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How, why . We begin with jason carol. Good morning to you, chris. That black face cartoon of Hillary Clinton is sure to complicate trumps attempt to court africanamerican voters some of whom are still uncomfortable with the rhetoric of the campaign. Trump is set to deliver this immigration policy speech that will finally clear the air on where trump stands on key points involving illegal immigration. Accusations of racism leading to more personal attacks on the campaign trail. People look at that and say, you seem desperate. Donald Trumps Campaign manager hitting back at Hillary Clintons running mate for remarks he made last week, linking trump to former ku klux klan grand wizards david duke. Donald trump is pushing their values, ku klux klan values, david duke values. In the case of tim kaine, we expect the rough and tumble politics, the lies from Hillary Clinton and her folks, but tim kaine, youve been a mayor, senator, a governor, running for Vice President , harvard law degree and you stoop so low that you are making these allegations. I think it will backfire. Duke, who is running for a senate seat in louisiana is promoting trump in robo calls for his Louisiana Senate campaign. Its time to stand up and vote for donald trump for president and vote for me, david duke for the u. S. Senate. Trump had been criticized for not disavowing dukes endorsement quickly enough during the primary. Trumps campaign did quickly disavow the robo calls in a statement and on cnn. Absolutely disturbing the Trump Campaign has no knowledge of the campaign that david duke is running and we have disavowed david duke and dont condone any of the activities hes doing. At a fund raising in the hamptons, clinton saying duke senate bid is a byproduct of trump dog whistles to racist voters. This is as trump supporter pastor mark burns apologized after tweeting this photo of Hillary Clinton in black face, mocking her outreach to black voters. The last thing i want to do is to offend people. Meanwhile, the republican nominee seizing on the latest sexting scandal surrounding the husband of longtime clinton adviser huma abedin. He is married to a man who is uncontrollable. Abdean announcing her separation from Anthony Wiener. Something people close to the family tell cnn left abdean furious and sickened. Trump using the opportunity to slam clintons quote bad judgment. Hes a sick person and, you know, she has access to classified information. To think that is very likely that much of this information Anthony Wiener would know about. And i think its something that was terrible. Trumps highly anticipated speech on immigration comes together from phoenix. Trump has been cite sized for not being consistent or clear on the issue. His hard line supporters are hoping they will finally get some clarification about that Deportation Force he promised he would put into place to deport an estimated 11 million undocumented People Living here in the United States. Chris . Appreciate it, jason. Thank you frp setting the table for us. Lets discuss errol lewis and jackie kucinich. Where to begin . Where to begin . Lets start with errol, the policy implications of tomorrow, okay . Lets keep it clean on the first beat here. Jason teed up the desire to find out for clarity on the Deportation Force. Now, if thats the bar for success, hes walking into trouble tomorrow. Do you think hell try to redefine priorities to get away from that . I think hell skip around that particular issue, by the way. We already have a Deportation Force. We have a pretty robust border Enforcement Unit that has been funded by congress at the insistence of border states, by the way, like arizona. Trump says its not working and thats why the thing that they keep siting is the 20,000 criminals who were released and not deported. So he says that Deportation Force is not working hes going to fix it. If thats where he goes, i wish him the best of luck with that. That will play well in arizona where theres a hotly contested primary thats going to happen just next tuesday, so that will get him through that room. That will get him through that speech. On the other hand, these larger questions that everybody else is watching, the whole rest of the country thats going to vote on november 8th, Deportation Force saying he will do better is a promise. Its not a policy. So if hes asked or if he chooses to actually detail a policy, then well have a better sense. He and all of his surrogates can maybe finally get it straight and talk about where he wants to go. The reality is, though, as weve seen from the polls and you reported yesterday, he has quite a lot of wiggle room on this. Most of the country want better border enforcement, they want an answer to immigration, they do not want to see 11 Million People deported. He can go light on how big this Deportation Force is how active or in what order theyll sort of find and implement this promise that he made to deport 11 Million People. Jackie, we started with talking about the policy situation here because we are hoping that thats what election was about, but of course it isnt. Its about the ugly tactics of politics. Now we have the black face cartoon of clinton in these bizarre remarks of trump of all people saying that clinton had had bad judgment by keeping huma abedin close given what Anthony Wiener is dealing with in his own personal life. Whats your take on this . You know, trump has never been someone who has a whole lot of self awareness. Him going after Anthony Wiener when he surrounded himself with people like steve ban nonand roger ailes and maybe some people a lot of people wouldnt be comfortable with having access to classified information is curious for sure. He also kind of jumped the shark. He started talking about some of the crazy conspiracy rumors about huma abedin and the muslim brotherhood. He said that on a radio show yesterday. So its the old donald trump that we talk about rather than new and improved Kellyanne Conway donald trump that sort of took the reigns yesterday. And we saw going out a little bit too far. Errol, he is not just talking about the morals of the Anthony Wiener in this latest sexting scandal. He is saying that Anthony Wiener is dangerous to National Security because he may have had access to classified information. Let me read you the trump statement about thatch many Hillary Clinton was careless and negligent to allowing wiener to have close to highly classified information. Who knows what he learned and who he told. Its another example of Hillary Clintons bad judgment. Is it possible that our country and security have been greatly compromised by this. What do you think of that linka linkage . One of the things is donald trump goes through what is his first time running for any public office, hes got to learn that thats for the surrogates to do. Thats for somebody toels do. Its not for the candidate to get out and blindly speculate. Because hes really talking about sort of a triple jump. Was classified information given to huma abedin . Did she then give it to her snuz was it information that would actually harm the security of the United States . All of that stuff are things he doesnt have any kind of grasp of any real factual information about it. So it becomes just a distraction and accusation. Its not like you cant have distractions and accusations in a campaign, but its not for the candidate to do. Let somebody else speculate or ask serious questions. Look, it wasnt that long ago that Anthony Wiener was a congressman. He had access to all kinds of Important Information back then. Its not as if he is supposed to be kept away from anything that might sound like its sort of important to the National Security. And as you suggested before, you know, if you start looking at some of the people around donald trump, theyre not people of the highest sort of ethical and moral purity, if you want to use Anthony Wiener as the standard. There are scandals that have involved people like roger stone. Weve got these questions that are swirling around paul manafort. What did they hear . Did they get access to any briefings . Theres no point going down that rabbit hole. Here again, its not for the candidate to do it. Let somebody else go out there and try to chop off heads. What many of us would like to hear is for the candidate to talk about policy details. Talk about a direction for the country. Not getting into the back and forth. Except that thats hard an this is easier, especially for trump, he loves this. The question is, jackie, is there enough depth to plum where you can make advantage with these kinds of attacks. Lets put up these numbers in context to my question. We have opinion polls for registered voters for both of these candidates. With trumps, you have 57 unfavorable, 26 favorable. You dont have to be a seasoned pollster to know that means the negative is baked in. Similarly, with clinton, youve got 34 51. Now, just to state the obvious of what people should know by now, weve never had candidates at this stage of the race who are upside down positive to negative. As deep as i go, you dont see it. Jackie, is it worth the time to talk about this stuff . How much higher can you take her negative . This has been a race to the bottom since the very beginning. Another thing in the poll that was very interesting, only 2 of people said they had nice things to say about both of the candidates. 2 . Thats not immediate family at that point. So, really. So, youre right where are these negative attacks bringing their numbers down . Donald trump hasnt really had any attack ads run against him Hillary Clinton hasnt had any attack ads run against her yet. Donald trump certainly has in the primary, which may be why his numbers are a little lower, but seems like maybe these candidates should talk about themselves and what theyre going to do rather than tear the other down. Its very clear in these opinion polls the American People are kind of sick of both of them. Already. And its only august. Except in that way, errol, it levels the playing field. Since they both have high negatives and both have unfavorables, they can both keep doing what theyre doing because theres a parody on some level. Thats right. Look, it also suggests that both of them have what the political strategists will tell them is a clearer path to success by driving up the other persons negatives. Unfortunately that amounts to a kind of low level Voter Suppression tactic. The reality is what we know is when unfavorables is this high, disgust level of the people voting is this high, people decide to stay home. Its not illegal to try to get the other peoples supporters to stay home, but its really unpleasant not good for democracy, raises the level of overall cynicism and sets the stage for some real problems down the road. What does the next president ial candidate do . Great point. Stick around, we have much more to talk about. Also the fbi revealing that hackers breached voter data bases in illinois and arizona earlier this year. In illinois, hackers are believed to have accessed up to 200,000 personal voter records. Election Officials Say theyre highly confident the hackers did not change anything. In the arizona breech, officials shut down the states Voter Registration system for about a week and stole one election password and name. The capital evacuate affidavit a bomb attack near the compound in kyrgyzstan. The blast injured three people inside the diplomatic post. So far no identity on the ie tacker, no claim of responsibility. Well, actor, screen writer, author, director, gene wilder did it all and he did it with his own style. He died monday at 83 years old. Wilder was a legend, of course, in the world of comedy and perhaps never better than when teaming up with mel brooks on some laugh out loud masterpieces. We have more on his life and legacy. It was a full life. Cant help but smile thinking about him, right . Fans, friends and fellow actors will continue to pay tribute today to wild mer ch known for his energy, humor but maybe most notably his role as that quirky candy tycoon. Willy wonka has left this world. Want to change the world theres nothing to it reporter but actor gene wilder leaves it changed with his performances, from his oscar nominated role in the producers to his other oscar nominated role in young frankenstein. Franken tine, you must be egor. Its pronounced igor. Wilder died at the age of 83 from complications from alzheimers though his nephew said it never stole his ability to recognize those closest to him. He was an actor who married four times, painted watercolors. Wilders last wife karen survives him. Mel brooks tweeting, one of the truly great talents of our time. He blessed every film we did with his magic and he blessed me with his friendship. Wilder blazed his way through three brooks comedies, multiple films with Richard Pryor and countless other projects, but hell always remain the ultimate candy man. There is no life i know to compare with your imagination reporter a toast to your imagination, gene wilder, youll live in ours. Dont forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he always wanted. What happened . He lived happily ever after. So he actually kept his illness a secret, but im more fascinated that chris actually knew him. Yeah. He was a very early pioneer for Cancer Research. Obviously he was married to snl great, guilda radner. Cancer took her. He was a sweet guy of tremendous personal depth and people you would talk to in hollywood and broadway would say that this man had it all. He could do everything. And he was so beguiling to watch. Just watching and particularly in willy wonka his facial expression, his movements the actors around him sort of dont know what hes going to do at any given moment. Wow. What a talent. The nicest man, like you just described. Thats what we heard from all the actors. You cant think of him and not laugh. Thank you. He would want us laughing, i guarantee you that. Up next, the art of the debate prep. We have new details on how the clinton team is working versus the trump team. Guess what, youll be shocked at how different they are. Next. She spent summer bingewatching. Soon, shell be bingestudying. Now she writes mostly in emoji. Soon, shell type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. Today, the only spanish words he knows are burrito and enchilada. Soon, hell take notes en espanol. Get back to great with the right gear. From the place with the experts. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. But when we brought our daughter home, that was it. 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Well be there, of course. What . Yes. They havent told you that, your schedule yet. Both candidates are preparing in very different ways. Lets bring back our panel, jacksy kucinich and errol lewis. The New York Times has fascinating reporting about how each camp is preparing. Let me read what they said about Hillary Clintons camp. They enlisted the ghost writer of the donald trump biography the art of the deal. Hillary clintons advisers are talking to Donald Trumps ghost writer of the art of the deal seeking insights about mr. Trumps deepest insecurities as they devise strategies to needle and undermine him. Thats pretty fascinating about how that might look on the debate stage. Yeah. I mean, this is going to be a debate like we havent seen before. I think its fair to say that. And what the Clinton Campaign needs to do is they need to make donald trump look as unpresident ial and unhinged as they have been saying. One of the ways to do that, to set him off. Start needling him as it said in that story and really set him off kilter. If they can do that, it will that will be very much to their benefit. And reiterate the message that theyve been putting out there. The trick will be to find ways to diffuse his tactics without disrespecting the premise of some of the criticism. But a lot of criticism he levels, he does it in his own way, but its coming from a base of group think about Hillary Clinton. She doesnt want to disrespect that. My favorite line from the piece is mr. Trump said in the interview that he would rather not attack mrs. Clinton on personal grounds, including bill clintons extramarital affairs. If she hits me, though, you have to see what happens. I like that clintons affairs came up in the context of what he doesnt want to talk about. What im not going to mention. Whats the chance that he doesnt go personal . Zero chance. He promised it all throughout the primary season. Remember, he would tell the republican faithful he said Hillary Clinton will be easy. Shes not going to get away with anything. Im going to nail her on white water. Im going back 20 years. Elections are supposed to be about the future. Donald trump said that he is going to bring up issues about her that he thinks she somehow got a free pass on. Now, the rest of us remember that white water and the president ial scandals were litigated. The impeachment ad nauseam, but donald trump thinks theres still some juice to get out of that. Theres something important and relevant to bring up about that. So i would expect to hear something about it. Jackie, the New York Times apparently found some sources that are involved in these debate preps and they have been at mr. Trumps club, golf club in new jersey planning. They say that roger ailes, formerly of fox news, of course, who left amid sexual harassment allegations are involved. Laura ingram, the radio talk show host involved. Let me tell you what they say about how donald trump has been somewhat resistant to any conventional debate prep. Here is what the New York Times writes donald trump has been especially resistant to his advisers suggestions that he take part in mock debates with a clinton standin. Instead, mr. Trump asked a battery topics about moderators and mrs. Clintons skills but people said relatively little had been accomplished. That must worry some on his team. Right. Particularly because on contrast, Hillary Clinton is going to be talking about policy when she is not needling donald trump. We have to see even when he communicates policy, it tends to be in a stilted way as weve seen some of these teleprompter speeches. This is a different format than he is used to. Even the republican debates all last year they had there were breaks. There were commercial breaks. Youre not going to see that in this debate, so its certainly going to be new terrain for both of them. One of the most interesting things in that story and i believe the Washington Post story is both campaigns are trying to settle on who to play their opponents. I feel like in years past it was on the republican side any way it was rob portman was always the standin. Youre not seeing those conventional standins that weve seen in years past. Well see who they end up getting. Its interesting in that it seems to be a little bit of a role shift here. Trump has been in the role in this election of the aggressor. Hes coming in. Hes a brawler. He wants to get it on. He is different from these other people. And now it seems like he is trying to stay away from the importance of exactly whats going to happen on that stage. Sometimes, you know, surprise, the media can overhype things in an election. This cannot be overhyped, errol. This will be the first time theyre standing next to each other and the one who wins convincingly out of the box has a huge advantage. A huge advantage we note from past election cycles, this is one of the things that can and will move the numbers. 1976, 1980 and 2012 the first one where president obama kind of screwed up, it really set things off. I think one of the things that the trump team will have to be really careful about is he may not feel like he needs to prep to deal with Hillary Clinton. He may feel like hes got her number, can get in her head and go toetotoe with her, but theres the third voice on stage. Theres the debate moderators whoever they are and whatever format, they have the option as we noi from having worked on these debates of really drilling down and doing insisting on an answer to certain kind of questions. Where it wont be enough to sort of flip it off with an insult. You know . You can turn around and try to accuse the press of bias and so forth, but this is really where the format and the prep if the debate moderator is better prepped than donald trump s he might have a really hard time getting around some of the issues he would rather not talk about. Do we have any idea, jackie who the debate moderator will be . Thats one of Donald Trumps Big Questions . Maybe it could be you or chris. We dont know at this point. Maybe it will be. Maybe it will. No. To errols point, attacking the debate moderator is something that im sure donald trump will do, but that only plays that plays to his base. That plays to a lot of republicans who thinks the press is biased any way. So thats something that wont really get him the votes that he needs f thats a tactic he employs over and over again. To your question, it really seems like its up in the air. Theres been a lot of names thrown around and you have to imagine that theres a lot of debate going on within the campaigns as to who would be an acceptable choice as a debate moderator. One thing cannot be underestimated. Theres no question that trump is a feel guy and he feels that he know bhos he is, he knows who she is, he doesnt want to come off too polish and practiced and she has a completely 180 degree feel. The clinton team beliefs the result on game day is a result from practice. And she will be where she needs to be that way. So they couldnt be more contrasting scandals and they both have the same knts avoid the inevitable. That might will be the biggest event in this election. I dont think there will be a bigger one until election day. Great to talk to you both, panel. Having entered into the news psych until a way im sure he does not want, Anthony Wiener is back. Apparently his latest deal online is the last straw for his wife, huma abedin. Why didnt she leave him earlier . How could this affect her role at the top of clintons organization and campaign . These are questions that have been asked before and theyll be asked again now. Next. Hmmmmmm. Hmmmmm. [ dreams by beck ] hmmmmm. The turbocharged dream machine. The Volkswagen Golf gti. Named one of car and drivers 10best, 10 years in a row. Welli do say that, you see. Well, fantastic a lot. I study psychobiology. Im a fine arts major. Nobody really believes that i take notes this way, but they actually make sense to me. I try to balance my studying with the typical college experience. This windows pc is a life saver being able to pull up different articles to different parts of the screen is so convenient. I used to be a mac user but this is way better. One of many pieces in my i havlife. Hma. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine. I talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. 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Did you know people can save over 500 when they switch to progressive . Did you brush your hair today . Yes, mom. Why . Hmm. No reason. The fbi arresting a massachusetts man with a stockpile of weapons who prosecutors said was a would be assassin. Court documents reveal 48yearold joseph garjulo wanted to bomb a police station, burn down a mosque and threaten to assassinate president obama. The fbi says he was also stockpiling food and water. Garjulo is in custody pending a Court Hearing in boston tomorrow. The United States has now admitted 10,000 refugees from war torn syria meeting that commitment by the end of the month. The number is far lower than some u. S. Allies, germany has taken in hundreds of thousands. Canada admitted nearly 30,000 people. Syrian refugees have been a point of contention in washington and the election with republicans and some democrats pushing to toughen the screening process over terror concerns. Double trouble churning. What are we talking about . Two other systems are about to become tropical storms both taking aims at coastal states. Lets bring in chad meyers. What do you see, my friend . I see two storms that are having trouble getting going, but once dhie will be something to contend with. North carolina, you have tropical depression number 8 will be herman or ian. Nine or eight . Nine looks good this morning. Cloud showers around in the gulf of mexico will affect the gulf coast somewhere. We are going to see if approach to to North Carolina on the first one, nrm eight, not going to be a big deal, 45 Miles Per Hour. This, though, im more concerned with. It is in very warm water. We know what hurricanes do in warm water. They get bigger. This thing could get bigger, even bigger than the Hurricane Center is saying, but it will be somewhere between tampa and panama city as it makes the big turn across the loop current, that warm water in the gulf of mexico. It will be a rainmaker, even if it doesnt become a lot of wind, it will be 6 to 10 inch rainmaker. I do believe that could become a hurricane. And the big island, youre going to get a hurricane, category 1 out there. It is madeline about a 90 Miles Per Hour storm making a south pass on the very edge, the southern edge of the big island on wednesday. So almost triple trouble. We have them all over the place. Thanks for keeping an eye on it, chad. Well talk with you again. Todays new day new use, Promising Research in the fight against the zika virus. Scientists discovered three existing drugs that could be useful in counteracting the effects of the disease. The experiments so far have only been conducted in petri dishes, but the results were dramatic and reversing some of the damage previously thought to be impossible. Still it remains unclear if the drug can penetrate an adults body. The results were first reported in nature medicine. Colin kaepernick, National Anthem protest, big news all over the country the embattled quarterback has taken hits from both sides of the aisle. Two former nfl players share their views with us ahead. The ford freedom sales event is on our biggest event of the year just got better announcing zero for seventytwo across the entire lineup of ford cars, trucks and suvs. Plus, tagged vehicles now get a thousand smart bonus. Thats freedom from interest. And freedom to choose with ford. Americas best selling brand. Now get 0 financing for 72 months across the entire ford lineup, plus specially tagged vehicles get a thousand smart bonus. Perfect. No tickets, no accidents. That is until one of you clips a food truck, ruining your perfect record. Yeah. Now, you would think your Insurance Company would cut you some slack, right . No. Your insurance rates go through the roof. Your perfect record doesnt get you anything. Anything. 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Who is huma abedin . Well, shes obviously a very bright and loyal and devoted colleague of Hillary Clinton. She has been at hillarys side since the mid 90s when she left George Washington university and became an intern at the white house. I think she wanted to work in the press Office Actually at the white house. Her hero actually was christian amen pour and ended up without choice of her own working for Hillary Clinton and she basically has not left hillarys side since then. She was with her as first lady in the senate at the state department and now she is cochairman of the Hillary Clinton for president campaign. She has been seen everywhere with hillary. Shes basically hillarys body person and she will probably be with hillary in the white house. So, shes got hillarys trust and theyre very loyal to one another and so they have a very devoted friendship. Yeah. So interesting to hear those details, bill, because to hear that she had wanted to originally be a journalist and started as an intern. We didnt know all of that. So, what did you learn about their marriage . Because from the outside, it doesnt seem as though anybody could be more different than Anthony Wiener. He is obviously sort of a showman. He likes to stir the pot. He likes the limelight. Huma abedin does notsome to like the limelight. What was their marriage like . Obviously i dont know the details of their marriage, but sometimes opposites attract. Youre right. They could not be more different. Huma was born in kalamazoo, michigan, and raised for much of her young adult life and childhood in saudi arabia. Her parents were intellectuals. Both got their graduate degrees at the university of pennsylvania. Anthony wiener kind of goes without saying, brash new yorker, out there, aggressive, had a very high trajectory in his political career as a congressman when they met, and so i think they both shared sort of high power, political opportunity in careers. I think given how difficult it can be for huma to get away and have time to herself, i think that they both shared sort of that insidery, washington feel which attracted them to each other. Now, on their first date or whatever became of their first date, huma at one point went to the bathroom and never came back. She wanted to get away from anthony. She should have stuck with her first instinct, but over time they spent a lot more time together. Hes obviously very charismatic and she, you know, is sort of probably raised in a to appreciate Something Like that. And being very different. Bill, thats an incredible detail. If youre climbing out the window in the bathroom of your first date, that is telling. Obviously none of us can ever know inside, behind the doors of a marriage, of course. You did write an article saying why is she still with him . Obviously right before this third sexting scandal, why did she stay with him as long as she did . Well, so we make it through the first two and the second one, of course, came during the middle of anthonys sort of resurrection effort to try to become mayor of new york. Obviously that knocked him out of the mayoral race. By then, theyve had their first their child, jordan. And basically anthony is re remains unemployable, was unemployable, so he actually provided a very valuable service to the family. He stayed home with jordan, allowing huma to continue to be at hillarys side in what clearly is the opportunity of her life time, what she had been hoping for for half of her life now since shes been at hillarys side, the chance to see her through this president ial campaign, thinking that shell be president of the United States and being in the white house. Anthony makes that possible because he stays home with jordan, who obviously is very important to both of them. It came turned out to be a very convenient relationship, not probably dissimilar look who she turned to for advice after the first two sexting scandals. She turned to hillary who obviously stayed with bill clinton throughout his indiscretions, and so that is sort of probably the mindset. You can understand why she would stay, but i think this time clearly this was the straw that broke the camels back because when youre continuing to do this after all theyve been through and with your son at your side, well, thats too much. That does seem to have certainly crossed the line. Bill colin, thanks so much for all the insights. People can read more about your articles on them online at vanity fair. Thanks tr being here. Thank you. We have new kwomts surfacing in the deadly shooting of the cousin of nba superstar dwyane wade. The latest on the gun attack and the historic wave of violence that has rocked chicago next. Our daughter home, ght that was it. Now i have nicoderm cq. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Its the best thing that ever happened to me. Every great why needs a great how. Youre not taking these. Hey, hey, hey youre not taking those. Woah, woah youre not taking that. Come with me. Youre not taking that. Youre not taking that. Youre not taking that. Mom, im taking the subaru. Dont be late. Even when were not there to keep them safe, our Subaru Outback will be. vo love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Did you know people can save over 500 when they switch to progressive . I got your nose i got your nose right here. I know thats your thumb, grandpa. Talent learn about it we have new developments in the shooting that killed nba superstar dwyane wades cousin. One of the two brothers charged with nykeas aldridge was intended to be shot at a different target. She was shot four times pushing her baby in a stroller. For some context on this particular crime and how it fits in, cnns ryan young is live in chicago with more. What do we understand, my friend . Well, good morning, chris. This is one of those hard stories. Its heart breaking to hear the essence of it. I think its important to go through the parts of this. The fact that she was walking with her schield, stroller in front of her and all of a sudden she was shot four times, twice in the head. The brothers now say they were aiming at someone else, but in chicago this has become far too common. In fact, people are talking about the violence all the time. The violence is up 43 compared to last year. Talking about 487 murders, last year there were 496 murders. So you see the increase, but all across the city, people are asking for change. Whats going on right now thats creating this crime thats being pushed forward . More than 30 kids have been shot this year. People are asking for something to happen, but so far there have been no answers in terms of what will happen next. We know these two men have been arrested, but there are far too many crimes in the city that havent been solved. In fact, homicide solve rate here is pretty low and neighborhoods are asking for some change pretty soon. But alisyn, that hasnt happened and people want to know what will happen next. Thanks so much for all of that reports. Up next, marco rubio facing a big primary challenge to keep his senate seat. Now hes speaking out on cnn. The promise he will not make to voters during this election. Thats next. She spent summer bingewatching. Soon, shell be bingestudying. Get back to great. This week 50 off all backpacks. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. Turn the trips you have to take, into one youll never forget. Expedia plus rewards. Earn points on over one million hotels, flights, and packages. Is it a force of nature . Or a sales event . The summer of audi sales event is here. Get up to a 5,000 bonus on select audi models. This car is traveling over 200 Miles Per Hour. To win, every millisecond matters. Both on the track and thousands of miles away. 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Now, the outcome could have a very big impact on capitol hill. Covering this for us cnn senior political reporter manu ra ju. Tell us about it, my friend. Reporter hey, chris. Florida once again at the center of the political universe. Republican chances of keeping control of the Senate Majority which is one reason why Republican Leaders begged marco rubio to run for reelection and change that mind and do that. He eventually did. Now that marco rubio is in the race, he has to navigate the cross currents. Marco rubio used to be Donald Trumps harshest critic. Now rubio is on floridas ballot in todays Senate Primary and he is giving the gop president ial nominee a lukewarm embrace. Rubio is open to campaigning alongside with trump, and he wont take the gop nominee to task for calling Hillary Clinton a bigot. Democrats have been calling republicans a bigot for a long time. I think Hillary Clinton has a lot of problems. She is corrupt, she is dishonest. Some of the policies she stands for do harm minority communities, absolutely. Too far to call her a bigot, though . You have to ask other campaigns about the terps they use. I can tell you i dont want Hillary Clinton to be our president. Reporter after ending his president ial bid, rubio decided to run for reelection after the gop lobbied him to break his pledge to run for the senate. He wont be making anymore pledges, not even to serve out his full sixyear term if he wins this november. Could you now commit to voters here in florida that youll serve an entire six years if youre elected . No one can make that commitment because you dont know what the future will hold in your life personally or plit ically. Im fully prepared to be the u. S. Senate to be the last Political Office i ever hold. Reporter republicans need trump to stay competitive with clinton in battleground states like florida. That means republicans like rubio need to court trump supporters as well as independents who may be turned off by the gop nominee. Polls now show rubio edging his likely democratic opponent, congressman Patrick Murphy. Florida cannot afford a hyperpartisan liberal in the United States president. Murphy is a staunch clinton supporter, rubio has done battle with trump. You said a lot of things about trump during the primary that you have not taken back yet. The primary is over. Right now the primary is over. The Republican Voters have chosen a nominee. We have a choice between two feel. I disagree with donald on a number of things. I disagree with hillary on everything. The primary is over. How could you support someone how can Patrick Murphy stand with Hillary Clinton when over and over again shes proven to be untrustworthy . Murphy facing progressive fire says he trusts Hillary Clinton, despite polls saying most voters feel the opposite. Do you trust Hillary Clinton . Do you 100 trust her . Yes, i do. What issues do you disagree her . Her support of the iraq war early on. Murphy is eager to tie rubio to trump. A lot of people are shocked about the support marco rubio has given to trump. Reporter his primary challenger says gop voters are frustrated the senator has not embraced trump tightly enough. Trump is slated to give a major speech on immigration wednesday, but despite their contrasting views, rubio held his punches. Do you think he reverses his position. I consistently said that thats not i dont think thats a realistic approach. Is it realistic to build a wall on the border of mexico. Sure. Not across the entire border. Key sectors, of course you do. Forcing mexico to pay for it. Mexico will not pay for that. Thats our National Security interest. Should donald trump soften his rhetoric . Again, more focussed on the democrats rhetoric on this issue. So were getting a good example there manu of the tough line to walk. The political cross winds. Another race will be out there with john mccain. His primary today the latest cnn polls show him ahead, probably not by as much as he wants but what affect have we seen trump have on his race . Pretty significant because lot of those donald Trump Supporters in arizona simply dont like john mccain because of his incouple bansy and role in immigration. John mccain like marco rubio trying to cut big immigration deal and lot of those folks do not like that in arizona. The real challenge for john mccain is in november against a wellfunded democratic candidate, favored by the establishment ann kirk patrick because john mccain would not only need those Trump Supporters to come to the polls but also hispanic voters in that state who have been turned off by donald trump. So also a fine line for john mccain to walk and not just today in todays primary but also in november. Chris . Big contrast in styles, though, between mccain and rubio. Mccain does not pull any punches when it comes to talking about character, especially with donald trump. Manu, thank you very much. Lot of news from bizarre twists and headlines around the world. Lets get to it. Donald trump is pushing their values. Ku klux klan values, david duke values. People look at that and say, you seem desperate. What do you have to lose . It cant get any worse. He can reach all he wants. Thats not going to work. Hillary clintons most loyal, longest serving aide who has now become a flash point within the campaign. Anthony wiener caught in yet another sexting scandal. He is married to a guy that is uncontrolled and uncontrollable. He is a sick puppy. Ill continue to sit. Im going to continue to stand with the people that are being oppressed. Kaepernick silent demonstration is setting off a fire storm of criticism. He should never play another down in the nfl again. Move to canada. When theres significant change, ill stand. Announcer this is new day with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. Gene wilder is gone. Well remember him for you this morning to give you a stens of the world he had on the entertainment world. Good day. The tone and tenor of the president ial race has gotten uglier by the day. Tweeting out a cartoon of Hillary Clinton in black face. Now youll hear from that pastor in this hour. This as former kkk leader david duke uses a robo call to encourage people to vote for donald trump. Trump using the latest anthony wiener sexting scandal to question Hillary Clintons judgment. We have all of this covered for you. Lets begin with jason carol. You have a lot to get to. Sure do. Allegations of racism, sexting. Whats next in the campaign . Those looking for policy discussion leading to kban trail. People look at that Trumps Campaign manager hitting back at Hillary Clintons running mate for remarks he made last week linking trump to former ku klux klan grand wizard david duke. Donald trump is pushing their values. Ku klux klan values, david duke values in the case of tim kaine, we expect the rough and tumble politics, the lies from Hillary Clinton and her folks. You stoop so low that you are making these allegations and i think its going to backfire. But duke who is running for a senate seat in louisiana is promoting trump in robo calls for his Louisiana Senate campaign. Its time to stand up and vote for donald trump for president and vote for me, david duke for the u. S. Senate. Trump had been kritd sized for not disavowing dukes endorsement quick enough during the primary. Trumps campaign did quickly disavow the robo calls in a statement and on cnn. Absolutely disturbing the Trump Campaign has no knowledge of the campaign that david duke is running and we have disavowed david duke and dont con cone any of the activities that hes doing. At a fund raising in the hamptons, clinton saying dukes senate bid is a byproduct of trump dog whistles to racist voters. This has trump supporter pastor mark burns apologized after tweeting this photo of hillary clinton in black face. Mocking her outreach to black voters. The last thing i want to do is to offend people. Meanwhile, the republican nominees seizing on the latest sexting scandal surrounding the husband of longtime Hillary Clinton adviser huma abedin. Shes married to a guy that is uncontrolled and uncontrollable. Abdean announcing her separation from Anthony Wiener after the New York Post published suggestive pictures he allegedly sent to another woman with his child lying next to him. Something people close to the family tells cnn left abdean furious and sickened. Trump using the opportunity to slam clintons, quote, bad judgment. Hes a sick person. And, you know, she has access to classified information. To think that its very likely that much of this information Anthony Wiener would know about. And i think its something that was terrible. And trump will take center stage when he delivers his speech on immigration tomorrow from phoenix. Some of his supporters concerned he is softening his position on his promise to put into place a Deportation Force to deport an estimated 11 million undocumented People Living in the United States. The campaign finally hoping to put the issue to rest tomorrow and trump tweeting about this speech this morning just about a half hour ago saying the following from day one i said i was going to build a great wall on the southern border and much more. Stop illegal immigration. Watch wednesday. Alisyn. Thank you, jason. Lets discuss it with trump supporter kaylee and political contributor and Hillary Clinton supporter hillary rosen. Great to have both of you here. Lets talk about all the news thats broken overnight and the past 24 hours. Lets start with the offensive cartoon that was retweeted by this pastor who is a trump supporter of Hillary Clinton in black face. She was trying to show that she is pandering. Here it is, that she is pandering to black voters. Should the Trump Campaign make a statement about this . I think pastor mark burns apologized for it. He made a statement and thats enough. You know, he shouldnt have sent the tweet, but i know pastor mark burns. He is absolutely phenomenal person. He is a great guy. And i think he made a mistake, but we all do. The tweet was not designed to anger or stir up the pot like it did. It was designed to bring how i feel a very real reality as to why the Democratic Party and how i view it has been pandering and using black people just for their votes. Obviously no candidate is ever responsible for all of their supporters. Thats impossible. Does this require the campaign itself to talk about this or no . Well, the list of things that donald trump has to apologize for for his own behavior or others is just endless. Hes just never done it. In fact, the more people harp on him to do it, you know, he ends up repeating himself like he did with the jewish star. Im story we took it down. I just dont think we should expect this anymore. Should he have to for something incendiary a supporter does, does a candidate have to apologize . Define have to. This is every bit of behavior by donald trump. I think the same is true of Hillary Clinton. The fact that he doesnt apologize and doesnt think its inappropriate to use black face as a symbol, you know, thats more information about donald trump that people have. Anthony wieners sexting scandal, donald trump it has now become a part of the president ial campaign because donald trump has basically linked it to Hillary Clintons judgment. Let me read for you what he has said. Hillary clinton was careless and negligent in allowing weaner to have such close proximity to highly classified information. Who knows what he learn and who he told. Its another example of Hillary Clintons bad judgment. It is possible that our country and its security have been greatly compromised by this. Is that fair, hailey . It is fair. He said that huma made a wise decision getting away from Anthony Wiener. Our hearts as women go out to her. In the situation she was. This is a perilous situation for National Security. Huma abedin seems very discreet. She rarely has ever speaks in public. She is the person who you see whispering in Hillary Clintons ear. How do we know theres no evidence that she shared anything with her husband. We dont know that. We do know that huma abedin news broke last week brought classified information into a foreign country and left it in her car and had to have an aide remove it something that is not within the bounds of protocol. Its a dream to exploit a situation like this via blackmail. The point is whether it happened or not, im not sure it did. We dont have evidence of that. It is still a National Security situation no doubt. The last three administrations National Security advisers and National Security team are supporting Hillary Clinton for president , not donald trump. I think the idea of Holding State secrets, what we need to do in foreign affairs, theres no question that the judgment that Hillary Clinton has far surpassed the support that donald trump has. What about the connection of huma and anthony weaner . The huma issue is an exploit by donald trump. He doesnt need his advice to say good job on separating from somebody who painfully hurt her. Its offensive to even go there. Everything he does now yesterday change med. Everything donald trump says now im going to start thinking about what if a president said that and my child was listening. Is that what we want a president to talk about. Military leader coming out and suggesting that this was a bad situation, its not just donald trump. None of us are military leaders right here. Stop it. I heard you say this for two days. Its nonsense. You can get a military leader to say anything. Why did yesterday change you . Why just yesterday . Because the fact that a president of the United States would comment and slam somebodys marriage, a painful and embarrassing situation, and use it to exploit it for their own personal, political gains he didnt do that. He said she was wise. He absolutely did that. Go read the first half of his statement. Wise is the point. Yeah, you finally got rid of that guy. Guess what, he is on his third marriage. Who is he to communicate to anyone about other peoples marriages. Its totally offensive. Moving on to the emails. The rnc is asking the Clinton Foundation to release their emails that they sent to the state department. So weve seen it from the other way, where the state department has released its emails to the fbi or to the public, but now because there have been these communications between doug band, the Top Executive at the Clinton Foundation and the state department, the rnc is doing it the other way, okay, Clinton Foundation, give us all of your information. Do you have any problem with that, hillary . The Clinton Foundation, the reason we know what we know about Clinton Foundation donors is because this foundation has been more transparent and more open than any other foundation in the country. I dont think we have ever seen anything come out of that foundation that has personally profited anybody other than, you know, poor children with aids in africa or storm victims in haiti. The idea that we are working with some nefarious problem here is just outrageous. Let the rnc be the first to unveil all of their potential secrets. Youre okay with them having to release it all. No. I think the Clinton Foundation should do what they want to do, but they dont need to defend themselves against accusations of impropriety or impurity. To suggest theres been transparency is laughable. We had two federal judges one appointed by clinton and one appointed by obama ordering the release of 1,500 documents that Hillary Clinton hid from the public. We learned from one of the federal judges, these include benghazi emails. She said they were about yoga and the chelseas wed mchg this is the clinton world. To suggest it is transparent is false. You have two federal judges ordering the release. Theres problems with secretary of state Hillary Clinton and theres no transparency when it comes to the clintons and the American Public deserves better. Hillary clinton is not with holding those emails. Hillary clinton from day one has she used a bleaching program. There was no bleaching program. Yes, there was. Look it up. Youre just throwing out right wing propaganda. Please look up bleach fit. She used it. Congressional committees and investigations of benghazi, the state department, this is all in their control. Hillary clinton has called for the release of every single document that is out there. There is absolutely no suggestion, including the fbis conclusion that she did not with hold any. Cant deny facts and reality. Ladies, thank you very much for the debate this morning. Thank you. Coming up in just minutes, you hear from the pastor who is now apologizing for the image of Hillary Clinton in black face. To chris. This morning movie fans are remembering a man of manial tents with the passing of great comedic actor gene wilder. His best work came in collaborations with mel brooks and Richard Pryor. And somehow it was wilder who always seemed to steal the show. We have cnns brin gin gresz with more on the life and legacy. Speaking on those comedies, gene wilder inevitably put a smile on your face and friends and family say thats what he wanted. Even hid his alzheimers diagnosis because he couldnt bare the idea of one less smile in the world. Anything you want reporter willy wonka has left this world. Want to change the world theres nothing to it reporter but actor gene wilder leaves it changed with his performances in his oscarnominated roll in the producers. Under the right circumstances a producer would make more money with a flop than a hit. Reporter to his oscar nominated role in the young frankenstein. You must be egor. Its pronounced igor. He died at the age of 83 from complications of alzheimers. Those his nephew said it never stole his ability to recognize those closest to him. He was an actor who painted watercolors and married four times. Wilders last wife karen survives him. Mel brooks tweeting one of the truly great talents of our time, he blessed every film we did with his magic and he blessed me with his friendship. Wilder blazed his way through three brooks comedies, multiple films with Richard Pryor and countless other projects, but hell always remain the ultimate candy man. There is no life i know to compare with your imagination reporter a toast to your imagination, gene wilder. Youll live in ours. Dont forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he always wanted. What happened . He lived happily ever after. Keep smiling. Alisyn is smiling. Its great to watch him in action. His eyes. Those blue eyes. Theyre so pale. Theyve been described as haunting, but theyre also twing twinklefully those moments. He didnt get everything he wanted, though. He was such an advocate for Cancer Research after he lost his wife guilda radner. He started some of the advocacy stuff. Youve been honoring it all morning. Miguel marquez spitting out quotes all day. Youve been doing it. Hes a real legend. Only way to really remember him. My kids and i will watch willy wonka again this weekend. Hillary clinton and donald trump are gearing up for their first one on one faceoff. Up next, how the president ial candidates are getting ready for their very first debate. We will discuss. I have asthma. One of many pieces in my life. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine. I talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. Breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. 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I have to be authentic. Who what do you see in all that . Its a great story. What it portrays is the visceral versus the methodical. He wants to go with his gut. He thinks correctly that it got him this far. Shes far more of laborious and researching in her approach. Chris, if he were to bring he in for a bacon cheese burger at that country club where he is doing his prep and seek my advice, i would say, mr. Trump, you better know your audience. The audience for the general is not the audience that got you thus far. You won the primary because you fed on the live crowd. Youre not going to be able to do that in this kind of a hall. And you have your base. You need to expand your tent. If you go with one liners and stingers and just try to tear her down, youre not growing the tent. But michael, are you sure about that . Because dont people the day after debates always give the award to the winner who got in the most zingers . Are people listening for the granular policies of these things . Most people tune into new day the following morning and wan to be told what they were supposed to have thought about the night before. I happen to think that theres an enormous whisper down the lane effect because we all want to appear intelligent at the water cooler. You make a good point, but there are still a small sliver of individuals who are out there whose votes are up for grabs and, god, i would love to think theyre looking for substance and not just the one liner. One of the strongest rules in politics is what they call confirmation bias. People want to see solidify the ideas they already had going into the debate. Hes got that. If thats the situation, donald trump doesnt need prep. He doesnt have it. He only got 40 . I see what you mean. Thats exactly the point. Hes got to expand. Thats what michael is talking about. The question is whether or not hell be ready to do that, whether he is willing to do Something Different than hes done. What do you think about some of the tactics weve seen come out here, getting a black pastor to put out the black face picture with Hillary Clinton and now hes apologizing, saying he didnt want to stir the pot. Trump trying to use Anthony Wiener as some type of indexing of judgment for Hillary Clinton. What lands . I think that weiner is a sad sack. Thats a troubled situation, but i think its very difficult to say and therefore Hillary Clinton has jeopardized National Security. Maybe the russians will handle that aspect for him if theres some revelation between now and when we go forward. This time he did quickly disavow david duke when david duke put out that robo call, but this is just the ugly side of the campaign. I hope not whats going to determine the election. Michael, i want to get back to the debate prep. This New York Times story is really fascinating about how each side is doing it. Hillary clinton it sounds like is doing Something Different than what we would traditional expect with the binders full of policy research. This time, according to the article, it says Hillary Clintons advisers are talking to Donald Trumps ghostwriter of the art of the deal seeking insight into mr. Trumps deepest insecurities as they devise strategies to needle and undermine him. Thats act style. It looks like theyre looking for some sort of juice to go after him and put him back on his heels. Alisyn, the confirmation for me in what you just referenced is that donald trump judges the size of a man or woman by their wallet or their purse. And what youre making reference to i thought was really interesting. Its as if she wants to see what button do i need to push with him if i have to go there, and she probably will, thats going to upset him, thats going to get to his vulnerabilities. And its ego and its money. I think that that will be i think it will be a quiver that she will sort of keep close to the vest if she needs it, she pulls out that arrow and shoots him with it. I think its the Clinton Campaign leaking stuff into the media they know well be talking about. Still means they might be doing it. I think theres absolutely nothing new about them reaching out. The kinds of people who show up to debate preps will boggle their minds. Psychologists, ghostwriter, thats different than the people that are around the table for donald trump. I dont know. I dont know who is around the table for donald trump. Look at the cast of characters the guy can draw from to have around. Who knows what hes going to do. But here is what it will all add up to, michael. Ive been saying i think this will be the biggest night of the entire campaign before or after. I think this will be the first time that he has to talk to her, not about her. It will be the first time for the American People to see him side by side. And as we all know, you only get one chance to make a First Impression. Well, can i add to that list that its a tall order for whomever the moderator or moderators will be. And keep your eye on the rules of the commission on president ial debates because they are repeating something they did in the last cycle. Theyre breaking down the night that 90 minutes worth of debate into 15 minute segments with the intention of making the candidates go deep. Now, if you can keep those candidates focussed, especially him not her, on whatever the real question might be, thats going to require a lot of substance. 15 minutes. The two of you know well from managing your television clock, thats a lot of time for content. So he needs to be prepared to get beyond the generalities. That is interesting, michael, to know that they will have it chunked out like that. We do know a little from this article and other reporting about who has been advising donald trump and we know there was this meeting at his golf club with rudy giuliani, roger ails and laura inram, laura ingram, according to the reports offered to play the part of Hillary Clinton and do these mock debates and donald trump was resistant to that. Why fight that . Why not practice that . Isnt that what most president ial candidates do these mock debates . Yeah. He said that maybe ivanka could fulfill that role. Hey, alisyn, lets not underestimate him. He had 15 opponents on the stage at the outset, who was the individual that many of us focussed on . Ted cruz because he was an ivy League Debate champion. Frankly trump made handy work of him. He was able to dismiss all of them. And all of the individuals on that stage, they all spoke for a living. I know he was a reality tv star, but this was a form to which he was unaccustomed and he performed just fine. Great point, michael. Great point. Always fun to get your insights. Thanks so much. Weve been covering whats been happening in chicago. Obviously brought into sharp focus because of what happened to the cousin of dwyane wade, but problems way bigger than any one incident. Over 20 years theyve had historic violence there. And right now there at an alltime high. Why . Were going to ask a former Chicago Police superintendent ahead. Hey, its been crazy with school being back so were constantly going over our data limit. Oh, well, now all of our new plans come with no data overages. Wow, no more overages . So that means. Go on. Say it. Well finally be in control. And were back. Introducing new at t plans with no data overage charges. But when we brought our daughter home, that was it. Now i have nicoderm cq. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Its the best thing that ever happened to me. Every great why needs a great how. Soon, shell be bingestudying. Get back to great. This week 50 off all backpacks. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. Its scary when the lights go out. People get anxious and my office gets flooded with calls. So many things can go wrong. Its my worst nightmare. Every second that power is out, my citys at risk. Siemens digital grid manages and reroutes power, so service can be restored within seconds. Priority number one is keeping those lights on. It takes ingenuity to defeat the monsters that live in the dark. [engine revs] [cheering] the highly advanced audi a4. [ clock titime. ] you only have so much. Thats why we want to make sure you wont have to wait on hold. And you wont have to guess when well turn up. Because after all we should fit into your life. Not the other way around. Theres still four months left in 2016, right . Already the city of chicago has seen a rapid rise in crime year over year. August, the most violent month in the citys last 20 year recorded history. Illinois governor is now fighting to put an end to straw purchasing, thats where somebody cant get a gun themselves so they get somebody else to buy it for them. Thats, of course, illegal. Now, the lawmakers in illinois say thats the source of nearly 60 of guns in the citys violent neighborhoods. Is that the key to changing the violent dynamic in chicago . Lets discuss with somebody who knows, gary mccarthy, chicagos former Police Department superintendent. Thank you very much for joining us. Good morning, chris. Thanks. So, when we look at the situation in chicago, not as many people or as many checked lists of problems as you see in los angeles or in new york city, for example, but the homicide rate higher. Why . Whats the difference . I think the short answer is that weve gotten ourselves completely wrapped around the axel. You mentioned gun laws. Gun laws have been an issue in the state of illinois for a long time. I talked about it from the day i got here. You need to go to jail if youre in possession of an illegal firearm, yet in the state of illinois, possession of an illegal firearm snot even considered a Violent Crime for sentencing purposes. Thats a Common Thread thats been happening here for a long time. Things have changed dramatically. You have some really you have some very provocative and somewhat argue controversial views about why chicago continues to be violent. What do you believe the reason is that the numbers dont seem to go down no matter what the politicians say theyre doing . Well, i think theres a lot of reasons, but the short answer is the fact that the problem has been misdiagnosed. Were not taking the right medicine for what ails us. The Chicago Police department right now is in turmoil. Its been in turmoil for the last nine months. The rules seem to have been bent or thrown out. I want to make it clear that i dont think one of these young black men needed to die at the hands of police from anything ive seen across the country over the recent past. However, theres been a Common Thread through that of noncompliance. That noncompliance i think is theres two things happening. We have less Aggressive Police thats reflected in the enforcement numbers, thats happening for a number of reasons. Theres probably they probably dont even know whats expected of them right now. David brown, my friend, the chief in dallas articulated this very eloquently after he had those officers murdered, im not sure they know what to do. Theres a game of Musical Chairs thats been called thats going on over in cpd with so Many Movement so much movement, so many changes. Cpd meaning the Chicago Police department, theres been a lot of rotation . Yes. Correct. Most people point to gangs, the difference between new york and chicago and even l. A. Now is gang intradiction, that you have this mob of thousands of violent people potentially fighting for turf, doing different things, getting into it online now to set up violence and thats why chicago is the homicide capital. Do you agree with that . Absolutely. Its a huge factor here in chicago. My experience in new york and newark, new jersey, total different gang dynamic thats happening here. But the biggest thing that i see thats happening right now that people are not talking about is the issue of the legitimizing of noncompliance with the law. We have Police Officers getting punched in the face at protests and we cant get them prosecuted here. Theres been changes in policies that have it that officers now getting prosecuted or charged administratively when theres a criminal proceeding still going on with jason van dyke. Thats going to harm that case. These are changes in policy. The rules seem to have gone out the window and the legitimizing of that noncompliance is happening on a number of levels from Community Leaders to elected officials. Ill say right to the department of justice, who is telling us that we should be using population demographics to construct our crime strategies, not crime data, not when, where, who. How does noncompliance figure into your gang dynamic. My time spent out there with brother bill daily, 15 years ago or dealing with Diane Latiker and her kids off the block thing. They talk about this gang is its own world. They dont respect the police. Theyre never going to be compliant that way. Youre absolutely correct. However, theyre more emboldened now based upon the Political Climate in this country. More investigations into Police Departments now than in the past to my knowledge. At the end of the day, this goes right to the constitution of the United States and the founding principles of, you know, the social compact that you give up certain freedoms to live in a civilized society. Those freedoms were talking about, you cant pick up a gun and walk down the street illegally. Thats not being enforced here in chicago. Its not happening in the state f illinois. But thats also reflective of other places across the country. This is not just a chicago problem, its a policing problem across the country. Less enforcement, more emboldened criminals, more crime. And garry, we isnt that true this recent case with dwyane wades cousin, one of the guys was on parole for a gun charge. Thank you for the perspective. Appreciate it here on new day. Be well. Be well. Thanks, chris. Alisyn . Well, donald trump and the white house weighing in on the 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernicks protest during the National Anthem. So will this affect some change . We have two former nfl stars to give us their perspective next. Hmmmmmm. Hmmmmm. [ dreams by beck ] hmmmmm. The turbocharged dream machine. The Volkswagen Golf gti. Named one of car and drivers 10best, 10 years in a row. 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick taking a stand by sitting. The quarterbacks fellow players and coaches continue to weigh in on his destoigs remain seated during a National Anthem at a preseason game. Kaepernick says hes protesting americas treatment of people of color. So what affect will this protest have . Will the team release him . Here to discuss former nfl Wide Receivers Donte Stallworth and hines ward, hines also a cnn sports contributor. Cant think of better people to discuss this with than you two. Thank you for joining us. Theres somewhat of a distraction in this story. Theres no question that Colin Kaepernick has the right to do this. Certainly constitutionally and within the nfls own rules. You are not compelled to stand for the National Anthem. The question is, was it right to do it . Hines, your take. My take, i applaud him for his passion for the cause, but i just think hes going about it the wrong way in the sense that youre making a protest, but youre doing it at the will of the 49ers. Youre bringing in the organization. Youre bringing in your teammates. Now, not everybody on that team believes in the same protests as Colin Kaepernick, so thats where you kind of have a distraction because now its all about Colin Kaepernick, rather than the San Francisco 49ers. Donte . Well, i think that his initial comments were reported on friday night, so weve had all of saturday, weve had all of sunday and all of yesterday, monday, to discuss whether he was right or wrong. Everyone has their own different takes. I think even as hines said, some of his teammates from what i saw they pretty much stood behind him, but if i think if we want to have an honest discourse, we had enough time to discuss whether hes right or wrong. Now phase two. Phase two is talking about the substance of what he said. When he was talk when he was asked about when he was asked to expound on what he was discussing, i think the number one thing is that he made a plea for accountability. And if you look at what the Justice Department had released over the past year or so, there have been a number of cities from albuquerque, to baltimore, to ferguson that have had racial bias in their practices where the Justice Department called them deeply troubling. Also he was asked about the veterans. I dont think he intended i think people interpreted different way that maybe he intended. Some people have their own interpretation of the military. But he spoke highly of the military. He spoke highly of the military and talked about the veterans how he has a great respect. He had family and friends. But he talked about the issues when they come home. The ptsd, 12 of all Homeless People are veterans. And 20 or 20 veterans each day on the average kill themselves. Thats the issues that i think that we should move to. Whether its a distraction or right or wrong, i think we had enough time to talk about that. We want to have an honest discussion, we need to move forward at some point. Hines . Here is the thing, the nfl season kicks off on the 15th anniversary of 9 11. Talk about distraction. Now, the 49ers, they play the rams on monday night, september 12th. But the whole weekend is catered around the 15th anniversary of 9 11. Talk about distraction in the backlash that hes going to receive and not only from him, but the organization if he doesnt stand up during the National Anthem when were celebrating the 15th anniversary of 9 11. It comes down, donte, in terms of the scrutiny, its how hes doing this. Right. Youre talking to what hes talking about. Right. You dont need to be a quarterback in the nfl to understand that we have issues going on with policing in this country, right, wrong, about noncompliance, excessive, force. These are real dialogues going on. Its how he did it. Your feeling act it is what . Personally i think he obviously has the right. I dont honestly ive kwaurled over this for a long time. I dont know if i agree with with it or disagree with it. But i do believe that at the end of the day when is there a good time to speak out on these issues . Again, you had jim brown come out and say he didnt agree with the way he did it, but if you listen to the substance of what he said, hes actually making valid points that hes got a good argument. But no one is saying that hes doing it wrong. Theres just other ways he can do it. Donate all your money for the cause. Start a foundation. Do it on your own time. Dont do it on the teams time. The organization time, the league and the nfl. Go ahead. But also, too, i think that when you look at these issues with social injustice and social inequality, Martin Luther king was when he said america was the greatest purveyor of violence today, he got a lot of backlash for that. Muhammad ali, he did not want to step forward to the draft, he got a lot of backlash. Theres not a veenls time, whether we agree with it or not, im not sure i fully agree with it, but he has a right to say that. Sure. There is no when you have these issues, its never a convenient time to speak out. You shouldnt speak on gun violence the day after a number of kids are murdered in connecticut over there at new town school. When is there a right time to talk about these issues . Right. Its interesting one of the things deserves discussion these parallels to the jim brown or muhammad ali and hines, you think that kaepernick belongs in the same conversation with those guys . No. They were coming out of a period of time where turmoil was in the streets everyday and they took principled stands not just on the field but off the field as private citizens that brought tremendous heat on them that is absolutely not even close to what kaepernick is dealing with. Correct. I look at what lebron james and dwyane wade, those guys made a stance at the espys. They didnt do it on the Basketball Court where theyre affecting the other guys, because everybody probably have a different opinion about it. I look at it, football, donte, you know is a total team support. Its not about i. Its not what i believe in doesnt matter. Its about the 52 other guys i line up and our focus is to win a super bowl. I think by kaepernick taking this protest, youre taking away from the team and the goals of trying to do that to achieve, what . I really dont understand. Just bad timing in the process of kind of how hes going about doing it. Like i said, football, no different than like muhammad ali, he is a boxer. So hes fighting for himself. Its just about muhammad ali. Its not about the 52 other guys that i have to go out there and help win to try to win the super bowl. Donte, hines, thank you so much for the perspective on this. I appreciate it. The conversation will continue and the underlying issues certainly deserve the conversation. You both are right about that. Takecare. What do you think . Tweeted us at new day. Alisyn . A pastor and trump surrogate apologizing for a tweet with an image of Hillary Clinton and black face. Up next well speak live with that man, pastor mark burns, about his tweet and how he feels about it this morning. Tmobiles coverage is unstoppable. Even half way around the world. Now get text and data in 140 countries and destinations at no extra charge. We got you covered. And we wont stop. The check they sent isnt enough to replace your totaled new car. 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That was prominent donald trump surrogate pastor mark burns apologizing last night after posting a cartoon of Hillary Clinton in black face. The tweet read, thank you black americans for letting me use you again. See you in four years. Pastor, thank you for being here on new day. Thanks for having me. In your apology, you said i had no intention of stirring the pot. Tweeting out someone in black face is obviously an incendiary symbol. What were you trying to do . Well, you know, again as i said in my apology that i prayed that those who i offended really receive as a sincere apology, because it was never my intention to hurt anyone or to offend anyone. But the message is very clear in what i was trying to say. Obviously my message, i stand by it, but the methodology i do not. The message is simply this, i believe that the Democrat Party has been using the black vote, that block voting bloc, and because the Democrat Party already noknows they own that voting block, the promises made to the Africanamerican Community are not being carried out. When we look at many of our urban communities in our country and we look at the high crime rate, the high Unemployment Rate and we also know that most of these urban centers are led by democratic rule. These are the same points that donald trump has been making. But did you not understand how inflammatory and offensive the image of Hillary Clinton in black face would be in order to make that point . Well, as i said, i really think, you know, in hindsight my methodology, if i could do it all over again, there are so many different creative ways of getting my message out there to the public to say, hey, listen, africanamericans, we need to make the Democratic Party work for our vote. We dont need to just vote for them en masse when the net worth of black families in this country is between 5,000 to 7,000. That even now in many schools in our country, minority children are doomed to fail on the day that they enter the Public School system because many of our schools in these communities are underperforming. Yeah. And yet our society is allowing them to stay in a vicious cycle to by the time they get into middle school and right before they Enter High School theyre dropping out and entering into a lifetime of crime. Thats not every africanamerican situation, but it is thanch thats the message, obviously, that you want to drive home to people. What did donald trump say to you about that tweet that you sent out . Well, i havent spoken directly to mr. Trump. Obviously it was never my intention to you know, this Campaign Needs to be more so about the policy of the candidates. And im supporting those policies. For me, the last thing i want to do is draw attention away from mr. Trumps policy and our historic up and coming event this saturday at the network in detroit, michigan, where mr. Trump will be there at great Faith Ministries along with the pastor wayne t. Jackson. And will do an interview, answering questions that are of value within the Africanamerican Community on the Impact Television network. Yeah. For me, the worst thing i want to do is take attention away from that. Mr. Trump is reaching out to the Africanamerican Community because he cares for all americans. He wants all americans to prosper. That includes the Africanamerican Community, who i believe based on my controversial tweet that the africanamerican vote has been taken advantage of by the Democratic Party. Pastor, i know that you say you want to just deal with the issues and substance, yet here again is another example. You retweeted this photograph. This is allegedly, it claimed to be of bill clinton and Hillary Clinton in black face. This is not true. This has been disproven and debunked time and again. This has surfaced in previous president ial races. So why share it . Well, obviously i think in reference to that particular post of course, i didnt have the correct information knowing that it wasnt bill clinton. I apologize for that as well, for posting incorrect information. Again, i think thats what the true message of grace is, that once you discover new information, you are quickly to change your opinion and get back on the right path. And thats what im doing right now to the whole world, is to say, listen, in my sincere heart of hearts, my job as a pastor is to draw people together, not push them away. Once i begin to discover how it was pulling people apart, it is completely contrary to the message of unity that ive been declaring around the world, speaking at mr. Trumps rallies around this country, is that we as americans we should be focusing more on the colors that unite us and not those colors that divide us, while not ignoring the issues that we do face. But we need to begin to see each other just as americans and really, really stop focusing on the things that divide us. That message was a divisive message. Once i discovered how divisive it was, this is not the campaign talking, this is not someone yelling in my ear saying you need to take that down. This is mark burns all by himself, who truly loves people. And i love this country and i believe in donald trump for president. Pastor, this is the illustration, just exactly what youre experiencing, that voters in this country are so vexed by, which is everybody says they want to mend the country, they want to deal with substance, they want to deal with issues, they want to heal people. Yet even you fall into the trap of sending out these lightning rod symbols that only divide people. How do you explain it . Well, you know, again, the only way to explain it is just to simply say that it was in hindsight a horrible image to use. For me the black face wasnt the focal point of the picture. It was showing how Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party panders after the black vote. Sure, sure. But i mean even the photo that you retweeted. I understand and youve been articulate about your apology and im sure everyone appreciates that. But even retweeting that alleged Halloween Party photo, how is that bringing the country together . Again, i think at the time i did my initial tweet was to reinforce my position as to point out why this particular candidate Hillary Clinton is not really good for the Africanamerican Community, because the Democrat Party automatically assumes they own the black vote. They own that voting bloc. And because they already know that voting bloc belongs to them, very little change takes place. I do know that the Republican Party in general has not as a whole party reached out to the Africanamerican Community like they should have, which is why im extremely proud of mr. Trump and how he is going to be, i believe, without question the strongest republican candidate that is declaring to the Africanamerican Community that youre not going to be im not going to leave you where weve left you, but were going to do whatever all of us, all americans, have an economic revival and that includes the Africanamerican Community. I want to be very, very clear. It is not allegedly fake as i just said. It is a fake photo. It has been debunked time and again. Sure. Lets move onto this weekend and what donald trump will be saying. It will be his first direct appeal to the black community. He will be speaking to the only africanamerican owned and operated National Christian television network. What plan will he be laying out about how to help that community . I think its really important, one, to know that when we met in the r. L. I. , the Republican Initiative leadership in trump tour and saw the africanamerican leaders and haitian leader and Muslim American leaders coming together to hear collectively the number one issue that is plaguing our minority communities in this country, and number one is education. And we believe mr. Trump is going to continue to echo giving parents the power to choose the schools that their children can attend so that children who are born into under privileged, underperforming communities, that they parents would now have the power to place their children into better performing schools or force those lower performing schools to raise the bar so they can match the other schools. Many of our minority children in this country are doomed to fail on day one the moment they enter into the Public School system. Weve got to change that. Also hbcus. Theres a message of economic development and revitalization of our communities and i believe donald trump has a great plan for that. We really appreciate you coming on new day to explain the tweets that youve sent out as well as the plan moving forward. Thank you so much for being here. Thank you for having me. Were following a lot of news this morning. Lets get right to it. We have bad schools new york city j no jobs, high crime an no hope. I will fix it. Klu klux klan values, david duke values, donald trump values are not american values. Africanamerican, hispanics, vote for donald trump. Whats happening in chicago is way bigger than donald trump. The American People hear him loud and clear. Anthony weiner caught in yet another sexting scandal. Much of this information Anthony Weiner would know about. This is new day with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. The attacks seem to be getting uglier by the day between donald trump and Hillary Clinton. You just heard from that donald trump supporter. Hes in hot water after tweeting out a cartoon of Hillary Clinton in black face. This is former kkk leader david duke uses a robocall to urge people to vote for donald trump. Truas for now that black fac cartoon of shiHillary Clinton i sure to complicate trumps attempts to reach out to africanamerican voters. Accusations of racism leading to more personal attacks on the campaign trail. People look at that and say you seem desperate. Donald Trumps Campaign manager hitting back at Hillary Clintons running mate for remarks he made last week linking trump to former Klu Klux Klan grand wizard david duke. In the case of tim kaine we expect the rough and tumble politics, the lies from Hillary Clinton and her folks. And you stoop so low that you are making these allegations and i think its going to backfire. Duke, whos running for a senate seat in louisiana, is promoting trump in robocalls for his Louisiana Senate campaign. Its time to stand up and vote for donald trump for president and vote for me, david duke, for the u. S. Senate. Trump had been characterized for not disavowing dukes endorsement quickly enough during the primary. Trumps campaign did quickly disavow the robocalls in a statement and on cnn. Its absolutely disturbing. The Trump Campaign has no knowledge of the campaign that david duke is running. We have disavowed david duke and dont condone any of the activities hes doing. At a fundraiser in the hamptons. This as trump supporter, pastor mark burns, apologized after tweeting this photo of Hillary Clinton in black face, mocking her out reach to black voters. The last thing i want to do is to offend people. Meanwhile the republican nominee seizing on the latest sexting scandal surrounding the husband of longtime clinton advisor huma abedin. Abedin announcing her separation from Anthony Weiner after posting pictures he allegedly sent to another woman with his child lying next him, something that left abedin furious and sickened. Trump using the opportunity to slam clintons, quote, bad judgment. Hes a sick person. And she has access to classified information. To think that its very likely that much of this information Anthony Weiner would know about. And i think its something that was terrible. And looking ahead to Donald Trumps speech, this morning trump tweeting, quote, from day one i said i was going to build a great wall on the southern border and much more, stop illegal immigration. Watch wednesday. Trump has been characterized for not being clear if he will keep his promise to have a Deportation Force deport an estimated 11 million undocumented People Living in the u. S. Lets get the Clinton Campaigns response to all of this. We have joel benninson. Pastor burns comes on and says i regret putting out the black face of Hillary Clinton. What i want to talk about is all the inequities. Democrats are to blame and i believe in trump. Did that excuse the move . Or did he surrender his ability to discuss the issues by doing what he did . I think it surrenders his ability to discuss the issues. Theres a pattern here, an attempt to dismiss them as if they dont know who really has their interests at heart. Hillary clinton is a woman who has support of africanamericans and latinos and people of color in high numbers because shes faug fought for Racial Justice and equality her entire life, starting the helping desegregate schools in the south as a young lawyer. You think they might work, telling the Africanamerican Community, you have nothing to lose, your cities have been run by democrats. Clintons a bigot because all she wants is your vote . I dont know if donald trump has ever gone up to harlem in this city and seen the renaissance thats taking place up there, the growth of the black middle class, people striving to get ahead and succeeding. For him to denigrate and stereo type an entire population in the way he has, it reflects the kind of bigotry and racism thats coming out of his mouth. Whether he attacks an american born judge because of his heritage and says he cant do his job because his paurrents we mexican i think people of this country, white, black, latino, asian, see what thats about. Its about prejudice, bigotry and hate. When he takes that hate and has its go mainstream, taking the tweet from an antisemitic white supremacist, what is wrong with this person who thinks he should be president of the United States and behaves like that . Its a total disgrace. Do you accept what is your reaction to Donald Trumps suggestion that the Anthony Weiner situation reflects badly on Hillary Clinton and her judgment to keep weiners wife so close to confidential information because weiner would have had access to it . Here weve got a painful private situation for huma abedin and her son. Here theyve got to do it in public and we should leave it private for these folks. To the substance of what donald trump said, its another one of the out lalandish things this m tosses out. He did it this weekend when he tweeted an incredibly incen insensitive tweet after a woman was shot. Dwyane wades cousin. He did it after orlando. He did it after this tragedy in chicago last week. He thinks everything is about him, his political opportunism. I suggest that this is going to be the biggest moment of this campaign up to this point and anything that will follow other than election day. Because theres only one First Impression with the two of them on stage talking to each other and not just about each other. Why do you think you have an advantage over a guy whos showed great command of a big field in the primary and Winning People over in debaitdebate . These president ial debates are very different than primary debates. Theyre going to be watched by the biggest audience throughout. What the American People want to hear is which one of these candidates have my interest front and center every day, which one of these candidates is going to have my back, has real plans, will tell me how theyre going to get them done and the difference its going to make in my lives. The primary was a different thing entirely. He had a free for all with eight people. I think hell be very aggressive. I dont think he can go toe to toe with her on policy or substance. I think well see a lot of the same kind of hyper, over the top rhetoric from him that we over seen. Thats who he is. I dont think he can control himself a you trying to mess with trumps mind, this report out in the New York Times that youre talking to the ghost writer, biographer, whatever, the guy from the art of the deal to get psychological secrets about his insecurities. I think if anybody knows whats going on in Donald Trumps mind, id love to hear from him. What weve seen from his campaign, the way he basically once a week disqualifies himself from being a serious candidate. Are you preparing for her to bait him on that stage and take it to him . No. Were preparing for Hillary Clinton to deliver what has been the core message and the core contrast in this campaign. Who plays trump in not going to talk about any of those details. Do you play trump . You would be a terrible trump. Why would i be terrible . Ive done debate prep many many times, believe me, chris, believe me. Not feeling it. Am i wrong to suggest this is the moment people have been waiting for . Look, i think a lot of americans have paid a tremendous amount of attention to this campaign. I think to your point, the conventions are a moment where a lot of folks tune in. Each candidate has a chance to show people who they are, who theyre standing up for, what theyre standing unagains inini. I think we came out ahead. I think debates are going to be particularly the first debate, i think a lot of people are going to tune in. It is an opportunity to take the measure of these two people. Were confident when people stand up and listen to which one of these people can do things that will help my kids get educated, that can create jobs in america, that has a plan to keep us safe, i think Hillary Clinton will come out on top. Thank you very much for being on new day. You cant smile when youre doing trump. You blew it. Ill do better next time. It was a good effort. We talked to the pastor who parked that firestorm of the tweet of Hillary Clinton in black face. 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Obviously my message, i stand by it, but the methodology i do not. That was donald trump surrogate pastor mark burns apologizing after tweeting a cartoon of instinct black face. What is the campaigns response to this . Lets bring in Trump Campaign Senior Advisor boris epstein. Pastor burns is sorry he tweeted that. He says he hasnt heard from donald trump. Since these things are offensive and they cause a distraction for the campaign for a day, way doesnt mr. Trump tell his surrogates knock it off . Did Hillary Clinton call tim kaine and tell him not to compare trump voters to kkk voters . I dont think so. I was out within minutes of this tweet saying it was not appropriate. But the message therein shows the frustration of the Africanamerican Community with Hillary Clinton. But the message is obscured by the lightning rod symbol. Lets talk about the 26 of africanamericans in poverty. Lets talk about the unemployment of africanamericans, double that of white people. Lets talk about Hillary Clinton calling africanamericans super predators. Shes apologized for that. The point is why is this incendiary symbolism still being used in tweets . The pastor told us i want to talk about the issues. I want to mend this country. I dont want the divisiveness. Yet he tweets out a fake photo of Hillary Clinton and bill clinton at which is fake. Its a fraudulent photo supposedly of them at a Halloween Party. This is not them. Thats from some guy named harvey castro. He retweeted it. Its been proven wrong. Why we shouldnt be talking about tweets. We should be talking about the candidates running for president. Lets talk about that. Why are surrogates sending out these crazy symbols . Its not about the surrogates. Its not about the staffers. Hillary clinton is in the hamptons raising money. Boris, you are using incendiary language. Tim kaine, the Vice President nominee went out there and said the trump voter values are kkk values. Lets move on. Id love to move that. Lets talk about the debate. We keep reading that its now less than a month away, we keep reading that donald trump doesnt want to do the mock debate where somebody is a standin for Hillary Clinton. Why not . Hes had a ton of preferences. Over 40 press conferences in the last several months. Shes not ready. You should ask her. Youve been miscast. You want to be a journalist who asks the questions. But youre here answering the questions. Im talking about debate prep. Why isnt mr. Trump interested in the conventional debate prep . Whats the plan . He wants to show he has the temperament judgment and stamina to lead this country. Thats exactly what hes going to do. He doesnt feel he needs to do the standard immersion in policy . He has plenty of policy in front of him. This is a candidate whos been successful in everything hes done, who can name the type of materials used in a rink 30 years ago. Believe me, hell be fully prepared for that debate come september 29th. Hes giving his first policy speech on immigration tomorrow. You canni inforgive people for g a little bit confused on where he stands. Youll have to watch the speech. Youre the Senior Advisor. First of all, the wall will be built and mexico will pay for the wall. Second of all all immigrants who are criminals will be deported. The one Sticking Point is the 11 million. What is his plan . 11 million is the total now. The fact that youre deporting the criminals reduces that to 2 to 3 million. Well make sure we enforce the laws on the books now, new laws that are passed. Hillary clinton is the one who has absolutely flipflopped on immigration. At one time she said she wanted a barrier and then she was against the barrier. She wants 100 day amnesty. Shes the one who should be pushed on her immigration plan. You dont hear any flipflop in Donald Trumps deportation plan where he said every sing sl one single one of the 11 million will have to go . You deal with the rest in accordance with the laws. Hillary clinton has not done that. Shes made 180s on immigration every which way. Just like on the tpp. You are a mass tor pivter pi. Hes a good lawyer is what he is. Anthony weiner caught up in yet another sexting scandal. Should this matter at all to Clintons Campaign . We have that and the big issues of the race with new yorks charlie wrangle, next. That was it. Now i have nicoderm cq. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Its the best thing that ever happened to me. Every great why needs a great how. Donald trump using Anthony Weiners sexting scandal to slam Hillary Clinton. He says this is proof that she has bad judgment because weiner may have had access to confidential information through his wife huma abedin, who announced their separation because of what weve recently learned about the former congressman. Lets discuss all thats going on with charlie wrangle. You have a head shake and a weird smile on your face when you hear about donald trump trying to connect whats going on with weiner to clinton. Why is this a bad assault from him to say huma gets the confidential information, shes got an unstable husband, you should have known better . Is that fair criticism . Coming from trump, fairness has nothing to do with the dialogue. As far as weiner is concerned, since his child somehow was involved, it could be that we can now have him to realize he needs help. It takes a lot when someone that has an emotional problem to realize they have the problem. But love for his wife and the child, i think, could finally be that issue where outside interests would prove to him that hes jeopardizing his childs life. Lets put his life to the side. Lets focus on the campaign. The idea that donald trump and youve heard this argument before, but it may be uniquely saleable in this election. Africanamericans who live in the big cities in unacceptable economic and social situations, the democrats have failed you. They have been in control at the state and local level with a lot of these big cities, what do you have to lose . Ill fix the problems. Do you think it could resonate . Not resonate. But im such an optimistic guy, i really believe that trump is providing a service to this country. People talk about racism on the republican and Democrat Administration but this thing with slaf with slavery never goes away. It goes beyond just black americans because i dont really think that the framers of the constitution were thinking about mexicans and latins and muslims. So every decade we really test this sacred document to see whether it can be the ideals of what was in the constitution. When you find a guy like trump that doesnt play by the rules, then takes advantage of all of the people that have jumped over to be antidemocratic, and he did it under republican cover, the same way the democrats did it under roosevelt. They didnt brag about it but they knew they were lynching and killing people. Do you think thats a fair analogy of donald trump to those types of hateful people . Do you think hes a bigot . I didnt say that roosevelt was a bigot when he accepted the dixiecrats. They never even today have ever dealt with it. What trump brings to it is that good republicans and americans now see that the Republican Party has been used. It has been used by bigots. It has been used by honest white folks who believe that blacks and immigrants have been responsible for them not succeeding. Its been used by a whole lot of people. And trump now is alienating all of the people that would like to be republicans, but now hes testing it. But, chris, what he is doing that tests america is not playing by the rules. How so . How is he not playing by the rules . Thats what he accuses clinton of. I was trying to talk to one of your staffers. Theres a game, a fight game, the ultimate fighter that they sure. They put them in cages like wild animals. And they fight each other. And then you have what i love, boxing, which of course a lot of people believe is the sweet science. If you put in a professional boxer like politicians are against a guy thats used to fighting in a cage without any respect for the truth, without any respect for the rules, its testing the system. Whoever thought of this system never thought about someone like trump. You probably are too young to remember a comedian called professor edwin corey. You ask corey anything, hed give you the wildest answer, but he was funny. But he never, never, never answered the question. And no matter how good you think you are, you cant get trump to give you any answers. We try with all of them. Its always been a challenge. But thats not true on my level of government whether city council, local school board, you ask a guy a question, you get an answer, you agree or disagree. He challenges the truth, he challenges the system. Ant its not republican or democrats. Hes challenging our constitution. Congressman charlie rangel, good to have you with us. Are Anthony Weiners issues with texting explicit photos to women an addiction . Dr. Drew gives us the answer, next. We have to be very precise. If were not ready when the planets are perfectly aligned, thats it. We need really tight temperature controls. Engineering, aerodynamics a split second too long could mean scrapping it all and starting over. Propulsion, Structural Analysis Maple Bourbon caramel. Thats what were working on right now. From design through production, siemens Technology Helps manufacturers meet critical deadlines. I think thisll be our biggest flavor yet. When you only have one shot, you need a whole lot of ingenuity. Disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner embroiled in another sexting scandal. His wife huma abedin announcing they are separating after the New York Post published racy photos weiner sent another woman while his son slept in the bed next to him. Is this a sexual addiction or something else . Joining us now is dr. Drew. Dr. Drew has not treated Anthony Weiner. Thank you so much for being here. How do you categorize this seeming compulsion that we see with Anthony Weiner . I guess the best way to approach this is decide what an addiction is. An addiction is a progressive behavior with a substance that affects work or school, relationship or legal status. Certainly hes got problems as a result of a behavior that progresses. Its a behavior that has consequences that cannot stop. Now, when somebodys in that condition the reason that this gets complicated and confuses people is because your phone is not a substance. How can he be physically addicted to this behavior . Right. It activates the same part of the nervous system thats associated with the addictive process. Its called the medial forebrain bundle. Its more complicated, youre right. Often times behind this are much more significant emotional issues like trauma. And to get better they need to have various kinds of intervention. At least in Anthony Weiners case if he ever decides to get involved with 12step, people will be welcoming him. He may have been doing it, by the way. We dont know what has been going on here. Its not ever a direct road to complete abstinance. When his defenses drop, its going to be shattering. It is really a sad story. This is a sad story. Its also fascinating because its so selfdestructive. You get to watch the selfdestruction play out in realtime. It ruins his family, it ruins his career. And yet he cant stop. He was interviewed about this and he vowed this would be behind him. Watch this. Maybe it would be maybe an easier answer to say, well, ive got some addiction or i was abused as a child or something else. Its none of those things. It was simply a blind spot. Youre how confident that it wont happen again . It is behind me. That was in 2013. He called it a blind spot. He dismissed the idea that it was an addiction. What do you hear there . I hear denial. And these kinds of behaviors fall into two broad categories. One is sort of the grandiose narcissist who feels entitled to all of this. He seems to fit in that category versus the shame based compulsions. In his case, all that defensiveness needs to come down. When it does, hes going to see what the consequence will be and he will be needing to do whatever is required to get better. Its not something you can do alone. He should have our compassion. We shouldnt be sitting in judgment of this guy. This is the story of a family with a young child thats potentially going to be investigated by child services, potentially a divorce, a career thats affected all because of behavior that we all look at and cant understand how it could possibly go on. Thats when you know you have somebody who is lets conceive of it at least as an addiction, something you would like to stop and you cant. That to me is all i need if the consequences are mounting. Were talking about it because its fascinating and because we do know people obviously in everyones life that have addictions. And this sure does seem like it in that the behavior seems to be escalating. His wife is operating at this Upper Echelon of the country and this time his child was in one of the photos. What do you see with that kind of escalation . Again, if you were going to conce conce conceptualize this as an addiction, addiction is progressive. Unfortunately the carnage that they create sometimes can never be repaired. It is deeply saddening to watch this happen in realtime. Colin kaepernick made a decision to sit for the National Anthem and hes created a lot of controversy for himself, his team, the organization. Was this the right way to make a point . Alzheimers disease the fi is out there. Survive and the Alzheimers Association is going to make it happen by funding scientific breakthroughs, advancing public policy, and providing local support to those living with the disease and their caregivers. But we wont get there without you. Visit alz. Org to join the fight. One of many pieces in my i havlife. Hma. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine. I talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. 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Nobody is saying that kaepernick does not have the right to make this statement. Its whether or not he did it in the right way. Well, i think its ironic because kaepernick is being sigh len silent to protest the treatment of people in this country. Theres nothing more american than silence. I think ultimately the question has never been how black feel about america. It has and always will be about how america feels about us. Just like the things that we see that are insulting, like youll see people come out and say theyll say that they are opposed to what kaepernick is doing. None of those people come out and say anything when people are being brutalized, not one thing. I think that ultimately football is an escape and black people oftentimes dont get an escape from reality. Theres no sunday off where we get to pretend like things arent the same. Standing for the National Anthem is a distraction. We get to pretend like were all together. Oftentimes we live in two different americas. The question still remains about how do you address that. Hes being compared to jim brown within his own posport, to muhammad ali. Jim brown held a preference early on that he organized. Muhammad ali changed his name. I think muhammad ali was a vociferous opponent. I think he was very loud. Its ironic that people but he didnt do it during a fight is what im saying. Jim brown didnt do it during a game and bring in his whole team. Ali didnt bring knit on his opponent. He did it as a private citizen. He is a private citizen. I think that what hes doing is brave and necessary. I think thats a mirror. I think that people are seeing things they dont like. They want him to shut up and play. Hes paid for his athleticism, for his ability to throw the ball. Hes not paid for his silence. People dont like what hes saying because they know its inherently true. Colin kaepernick is saying what a lot of people cant. Lets talk about the substance. We look at chicago. Sure. We see dwyane wades cousin Nykea Aldridge killed while walking her baby in a stroller, about as stark a picture of the wrongness of the violence as you can have. In the election it is also coming into play. Donald trump is looking at a situation like chicago and saying, the democrats have failed you. Chicago has been run by democrats forever. Let me fix the problems. What do you have to lose . That is the silliest comparison. Ill explain chicago to donald trump when he explains the entire Southern Region of the United States of america to me, the entire Southern Region of the United States of america is red and poor and uneducated. About dwyane wade, the thing thats ironic is they shot dwyane wades cousin, people made it a political statement. Two days later those men were arrested. The problems of chicago are a micro k microcosm of whats happening. In chicago they want essentially the same thing they want from kaepernick. Shut up. The problems in chicago arent just black on black crime. They are poverty. The Unemployment Rate in chicago is high and so are the murder rates. The biggest indicator of crime is poverty. Everybody knows it and they pretend like that dont. Donald trump has not said one thing about what hell do to fix it. He says im going to bring jobs. Im going to give you jobs. How . Im going to give you school choice. How . Im going to have more cops there. How . How . How . By going bankrupt four times . People say all kinds of things. It is what you do. It is what you do. Its insulting. We live in due ality. A lot of threaathletes are comit in opposition of what kaepernick did. When will a white nfl player Say Something about Police Brutality ever . They wont. These things exist because america is silent, much like kaepernicks protest. His protest is to protest violence. Theirs is in agreement of it. The debates are coming up. What do you expect from . I think this debate is the going to be the moment of the election. That First Impression may wind up making the decision. What do you think . I think i agree with you. I think that there are really not that many choices. I think that Hillary Clinton, for whatever people say about her. She shes a liar but you ascribe that to politicians. I think donald trump being president is like flava flav winning a spelling bee. His whole premise is ill do something i havent done before and ill it well. This is silly to me but ultimately this is the choice we have to make. I think that the more people see donald trump, the more that people get to see him away from all the sycophants that think he e s great, they see hes an empty suit. Did you just go south on flava flav . I want you to think about what youve said today. Okay. Okay. I ovve got to end it there. Okay, man. Thank you. Appreciate the perspective as always. Im going to have to bring you the good stuff,next. 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Llergens flonase gives you more complete allergy relief. Most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. Flonase controls 6. And six is greater than one. Flonase changes everything. The good stuff. Today it comes from rockingham, virginia. A middle school was lent a quadriciser. It helps people with disabilities get more mobile. All these things that people take for granted, they can go wow. They have abilities, not just disabilities. Two eighth graders wanted to do more. They wanted to keep the machine. So they took action. It was just one of the best moments of my life. I hope they can show improvement. They went around, their friends, their school, their community, raised 20 grand and bought a permanent quadriciser so the people with physical challenges in their school can get more mobile. Fantastic. Good for those boys. Time now for newsroom with carol costello. Good morning. Im carol costello. Thank you so much for joining me. The politics of race, casting a large shadow on the president ial showdown between Hillary Clinton and donald trump. Both campaigns trading jabs over charges of racism and mistreatment of minority voters. One trump supporter, himself an africanamerican, forced to apologize for this tweet showing clinton in black face. It was in hindsight

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