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Thank you for watching, my brothers and sisters. It is time for the big show, cnn tonight, with its big star, d lemon. Right now. Never, never, never, before, in the history of this country, have we ever seen, i believe, at least in modern history, anything like this. And a lot of people are going to have to pay the price. They are going to have to face consequences for it, including the president of the United States. Especially, the president. No. It wont happen. And i think thats part of the problem. You can already i think people are going to get charged. I think they are going to get identified. I think they are going to be punished, and i think they are going to be shocked at the level of criminality. And people will say, oh, but what about and i think you shut it down, right there. Lets focus on this one. You know when you go into the u. S. Capitol, you are asking for trouble. Its a federal crime, and its of heightened significance because of the demarcation of the place. But now, trump. Do you prosecute him . Yes. How . Hes got the insulation of the presidency. Do you really want to expose this country to more trump drama . Yes. I used to say no, until yesterday happened. I used to say it would never happen, and that we need to come together and we shouldnt be divisive. And, you know, and joe biden doesnt have the appetite for it and it wouldnt happen in the next administration. But, considering what happened yesterday, and his his obvious he he, obviously, incited the violence. Yes. Yes. I say, yes. I say, yes, we have to because, if you dont, then the next person will be able to do it. You have to set a marker or the same thing could happen, again. You could get the same sort of unprincipled person, unscrupulous person, in the white house, again. And if you dont set a marker, if you dont show an example, set an example, then what does that mean . That thats not a democracy. People have to face consequences for their actions, including the president of the United States. And he is not above the law. He should not be above the law, or she should not be above the law. Agreed, on all of it. However, there are practicalities at play. And what happens, if you go after him again, and you dont get him again and he plays the victim again, and he shows everybody that he is too good and that he beat them, again, you may make him stronger. Yeah. Well, i think that is you have to take the i think we should take our chances on that. I really do think we have to take yoour chances on that because, again, we have to stand up for democracy in this country and we cant allow people to attack democracy. And then, get away with it. I agree. And then, we are going to keep the focus, on that, on this program tonight. Good. But dont be focused just on him. He didnt do this alone. You know my stance on him. My stance on him is i am tired of talking about him. I think most people pay too much attention to him. I told you, last night, overnight, i think he is he is the wizard behind the curtain that has been exposed like tth wizard of oz. If he goes down to a rubyred state with two incumbent republican senators, and he cant get them over the finish line, that should show republicans, poof, he has no power. And and he is an albatross around their necks. And if they cant see it, then i dont know whats going to make them see it. But i think, in this particular instance, because of his actions, we have to Pay Attention to him. We have to keep the focus on him. We have have to keep the pressure on him. And those around him. And we have to expose them, for their complicity in all of this because its not just him. Its the sycophants and its the apologists and its the people who are complicit around him. Theyre all complicit. And thats where the focus should be. Including, the people who went into the capitol, yesterday. Well start with them. Start with them. Start with them. Yes. Because that is criminality, and they became everything that they say they oppose. Yeah. And there must be punishment, and it will be relatively easy because they were brazen enough, for some reason, they thought this was okay. Yeah. And we know what that reason is. Its because the president of the United States told them, basically, that this was righteous. And because its not that they became everything they oppose. They already were. It was already in them. It was just projection. So, i got to run. Thats where i am going to keep the focus. I will see you tomorrow night. Wizard of oz was actually a nice guy, only thing i dont like about your comparison. I love you, too. This is cnn tonight. I am don lemon. So, we must keep the focus here. And this is lives were lost. Four people are dead. And we all know who was responsible for inciting this mob, this riot, this domesticterrorist insurrection. And authorities, like the fbi, like the d. C. Police, looking for help to identify the members of the mob, and bring them to justice. Look at your screen. But the main man responsible for all of this. We know his identity. Will he face justice . Or any consequences, at all . Thats what this show will be about, tonight. A big night of breaking news, as the walls are closing in on a disgraced president , in the final days of his chaotic term. One term, by the way. Talk about the 25th amendment. And if not that and if not that, impeachment. That, as the education secretary, betsy devos, and the assistant secretary for the the department of health and human services, both, submitting their resignations. That, as the president tweets out a scripted video, calling for calm. One day after inciting a violent riot on capitol hill. One, that killed four people. A video, an adviser says, that he only recorded because of the threat of looming resignations and potential impeachment. Meaning, as always, same as it ever was, its all about him. It is too little, too too late. Acknowledging reality, his term is ending. Now, congress has certified the results. A new administration will be inaugurated on january 20th. My focus, now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly, and seamless transition of power. Too little, too late. Too late, for the four people who died because he incited a riot. Too late for the elected representatives, many of them members of his own party, forced to hide from those violent rioters. Rioters, encouraged by this president. Too late, for the American People, who watched, in horror, as the seed of our government was attacked by domestic terrorists. Cnn is learning, tonight, that federal and local officials said they they did not have intelligence suggesting any violent mob was preparing to attack the capitol. Even though, the rioters were publicly saying on social media that they were not planning a typical protest. Hmm. Here is what the wall street Journal Editorial Board is calling on the president to do, and that is to resign. Writing, and i quote, he has betrayed his loyal supporters by lying to them about the election and the ability of congress and mr. Pence to overturn it. It is best for everyone, himself included, if he goes away, quietly. President elect joe biden doesnt seem to want to go that route, though. But, there is no doubt what he does want to see. The past four years, weve had a president whos made his contempt for our democracy, our constitution, the rule of law, clear, in everything he has done. He unleashed an allout assault on our institutions of our democracy, from the outset. And yesterday was but the culmination of that unrelenting attack. The president s former chief of staff, john kelly, so disg t disgusted by the behavior of his former boss, he tells our jake tapper he would vote to invoke the amendment and remove the president. I think, jake, that the cabinet should meet and have a discussion. I dont think itll happen. But i think the cabinet should meet and and and discuss this. Because the the the today in the weeks and months before this have just been outrageous. What happened on capitol hill is a direct result of his, you know, poisoning the minds of people with the lies and and the frauds. If you were in the cabinet right now, would you vote to remove him from office . Yes, i would. In comments that are sure to enrage the president , kelly goes on to call him a laughingstock who is lashing out. When the guardrails were off, its very predictable that he will do the kind of things hes been doing. And, of course, hes enraged because hes lost an election. He is a laughingstock, now. And hes hes striking out. But but again, someone someone needs to help, you know, manage him. And, you know, i dont think those people took up the took up the task, when i left. Look. We facts, first, on this show. We like to keep it real. And im honestly glad that he said it. But truthfully, he has been a big enabler, himself. And we are going to talk about that tonight, too. Okay . And while the president is still refusing to take responsibility for his own disgraceful actions, he sends out one of the remaining members of his white house, the everacquiescent press secretary, kayleigh mcenany, to make a lessthantwominute statement. Look at her. Twominute statement, comparing violent rioters to black lives matter protests. Just one day after the president said this about protrump rioters. Go home. We love you. Youre very special. We love you. Youre very special. We love you. Youre very special. Even though you ripped the capitol apart. Hmm. Four people, dead. The president cant sweep his incitement, involvement, and culpability, under the rug. Not when americans and people around the world watch, in horror, as a mob attacked the capitol because of this president s lies. One of those watching, in horror, a pennsylvania lawyer, who represented the Trump Campaign in one of its earlyelection challenges, jerome marcus, is asking to withdrawal from the case, and telling cnn this. I refer, specifically, to his urging people to come to washington for a wild protest. I want absolutely no part of that. Therefore, i have asked the court to law me to withdraw, as counsel. You remember, that tweet, you know, big protest in d. C. On january 6th. Be there. We well be wild. There it is. Hmm. Well be wild. The president told us what to expect on january 6th, over and over and over. Quoting. Never give up. See everyone in d. C. On january 6th. Promoting his big show, on january 6th. Like an episode of a dementedreality show. And on the night before it all went down, washington is being inundated with people, who dont want to see an election victory stolen by emboldened, radical, left democrats. Our country has had enough. They wont take it, anymore. We hear you and love you. From the oval office. Make America Great, again. Should read it like, make America Great, again, because thats what it sounds like, its fading. Shh, make America Great again. Its just gonna fade and fade and fade, trust me. But its going to be tumultuous. I warned you, from the beginning, right after the president elect, which was certified, by the way, overnight. And i am so glad i got to cover it. That everything was going to be fine, but it was going to be rocky for a few weeks, even a few months. And that is true. But make America Great again is going to be make shh trumps handpicked attorney general, bill barr, who was one of his chief defenders until he resigned last month, blasting the president s conduct saying orchestrating a mob to Pressure Congress is inexcusable. The president s conduct yesterday was a betrayal of his office and supporters. Can you believe that was bill barr . Bill barr said Something Like that. The man, who totally misconstrued the mueller report, so that it could look like the president and the folks around him did nothing. Totally, shaped it in favor of the president , that bill barr, who carried his water. Can you believe he is saying that . And you know what . That those supporters could end up behind bars for ten years, if theyre charged under the president s executive order protecting american monuments, like the capitol. You hurt our monuments, you hurt our heroes, you go to jail for ten years, and everything stopped. You notice that . It stopped. It all stopped. You know, its like i brought on old law into existence when i saw them going around, all over the country, knocking down statues. Right . And monuments. And we signed, we brought it in. And i signed it. Updated it. Signed it. Ten years in prison. And, you know, i signed a law that you take down any of our statues, any of our monuments, you go to jail for ten years. Talk about the irony of all that. Poetic justice, right . The same the same order that he put into place, that they could go to jail for ten years. Trump and his enablers own this. They own the violence. They own the destruction. They couldve spoken out and and just stopped this. They didnt, though. They let this president incite a riot. And speaking out now is like, you know, i said before, its too little, and its too late. Senator ted cruz, who just yesterday, supported the president s delusional, election claims, voting just hours after a trumpsupporting mob rampaged through the capitol. Now, is telling cnn this. I think were 13 days out and he is going to leave at noon, on january 20th. I do think the president s rhetoric and his language has been over the line. I think it was irresponsible. I think it was reckless. And i think he needs to recognize it. Ted. Or, as the president has called you, and i am quoting, lying ted. Lying ted. Oh, no. You dont get to do that, ted. Senator. You dont get to mouth empty platitudes about the president s language being over the line. Not when you did his bidding. Remember, you said that you would argue that texas election lawsuit before the Supreme Court for him . The one, that the court threw out. That one. You were willing to take his lies, all the way to the highest court in the land. And you voted to object to election results. Free and fair election. Even after the mob, the president stirred up, rioted on capitol hill. All you, lying ted. Mirror. And then, there is senator josh hawley. The first senator to object to joe bidens win, with lies and conspiracies. Who raised a fist to trump supporters. Hmm. Was that a terroristfist raise like the obama terrorist fist bump . Was that a domestic terrorist fist raise . Who, even after the riot, after seeing the consequences of the president s lies, objected to pennsylvanias results. By the way, hes missouri. This is the place, where those objections are to be heard and dealt with, debated, and finally, resolved. In this lawful means, peacefully, without violence, without attacks, without bullets. And so, mr. President , let me just say, now, briefly, in lieu of speaking about it later, a word about pennsylvania. Empty platitudes. Former senator, who served in the senate for nearly 20 years says this about his protege, senator hawley. Supporting josh and trying so hard to get him elected to the senate was the worst mistake i ever made in my life. Wow. Josh hawley. Ted cruz. Youll never live this down. And then, theres lindsey graham. Lindsey, lindsey, lindsey. The president s ride or die. Who allegedly called georgias secretary of state to discuss how absentee ballots could be thrown out. Now, after all we have seen, now, he says that the president went too far. As to yesterday, it breaks my heart that my friend, a president of a consequence, would allow yesterday to happen. And it will be a major part of his presidency. It was a selfinflicted wound. It was going too far. So, here is what i have to say. Here is what i have to say to lindsey graham. To bill barr. To john kelly. All the others speaking out or resigning, now. I i im glad you did it. But doing the right thing, one time, one day, after the worst president ever does after he does one of the worst things a president has ever done, doesnt absolve you from having done the wrong thing, all the other days. Thats the truth. Resignations, calls to invoke the 25th amendment, talk of a second impeachment. Will the president pay the price for his disgraceful incitement to riot . President caused this. The president is unfit, and the president is unwell. And the president must now relinquish control of the executive branch, voluntarily or involuntarily. They use stamps. Com all the services of the post office only cheaper get a 4week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again. Fanew olay collagen peptide 24e . With derm recommended peptides. Hydrates better than the 400 cream. For visibly firmer skin. Olay. Face anything. So, tonight, here is what the wall street journal is doing. They are calling on President Trump to resign, after he incited a riot. And a white house adviser saying that trumps only now admitting that he is leaving office because most of his senior staff, that they are threatening to resign. The aide saying, that message should have come on election night, not after people died. So, i want to bring in, now, cnns chief political correspondent, dana bash. And cnns white house correspondent, kaitlan collins. I like to call them the ateam. Good evening, to both of you. Kaitlan, i am going to start with you because you have some breaking news tonight about another, top resignation. One of the closest allies. This time, its betsy devos, the education secretary whos stood by the president over the last couple years. She is talking, in this letter, about the accomplishments she believes they have had, over the last several years. But she specifically references what happened yesterday, and says it was the president s rhetoric that contributed to that. And she says that is the reason she is resigning from her job, two weeks before, of course, she is supposed to. And, don, that just makes her the second cabinet secretary to do so, today, after transportation secretary, elaine chao, who also happens to be married to Senate Majority leader mitch mcconnell, so now, two cabinet secretaries have resigned. Thats over half a dozen people who have resigned, in total. And we have heard that more could be coming, in the next few days. Dana, listen. Another loyal cabinet member, who says this was the breaking point for them. But is there some selfpreservation involved here . Maybe, avoiding dealing with the 25th amendment . Maybe, trying to save their reputations or salvage them, in some way . Its more than some. That that is hs whats goin here. I mean, yes, they are trying to make a point, maybe, about the president. But it is, also, very much, about them. And i think selfpreservation, in some of these cases, that ship sailed a very long time ago. But, in these particular cases, you have people who are very entrenched in the Republican Party. Certainly, with elaine chao. But even with betsy devos. And, you know, elaine chao has had a very different role as transportation secretary. She hasnt been in the center of very controversial, policy issues. Betsy devos, sure, has. I mean, we can spend a whole hour talking about some of the things that she has done, you know, very much, in the name of conservatism, up until recently. But then, you know, when you are talking about covid, in the name of toeing the trump line and trying to get kids back to school over the summer before there was a plan to do that. That is the reality of the the legacy that she is going to have in during the trump administration. This is something that she wants to have added to her legacy. And maybe, itll be there but it wont be high on the list. Yeah. Kaitlan, i remember the the first hostage video from this president , which was the access hollywood apology. Now, there is another video, this new one of the president. It only comes now, that just about everywhere is saying he should be removed from office, impeached or resign. Including, tonight, the wall street journal. And he is lying about his role in this, including his role in what happened with the National Guard. Yeah. If you watch that video, it is completely the opposite of what we are being told by nearly everyone who had spoken to him or who was around him yesterday. But youre right. It does it does kind of remind me of the access hollywood saga. Also, charlottesville, where it takes the president several days to finally get where his advisers want him to be. You know, this is his fifth statement on what happened yesterday. His fifth time commenting on it and this is the one where he says he is against the violence, and the lawlessness that happened yesterday. He says that he deployed the National Guard immediately. Thats not true. Our reporting shows he actually was pretty resistant to it, you know, was delighted to see these crowds descending upon the capitol because it meant it was disrupting that certification process for joe biden. But look at whats happened over the last 24 hours. I mean, there his presidency is being plunged into chaos, in his last several days in office. Where democrats are openly talking about removing him from office. Finding a way to do so. Calling on his cabinet to invoke the 25th amendment. Even some republicans are joining those calls. And then, you are seeing a wave of resignations. And even for those people who arent resigning, people are keeping their distance from the president. He is very isolated. People who are still going to work dont want to be around him, all that much. They are considering resigning from their own positions, several of them. And so, i think that is what led the president to come out and issue this statement. Not that he had a change of heart or change to the way he viewed what happened yesterday. Dana, lets sure. Go ahead, dana. Ahead. I just want to add one thing on the National Guard thing because, the whole notion of him coming out and saying, oh, i really worked hard to to quickly deploy the National Guard. Kaitlan talked about her excellent reporting about what the president was really saying, realtime. Meanwhile, in the United States capitol, the Vice President , who had to go to a secure location, was whisked off the senate floor because of the the rioters who, in an unprecedented way, came onto the floor of the senate. He had to take calls from the leadership, republican and democratic leadership, in congress, saying where is the National Guard . He had to step in, and call the pentagon to try to make it happen. That is the reality of the events that took place, not what we heard from the president in that video. Yeah. Listen, i was wrong. Sorry. Ateam, not that you arent. I meant dream team. Pardon me. Well take both. Thank you. You guys have worked really hard. You have done some great work over the last couple days. Keep it up and thank you for joining. I will see you soon. You, too, don. A former defense secretary told me monday that we were standing on the abyss of the destruction of our democracy. What does he say now . William cohen weighs in on the terror on capitol hill. For skin as alive as you are. Dont settle for silver 7 moisturizers 3 vitamins 24 hours hydration gold bond champion your skin five blades and a pivotingglide flexball designed to get virtually every hair on the first stroke, while washing away dirt and oil. So youre ready for the day with a clean shave and a clean face. So, resignations in the trump administration, mounting over the protrump mob that stormed the capitol. The education secretary, betsy devos. The second cabinet member to add her name to the list, after trons p tro transportation secretary elaine chao quit earlier today. Former defense secretary, james mattis, placing the blame squarely on President Trump. All four former, living president s are, also, speaking out. Including, barack obama rebuking President Trump or spreading lies over his election loss. Bill clinton, saying the the match was lit by trump and his enablers. So, joining me now, is former defense secretary william cohen. Thank you for for joining us, secretary. I appreciate it. Good to see you. It was only monday that you told me you were standing on the abyss of we were standing on the abyss of destruction of our democracy. Where are we standing right now, after the events of the last 24 hours have unfolded . I think, the rocks are crumbling under our feet, given what has taken place. You know, don, i have listened to a lot of commentary about what has happened. And many people say, this is not who we are. But, it is a good part of who we are and who we have been. These are the same people that used to be the nightriders. I know this from my wifes experience. These are the same people, who are the jim crows. These are the same people who are segregationists. These are the same people who are white supremacists. So, this has been a part of our history. So when we say its not who we are, its a part of who we are and who we have been and what we hope we wont be, going forward. But this is an indigenous part of the United States, and we have added to the myth that were different, were exceptional, this is not who we are. These kind of incendiary bomb throwers and arsonists, anarchists. Yeah, theyve been with us since the founding of this country. And what we have to do is to take them on, on the basis of law and order. And to authorize our fbi, our homeland security, all of those in law enforcement, to go after these individuals, to prosecute them. To put them in jail. And send the signal that the good times are over, as far as having a president who is coddling you and encouraging you to commit this kind of sedition in front of the world. And when the wall street journal says hes embarrassed, i think, it was betrayed his supporters. Should resign. Go away quietly, they are saying. Betrayed our country. Yeah. People all over the world are looking at this, and saying this is america . Well, secretary. Allowed this to take place . Listen. Speaking of the consequences, right, before as this was going on, maryland governor, larry hogan, today, describing how hard it was to get the maryland National Guard into d. C. Listen to this. I was actually on the phone with leader hoyer, who was pleading with us to send the guard. He was yelling across the room, to schumer, who and they were back and forth, saying we we do have the authorization. And im saying, im telling you we do not have the authorization. And so, we had multiple times the general was running up the flagpole, were ready. Dont have authorization. Dont have authorization. And then, i get a call, an hour and a half later, out of the blue. Not from the secretary of defense. Not through what would be normal channels. You know, i got a number i dont recognize on my phone. I, you know, pick it up, anyway. Larry hogan. And its like mccarthy, secretary of the army, governor, you know, can you come as soon as possible . Wow. The capitol was under siege, secretary. Officials pleading for help and it took that long for the administration to act . Personal privilege, excuse me. Sure. Larry hogan. I served with governor hogans son. Larry hogan. And larry hogan, one saying Richard Nixon so, larry hogan, governor hogan, hes been accused by President Trump of being a he is not somebody dedicated he is dedicated to on racial, ethnic, economic lines. And so, he can call republicans who dont support him but hes never been a president. Not the day he was elected, and certainly not this day. There was a little bit of an issue with your audio. But you called him a pino. Pino, right . President in name, only. Exactly. Because we expect president s to heal the country, and to seek to bring us together on crucial issues affecting our safety. And ha hwhat has he done . Hes walked away from the covid19. Left people on the battlefield, wounded and dying. Hes been playing golf. And last moment, he tried to get the secretary of state of georgia. He sounded like the good fellas. He sounded like joe peche. Can you do a little bit more for me to change the votes so i win . This is not democracy. That is exact thats criminal. Its corrupt. And he has corrupted our system. Secretary, thank you. I appreciate it. Be well. Thousands of people, descending on the nations capitol. Hours of chaos, hours of damage and terror. Cnn looks into the catastrophic, security failure. Thats next. So, i want you to take a good look at these images. Okay . Look at these faces. These are some of the alleged domestic terrorists, who stormed the capitol building. Law enforcement, looking for them right now, and others. And they want your help. Federal prosecutors have already charged 15 criminal cases, connected to yesterdays violence. And the fbi director, christopher wray, saying, today, his agency is working with state and local officials to find those involved in the capitol siege, and hold them accountable. Joining me now to discuss, cnn senior justice correspondent, evan perez, and cnn Senior Investigative correspondent, drew griffin. Good evening, gents. Evan, lets see. Lets start with you. And lets talk about the Capitol Police chief, steven sund, resigning earlier today, after nancy pelosi and others called for his resignation. What are we learning about this security failure that unfolded yesterday . It is a huge, embarrassing, security failure. And in addition to the resignation of the Capitol Police chief, we also know that the topsecurity officials in the house and the senate, the sergeant of arms, for both bodies, they both stepping down, as a result of what happened yesterday, don. And what were told is that, simply put, you know, there were all these meetings, in the weeks planning before the president s rally. And there were plenty of warnings that there were there were people, who were believed who were possibly going to be violent. And the Capitol Police kept telling the other agencies, the fbi, secret service, the u. S. Attorneys office, that they had it in hand. That they were ready because, frankly, theres two more weeks before inauguration day, they said that they already had the security in place to be able to protect the building. And it turns out, none of that was true. You can see, from the pictures there, that the police was certainly, the presence of the police was not enough to thwart these people. And once people got in, on the east side of the building, everything sort of collapsed. And then, it became more about saving lives, protecting the lives of the lawmakers and the staff in that building. And the police retreated. So, thats the scene that unfolded, as a result of what was a catastrophic failure. And i have heard you talk about it tonight. It was clear. Some of these people made clear, on social media, what their intent was. The fbi was monitoring some of that. They were passing along that intelligence. They knew. They were watching some of the hotels where some of these people were staying. So, there was plenty of information to go around. Its amazing as you were speaking, watching them scale the wall. I mean, maybe, the trump administrations trying to build a wall for the wrong people. These people are are are on camera, not wearing masks. Who are the kinds of folks that have been identified, already . Well, we know qanonconspiracy theorists were all over the place. Hate groups. Various, you know, rightwing conservatives. Even a couple of republican lawmakers from across the country. We just i mean, we could spend hours talk spend hours. Nick ox. This guy is a founder of proud boys hawaii. He was there smoking a cigarette, saying hello from the capitol, lol. He actually told us in an interview. We didnt have to break in. There were thousands of people in there. They had no control of the situation. This is a guy who ran unsuccessfully for state legislature in hawaii with roger stones endorsement, even recorded a video with roger stone which we have and are showing you now. Another person, this guy made himself famous by breaking into speaker pelosis office, kicking his feet up on a desk and stealing an envelope. This guys name is richard barnett, gun rights activist from arkansas. Police very interested in talking to him. Hell talk to just about anybody, as he did to our affiliates. Take a listen to him explaining why he kicked his feet up on that desk. Down here, my desk, im a taxpayer, im a patriot. And she aint appreciating the desk, so i thought i would sit down and appreciate the desk. I threw my feet up on the desk. Wow. Belligerent, right, don . This is my desk. Okay. Go on. Right, right. So not antifa, okay. This guy also was not antifa. This is derek evans, just elected to the West Virginia house of delegates, facebook live, storming the capitol, saying come on, lets go. Were in, were rolling. Now through his attorney saying its his First Amendment right to be there. Derek evans, West Virginia house of delegates. He was part of the mob as well. Don . Interesting. Evan, listen, there has weve got to talk about this. Some conflicting information about another death connected to the riot. What do you know than . Can you explain this, please . Thats right, don. Earlier tonight cnn reported a Capitol Hill Police officer died from the events stemming from wednesdays events at the capitol. We were citing three stories for that story. But now were told by Capitol Police that no officer has died. The Police Union President who earlier had told a local Radio Station that the officer had passed away now tells cnn there was some misinformation, and the officer is still in fact still on life support. We regret the confusion caused by the reporting. We made a call and then we corrected it, and thats what we do. Theyd thats good journalism. Thank you very much. The Republican Party is divided, some standing up, blaming the president for what happened, condemning him there, but are still plenty spreading conspiracies and lies. Will trumps grip on the gop hold . Well talk about that. Since youre heading off to school, i got you this brita. Dad. I just got a zerowater. But weve always used brita. Its two stagefilter. Doesnt compare to zerowaters 5stage. This meter shows how much stuff, or dissolved solids, gets left behind. Our tap water is 220. Brita . 110. Seriously . But zerowater let me guess. Zero . Yup, thats how i know it is the puresttasting water. I need to find the receipt for that. Oh yeah, you do. So President Trump finally acknowledging tonight that his presidency is ending on january 20th after his election lies incited a riot on capitol hill, putting lawmakers in danger, even his own Vice President. Im going to discuss can scott jennings, a former special assistant to george w. Bush. Scott, good to see you again. I hope you got some sleep after our late night this week. Yeah, it was late, yeah. I know youre incensed. You blame trump for the insurrection. I guess the question is how much of the rest of your party, are they with you, or i heard from a lot of people other the last day that feel the way i do. Theyre simultaneously ashamed, enraged, embarrassed, and they all seem to understand exactly what happened here. Donald trump made a terrible mistake. He caused this insurrection. Not just that but he was aided and abetted by people in the u. S. Capitol. It was obvious that josh hawley and ted cruz in my opinion bear quite a bit of the blame here as well. To me, the demarcation is after the insurrection was over and the capitol was open, he the a chance to go to the familiar and floor and say sorry to the American People and their colleagues and withdraw their objections, and yet they plowed forward. And i think that should never be forgotten. That was a shameful thing to be done. You got it all in in one question in one answer. So im going to let you go get some sleep. Thank you, scott. Its a short segment. I got run. Thats it . Thats it. Were done here. You said everything. Thank you, scott. I drove in the snow to get here. Okay. Thanks a lot. Thanks. Democrats, republicans, former officials, former trump staffers, calling for trumps removal from office and the list keeps growing. Its time for the lowest prices of the season on the new sleep number 360 smart bed. What if i sleep hot . Or cold . No problem, with temperature balancing you can sleep better together. Can it help keep me asleep . 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