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A recap of the days news. Its the idea that in the Republican Coalition right now it is a cult of personalty around trump, and that ad is a perfect example of it. Its i am trump. I am trump. I am with them. And theres it is the only strategy. You cannot win a republican primary in this country right now without siding with trump. This is access is reporting tonight that trumps power over politics and republicans is growing. They say his sway often flows from fear. He is a powerful hold on supporters minds. Hes refined the social issues that animate the Republican Base and plucks candidates from obscurity and turns them into household names. How do you describe this president s control over understanding the understanding of his base . Well, i think its an addition and subtraction game. Hes adding to the republican say that so i wont. And im very proud to report that new core is going to build a brand new 240 million steel mill. Thats a big one right here in florida. So that we fact checked that, and found that u. S. Steel is required to announce any major changes such as opening new plants and as of tonight they have made no such announcements. Also he mentioned when hes on the road he said this is the largest tax cut in history. Analysis committee responsible for federal budget found that trumps tax cut is the eighth largest since 1918. He talks about gdp. Hes not right about that and jobs and all that. There are some positive things but its certainly not what he makes it out to be. What is going on here . Well, i mean, the unfortunate thing is there is a lot of good news about the economy that he doesnt have to fabricate all these other statements about. So if the earlier statement i said is true that 91 of his base get the truth from donald trump, when you do any Fact Checking on any of his speeches the standard amount of information imparted that is false by a broad Cross Section of Fact Checkers is 45 of what he says is not true at the rallies. So thats a lot of people getting a lot of Bad Information and we wonder why we have a problem about whats true and whats not. I also want to show you guys this video. Watch this. So this is from a rally tonight of Trump Supporters screaming to jim acosta, calling him a liar and trader. The president and his son retweeting a video of chanting cnn sucks. What is going on at the rallies and why would the president and his son want to be part of that. There was eve an baby that had a button with a baby that said cnn sucks and they were holding it up smiling. What it appeals to his base. All those people get riled up because there is this sort of Phony Conspiracy out there that the elites are out to get them and the media is part of the elites. Its not true. And really, its unamerican. I mean, we have mark will, im sure agree with this. Every president thinks the press is out to get them. No president thinks they get a fair shake. But no one has ever done this. Even Richard Nixon wasnt this bad, and something terrible is going to happen, and its going to be trumps fault, because he is the one spoking this up stoking this up. Jim acosta said even after that people come up to him and say can i get my picture with you . A lot of it is all about celebrity. Its not just unamerican. It truly is dangerous. And this is why the New York Times publisher just met with donald trump to say his real fear is the notion that youre portraying the press as an enemy of the people. If donald trump has really fanatic supporters, and if donald trump and his son are retweeting this kind of rage against jim acosta and others and at cnn, then you can see how somebody fanatic, if they think this is truly an enemy of the people, an enemy of the president and a traitor, there could be some consequences and action that somebody is going to regret Going Forward. How do we get to the lowest common denominator . I mean, we are there, the lowest common denominator thats appealing to the country . Its Donald Trumps strategy. Its looking at people who feel grievances and its playing upon their fears. Its a big part of the new Republican Coalition is are people who have been hurt by globalization where the economy has moved past them and they feel like theyve gotten taken advantage of. He plays them. He didnt serve them with his policies but his strategy from the first day of his campaign he uses them. He uses them. And the strategy of the First Campaign was to do this. In some ways it got him elected president. It continues to keep his base happy, and energized. But its sure not helping him govern in any way. No. Its terrible for his base. Its terrible for the country. Were in a very sad place right now. I wish i could say im optimistic, but im not hearing the stories. When we come back, Paul Manaforts trial began today with the defense saying that they plan to pin all the crimes manaforts been accused of on rick gates. Could that work . Take prilosec otc and take control of heartburn. So you dont have to stash antacids here. Here. Or, here. Kick your Antacid Habit with prilosec otc. One pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. Of online sellers. Go to shipstation. Com tv and get two months free. The trial of Paul Manafort underway today with branding the former Trump Campaign a liar with an extravagant lifestyle. Manaforts Team Planning to blame rick gates. Joining me now is laura coats and page pate. Good evening to both of you. Good evening. It was all the fault of rick gates and the russian oligarchs. What do you make of manaforts strategy . Hes grasping at straws. The only defense when you have a document heavy case. Documents speak for themselves. The only strategy is ignore the documents and know who is probably the main informant for the government is somebody he cannot trust. Thats his only strategy here and hes trying to go full force with it. Theyre saying this guy has pleaded guilty and we may as well pin it on him. Exactly. As a prosecutor, i dont know any prosecutor with Mother Teresa as an informant. Its a great equalizer. Great. Page, devine testified today. He said rick gates did more of the logistical work like planning and travel while manafort worked on the strategy. Doesnt that undermine the defense that manafort was duped . No . Well, don, it could. It depend on what happens from this point forward in the trial. How will the Defense Lawyers cross examine this witness . Will they try to Showman Foert may have been the top guy but he wasnt involved in the financial transactions, the paperwork and that he left it to gates who tried to cheat him and doctored some of the documents and was the one that committed the fraud . Obviously thats what the Defense Lawyers told the jury that theyre going to try to prove during this trial. It really depends on how the Defense Lawyers cross examine the government witnesses. Prosecutors brought in manaforts spending habits in their Opening Statement including him buying 15,000 jacket made out of ostrich. What do you think the point of 20,000 watch and a number of houses, highlighting his lavish lifestyle, whats the strategy . I think its to make the jury feel that this is somebody who is not like us. The prosecutors, the government always wants to have defendant as somebody who is not personally appealing to the jury. So in a money case like this where you know the defendant made a lot of money and allegedly didnt pay his taxes, you want the jury to think hes not like one of us. Dont feel sorry or empathize with him. They want to immediately set the defendant off in another place and remove him in any possible sympathy or connection that he might have with the jury. Youre an average working person. Youre playing by the rules and paying your taxes. Its tough to make ends meet. This guy is making all the money and doesnt play the rules and hes not paying his taxes. Is that what youre saying . I am, but they can overdo it. In some cases the government spends so much time talking about how much money the guy made that the jury will start to say okay, he made a lot of money, but he worked hard. Wheres the meat . Wheres the crime he committed . I think its important to lay it out in Opening Statements to try to make him appear above us all. This was a rich guy who lives a different lifestyle, but then they have to turn back to the evidence. I think they did that today with witness number one. So two things here, laura. First, you agree that they can overplay their hand . Even the judge pointed out during the Opening Statement, derailed the prosecutors main argument by saying its not a crime to spend your money frivolously. Reminding the jury thats not the issue. They have to tie it to Money Laundering or its not that he worked hard its that theres no other way to get the money besides nefarious means. Pressure for a guilty verdict . A lot of pressure. Its not the direct tie to collusion. They cant even talk about trump, collusion, and thats correct. You cant do that. But everyone assumes youre going to lead with your trump. Youre going to do your strongest case that ties to your directive that you had under rosenstein. Theres a lot of pressure from muellers team to be successful, especially on a documentbased case, but its important at this juncture they abide by the terms of this judge, because if they do not have success in the trial, the second trial coming up may be all for not and Going Forward it will be a harder battle to prove to congress and the court of Public Opinion that they have something. Weve been told the president officials told cnn the president has been following this manafort trial closely all day. Whats the danger for him . Well, i think maybe hes concerned about two things. One is somethings going to come out at this trial that negatively reflects on him, either his campaign, his connections to russia, his children, his family, something may come out during the testimony that makes him look bad. He had no control over that. Im sure that frustrates him and the white house. This trial will be controlled by the judge. What come out during the testimony, hes a participant as far as a witness, but he cant control whats said. The other thing is maybe something happens during the trial. Manafort says look, we need to strike a deal. Lets talk. I know i didnt want to plea guilty early but now ive seen the evidence. Trump is not coming to my rescue. Im not getting a phone call about a pardon, maybe i can enter a plea and a new development occurs that changes the course of the investigation relating to trump. I appreciate it. But before we go, the answer in the form of a question. Who does alex trebek want to take over for him . None other than who is laura coats . He tweeted that. He said it in an interview. I couldnt believe it. I mean, you could have picked me up off the floor. He did it in an interview . Yes. For me, it was always jeopardy is either alex with a mustache. Im honored by it. Thats jeopardy, but this is cnn. Thank you. Thank you both. I appreciate it. When we come back, a ice official describing detention officials as summer camp today. This isnt the only thing thats had people angry about the hearing on capitol hill. When i received the diagnoses, i knew at that exact moment. Im beating this. My main focus was to find a team of doctors. Its not just picking a surgeon, its picking the care team and feeling secure in where you are. Visit cancercenter. Com breast patience of a saint. The new sleep number 360 smart bed, from 999. Smarter sleep will change your life. Does your Business Internet provider promise a lot . Lets see who delivers more. Comcast business gives you gigspeed in more places. The others dont. We offer up to 6 hours of 4g Wireless Network backup. Everyone else, no way. We let calls from any of your devices come from your business number. Them, not so much. We let you keep an eye on your business from anywhere. The others . Nope get internet on our gigspeed network and add voice and tv for 34. 90 more per month. Call or go online today. An amazingly tone deaf moment on capitol hill today. A top official with immigration and Customs Enforcement saying this about Family Residential centers where parents and children are held. The best way to describe them is to be more like a summer camp. These individual have access to 24 7 food and water. They have educational opportunities. They have recreational opportunities both structured as well as unstructured. Theres basketball courts. Theres exercise classes. Theres soccer fields that we put in there. But no parents. So im going to bring in Maria Cardona and steve cortez. Maria you heard that from the head of enforcement and removal for immigration and Customs Characterizing The Centers at summer camps. Yeah. Nothing less than disgusting. Clearly ice, i guess now or especially the head of it which is even worse is getting their Talking Points from fox news, because we heard this earlier when this policy first started and when kids were being ripped from the arms of their mothers and getting put in these detention centers, the child prisons from laura ingram who said that it was like summer camp. I would invite others to send their kids to the summer camp if he does believe that. Put his money where his mouth is. Its absolutely ridiculous. It clearly is indicative of what they know has been a debacle of a policy, has been a horrific evil policy, has been something that they know they are going to pay for politically at the ballot box in november, and theyre trying to paint the best picture from something that actually is completely horrible and unamerican. Hes not the first person. I mean, that was as he is speaking or testifying in front, you know, of lawmakers, but other people have qualified it or classified it that way, steve. I mean, what did you think of his statements . Summer camp . No. Listen, i think he phrased it poorly. He should have said were trying to create a facility thats like a camp, but to call it summer camp, that evokes happy memories and somebody sent there for great reasons. And the children are the victims. I have nothing but empathy for these children. They are the victims. Though, primarily of their parents who made a terrible decision of Breaking And Entering into our country. They were not Breaking And Entering. Well, theyre not legal. That means Breaking And Entering. They are desperately looking for asylum because they were under the threat of death. Im glad you mentioned that, because if you look at a map, maria, its a very long way from Central America all the way through mexico to the United States. Over thats how desperate these families are, steve. Hold on. If theyre that desperate, then the first time they got to an open democracy, mexico, why didnt they ask for asylum there. They may have. They wanted to come to the United States. I dont blame them for wanting to come here. Im glad my father came here and millions of people from All Over The World come here legally. And we have a right as a country to determine who bestserves the interests and security of america. Thats not Accident Phobic or racist. Those who decide to do it their own way and break and enter into the United States can i ask you one quick question, steve, what does this have to do with separating parents and children . Well, again, if you break and into enter into my house and bring your children, youll be separated from their children. Thats awful. They didnt do it. Its not their decision. But if you break into someones house, its a felony. Right . If you cross the border, undocumented, is that a felony . Its a civil penalty. Not the first but the second. And for many of them its multiple times. Why would you classify it as Breaking And Entering, then . Because if you go somewhere without permission, i dont know how much i have to explain this. If i were what did they break . Breaking and entering assumes you broke down a door or a window to get into someones house. And that you have malice to do it. If i run past the guards at any Office Building basically in america, i will quickly be apprehended. Thats Breaking And Entering. Why should our country what if you surrender and beg for help because you and your family are under the threat of death . What then . Once again maria, why or are you asking for asylum, which is legal to anybody who feels under the threat of death in this country . And we have a heart for asylum in this country. You dont. The president doesnt. Once again why do they go 1500 miles for the asylum. Heres what happens. We get sidetracked. What is the definition of this . You get sidetracked. Lets get back to the subject about what happened today on the hill. This is hhs commander Jonathan White testifying today he expressed concerns to the administration that separating children from their parents was a bad thing. Watch this. During the deliberative process over the Previous Year we raised a number of of concerns in the program about any policy which would result in Family Separation Due to concerns we had about the best interest of the child as well as about whether that would be operational supportable with the bed capacity we have. Theres no question. Theres no question that separation of children from parents entails significant potential for traumatic psychological injury to the child. So the fact that he warned the administration, warned the Administration Officials about a policy that would result in pain and suffering to children but clearly he was ignored, what does that tell you . That tells me this was not a knee jerk reaction. This was a wellthought out policy that was focussed on discriminating and raining terror on the families who were just trying to give their children a better life. But it also indicates something even more insidious, don. This was the worst mix of incompetence, of immorality, of carelessness, cluelessness and callousness that i think comes from a very real strain within trump and his administration that is racist, that is bigoted, and that is focussed on implementing policies that are discriminatory, and that is what we are seeing. Listen we lost a lot of time back and forth there when we got off track. But steve, can you answer this for me quickly . White also testified that he was told that Family Separation was not the official policy, but we all witnessed what happened. Members of the administration describing the separation as a deterrent. Look, Family Separation i dont know what went on within dhs. Family separation clearly is traumatic. By the way the best way to deter this long term is to build a wall. If we dont have a Porous Board Er and we have only guarded points of entry, that prevents a lot of human misery at the border. Open borders are not humanitarian. Theyre the opposite. We dont have open borders, steve. Well, we have effectively open borders. No. And to your point that its allegedly racist, whats racist is allowing people to pour in and compete in the job market. I would argue thats a soft racism weve tolerated for decades. It would be so much easier to have discussion with somebody who knows the facts or respects the truth. People are not pouring in. This border has not been porous and open. The numbers actually do not support what you are saying. Within then how do we have 10 to 15 million illegals in the country. The numbers have been going down. There are actually net immigration to this country is negative. There are more people going out thats not true. Mexico it is. Thats not true in general. Got to go. This policy is based on complete and total lies. Well continue this discussion. Thank you all. Thank you both. I appreciate your time. Thank you. When we come back Jeff Sessions announcing a group protecting religious groups from persecution, but who is the task force really going to protect . Welcome back. Dean as well, we havent seen you. Good to be here. Charles critics say the task force is allowing discrimination against the lgbt community. This is Jeff Sessions. Number two, it was almost a year to the day that Jeff Sessions also the New York Times reported he was going to direct the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department to look into protecting the rights of white kids to get into school who they said were being discriminated against to such a degree that it required the Justice Department to jump in. That was kind of looking at kind of white supremacy. And this is kind of looking at what they call christian nationalism. Not only believing the country was founded as a Christian Country but believing it should be governed as a Christian Country. To that degree, people who are lgbt are cut out. Its not about their liberties. Its substituting their libertys for these peoples saying they cannot coexist, and that is not american. Amy, i heard you grown under your voice. I just want before you respond to play this. This is Jeff Sessions explaining why this task force was created. Watch this. A Dangerous Movement undetected by many, but real, is now challenging and eroding our great tradition, our religious freedom. There can be no doubt, its no little matter. It must be confronted intellectually and defeated. What is the movement challenging our religious freedom . Im not sure what hes talking about, the Dangerous Movement unless hes talking about the effort to go out and suppress people that are christians and want to live by their faith. Look, at the end of the day i think this is to protect all americans. All of us have the right to religious freedom and liberty, and i think thats what this is about, protecting our First Amendment rights, and thats why theyre doing this. We are a nation that was founded because people came here to break away from the Church Of England because they were being religiously persecuted there. They didnt want to conform. They came to the United States of america. We have all reasonings from All Over The World come here and migrate to the country and they have a right to do that. I think we all should step back and not get too wound up about this and lets see where we go from here. I do not think that it is to persecute anyone, and i certainly dont think i have a time issue here, i have to let everybody get in. Amy says its to protect the religious freedom of all religions. Right . Do you feel that way as a muslim . No. I dont think i think donald trump is im wondering if a muslim, someone went into a business and someone said its against my religion to serve an american or woman or man or black person or christian, what would happen . Thats not based in islam. Secondly, donald trump is the antimuslim bigot and chief. He campaigned on the shutdown of muslims. Those words have had consequences for my community. Weve seen attacks on mosques from california to new jersey. You think this is to protect the religious freedom of prioritizing the Christian Group . Check this out. This is a break down of religions in the u. S. Christians are 70 . Evangelicals of 25 of that. Donald trump said when he had his first muslim ban about prioritizing Christian Refugees over muslim refugees. He does not make Muslim Americans feel like part of this country. Are the far right christians being persecuted . Im down with religious liberty but not as using it as a basis to discriminate. 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I think its offensive, actually, to assume that gay people are not religious, because i know plenty of christians that are gay, and its not like theyre mutually exclusive. So, to go out no one said that, amy. I have to correct you. No one said that. You said theyre targeting the community is being thats what critics said. Okay, well, i dont think that thats the case. This is the thing, don, is that we are in such an environment where everybody wants to divide us, by sex, race, religion, whatever, and at the end of the day, the president is focused on americans. And our religious freedom is about our First Amendment right. People came here to this country for that reason. And we should all be able to practice the religion we want out being persecuted for it. Okay. And that doesnt matter what religion you are. Ive got to get other people in here. Sessions said that this task force would promote cases like the Colorado Baker who refused to a same sex couple a wedding cake, challenged the states antidiscrimination law, before the supreme court. I just keep wondering, who is the actual i cant figure this out, because, and to say that it doesnt have anything to do with discriminating against gay people, officials from the Legal Advocacy Group that represented the Colorado Baker attended sessions event, and the Alliance Defending freedom is a group that has supported the recriminalization of homosexuality in the u. S. , linked homosexually to pedophilia and claims that a homosexual agenda will destroy christianity and society. This is the thing that whole thing is it is the misguided supposition that you can be converted, you can be seduced, that straight people can be seduced into being gay people and once they have one gay encounter, then its the theory of the vampire bite. Once you had one encounter, its a wrap for you, right . But if you are a gay person and as amy says, you are religious and you believe in god, wouldnt the highest, one of the things that you would want to achieve is to get married in a church . Well, sure. And have your marriage im just saying, or have your marriage recognized by a baker where you can have a cake made. But you know your gayness is not contagious. Thats the problem with all of that philosophy, which is that it believes that this is contagious, and it is not. If you do not like penis, there is no one on this planet that can make you like penis. And the same thing goes for vagina. Thats just the truth. Thats the clinical term for it, and go on. In 2018, the idea of religious liberty should not be telling a same sex couple get out of my bakery because i dont serve your type here. Dont forget, religion was used to defend segregation. It was cited by the trial judge, the bible says blacks and whites shouldnt get married. Were seeing this right now. And i call it christian sharia law, it angered the right, but i hope it gets their attention. Okay thats not true. Thats not true. The far right does. To be continued. Amy, thank you. Thank you, dean. Charles. Never disappoints. Charles oh, my gosh. Our coverage continues. My name is jeff sheldon, and im the founder of ugmonk. Before shipstation it was crazy. Its great when you see a hundred orders come in, a hundred orders come in, but then you realize ive got a hundred orders i have to ship out. Shipstation streamlined that wh the order data, the weights of , everything is seamlessly put into shipstation, so when we print the shipping ll everythings pretty much done. Its so much easier so now, were ready, bring on t. Shipstation. The number one ch of online sellers. Go to shipstation. Com tv and get two months free

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