals have come forward and decided to speak about their victimization but there are three others who have not done so and whose privacy i hope will be respected in that way. Theres a real continuum of feeling about what happened to these individuals. If you saw the clips of the interview, in one one sister seems very angry. The other seems very tearful. I think thats very common to have that continuum of feeling about these cases and about these situations. I do admire both young women for appearing on television and for being willing to talk about this publicly. They are also going to have their own spinoff tv reality show. Should we worry about these young women . We should. They were outed by the media as his victims and when that happened people are often ill prepared for the kind of attention theyre going to get and the fact that while we had hoped that everyone would be supportive of them that in fact often there is quite a bit of stigma that attaches to having these experiences and people are judging them not only for what happened but also for speaking out now and so i hope they get professional help as they really think about how they want to move forward in this way. Theyll experience the consequences of this Media Attention for some time. A final question. Some are comparing josh duggars actions to leona dunham who wrote about examining her baby sisters body when she was 7 years old. He inappropriately touched five girls when he was 14 and 15 years old. Is it the same thing . Not at all. We have to understand when youth have sexual behavior problems, theres a real range and continuum of behavior. We shouldnt minimize it based on the age of the person doing this. We have to measure what happens in a sexual abuse case by trauma of the victims and affect on them. People have said that it was important for him to get help and that we need to recognize that youth with sexual behavior problems can get help and get better while at the same time not at all minimizing the effects on victims including his siblings. Thank you so much for your insight this morning. I appreciate it. Thank you. Good morning. Im carol costello. Thank you for joining me. A betrayal of trust and accusations of child molestation. A woman comes forward saying her brother, shown here in high school endured years of sexual abuse by a teacher who would come the speaker of the house. Dennis hastert is days from his First Court Appearance accused of lying to the fbi about hush money he was paying out. This woman says she never demanded money nor did her brother who died 20 years ago but said Dennis Hastert should pay for that abuse which left her brother severely damaged for the rest of his life. There are no words to describe what it felt like. Its going to happen. We got him. Jeff zeleny is our washington correspondent. Welcome. I know you covered speaker hastert for years as a reporter for Chicago Tribune and then the New York Times. Are you floored by these latest allegations . I am. Anyone who covered speaker hastert in washington in congress has been very surprised by this. The republicans on capitol hill ive spoken to who worked alongside the speaker for so many years say they simply cant believe it. In politics everything always seems to come out. There always is someone running against you and in hasterts case the democrats were trying to take back the house for so many years so they would certainly look for anything that might have been a problem. There was nothing. It is very surprising to me that nothing came out when he was the speaker of the house. I traveled with him across the country. I interviewed him a lot in washington. There was no hint of any thing amiss here. This is something im guessing he kept inside him. His aides say that they did not know anything about this. I would be surprised if his family knew anything about this. This is something from his past some four decades ago. Usually there are whispers or rumors especially on capitol hill. There were not any whispers that i heard at the time about any of this. One of the reasons was speaker hastert swept into power as an unknown figure. Of course this was all during back in 1998 during those impeachment proceedings. Newt gingrich was going to be the speaker of the house. He had to step aside because of problems in his past and bill livingston was going to be speaker of the house and he had to step aside because of problems in his past adultery and other things and speaker hastert was named the accidental speaker because no one seemed to know very much about him. So ironic that this is happening now so many years later given how he got to his role in the first place. I think there are so many sad aspects of this story but his home state of illinois he was a big hometown hero. People admired and respected him and now allegations are coming out and it hurts. No doubt. Ive talked to several of his former advisers former aides, and supporters and they are just as stunned by these allegations as well. And one of the things he sort of left the speakership under a bit of a cloud of questions about how he handled another congressional scandal. There have been so many scandals involving a Florida Republican congressman accused of inappropriate relations with summer interns and other things and speaker hastert was accused of not taking this seriously enough. Im surprised this did not come out at that time. There were no hard examples of anything from his past. A few whispers and now people are recalling but nothing that surfaced at that time. Obviously whoever this individual is who speaker hastert was paying money was finally ready to come forward in 2010 and thats how this all finally unraveled. Jeff zeleny thank you so much. I appreciate it. Still to come in the newsroom, Hillary Clinton calling out the gop for fear mongering and shes naming names. Her attack on a couple likely republican president ial contenders next. vo you can pass down a subaru forester. dad shes all yours. vo but you get to keep the memories. Love. Its what makes a subaru a subaru. 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In wisconsin, Governor Scott walker cut back early voting and signed legislation that would make it harder for College Students to vote. In new Jersey Governor Chris Christie vetoed legislation to extend early voting and in florida when jeb bush was governor state authorities conducted a deeply flawed purge of voters. Yes. Voting rights are important but why the fullcourt press now . With me now to talk about that jason johnson, professor of Political Science and larry, director at the university of Virginia Center for politics. Hes also the author of the surge. Welcome to both of you. Good morning, carol. Good morning. Thanks carol. So jason, ill start with you. Why the fullcourt press now on Voting Rights . Because theres no good republican response. After stumbling several different ways. Hillary clinton latched on one issue. The voter i. D. Laws passed in several states have created tons of problems for College Students. Its one of the smartest moves done in weeks. Larry clinton is right that voter fraud is rare and i talk extremely rare. According to the department of justice of the 197 million votes cast for federal candidates between 2002 and 2005 just 40 voters were indicted for voter fraud. Of those only 26 cases resulted in convictions or guilty pleas. So larry, is she right to call out the gop and accuse them of fear mongering . Theres the policy issue. You pointed out the way shes right on that. This is political. Turnabout is fair play. They attacked her and its the first time shes named them. The Clinton Campaign knows if shes the nominee, which just about everybody assumes, shes going to have a problem generating an africanamerican and hispanic turnout and turnout among young people to equal that barack obama got in 2008 and 2012. Shes got to start now emphasizing issues that matter disproportionately to the young, hispanic africanamerican voters and heres a classic case of it. So is that why she named these particular gop candidates jason . I think she named them because they have states where these kind of rules come into play. The other thing to remember is this. This is a hugely symbolic issue. Rand paul a republican candidate, has said on more than one occasion look guys we need to back off this. The optics of trying to keep people from voting arent good for the Republican Party either who also need to get young voters who also need to get africanamericans and who also need to eat into the hispanic vote to be successful. I think shes got a onetwo punch here. Its a very good idea. Until guys come up with an answer shell be successful with this narrative. Larry, you dont seem as excited about this. No. I just think its early and you noefr never know what will come to the fore. Shes doing it early because this is going to have to be emphasized over and over again if shes going to get the kind of turnout she needs to win in november 2016. Its not going to be as easy as some of the early polls have suggested. Larry, jason, thank you to both of you. I appreciate it. Still to come in the newsroom, nsa secrets revealed. Why they amped up spying on americans. Get the complete balanced nutrition of ensure. With nine grams of protein. And 26 vitamins and minerals. And now with. Twice as much vitamin d. Which up to 90 of people dont get enough of. The sunshine vitamin ensure. Take life in. Just days after congress reigned in the nsas hour topower to collect your phone calls, the agency secretly spied on Internet Activity in the month for hackers. Lets bring in Barbara Starr at the pentagon this morning to tell us more. Good morning. Good morning, carol. This all comes from documents from who other than Edward Snowden, the former nsa contractor document shared with the New York Times and other organizations. It appears that back in 2012 the nsa got approval from the Justice Department to begin to monitor Internet Connections coming into the United States. The idea is they would look for any hacking or malware activity but it was supposed to be tied to Foreign Government activity. Thats what the nsa does of course as an intelligence agency. You will pick up details about Americans Communications on the internet and youll pick up details about criminal hacking. Thats Law Enforcement. Thats not what the nsa is supposed to be doing. Nsa not supposed to monitor americans. Not entirely clear how much they did pick up. The director of National Intelligence defending the program saying in a statement in part these operations play a Critical Role in protecting u. S. Networks from disruptive and even destructive cyberthreats. As we have seen in the last 24 hours with the latest allegation that china was behind the latest massive hacking attack in the u. S. A lot of concern that these attacks are growing. They are happening more often and very difficult to see how at this point they can be stopped. Barbara starr reporting live from the pentagon. Thank you. Checking other top stories at 49 minutes past president obama heads to europe to try to calm border violence between ukraine and russia. Hes urging european leaders to extend economic sanctions on russia in order to discourage Vladimir Putins army attacks. Thousands died since fierce fighting broke out last year between the countries. Is it a sense of patriotism or a quest for profit . Some senators want to ban the nfl from using your tax dollars to pay teams to salute and honor our troops. Last month senator john mccain highlighted 49 million that the Army National guard spent last year despite its own budget shortfalls. The may jobs report is out this morning and there are signs the economy is picking up. 280,000 jobs were created last month. Thats a slight spike from april boosted by increases in Construction Health care and retail. But the Unemployment Rate edged higher to 5. 5 from 5. 4. Still to come in the newsroom, one horse with a shot at history. Could American Pharoah accomplish one of the toughest feat in sports . Just keeping the lights on. laugh nice. Doing the big things that move an economy. See you tomorrow, mac. See you tomorrow, sam. Just another day at norfolk southern. When broker chris hill stays at laquinta he fires up the free wifi with a network thats now up to 5 times faster than before so he can rapidly prepare his presentation. And when he perfects his pitch, do you know what chris can do . And that is my recommendation. Lets see if hes ready. He can swim with the sharks hes ready. La quinta inns suites take care of you, so you can take care of business. Book your next stay at lq. Com la quinta you wouldnt take medicine without checking the side effects. Hey honey. Huh. The good news is my hypertension is gone. So why would you invest without checking brokercheck . Check your broker with brokercheck. Cranes have uprighted that capsized chinese cruise ship and rescuers can enter into the ship for the First Time Since monday. Bodies are believed to be trapped inside. 82 people have been confirmed dead. Take a look at this. That is a massive, massive sinkhole with a police suv inside of it. This happening miles outside of denver this morning. The officer was driving when the road just opened up and gave way. The officer was able to get on the roof of the car and he climbed out and hes okay this morning. Also in colorado a storm chaser staring down a tornado when it suddenly comes right at him. Crazy guy. He wasnt hurt but his truck took a lot of damage. Tornadoes damaged or destroyed several homes yesterday, caused flooding and brought hail. No reports of injuries. Lets talk sports now. Will we finally see a triple crown winner or is another upset in the making . All eyes are on American Pharoah going for history tomorrow. Andy scholes is live at belmont park in new york. You are so lucky. That i am. Its been 37 years since weve seen a triple crown winner. Me and you have never seen it in our lifetimes, right . Last one to do it affirm 1978. Its been so long since weve seen it. American pharoah has the chance to make history here tomorrow evening and theres going to be 90,000 fans here in the stands packing this place hoping to see history and hoping to be a part of it. American pharoah has a great chance. Hes won six races in a row and his trainer bob bsays that American Pharoah is the best horse hes ever had. Take a listen. He wins his races with ease. The derby he had to work at it and didnt bring his best race. I just really think coming into this race if its going to happen for me this is probably my strongest hand coming up here. This is the year you better tune in. Baffert said win or lose American Pharoah gets tons of carrots after the race. What are odds that American Pharoah will win . Hes by far the favorite to win the Belmont Stakes. Right now hes at 3 to 5 favorite. You have to bet 166 to win just 100. The next ones after him not very close. Frosted and materiality have butch better odds 51 and 101 right now. American pharoah the odds on favorite to win this race. That being said the favorite in the last eight Belmont Stakes have all failed to win. Wasnt the owner of last years horse angry because his horse was tired and other horses were fresh during the belmont . Thats right. This is a gruelling five weeks to win the triple crown. Three races in five weeks. The thing is that people talk about a lot is horses that dont win the Kentucky Derby often times take the preakness off to rest and prepare for Belmont Stakes because its a mile and a half track which is longer than other two races. Thats what got the owner of California Chrome so hot last year when his horse didnt win the triple crown. He called it cowards way out. Horses should not be allowed to just come in and race in the Belmont Stakes after sitting out derby and or the preakness and i got another stat for you. Im throwing a lot at you. The last nine horses to win the Belmont Stakes either didnt run derby and or preakness. So that rest plays into this. Ill put you on the line. Do you think American Pharoah will pull it out and how much are you going to bet, andy scholes . Well im going to keep that under wraps. Im definitely going to get a souvenir ticket in case he does win. 37 years is long enough to wait for anything. Come on. Youre going to bet. Tell us how much youre going to bet. Come on andy. I said you have to bet 166 to win 100. Theres your hint. I love that. Okay. Andy scholes reporting live from the belmont. Thanks so much. Thank you for joining me today. Im carol costello. At this hour starts now. A shocking claim. A woman comes forward to say Denny Hastert abused my brother but the question is are there more alleged victims . It could be the biggest cyberattack against the u. S. Government ever. The breach impacting millions of americans and setting up a showdown with china. Trapped above 13,000 feet. More than 100 climbers including americans facing landslides and storms. Crews right now racing to save them. Good morning, everyone. Im john berman. Im kate bolduan. Bombshell revelations in the

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