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Shocking terror. Vans speeding into pedestrians lon London Bridge, its occupants jumping out to wage a stabbing spree. Only eight minutes passed between the first emergency call and when officers shot and killed the attackers. In the wake of those eight minutes, seven people are dead, some critically. Prime minister theresa may just a short time ago. First, while the recent attacks are not connected by common networks, they are connected in one important sense. They are bound together by the single evil ideology of islamist extremist that preaches hatred, sows division, and promotes sectarianism. While we have made significant progress in recent years, there is, to be frank, far too much tolerance of extremism in our country, so we need to become far morrow bust in identifying it and stamping it out. Lets go straight live to london. Eissa soares, give us the latest. Reporter john, in the last 30 seconds or so i saw a private ambulance go past me. Ill move out of the way, past all the media we have armed police as you can see on your shot on the left of your screen but also weve seen groups of people staying in hotels, down this road, a main street here that leads to London Bridge. Many people were taken out of their rooms late at night as this was all unfolding and slowly theyre being allowed back in but only small groups escorted by police. Of course, many people had no place to stay last night. Londoners have been opening their doors, letting people stay in their homes, and like you said, john, this was a beautiful saturday evening that it was interrupted by the most cowardly of acts. Today the mayor of london is reassuring london and the world that london is still open, still one of the safest cities to visit. Take a listen. Just to reassure your viewers, london is the safest global city in the world. The threat level hasnt changed as a result of last night. Properties have been raided this morning. Were not increasing the threat level any higher than it currently is. To reassure londoners and visitors and also to make sure were safe, there will be increased Police Presence over the course of today and the next few days. And john, we also heard from Prime Minister theresa may, of course an election here on thursday, and she basically said that its not up to her to raise the terror alert level. This is a matter for terrorism analysis center. But she did say it was already quite high and they were already at a terror alert was indeed likely, but people here in london clearly on edge after seeing three attacks in the past three months. Three attacks in the past three months, isa soares thanks. British leaders have been in crisis talks since shortly after at tacks. National election campaigning suspended for today. Clarissa ward is outside ten downing street. The Prime Minister delivered remarks with a much tougher tone than we have heard in the past. Reporter thats right, john, she wasnt mincing her words here. In addition to the three attacks in the last three months, she said that actually five significant terror plots have been disrupted by Security Services during that time, so there is definitely a growing realization that this is a serious problem here in the United Kingdom. The Prime Minister went on to kind of elucidate several ways in which she would seek to try to deal with this problem. She spoke of the need to deal with social media and with the tech giants who run these various social media platforms because of course this is the number one way in which what she called this sort of evil islamist extremist ideology is being proliferated and its also the number one way in which various individuals can find each other, come together, as we saw last nights attack, not a lone wolf, three attackers working together. She also talked about the need for pluralistic British Values to defeat islamist extremism. Obviously thats easier said than done. What she did say, john, which we havent heard her say before is britain has been too tolerant, in her words. She said there needs to be a kind of reform of counterterrorism, not clear exactly how those reforms would take place, and what new initiatives might be put in place, but certainly some tough talk from the Prime Minister. Clah rrissa ward thank you v much. President trump tweeting about the attack we must stop being politically correct and get down to the business of security for our people. If we dont get smart it will only get worse. Lets get insights of julia kaymeka kayemand paul cruickshank. Based on information from the british authorities, what does it tell us about the Terror Threat at the moment and as we try to look around the corner . It tells you the terrorist threat from islamist terrorism in the uk is as high as it has ever been in the history of this country. Officials have been telling me that over the past few months. Theyre watching around 3,000 individuals in the uk who they believe could pose a threat. John, theyre also residual 20,000 individuals who they looked up before who may pose a residual threat according to british authorities. Those are very large numbers indeed, very difficult to really track all of these people, they can only monitor a few of them, 24 7 round the clock. So were in a period now where theres a real risk, were going to see more of these attacks in the weeks ahead especially because this is now the holy month of ramadan and isis called for a surge of attacks, telling their followers around the world and in the uk theyll be rewarded tenfold in paradise. Theyre really trying to get attacks through to encourage them to change the conversation away from the fact that theyre losing so much ground in syria, iraq, libya, afghanistan and other places. What is the Prime Minister trying to tell the british people about what comes next, listen. It is time to say enough is enough. Everybody needs to go about their lives as they normally would. Our society should continue to function in accordance with our values, but when it comes to taking on extremism and terrorism, things need to change. What does that mean . Does that mean as paul noted all these people who have perhaps gone to syria and other place answer come back, tougher tracking of them, tougher surveillance of them, does that mean tougher police tactics, what is she talking about . All of the above. Theresa may had been secretary. This was her docket before she surprisingly became Prime Minister. I can imagine a couple of scenarios after or assuming she might win the election. The first is detention laws, highly controversial in britain. Havent been able to get more aggressive detention laws passed that would be the capacity to detain someone before an event took place. Considering there is an election this week, she obvious ly three attacks basically during her short Prime Minister reign, and so it was tough talk, though. It was new and i dont know what to anticipate. I should let your viewers know, though, i mean look, if you look at the Manchester Attack, the community actually was telling Law Enforcement, this guy is crazy, and so some of this seems sort of unfair, this notion that everyones too politicalcally correct. You have a very, very aggressive Muslim Community, aggressive in the sense that they want these bad elements out as well, and so you know, people should remember that. It is not the Muslim Community thats hiding them. Often they were coming forward. Paul a fascinating question for the policymakers. We can go through the history and its a sad one, manchester just a couple of weeks ago, stockholm, london, nice, normandy, brussels, paris, this goes back to 2015 and these were all terror attacks of different types but all within europe. What is the lesson of this or has the lesson of this been ignored i guess from a Police Policy counterterrorism surveillance perspective . Its clear theres an unprecedented threat and i think what policymakers all around the western world need to do and need to do urgently is to empower the Muslim Community, as juliet was saying, empower the Muslim Community to take on this radicalization. They want to do it, the vast majority of them have absolutely no time for this. Theyre absolutely horrified, in the uk theyre actually quite far advanced in terms of doing this, under the prevent strategy. Theres a phrase communities defeat terrorism, a lot of outreach in the Muslim Community, the tips that come in that prevent terrorist attacks, just in the past few weeks here in london, but more can be done even here in the uk to empower the Muslim Community to give them the tools, the resources, and the trust to defeat what really now is the scourge of our times. Juliet in the language of counterterrorism planning right of boom is what you do after the response. Left of boom is your preparations to try to prevent it. What have we learned in the hours since this attack is the lessons . Obviously eight minutes from the first warning call to the three asill ants being shot thats remarkable police work. What else . Theres a couple and im so glad you mentioned this. One way to measure our success in fighting terrorism is our capacity to respond and to protect as many lives as possible. So we call that right of boom planning. The first is the communication to the public. The London Police told them where to go, focusing on family unification, the most important thing in a crisis like this and finally crowd sourcing the investigation because they are asking for videos, cameras, pictures anyone may have. You may think you dont have anything and its a piece of a puzzle to determine maybe there was others around maybe we can find out more about at sill ant. We learn something after all of these attacks that helps the next city prepare for the sort of right of boom planning which is just so key to give cities and urban areas a sense of resiliency because youre not going to stop all of these attacks unfortunately. Look at this one. It was low organization, low sophistication and we dont even know whether there was any sort of outside element at this stage beyond radicalization. Still waiting for more details, thank you for your insights. Well continue to track the london terror attacks. 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Asking if the president trusts science over conspiracy theories is more than a fair question. His ambassador to the u. N. Offered this answer to jake tapper. President trump believes the climate is changing and believes pollutants are part of that equation. But a handful of other Top Administration officials this week could or would not answer this question for the president. In walking away from the paris climate deal the president didnt focus on Global Warming or the climate. For him, this was about his brand and this map that put donald trump in the white house. The Paris Agreement handicaps the United States economy in order to win praise from the very foreign capitals and global activists that have long sought to gain wealth at our countrys expense. They dont put America First. I do. And i always will. If you look at the polling this is a risky choice for the president. Thats not how he processes this. Not about the climate for the president , its about jobs here and here and out here in the midwest, states he turned from blue to red. The president is thinking about the domestic political map that he believes was the key to his getting elected. The International Fallout from this was immediate and overwhelming from beijing to berlin, leaders labeled the decision reckless and irresponsible, said it was another sign the United States was abdicating its global leadership. Listen here while traveling in asia, jams mattis sounded almost apologetic. To quote british observer of us from some years ago, bear with us. Once weve exhausted all possible alternatives, the americans will do the right thing, so we will still be there, and we will be there with you. You listen to secretary mattis there, im not sure what the point he was trying to make but in this climate decision, and it is reinforced i think today by the president s response to the london terror attack in his tweets this is in my view, please jump in if im wrong, the president going to back to basics. Youre right when mike pence was in iowa for a fundraiser for joni ernst they were looking for the reaction from the audience and there was happy applause and enthusiastic applause when mike pence said weve withdrawn from the paris deal. We are all about putting des moines first ahead of the people of denmark and that got big applause. They were looking to that reaction but they realize the Business Community there is a growing rift with the Business Community and theyre aware of that. Theyre aware of that yet this president if he has to choose between what he views even though hes a manhattan rich guy lives in a penthouse, between wall street or Corporate Board rooms or what he views as the little guy thats his choice. Thinks for a year and a half hes not going to win and he won despite the skeptics. For people now who are secondguessing him hes saying it served me well during the campaign. Why wouldnt i keep doing it, and that is, as you put it going back to your base, reinforcing what they want to hear. Its in marked contrast to every president in recent American History that tries to broaden their base of support and be a president that represents the entire country instead of just their voters. I also think as we think about why did he insist on doing this despite so much opposition, its important to keep in mind the climate deal was an issue he did care about, not the climate part but the deal part. He ran as someone for his entire life was a businessman and strongly believed this was his personal conviction that the u. S. Had gotten itself into deals that were bad. Even though all the leaders say this is not negotiable. Were not giving you a better deal. The irony if he thinks theres an opportunity to either do Bilateral Agreements or to somehow get the world into a better deal on climate what youve seen the last couple of days there isnt really. The world is moving on, theyre making deals with the chinese, theyre going to make environmental progress but other people and the United States will be left behind. I put up the der spiegel cover youre fired youre an outlier mr. President , is he comfortable in that this is the brand to jonathans point. He says im sitting in the oval office and hes back to that in his reaction to the london terror attack. We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the travel ban as an extra level of safety. The Supreme Court is about to expedite the hearing of the travel ban. The president is back at it again this morning including a tweet that challenges the muslim mayor of london the president tweeting at least seven dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and mayor of london says there is no reason to be alarmed. We must stop being politically correct and get down to the business of security for our people. Back to basics. I was told his first reaction was lets protect america. Hes concerned making sure this doesnt happen here and Homeland Security said were monitoring this. There is no serious or credible threat here in the United States and were working together with our foreign counterparts and that information sharing resumed its normal courses after the Manchester Concert attack, how angry theresa may was that some information had leaked about that particular attack and she had, you know, confronted trump on the sidelines on his foreign trip to say we were not happy. Im told that information sharing resumed thats the u. S. Side saying that. Thats their main message. He is endangering his own ban by calling it a ban and second it was a temporary 90day deal until you figure out more permanent policy on these migrants and now hes basically casting it as an indefinite ban on people from all of these countries. Look, the legal jeopardy that that ban got in was because the courts took a look at his rhetoric, both the Campaign Rhetoric and concluded it was antimuslim. Hes tweeting again focused on lets not be politically correct. Theresa mays language enough is enough we have to do more. If youre President Trump watching the reaction during last Years Campaign he talks about the travel ban, critics say you cant use that language. I bet hes sitting there this morning saying i told you so. Right, weve seen the president over and over again lack this impulse control. We have had a number of terror attacks across the world since the election and campaign and multiple instances where he couldnt hold back but air personal grievance or go after and tout his personal agenda at a time where it doesnt seem appropriate to say that, rather than first offer condolences, you noticed yesterday the two tweets that came, the second one was on that offer of condolences to the people of the uk. Thats always the pattern, too. Theres always a followup tweet. He tries to act more president ial. Trump is back to being trump. Everybody sit tight. Back to london for the latest on the rampage including the Prime Ministers tougher tone just days before national elections. How if guests book direct ater, choicehotels. Com and stay twice theyll get a 50 gift card . Summertime. Badda book. Badda boom. Got you a shirt . I kept the receipt. Book now at choicehotels. Com if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing otezla, apremilast. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. Some people who took otezla saw 75 clearer skin after 4 months. And otezlas prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Otezla may increase the risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. 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Great britain copes with its third terrorist attack of the spring. It happened in london a speeding van mowed down pedestrians on the London Bridge, its occupants raced to a nearby restaurant stabbing people. All three were shot dead but not before they killed seven people. Dozens more likely in the upper 40s wounded. Much tougher tone from british Prime Minister theresa may. In terms of their planning and execution, the recent attacks are not connected but we believe we are experiencing a new trend in the threat we face as terrorism breeds terrorism. As we learn more about those killed than hurt four french citizens were hurt. Emmanuel macron says in the face of new tragedy france is more than ever at britains side. President trump tweeted about the need for his travel ban and later a more measured statement. The president offered condolences for the terror attacks on june 3 in central london. He praised the heroic response of police and other First Responder answer aurd the full support of the u. S. Government in investigating and bringing those responsible to these heinous acts to justice. Tom fuentes and peter bergen, peter, after at tacks you hear from the political leadership, days away from a national election. Listen to the tougher tone from the Prime Minister here and try to help me understand what she means. While we have made significant progress in recent years, there is to be frank far too much tolerance of extremism in our country. We need to become far morrow bust identifying and stamping it out. Is that a maessage to do a better job . I think its a political message. Think back to the spanish election of 2004, a big terrorist attack in madrid which killed 191 people three days before the election. It resulted in the Prime Minister being ejected despite the sitting Prime Minister was leading in the polls. This late in the electoral cycle when you have this event and after all theresa may is a conservative party supposed to be stronger on terrorism you had three attacks in three months the British Public may be saying is this really the right leadership. She called the election she was very much doing well in the polls but her lead narrowed. These event are unpredictable, this is a june surprise and well see how this plays out. Clearly she had to make a strong statement and really a policical statement to make sure that the narrowing of the polls weve seen in the last and this couple of weeks after the Manchester Attack exposed because of leaks from Law Enforcement agencies made a riff over the United States and uk over intelligence sharing. The Prime Minister and her team were furious that the New York Times and others received photos of the crime scene. Listen to the chief of the metropolitan police who seems to be saying that things are back to normal. It is now being confirmed, sadly, that Seven Members of the public have died in addition, as you know, and we believe three suspects are dead. She said there we have a good working relationship with our american colleagues. We normally share information with them and we depend on them to keep the country safe. From your information and your sources, is that relationship back at 100 full speed . Absolutely, john. I think that the riff was probably greatly exaggerated. They were angry at the time, but, you know, in the long run that was never going to stand for very long. First of all, much of what the british need and rely on in terms of International Assistance comes through the fbi, believe it or not. My last five years in the bureau, i ran the fbis International Program with 80 offices outside the United States, and throughout areas like africa, the middle east, other continents around the world. The fbis program is probably two or three times the size of all the other countries that were close to including the United Kingdom and australia and many countries. Many leads they need to be carried out internationally are actually done on their behalf by the fbi and by u. S. Intelligence services. So this was this rift, if you will, was never going to last very long. Im sure it was just that day they were upset. They should have been upset because of the leaking doing on. It was not going to stop the significant assistance being provided on a daily basis back and forth. I want you to listen to this eye witness here. Jack appleby is on the scene. I want you to listen to this about the simplicity and the cruelty of this and how can you stop this . On the ground there were three men standing there. One of which with a machete. Peter, if youre a Counter Terrorism planner. These are three guys in a van that jump out. How do you stop it . I think its almost impossible. In a free and open society you cant turn every bridge and every place where the public gathers into an fortified area that would prevent this thing. Unfortunately its a cost of living in the free and open society. The way to combat it is the best intelligence. It comes from often from the Muslim Community. You want to alienate them. You dont want to alienate them. You want to enlist them. They may see signs of radicalization and plots happening. And at the end of the day, they may not see anything. Obviously, these are covert activities. So unfortunately these are not things that can be easily stopped. And, thomas, jump in and share your thoughts. What is your investigative sense now about is it these three who were shot and killed or do they believe these three are part of something large ensure. Good question. I think they need to look at, and they are looking at whether or not these three had other people give them any kind of an assistance. But, you know, many of the plots that the United States has thwarted and the british in the past were involved in individual deciding he wanted to acquire firearms or he wanted to acquire an explosive. When he reached out for help in the community on social media, then someone reported them to the authorities. They were able to interrupt the plot. If youre going to use a vehicle like this, its not nearly impossible. It is impossible. And we talk about, well, this is a free society. There have been these kinds of attacks in moscow and beijing. If those two Police States cant prevent it, how do we expect it to be prevented entirely either in the u. S. Or the uk or europe . Its not possible to read peoples minds. If they decide to get in a vehicle and run people over and take commonlyavailable weaponry like wivknives like a machete. In reality, it cant be stopped beforehand unless that people reaches out to enough other people. Thank you so much. Well keep our eyes on developments in london throughout the hour and developments at the white house. Next, look ahead to what promises to be a dramatic week in fbi. Fbi james comey about to testify in public. Welcome back. We turn to new evidence of the expanding russia election meddling investigation and the stranges of a big week ahead that includes public testimony from james comey. Washington is on edge waiting. Comey Associates Say he took detailed notes after conversations in which, why in comeys view, the president asked for loyalty and asked he would shut down key aspects the investigation. A special council is in charge and the president s decision to fire comey is a part of the expanding investigation. So is the conduct of the former National Security advisor and the president s soninlaw. Perhaps the conduct of the attorney general of the United States. Again, washington is on edge. But not the man alleged to have orchestrated the whole thing. Dont worry. Be happy. Sorry. But it was remarkable to see a relaxed Vladimir Putin this week saying go away. My government had nothing to do with this. There may have some patriots who decided to get involved in the election. But lets he seems very relaxed about it. Washington is not, in the sense that for a president who has this cloud over his white house, every day the investigation seems to expand not contract. The stakes for the president to james comeys public testimony are very high. I think theyre aware of that. I dont know of any trump advisors who are encouraging him to invoke executive privilege on this. I think, as you know, there were advisors who told him not to fire comey and regret. Theyre saying lets get it over with. Have the guy testify. There are some things he could say that are potentially damaging but get it over with. Everything from now has been reported. Obviously were in the business, but i think for right voters or leaning trump voters the folks who might be persuadable. I think seeing comey saying this is what happened sources cant say exactly right. Its up there. Its on tv. Its in front of their own eyes. This is not some its not a media source they might be skeptical of. Its this man saying it under oath. I think thats why its potentially damaging. I was going to say its going to be a sensational moment in what has been sensational presidency. I think what the president himself has acknowledged about the reasons behind his firing comey. Keep in mind a few days after this happened, even as his own spokes people were saying the Russian Investigation had nothing to do with it. He admitted, yes, when i made the decision the russia investigation was on my mind. We already know directly from the president this was a factor and a reason i think what comey himself could put a finer point on is whether or not the president urged him or crossed that line and pressured him and tried to ask him beyond just saying, you know, this is my wish. But saying i really want you to do this. I think that is what we are going to be paying close attention to. Look, i agree. I think, though, that the one way in which this could be a little anticlimatic we know a lot of this. We already through the reporting that jonathan mentioned, we sort of heard a lot of it. The dramatic moment will be if we see the memos. If he starts reading from these contemporaneous memos he wrote to the file, essentially himself. Its unclear how much well get. If we get that, thats it. Black and white. You mentioned it. You know, the white house condemned leaks. The white house at times questioned comeys credibility. It would be a huge risk to invoke executive privilege but out in the country in the political environment. Darrell issa used to head the oversight committee. Comes from california. He knows comey is coming and hes on the ballot next year. I support the fact that former director comey is coming before the select intelligence committee. Whatever direction that director mueller goes that we just respect the fact that hes a current professional trying to find it. He may go toward trump. He may go toward flynn. That is not a partisan republican saying this is not a big deal. That is a republican protecting himself in what could be a very big environment as we go through did the president actually ask for a loyalty pledge from comey and asked you to shut down the flynn investigation. I think the key question is comey said he wants to do those things. The republicans say why didnt you go to us . Comey will say i thought i could handle it. As long as he didnt pick up the phone and go around me. As long as he didnt have somebody interfering i thought i would take this buffer. Right. Thats right. And i think the question will be can comey provide some kind of context around that decision of his so that partisans on both sides cant shape that decision of his, you know, because theres actual facts. What does the white house do if a guy with this training lays out memos and, you know, his memos taken at the time and said i brought in my two key deputies. If the paper trail is meticulous, can the white house attack him . You already Kellyanne Conway discrediting. She was on abc. A few wednesdays ago when he testified he was erroneous and the fbi had to scramble to correct the record. If that happens, jennifer, the question will be asked again. Is the president taping visitors to the white house. Thats what he suggested a few weeks ago. The white house has yet to answer the direct question. If they try to contradict combys memories and notes, then were all going to ask the same question. Do you have remember comey testifies hes been given the okay by the special counsel. Thats the more important investigation at the moment from public testimony. But what is happening with the investigation is critical. Well go back to Great Britain in a moment. And fresh concerns about a major pop concert scheduled in manchester this evening. We come into this world needing others. Then we are told its braver to go it alone. But there is another way to live. A way that sees the only path to fulfillment is through others. W. That not only made a a big first impression. But was designed to withstand sunlight this bright. This bright. Or even this bright. If a paint could protect your doors color against the strongest uv rays. It makes you wonder. Is it still paint . Aura grand entrance from benjamin moore®. Only available at independently owned paint and hardware stores. Brtry new Flonase Sensimists. Allergy relief instead of allergy pills. It delivers a gentle mist experience to help block six key inflammatory substances. Most allergy pills only block one. New Flonase Sensimist changes everything. Award winning interface. Award winning design. Award winning engine. The volvo xc90. The most awarded luxury suv of the century. Visit your volvo dealer to take advantage of our midsommar sales event offer. Made daily life a guessing game. Dealer to take advantage will i have pain and bloating today . My doctor recommended ibgard to manage my ibs. Take control. Ask your doctor about nonprescription ibgard. Breaking news investigators remain at the scene of last nights terror rampage in london. A van rammed pedestrians on the London Bridge and the occupants rammed into a nearby market and stabbing people. Seven People Killed and. Dozens wounded. Police shot and killed the terrorists. Attention switches to manchester. Pop stars are performing a benefit concert tonight. Phil black is on the scene there. Tensions must be a bit higher after what happened in london. Reporter yeah, indeed. Tensions higher. Emotions a lot more raw, john. The organizers say the concert will regardless and will continue with greater purpose as a result of the events in london last night. They talk about a sense of responsibility to the people who were lost and affected not just in manchester but london as well. The stars appearing, arianna grande, katy perry, justin bieber, cold play are determined to go ahead, were told. Theyll be sending a message that says that fear and hate cannot win. It will be a huge security operation to keep the 15,000 audience safe on top of the big policing job keeping manchester safe. Now after the events in london, as i said, the emotions are more raw. They note there had are people in london feeling everything the people in manchester have been feeling. The anger and hurt doesnt come as a comfort. It will be an emotional night. Tell us about this as we watch mind you. We watch the memorial area for the past couple of weeks. What is it like today . Reporter well, it is a sign of the emotion that ive been talking about. For the last two weeks weve been seeing huge crowds here every day and every night. People line up, sometimes, for long periods of time to have the opportunity to stand here and leave flowers and tributes and spend a few moments reflecting. Whenever i come here, we see people standing here crying openly. Crying for the 22 victims including seven children killed in the concert two weeks ago. The crowd seems a bigger today. The emotions a little bit more raw. Its quite a scene. And the tributes and the flowers behind us, it continues to grow. It doesnt show any sign of going away. This remains the point for the grief felt here in manchester. Remarkable. Phil black on the scene. Our applause to the performers who will go forward despite what happened in london. Well keep an eye on it. Thanks for sharing your sunday. Up next more on the story and other big news. State of the union with jake tapper. Got it. Rumor confirmed. Theyre playing. What . We gotta go. Where . San francisco. When . Friday. We gotta go. [ tires screech ] any airline. Any hotel. Any time. 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