Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20180821 02:

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20180821 02:00:00

A recap of the day's news.
truth is a choose your own adventure kind of thing because he can't explain away the following fracts. so listen, write dedown if you have a pen, if you have your phone on record it. so the white house counsel don mcgahn sat down for 30 hours of interviews with robert mueller's team and the white house doesn't know exact lewhat he said. the fact that in a matter of days the president's former attorney and so-called fixer michael cohen could face criminal charges related to possible fraud and campaign finance violations. the fact that former trump campaign chairman paul manafort is on trial on charges that could land him behind bars for the rest of his life if convicted, and the fact that so far the special counsel robert mueller has brought a total of 191 criminal charges against 35 defendants. there have been five guilty pleas. those are the facts. that is truth. and the president cannot
distract and deflect from that. facts matter. now i want to bring in a man who knows exactly what can happen when a president doesn't want you to tell the truth. cnn contributor john dean was nixon white house counsel. he joins us now. thank you so much. >> thank you, don. >> so the president called you a rat in a tweet today. >> the current president. >> yeah, so if he is watching right now and he know he likes to watch, how would you like to respond? >> i tweeted back to him that first i didn't think he really understood what mcgahn had done or had not done. that became even more evident 48 hours after his initial tweet, he didn't have a clue what mcgahn had done and began worrying about it. i'd also tell him i did not go to the prosecutors and testify without telling nixon i was
doing so. in fact i listened to a tape yesterday where john erlicman, my predecessor of white house counsel, nixon's top advisor told the president i was visiting with prosecutors and he was suggesting it was the smartest thing in the world for me to do and give an appearance of cooperation. well, i didn't just give an appearance. i guantanacooperated. >> just so we get the facts right he tweeted you yesterday. i think i may have said it today, but it was yesterday. white house counsel don mcgahn was giving hours of testimony to special counsel, he must be a john dean-type rat. rat in all caps. but i allowed him and all others to testify. i didn't have to. i have nothing to hide. so, john, the president of the united states is calling you a rat. you're a guy -- by the way on the same day his wife is saying you shouldn't be a bully on
social media -- you're the guy who told the truth about the tapes and, you know, inthey ever come out. what does that say about the president's frame of mind? >> well, it's more like a mob boss talking than a president of the united states. and that seems to be where his head is and the way he thinks and the kind of loyalty he demands is not typically what a president demands but what a mob boss dmtsds. me complains about the handling of the russia investigation. >> sources are telling cnn, john, the president is unnerved by the special counsel and he didn't realize the full extent of their talks. he should be, shouldn't he? >> he should be. and that was one of my tweets back to him. and the reason he should be
concerned even mcgahn's lawyer has assured them mcgahn did not incriminate the president, who knows what incriminates him. and i'm sure they didn't put out a hard line on purpose so the man can keep his job and do the work he wants to do. but, yes, he's a very important witness. his testimony is almost contemporaneous with the events, and 30 hours is a lot of time to spend with prosecutors. >> just to be clear about what you said sources telling cnn mcgahn did not provide incriminating evidence to the special counsel. again, that's according to "the washington post." it's only this past weekend that mcgahn's attorneys told the president's attorneys he doesn't think he implicated the president. but isn't a major failure on the part of the president's attorneys they weren't fully debriefed about the extent of these interviews? >> well, it's kind of typical of the trump white house operation, where they seem to botch and
mess up everything. normally that would have been the case. they would have said what do you have to say before he went over and heard his story, and then they would have debriefed him when he came back. that didn't happen. >> you know what you said since this has been going really since he took office, that this president thinks that the white house counsel works for him personally, and that's not so, right? do you think it's finally clicking to the president that don mcgahn doesn't represent donald trump the individual but instead represents the office of the president? >> it might be starting to click if that's the case. this is one of the positive post-watergate developments where the american bar association looked at all these situations particularly those that arose during watergate and sorted it out and came up with rules on representation of organizations. it's rule 1.13, and that makes
it very clear that mcgahn's client is not donald trump. it's the office of the president. >> you know, i've asked you about this before, is history repeating itself. you said history didn't repeat itself but it often rhymes. i want to talk about why john dean says that unlike nixon president trump won't leave willingly or graciously. is bac, with our largest variety of crab all year! like new crabfest combo. your one chance to have new jumbo snow crab with tender dungeness crab. or try crab lover's dream. but hurry in. 'cause crabfest ends september 2nd. rewards me basically
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john dean is back with me. he has a little experience, a little experience with these kinds of issues. so john, there's also this eye-catching headline coming out of president trump's interview with reuters. he says speaking with mueller's team could be a perjury trap. what's your take? >> well, they are redefining a perjury trap by just being two differing bn differing witnesses and who are you going to believe? really a perjury situation is where a prosecutor has no other charge and just keeps drilling them until they can find an error on their testimony and uses that. this is not that situation at all. >> this is from your senate testimony 1973. watch. >> what i had hoped to do in this conversation was to have the president tell me we had to
end the matter now. accordingly i gave considerable thought to how i would present this situation to the president and try to make as dramatic a presentation as i could to tell him how serious i thought the situation was that the cover-up continue. i began by telling the president that there was a cancer growing on the presidency and if the cancer was not removed the president himself would be killed by it. >> a lot of people, john, are looking back on your role in history. what parallels do you see now? >> well, we certainly have many echoes. we have parallels in the russia investigation, starting with a break in or a hack at the democratic national committee. watergate got its name from a break in at the democratic national committee when it was located in the watergate office complex. and if we go through what happened in the aftermath and what watergate uncovered, the abuses of power and we're seeing
similar kinds of abuses of power. trump has only been there a short while and is as not as experienced as nixon. i fear when he gets more experience it may get worse. >> when you look at the tape, do you remember it vividly? >> don, i remember the testimony, i remember the conversation. i didn't start meeting with the president until eight months after the arrest. and after he's been reelected, before that i had one meeting with halderman on this subject with the president in september. but then he starts calling on me in late february of '73 and we have a number of meetings. and when i think i have his confidence i try to convince him that we've got to end the cover-up. that's the day i really met richard nixon. he didn't want the cover-up to end because he knew it implicated not only his top aides but implicated him as
well. >> lanny davis, attorney for long time trump attorney cohen, he's been reaching out to you regularly. can you tell us anything about those conversations? >> yes, i can. i met lanny during the clinton-lieu wclinton, lieu w ruwinsky proceedings. when he took on as a client michael cohen he had a number of question to refresh his recollection he wanted to ask me about. and i was willing to share that with him. he didn't indicate to me any of the testimony of his client or where he was going or what his plans were, but i was more than willing to share that history. i'm hopeful someone like michael cohen can do what i did and explain not only any wrongdoing
that was done by trump but the atmosphere in which it happened. and nixon later said that was moy most damning testimony was when i put it in context. >> huh, interesting. do you see michael cohen as a 2018 version of john dean? i'll put it up. this is what he told politico basically saying he doesn't want to implicate michael cohen is involved n level as deeply as you are. and it goes onto say there are similarities. but do you see him as a 2018 version of john dean. >> i don't know. >> or don mcgahn maybe? >> for either one. anyone that's going to follow what i did has to skied in their own mind that they're not going to try to hide their guilt and they're going to explain what they did and why they did it and testify honestly to be prepared to take the punishment. that was the frame of mind i was in when i broke rank. and i also told my bosses exactly what i was going to do
and that i would lie for no one. >> lanny davis, cohen's attorney is speaking to you. has don mcgahn ever reached out to you or anyone affiliated with him in. >> he's the only white house counsel who's followed me i believe i have not met. i've never had a conversation with him, but as reported by "the new york times" in the original piece he didn't want to have the same faith as my tenure to the white house counsel was to them. he must think -- he said he didn't in any way implicate or cause any problems for the president in his testimony. that raised a real question in my mind, why was he worried he was going to be charged or scapegoated as the cause of obstruction of justice, if he wasn't worried there was some criminal activity. >> anybody else involved in this
reach out to you that i failed to mention? >> no, they haven't. i think lanny is the only person i really know representing any of these people at all. i have not talked to anybody other than lanny. >> john, we're going to keep you around because you have expertise and experience with these situations. when we come back president trump without ironing says he could run mueller's investigation, an investigation of his own campaign. what that says of the president's views of his powers next. fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely. but allstate actually helps you drive safely... with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer.
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president trump on special counsel mueller's investigation. trump telling reuters tonight i decided to stay out of the mueller investigation when i don't have to stay out. i can go in and i could do whatever. i could run it if i want. john dean is back with me also staff writer for new yorker and cnn contributor frank bruiny of "the new york times." good evening to all of you. so, frank, the president of the united states suggesting he could run an investigation into his own campaign. and it's only monday. welcome to monday. what's he talking about? >> you're asking me to decode donald trump again, and that's always a difficult thing. what i think he kind of means is he through a series of events, through a chain of events he could make mueller go away. and i think he means in a kind of uber sense he has authority over the whole thing. i think basically we have trump just spouting off some more words in frustration and anger impatience for this all to be over.
>> susan, a president does have broad powers, but do you think he understands the -- how much power the -- how much executive powers, his own executive powers? >> look, i think that he is threatening the mueller investigation with increasing intensity. you have him for the first time in tweets in recent days personally attacking special counsel mueller and calling him disgusting not just the rigged witch hunt investigation, going after him personally. and he's still going after his attorney general jeff sessions. i think all of it is a piece in recent days where you really see the president's obsession growing so much with the mueller investigation. perhaps it's his own escalating sense of personal jeopardy. you now have not only the white house counsel we talked about extensively cooperating with mueller investigation. we don't know what that means,
but of course you have his own former personal attorney michael cohen in what appears to be increasing legal jeopardy. at the same time his former campaign chairman is on trial on multiple charges, both this alexandria case and there's an upcoming case in washington, d.c. that's the context i look at it. >> they certainly seem to be coming on a little bit faster and more furious. so john, i want to get to the president's tweet yesterday where he compared the special counsel investigation to mccarthyism. study the late joseph mccarthy because we're now in a period that make with mueller and his gang that make joseph mccarthy look like a baby, rigged witch hunt. >> i don't think donald trump
kn knows his history very well. this is real draw to find any comparisons between joseph mccarthy and bob mueller. it just doesn't fit at all, and his entire defense team -- i just talked to non sequiturs, the business he could run the investigation, that's not true. the president does not control a grand jury. a grand jury is an independent body. and that grand jury would toss him out if he tried to get in and tell them what to do. >> does the president really want the american people study mccarthy? joseph mccarthy was a demagogue. he relied on baseless accusations. >> if the american people studied mccarthy they'd say, wow, he bears a lot of resemblance to president trump. he would hurl accusations
without any questions or facts. mueller would not speak with the press, if anything he's going on forever to make sure he's getting all the facts. the accusations come after the research not before. that's the antonym of mccarthy. >> he said tough as he was he always had a lot of friends and i'm not embarrassed to say i was one. why did he hire his lawyer. >> my guess is donald trump learned a lot about mccarthyism from roy cohn and he learned the techniques of mccarthyism. in some ways you could argue trump is the most successful demagogue in politics since senator mccarthy. he was once reported to be as
close to roy cohn as if roy cohn was a second father to him. we see again and again interestingly with trump this quality of projecting onto others, qualities he himself has. remember just last week when he withdrew brennen's security clearance the stated reason by the white house was reckless behavior and indiscriminate public commentary. to have trump saying we should study mccarthyism it seems that's what he simself has been doing in these exercises. it's a very elaborate n sense inside trump's mind. this twitter feed is going to be studied i'm convinced by historians for generations who say we just never had this unbelievable realtime insight into this complicated and even bizarre rantings of the most powerful man in the world.
>> i think if you -- you should probably do like a trump what did you mast in, what's your major, trumpism? what does that say? projection. i was writing that and susan said it because he projects everything. >> you can go through every single person. lying ted, crooked hillary, who's more crooked than hillary. >> donald trump. >> it's almost like he's seeing version of himself and attacking them, you know? >> what about that, john. his tweeter feed will be studied especially as it relates to this case. >> i think it will be. in fact, i understand it's been considered as part of his presidential record, and they'll be considered presidential documents, no less. this may be the core of his presidential library, which will be on the top floor of a casino. >> a library of tweets. >> wow. wow, john, that was good.
>> more seriously -- >> go on susan. >> well, i was just going to say they've actually said that these are going to be evidence that the mueller prosecution team is looking at, and, you know, that we think of it as insight into his mind but it's also, you know, potentially evidence in a criminal obstruction proceeding. >> susan, i want to ask you about this again the president told reuters tonight he would consider lifting sanctions on moskow if russia cooperates with the u.s. on ukraine, on syria. is there any scenario where you would consider lifting sanctions on russia is a good idea? >> well, don, thank you so much for bringing that up because i did think that was a very interesting argument. once again you have this head snapping confusion in what exactly is the trump administration's policy. on the one hand they're bragging about the tough series of sanctions and the fact that the administration has enacted a
series of tough measures. on the other hand you have trump who doesn't seem to be onboard with it. still in the immediate aftermath of the helsinki meeting to suggest what vague notions of cooperation would be. russia is not backing away from that and trump appears to be de facto accepting the russian take over of crimea anytime he's using sanctions as a bargaining chip, right. when he says you can do something else and get the sanctions lifted. that would be basically exactly opposite of the policy the entire rest of america is following right now. >> quickly, frank, before i let you go the president also said he would consider meeting again with kim jong-un because he said some great things are coming out of north korea. is he getting played here in. >> which great things. ever since that meeting we keep
hearing -- >> the quote is a lot of good things are happening with north korea. >> well, that's not what the reporting has been and people in his own administration have been telling journalists. when we come back, this is awkward. the president compliments a border patrol agent who saved 78 lives just last week for speaking english, perfect english. really, why is he surprised by that? what does help for heart fait looks like this. entresto is a heart failure pill that helped keep people alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant;
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former communications director for ted cruz. she's the author of "gaslighting america, why we love it why trump lies to us." they speak english perfectly. amanda, why does president trump even need to say that this man speaks english? >> i mean, for one we couldn't pronounce the guy's last name, which was he has a spanish surname. and i think it's obvious he made an assumption on the way the guy looked and the last name he couldn't pronounce and he said what a surprise, he speaks english. so this is some drive-by casual racism. >> steve, you believe it doesn't. >> no, i don't. i think what you're revealing is you are as humorless as you are biased against this president. you come up with the conclusion first he's a racist and now %-p
was an endearing and whimsical moment. of course the president knows he speaks english, he's an u.s. agent. >> why would he never have said that about anybody else and we call someone a racist and look for evidence, steve. come on, you know that's not true. >> show some humor. i do know it's true. it would be funny if he said it to me. it's an endearing comment. >> -- for a special moment that kind of ruins it, don't you think? >> hold on. let's hear about the moment and we'll talk about it. here's the moment. >> i went out there and conducted the search and once again the k-9 alerted and
subsequently i opened the latch of the back of the tractor-trailer and heard a lot of subjects. i quickly asked for backup, and backup got there, and the subjects were transported back to the -- transported back to the checkpoint andlife all of t were in good health. >> wow, it seems he good a good job thereof explaining what happened. didn't seem that nervous to me. so this man saved 78 lives and that story is getting lost because the president made assumptions about how he looks. listen, i hear what you're saying, steve. a lot of people go to the white house, he's called people up, people have spoken. do you remember ever hearing him say oh, this person speaks english perfectly? >> no, i don't think he said that before. but i'm glad, too, that you got to meat of why this man was there, this hero was there. these people, and the majority
of border patrol agents are hispanic. so the media tries to push this narrative they're a bunch of racist people harassing brown people -- >> come on, steve. that is not true. >> let me go on record, this was a great event for the president. steve, let me just get this in. do the man the honor who serves our country in terrible rough conditions to learn his name and maybe give him a heads up if you're going to have him speak. no one should be put in that position to be called up to the podium on the fly. i mean come on. >> the president does this all the time. he's not trying to be mean to anyone. don, it is true, by the way, people vilify border patrol and vilify i.c.e. -- >> you said the main stream media vilify border patrol. that is simply not true. >> really? how about michael hayden tweeting out a picture of auschwitz and comparing our border patrol and i.c.e. agents to the nazi ss.
>> what the context of it? what was the context of it? >> the context of it was illegal border crossings of people with children. >> that were the families being put in cages and separated at the border. no one has said that or talked about the ethnicity of the border patrol agents or said they were hispanic or white. >> yes they have, don. >> you're talking about one person. i've not seen the main stream media writ large do that. >> almost every night you call the president a racist. don't tell me this doesn't happen. everyone knows it does. and speaking of i.c.e. -- >> i'm not going to let you get away with that because what you said is just not true. >> don, you call him a racist
every night. >> well, would you like me to go through the evidence of his racism that you can't see because you have the trump derangement blinders on? you can't see? would you like me to start back in the '70s with the housing discrimination, central park five, what he said about me, what he said about lebron james, maxine waters, what he said about black people, talking about his policies, how he's kicking people off certain programs that have to do with health care and that affects blacks and poor peel. you want to talk about how he has no african-american, no black people who works for him in the west wing, he has no black advisers? would you like me to continue and go on about his racism? >> no, because none of that is proof he's a racist. and i've told you i agree the west wing should have more diverse representation. >> when you say something, steve -- i understand that. but when you say something
completely wrong and you have no evidence to back it up, you have no evidence to back up that the mainstream media is somehow vilifying border patrol agents and people who work on the border. that is simply not true. >> you don't consider hayden part of mainstream media? >> i don't know the context of his tweet, but that's one person. to say all of mainstream media is vilifying people who work on border is just completely false. it's something you would hear on the trump news network. i haven't heard it on any other network. >> i can also go to elected officials. >> that's not what you said. and that's what we're talking about. >> we don't want to debate that point all night, and i'm not conceding that point at all. let me give you an example from just yesterday or -- >> let's not, please. because we were supposed to be talking about adrian -- which is
his last name. you don't have evidence. i've got to go. we'll be right back. crabfest is back at red lobster, with our largest variety of crab all year! like new crabfest combo. your one chance to have new jumbo snow crab with tender dungeness crab. or try crab lover's dream. but hurry in. 'cause crabfest ends september 2nd.
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did the trump campaign conspire with the russians to use stolen information in the election. that's it. you ask simple questions, how did the trump tower meeting happen. why was donald trump calling on the russians to openly get into hillary's e-mails during the democratic convention. why did you lie about all these other meetings. i think as long as we keep things simple and knowing what this is about, can you see how much president trump is trying to muddy the waters. >> the former bush adviser points out that al gore's 2000 campaign received a stolen bush debate book, but they turned it over to the fbi. that information came from texas, not a foreign adversary. rudy giuliani saying people do this all the time is wrong. this is not a normal practice in politics, is it? >> i don't know whether it was or not. i think it was a mistake. the meeting that they had was clearly a mistake.
thankfully nothing nefarious came out of it, because there was nothing exchanged. at the same time, you know what else shouldn't have hand? hillary and the dnc shouldn't have been playing fusion gps to come up with a phony dossier. >> you know that was started by republicans, right? >> in the beginning, yes. you're right that was very early on, and the vast majority of the time and money was dedicated by the democrats not the republicans. >> it was started by republicans and continued on by hillary clinton. >> it's funny, to watch rudy giuliani contort himself is mystifying, when you watch him, you have to ask yourself, is he blindly lying when he goes on tv? or does he actually know nothing
about the case? he went on television and told chuck todd there was no way don junior knew he was meeting with russians. that is a lie. you know what else? they had a russian translator in the meeting. if that didn't tell you were talking to the russians, the translator sitting there should have been a clue. >> if vessshe didn't tell you - >> nothing came out of the meeting and i believe the president when he tells me he didn't know anything about it. the fact that don junior and jared had a foolish meet iing. >> it's still illegal, though. >> i will say, what mueller's
first indictment showed is that the russians did commits. what did the trump campaign know about those crimes, did they sift with it, and did they bring additional charges. >> i have to go. i'm up against the clock. it's always fun with you guys. when we come back, no doubt about it, the president is agitated, how worried should he be that his own white house council spoke to robert mueller's team for 30 hours or more? that's on top of the other allegations swirling around him. vegas suite? because lets me do me. who wants to floss me? you do you and get rewarded. ♪ ♪ they're the moderne stone age family. ♪ ♪ from the town of bedrock. ♪ meet george jetson. ♪
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