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The president . Good afternoon. Welcome to the lead. Im jake tapper. Pressure mounting for President Trump as to how lawyer his fixer Michael Cohen will be if threatened with serious jail time. New york times said the president s lawyers have become resigned to the strong possibility that Michael Cohen could end up cooperating with federal officials. This comes as the lawyer representing cohen said today for the first time that his client could be indicted in the next 90 days. All of this while multiple salvos are being fired in the legal wars being waged by and against President Trump and his allies. Only five days into fired fbi director james comeys book rollout, the Inspector General is investigating whether comey released any classified information when he shared his memos with a friend who leaked the contents to the New York Times. Comeys former Deputy Andrew mccabe is threatening to sue President Trump for wrongful termination and defamation of character and the dnc is suing russia, wikileaks, Julian Assange and the Trump Campaign, top advisers who attended the trump tower meeting and more. Alleging that they all conspired to interfere in the 2016 campaign. Meanwhile President Trump and the white house have been attacking comey and his memos that paint the president as rather self obsessed and at times without concern for boundaries that separate the white house from the Justice Department. Cnns jeff zel traveling with President Trump in West Palm Beach and he attacked comey saying he leaked classified information and we dont know that to be true but the Inspector General is looking into it. Reporter that is right. The internal Watchdog Group of the Justice Department is looking into whether the memos contained classified information. James comey has said there was no classified information in it. But all of this shining a brighter light and giving a rare look into a conversation between an fbi director and a new president. Former fbi director james comey secret memos now the subject of a Justice Department review over whether he improperly disclosed classified material. The departments internal watch dog is investigating his handling of the newly disclosed memos, the wall street journal reporting which shed new light on President Trumps concern about salacious details unearth by the russia probe. The Justice Department turned over a set of documents to congress on thursday night. Offering a rare look into the comeys private conversations with the president. Im totally fine with transparency reporter in his interview, he said he didnt object to releasing the memos. Hes previously maintained no classified information was disclosed. Ive tried to be transparent throughout and i think what folks will see if they get to see the memos is ive been consistent since the very beginning, right after my encountered with President Trump. Reporter white house officials telling cnn today the memo showed no collusion with russia. And offered no proof of obstruction of justice in the firing of comey last year. From his maralargo resort, the president tweeting, james comey memos just out. And show clearly there that there was no collusion and no obstruction. Also he leaked classified information. Wow will the witch hunt continue . I knew there would be a record of what happened. Reporter republicans requested the memos but it is unclear they got what they were looking for. The heavily redacted writings reveal his early interactions with the president. The president had concerns about Michael Flynn, the fired National Security adviser. Who pleaded guilty and now cooperating with the feds. Comey writing, president pointed his finger at his head and said the guy is seriously judgment issues. The memos also disclosing new information about former white house chief of staff Reince Priebus who comey said asked him whether flynn was under surveillance. Do you have a fisa order on mike flynn and the president was consumed by allegations of the dossier. And the president brought up the golden showers thing and said it bothered him. He said the hookers thing was nonsense but putdin told him we have some of the best hookers in the world. And he discussed putting reporters in jail. The president wrapped up our conversation by returning to the issue of finding leakers and it may involve putting reports in jail. They spend a couple of days in jail and make a new friend and ready to talk. Now as President Trump was visiting one of his golf course this is afternoon, the Democratic National committee added a new twist to this ongoing russia saga, filing a new lawsuit against the Trump Campaign and the russian government and wikileaks, accusing them of a conspiracy using a legal theory for organized crime calling it a racketeering enterprise. Just a few moments ago, the Trump Campaign responded, the Campaign Manager called it a sham lawsuit. Simply designed to raise money. Jake, unclear if that lawsuit will go forward. One thing is clear, this russia investigation still hangs over this white house. Thank you so much. My Political Panel is here and molly let me start with you because it is your birthday and happy birthday and the New York Times is talking about cohen cooperating with authorities and quoting roger stone who is part of that group, the first advisers of the president saying donald goes out of his way to treat him meaning Michael Cohen like garbage. These are friends of cohens kind of suggesting that the president might want to be nicer to Michael Cohen. What do you think will happen . Do you think Michael Cohen will stand up for the president. I have no idea. He has a reputation of being loyal but does that descend to go to jail and that is far to go as the piece points out when it is your employer who has basically kicked you around like trump would say like a dog for many years and that is the dynamic of this relationship over time and it is a larger dynamic between trump and almost everyone around him. This idea that loyalty is a oneway street with him. He treats a lot of people bike b garage and the question is whether that will come home to roost, whether with the cabinet secretaries ur secretaries, hes unceremoniously fired and those employees with something on the line. And the dogs will come home to roost. And robbie, listen to sam nunnberg another part of the first group around the president saying to the New York Times, the softer side of the president has a affection for Michael Cohen but the president has also taken michael for granted. What do you think is going on there . It worried me that stone and nunberg he has a bone to pick with the president and has been critical. But roger stone, talk about a loyalist coming out and saying this. Hes really trying to send a warning. It is very clear. I assume they think there is something going on there. To me, at the im not a lawyer. But this is probably about the evidence more than anything. If a lot of bad things were done and it is clear to cohen that Law Enforcement can nail him on it, and his only choice to maybe shorten a sentence is to come out and talk about it, i think hell probably do that. And i dont know that it makes a difference. I think theyll get the president one way or another. It is a matter of lessening his time and making the process more efficient, that is a pretty compelling argument. The only person who hasnt broken owe this so to speak is manafort and ive been surprised because it looks like hes in real trouble. But he may have issues of his own that he doesnt want to come clean on yet. And it is interesting that rosenstein came out assure add the president he is not the target or the subject of the investigation surrounding cohen which leads you to believe cohen is left Holding Water and so from his standpoint, i wouldnt go to jail for anyone, no matter if it is the president of the United States. So i would expect for him to provide information to save himself and may not be helpful to the president , and that way that the president may become a subject of this investigation. But right now, it looks as though all eyes are on the cohen, based on the information that was seized in the raid of his property and if i were him sh i would be concerned. The minutes after the department of justice shared with congress the comey memos, somehow everyone in the media ended up with copies of them. I have my copies right here. I want to turn to one part of the comey memos. On february 8th, 2017, when comey is talking to President Trump, comey recounts, quote, putin had told the president , quote, we have some of the most bufrl beautiful hookers in the world and he remembers putin telling him that. Just a few days before on january 17th, putin said this in a press conference about the dossier which had been published at that time after buzzfeed take a look. It is hard to believe that he ran to a hotel to meet with our girls of a low social class. Although they are the best in the world the best in the world. And cnn covered this comment when it happened, im sure all of the other media did and as a trump watcher and observer, do you think saw this on tv an internalized it this is what putin told him, we have the most beautiful prostitutes in the world or do you think he had been told that by putin. It is tough to know but what does your gut tell you . I have no idea. That does seem like the kind of thing trump would do because this is a period where he was still portraying himself as close to putin. There is a string of exaggerations that he made where he claimed to have met putin and had a closer relationship with putin than later reporting has revealed that he actually had. Because he had this sort of crush on putin and wanted people to think that they were buddies. So that could have been a thing where he was he had seen a comment and also could have been a thing that really happened or that he made up. Other thing i think is funny is that yesterday in denying this, the kremlin said that is not a thing that putin could have said. As if implying, these words are not capable of coming out of the exalted leaders mouth and there he said the same thing. The truth means nothing. And i interviewed james comey and he said he didnt hate donald trump and he went and did a new yorker conversation with david remmic and he said my wife asked me how come i said i dont hate donald trump, take a listen to as his explanation as to why he doesnt hate the president. It is a full screen. He said i think he has an emptiness inside of him and a hunger for affirmation that ive never seen in an adult. That is comey talking about the president. I think he has an emptiness inside of him and a hunger for affirmation ive never seen in an adult. And as he told you yesterday, this book is not about donald trump. He said it is about a higher loyalty and this is about having not loyalty to a person but to integrity and honesty and comparing three president s, two of them with integrity and one as he said is a counter point. But so much of the big is i view as personal in nature and personally attacking the president and the comments that he made diminishes any kind of Bigger Picture statement that he would want to make about loyalty and about integrity in this high office and i think it dip diminishes that and i felt it was very misleading and you pointed out, for him to continue to say that it is possible for russia to have damaging information on trump. It does lead you to believe it is possible. Which is more than unlikely or it is still up to be determined by Robert Mueller. I think that was a disturbing takeaway from your interview. Everyone stick around. We have a lot more to talk about. There is the man who leads the life of danger to everyone he meets. He stays a stranger. Well hear from Donald Trumps most mysterious and loyal advocate next. Stay with us. And the wolf huffed and puffed. Like you do sometimes, grandpa . Well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. It can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. So i talked to my doctor. She said. Symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. Symbicort doesnt replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. Symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. Symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It should not be taken more than twice a day. Symbicort contains formoterol. Medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. Symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. You should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. 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A reporter for Forbes Magazine saying that years ago the president repeatedly lied about the scope of his personal fortune and a charge he is backing up with newly discovered tapes that he claims are of donald trump himself. Alex marquardt joins me with more. And it is the return of the president s alter ego john barren whom as far as i could tell no one has met in person and who sounds mysteriouslyco incidentally im sure like donald trump. He is back and that is right. John barren who first appeared in the early 80s on these new recordings with greenberg who helped launched the forbes 400 list and researching the wealthiest americans and in the tape you could hear trump and barren trying to convince greenberg that his wealth was far greater than it was believed to be, raising yet more questions about the president s casual relationship with the truth. What is your fairst name. John barren. One of the aliases President Trump has been accused of using over the years to speak with reporters glowingly about himself. Most of the assets have been consolidated because have you reporter in this call from 1984, barren is claiming the assets of Donald Trumps wealthy father fred are in fact his. Sew deserved a higher spot in the forbes 400 list. And it is well consolidated okay, so that is one point that you could now is that just the the [ inaudible ]. Yes. The other things have been consolidated basically now and over the last couple of years have been working on it. Trump as himself was in regular contact with forbes reporter Jonathan Greenberg arguing for a better ranking. And then you mentioned other names and there is no con test. There is no contest. Greenberg didnt take trump at his words and decided to list him at 100 million. Much lower than his stated value. Greenberg said later research showed he was worth under 5 million and didnt belong anywhere near the list. He is a consumate con man. He figured out what he to do in order to deceive me and get on to that list. And he did it very well. And he maintained that persona of just sort of talking about his assets without any sense of debt and lying about it reporter greenberg said hes only reporting now because he recently came across the tapes from the mid80s and said he exaggerated the value and number of trump properties. He lied about there were 25,000 apartments there were 8,000 apartments in brooklyn and queens and lied about his father, that he owned all of his fathers assets an borrowed against his fathers assets. Reporter trump has denied hes john barren or jon miller who would call gossip reporters. Im new here. What is your position . Im handling p. R. This doesnt sound like me really. You think that sounded like me . Yeah. I dont. Over the years ive used alias. If you try to buy land you use different names. What name do you use . I used the name barren. There it is. Not just a name he liked for an alias but for his youngest child, naming his son bar ron and he stayed on the forbes 400 list but with figures well below he claimed to be worth. During the 2016 campaign he said he was worth some 10 billion but that cant be checked because we cant see his tax returns and we reached out to the white house and they have not reported. And in one minute he calls him lying comey and then he relies on his words. Which is it . The white house weighs in on all of todays news next. If youd have told me three years ago. That wed be downloading in seconds, what used to take. Minutes. That guests would compliment our wifi. That we could video conference. And do it like that. snaps if youd have told me that i could afford. A gigspeed. A gigspeed network. Its like 20 times faster than what most people have. Id of said. Id of said youre dreaming. Dreaming definitely dreaming. Then again, dreaming is how i got this far. Now more businesses in more places can afford to dream gig. Comcast, building americas largest gigspeed network. In his private memos, james comey said that dining with President Trump was like, quote, conversation as jigsaw puzzle, because the president jumped back and forth between topics so click quickly, encountering a story about russian prostitutes and fixating on an Intelligence Report that russians said he could have cough orted with others. And raj joins us. To the comey memos republicans were pressing the Justice Department to release and is there anything in the memos that the president disputes . Well, jake, thanks for having me on. I will say right out of the gate when it comes to the memos, in one of them james comey put in a foot note that these should be marked secret. That is a level of classification that involves you need a security clearance to now he sought it fit to give memos to a friend and have the contents read out to the New York Times. The fact that he arankd for the memos to be leaked and thought they were classified raises serious questions about his judgment and integrity because in one of the mem oez said im not a weasel and he does not leak and that memo itself has been leaked among many others. Well im not sure the number of memos. It is seven or eight memos and i dont know which ones he released to his friend daniel rich richmond and the Inspector General looked into that and he said he didnt leak but he did leak after he was fired and that is splitting hairs now that hes fired. Does the white house dispute the mem oez. I think james comey has editorializing and in his testimony last year before congress, both in march and in june after he was fired, does he allege that the president asked him do anything inappropriate. In fact, within these within his testimony last year in march he was asked and said no one has asked him to stop any investigation for political reasons. So at no point does james comey allege anything was done inappropriately and ive not asked the president line by line to go through these mem oez and fact check but when you look at james comey, he has a real credibility problem. He has a story in his book about john kelly, the chief of staff, you asked him about it and he couldnt get the story straight. There are a number of issues for which whether it is the memos ort testimony or book where he doesnt have a straight story and real credibility and judgment problems being raised about him. I think comey would say that at least the part in the memos where President Trump tells him to let it go, the situation with Michael Flynn, that he would consider that to be inappropriate behavior. That happened after an Oval Office Meeting with several advisers in february of 2016, the president asked everyone including Jared Kushner and Reince Priebus and Jeff Sessions to leave the room so he could speak to comey alen and then asked to let the inquiry into Michael Flynn go. Why did he not ask the others to leave the office if he was not about to make an inappropriate request of director comey. The first person to ask for a oneonone meeting with the between the president and james comey was james comey in january of 2017 at trump tower where he went through the salacious allegations in this discredited memo. And through that experience, the president thinks he could have a oneonone conversation with james comey. I would say with respect to Michael Flynn, again you mentioned something that is in the memos from february of 2017, one month later testifying under oath james comey was asked whether he was asked to stop an investigation and he said i was never asked to by anybody for political reasons. Well actually in point of fact, according to the memos , president in the trump tower meeting said he left it to up to the president whether it would be a oneonone meeting or ask other people to leave the room. But i hear what you are saying about the congressional testimony. But comeys story since hes been fired has been that the president asked him to let it go. I hope you could see clear to letting this thing go. Would that not be inappropriate . Again, the president has been pretty clear about his view that mike flynn hasnt been treated fairly but that doesnt mean he did anything inappropriate or doesnt mean he obstructed in any way, shape or form and the president said from day one there has been no collusion with the russia government and his campaign and no obstruction and no finding of wrongdoing. So well let this matter play out. But james comey has never actually laid out facts that would present anything that was done that was inappropriate and frankly, hes the fbi director. If he had a problem or wanted to raise an issue or felt anything the president was doing was inappropriate, he would have raised it directly with the president or the attorney general or could have raised it with anyone. He didnt wait until after he was fired and now when hes trying to sell books and make millions of dollars to raise these concerns. Comey recalls the president told him he began to doubt flynns judgment when after the election flynn didnt tell flect trump about a congratulations call from putin and then scheduled the president to return the call to putin a full six days later. Comey said the president got heated with flynn and that, quote, in telling the story, the president pointed his fingers at his head saying this guy has serious judgment issues. Why would President Trump be angry about six days of a delay for returning a call to putin. He was the president elect and he is the president and i dont i dont know the facts to be true but obviously you want National Security officials to convey to you messages that should come from a foreign government. Ill tell you what, though, the person with a real judgment issue is james comey. He is the person that has thrown around mob personality accusations at the president of the United States, when it is his handpicked consigliere andy mccabe, the Deputy Director of the fbi, fired in disgrace for leaking information, lying about it and now facing a potential criminal probe from the department of justice. This is a person who the president in these memos raise serious concerns about and james comey vouched for and now he broke fbi policy violated fbi policy and is now potentially facing a criminal probe. This is a stain on james comeys frankly his judgment when it comes to Law Enforcement issues and personnel matters. Roth shaw from the white house. Thank you. Is President Trump listening to his own advice in the art of the deal . Stay with us. Aging power grids,. Aging everything. We also have the ageold problem of bias in the workplace. Really. Never heard of it. The question is. Whos going to fix all of this . An actor . Probably not. But you know who can solve it . 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Magic cant make Digital Transformation happen. But we can. Lets make it real. And were back with politics lead continuing the conversation with my panel. News yesterday, former mayor Rudy Giuliani will join the President Trumps legal team and use his past relationships to speed up and end the russia investigation. We should point out he hasnt tried a case in more than 20 years. This is actually going to move the ball forward for the president . No. It wont. Look, this investigation is going at Robert Muellers pace and only his pace. And as we learned at the end of the last year when trumps attorneys repeatedly said trust me, this will be done by thanksgiving and then by christmas and new years and by valentines day. No one will dictate the end of this except for Robert Mueller. And i think that is the way it should be. If the president is innocent like he said he is and i want to give him the benefit of the doubt, there was no collusion and coordination, let the facts play out. Let Robert Mueller investigate this at his own pace on his own timeline and exonerate the president in the end and i think giuliani is good and that it gives the president peace of mind, someone that is tough and that could get in there legally, but this will play out at Robert Muellers timeline. And so New York Times along those lines, Maggie Haberman reported there is a belief giuliani was like the cool aid man, bursting through a wall to join the trump team and four people cles to the white house say he resisted joining but trump wanted a big name who he is comfortable for it pushed for it. I have a hard time saying how this changes anything that rudy could go on tv and talk about the case. And that comports with maggies reporting and giuliani afterward minimizing his role saying hes just an unpaid adviser and not joining as a paid member or a loyal in full standing. An actual lawyer. Right. Or paid. But trump is casting about in desperation because his legal team is so hollowed out and because he wants someone who will fight for him and he doesnt feel like any of his lawyers are being adequately puget soupuj illistic and it applies a friendly stance with mueller and trump stance that he keeps taking is that we have to fight this thing tooth and nail and not give any ground. And we should point out, robbie, and i love to hear what you think as the former Campaign Manager for Hillary Clinton, Rudy Giuliani just a fee wee few weeks before the election in 2016 had fbi sources suggesting to him something and he went on fox news to say it before james comey revealed they were reopening the Hillary Clinton email investigation. Take a listen. And then i think hes got a surprise or two that youll hear about in the next few days. I mean im talking about some pretty big surprise. I heard you say that this morning. What do you mean . Youll see. Stay tuned. Two days after that, then fbi director james comey who giuliani was referring to said he reopened the clinton email investigation. Giuliani said something was coming but then tried to walk it back on cnn saying he didnt know what he was talking about, just speaking vaguely. What do you think giuliani was referring to and how do you think he knew . Well all of these folks know each other. Giuliani used to work with mueller and with comey. Former u. S. Attorney. Correct. And so my assumption is either the new York Field Office new something and told that to giuliani and that was the source of a lot of leaking during the campaign, about Hillary Clintons investigation, or maybe comey told him. I dont know. And that is where this choice is really interesting. The russia investigation i assume is completely separate from james comey. But the fact that giuliani is a big player in trumps world, he may have been part of meetings or discussions with russia was brought up. He may have connections with james comey and we now see that the white house is trying to investigate james comeys handling of information. I dont know that giuliani is the best person to help him on a legal front. I think he for the president is probably a very nice safety blank blanket and i love the cool aid analogy and im sure he was excited to be back on center stage and will relish this opportunity but everybody involved in this, it is coming back to haunt them and investigation after investigation and i dont think giulianis hands are clean. And to put a point on this, comey said in his book tour that after giuliani said that, he ordered an Inspector General review and investigation to find out who was leaking to giuliani about this. Giuliani we should point out very loyal to donald trump. After the access Hollywood Tape he was one of the few people to go on tv to defend him. I think he was on three weeks in a row. He was front and center when people were behind the curtains and Reince Priebus is saying to drop out of the race and giuliani was a strong supporter. One thing that does ken concern me is there is talk he may try to encourage the president to interview or testify with Robert Mueller. I think that is a big mistake given the president s Loose Association with the truth, i think that will get him into trouble. Hopefully we dont get to that point and that is not an issue but i do think that giuliani as you say, hes a safety blanket for the president and well give him a reassurance but certainly not going to speed things up. I want to play more of the john barron sound from the former Washington Post about a talk between Jonathan Greenberg and trumps spokesperson john bar ron from the 1980s. Most of the as sets have been consol da consol date con consolidated and i would like to talk to you off the record to make it go easier. That is fine. But i think you could use donald trump now and just consolidate i think last year somebody showed me the article and i think you had 200 and 200 and it is consolidated now. That is supposed to be that is supposed to be a spokesperson for donald trump. It is quite obviously donald trump. And i guess one of the bigger questions is, is this part of a larger problem with President Trump and his relationship with the truth . Well this is also the kind of character that trump was at that time. In the new york of the 80s he was this sort of personality who was sort of working the revs and getting gossip planted about himself and stuff put on page six and this is his game and the other thing i think was funny, you mentioned before that barron is the name of his young son. And this predated barron, so he named the son after the alias. He loved john barron so much he named his son after him. Could President Trumps fixer Michael Cohen turn on President Trump and the shocking statement made in a los angeles court. Stay with us. Behr presents ordinary versus overachiever. A lot of paints say they can do the job, but just one can behr through it all. Behr premium plus, a top rated interior paint at a great price. Family friendly, disaster proof. Find it exclusively at the home depot. Back with our national lead, President Trumps personal lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen would ko be indicted in the next 90 days. That was the argument leveled in court by his own attorneys. Who are seeking delay proceedings in a lawsuit filed by Stormy Daniels. Her real name is Stephanie Clifford is suing to dismiss the 130,000 nondisclosure agreement that she signed with cohen on behalf of President Trump days before the 2016 election. Cnn Miguel Marquez is outside of the court in los angeles and he is under federal criminal investigation in new york. Did the judge have anything to say about that . Reporter well, all of that case was underlying what happened out here in los angeles, in a moment of quiet exasperation the judge said, this case is kind of exploded since it was filed back in march and boy, was he right. Understatement of the year perhaps. The case much much of the discussion on whether or not Michael Cohen would plead the fifth, take his fifth amendment right not toin k to incriminae himself in california or whether he was deposed, would he simply say i refuse to answer these based on the fifth amendment because im in jeopardy of the criminal case in new york. So much of this was centered on why hasnt mr. Cohen filed a deck lar is with the court here in los angeles that he intends to take the fifth. Mr. Cohens lawyer said he would discuss that with mr. Cohen and the judge gave them until wednesday of next week to get back to him with that declaration so that he could then rule on this issue of whether this proceeding here is stayed for 30 or 60 or 90 days, as mr. Cohens lawyers are asking, or if it goes forward as Michael Avenatti would like to see. Jake. Miguel marquez. Thank you. And so Michael Avenatti joys us. How does it impact the case. I think were very pleased with the hearing and how it proceeded, jake. The federal judge, judge otero who is very learned and diligent and a nononsense judge called out Michael Cohen and donald trump for submitting a motion that he described as having, quote, gaping holes in it, closed quote. They hadnt done what they needed to do to relating to the declaration and the reason for that, jake, is very clear. It is similar to why they didnt have donald trump sign the agreement. So they would have deniability, sign the n. D. A. They havent wanted to commit a declaration to the court acknowledging the seriousness of what is trans transpiring in the Southern District of new york and acknowledging it is Michael Cohens intention to plead the fifth amendment against self incrimination and if we take a step back and think about, it that is a very, very big deal. This is the president s righthand counsel with him for many, many years who only a couple of weeks ago the president referred to the press and others and American People to as related to what happened on this agreement and this payment. And now come to find out hes going to take the fifth amendment against self incrimination. This is a big deal. You said this week that you dont think President Trump will serve out his entire term. Where does that come from . That is a pretty wild claim. Well it is really not wild. My record thus far has been spot on. I dont think ive been wrong about anything yet in the last five to six weeks. And i stand behind that claim that i made yesterday. Jake, there is a lot of evidence in this case, there is a lot of shoes yet to drop. Michael cohen is not going to hold up. Ive been saying that for weeks and now others are repeating it and getting on the band wagon. Michael cohen is going to flip on this president and he knows where the bodies are buried or at least many of them. And i do not think that the president will last through the balance of his term. I just dont. Now well find out if im right or wrong. But i think hes going to ultimately resign the presidency. And when you say he will flip on him, that implies he has evidence that the president either conducted wrongdoing or new of wrongdoing being conducted on his behalf. Do you have any evidence that shows that cohen knew of anything that he could testify against the president about . Jake, we have substantial evidence and now youre going to ask me what it is and im going to tell you were not in a position to release it. We will be strategic and diligent. Butly say this, again, i havent made any promises that we havent kept over the last five to six weeks and delivered on everything weve said. And ive been fairly consistent in my predictions and i do not believe that the president will survive through the balance of his term. Just dont. Because of your case. Not because of the mueller or russia investigation, because of your case and the Southern District of new york u. S. Attorney investigation into Michael Cohen, that is what you are saying. That is exactly what im saying, correct. They would have to be a really shocking crime i would think. It couldnt just be President Trump talking trash about this or that. President trump has been none for all sorts of lets just say nontraditional actions but youre suggesting a crime that the president participated in or knew about being participated in on his behalf and that is an explosive allegation. I dont want to you put words in my mouth. I want to be really clear about what im saying. What im saying is this, were talking about the president s right hand person attorney who will take the fifth amendment. Well be charged with serious offenses, im highly confident of that. And im also highly confident that he has detailed information relating to efforts he undertook on behalf of this president across not just 2016 but many years prior to that. And im highly confident that hes going to disclose that information to prosecutors, et cetera and the only out that the president will have, the only out will be to resign the office. That is my prediction. And were going to find out if im full of it or if im accurate. Have you had any luck identifying the goon who allegedly threatened Stormy Daniels and her daughter in that in i think it was las vegas in 2011 so she wont talk about her alleged affair with President Trump. You released a Police Sketch it seems like six months ago but i think it was tuesday. Have you had any luck. It is only about 72 hours. Know a day in this case feels like a month or a year sometimes, but it is only 72 hours. Weve made progress and will continue to make progress. A lot of people have submitted valuable credited leads and well get to the bottom of it. Youve argued that your clients has been threatened with millions in fines for break the nondisclosure agreement, but she gave an interview to 60 minutes and spoke outside of the court and on the view this week and she seems to be disclosing quite a bit. Well she has disclosed quite a bit. But that doesnt stop them from continuing to threaten her. And jake. Want to go back and remind your viewers of something. Weeks ago at the early stages of this case we made a very fair officer and that was that we would return the 130,000 if they would agree all parties to walk away from the nda. She would be free to speak out threat of a Million Dollars fine per instance and they could tell their story. They refused that offer, that demand. And jake, here is another prediction. That will go down in the history of u. S. Litigation as one of the worst decisions ever made by any party to it is going to go in the same bucket of bill clinton refusing to settle the paula jones case before he was deposed. There is another prediction and im as confident in that one as i am the first. All right. The noestradamus of the legal scene. So far so good. Thank you so much. Have a good weekend. It is a few fridays since trump fired someone. Tick tock. Stay with us. This is a story about mail and packages. And its also a story about people. People who rely on us every day to deliver their dreams theyre handing us more than mail theyre handing us their business and while we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. That your business is our business the United States postal service. Priority you mayor maybe theyre justnts posinan ordinary couple. Uple. 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A courtroom bombshell as Michael Cohens attorneys try to delay porn star Stormy Daniels lawsuit. The lawyer suggests the the fixer could be i

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