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And just what happened in that attack in niger that left four u. S. Servicemen dead . Also, the economists just called him the worlds most powerful man, and his speech this week indicated he might agree. Inside the mind of chinas president xi jinping as his Party Gathers to put him back in power for another five years at least. Then, a grand bargain to make puerto rico great again. The gps plan. And last week trump made moves to get out of what he called the worst deal ever, the iran nuclear deal. Now will be terminate what he calls the worst trade deal . Ill talk to canadas foreign minister about trumps nafta strategy. But first heres my take. Ken burns and lynn novics comprehensive documentary series on the vietnam war is filled with stories and voices of ordinary soldiers on all sides of the conflict. But the most tragic aspect of the tale, for me at least, was to hear lindyn Lyndon Johnson o before full u. S. Engagement admitting that the war could not be won. Johnsons dilemma is one that every president faces and one that donald trump is bringing upon himself with north korea and iran now. In may, 1964, when the United States had fewer than 20,000 troops in vietnam serving only as advisers and trainers, this is what president johnson said to his National Security advisor, george bundy. I stayed awake last night thinking about this thing. The more i think of it, i dont know what in the hell, it looks like to me were getting into another korea. This worries the hell out of me. I dont see what we can hope to get out once were committed. I dont think its worth fighting for and i dont think we can get out. Johnson understood even then that vietnam was not actually vital and that it could easily become a quagmire. And yet he could never bring himself to the logical conclusion, withdrawal. Like so many president s before and after him, he could not see how he could admit failure. And so johnson increased troop levels in vietnam from under 20,000 to over 500,000, tearing apart indochina, American Society and his own presidency. The example is dramatic but it is generally true. In Foreign Policy when the United States is confronted with a choice between backing down and doubling down, it follows the latter course. Now, in two crucial arenas, north korea and iran, donald trump has dramatically raised the stakes for the United States and for no good reason. Simply determined to seem tougher than his predecessor, he has set out maximumless positions toward both countries. He wants a totally denuclear i sayed north korea airnd that stops making Ballistic Missiles and stops supporting proxy forces in places like syria, iraq and yemen. There is a small possibility that north korea and iran will simply capitulate because washington demands it, but more likely if they dont, what will trump do . Will he back down or double down . And where will this escalation end . Trump seems to View International negotiations as he does business deals. He has to win. But theres one big difference. In the international arena, the other person also has to worry about domestic politics. He or she cannot appear to lose either. For any International Negotiation to succeed, there has to be an element of winwin, otherwise the other side simply will not be able to sell the deal back home. But trump seems to believe above all that he must win and the other side must lose. A senior mexican official told me there would have been a way to negotiate nafta easily, even find a way to fund the border wall, but he explained trump needed to allow us to also declare some kind of victory, give us some concessions. Instead he started out by humiliating us and made it impossible for president pena nieto to make a deal. No Mexican Government can be seen to simply surrender to washington. Donald trump is not doing real estate deals anymore. The arena is different. The conditions are far more complex, and the stakes are higher, astronomically higher. For more go to cnn. Com fareed and read by Washington Post column this week. And lets get started. All right, lets get right to it. I have a really extraordinary panel. David sanger is the National Security correspondent for the New York Times and a cnn National Correspondent analyst. Annemarie slaughter is at the state department in the Obama Administration. Shes now the president and ceo of the think tank near america. Her latest book is the chess board and the web, strategies of connection in a networked world. And norman roule has been at the heart of american intelligence and Foreign Policy for the last 34 years. Norman retired just nine days ago from a career at the top echelons of the cia and the office of the director of national intelligence. In his last role he managed the iran portfolio for all of american intelligence. Other than his family, most of his family and friends discovered that he was not at the state department but at the cia for the last 34 years, so i feel like im outing you and i hope thats all right. David, let me start with you on the niger issue. It seems to me weve gotten confused with this, apologies. The real issue it seems to me is we still dont really know what american troops were doing in niger. We dont, fareed, and we also dont know the strategic objective that theyre trying to accomplish. I think whats made this such a difficult conversation, as you say its gotten lost in the question of the apologies and what the president said and now what his chief of staff has said. But the bigger issue is we have reportedly 800 troops in niger. We have many others around africa. Were conducting operations, mostly advise and train operations, but clearly they get into some combat roles. And one thing i think this administration has been quite poor at, the Obama Administration wasnt much better, sort of sitting down and explaining to the American People why a president who ran on getting us out of small wars around the world where we were taking casualties still has them in there. Theres a good compelling rationale for them to be there but he hasnt offered it, which makes it all the more painful when you hear the stories like these four tragic deaths this week. Norman, the danger here, its one thing if youre in a country like afghanistan, and i know this will sound strange, but it has a legitimate government and has reasonable control over large parts of the country. Once youre dealing with niger, mali, chad, theres almost tribal warfare going on continuously and the danger of some kind of miscalculation, falling in with the wrong tribal leader becomes quite large. Thats true, but i think its also important to recognize that this is a good use of american power. We are enabling partners in very dangerous parts of the world to do things that will inevitably protect the United States. It will prevent isis from establishing themselves in areas where they could proliferate and malign activity and threaten the homeland. Is the fear here as they get squeezed in iraq, this is where theyre going to end up . I think its a very legitimate fear as they are squeezed in iraq and syria, that they will spread to those parts of the world where they can conduct their activities, training in particular and leadership in particular. You need to worry about yemen, you need to worry about north africa in order to ensure this doesnt become another hot bed of planning against the homeland. Do you think that this could be explained better or do you buy that . I do, but i actually think exactly that, that the terrorists move to ungoverned spaces. So by definition then you dont have a legitimate government with control of the space and youre going to have these kinds of incidents. But i agree with david that we need to say were in a new kind of conflict. Theres no battle and we win and we lose, its a continually shifting battlefield. And we have to be there preferably before a new branch of al qaeda or isis can take root. Iran deal, david, the president has not just raised pt stakes, but now we have a kind of ticking bomb. He has said im going to throw this over to congress and congress has to do something, otherwise im going to withdraw. What happens in congress . Well, the most likely outcome with congress, as with almost Everything Else weve seen this year, is they do nothing and its something they have proven they do pretty well. But there is the possibility that they may try to set some triggers, as the president has suggested, where if iran takes certain activity, it would then reimpose sanctions. Now, of course if we reimpose sanctions unilaterally that could violate the nuclear deal and thus get iran out of the nuclear deal. I think one of the big issues that comes out of all of this is do we want to be in the position where the United States is the first one to openly violate the terms of the deal. Not the spirit of the deal, as the president was talking about, but its actual words and paragraphs. And if we did that, i think the iranians would have a big talking point. And ive already had many european diplomats who have come through washington the past couple of weeks say to me that theyre very fearful of this because if that happens, theyre going to separate from the United States. Theyre actually going to side with the i rain januaranians. Norman, you were the lead analyst and coordinated all of this. What should we do about iran . I think we should recognize there are four pieces to this. The joint comprehensive plan of action deal did exactly what it was supposed to do. It reversed the Iranian Nuclear program, it placed them under Extraordinary International supervision. Thats a good thing. But irans malign activity in the region tells us we have to do more and i believe this was recognized by secretary kerry even at the time of the deal. Irans Missile Program is unreasonably large and theyre starting, as secretary tillerson has stated, to deploy this technology in very bad ways with proxies in the region. Finally you have to think if youre dealing with an adversary that is engaged in such malign activity, where do you see them leading their Nuclear Program in ten years . For this reason i think its appropriate to look at the iran policy framework right now and decide where do we take it from this point. Wouldnt the answer then be pocket the gains from the nuclear deal and focus on the other stuff rather than relitigating the nuclear deal . Absolutely. We need to keep jcpoa in my view because of the benefits it brings and look at certain elements of the deal and see if they need to be extended. In october of 2020 the restrictions on irans conventional military program will go away. Is that a good thing for the region, that iran is able to acquire advanced conventional technology . In october of 2023 the restrictions on irans Missile Program go away. Is it a good thing that irans Missile Program falls away from United Nations oversight . I dont think so. But i think thats a dialogue that should take place with congress and the administration and most importantly a bipartisan, calm response should be placed forward. Annemarie . I dont disagree with the what here, that iran is behaving badly in the region, but i deeply disagree with the how. Indeed the president s only National Security team, general mattis, general mcmaster, they agree on the value of the jpoa and the way we should be doing this is both with congress but also with our allies. As david says, splitting ourselves off from the europeans and allowing the russians and others to say you violated the agreement is exactly the opposite of what we should be doing. We need to, as weve done successfully before, point others to where iran is misbehaving in the region and have a coalition that can put pressure on them. All right. Well take a break. When we come back, i will ask david sanger about a piece he wrote about north korea. He says weve been fretting about the wrong problem. Kim jonguns people have been steadily mastering an even more frightening power than nuclear power. What is it . Find out when we come back. O. So he took aleve. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. 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Is it pause they habecause theyy sophisticated scientific establishment isnt. Certainly they have a more sophisticated scientific establishment. While we had a pretty good sense from the early 80s of the development of their nuclear capacity, i think its fair to say that american intelligence was taken a bit by surprise and the speed of which it has done the missile improvements over the past few years. If you go back as early as late as 2009, there was pretty much a consensus that they were kind of nowhere in the world of cyber. They have come way up the line there. So why is this scary . Whats concerning about this . In nuclear, we understand the deterrent effect. If they lob a Nuclear Weapon at the United States, the state of north korea is gone an hour later. Cyber is different. While nuclear is an on off switch, cyber is on a thermostat. You can move it up, you can move it down. And their attacks so far against sony, against south korea, the use of a new weapon that they called wannacry that devastated the British Health system was based on a vulnerability stolen from the National Security agency in the United States. Norman, the problem is you cant attribute them. The russians still deny that they were involved in the election. Its unlike nuclear, where you can see where the missile came from, with cyber warwarfare, hoo you deter somebody when they can claim it wasnt me. Absolutely. The whole concept of developing a policy of deterrence against a cyber actor is very, very difficult. Its not only you dont necessarily know whence the attack came, but even if it is attributed, that can be a false attribution. Irans attacks as reported in the press have touched upon the financial industry, possibly a casino in the United States, have touched upon infrastructure in the United States. So iran has a pretty iran has a pretty significant Cyber Program and it has escaped much public notice. It is also something that is part of irans asymmetric unconventional response pattern and i think represents a serious threat to the region as well as to the United States. What does this tell us . Your book is about these new kinds of threats that are either nonstate or partially state, nonattributable. So these are network threats. I mean theyre like terrorism threats. The hackers and the cyber in general relies on networks and you have to counter it with networks. We actually do. Norman will know more about this than i do, but my understanding is we do counter. After north korea attacked sony, i dont know what we did, but we certainly there was evidence that the Obama Administration responded, and it doesnt get reported. But ultimately we have to its really about Building Network defenses. And you have to do that with private companies and even civic groups and the government together. Its not like nuclear where its government to government, its where you need all different parts of society in defensive networks. Are you optimistic well be able to get there . I dont think we have much choice. But i mean the future of war in so many ways is about controlling the Information Space and thats going to be the difference is were not going to see much of that. Its not like building your traditional forts or tanks. Its, again, Network Versus network. A lot of it is not going to be reported, but i think we have to get there. I think that the key challenge it seems to me is to be able to do this with allies, with partners. I mean the whole idea in this new world of going it alone seems much more difficult. Absolutely. In fact you need to have deep partnerships not only on how to handle irans Nuclear Program through the jcpoa nuclear deal but developing cyber defenses and Ballistic Missile defenses and this includes working with our friends in the Gulf Cooperation Council as well as the European Union as well as the United Nations to develop protocols and formats to work this. A big new agenda. Well have to have you guys back to talk more about all this stuff. Next on gps, puerto rico. Puerto ricos economy was floundering before hurricane maria. Now the whole island is devastated. We have a plan to save it, to make puerto rico great again when we come back. Now for our what in the world segment. On september 25th with puerto rico still devastated from hurricane maria, donald trump tweeted that texas and florida are doing great, but puerto rico, which was already suffering from broken infrastructure and massive debt, is in deep trouble. Now, i know that tweet might sound a bit graceless in the face of such devastation, but on this one on the issue donald trump is right. Puerto rico was an economic basket case before the storm. And i think there might actually be a Silver Lining here for the people of puerto rico. Hurricane maria may offer the single greatest opportunity to rebuild the island, but it will take a grand bargain to pull it off. Lets look at some of the numbers. Puerto ricos economy has actually been contracting, contracting by roughly 1. 5 a year for the last ten years. Puerto ricans have been fleeing the island to look for better opportunities on the mainland. That creates a vicious circle, a smaller population means a declining tax base, which makes it even more difficult for the local puerto rican government to pay back its debt. That debt rang in at about 43 billion in 2007 and reached about 64 billion in 2016. Hurricane maria just adds even more uncertainty to puerto ricos deteriorating fiscal prospects. Whos to blame for this mess . Well, there are a lot of candidates. On the federal level, Congress Passed legislation back in the 1980s denying puerto rico the ability that every other state has to declare bankruptcy, thus limiting its financial options. Only recently did that change to some degree. On the local level, weak fiscal discipline by government officials helped fuel the islands rising debt level. Its worth noting that one of puerto ricos chief sources of income, tourism, has flat over the past ten years. Puerto ricos Tourism Industry grew annually by only 1 , while the dominican republic, aruba, jamaica and cuba grew between 3 and 5 . So what can be done . Well, i would propose a kind of grand bargain. The federal government needs to bring something to the table, as do the good people of puerto rico, who have been through so much. The federal government should commit to a large multiyear, multi billion Dollar Program of investment, should restructure puerto ricos debt and repair the islands infrastructure. The leadership of the commonwealth should also make some deep economic reforms. Many of these have already been proposed by ann kruger and most are geared toward making the island more business friendly in order to bring back jobs, increase the tax base and stop the outflow of people. Krugers proposals include reducing the cost of electricity and repealing the jones act, which has made shipping goods to the island more expensive. But her most controversial proposal involves lowering the minimum wage, implementing welfare reforms and lowering benefits to make puerto rico more competitive compared with other caribbean economies. Right now according to kruger, the head of a family of three earning minimum wage on the island brings home about 1,100 per month, while that same person could get about 1,700 per month just being on welfare. With the disincentive to work like that, is it any surprise that before the storm just 40 of puerto rican adults were employed or seeking work versus about 63 for the overall u. S. Labor force. I know this is tough medicine for an island still struggling to get any sort of medicine. But puerto rico has huge potential, and it will only be realized when its economy is properly restructured and the island can provide a promising future for all its residents. Next on gps, as America Withdraws from so many of its roles in the world, china has been filling the vacuum. We learned a lot this week about chinas real intentions, thanks to a speech by president xi jinping. Hear what he had to say and what it meant when we come back. The ictability of a flare may weigh on your mind. 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The speech lasted more than three hours, so long that he was served tea in the middle of it. President xis remarks kicked off the communist Party Congress where he will begin his next fiveyear term. To talk about xi and chinas intentions on the world stage, let me bring in two real experts. Jiayang fan is a staff writer for the new yorker who writes frequently about china for the magazine and Elizabeth Economy is from the council on foreign relations. Liz, i have to say this seemed a turning point. Historians might look back because there are two areas where it seemed that xi jinping was very assertive. One that there is in fact a chinese model for development and he talked openly about how developing countries might want to copy that rather implicitly rather than anything washington tells them. And the second was this idea that china is thinking its center stage in the world right now. I think that both of those things are emblematic of xis chinese dream. Its the rejuvenation of the great chinese nation. Its the reassertion of the centrality of china on the global stage, and hes making a move right now. I would also say this is somewhat opportunistic, of course, because it happens at a time when the United States is stepping back from its traditional role as a Global Leader with President Trump, you know, stepping out of a number of different agreements. I think xi jinping sees it as an opportunity for china to step up and claim center stage. Do you think this is part of a rising kind of chinese nationalism . Is what xi jinping is saying something that resonates with the Chinese People . I think it very much is part of this growing trend. It probably started even before xi came onboard, but xi has certainly done his best to harness that sense of belief in the great chinese civilization. And the sense of manifest destiny that china will rise again to the center of the world where it belongs and recover its former glory, i think the sense that china somehow lost what it rightful belonged to the nation and that now is the moment for it to recapture it is very much part of whats animating xis philosophy. Talk about xi as a person. He seems very different. Ive had the opportunity to meet him once. They normally feel like the chinese leaders feel like kind of very colorless technocrats. Xi seems more like a politician. He quotes poetry, he makes analogies, hes always talking about the common chinese person and he seems ambitious in the way that a politician is. First, is that true, and do you think hell, therefore, go for that third term that everyone wonders about, which would break with what has become a president is almost legally enshrined two terms and youre out . Well, ill answer the first question first. I think your instinct is absolutely right. That confidence that he asserts is very, very evident, especially compared to his predecessors. I think that comes from his status as a princeling. He is the son of a very Prominent Communist Party member who served in the government. You know, was banished at one time and then came back. So i think theres that Natural Authority that his predecessors, his immediate predecessors did not have. And i think that makes him a little bit more relaxed when it comes to dealing with his peers and counterparts. And also he has seen the benefits of having greater charisma. I think he is astute in learning from foreign leaders and seeing how the more engaging ones can occupy a better place on the global stage. So, liz, what does all this mean for the United States . Well, i think the United States faces a real challenge with xi jinping, particularly now as we have stepped back. But i think theres some untapped opportunities as well. If china wants to be a leader, it needs to step up to the plate and begin to forge global agreements on things like the problem with refugees in myanmar, which is right in its backyard. And we dont yet see china playing that kind of role. So xi has taken advantage of the fact that weve stepped back to at least rhetorically insert china in a Global Leadership position. Wouldnt the chinese say but thats a western conception of what it means to be a Global Leader. We, the chinese, believe much more in letting states do what they want, not interfering in other countries. Isnt it partly that hes attacking the very idea of a western order . I think theyre two different things. He has not said that china will not lead in terms of forging global agreements to address global challenges, in fact he said the opposite. That he does want china to play an Important Role in addressing these challenges. What he does say, though, and youre right here, he doesnt believe that other countries should interfere in the domestic politics of other countries. So thats part of the primacy of sovereignty. And he does put forward another view in terms of collective security, saying that the u. S. Led Alliance System is something that has not proved particularly helpful to the International System and instead you should have this new, you know, community of common destiny or shared futures, which is really not much more than basically calling for the dismantlement of the u. S. Led global order. So he is calling for that . He is calling for that, but hes not saying that china wont lead on global issues. Fascinating discussion. We will continue to follow it and we will have you both back to talk about it some more. Thank you both. Thank you so much. Thanks. Up next, people often joke about how boring canada is and how dull the relations between the United States and its neighbor to the north are. Well, this week in washington, the two sides engaged in a war of words. What is going on . When we come back, canadas foreign minister will explain. That just tastes better. With more vitamins. And less saturated fat. Only egglands best. Better taste. Better nutrition. Better eggs. A Trump Administration will renegotiate nafta and if we dont get the deal we want, we will terminate nafta and get a much better deal for our workers and our companies, 100 . That was donald trump pumping up a crowd in grand rapids, michigan, in the waning hours of the 2016 campaign. Hes dropped some of his threats since entering the oval office, but this one hes sticking to. Nafta, of course, is the north American Free trade agreement and trump repeated his threat a week and a half ago in the oval office with the canadian Prime Minister, justin trudeau, right next to him. I think justin understands this. If we cant make a deal, it will be terminated and that will be fine. The conservative wall street journal as editorialized that walking away from nafta could be the worst economic mistake by a u. S. President since Richard Nixon trashed bretttonwoods and imposed wage and price controls. Strong words. It all came to a head during negotiations outside washington this week, turning into a war of words between the u. S. , canada and mexico. Trade representative Robert Lighthouser lashed out at americas northern and southern neighbors saying frankly im surprised and disappointed by the resistance to change from our negotiating partners. For her part canadas foreign minister, chrystia freeland, called the u. S. Positions troubling and unconventional. Foreign minister freeland joins me now. Chrystia freeland, always a pleasure to have you on. Always good to be with you, fareed. Do you think in your negotiations with the United States that the Trump Administration is fundamentally trying to modernize nafta, or is it trying to undermine it and be able to declare this is not working, lets pull out . You know, i once interviewed the ceo of pepsi, and she said to me that she believes in negotiations you should always assume positive intent from your counterparty. She says you dont always have positive intent, but you should assume it if you want to get a good result. So that is what i like to assume in negotiations. Certainly speaking for canada, we believe there is a fantastic opportunity before us now to modernize nafta, to bring it into the 21st century, to cut red tape, make life easier for all of our businesses and also actually to improve the situation for our workers. But you did say that you did not want to be negotiating with people who were trying to undermine nafta rather than modernize it. Now, i assume that the mexicans are definitely trying not to undermine nafta. That could only mean by implication you think your u. S. Counterpart is trying to do that, correct . No. What i said exactly what i meant, which is i do think its important that all parties bring to the table positive intent, as canada has. But what i also said is in order to get there, we all have to be looking for, as Vice President mike pence said at the governors meeting in rhode island at the beginning of the summer, we all have to have a mindset that says lets get a win, win, win, a win for everybody. And if one party has a winnertakeall attitude, then its not going to work. Do you get the sense that the Trump Administration views this issue sort of fundamentally differently than others . It seems as though it views, for example, just the existence of a trade deficit as inherent evidence that the deal is bad, which would in a sense almost mean that free trade is bad . Look, it is certainly the case that this u. S. Administration has a strong view about trade deficits as a sign that a trading relationship is fundamentally not working. Canada doesnt necessarily take that view. Were a trading nation. We believe in free trade. Having said that, when it comes to do canada u. S. Economic relationship, and this is a point the Prime Minister made last week to the president , its something that ambassador lighthouser and i discussed and something important to share with americans, when it comes to canada u. S. , it is the United States which has a surplus with us. The u. S. Has a surplus of 8 billion on goods and Services Trade with canada, and 36 billion on manufactured goods alone. And those are according to u. S. Statistics. So according to the u. S. Point of view, i guess it should be canada thats complaining that its unfair we have a deficit with you guys. We dont take that view. We think the trading relationship between canada and the United States is mutually beneficial and fundamentally balanced, and what we want to do is modernize it. Youve said that nowadays when you talk to americans, before you say hello, you say one other thing. What is it . Yeah. Im becoming a boring person for americans to talk to. The first thing i point out is that canada is the largest market for the United States, larger than china, japan and the uk combined. And i find thats a surprise for a lot of americans. I guess canada is kind of like the girl next door. Its easy to take us for granted. But we are the largest market for the u. S. And thats one reason that these negotiations are really important not just for canadians but for americans. Chrystia freeland, always a pleasure to have you on. Great to talk to you, fareed. Well be back with more gps in a moment. Listen up, heart disease. You too, unnecessary er visits. And hey, unmanaged depression, dont get too comfortable. Were talking to you, cost inefficiencies, and data without insights. And fragmented care, stop getting in the way of patient recovery and pay attention. Every single one of you is on our list. At optum, were partnering across the Health System to tackle its biggest challenges. Americans often discuss how their system of government might be improved, especially in moments of crisis or political stagnation. But in one country, corruption and economic decline have moved the National Conversation way beyond institutional tweaks. It brings me to my question, in which of the following countries are generals publicly discussing a government takeover. Indonesia, brazil, ghana or uganda. Stay tuned and well tell you the correct answer. This weeks book of the week in Leonardo Da Vinci by walter isaacson. Im halfway through but its enough to recommend it fully. This is walt isaacsons most ambitious book. He uses the life of leonardo to speculate on the sources of genius. I find myself agreeing with some of his ideas, disagreeing with others, but always you are informed, entertained, stimulated, and satisfied. Plus, this has to be the most beautifully illustrated and printed book ive seen in recent years. Do not get the ebook. And now for the last look. 91 americans die from an opioid overdose every day. Thats one death every 15 minutes. Since 1999, the number of opioid Overdose Deaths in this country has more than quadrupled according to the latest cdc data. In coming days, President Trump will make what hes called a major announcement about the epidemic. Well, there is a surprising tool emerging that may help fight the battle, but trumps attorney general, jeff sessions, isnt going to like this. Im talking about Recreational Marijuana. A new study published in the american journal of Public Health found a correlation between Recreational Marijuana legalization in colorado and a reversal of the upward trend in opiate Overdose Deaths. Take a look at this chart. Opioidrelated deaths decreased by 6. 5 in that state in the two years following legalization. While that may not seem like a large number, it is statistically significant. Now marijuana use is not without its own risks, and scientists stress that these results are preliminary. Further monitoring is needed. But as the New York Times noted, this isnt the only study to find a potential link between marijuana use, whether medicinal or recreational, and lower opioid overdose rates. Dr. Yasmin herd from mt. Sinai hospital told gps that continuing to study the subject and look for such patterns makes a lot of sense. As she told us, we have an epidemic and we have to think differently. The correct answer to the gps challenge question is b. After a series of corruption scandals embroiled brazils president and all of his living predecessors, several brazilian generals have openly discussed the militarys readiness to impose the solution to the current political crisis. As pointed out in the new yorker a recent poll found 43 of brazilians supported a temporary military intervention. Those who support the idea would do well to remember that the brazilian militarys last temporary intervention yielded two decades of authoritarian rule from 1964 to 1985. Thanks to all of you for being part of my program this week. I will see you next week. Hey, im brian stelter. Welcome to our viewers in the United States and around the world. This is reliable sources. Our weekly look at the story behind the story. Of how the media really works and how the news gets made. This hour breaking news about bill oreilly and a previously secret 32 million settlement. Ill talk with one of the reporters who broke this story, now raising the question about oreillys future anywhere on television. Will he ever be back on fox news . Plus, a little later an exclusive interview with gretchen carlson, the

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