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A look at breaking news, politics and reports from around the world. Guiliani described the supposed meeting, then said it never happened. And he once again reiterated the president knew nothing about the meeting in advance. Tonight, Rudy Guiliani seems to be muddying the waters about what meetings may have taken place before the now controversial june 2016 sit down between donald trump jr. And the russians. Guiliani brought up for the first time another meeting without the president three days before the russians met at trump tower. Guiliani claims reporters have been asking questions about its occurrence, and guiliani is trying to make clear it did not happen. There wasnt another meeting, that has been leaked, but hasnt been public yet. That was a meeting, alleged meeting three days before. He says there was a meeting with donald jr. , with jared kushner, with Paul Manafort, with gates, and possibly two others in which they out of the presence of the president discussed the meeting with the russians. We checked with their lawyers, the ones we could check with, four of the six. That meeting never, ever took place. It didnt happen. It is a figment of his imagination or a lie. Reporter this as guiliani ramps up attacks on Michael Cohen, going after him personally. The guy is unethical, he is a scumbag, he is a horrible person. Reporter and pushing back against the revelation that according to sources cohen claims he is prepared to tell the Special Counsel the president knew in advance about donald jr. s meeting with the russians and approved to it. When youre lying, theres a trap. When we said there was a one on one meeting, donald jr. Came in and told him the meeting was about to take place. Two witnesses say it didnt happen. The president and his son. They have a Self Interest in saying that. And cohen has a bigger Self Interest in saying it. Reporter this is a 180 from glowing reviews for the fixer, attorney. He is an honest, honorable lawyer. I do not expect Michael Cohen will lie. I think hell tell the truth. Guiliani saying his opinion changed with the Revelation Cohen recorded at least one conversation with the president. How did i know he was a lawyer taping his client. You tell me a lawyer is taping his client, i have to say sorry, i made a mistake. I said he was honest and honorable, i didnt know he tape recorded conversations with clients, shaking down people for money. He was manipulating or doctoring tapes. I didnt know that when i said that. George washington didnt know Benedict Arnold was a traitor. And tonight, donald trump jr. s lawyer is issuing a statement on all of this, in light of don jr. s continued insistence he never told his father about the trump tower meeting, even though sources say Michael Cohen plans to say the president was told. He says we investigated this matter over a year and are in command of the facts, we are fully confident of the accuracy and reliability of the information thats been provided by donald trump jr. In the various investigations. Of course, wolf, the lawyer for donald trump jr. Is trying to tamp down stories precipated by precipated by this. You lie to congress, thats a crime. Exactly. Well see what happens. Thank you very much. Joining us, mazie horona, senator, thank you for joining us. Thank you. You know President Trump has repeatedly claimed there was no collusion, now his lawyer Rudy Guiliani is arguing collusion isnt even a crime necessarily, so what does that signal to you . I think that the news is closing. Guiliani is like a loose cannon, so is the president frankly. Conspiracy is a crime and Obstruction Of Justice is a crime. And it all points to how important it is for the Mueller Investigation to continue. Donald trump jr. s lawyer you just heard says they are fully confident the accuracy and reliability of the information that has been provided by donald trump jr. And various investigations, based on what weve learned, do you think that reflects the information he provided to your committee during his q and a session . I know that during his sessions with us not just with our Judiciary Committee but the entire trump family as far as im concerned has not been forthcoming and so at this point everybodys credibility in my view is questionable, and clearly guilianis credibility is shot, even as he goes ahead and attacks Michael Cohen who he said was a great guy not too long ago. The chairman of your committee, senate Judiciary Committee Chuck Grassley says it is up to prosecutors now to determine if donald trump jr. Lied before your committee and he wont call him back. Are you satisfied with that . Not particularly but on the other hand again it points out how important it is for the Mueller Investigation to continue even as trump and his minions and his enablers continue to go after mueller in a very personal way and theyre just heightening their personal attacks on mueller, and this is why that investigation must continue. Rudy guiliani tells cnn, i am quoting now, the president didnt hack and didnt pay them for hacking. That defense comes days after cnn reported that Michael Cohen says the president signed off on the russian meeting ahead of time, knew of the offer of dirt on hillary clinton. Do you think the trump team is preparing for more revelations about what the president actually knew . They must be otherwise they wouldnt be so vehement and what i would say, acting like loose cannons. These are people that act as if they have something to hide and theyre just scrambling, thats a good word, theyre just scrambling to attack and obfuscate as to whats really happening. So i repeat myself. I keep repeating myself in terms of how critical the Mueller Investigation is and why these really personal and heightened attacks on mueller says to me that trump team is getting even more nervous than they have been. Because as you know, the president and his lawyer guiliani are escalating dramatically personal attacks on the Special Counsel, Robert Mueller. How concerning is that to you . It is concerning in that they continue to put out conflicting information and frankly to watch Rudy Guiliani these days, it is very painful because theres a guy whose credibility is totally shot. He actually expects to continue to have people listen to whatever he has to say . No. And hes just doing the bidding of President Trump. Thats not serving the public at all, and the person who is getting to the bottom of this and in a way that can be verifiable and under oath is Robert Mueller. The president on a separate subject once again threat Government Shutdown over funding for the border wall and other immigration issues. Do you think he would follow through on that threat so close to the november midterm elections . Theres one thing about President Trump, he continues to be very chaotic in his responses. These kinds of utterances come Out Of The Blue. He must be feeling a great deal of pressure. He was given the opportunity to get the money for his wall when we had a bill in the senate, this was about the fourth bill that was a bipartisan bill to protect 800,000 dreamer participants. He said no to that. Suddenly after months he brings up the wall again. It must be because he feels under attack and lashes out. Thats one thing you can pretty much ascribe to the president , that when his back is against the wall, he attacks everybody he thinks is coming after him, whether it is real or not. Just to be specific, earlier in the day he tweeted this. Let me quote from his tweet. He said we must have Border Security, get rid of chain lottery, Catch And Release sanctuary cities, go to merit based immigration, protect i. C. E. And Law Enforcement and keep building, but much faster, the wall. When you look at the list, is there anything you and your colleagues and the Democratic Party are willing to work with the president on . We worked with him in a bipartisan way to protect the dreamers which included money for the wall, so thats being very much in line with where he situation in terms of Foreign Policy where our own allies cant really trust what the president says at any given moment. This is yet another very dangerous thing for him to do. I really think the president thinks that he can run this country the way he ran his companies. He can do and say whatever he wants, except in the case of the country, you know, when things go bad, you cant declare bankruptcy. He takes very little responsibility for anything he says. He lashes out. So the chaoticness of his responses, reactions, utterances, it is unbelievable. His own State Department came out with a global report on terrorism and cited iranian as the leading State Sponsor of terrorism, but the president is willing to meet with president rouhani, any place, any time, without any preconditions. He has a very inflated view of his own powers to do anything. In fact, what he is good at is creating chaos. Sf senator, thanks for joining us. Reading between the lines of the president s personal attacks on Robert Mueller. Is he bracing for another big shoe to drop. And Rudy Guilianis collusion isnt necessarily a prime argument. 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With feedback to help you drive safer. Giving you the power to actually lower your cost. Unfortunately, it cant do anything about that. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . We are following news on the one, two punches of president trump and his lawyer, Rudy Guiliani. The targets are clear, their strategy is more confusing, especially after the latest round of tweets by mr. Trump and interviews by Rudy Guiliani. Lets bring in our analysts and correspondents. Kaitlin collins, youre with us over the past 48 hours. Weve seen the president and his supporters escalate dramatically their personal attacks, personal attacks on both Robert Mueller and Michael Cohen. How do you explain that . Its interesting to see how far weve come from before march when President Trump wouldnt say Robert Muellers name, whether in person or on twitter. Now he is attacking him several times a day, saying he has conflicts of interest without saying what they are. They asked Rudy Guiliani what is the president is alleging is a conflict of interest, is it about golf fees, dispute they had before. He said he couldnt even answer. We are seeing them ramp up attacks and the president being more and more consumed by it. You look at his twitter feed, constant that he is saying this. And the white house isnt answering questions about the president s mindset, instead referring us back to Rudy Guiliani who then in the interviews is making the allegations as he did today, now saying that collusion is not a crime. They seem to be moving the goalpost a bit. Before they said the president didnt collude, there was no collusion. Thats something we heard from the president on repeat essentially and now theyre moving the goalpost essentially to say no, collusion is not a crime, which raises the question why would you make that argument if theres no collusion. Let me play the clip from the interview he gave Allison Cammarata earlier today. I dont know if thats a crime, colluding about russians. You start analyzing the crime, the hacking is the crime. The hacking is the crime. Thats certainly the original crime. He didnt pay them for hacking. Whats he trying to achieve . It is true, theres no such crime in the federal code called collusion. However, it is unlawful for foreign entities of any kind, individuals, companies to assist in an american campaign. And if you look at the case against the russians who put all those ads on facebook, that clearly was the violation that they made. If it could be shown that people involved with the Trump Campaign actually helped do that, i think it is quite clear, that is a crime. So it is an odd day for him to declare collusion is not a crime. It is not just hacking that is unlawful. Any sort of foreign assistance to a Domestic Campaign is a crime. And the last line, he didnt pay for the hacking raises a lot of questions. Why are they making that argument now that the president didnt pay for it. There are all sorts of crimes he didnt commit, i think we can agree on that. The question is did he commit the crimes he is under investigation for. Conspiracy is a crime, it is another word for collusion. Let me point out, ann melgrum, in the memo the Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein issued august 2nd, 2017, almost exactly a year ago, outlining the scope of the russia investigation, rosenstein writes that mueller should investigate, quote, lagsz that Paul Manafort committed a crime or crimes by colluding with russian government officials with respect to the russian governments efforts to interfere in the 2016 election for president of the United States, in violation of United States law. How effective is this Argument Guiliani is now making that collusion isnt even necessarily a crime . Right. By rosensteins own language he is basically saying committed a crime or crimes, and by colluding is the way in which they would have done it, by working with the russians, by essentially cooperating with the russians. As you said, conspiracy is a crime, aiding, abetting is a crime. No one said collusion is a separate crime. It is the way the president could have actually committed a crime, which is by working with the russians. It could be as simple as getting that information, coordinating the release of information coming from hacked emails or cooperating on social media, influencing an election. David swerdlick, it is interesting because guiliani today Out Of The Blue brings up a second meeting just before the Infamous Trump tower meeting took place, second meeting involving the russians, only to deny it later in the day. Whats going on here . Wolf, it is almost like he is trying to be a Jedi Mind Trick saying these are not the droids youre looking for. In the same statement, he says there was this meeting, we tried to reach out to people in the meeting, maybe there wasnt this meeting. I dont think it is clear. What ultimately will matter in this case, wolf, is whether or not the Justice Department or congress or ultimately the American People believe the story Michael Cohen is reportedly telling or the story the president of the United States is sticking to regarding whether or not he knew about the meeting. Anything Rudy Guiliani says is repeated in the conservative echo chamber, bright paeitbart, news. The reason Rudy Guiliani is so outspoken is because people listen and take it seriously and repeat it and so whether we we can have a sophisticated legal debate whether collusion is a crime. You can be sure lots of people on social media are saying of course, collusion is no crime. Thats an accomplishment in and of itself. The president has gone from going after the socalled witch hunt, now all of a sudden it is a very personal issue for him, he is going after the Robert Mueller witch hunt. Thats right, and so is Rudy Guiliani. Lets be clear, guiliani hasnt been a lawyer since moses was knee high to a grass hopper. This is not about the law. This is looking at attacks on the investigation, realizing out of 35, 40 of america believe the president. The investigation is a witch hunt. So you go into end game. The president says now i have to get closer to home. Not only want to undercut the integrity of the investigation but the investigator. I think trump realized along with guiliani they made hay saying it is a witch hunt, now theyre transitioning to saying as we go to end game, try the same tactic to undercut Robert Mueller. And guiliani is really going after Michael Cohen big time and the attacks against Michael Cohen are only going to escalate. Notice theyre trying to delegitimize Michael Cohen and everything he is saying because he is saying that donald trump jr. Lied when he said his father didnt know about the meeting with russian officials beforehand because Michael Cohen is saying the president was aware of it. So it is essentially Michael Cohens word versus President Trumps, which is likely why we saw Rudy Guiliani making the rounds on Cable Television this morning, making these arguments against Michael Cohen, even though he previously referred to him as one of those honest people that hes ever known. He tweeted that. Now theyre trying to go after him in this way. You clearly see it all goes back to President Trump who has been the most angry he has ever been over the past year since mueller took over the investigation, and since the cohen stuff happened with the fbi raiding his home, office, and hotel, the cohen stuff in fewer ated infuriated the president. And now that Michael Cohen is making the allegations about his son, which is really the most sensitive issue for President Trump, is going after his family, now were seeing him zero in on Michael Cohen, even though they have not ruled out a pardon for Michael Cohen yet from President Trump. Very strange. How do you see it . Very strange. You know, the only mode that the trump team operates in is attack. Anyone that crosses them gets attacked. Michael cohen has apparently switched sides informally if not legally so hes now target number one. I maintained the slight hope that actually the truth matters and were going to find out, like who attended these meetings, what was said. People will testify about it under oath and will be able to decide what happened but what we know for sure is anyone that crosses donald trump will be attacked mercilessly. I have to assume mueller and his team, they have been working for more than a year now, they know so much more about all of this than we know, than we have any suspicion of knowing. Youre a former prosecutor. Yeah. Theres no question. Theres so much we dont know. Were going to learn more starting shortly when the Manafort Trial begins, and i also dont think in addition to the cohen tapes coming out and cohen switching sides publicly, i think were on the eve of the Manafort Trial, may be driving some of the swings the president is making now because i think were going to see three weeks of news thats devastating about what manafort was engaged in. So they may be preparing for that as well. Good point. That trial begins tomorrow with Jury Selection. Just ahead, the criminal trial of former Trump Campaign Paul Manafort, once again, beginning very, very soon, tomorrow. The Special Counsel is now revealing how manafort pocketed Tens Of Millions of dollars. 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Nope get internet on our gigspeed network and add voice and tv for 34. 90 more per month. Call or go online today. The Special Counsel Robert Muellers team says indicted former Trump Campaign chairman Paul Manafort made 60 million from his Political Consulting work in ukraine. Lets go to justice correspondent evan perez. Explain why this revelation of how much money manafort made is important. Wolf, this is a revelation that came just in the last couple hours. We were talking hours away from when Jury Selection is set to begin in alexandria, virginia. Prosecutors for Robert Mueller and the defense are fighting over whether or not the jury will get to see 50 or so exhibits. These are exhibits that the Manafort Team says are prejudicial, that theyre irrelevant to the charges. Manafort is going on trial on bank and tax fraud charges, so the Manafort Team wants these exhibits and this evidence not shown to the jury. The government responded this afternoon saying that this is evidence that shows that manafort made 60 million working for the Ukrainian Government, these are emails, memos, photos that they show full, the full sweep of manaforts ukrainian work. Essentially they say this is evidence thats going to be corroborating evidence for some of the witnesses that are going to describe what manafort was doing and why he was using these Bank Accounts in cypress and other foreign locations to hide money that he did not report to the irs. This is very key evidence, the government says, to this trial, wolf. As you point out, his trial gets under way with Jury Selection tomorrow in suburban virginia outside washington, d. C. What can we expect . I tell you what not to expect. Were not expecting the word russia, collusion, probably hardly even hearing the name of President Trump in this trial. The government and the defense have both agreed that theyre going to keep this focused on bank fraud, tax charges. Look, this is a tall order for manafort. This is an up hill climb for them. He either filed paperwork saying he owned these Bank Accounts or he did not, and what we know is he did not. What we expect is that manaforts team will say look, these accounts didnt belong to him, so this is why the governments evidence which is going to show all the work he was doing and why he was getting paid in these foreign locations is very important. So we expect three weeks of trial, wolf, and again, a lot of this will be squarely focused on tax and bank fraud charges. Remember, manafort also faces charges here in washington, d. C. That one has a lot more to do with the allegations that he was working for the Ukrainian Government and failed to register as a foreign agent, even as he was working for the Trump Campaign. Lets not forget, the president as the candidate picked manafort to be his Campaign Chairman. Evan perez, thank you very much. Phil, what does this tell you about how Robert Mueller and his team are working . This is like for a former prowrestling fan, steel cage. No one walks out without blood on them. Whats happening, you saw this with guiliani, the president will try to say the only issue on the table is russia. All this stuff about lying to federal investigators and this stuff about money is a side show. What the government is saying is look, when we started doing the investigation this isnt about a few thousand bucks, this isnt about change you shake out of the sofa, youre talking about somebody with 60 million of income and didnt declare it. As they conduct the investigation, i think mueller is sitting here saying i followed the money and i had no option but to say it wasnt an insignificant amount. Manafort was wildly in violation of the law. Whats peculiar is even at this late stage, it is unclear what manaforts defense is at the trial. Remember, rick gates who is with him every step of the way is going to be testifying that the whole thing was an illegal scam, tax avoidance, money laundering. Whats the defense . Rick gates is trying to save his own skin, but did he pay his taxes . I mean, whats the defense in the case . I dont know. If hes convicted, hes going to spend the rest of his life in jail given all of the charges leveled against him which is to me sort of surprising he didnt cooperate and say lets make a deal. Yeah. I mean, this is in my opinion an incredibly strong case, a paper case. I think jeff and phil asked the right question which is what is the defense, particularly where theres a cooperator that will say that was manaforts account. This strikes me as an incredible difficult case for manafort to beat, and when you talk about paper cases, you follow the money and the trail and you have a criminal prosecution that more often than not is successful. As to the time, i mean, each count can be up to 30 years. He is looking at a lot of exposure in federal prison for a conviction. By the way, it is in alexandria known as the rocket docket. They say it will take three weeks. Bet it will take two rather than three. Things go very fast in that courthouse. And this is focused on tax and bank fraud, things that occurred before he was Campaign Chairman for President Trump, but it puts the focus back on the Special Counsel and investigation and Robert Mueller, that will be played out on television which we know the president watches frequently day after day after day. It is only going to bring that up and in fewer raate him in fewer ate him more. He said what manafort did was a long time ago. Has nothing to do with me. What it has to do with him is the obvious, he was his Campaign Chair at a critical juncture in the campaign. Someone who had been a long term fixture in republican politics, and as jeffrey was saying, theres certainly not an obvious defense for what he did in his consulting practice. Then you have all these dashed lines to his Business Ties overseas with prorussian, Ukrainian Government forces. This is another dash line to the russian investigation. Doesnt prove he is guilty of anything, but makes it clear why it is being investigated. Lets button up what happened to you last week at the white house. You were the network pool reporter at an event, asked important questions, the president didnt want to answer, that was fine, you left. Then you were told you cant go to an open event in the rose garden because they didnt like the questions you were asking. Whats been the fallout since then . Well, thats right. The white house received a lot of backlash from other reporters because i was there representing all negotiatitworks. I went in today representing all of the networks. I asked questions and they said he wouldnt answer them because he already had a Press Conference earlier. Were going to continue to ask the president questions, thats our job, thats what we do dayin and dayout. Clearly the cohen stuff is consuming the president and he is quite angry about, thats what we asked about in the Oval Office Last week. You can see thats showing you and revealing to you the president s mindset on all of this. And just how angry he is over what his former attorney, long time friend and fixer has said about him. The president s frustration is really coming through in regards to all of the questions. Youre doing an excellent job for cnn and all of the networks. Were grateful to have you. Thanks so much for doing that, give her a round of applause. Doing a great job. Taking a quick break. 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Reporter certainly is, it is not what Republican Leaders want or expected. One republican senator telling me moments ago this would be a big mistake if it happens. It is not at all necessary. But here you have the president of the United States throwing a wrench into his own partys plan by threatening the potential shutdown and essentially throwing this place into a state of uncertainty. You had Speaker Of The House paul ryan and Mitch Mcconnell who headed to the white house last week to meet with President Trump on this very issue, and both of those leaders left that meeting with confidence that this could be avoided, that they felt President Trump would sign a short term measure, even if it didnt include money for his border wall, even if it didnt include these other broader immigration reforms that he has been calling for. So what we saw from Republican Leaders responding to the threat downplay the significance of this president ial tweet and then his threat that he doubled down on today, saying that theyre going to continue on with their own plans to pass as so many Spending Bills before the midterm elections as possible, avoiding a shutdown. This is something we saw echoed from Mitch Mcconnell on the senate floor earlier today. Well finish up the set of appropriation measures. Weve been considering for several days and take four more big steps toward our goal of completing our Regulation Appropriations process and funding the government in a timely and orderly manner. Reporter now, keep in mind, President Trump has made similar threats before, back earlier this year he ended up, indeed, signing a Spending Bill that would fund the government until september, but he made comments in march saying, look, he was very unhappy that the money that was not included for the border wall he wants. He says then that this is something that he would not do again. There are a lot of things that im unhappy about in this bill. There are a lot of things that we shouldnt have had in this bill but we were in a sense forced if we want to build our military, we were forced to have. There are some things that we should have in the bill, but i say to congress, i will never sign another bill like this again. Im not going to do it again. Reporter the timeline of this potentially new threat is certainly important here as well. The government is set to run out of money at the end of the day on september 30th. That seems like a far away off, but it most certainly is not because the house just went on a fiveweek recess. When they get back in early september, that only gives them 11 legislative days to figure all this out. This deadline looming, that puts them about one month before midterm elections and why we saw this huge response from republicans on capitol hill today, essentially warning what this would do. Senator Lindsey Graham telling us just moments ago that republicans are the ones who are going to get the blame. Sunlen serfaty, thanks for that report. More breaking news. Were going to get a live update on the truly devastating fire ravaging Northern California tonight. Well hear from a man who was on the phone with his family as the fire claimed their lives. This is not a bed. Its a hightech revolution in sleep. The new sleep number 360 smart bed. It intelligently senses your movement and automatically adjusts on each side to keep you both comfortable. And snoring . How smart is that . Smarter sleep. To help you lose your dad bod, train for that marathon, and wake up with the patience of a saint. The new sleep number 360 smart bed, from 999. Smarter sleep will change your life. We really pride ourselves on making it easy for you tech at safelite autoglass, to get your windshield fixed. With safelite, you can see exactly when well be there. Saving you time for what you love most. Kids whoa kids vo safelite repair, safelite replace you wouldnt accept an incomplete job from any one else. Why accept it from your Allergy Pills . Flonase sensimist relieves all your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. And all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. Flonase sensimist. Were following breaking news. The Giant Wildfire Raging in Northern California. The numbers are growing grimmer tonight, including the lives lost and homes destroyed. Cnns nick watts is in redding, california, for us. Whats the latest that youre seeing there . Reporter well, wolf, there are more than a dozen wildfires blazing in california right now, but this is the biggest, more than 700 homes destroyed so far in the redding area. Reddings police chief lost his own home sunday. He is back at work. This is all hands on deck. This fire is leaving a trail of destruction, devastation and heartbreak. One of the most destructive fires to ever burn in california, 150 square miles, an area the size of denver, scorched. Almost 1,000 buildings destroyed, 38,000 people forced to flee their homes and six lives lost so far. Among them, two firefighters, one person who refused to evacuate and three members of a family who were getting ready to flee the flames. Ed bledsoe spoke to his wife melody and their great grandchildren emily and james moments before the fire reached them. Its coming near me. The fires coming in the back door. Come on, grandpa. Im right down the road. He said, come and get us. Emily said, i love you grandpa. Grandma says i home you grandpa, junior says i love you, come and get us. I said im on my way. Reporter the fire is so large and temperatures so hot it is creating its own weather system. It can be seen from space. Gail force winds whipped towering flames into what firefighters described as fire tornadoes. And the fire actually doubled in size overnight at the weekend. This isnt just a back country blaze. The fire threatening and burning parts of redding, california, population more than 90,000. This fire is scary to us. This is something we havent seen before in the city. Reporter some were given only 30 minutes to evacuate, not knowing if they would ever see their homes again. It looked like an atomic bomb went off after the fact. We got a few pictures from friends, but it was a firestorm when we left. Reporter for the lister family, their worst fears realized, they lost everything. There are now scattered reports of looting in those abandoned areas and on the fire lines 17 helicopters, 300 engines and over 3,000 personnel continue to fight for control of this inferno. Now, we just got the first bit of good news today, that the fire is now 20 contained. Theyve been working very hard

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