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Helped break the story for the New York Times. Hes also a cnn political analyst and he joins us now via skype. Michael, im glad you could join us this evening. Your colleague, Michael Smith landed an impromptu interview with the president today and the big headline, he believe the special counsel will treat his fairly in the russia investigation. Yeah, no, thats right. It was about a half hour interview and totally impromptu and down at the president s golf club in west palm beach, florida. But there was a lot there. The thing that struck us most was the comments that the president made about the russia investigation. Notably that he thought bob mueller was going to be fair to him which undercuts and undermines that many of his party have been making for the last several weeks that theyve been attempting to discredit and undermine muellers investigation, calling it partisan. So this kind of goes against that, but at the same time as youve said, the president repeated a lot of the complaints and criticisms that hes had about the investigation and in fact at one point said that made a reference to the Justice Department and said he thought he could do whatever he wants with the Justice Department. Although for the moment, hes not doing that. Okay. A lot to get through in this article. There has been no collusion, at least thats what he believes. Right. I mean, so the bit about what it looks like for the country came after mike asked him a question about timing and whether or not he was concerned that the investigation wasnt concluding more quickly that youll remember that the president s aids had reported to him they thought the investigation would end first by thanksgiving and then by the end of this year. Its clearly not ending that quickly. And so mike said, does that concern you . And what the president said no it doesnt concern me, except that its really bad for the country and he repeated that in a bunch of different ways saying he thought the longer this goes on the worst it is for the country. Lets talk about more about what you just said. I have the absolute right, i have absolute right to do what i want to do with the Justice Department, but for purposes of hopefully thinking im going to be treated fairly, ive stayed uninvolved with this particular matter and thats a quote from the piece from the president. Talk to me about that. Yeah, so mike had in discussing the russia investigation and that naturally turns as it often does with the president , the president sort of made it turn to the email and inquiry involving Hillary Clinton. And so at one point, mike said to the president , you know, you have control over the Justice Department, right. Are you going to order them to renew the investigation into Hillary Clintons emails . The president s answer is verbatim of what he said following that question. And it seemed to sort of skip over the part of Hillary Clinton and more about the part of the Justice Department and whether or not he controls it. Because as you read, its really not a reference that we can determine anyway to the Hillary Clinton emails. Its really more a reference back to russia, back to this question about whether or not bob muler is going to be fair to him. And he does, you know, indicate this belief that i think he and a lot of supporters have which is that they believe that he has the control that ultimately the Justice Department reports to him. And that its up to him whether the investigation, you know, continues or ends. How did Jeff Sessions come up . The question was put to him about Jeff Sessions and he, you know, and he said again, you know, i wish he hadnt reaccused himse recused himself. And mike asked him a question about loyalty, does that call into question his loyalty or something . His response was to bring up mr. Holder and say let me tell you about mr. Holder and basically he didnt directly answer the question of loyalty. In fact he said look, i dont want to deal with loyalty, but he went on to suggest that eric holder, unlike clearly unlike Jeff Sessions was his point that eric holder had protected president obama during what the president and republicans like to call scandals involving that white house. He raised the irs, you know, controversy surrounding the irs. Mr. Holder protected president obama in a way that clearly he doesnt think that Jeff Sessions protected him. Hes talking about fast and furious. Nothing came of that. I thought it was fascinates that he gave the interview, he gave the interview in the grill room at Trump International golf course after he ate lunch with his playing partners, including son eric and jim herman. No aids were present for the interview and the president sat alone with the New York Times reporter at a large round table at the club. Members sat and ate lunch nearby. People came back, including his friend back and forth including chris rutty as well. I thought it was interesting there was no aids there. No aids. And if you look at story and we have i think a partial transcript up as well now on the site. Theres lots of other tid bits, some of which are funny little moments. There was one in which he said he was talking about the tax bill and he took issue with reports that maybe he doesnt have as much detail knowledge about the tax bill and other legislation thats gone i have the quote here, it says mr. Trump disputed reports that suggested that he does not have a detailed understanding of a legislation saying i know the details of taxes better than anybody. Better than the greatest cpa. I know the greatest details of Health Care Better than most, better than most. Yeah. It was that kind of interview. He wasnt containing himself. He went on a lot of different topics. It was really interesting. Michael, fascinating. I appreciate your time. Happy to do it. And by the way, chris is joining us here in a little bit on cnn. Hope hell get to us as well. I know hes busy this holiday season. He promised to check in with us and give us insight on this interview and whats happening at maralago. I was to bring in chris, david, and april ryan. Fascinating, dont you think . Chris, what do you think . Well, okay, first of all, wonderful guy, great reporter. That out of the way, donald trump okay. He says lots of things and you went through some of it, but let me make this point, this is evidence yet again that donald trump does not hate the media. Donald trump loves the media. Staff was unaware he was doing it. Donald trump consumes more media. Craves the attention and approval. He loves the media but its a political ploy to pretend he doesnt like the media because it works with his base. He said over and over again, no collusion, no collusion, no collusion, but at the same time mueller will be fair, hes not worried about it. Hes sitting there having lunch down in florida. He wants to be seen as both not worried about it, but also still push this narrative that theres nothing to see here and that this investigation by mueller has no point to it. Even though it was earlier this year that he was saying, i have nothing to do with and no one that in my circle had nothing to do with russia. And in narrative has proved to be not true. April, what do you make of the fact that the president brought up 16 times . 16 times that there was, quote, no collusion . The president hopes theres no collusion and he even went to alan ders wits who is a liberal democrats and he says theres no collusion. But collusion is hard to prove. But obstruction of justice is something different. And thats on the table as well. So the collusion that showed he may have a piece there april, hold on, you brought up something that is very important because his supporters, trump tv over on the other cable channel and the president they keep talking about collusion, collusion, collusion, this investigation is not just about collusion. Go on, sorry to interrupt you. No, you make a point. Collusion, he may have a point there, thats a good piece, but there are other factors and its getting very close. So we have to wait and see. The hope of this president is that it could end today. Is the fact that, you know, maybe all the indictments are over, but in reality, it looks like theres more to come. And we just have to wait and see. And its not necessarily about collusion. If it is found to be in fact something that was a definite something that was strategically done, thats a different issue. But when it kochls to obstruction of justice, thats easier to prove than the issue of collusion. I want to Say Something, i want to totally disagree with the panel. The president likes reporters who he likes. The president has a relationship, it seems, with the New York Times. Hes been giving them these interviews over the last couple of months. This is just along that line. He likes the New York Times, thats his hometown paper. For whatever reason, they chastise the New York Times in the briefing room, but theyre the first one that the president will go to and have great conversations with. He knows the paper of record. Hes legitimate, he doesnt to want admit it the ones he criticizes the most are the ones he respects the most because they are institutions and brands. He doesnt respect you and theres other things. Let me ask you about this. Once he reviewed his assertion as a hoax, as a ruse, as an excuse for losing an election. He said that Everybody Knows his associates did not collude with the russians, ieven as he insi t insisted that the real stories are about democrats who worked with the 2016 campaign, chris. Few things, number one, this, the reason that we have a special counsel, don, is because the Deputy Attorney general in the trump Justice Department Rod Rosenstein decided that one was required given the circumstances. Bob mueller was a republican that was voted by president bush, a republican, as head of the fbi. Its just its difficult to say, well the president on one hand has a point because, theres just no evidence here that democrats are at the heart of this. Hillary clinton and the dnc funded this dossier by the former british spy, but that is not the only piece of this investigation by a long shot. It is not the reason indictments that have been handed down, its not even mentioned. No, again, to con flat that dossier, which the Justice Department has confirmed parts of and has not other parts. To say that thats the entire special counsel investigation is just misleading at best. Yeah, why do you think he says, he could do what he wants with the Justice Department but because he wants to be treated fairly, he is staying out of it. Why do you think, david, whats but then he hones in that he wants to be treated fairly. Don, i think again throughout all of this, he likes to keep his options open. He can get rid of Rob Rosenstein and then get rid of mueller that. He has the power because the Justice Department ultimately reports through him. I agree wl chris that the president is sort of flooding the zone when it comes to democrats and russia, he says, John Podestas brother, fusion gps, he says this, he says that, but he doesnt present a theory of the case as to what democrats and russia would have been working on together. And thats why i think its been so thin and thats why it hasnt gained the transaction i think that it traction that i think it otherwise would have. That question has not been answered by the president or any other republicans. He talks about roy moore and said he never really wanted to support him. He knew he would lose in the general. And he had to do it because hes the head of the republican party. Is he making excuses for being a twotime loser in alabama because he did stomp for roy moore, he endorsed him, he supported him. He campaigned for him. Yes, hes making excuses but this president walked away from what he considered a loser right away. It was that night and don the president said, you know, he sent his congratulations to doug jones right away and left moore. And moore he and the president hadnt even talked and the president , at that time, didnt even know that roy moore wasnt going to concede. So this president is trying to pick up the pieces looking towards 2018. This president went in full throttle for roy moore. There was a head hot spotlight on the issue of Sexual Misconduct, alleged Sexual Misconduct and according to to the president , the pst was still all in. Once roy moore lost and it might have been one of the best things for the president because once roy moore lost, it took that spotlight right off of the president and off of roy moore and and the Sexual Harassment allegations. Ive got to run, april. You can finish your thought. Come on now. Im not that mean. Okay. No, youre not. Youre a good guy hey don, i can make one point. I think this is just an albatross around the president s neck that hes glad hes on. Quick david. I was going to say the night trump now wants to claim Luther Strange. The night he was supposed to be down in alabama endorsing strange is the night the controversial with the nfl players. The endorsement of strange was buried. Now i was behind strange. It was a lukewarm endorsement. Dont forget, he deleted the Luther Strange distractions, distractions, distractions. Roy moore hasnt conceded even though they certified the election today. And he wont. Its done. Its over. Its a wrap. Its done. Toast. How embarrassing. Happy new year, yall. Happy new year, don. When we come back, why President Trump claims the New York Times would fail without him. E awardwinning geico mobile app, our customers have 24 7 access, digital id cards, they can even pay their bill beep bill has joined the call. Hey bill, were just phone hi guys, bill here. Do we have julia on the line too . k, well well just phone hey sorry. I had you muted. Well yea lets just phone so what i was thinking ok well well phone yeah lets just go ahead phone oh alright the awardwinning geico app. Download it today. Breathe freely fast wmy congestions gone. I can breathe again i can breathe again vicks sinex. Breathe on. Im all about my bed. This mattress is dangerously comfortable. 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Tim, ill ask you, what stood out to you . Oh, what stood out to me . Well, my sense was he was trying to show off. He was in the middle of a restaurant, at a cafe at the club. What stood out to me, first of all is that the basic themes that the president s provided us. He doesnt believe there is a reality behind the hacking issue. For him its all about collusion which he didnt commit and the whole issue was created as a hoax by the democrats who are sore losers. He is pushing this idea that hes tried to be bipartisan, but that democrats like the senator from West Virginia wouldnt do his part. So, its the same, its the same story. He is just providing us with an alternative reality to try to explain away everything that people criticized him for. In the end, alabama wasnt his fault. Its the mistake of the local gop. He wasnt supportive of moore. He knew moore would lose. Its that same, its that same story over and over again. And sadly, we hoped he would stop at some point he would realize there was a reality beyond the rhetoric, but he hasnt so far. Douglas, i want to bring you in and part of the interview before i get your reaction. I know the details of taxes better than anybody, better than the greatest cpa. I know the details better than most, better than most. He knows more about the big bills debated in congress than any president thats ever been in office. Thats not been the impression of many who worked on those bills. Correct . Well of course not, and thats more donald trump bs. You know, patting himself on the back. Hes bored at maralago when the suppress swirling outside there, and hes been very angry at the Washington Post the last months, in fact all of 2017, the post investigative journalists have been stunning. He tends to be more favoritable oodly to the New York Times once in a while, but my takeaway from whats important here is hes obsessed with mueller. Here it is on the holiday, he keeps trying to say i didnt collude, i didnt collude over and over again. He never mentions obstruction of justice because hes going to be charged with that. The records pretty clear that justice was obstructed. So i think its just showing him itd be a bit in a panicked zone right now but tried to act cool and collected. I think douglas, i think youre right. I think most people woke up on Christmas Morning surprised that the president was talked abouting the russia investigation instead of just, you know, enjoying the season and handing out well wishes to the country, not only the country, but the world. Sally, let me bring you in here now. The president says the following, another reason that i am going to win another four years is because newspapers, television, all forms of media will tank if im not there because without me, their ratings are going down the tubes. Without me, the New York Times will indeed be not the failing New York Times but the failed New York Times. By the way, the last time we cable people and newspapers have had these sort of ratings was during when barack Obama Took Office and they were even higher then. So thats a reality here. So he, of course, said that directly to the New York Times reporter though, whats your thoughts on that . Well, i think he aint whistling dixie. I think hes absolutely right. I mean, look at us right now, here we are just talking about donald trump. I mean, you know, everybody was having a nice set of prenew years eve rest and suddenly hes out there talking about collusion and i can do anything i want with the Justice Department and if thats not speaking softly and carrying a big stick, i dont know what it is. Its of course muellers going to treat me fairly because theres no collusion. However, i can do anything i want with the Justice Department. So, i mean, i think you know, hes definitely great copy for newspapers, hes great on television. And i think he may not be wrong that, you know, people are going to tune out less when you have this incredible entertainment show. And i think one of the reasons that its so entertaining is because he changes his mind all the time. And if you look at what he goes through, i mean, and this one week of the sort of antimueller craziness and then muellers going to treat me fairly and then, the russians, you know, he talks to tillerson, dont mess, dont even try to talk to the north koreans and then tillerson says oh no, the, the new way were going to deal with them is to talk to the north koreans and, you know, and then its jerusalem and then, you know, we love, you know, we may or may not do something with the iranians. I mean, everything he says he changes his mind all the time. And so, youre just kind of constantly it trying to keep up. Wait a minute, wait a minute, he said that, its fascinating and riveting. Theres a whole different thing, the reason im going to win is because the newspapers, television, all forms of media will tank if im not there. Without me their ratings are going to go down the tubes. Without me the New York Times will indeed not be the failing New York Times, but the failed New York Times. Timothy, its interesting because i think people, listen, there is only so much of a side show that people to want witness and see, and i think many people have had their fill of it. And i dont think that the media would go out of business if there were no donald trump, maybe the ratings would be different, but i doubt that the New York Times would go out of business if donald trump was not in office. Don, the way in which the president said this, tells me so much about him. He is convinced the world is rigged. What he said in that interview was the media wont let me lose. Six months before the election theyre going to start to say nice things because they need me. So, the world view he shared with us is a completely conspiratorial world view. And thats what i found most interesting about that comment. By the way the other thing he said that we just have to mention is that he is the worlds best cpa. Apparently he understands taxes better than the best cpa in the country. So, what was amazing was the hyperbole, he just kept producing this incredible sen ask, is this all a show or does he believe it . And i dont know. Douglas, if he knows better can i Say Something about that. I have to get to douglas. I do think he says things that one minute and then changes his mind. I think that happens all the time. I dont think he believes anything all the time. If he knows better than the cpas and perhaps, Douglas Brinkly, you might be able to explain his tax returns to us. Yeah, why doesnt he open his own taxes . He hides his taxes. Its ridiculous he hasnt released them. And this notion that hes vastly entertaining on the media needs him, hes suppressing with a 35 approval rating, twothirds of the country are giving his show a big thumbs down. The New York Times has been an existence since 1851, its going to continue to be a great newspaper. And donald trump will be long gone, and i think many times readers are kind of have trump fatigued. Theyre not excited to wake up tomorrow and read more about donald trump. The times covers him because they have to. But the idea that these all of these Media Outlets would go down the tubes without him is obviously a selfabrandizement. The president comes with term limits, journalism does not. Appreciate it, happy new year. When we come back, were going to talk to one of President Trumps Close Friends who was in the room with the president during his impromptu interview today. Been jimmys longest. Jimmy shouting james hes survived record rain and a supplier that went belly up. 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You were part of this interview with the New York Times, just briefly they mentioned you. He had some surprising things to say about the Mueller Investigation. Hello . Can you hear me, chris . Okay. I dont think we have chris. Do we not . All right. Well work to get chris back. Lets bring the panel in now. Weve got ben ferguson and terrence here with me. So we werent going to talk about what chris said. Why dont we talk about this interview in the New York Times. The president saying tara that he believes that Robert Mueller will treat him fairly. And its sort of the opposite of what has been said, especially by his supporters and what has been said on the fox channel on the other cable channel. What do you think . I find that to be very interesting. I almost wonder if hes doing that to project that i think another guest said something similar. To from jekt that everythings fine that he has it under control. I do find that interesting because once again, you have all of these republicans, committee chairman, you know, surrogates, everybodys now, this has been a concerted effort for the last few weeks to try to undermine the fbi, the investigation, mueller even different than what the president has said himself. Different than what hes tweeted. I think when hes in an unfiltered moment by himself with no aids, theres no, theres no telling where his mind is because what did they say . The last person he spoke to or what he watched on fox and friends that day. I think its just a way of him trying to project that, you know, everything is fine. I have it under control, but we all know this is a real thing. This is a real investigation. Theres nothing fake about any of it. And i think that those that have been out there going against mueller who used to say that mueller was beyond reproach in his respectability, now those folks are probably going what are we doing now because the president s off message . Most of them have said that he was respected until conveniently until he got their guy. Ben chris, are you there . I thought you hung up there. Happy holidays, hope you had a great christmas. Merry christmas to you. You spent part of it at maralago with the president. Thank you very much. You were part of this interview, although briefly you came up and spoke with the president as others were speaking to the president. The president apparently saying to the New York Times that he has, he thinks that mueller will treat him fairly. What do you think of that . Look, the president has said all along that not guilty of any crime, hes been cooperating fully with the Mueller Investigation. Theyve been you know, the president could have exercised the executive prim line of scrimmage many, many times. They have not. Theyve been working closely and trying to cooperate theres never been any indication, then two indictments and the agreements theres any evidence of wrong doing by the campaign. I introduced him to the president and the president said hey, lets do an interview. And he sat with michael for a half hour and gave him his take on the world. And its very typical of the president , he speaks his mind. Given everything that you said, thats according to to the president he believes there is no collusion. Why continue to attack the investigation and mueller, not just the president , but also the folks on the trump channel. Over on the other cable station. Why do that then if theres nothing there. So its not the president who says theres been nothing with him and russia. Its that we now know this investigation by mueller has gone on, it started before he was appointed. Its over a year now and they have found no evidence in the indictments of the plea agreements with russian collusion. We know theres been a house investigation and a Senate Investigation that republicans and democrats. So far, Neither Committee has revealed anything with the russians. Do you realize the scope of the investigation goes beyond collusion, right . Yeah, but look, cnn and msnbc have made a case the president colluded with the russians, the campaign colluded with the russians, the i cannot speak for msnbc, but cnn has not made a case chris, hold on, i cannot speak for msnbc, but cnn has not made the case that the president colluded. Cnn is just reporting what is out there and what should be reported on. We have not made the case for or against collusion. But go on. Of course you have. And your belief, we have not. Theres no evidence yet and most of the merits that have come out of the criticisms of him, and he said look, bring it on the truth is i think Robert Mueller is an american hero. He kept america safe after 9 11, hes the fbi director for more than ten years, did an incredible job, but there are questions about the investigation, legitimate questions number of the prosecutors openly supported president obama and hillary and her campaign. When you see that this investigation, i think youll agree to exam the russian involvement and none of the indictments of the plea agreement have anything to do with that. You have wondered, are these guys being dieted because they committed a crime or because they are friends of the president . And im so youre saying Michael Flynn did not lie to the fbi . Michael flynn didnt lie to the fbi, chris . Michael flynn admitted in a plea agreement he lied to the fbi, but jurisdiction of the Mueller Investigation was collusion and conspiracy between trump and the russians in the election. Its also obstruction and scope goes beyond collusion though, chris. Chris, you have to be honest with the viewer in youre going to be on, the scope is not just collusion. Its also russia hacking or russia influencing our election. It also can probably include obstruction of justice. It can include money crimes. And any other thing that Robert Mueller comes across as he is investigating russias influence into our election. It is not just collusion. You must be honest with the american public. No, but the point is that ive been watching your show this past six months, i would think that the president colluded with the russians, yet theres no evidence of it. We have never said, i have never said the president colluded with the russians, we have always said there may be no collusion found, chris, chris, now, listen, that is a flat out lie. Thats a flat out lie. We have never said the president the president for his campaign colluded im not an investigator. Im not an investigator and i have never made that aserngs. So can you give me one . Youre posing a question that should be posed to someone else. Hello . Yeah, are you there, im sorry, go on. Can you hear me . Yes, i can hear you. Sorry, go on. Ive never said that and never heard anyone on cnn say that there was evidence of collusion. As a matter of fact, i always hear people preface by saying there may be no collusion my god, i watch your network. You talk about impeachable offenses all day long on there. Whats wrong with talking about impeachable offenses . Ive known him for a long time. Hes open to this. Its just when you Say Something thats not true that he committed a crime or someone in his family committed a crime or these other individuals involving things that there is no evidence of it is, thats where i think you start saying well is this a politically motivated investigation . Well chris, you must be watching a different channel because no one has ever said anyone in the president s family or the president has committed a crime. We have people on who discuss the possibility of people committing a crime, but no one has emphatically said on cnn that the president has committed a crime. Nor anyone in his family. So if youre saying that we must tell the truth, then you must as well. And the president , speaking of telling the truth, has a history of not telling the truth. As a matter of fact, he made statements yesterday that were completely not truthful saying he signed more legislation than any president in history. And that is wrong. He signed the least since eisenhower. Don, the average growth during the obama years was 1. 5 . Donald trumps already moving the economy over 3 gdp growth and if you talk to any economist, chris, again, the truth, this all started under president barack obama, and he is reaping the rewards of an economy that started long before he became president. I think youre going to see what this tax bill a major, major growth across the country businesses are going to invest like crazy. And you know what, the bottom line is the result. Is he going to bring more jobs, grow the economy, strengthen our military and National Security . And i think like in the New York Times report today by michael schmitt, i would encourage people to read that report, i mean, this is a president thats very hyperfocussed on north korea, pointed out that for over 25 years, no president has tackled or willing to tack it will, and he said it threatened a long chris of our nation and we cant allow these guys to get ballistic missiles, thermal Nuclear Weapons chris, listen, thank you. I have to get to the break. I hope youre right. I hope youre right when it comes to whats going to happen with the gdp, overseas, and north korea. Again, those are all projections into the future. Were talking about things that have already don, keep an open mind. Absolutely. And you as well. I know you i would say, i would say also projection is a serious thing. You should, you should take your own words to heart. Keep an open mind and dont run away from the truth as well. Thank you, happy new year to you. Appreciate you coming on. Well be right back. 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How many people did barack obama have charged with a crime . Zero. How many people were indicted when barack obama was president of the United States . Zero. How many people pled guilty to a crime . Zero. The fact is, anybody can come on tv and tout the president and tout his ethics and tout his morals and everything else. But hes had four individuals, four individuals, two of which have actually already pled guilty. One of which was his National Security adviser. They have pled guilty to crimes. And the National Security adviser has pled guilty to a crime while he was in the white house. And paul manafort, whos been indicted was the chairman of the president s campaign. Those are facts. And if Christopher Ruddy wants to come on here and say this has nothing to do with the president , this has nothing to do with the president while he was running for office or while hes been in the white house, then hes a baldfaced liar. The fact is, we are still investigating a meeting that happened with the president s son, donald trump jr. , and people are asking, why did this meeting occur . It happened because of adoptions. Thats bs, don. We know why it happened. It happened because they thought that they could get information from the russians. Ive got to get ben in. Go ahead, ben. Yeah, look, and i want to say this, because i think that this is, you know, what bakari just said there, i think sums up the election a year ago perfectly. There are a lot of people that feel like that there was special treatment that was given to people that worked for barack obama and things that they did that they would have been indicted for if they were republicans. For example, when you clearly have topsecret information on a laptop that you have on a server in the basement of your house and then you send those topsecret classified documents to people that arent even cleared to see them and you forward them to your husband, who by the way is in jail by the name of anthony weiner. If that was a republican what does that have to do with what were talking about . What are you talking about . The fbi already investigated that. There have been a million theories on it. Its water under the bridge. But why no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Its water under the bridge for you. No well be right back. Well be right back. Back now with my panel. Ben, if youre not going to hijack the panel and talk about things that are relevant, if you then, you can go on and talk about it. But i dont want to hear things about listen, i dont want to hear about benghazi or uranium or about it has been litigated of course, because it doesnt fit the narrative. No, it doesnt because its irrelevant, now, ben, she lost its irrelevant if youre going to talk about it, ben i didnt say anything when bakari was talking earlier and you had no problem because you agreed with it all, don. Its not because i greed wag with it all, its because hes talking about things that have to do with now, not some bull from the past that has been litigated over and over and not relevant anymore. Every time oh, but her emails. Oh, but her uranium. Because you dont like what im saying. I didnt even say the word uranium, don thats you saying that. You go back to the same no, its not so lets stop if you listen to somebody instead of assuming what theyre going to say, you might learn something. Lets stop right here and talk about the New York Times interview that we were discussing instead of going back in time, in a time machine, and talking about something and someone who was not president anymore. So again, he says that he believes, tara, that he believes that he could be treated fairly in an investigation. Yet, over and over and over again, he has said that he believes that it is tainted. He says in this interview that he believes it was made up, invented by the democrats, these russia allegations, as a hoax and a ruse and as an excuse for losing an election. Yet our intelligence agencies have unanimously agreed that the russians did, in fact, meddle in our election. Donald trump has it stuck in his craw that it somehow undermines legitimacy of his election if he acknowledges what the russians did. This is something to the chagrin of even his National Security folks, everyone, they dont like the fact he continues to call this a hoax, because its not a hoax. And it makes our intelligence communitys job that much more difficult, because they need to implement policy to make sure this doesnt happen again. Thats the real problem here. The fact that he and no one is doing anything about it. Well, i dont know. I believe that there are good men and women that are trying to do their jobs, despite the president s continually stepping on their throats and belittling them in public. But, this is his obsession with this is pathological. And hes done a lot of other things in this interview, like, he knows the tax bill greater than cpas and all these things. I know Foreign Policy better than the generals. Thank you, all. I appreciate it. Im going to see you new years eve with andy and anderson. So, lets have some fun. Lets see what i do this year. Happy new year happy new year. Good night, everybody. Thanks for watching. [whispering]. Forever [alarm beeps] [barking] let out your innerchild at the lexus december to remember sales event. 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