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Cnn is told mr. Obama will outline plans to fight isis and get the job done. Mr. Obama told congressional leaders about the plan on tuesday. Heres dana bash with all the details. 90 minutes in the oval office, a bipartisan president ial huddle with the top four congressional leaders to discuss the growing threat from isis. A day before the president goes prime time to explain his strategy to the american people. His spokesman gave some hints. Theres abimportant role in the United States military to play in supporting the iraqis. Isis, also known as isol has spread to iraq but is rooted inside syria, where the president has been reluctant to engage in the past, but perhapsless so now. That strategy will also include supporting the Syrian Opposition as they take the fight to isil in their country. The president told congressional leaders he has the authority to act without congress, but that wont stop a debate over whether congress should weigh in with a new authorization with a use of force to confront the isis threat or perhaps money for a counterterrorism fund. One the president first suggested earlier this year but went nowhere in congress. Some who think its Congress Role to authorize force say just approving funding would be a copout. If we appropriate the money as were likely to do, they will say congress has quite literally bought into this strategy. But yok thi dont think thats. Authorizing support does have bipartisan support. Mitch mcconnell said he would use the white house meeting to argue for a congressional vote. This is a matter of extreme importance to the country. To our national security. It would be to his advantage and all of our advantage for congress to be in effect approving a plan for defeating isil. A new cnn poll says 8 in 10 americans believe isis is a threat, but there is still bipartisan reluctance to authorize military action, always a potentially tough political vote, especially two months before the midterm elections. Lastee, the president asked for congressional approval for action in syria, but there was so Much Division here on capitol hill they never even took the vote. Now democratic sources privately say he would not likely ask for a vote he wouldnt get or more importantly wouldnt ask for a vote that fellow democrats in tough reelection campaigns would rather not take. Dana bash cnn capitol hill. And cnn will bring you live coverage of the president s speech. 9 00 p. M. In new york, 2 00 in the morning in london. Its not clear if the u. S. Will launch strikes on isis targets in syria. But russia is already warning on the consequences. An american attack would be a colossal shock and escalation of the conflict. But despite differences in other area, World Leaders are united in calling for action against isis. For more, we have irans stance and Jim Bitterman reports from paris. But heres max foster from london. Reporter the uk has provided military equipment in the fight against isis but so far hasnt committed to air strikes. Even though a recent poll suggested the public would support that. David cameron is acting very cautiously. A year ago he tried to take military action in syria and parliament blocked it. He doesnt want to make the same mistake again. So the phrase you keep hearing on downing street is there wont be a kneejerk reaction to isis, although air strikes do remain an option. Reporter irans official position is that it is against any kind of military intervention in iraq. Iran has long had a nonintervention policy and has usually used that policy to criticize past western military intervention suggesting the crisis in these countries only started after western military intervention. However, what makes the Current Crisis in iraq different is the fact that socalled Islamic State poses a threat to iran. Irans population is mostly shia. The socalled Islamic State claims to be a sunni militant group that targets shias and its right across the border if iran. For that reason, theres been a lot of speculation that meat tehran and washington can team up in iraq against the Islamic State. The fact that theyve remained relatively silent about recent air strikes in iran suggest that perhaps theres tacit approval in tehran for some kind of intervention. Reporter in paris, the french have made it very clear they want to stop the islamic extremists who have taken over large parts of iraq. Foreign Ministry Spokesman says that a program to deliver humanitarian aid and military equipment to the Iraqi Government will be expanded in coming weeks. But the president alone says any military action will be taken only in conjunction with the allies and only with the support of the Iraqi Government. Sources here indicate that it will probably be limited to air operations and stop short of actually putting boots on the ground. Jim bitterman, cnn, paris. The french president has also called for an International Conference on Iraq Security next monday in paris to coordinate efrtss to fight the insur jebts, help with iraqs new government and provide military add. Showing support ahead of the conference, mr. Hollande is scheduled to visit iraq on friday. The fallout continues from the indefinite suspension of u. S. Football star ray rice. On tuesday, he sent a text to cnns Rachel Nichols saying, quote, Im Just Holding strong for my wife and kid. Thats all i can do right now. Meantime, critics are slamming the National Football league for initially suspending rice for just two games after he punched his fiance, knocking her unconscious. In an interview with cbs news, the nfl commissioner said he issued that punishment long before the video of the incident came to light. We had not seen any videotape of what occurred in the elevator. We assumed that there was a video. We asked for video but we were never granted that opportunity. The question becomes, did the nl envelope drop the ball or was the nfl willfully ignorant about what was on this tape . We certainly didnt know what was on the tape and weve been very open and honest and i have also from two weeks ago when i acknowledged we didnt get this right. Thats my responsibility and im accountable for that. The National Organization for women is now reacting to all of this. Its president released this statement saying the only workable solution is for Roger Goodell to resign and for his successor to appoint an independent investigator with full authority to gather factual data about Domestic Violence, dating violence, Sexual Assault and stalking within the nfl community. And to recommend real and lasting reforms. The ray rice case is just one of Domestic Violence by football players. We look at other cases involving players who are still on the field. The disturbing events may be seven months old, but the impact is still being felt. I woke up this morning feeling like i had a horrible nightmare. This was the instagram posted tuesday by palmer, who is now married to rice, blaming the media and the public for her husbands indefinite suspension by the nfl. Rices actions cost him his job with the Baltimore Ravens and possibly his football career. But his story isnt unique when it comes to the nfl. Rice is one of several players facing allegations of domestic abuse, but the others are still playing. Ray mcdonald, a member of the San Francisco 49ers, arrested for felony Domestic Violence played last weekend. Greg hardy also played even though hes appealing a july 15 guilty verdict for assaulting his exgirlfriend and threatening to kill her. Both teams say they are waiting for the Legal Process to play out before considering action. The problem is, there really hasnt been a policy. We have precise policies when it comes to marijuana, alcohol abuse, yet nothing for what is a major societal problem. That drugs and alcohol can affect a game. Darrel washington, suspended for the entire 2014 season for violating the nfl Substance Abuse policy. Yet no nfl or Team Punishment was handed down after he pleaded guilty to assaulting the mother of his child in march of this year. According to usa today, the nfl has about 1,700 players. In the last four years, 20 have been arrested for domestic abuse. But the statistics may not tell the whole story, which may be part of the problem. Domestic violence is sort of swept under the rug, doesnt get the focus that it needs. The women get victimized once again by the process. When we come back here on cnn, the initial report on the crash of Malaysia Airlines flight 17 is out. After the break, well tell you the key informing which is missing from the findings. Plus, dramatic rescues and desperate calls for help after epic flooding in kashmir. Hoo, hoo, hoo oohh, you got it i love the looks of it. [garage door closing] nobody touches my dodge dart, jake johnson. Not even your best friend slash neighbor . No one. I can still get in craig. Id like to see you try. All id have to do is roll in, dude. Lets see it. I choose not to right now. Come on indiana. Craig, craig, craig. [in a british accent] is someone out there . Dont do that accent on me dont touch my dart denturthan real teeth. Erent theyre about ten times softer and have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. Polident kills 99. 99 of odorcausing bacteria and helps dissolve stains. For a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture everyday. Its a place youve been before, but its not on any map. So go out there, lose yourself, and find the truth. Were all born wild. Lets keep it that way. The 2014 4runner. Toyota. Lets go places. Welcome back. Youre watching cnn. Malaiysia Airlines Flight 17 wa hit by a large number of highenergy objects then broke up in midair over Eastern Ukraine. Thats one of the Main Findings of a preliminary report into the july 17 crash. There are no indications of any mechanical malfunctions or errors by the pilot. The white house says the information is consistent with its initial finding that pro russia rebels likely shot down that plane. But the report does not assign blame for the crash or mention the word missile. Objects, we tried to find, of course, elements of the jets. And especially the clue we found metal elements which our investigator at the moment. We have to be sure that the downed parts of the aircraft and then we can further identify the object objects. Now, investigators hope to revisit the crash site that barely had any time there at all. And despite a cently declared ceasefire, the area is still too dangerous. And diana magnae is on the ground in Eastern Ukraine. She explains why it may be a long time before the planes wreckage is recovered. This really does feel like a godforsaken place. Its not two month since mh17 was shot down from the sky and the wreckage is still strewn across these fields. Alongside fresh craters from mortar fire and from ground rockets. The ceasefire doesnt feel like a ceasefire here. You can still hear the artillery shelling in the distance when you speak to the locals. You ask them about the ceasefire, they laugh in your face and say what ceasefire . This is a very prorebel area. So when you ask them who they think is responsible for this, they give you one answer. In the days immediately after the crash, you cranian investigators were able to access the site to make their assessment of the scene, but since then, because of the security situation, no one from the International Investigation team under the auspices of the Dutch Safety Board have been able to visit this site. For the peoples republic of donesk who control this area, mh17, this wreckage was not and has never been a priority. So this wreckage is here to stay for at least the duration of this war, which seems deprezingly far from being over. Cnn at the cash site. We return now to india and pakistan. With the heaviest rains in half a century, created devastating floods. More than 400 people have been killed in the kashmir region. Almost 50,000 have fled and thousands more are trapped on roof tops. Standing by for all the details on this. We know the rains have mostly passed, but obviously this emergency is far from over. Its a humanitarian crisis unfolding in this region, guys. We seen this play out so many times in recent years. Over the past four years, being r50 years since calculating 2010 into this, this is one of the most expensive fouryear stretches when it comes to floodrelated disasters. And scenes looking like this, people try took hang on to dear life as water continues to pour down, even after the sun has come out for several days in a few of these spots. It doesnt take much. Its actually occurring in the past 24 hours. Isolated thunderstorms well south of the areas hard hit. And all of a sudden, you have the bridges completely buckle. And look at the video here, with rescue operations taking place. We know on the indian side, from the indianpakistan border, 2,000 villages submerged even at this hour. Indian military work on this situation. Theyve also offered assistance to the Pakistani Military as well with whats happening across this region. Zooming in here to show you exactly where all this is transpiring. Go across northwestern india and also eastern pakistan. These are in millimeters. So very little to absolutely no hateful in the forecast in the areas hardest hit, but with the way flooding works, especially in an area where in a country like pakistan where you have Higher Elevation well to the north, lower elevation out to sea level, down to the south, water will lopt want to flow downstream. Right here across portions of the jalen river, the confluence comes right together around a dam that bottles up water. Typically this time of year, this certainly doesnt look anything like this. Its a far narrow line that goes past this region. It is now expanded to some 20 kill meters or 12 miles in depth. Alogy of putting this over the grand canyon. It would spain the entire grand canyon. Water has backed up to four times their normal level. Usually they distribute the water throughout the year for farming for agricultuing a kuag purposes. This time, its going to cause major problems just because of how quickly the water will flow downstream. And it looks like by the beginning of this week into next week, the water will eventually make its way down into the river where we have tens of millions of people living. We have nearly 2,000 fatalities in 2010 when something similar to this happened. Back then, guys, it cost the pakistani government 45 million. Keep in mind, hur andrew, the second costliest Natural Disaster in u. S. History only cost 43 billion. The u. N. Has offered help in both pakistan and india. The smart watch is new to apple, but is it different enough to shake up the market . We are a collection of smalls. A home saved. A hero homebound for a new opportunity. A kitchen that kick starts careers wells fargo invests in our communities a little differently. 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The iphone 6 and iphone 6 plus have larger screens and can also record video in slow motion o. Apples smart watch can do a lot more than its rivals, directing you across town and open your hotel door with a swipe of your wrist. But wait, there is more. Instead of steak knives as well. Apple wants you to use your iphone or your apple watch to pay for your shopping. Heres a look at how the new Payment System works. It is so cool. We have created an entirely new payment process. The total is 23. 70. Use your iphone camera to take a picture of the card, gather all the information, go to your bank and verify that thats your card and we add it right to passbook. And each time you pay, we use a onetime payment number along with a Dynamic Security code. So you no longer have a static code on the back of your plastic card. Apple doesnt know what you bought, where you bought it or how much you paid for it. The transaction is between you, your merchant and your bank. And thats just some of the many retailers that are adding apple pay in all of their locations. And were starting in the u. S. With credit cards and debit cards from the three major networks. What about online . Youve got long forms to fill out for each and every app that you shop in. With apple pay, one touch checkout. No need to put in your credit card, your security code. You dont even have to put in your shipping address. Apple pay will work with apple watch. You already see hackers finding out how to get through the system. Only if you put it with the new photos. As ever, when it comes to credit card details, security is a key concern. Analysts have been quick to question apple security, especially as the apple pay unveil comes hot on the heels of that iphone celebrity photo leak. For weeks, u. S. Air strikes have targeted isis positions in iraq. Has the u. S. Been targeting only isis fighters . Or has it been going on to isis leaders as well . If not, should it do so now . We will look at that coming up. And campaigning ahead of scotlands independence referendum. The impact it would have if the yes vote wins. This is charlie. His long day of doing it himself starts with back pain. And a choice. Take 4 advil in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. Honey, you did it baby laughs when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. Having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pickup truck slams into your brand new car. One second it wasnt there and the next second. Boom youve had your first accident. 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Mr. Obama told congressional leaders tuesday that he needs no further authorization to execute his plan. An american who contracted ebola in sierra leon will be treated at an isolation facility at a University Hospital in atlanta. Ebola has now killed nearly 2,300 people in west africa. The latest figures from the World Health Organization show a spike of 200 deaths in just one day. Ray rice texted Rachel Nichols saying, quote, Im Just Holding strong for my wife and kid. Thats all i can do right now. Meanwhile, rices wife, who was seen getting hit by the player in a recently released video blasted the Media Coverage of her husband. Barack obama says hes seeking congressional support but he doesnt actually need it. What strategy will the u. S. Lay out on wednesday. This coalition that is willing to take on isis right now, its not exactly a commercial, unless they can get the northeast to sign up or sunnis to sign up, is there hope . First of all,ic i think you have to separate out iraq and syria. In iraq, you have local allies, you have good intel and you have a reasonable, i say a reasonable chance, you could probably check and constrain isiss advance. They can proven they can do it. Syria is another problem entirely because you have no end state. You have a full scale civil war. Few allies you can rely on. Its a separate problem. I dont think youre talking about a hollywood ending here which has a comprehensive definitive solution. When we come to the goals which are being set out here by the United States to degrade and to defeat, define defeat. Which in a military sense is total defeat. Keeping the continue nen United States secure and trying to minimize the threat to our allies. That means trying to find a way to brunt, undermine, constrain isis advances and over time through attrition, through attacking its hollywooders and its Material Support decimating it. And then hopefully trying to figure out what youre going to do with the iraqi and syria humpy dumpy. This is really a longterm project. Is the president going to have to underdo what he said, in particular that speech at west point, made the case for the United States to not get involved in conflicts like this, unless the u. S. Was directly under threat . I think had isis not expanded into iraq, had he not had that savage online threatter of these beheadings. Then you would have had an administration that would have been content to play at the issue of supporting the socalled moderate elements, doing what it could to support the iraqis. You would not have had this refocus. The reality is this president , and however risk adverse hes been on many other issues has been actually quite risk ready when it comes to his ultimate responsibility, which is protecting the homeland. And i suspect nothing is the higher priority right now than gathering as much intel as they possibly can for operations, including special forces operations over time to try to take down and mismantle this leadership. I think for that, youve got to go to syria. Have to leave it there. As always, thanks so much. Pleasure. And as our david miller and other analysts have said, if u. S. Forces are to defeat isis, then theyll probably have to decapitate the militant organization, meaning, of course, take out its leaders. That would be in syria. They already have numerous air strike against isis fighters over the past few weeks, but one mission not yet undertaken is targeting the terror groups top leader. Brian todd explains why. Hes considered the new bin laden, the man behind beheadings, mass executions, kidnappings, but so far albaghdadi has not been in the sights of u. S. War planes. Quote, we have not conducted any targeted air strikes on isil leaders. We need to be targeting the top militant leadership. Our policies havent been good enough. Its a day late and a dollar short. Thats why isis is a threat to the United States. The military could recommend a drone or air strike on baghdadi, but any mission to kill him would have to be approved by president obama. When the president gives us a word, it will be a formidable capability that would launch against the organizations and perhaps against him. Why hasnt the president given the order yet . The white house says theyve needed time to build the intelligence. I would anticipate that as our intelligence improves and crystallizes that our military capabilities would expand accordingly. Has there been military intelligence enough to authorize a target on baghdadi. We are not well positioned to do this. But a u. S. Intelligence official tells cnn, the intelligence on isis leaders is good, and theres a track record of success. Osama bin laden in pakistan, alalaki in yemen. Some analysts say killing baghd baghdadi wont be effective because someone else will take his place. Others disagree because leaders like baghdadi bring special skills. He brings a different image, mentality, mindset. We see this playing out through the groups aggressive use of tactics, its rhetoric, and its ideology. Even, you know, the Twitter Campaign and things like this are all centrally planned and organized. Baghdadi has always survived the u. S. Surge in iraq. Hes been in and out of u. S. Custody there and is obsessed with staying in the shadows. Also the threat from baghdadi and his isis commanders is relatively recent. A u. S. Intelligence official unchs patience here, telling cnn, quote, it is a real cat and mouse game, and in this game, the cat is an experienced hunter. British Prime Minister David Cameron is making aburgent trip to scotland to try to urge vote voters to reject independence. The leader is pulling out of his weekly Prime Minister questions to make the trip. Hell be joined by nick blair and opposition leader. The Better Together Campaign Warns thousands of jobs would be at risk in scotland from shipbuilding to the royal navy to those in the financial sector. It says a separate skok loan would seymour gaj repayments and shopping bills rise and that scotland would lose the strength and security of the pound as well as the bailout protections offered by the bank of england. The yes Campaign Says an oilrich independent scott land would take action on Rising Energy bills and create a Rainy Day Fund from its vast Energy Sector to provide security for the future. Retirees would see their pensions rise by 2. 5 . More on what might happen if the yes vote wins. Scotland decides to break up its marriage with the u k. It could spark a bitter divorce battle. Lets begin the physical side of the country, and that is the land itself. Now if scotland goes alone, the uk would lose 32 of its land. And that will be comparable to the size of serbia and czech republic. Now, despite the land loss, the uk would only lose 8 of its population. Queen elizabeth would remain head of state, but the formal title might change. The United Kingdom of england, wales and northern ireland. However, many separatists favor a republic, and that puts the future of the monarchy in doubt. Even god save the queen may be scrapped as scotlands official national anthem. The union flag may also get a historymaking look, with some ughing issing the government could ditch st. Andrews with something that looks like this. Now, in terms of travel, eligible citizens will be able to apply for a scottish passport. Some saying the u. S. May establish checks crossing the bord border. So after more than 300 years together, this could be one of the most costly divorces yet. The british Prime Minister is so serious about convincing scottish voters to reject independence, hes nailing his colors to the mast, sort of it. Eraised the Scottish Flag in london on tuesday, but it didnt really go according to plan. The first attempt to raise the flag failed and it did not seem to be a good sign. The second try was successful. Da David Cameron said it will fly over number 10 until the referendum next thursday. We will take a short break and i will continue to cough. When we come back, from the battlefield to the tv studio. The conflict in Eastern Ukraine moves into unchartered territory. phone ringing whats up jake . That depends man, what are you doing . Just cruising around in my new ride. Oh, the one im not suppose to touch, right . You got it. Guess what im touching it right now, craig. What you talkin about jake . With my voice. That doesnt make any sense. You let me in man, by answering and i like it in here. Youre not touching it touch is physical, your voice isnt physical. My sound waves are pouring out of your speakers, penetrating every cubic inch. Stop disrespecting her ooh and the dodge likes it. Dont you dart . Gets your filthy voice off her jake could mean less waiting for things like security backups and file downloads youd take that test, right . What are you waiting for . You could literally be done with the test by now. Now you could have done it twice. This is awkward. Go to comcastbusiness. Com checkyourspeed. If we cant offer faster speeds or save you money well give you 150. Comcast business built for business. Welcome back, we discuss new sections of russia. The eu implemented the sanctions on monday, waiting to see if the ceasefire in Eastern Ukraine will hold. Russia is warning the eu not to go through with the new punitive measures. Its eu envoy says it would only undermine the process. The conflict in Eastern Ukraine is calling fallout no one could have anticipated. The selfproclaimed republics of donesk agreed to merge. Thats created mill maneuvering. In a makeshift Television Studio in Eastern Ukraine, camouflaged militia men run the cameras as local women wait for their shot at local stardom. The covet vetted prize for this audition, a job as a news presenter for a new russia tv in english. The new Network Named after what some are calling the rebelheld russianspeaking region in southEastern Ukraine. No experience net here says the ad. Only passion and energy. The television tryout is the rebels way of telling the Central Government in kiev, we dont need you. Ever since februarys pro european revolution, topple the ukraines pro former russian president , separatists in the southeast have demanded independence. By introducing their own flag, establishing a volunteer militia, check posts at their selfproclaimed borders and producing the Death Penalty against anyone accused of treason. This is the selfproclaimed donesk governor. The first foreign minister is a woman whose foreign experience was as scant as her outfit found on the internet. Well, just a day after the arizona monsoons flooded parts of southwest United States, another Tropical Storm may be brewing near the region. Were approaching the peak season for tropical activity. And you couldnt know it here across the eastern United States just because of how quiet its been, but out in the pacific, conditions have been a little bit different. This is an area were watching right here. Just off the coast of mexico near acapulco where a high probability of formation where it could become Tropical Storm odil. Models doing something interesting. But i want to share with you video coming out of nevada. New video to show to you, the flooding across interstate 15. This is in mesquite, nevada, an hours drive out of las vegas. Still officials there in the department of transportation saying some of the southbound lanes are closed until at least monday. The next three to four day, some areas could still see road closures on interstate 15 because of the damage done to the roads. So you have the monsoons in place, we have Tropical Storm norbert. And now this is what odil potentially could be playing a role as far as enhancing the moisture yet again across the region. The models here pretty certain the models will take the north and west track. But the vast majority want to bring it into the sea of cortez. That would be again a beeline for Southern Arizona enhancing the monsoon moisture. But at this point, it doesnt look like an immediate threat for that region of the United States until perhaps at least early next week if it does form and make its way up the sea of cortez. But heres whats happening right now across the midwestern United States. Some 1,200 lightning strikes over the past 60 minutes across the Central Region of the United States with some 23 Million People underneath flash flood watches at this hour, including the city of chicago. The threat, of course, for tremendous hateful with the storm system thats clashing into pretty cold air across portions of the northwest. The Sawtooth Mountains across portions of montana and idaho, where we have winter storm advisories in place for the first time all season. Get up above 7,000 feet, a foot of snow in the forecast for some of these areas. In fact, about five inches or 12 centimeters came down in calgary across portions of kaubd on monday into tuesday. And again, this is about triple the month of septembers average and the seas looking Something Like this out of portions of canada. And perhaps soon also out of portions of the northern u. S. Some models again saying areas of montana could see about abfoot of snow in Higher Elevations. Guys . Doesnt it always look like that in canada . In calgary, yes. Winnipeg they call it winterpeg. Not unusual. Wont be living there anytime soon. Now to a wedding celebration in egypt gone terribly wrong, thanks to a video of the event posted on youtube. The video shows two men exchanging rings at their Wedding Party in april. Well wishers are seen cheering for the happy couple, but last week someone posted it to youtube. It quickly went viral. Egypts Public Prosecutor ordered the arrests of nine of the men who appear in the video. Theyre being charged with debauchery and accused of undermining public morals. The prosecutor even ordered a physical exam of the men. Thats common practice when arresting alleged homosexuals. Homosexuality not explicitly lawed in egypt, gay marriage is not legal either. They can face legal charges under broad social morality claws. A british author claims to have solved one of the greatest murder mysteries of all time. We will share the new clues that he claims lead to the real identity of jack the ripper. [ male announcer ] if you suffer from a dry mouth then youll know how uncomfortable it can be. [ crickets chirping ] but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath . [ exhales deeply ] [ male announcer ] well there is biotene. Specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants, biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy, too. [ applause ] biotene for people who suffer from dry mouth. Thebut in the case of the s to thlexus ls. Which eyes . Eyes that pivot with the road. That can see what light misses. Eyes designed to warn when yours wander. Or ones that can automatically bring the ls to a complete stop. All help make the unseen. Seen. And make the ls perhaps the most visionary vehicle on the road. This is the pursuit of perfection. So i get invited to quite a few family gatherings. Heck, i saved judith here a fortune with discounts like safe driver, multicar, paperless. You make a mighty fine missus, mlady. Im not saying marks thrifty. Lets just say, i saved him 519, and it certainly didnt go toward that ring. Am i right . [ laughs ] [ dance music playing ] so visit progressive. Com today. I call this one the robox. Anncvideoconferences its youof the day. Rtant hi hi, buddy anncr thats why the wifi and free hot breakfast are something to smile about. And good reasons to book now. Feel the hamptonality the lites went down and the applause went up on broadway. The Broadway League originally said they would not dim the lights for the comedian who died last week. They said she did not meet the requirements for the honor, which calls for a performer to be very active recently in the theatre. But they relented after more than 5,000 fans signed a petition demanding the tribute. Well, most fans of murder mysteries had never heard of aaron mosminski but everyone has heard of jack the ripper. The but one author says the two are one in the same. Produced a long thick very sharp blade around eight inches long and stuck it to the left side of her neck. She was jack the rippers fourth victim. The initial report was he attempted to fully behead her. Now the history of who killed her and up to ten others may have final lly solved. The author says he has definitive proof that jack the ripper was aaron kizminski. He was committed after being diagnosed with mania. He claims dna tests show it contains ziminskis see semen and the victims blood. This is the only evidence thats left. This is where katherine eddows mutilated body was found, but it wasnt for another 100 years the shawl with the dna actually surfaced. Some experts say they doubt it points to kizminski as jack the ripper. The policeman that apparently found it isnt mentioned in any documents. Theyre now talking the actual science tests they did on it were under questionable conditions. Its the latest in the long line. Two people that do not believe your findings. Let them read the book. No matter how ironclad any evidence will be, theres always some who will doubt. This myth is a myth and it will be perpetuated from those who want to perpetuate it. It seems unlikely any evidence will come toward at this point to prove once and for all who he might actually be. Perpetuate it, make money off of it. So for the rest of time, that is jack the ripper. Some say as long as the mystery remains unsolved, jacks memory will continue to stalk the streets of london. Cnn, london. I guess he doesnt really have a reply, does he . Maybe his family would. Does it really matter at this point . A bit after the fact at this point. This just in. And that does it for this hour of cnn coverage. Aaron barnett takes over for us at the top of the hour. Stay with us. After the break, details of president obamas strategy to defeat isis. New poll numbers are out on whether the American Public is actually buying into all of this. All those details and much more on cnn. This is kathleen. Setting up the perfect wedding day begins with arthritis pain and two pills. Afternoon arrives and feeling good, but her knee pain returns. Thats two more pills. The evenings event brings laughter, joy, and more pain. When jamie says. Whats that like six pills today . Yeah. I can take 2 aleve for all day relief. Really, and. And thats it. This is kathleen. For my arthritis pain, i now choose aleve. Get all day arthritis pain relief with an easyopen cap. Heres a good one seattle. What did geico say to the mariner . We could save you a boatload foghorn sounds loudly whats seattles favorite noise . The puget sound foghorn sounds loudly all right, never mind doesnt matter. This is a classic. What does an alien seamstress sew with . 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And all hands on deck. The british Prime Minister and other Party Leaders heading to scotland in an all out push to keep it in great britain. And growing pressure, a prominent womens rights Group Calling for the resignation of the nfl commissioner. Also, back in the spotlight, apple gambles big with the introduction of a new smart watch. Apple watch is the

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