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Flair blessing of peace in our lives and in our world. Our fervent prayer, o god is that people will learn to live together in reconciliation and espect, so that the terrors of war and dictatorial abuse will be no more. Bless all the peacemakers of our world. Play may your eternal spirit be with them and with us always and may your special bless being on the members of the assembly and the important, sometimes difficult work they are given to do. Give them wisdom and charity that they might Work Together for the common good. May all that is done this day in the peoples house be for your greater honor and glory, amen. The speaker the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings and announces to the house his approval thereof. Pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1, the journal stands approve. The pledge of allegiance will be led by the gentleman from alifornia. Mr. Hunter. Mr. Hunter i pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The speaker the chair will entertain up to 15 requests for oneminute speeches. For what purpose does the gentlelady from kansas rise. Without objection. Ms. Jenkins i rise today to recognize november 20 as rural health day. I understand firsthand that folks in rirle communities deserve access to Quality Health care options. A growing challenge facing folks in many Rural Communities across the country is access to health care. For many Rural Communities, the presence of a critical access hospital could be the deciding factor in whether or not the next generation decides to raise their family in their hometown. These communities are the backbone of america. Congress commitment to ensuring Rural Communities have access to care has been strong over the years but it must continue. I take to the floor today to reaffirm my personal, unwavering support. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. For what purpose does the entleman from illinois rise . The gentleman is recognized for one minute. I rise today to recognize mr. Quigley last week we lost an advocate of the middle class, kerrir al , when he lost his battle with cancer he represented thousands of chicagoland workers with great distinction. He embodied the heart of our city and strived to improve the lives of workers even when his own health was failing. His contributions to the International Brotherhood of and rical workers, ibew 34 middle class workers changed countless lives and will continue to do so in his memory. Heavens inspiration to all who knew himism ask my colleagues to join me in honoring his legacy, celebrating his life and remembering his ill lustee rhees you contributions toth city of chicago. Thank you, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from texas rise . Without objection the gentleman is recognized. As chairman of the ways and Means Committee on Social Security the committee of jurisdiction over who receives Social Security benefitsing im bro Substance Abuse introducing with Ranking Member becerra and 35 cosponsors, the no Social Security acts. Mr. Johnson the world must never forget the six million ws and other innocents who were killed in the holocaust. We have worked to prevent nazis entering the United States and receiving benefits. However doo, to a loophole, some nazis who came to america receive Social Security benefits. Thats plain wrong. Our bipartisan bill would stop benefits from going to denaturalized nazis and stops benefits from going to nazis who renounce their citizenship as part of a settlement. I think Ranking Member e i thank Ranking Member becerra for working with me on this important bill and mr. Speaker, i urge the house to act quickly and pass the no Social Security for nazis act. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the time of the gentleman has expired. For what purpose does the gentleman from rhode island ise . Mr. Cicilline to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore wogs. Mr. Cicilline i have had time to meet with my constituents to hear directly from them about their priorities. Those in favor say aye worried about the challenges facing our country such as isis and the spread of ebola but most of all theyre worried about the future and the future of their families. They spoke about the need to raise the minimum wage, enact comprehensive Immigration Reform, strengthen public education, make college more affordable and most importantly, getting them back to work. Now that the elections are over we shouldnt waste a single day getting to work on their pryities. Im sure many of you heard the same message about growing jobs, gring the economy and helping the middle class. The American People want an economy that works for them instead of for a Congress Looking to score political points. While the economy is recover, too Many Americans feel left out of that recovery. As we bring this congress to an end, we should renew our commitment to the American People and remember who we were sent here to serve. Thank you, mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. For what purpose does the gentleman from tennessee seize reis . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, so ordered. Mr. Speaker, the Third District of tennessee lost a beloved member of its community, mr. Harold coker. As the first in his family to graduate from college, harold displayed his unique ambition at a young age. In his late 20s he, started his own business, Coker Tire Company new york athens, tennessee. Thanks to harolds hard work and dedication, coker tire expanded into chat noonooga and became the Worlds Largest supply over cars in the world. Mr. Fleischmann mr. Cokers leadership was recognized hroughout the country. Im grateful for the opportunity to have worked with harold and will miss his lively, ambitious spirit. My thoughts and prayers are with his beloved wife lil and their children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Harolds legacy in the Automotive Industry and Tennessee Community will forever be remembered. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from california rise . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore the entlelady is recognized. Mr. Speaker, across the countrymark people will begin their shopping right after thanksgiving between black friday and cybermonday, but Small Business saturday, november 29, gives us a chance to celebrate the locally owned shops in our community. Small businesses make our neighborhoods great. They give our communities character and drive our local economy. Ms. Hahn im proud to support our Small Businesses as a shopper and as a member of the Small Business committee here in congress. When we shop at Small Businesses, almost half the mup we spend stays in our community and supports local jobs. So this holiday season, remember to shop small. It does big things for our community. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back the balance of her time. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from North Carolina rise . Ms. Foxx i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore without objection, so ordered. Ms. Foxx thank you, mr. Speaker. Yesterday, the senate rejected legislation to approve the keystone x. L. Pipeline. Meanwhile, the house has passed legislation to authorize building the pipeline nine times. Theres no good reason to continue to delay this project, which will create tens of thousands of jobs and has strong, bipartisan support. Keystone x. L. Is the most studied pipeline in our nations history. Thousands of pages prove its worth to our economy and National Interest and further document its safety. It will spur job creation, help us on our way to Energy Independence and increase access to affordable north american oil. For more than six year, supports of the keystone x. L. Pipeline have been fighting to secure the necessary approval that would allow the taos take advantage of vital Oil Production in canada and the northern United States. It appears supporters will have to wait a little longer before the Senate Finally acts in americas economic and energy interests. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back the balance of her time. For what purpose does the entleman from california rise . The gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to pay tribute to barnett greer, who lived to be 99 years old and passed away last week. The son of a slave, mr. Grier grew up in charlotte, North Carolina. He was a physicist, a businessman, a teacher, and an author, but it was perhaps the title of civil rights activist for which he was best known. Published hisreer autobiography entitled trek to equality which detailed his familys struggles in riverside, california. When his family was transfered to our community to form the west coast vision of the naval Weapons Research center, the africanamerican family, including mr. Greers, did not receive assistance in their move. Mr. Takano he continued to work in riverside and later founded habitat for hue a habitat for humanity, created a scholarship for local students andest tablied an Advisory Committee on africanamerican students. Barnett greer affected the lives of countless residents and because of his passion and dedication to our community, his memory will undoubtedly live on. Thank you and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. For what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania rise . To address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, so ordered. Thank you, mr. Speaker. President obama is expected to sign an executive order soon regarding illegal immigration. In july 20 11, he said, quote, i know some people want me to bypass congress and change the laws on my own but thats not how our system works, thats not how our democracy functions. A year ago, president obama said, quote if in fact i could solve all these problems without passing laws in congress, then i would do so but were also a nation of laws, thats part of our tradition and what im proposing, he said then is the harder path, to use our democratic processes to achieve the same goal. President obama should reflect on his own words. He should follow the democratic process as reflected in the recent election. Mr. Roth fust a bedrock principle of our nation is the rule of law. That promotes stability and fairness. Will the mr. Rothfus will the president s actions support stability . Will it be fair . Any rule must be fair and must respect the rule of law. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from california rise . Without objection, so ordered. I rise today to urge this chamber to do its constitutional duty and debate a new authorization for use of military force. Mr. Honda eight yeeks weeks ago, the house rushed through an amendment to the continuing resolution to authorize army and training vetted syrian rebels. This is not something we should go into blindly. Its time that this chamber has an informed, robust discussion and debate about the u. S. Role in combating and dealing with isil and other extremely extremists in iraq. In those eight weeks we went through, we have conducted nearly 800 air strikes in iraq and syria and killed nearly 1,000 soldier, terrorists and civilians. We are quickly sliding back into combat in the northeast. It may be necessary to send soldiers to the the region to help but this is not something we should do or go into blindly. Its time for a robust debate. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. For what purpose does the gentleman from South Carolina rise . Mr. Wilson i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and rhett rith my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, so ordered. Mr. Wilson i appreciate the forceful warnings of South Carolinas senior senator, senator gramm who stated that the Administration Needs to understand this Iranian Regime cares more about trying to weaken america and push us out of the middle east than cooperating with us. Until we recognize that reality and formulate a reeg a regional strategy to counter the malign influence, well continue to harm u. S. National security interests, end of quote. The iranians have not earned the right to be trusted despite years of misleading nuclear inspectors and ignoring calls to suspend Nuclear Enrichment while developing ballistic missiles. Credibly, the administration continues to turn a blind eye. Senator gramm promotes approval of any deem diehl reached with iran. Together sanctions should be promoted which will impose and stop further nuclear blackmail and promote the safety of israel and our regional allies. In conclusion, god bless our troops and the president should take action to never forget september 11 and the global war on terrorism. The speaker pro tempore the speaker pro tempore the time of the gentleman has expired. For what purpose does the gentleman from new york rise . Without objection, so ordered. Mr. Higgins mr. Speaker, i rise to recognize the importance of Carbon Monoxide awareness. Each year 400 people die because of Carbon Monoxide poisoning, making it the leading accidental poisoning. This can be lowered because of the installation of Carbon Monoxide warnings in the home. After amandas tragic death, her family created the Amanda Hanson foundation which aims to educate and promote awareness of Carbon Monoxide warnings and for those who cannot afford it get cube detectors. I crube detectors. It is for amanda and for others who unnecessarily died that i am a cosponsor of h. R. 4864, the Carbon Monoxide poisoning prevention act. This legislation would help states and local governments implement education programs, developing training materials and to buy and install c. O. Alarms in cools and in schools and homes. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from texas rise . Mr. Smith i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Smith mr. Speaker, the editorial boards of several National Publications has supported amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants. It is a credit to their intellectual honesty that the media now admit that president obamas threats to use executive orders to undercut immigration laws is wrong and contrary to his constitutional responsibilities. For example, a washington in editorial commented mr. Obamas own words, acting alone is not how our democracy functions, end quote. And, quote, we support mr. Obamas intentions but not doing it on his own because he is tired of working with congress. Even the New York Times said, the president cannot rewrite immigration laws. The media isnt alone. Public opinion polls show a Strong Majority of americans disapprove of the president s issuing executive orders to grant amnesty. The president should listen to the American People, not those who want him to violate his oath of office to uphold the nations laws. The speaker pro tempore the time of the gentleman has expired. For what purpose does the entlewoman from hawaii rise . Ms. Gabbard to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Ms. Gabbard mr. Speaker, i have an active volcano with lava flowing through my district and i want to take this opportunity to tell about two courageous leaders who have been at the heart of a strong, Resilient Community who face an uncertainty uncertain time as the lava flows toward their homes, their businesses. Hawaii county mayor and Hawaii County Civil Defense director have shown incredible leadership, not only in response to this, but also in sponse to hurricane isel and troom hannah and for two months managing this slowing creeping lava flow. All three of these natural disasters have been punishing on this community whose residents continue to unite and show optimism, even with this uncertain future. Billy and darrells tireless work and strong leadership has kept people safe, informed and prepared, even as mother course. Runs her we stand ready as your partners to support the community we both serve and were grateful for your unwavering commitment to them. Thank you very much. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. For what purpose does the gentleman from california rise . Mr. Speaker, i ask to address the house for one minute and i ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, so ordered. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Today i rise in memory and honor of classic county peace officer, husband, father, son and hero. Mr. Lamalfa a graduate of my alma mater, butte college, he dedicated his life to public safety. Coming to the Police Department in 1999 and began working for the department in many capacities, including as an impact weapons instructor and emergency driving instructor, advisor to the Youth Explorer Program as the homicide death dekt for the past 10 years. Recently, october 24, this year, during a horrific crime spree, Michael Davis jr. Was one of two Northern California sheriffs deputy, including Sacramento County Deputy Danny Oliver who lost their lives in the line of duty. As a detective, he may not normally be on this type of call but he answered the call during this high crime spree when a twice deport criminal was running and gunning all up through two different counties. Michael died protecting his community and indeed helped stop this crime spree. Its a tragic loss felt deeply by many in the community, including myself, with the sadness that it brings for all. Protecting the people of plasser county during that duty. Mr. Speaker, i stand today in honoring detective Michael Davis and stand beside his family, including his wife, jessica, and their four children, in their time of sorrow and profound personal loss. God give them strength, healing and peace. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the time of the gentleman has expired. For what purpose does the gentleman from california rise . Mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, so ordered. Mr. Costa mr. Speaker, as this Congress Comes to a close and the 114th begins, im hopeful that we can come together at some time to pass comprehensive Immigration Reform. Unfortunately, time and time again the house leadership is consistently denied a vote on the bipartisan senatepassed reform legislation or not even presenting an alternative measure of its own. The senatepassed plan provides a legal, stable work force for agriculture and critical protections for those who work to put safe, Healthy Foods on our nations dinner table. Each day that our immigration system remains broken, jobs are lost and our economy struggles. It is unacceptable to put political interests above our National Interests. Its time to address Immigration Reform now. The president s actions, mind you, is because this house, its leadership has chosen not to act. I thank you and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. For what purpose does the gentleman from nebraska rise . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore without objection, so ordered. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today to acknowledge National Rural health day which is tomorrow, november 20. The Third District of nebraska contains over 50 critical access hospitals. Rural hospitals are vital to rural areas. Mr. Smith recent reports have stated these facilities are facing a disproportionate rate in closures. This year alone, 43 rural hospitals have closed nationwide. Because of obamacare, we are seeing the beginning of deep cuts to medicare beneficiaries, a major Patient Population to these rural facilities. Rural hospitals are also having to deal with arbitrary regulations, such as physician supervision and the 96hour precertification rule. These facilities simply do not have the power to abide by these regulations while continuing to provide affordable and Efficient Health care. I will continue to fight to ensure our Rural Communities maintain access to quality care, and i appreciate the opportunity to recognize National Rural health day. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. For what purpose does the gentleman from illinois rise . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to recognize Union School District 81, a single School District in joliet, illinois, for winning an award of merit from the Illinois State board of education for outstanding improvement and effort. R. Foster this district has undergone renovation. The school has built its first playground, provided computers to all students in third through eighth grade, all while improving its financial rating. The teachers, administrators, staff, parents and students of Union School District 81 deserve this commendation for their hard work and for their dedication. Id also like to recognize the efforts of superintendent tim baldeman for his dedication of provided top quality education for all of his students. I congratulate them on their important achievement. Thank you and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. For what purpose does the gentleman from california rise . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to urge president obama to take executive action on immigration. I would have loved to have been here today to celebrate the passage of comprehensive Immigration Reform in this house, but this house has refused to hold a single vote. 15 months ago, the Senate Passed comprehensive bill in a bipartisan manner. This bill would have addressed many of the practices with our immigration policies that are simply unsustainable and contrary to our values. By the end of today, about a thousand people will be removed from this country and from their families. Because of this i call on president obama to take bold and meaningful action on immigration. This action will inevitably provide a boost to our national and local economies while helping promote Strong Communities and family unity. Mr. Vargas the president can act within his legal authority, just like president Ronald Reagan did exactly on this issue, to ensure that thousands of mothers and fathers are no longer separated from their children. The president must act and act boldly now. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the time of the gentleman has expired. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from New Hampshire ise . Without objection, so ordered. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Every november we celebrate National Adoption month and National Adoption day to help build awareness of the many children in foster care waiting to find permanent, loving families. Ms. Kuster sadly, more than 100,000 children are waiting for permanent families and have waited for years in foster care. Every year, dozens age out of the system without ever finding a permanent home. As an adoption attorney for 25 years, i know firsthand how important it is to adopt and provide a stable environment for children. Every child deserves loving parents and adoption is a great way to unite a child who needs a home with a loving family. Yesterday i was proud that the New Hampshire bureau of community and Family Support services celebrated National Adoption day with families and Community Leaders to Share Positive adoption stories and draw attention to children in New Hampshire waiting to find permanent loving homes. The families that we are celebrating on National Adoption day and National Adoption month are true heroes. They are opening their hearts and embarking on the ultimate journey of love and commitment. And as a member of both the bipartisan congressional caucus on adoption and on foster youth, i will continue to work with my colleagues to help create a Better Foundation for these precious children to thrive, grow and flourish into independent and squelf adults. Thank you, successful adults. Thank you, mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the time of the gentlelady has expired. For what purpose does the gentleman from california rise . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one inute. Mr. Speaker, today 160 million americans pay into Social Security every day that they work and as a result aknow that they and their families will be protected if they die, become disables, or retire. For most of the 58 million americans who currently receive Social Security, a Social Security benefit check is their most important source of income. Mr. Becerra we recently learned that some nazi war criminals and collaborators slip through the a loophole in our law and are in fact receiving these very same Social Security benefits. I am pleased to join with my dear friend and colleague, mr. Sam johnson, introduce the no Social Security for nazis act which tightly close this is very loophole. As the chairman and Ranking Member of the Social Security subcommittee, mr. Johnson and i have the responsibility to safeguard Social Security and i believe this bill is the right way to do that. Like past congresses, we believe there is no place for holocaust perpetrators in the United States of america and if theres no place for them in our country, then there is certainly no place for them in our crown jewel, Social Security. I hope we can move quickly tone act this legislation before Social Security is required to pay another dime to a nazi war criminal. I thank chairman johnson for his tireless work on this issue and i urge my colleagues to join chairman johnson and i in sponsoring the no Social Security for nazis act. Mr. Speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the time of the gentleman has expired. All time for oneminutes has expired. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the chair will postpone further proceedings today on motions to suspend the rules on which a recorded vote or the yeas and nays are ordered or on which the vote incurs objection under clause 6 of rule 20. Record votes on postponed questions will be taken later. For what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i move to suspend the rules and pass h. R. 5448. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk Union Calendar number 455, h. R. 5448, a bill to amend the john f. Kennedy center tookt authorize appropriations for the john f. Kennedy center for performing arts. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from florida, mr. Mica, and the gentleman from indiana, mr. Carson, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from florida. Mr. Mica thank you, mr. Speaker. First of all, i would like to ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days in which to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on h. R. 5448. The speaker pro tempore without objection. So ordered. Mr. Mica thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield myself as much time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Mica thank you. Mr. Speaker and my colleagues, i bring up a bill, its a simple reauthorization bill, and very pleased to be here actually on behalf of mr. Barletta, we wish him well, hes had some medical issues, he chairs the subcommittee on transportation he is actually cosponsor has the cosponsorship with mr. Carson, but its a bill to reauthorize the Capital Repair and Maintenance Programs at the Kennedy Center. In 2012, i help introd deuce and Congress Passed the last kennedy authorization for the center, and i want to thank, again, the current leader of the transportation committee, mr. Shuster, for his leadership on this issue and also moving this legislation forward and as i said, mr. Barletta has also taken the lead and mr. Carson, from indiana, on this measure. The building of course is a national monument. Its our National Cultural center. And its owned and maintained by the federal government in fact. And its a memorial to the late john f. Kennedy. Now i want to cite in the record, let folks know this, most people dont know this, but the Kennedy Center, the idea that came forth for it was not so much by president kennedy, but it was the foresight and vision of president eisenhower. President eisenhower actually proposed a National Cultural center when he was president. And i had the opportunity when they renovated the Eisenhower Theater several years ago, some of the eisenhower family was there, and they showed clips actually of president eisenhower proposing a National Cultural center. So it was his idea and his vision. W it was named for our slain great president kennedy, but the vision for this, and the interesting, again, the National Cultural center, came from dwathe david eisenhower, our president. I saw actually film, old film of him describing his vision for what we have. The other thing i wanted to say is, since we built the Kennedy Center, and this is a reauthorization, some several years ago, had the opportunity to introduce legislation for the first real expansion, which i understand is now under way, the plans and some of the design, preliminary design. When they built the Kennedy Center, it was the performing arts center, never had an educational component, never had the space that they need system of of all the legislation i participated in, i couldnt be more proud than helping to author the first expansion since we constructed that. This measure, however is a reauthorization for some of their operations, their Capital Repairs and part of our responsibility as the federal government. So capital programs are critical, i might say that in the expansion, there is no federal public money. Its all money thats raised privately. Its also important that we pass this legislation because it provides effective and efficient building operations for the next five years. The amounts authorized in the legislation will help address building inefficiencies that we currently have. It will ensure that the building can continue to operation cost effectively, and also reduce costs for the taxpayers. So those are some of the points that id like to make and ill reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentleman from indiana rise . I wish to address the house and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Carson thank you and thank you to my esteemed colleague chairman mica. Mr. Speaker, im pleased to be an original cosponsor of h. R. 5448, which authorizes the Kennedy Center through fiscal year 2019 for operations, repairs, and capital projects. This authorization levels the authorization levels in this bill are derived from the Kennedy Center 2014 building plan and are supported by this eKennedy Center. The Kennedy Center is first and foremost a president ial memorial. We have a responsibility to fund its maintenance consistent with the dignity of a memorial to the 35th president of the United States of america. Now i strongly believe, mr. Speaker, that allocating funding for proactive maintenance and repairs is in the best interest of our taxpayers. The Kennedy Center is one of the nations busiest arts facilities, it presents more than 2,000 performances annually and hosts thousands of theater goers, visitors and tourists. The Kennedy Center also provides , chairman micas point, Educational Programs for teachers and students from prekindergarten through college across the u. S. This includes a variety of events and activities across the great Hoosier State of indiana. These programs are supported by performance fees and donations and include professional development for arts, teachers, specially designed concerts, and phenomenal Training Programs for talent, Young Musicians and other outreach projects. The Kennedy Center is providing tremendous value to taxpayers through Educational Opportunities and performances promoting their mission of being a National Cultural center. President kennedy once said, after the dust of centuries has will over our cities, we be remembered not for our victories or defeats in battle or in politics, but for our contributions to the human spirit. In conclusion, i want to urge my colleagues to join us in supporting the john f. Kennedy center reauthorization act of 2014 so we can continue this phenomenal work. I yield back, mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from florida is recognized. Mr. Mica in conclusion, mr. Speaker, i ask my colleagues to join us in approval of a bipartisan piece of legislation that again authorizes the Capital Repair costs and maintenance for the Kennedy Center and i have no further speakers and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore all time has been yielded back. The question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h. R. 5448 . Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 being in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. For what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i would move that the house suspend the rules d pass the bill h. R. 5728, stela reauthorization act of 2014. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 5728 a bill to amend the Communications Act of 1974 to extend expiring provisions relating to the retransmission of signals of Television Broadcast stations and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from michigan, mr. Upton, and the gentleman from texas, mr. Green, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from michigan. Mr. Upton i would ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days in which to revise and extend their remarks and insert extraneous materials into the record and on the bill. The speaker pro tempore without objection, so order. Mr. Upton i yield myself such time as i might consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Upton i am pleased to offer yet another outstanding example of bipartisanship and thoughtful policymakering from the energy and Commerce Committee. The stela reauthorization act is an important piece of legislation that ensures that millions of satellite tv subscribers continue to receive broadcast tv programming from their chosen satellite provider. Weve reach aid Cross Party Lines and across the two houses of congress to craft a bill for this, a comp midse bill nor mustpass legislation that a compromise bill for mustpass legislation to improve the marketplace for tv viewers across the country. In addition to the signals provided, it will enhance the video marketplace and allow consumers to access the programming they want, when they want it. These reforms are a prime are prime examples of the kinds of deregulatory changes we are looking at as we work to replace the 80yearold Communications Act. Theyre going to spur investment in communication networks, promote competition, and yes, create needed american jobs. For example, the bill eliminates the costly cable card integration band thats increased the cost of cableleased set top boxes and makes them less energy efficient. Ultimately, this is a double whammy for consumers because after being forced to pay for an unnecessary and antiquated technology, consumers then have to pay a penalty in the form of higher electric bills. Although we eliminated the mandate in the original bill passed through committee, we worked with our Senate Colleagues and agreed to sunset the provision in one year. This will provide time for the f. C. C. To hold a working group on successor solutions to cable card without unduly delaying the benefits to consumers who choose to lease equipment from their cable provider. The bill also evens the Playing Field for all video providers. It seeks regulatory parity for cable and satellite providers when it comes to protecting broadcast signals during neilsen sweeps and provides satellite operators and broadcasters with the opportunity to modify markets like Cable Operators already have the ability to do system of we hope in our updated Communications Act we can find additional ways to elimination regulatory differences that no longer serve a meaningful technical purpose or that distorts business and consumer incentives. The bill provides other positive bipartisan reforms and it is our intent that as we update the Communications Act in the coming congress that it continues along that very same path. That being said, the matter before us is the reauthorization of these provisions for the millions of satellite viewer subscribers that depend on them. The clock is ticking. And the bill will ensure when folks flip on their tvs, yes, their favorite show will be available when they want to watch it. I urge my colleagues to vote for the bill as this congress is quickly drawing to a close. I particularly want to thank the subcommittee on communications and Technology Chair greg walden, Ranking Members henry axman and anna eshoo and judiciary chairman bob good at as well as our respective staffs for their hard work on this important legislation. I also want to thank our Senate Colleagues Jay Rockefeller and john thune for their willingness to work with us to find Common Ground. Im proud of our committees record of bipartisan results and as we work toward the update next year to modernize our nations communication lawers in innovation era, continued cooperation will be critical to that success. Without this bill, without this reauthorization being moving forward, satellite viewers, millions of americans will have those sets turned off. Its important that we reauthorize this bill. Im pleased to do so in a very bipartisan way. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from michigan reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Green thank you, mr. Chairman. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Green mr. Speaker, i rise support of h. R. 5728, the stela act. This is a continuation of our bipartisan efforts this year to ensure that 1. 5 million satellite subscribers dont lose access to the broad programming when the current satellite transmission law expires at the end of this year. To make some targeted reforms to the video marketplace. The bill before us today represents a compromise with our colleagues from the senate and i look forward to working with them to quickly see its passed into the law. In july, the house passed the reauthorize the expiring communications and copyright law that allows households across america access to broadcast content. In addition, the energy and which i serve was able to come to agreement on several key reforms in our video laws to benefit the tv watching public. H. R. 5728 maintains these bipartisan provisions from the bill we adopted in july. In particular, addressing the abuses in the retransmission consent process. The bill prevents two noncommonly owned broadcasters clueding or jointly negotiate for retransmission consent. The energy and Commerce Committee heard extensive testimony about how this practice drives up prices for consumers and potentially threatens access to local broadcast content. I also want to emphasize this language does not permit broadcast stations that are the d commonly owned as to joint agreement. Our colleagues on the senate Commerce Committee included proconsumer reforms. These provisions include an f. C. C. Rulemaking to access the standard for determining whether the parties are negotiating good faith or retransmission consent, a prohibition on broadcasters to permit signals from being carried in local markets and Greater Transparency by retransmission consent payments in the f. C. C. s report on cable rates. H. R. 5728 also makes further changes to the provision that were heavily debated in the house during consideration of h. R. 4572. The bill now extends by six months the deadline for broadcasters to unwind certain joint sales agreements rule which the f. C. C. Tightened earlier this year to address concerns that broadcaster coordination in local markets were undermining localism, economic competition and diversity. Finally, h. R. 5728 reflects further compromise on the f. C. C. s cable settop box rules. The f. C. C. s integration ban, a rule in settop box market will sunset in one year. This wellintentioned rule has not resulted in any kind of Competition Congress envisioned and is actually causing Significant Energy deficiencies in settop boxes. Im pleased that were including an idea to include a working group thats charged with identifying a successful solution. I support further efforts to promote competition in the settop box market and look forward to working with the working group in the f. C. C. On this issue. I want to thank chairman upton and waledon and senators rockefeller and thune. Also, our Ranking Members on our side of the aisle, Ranking Member waxman and eshoo and other democrats on our committee. And i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from michigan is recognized. Mr. Upton mr. Chair, may i ask how much time remains . The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from michigan has 16 minutes remaining. Mr. Upton thank you. At this time i yield three minutes to the distinguished chairman of the telecommunications subcommittee, mr. Walden from oregon. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from oregon, mr. Walden, is recognized for three minutes. Mr. Walden i thank the chairman of the committee and mr. Chairman. The house of representatives passed h. R. 4752, the stela reauthorization vote. Today, after extensive consultation with our colleagues in the senate were offering the second authorization of stelas reauthorization which would include the copyright for distant signal retransmitted by commercial satellite providers for five years. If we dont act to extend these provisions by the end of this congress, there will be a million and a half subscribers to satellite television, including many in my home state of oregon, that just wont have access to broadcast Network Programming come new years day. In bill represents the best of how congress can Work Together and get things done. Todays version of stellar is a compromise bill that incorporates the previous passed provisions. These were passed unanimously by the house earlier this year, with the provisions passed by voice vote out of the Senate Committee on commerce, science and transportation. Now, by coming together to produce legislation with strong bipartisan, bicameral support, we demonstrated our clear commitment to the continued availability of broadcast programming to millions of subscribers and to some targeted and in some cases muchneeded reforms to our communications laws. Specifically, mr. Speaker, this bill sets a date for the sunset of the f. C. C. s ban on cable leased settop boxes. That clears the way for innovation and new investment by lifting an unnecessary Regulatory Burden that has cost the cable industry and its consumers 1 billion, 1 billion, mr. Speaker, since 2007, its cost. I especially want to thank vice chairman bob latta, who is right here, and my democratic colleague from texas, gene green, for their thoughtful, bipartisan work on lifting the integration ban. Now, the bill offers a glide path for those companies that currently rely on cable card and urges the Consumer Electronics manufacturers and mvpds to Work Together to find a next Generation Solution for competitive settop box market. Our bill also opens up the ability for satellite operators to modify local markets so that consumers can receive programming that is relevant to their communities. Broadcasters have long had the ability to reach such agreements with Cable Systems and this creates parody to ensure their programming is reaching the right communities via satellite, regardless of d. M. A. Boundaries. Our bill provides parody by removing a restriction to drop broadcast signals during the nielson sweeps. Additionally, the bill ensures that consumers will be able to access lobalingly relevant broadcast from outside their local markets without interference from plokal broadcasters. Weve also sought to stabilize the retransmission consent regime. This bill prohibits broadcast stations in single markets from negotiating jointly with cable and satellite operators. The bill also seeks to allow policymakers to gather more information on retransmission consent by requiring Cable Operators to report annually on their payments for broadcast programming. This bill also asks the f. C. C. To reexamine the meeting of good faith in retransmission consent negotiations. Importantly, it does not predetermine any outcomes for that rulemaking. The stelar reauthorization act is another example of true bipartisanship with support from all sectors of the communications industry. This type of collaboration has long been the hallmark of our committee and im pleased to see the legislative result before us today. As this congress is drawing to a close quickly, i encourage my colleagues to get this important legislation onto the president s desk and signed into law before the authorization ends at the end of the year. Now, it takes many hands to make this work. This bill is in no particular. I want to thank dave, ray, grace, shawn, margaret and david as well as senate ommerce staff ellen, john, shawn, david and hap. They spent many years working to find Common Ground on this bill, mr. Speaker. And their effort has paid off for consumers. Thank you, again, and i return the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the time of the gentleman has expired. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Green mr. Speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from michigan. Mr. Upton mr. Speaker, id yield two minutes to the distinguished gentleman from louisiana, the republican whip and a member of the committee on energy and commerce, mr. Scalise, two minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from louisiana is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Scalise thank you, mr. Speaker. And i want to thank chairman upton for yielding and for his leadership as well as chairman of the subcommittee walden and the Ranking Members for bringing a good bipartisan bill to the floor that addresses some real problems and starts to lay some groundwork for important future discussions about the video marketplace. Let me first say, mr. Speaker, that the stela reauthorization act will give certainty and ensure that a million and a half satellite customers across the country dont have to fear losing their signal at the end of this year which would happen without passage of this important that immediately we get this resolved so that we dont create that uncertainty across the country. But also, mr. Speaker, why this bill is important is it finally starts to implement some important and muchneeded reforms to our video marketplace laws. Ive been saying this for a long time, if you look at the laws that we have on the books, we have a 21st century marketplace. We have a dynamic industry that has evolved and grown and technology has advanced in a dramatic way. Over the last few decades, but unfortunately the laws have not changed to reflect the current marketplace and we have started that conversation with a few of the provisions in this bill. I was happy to work with the chairman, the Ranking Member and others on some of those provisions and we also talked about the need to have a deeper conversation about a Communications Act update next year in the new congress and i look forward to help work with my colleagues on that. In the meantime, its important we pass this bill and we urge the senate to move quickly as well to create that certainty for those customers all across the country that are counting on us to get it done. Again, i congratulate the chairman, Ranking Member for working in a bipartisan way to bring this bill to the house floor and pass it along and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the time of the gentleman has expired. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Green well continue to reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas continues to reserve. The gentleman from michigan. Mr. Upton mr. Speaker, at this point i will yield two minutes to the vice chair of the subcommittee, mr. Latta from ohio. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio, mr. Latta, is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Latta well, thank you very much, mr. Speaker. And i appreciate the gentleman from michigan, the chairman of the full committee, mr. Upton, for yielding. I rise today in support of h. R. 5728, the stela reauthorization act of 2014. Im pleased to see the bipartisan and bicameral effort that took place to bring forth this mustpass legislation. Through the leadership of chairman upton and chairman walden and with the bipartisan support of Ranking Member waxman and subcommittee Ranking Member eshoo, this legislation underscores the commitment to ensuring that our communication laws maximize the potential for investment, innovation and for consumer choice. Im especially pleased this bill incorporates a bipartisan proconsumer choice to eliminate the settop box elimination ban, similar to i and gene green had in the house. This will foster greater investment and investment in the settop box market. Its clear that integration ban is simply unnecessary and does not reflect the Technological Advancements or consumer demands of today. Which have which has been agreed upon and supported on a bipartisan level, even by the progressive policy institute. I urge my colleagues to vote yes and support this Bipartisan Legislation and, again, i thank the gentleman for yielding and i thank the spoork and i yield back. Thank the speaker and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Green well continue to reserve, mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas continues to reserve. The gentleman from michigan is recognized. Mr. Upton mr. Speaker, ill yield two minutes to the gentleman from the judiciary committee, mr. Marino, two minutes. Mr. Marino mr. Speaker, thank you the speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Marino mr. Speaker, this afternoon the house will consider h. R. 5728, the stela reauthorization act of 2014, to ensure that all of our constituents continue to have access to Network Channels on americas two satellite carriers. Title 2 of the legislation extends the expiring section 119 copyright license for another five years as this committee has done on previous occasions, most recently in 2010. This license ensures that when our constituents do not have access to a if you compliment of television stations, they can have access to distant Network Television stations. This helps ensure that consumers in rural areas, like mine in pennsylvanias 10th congressional district, have the same access to news and Entertainment Options that consumers in urban areas enjoy. Without enactment of this legislation, many of our constituents would potentially lose access to Certain Networks altogether on december 31 when the current license expires. I would like to point out that although numerous stakeholders interested in video issues have contacted the committee on a variety of issues, they all agree this license should not expire at the end of this year. Other issues of interest in this area will be the subject of further discussion as my committee continues its ongoing review of our nations copyright laws. I urge my colleagues to join me in supporting this bipartisan, proconsumer legislation, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Green i yield whatever time he may consume to our Ranking Member on the energy and Commerce Committee, mr. Waxman. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for such time as he may consume. Mr. Waxman thank you for yielding to me. Mr. Speaker, im a strong supporter of sciencebased policies. I have always welcomed expert scientific advice and relied on facts and Scientific Evidence to legislate. But the bill were considering today is not a sound science bill. Its actually an antiscience bill. Of Decision Makers to rely on it would take away the ability published, peerreviewed studies to protect our health and our lanet. Mr. Speaker, thats why im pposed to the next bill. Mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore does the gentleman from texas yield time on this legislation. Mr. Green i continue to yield as much time as my Ranking Member consumes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is now recognized to speak on h. R. 5728. Mr. Waxman well, mr. Speaker, i just want the members to know that im going to put a statement in the record supporting this legislation and urging all of our colleagues to do so rather than enumerate on the reasons why we all support it. I will yield back the balance of my time. If i may have unanimous consent to insert my full statement in the record. The speaker pro tempore without objection, so ordered. The gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from michigan is recognized. Mr. Upton mr. Speaker, i have further speakers and am willing to yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas. Mr. Green i have no further speakers and i yield back my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from michigan. Mr. Upton mr. Speaker, i would yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore all time having expired, the question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h. R. 5728. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 being in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from arizona seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous materials on house bill h. R. 4012. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to clause 6 of rule 18, the chair declares the house in the committee of the whole house on the state of the union for considerationo. R. 4012. The chair appoints the gentleman from tennessee, mr. Duncan, to pro preside over the committee f the whole. The chair the house is in the committee of the whole house on the state of the union for consideration of of h. 4012 which the clerk will report by title. The clerk a bill to prohibit the Environmental Protection agency from processing, finalizing or disseminating regulations or assessments based on science thats not transparent or reproducible. The chair pursuant to the rule the bill is considered read the first time the gentleman from arizona, mr. Is weeker, and the gentlewoman from texas, ms. Eddie bernice johnson, will each control 30 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from arizona. Mr. Schweikert thank you, mr. Chairman. I would like to yield to the gentleman from texas and chairman of the full committee, lamar smith, as much time as he may consume. The chair the gentleman is recognized for as much time as he may consume. Mr. Smith i thank the gentleman for yielding me time. H. R. 4012, the secret science reform act is a short, commonsense bill. It requires Environmental Protection agency to base its regulations on public information. I thank the gentleman from yeads, the chairman of the environment subcommittee, mr. Schweikert for introducing this bill. Costly environmental regulations should only be based on data that is available to independent scientists and the public. However, the e. P. A. Does not adhere to this practice. In fact, nearly every major air quality regulation from this administration has been justified by data that it has kept secret. This means the agencys claims about the benefits of its rules cannot be verified by independent scientists. This incompludes the recent plan to regulate our entire electric system. This proposal will kill thousands of jobs and increase electricity costs. All for no discernable effect on global temperatures. This also includes upcoming ozone regulations which even the Administration Admits will be the most expensive in history. Unaheaveable standards will unachieveable standards will result in economic hardship, stalled projects and burdened local governments. Unfortunately, e. P. A. Clearly sees transparency and accountability as a threat. Speaking before the National Academy of sciences, e. P. A. Administrator mccarthy said her agency needed to, quote, keep the science from those, quote, not call foid analyze it, end quote. But the public deserves better and this administration promised more. In 20124erk president s science advisor testified that, quote, absolutely the data on which regulatory decisions are based should be public, end quote. The chair of e. P. A. s own Science Advisory Board testified that e. P. A. s advisors recommend, quote, that literature and data used by e. P. A. Be Peer Reviewed and made available to the public, end quote. Americans agree, a recent poll from the institute of Energy Research found that 90 of americans believe that studies and data used to make federal government decisions should in fact be made public. Reforms to the e. P. A. s regulatory process are consistent with the data Access Requirements of major scientific journals, the white house scientific integrity policy and the recommendations of independent groups like the administrative conference of the u. S. And a bipartisan policy and the bipartisan policy center. Deans of major universities, former e. P. A. Scientists and the u. S. Chamber of commerce and dozens of experts and organizations all support this bill. A letter from more than 80 scientists and academics stated that, quote, complying with h. R. 4012 can be accomplished without imposing unnecessary burdens, discouraging research, or raising confidentiality concerns, end quote. The signatories include proffsdzors, two former chairs of e. P. A. Science professor, two former chairs of e. P. A. Science committees, statisticians, deevens major universities and environmental scientists. The secret science reform act prohibits the disclosure of confidential or proprietary information and stops the e. P. A. s use of unverifiable science. For those concerned about the regulations on the books this eact is not retroactive. It applies tonl new, future regulations issued by applies only to new, future regulations issued by the agency. It requires home to base their decisions on data which all scientists have access to. Is forces them to base their decisions on quality science that all scientists have access to. This bill ensures the transparency and accountability that the American People want and deserve. I urge my colleagues to support the bill and reserve the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman reserves. For what purpose does the entlelady from texas rise . Ms. Johnson i rise to speak on this bill. The chair the gentlewoman from texas is recognized for such time as she may consume. Miss johnson thank you ms. Johnson thank you very much, mr. Chairman. This bill does not permit me to mince words. This bill is an insidious attack on e. P. A. s ability to use the best science to protect Public Health. And its consideration on the house floor today is the culmination of one of the most antiscience, antihealth campaigns i have witnessed in my 2 years as a member of congress. The genesis of this legislation is the republicans longstanding obsession with two scientific studies conducted by Harvard University and the American Cancer Society. These studies link air pollution with increased illnesses and death. Moreover, those results were confirmed by multiple independent researchers and organizations, including the National Research council and the Health Effects institute. The republican majority has harassed e. P. A. For more than two years in an attempt to get access to the raw data used in those studies. Presumably in an attempt to cast doubt on the conclusion that air pollution is bad for the health of americans and to prevent e. P. A. From trying to keep the air we breathe clean. The e. P. A. Told my republican colleagues that since the studies involved partial Health Information of hundreds of thousands of volunteers, the w data will protect from public disclosure. Even if they were the legal custodian of this data, they could not lawfully handle such sensitive information. Instead, in compliance with the law, e. P. A. Provided the Science Committee with all of the identified data within its possession, which ran into hundreds of pages of data. This was not enough for my colleagues. And so they have decided to pursue this pernicious piece of legislation. Rather than explain the problems with this legislation myself, i will simply quote from a letter we received from the American Lung association and the american thoracic society, two leading and trusted Public Health organizations. They state, the legislation will compel the u. S. Environmental Protection Agency to either ignore the bad science by prohibiting the agency from considering Peer Reviewed research that is based on confidential patient information, or force e. P. A. To publicly release confidential patient information which would violate federal law. This is an untenable outcome that could completely undermine the ability of e. P. A. To perform its responsibilities under the clean air act. And a myriad of other federal laws. The legislation will not improve e. P. A. s actions, rather it will stifle Public Health protections. My colleagues on the other side of the aisle will wrongfully claim that this legislation is consistent with the requirements of major scientific journals, the white houses policy to promote Public Access to federally funded research and recommendations from independent groups like the administrative conference of the United States. This is simply not true. All of those entities recognize the balance between making data public and protecting confidentiality and personal privacy. They do not pay scientists or the e. P. A. Paint scientists or e. P. A. Into the corner and tell them the only way their research can be used or considered is if all their data is available until a form. Let me quote from the deal right here. This is sufficient for independent analysis and substantial reproduction. That raises critical to the understanding of implications of h. R. 401. According to a letter from the American Cancer Society to e. P. A. , they are not aware of any way to create a deidentified version of the Cancer Prevention study two data since sufficient to protect confidentiality of the participants while at the same time allowing a true replica of the studies. And because legitimate researchers like the American Cancer Society must publish their peer review results in a deidentified form, if this becomes law the e. P. A. Will not be able to rely on those important studies to protect Public Health and the environment. d like to quote dr. Ellen silvergeld from Johns Hopkins university. A witness at the hearing the Science Committee held on this bill. She states, if e. P. A. Is unable to access the pier reviewed Peer Reviewed because raw data is not available proposed in the secret science bill, then we move to the dysfunctional situation where the e. P. A. Will be unable to sustain its decisions because these will be based on inadequate or incomplete science. This is not a position that i can support. Let me be clear. This bill is an attempt to constrain the e. P. A. Under the guise of promoting transparency , a diverse set of voices from the scientific Public Health, legal, and Environmental Community agree with me and have criticized this legislation. I have received letters from more than 50 organizations expressing their concern with h. R. 4012, including the American Lung association. The american thoracic society, the American Association of advancement of science, the union of concerned scientists, the association of public and land grant universities, the association of american universities, the Natural Resource defense counsel, and the Environmental Defense fund. Whatever views my fellow members may have about specific e. P. A. Rules and regulations, i would hope that they will see this bill for what it is, a malicious assault on e. P. A. s ability to protect Public Health. Limiting or prohibiting what science e. P. A. Uses as part of this rule making will be a consequence of this bill. The American People deserve better. And i strongly urge my colleagues to oppose this legislation and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady reserves the balance of her time. The gentleman from arizona is recognized. Id like to ask unanimous consent to enter our exchange between the committee on science, space, and technology into the record and the committee on energy and commerce. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans request is covered by general leave. Mr. Schweikert thank you, mr. Chairman. I continue to be stunned at some of the hyperbolic language that seems to be moving around this piece of legislation. Transparency. Its incredibly powerful concept and a very simple one in this aspect. If youre going to make Public Policy, do it by public data and public data for the concept of refinement and creation of Public Policy. Is there anyone in this body when we all ran for office that did not commit to transparency . Well, h. R. 4012 is part of that commitment. If you have faith in our Higher Learning institutions, if you have faith in the American People, this data belongs to them. And partially a one side belief i have is as the crowd has the opportunity to analyze and collect and look at data whether they be from the right, the left, or just academic, well end up with finer crafted solutions. How would any of us know if the e. P. A. Has set optimal rule sets. One of the ways you discover this is by having lots of voices in the mix. This bill keeps that commitment and i have no idea why my brothers and sisters on the left seem to be trying to shut down that commitment to transparency. With that, mr. Chairman, i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from arizona reserves the balance of his time. The chair the gentlelady from texas. Ms. Johnson mr. Chairman, i yield three to four minutes to the Ranking Member of energy and commerce, mr. Waxman, california. The chair the gentleman from california is recognized for four minutes. Mr. Waxman thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Chairman. I am not a member of the Science Committee so i wasnt part of the deliberations, but when a bill is presented as transparency and openness and relying on science, i ask myself, of course. Why would there be a partisan difference on Something Like that . But then we start looking at Different Things to make you wonder if thats what this is really about. This is a bill that came out of the Science Committee and i looked at the list of the supporters, theres not a democrat on the list. As i understand it, the vote was a partyline basis. Would that mean that democrats dont believe in these things, or is Something Else going on . I submit the republicans dont have a lot of credibility when they talk about wanting more science. Because i have seen so many areas where republicans have tried to ignore the science, deny the science. The best example of this irony is when republicans are claiming they are for sound science is that they have had so much antiscience proposals on the house floor that i think even the flat Earth Society recognizes that theres some overwhelming consensus on some things like Climate Change or man is causing Climate Change its a serious threat to our planet that republicans undercut their statement of support for science when they have voted repeatedly to deny the Climate Change exists. Well, we have a republican majority here. Its even a larger majority for the next year. They may be able to write our nations laws, but they cant rewrite the laws of nature. The list of antiscience votes in this body is that this body has cast is embarrassing. House republicans voted to defund the u. S. Contributions to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Leading International Body assessing the science of Climate Change. They voted to bar u. S. Funding for the global Climate Change initiative which funds u. S. Efforts to understand Climate Change. They voted to eliminate funding for e. P. A. s Greenhouse Gas reporting rules so scientists would not be able to track emissions. House passed budgets have repeatedly slashed funding for our nations leading sciencebased agencies like n. I. H. , National Science foundation, arpae which invests in cutting edge Energy Research. And in the energy and Commerce Committee, despite requests that were repeatedly made to the chairman of the full committee and the chairman of the energy subcommittee, they wouldnt even allow a hearing where scientists could come in and talk about the issue of Climate Change. Now we have a bill where the republicans are saying they want science. They want more transparency. They want more openness. I looked into this and this is a fight about something that happened quite controversial some years ago at e. P. A. When those who are against e. P. A. Tion claim that e. P. A. Shouldnt rely on the science unless all the information were put out, including confidential information that served as the basis for some of the scientific conclusions. By the scientific conc were not refuted, and in fact they were reaffirmed in other studies. They are not scientifically invalid. But if this bill passed, the conclusions based on the evidence which cannot be made public, because it interferes with peoples confidential in would not be available would the gentlelady yield one additional minute . The chair the gentleman is recognized for one additional minute. Mr. Waxman so what we are seeing is something that sounds good from a party that has no credibility to say that there is more scientific information. What they would do is limit what e. P. A. Would be able to use to determine based on the science what the regulations pronouncements could be. They would keep information away from e. P. A. And keep e. P. A. From tacting. I want to urge my colleagues to oppose this from acting. I want to urge my colleagues to oppose this bill and underscore that this is not proscience policy. It seems to me its antiscience and making it difficult for Government Act to stop pollution, which can hurt Peoples Health and destroy the atmosphere in our planet. Thank you, mr. Chairman. The chair the time of the gentleman has expired. The gentleman from arizona is recognized. Mr. Schweikert i yield three minutes to the gentleman from illinois, mr. Hultgren. The chair the gentleman is recognized for three minutes. Mr. Hultgren i thank my colleague, thank you, mr. Chairman. I rise in support of h. R. 4012 and i thank the gentleman from arizona and the chairman of the Science Committee for bringing this important legislation to the floor. H. R. 4012 is a critical step in restoring the public trust necessary for e. P. A. To accomplish its core mission. Transparency was a Campaign Promise by the president. We can help the president follow through on one of his goals. This should be important for anybody who believes the government is accountable to the people we serve. This follows a basic tenet that nearly all americans agree that Public Policy should be influenced by public science. Unfortunately, its been something e. P. A. Scoffs at. This must change. The president continues to use his regulatory agencies to by pass the will of the legislature in a numb of cases and policy from e. P. A. Has been one of the worst offenders. Everyone here believes in clean air, clean water and necessary regulations but what we have now is a Regulatory Agency attempting to put in place legislation which this congress previously rejected in prior sessions. This is not government thats working for you. Americans also believe in clear laws an a fair judicial system where both sides can state their case and an adequate resolution can be found. This is why this closed door regulatory approach is so frightening. When someone accuses you of a crime in a court of law they must stand before a court and make that claim. Your deposition is given to both sides and you cannot hide behind secret testimony which is only given to the prosecutor. This is what we have now happening at e. P. A. E. P. A. Legislates through regulations and the defendant has no chance to see where e. P. A. s claims are coming from. It is time for the American People to see behind the curtain and it isen just to continue using claims from the agency that cannot be contested only because they cannot be seen. I would also like to correct unfounded claims made by opponents of the legislation. Nothing disallows e. P. A. From using the most up to date scientific information to make Public Health decisions. It would be my hope that the Research Institutions would make this available but it would ultimately be their decision, whether or not e. P. A. Could use their data. If i dedicate midlife to studying these complex issues, i would want to make sure it could be used. The other claim is that this bill will make public personal Health Care Information which could be against the law. This legislation makes clear that nothing in this bill requires the public dissemination of information, the disclosure of which is prohibited by law. The data sets must only be made available in a manner that is sufficient for independent analysis and substantial reproduction of research results. Numerous congressional hearings and testimony from experts made it clear that this information can easily be made anonymous. This is how data sets are presented to the peer review community and published for journals already. This is the transparency the American People deserve. They should no longer be held guilty from data they cant see or black box Economic Analysis deem prod pry tear. Thats why i urge my colleagues to support this bill and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the time the chair the time of the gentleman has expired. The gentlewoman from texas. Ms. Johnson thank you, mr. Chairman. I yield two minutes to the second most Senior Member on the null exe full committee on the democratic side, ms. Zoe lofgren. The chair the gentlelady is recognized for two minutes. Ms. Lofgren i oppose this bill. I believe that the socalled secret science act is in fact a direct attack on american science. Im a very strong supporter of transparency in government as well as in science and in soil con valley, where im from, we believe more data in more hands benefits everybody. But i think this bill is not in fact an open data bill. It will be a data reduction bill. It doesnt give the e. P. A. Greater authority to provide the radha ta it uses, it actually reduces the kinds of data that can be used by prohibiting the e. P. A. From use anything data that cant be current by be publicly released that sounds reasonable except that in fact theres some data that you cant release under current law. Medical records. Confidential business data. Trade secrets. All of which, if made publicly available, would run afoul of various provisions of law. I believe that we could Work Together on a bipartisan basis to figure out how to fix the barriers to release of data while maintaining necessary confidentiality for some data. And i think we should all agree on that i want to point out another way that the bill is a problem, and thats the additional cost that is going to study. Rred per the estimate, according to c. B. O. Is that the there will be an additional 10,000 to 30,000 added per study and that means that if this bill were to become law, it would cost an additional 500 million to 1. 5 billion per year to do science studies. I dont believe id love to be disappointed but i dont believe that the republicans intend to add additional funding to the e. P. A. To cover the cost of the science studies that this bill would create. And in fact, this bill does not address that issue. So what this would do would be o actually cut the number of science studies that the e. P. A. Is table do. I think that that is a result that would be very unfortunate for the country and what we need is more science, not less. I yield back. The chair the time of the gentlelady has expired. The gentleman from arizona. Mr. Schweikert i yield two minutes to the gentleman from texas, mr. Weber. The chair the gentleman is minutes. For two mr. Weber mr. Speaker, our constituents have a right to know whether e. P. A. s regulations are based on sound science and do these regulations actually benefit the American Public . The secret science reform act which i have cosponsored is a simple and straightforward message to government bureaucrats that they cannot propose costly new regulations without the transparency that the American People deserve. Now, it makes you kind of wonder, if the opponents of this legislation, like mr. Gruber, believe that the American People are too stupid to understand the costly impact of the e. P. A. s overreaching regulations. Trust me when i say americans are not stupid and they deserve and demand the truth from the start. I wonder how many opponents of this bill, when given a bad prognosis from the doctor would say they dont care about the details or the data. Thats interesting. E. P. A. s regulatory agenda should not be based on secret science and 30yearold data in order to sell it to the American People. It is long pastime that congress increases the transparency of the e. P. A. This legislation will do exactly that by prohibiting the e. P. A. From proposing or finalizing regulations based upon a science that is neither transparent nor available for review. I want to thank chairman smith and congressman schweikert for bringing this important legislation to the floor today and i yield back the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman yields back. The gentlelady from texas. Ms. Johnson before i yield to my next speaker, i would like to put into the record a series of letters from outside groups opposed to this legislation, including the American Lung association, American Association for the advancement of science, league of conservation voters and many others. In addition, id like to place a statement of Administration Policy threatening a veto of this bill into the record. And finally, i place into the record some committee correspondence as well as correspondence we receive fled e. P. A. Regarding the issues relating to this bill. And now, i yield two the chair the gentleladys requests are covered by general leave. The gentlewoman from texas is recognized. To yield time. Ms. Johnson id like to yield two minutes to the gentlelady from massachusetts, ms. Clarke. The chair the gentlewoman is recognized for two minutes. Ms. Clark thank you, mr. Chairman. The bill before us today is a wolf in sheeps clothing. Its a dangerous attack on the power of knowledge. Supposedly this bill prevents the Environmental Protection agency from using secret science to issue regulations. Supposedly, by requiring the e. P. A. To only consider publicly available data when drafting regulations, this bill will make the e. P. A. More transparent. Mr. Chairman, nothing could be further from the truth. Science has shown over and over that air pollution causes health sprobs problems such as asthma. This is not a disputable fact. Scientists have spent years comparing data on air pollution with data on health problems. The results are clear. Theyve been replicated. Theyve been Peer Reviewed. And the e. P. A. Has issued regulations accordingly. But the data in these studies cannot be made public without risking the violation of the privacy of americans who voluntarily participated in them by releasing their personal Health Information. Rather than argue with the indisputable facts on air pollution a losing bet, this bill attempts to discredit the science as secret, when in fact theres nothing secret about it. The only secret here is the true intent of this bill. A dangerous attack on science itself. For this reason, i have cosponsored an amendment proposed by mr. Kennedy. The amendment clarifies that nothing in this bill will prevent the e. P. A. From using sound, peerreviewed science to. One cannot oppose that without opposing science itself. Science has brought us to the moon, it has brought us the electric light bulb, and yes it demonstrates a link between air pollution and asthma. The American People rely on us to make decisions based on facts and not to legislate away facts that are politically inconvenient. I yield back. The chair the gentleladys time has expired. The gentleman from arizona is recognized. Mr. Schweikert thank you, mr. Chairman. May i inquire on the time. The chair the gentleman from arizona has 19 1 2 minutes. The gentlewoman from texas has 14 minutes remaining. Mr. Schweikert thank you, mr. Chairman. I would like to yield two minutes to the gentleman from illinois, mr. Roskam. The chair the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Roskam its interesting to listen to this debate you hear one hyper bollic statement after another from members on our other side. Two have used the claim this is antiscience. One has said this is a wolf in sheeps clothing. Mr. Chairman, it makes you wonder, doesnt it, why the defensiveness . Why the defensiveness about transparency, why the defensiveness about the truth, why the defensiveness about more participation as it relates to science, and heres the answer. Theyve got to defend something, mr. Chairman, and theyve got to defend something that is indefensible. What they have to defend is the orthodoxy that allowed the other side to create obamacare and the architect of obamacare, jonathan gruber, said this is a tortured way to make sure c. B. O. Scores it this way and so forth and so on and they basically had to trick and manipulate and so forth. So the irony is the very folk whors claiming to shroud themselves in the folks who are claiming to shroud thems in the truth are doing the exact opposite. Heres the pointism represent manufacturers. I represent all kinds of people who are in business, who are in science, mr. Chairman. What they want is to be table participate in this process. They want to know that the regulations being foisted upon them from washington, d. C. At least are based on good science. And are not based on bumper stickers and other nonsense. They want to make sure that the Decision Making is transparent and that it makes sense. S that great bill. We should all vote for it and i yield back. The chair the gentleman yields back. The gentlewoman from texas is recognized. Ms. Johnson thank you, mr. Chairman. To like to yield two minutes the one scientist we have with a ph. D. In physics in our body who is retiring as of next year will. Ecome the c. E. O. The chair the gentleman from new jersey is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Chairman, i thank my good friend from texas. And i rise in opposition to this legislation. The bill concerns me not only about the interference with protection of Public Health but also the harm it would do to science. Mr. Holt and the science process. In sum, h. R. 4012 would prohibit the e. P. A. From using any scientific studies that are not publicly available and cannot be independently reproduced. Now while this sounds vir chouts and laudable, it is at best a blatant misunderstanding of how scientists operate, of the peer review process, and a violation of Health Privacy laws and an affront to science. I see the other side its not a violation of Health Privacy laws, because anything that violates Health Privacy laws wont be used. Well, thats the point. I would like to introduce into the record a letter from the federation of American Society of experimental biology dated november 4 which says the proposed legislation is so broad that it could be used to prevent the implementation of nearly any regulation by the Environmental Protection agency. These are not partisans talking about this. These are people who want the science used so that we have good regulations. They are not trying to nterfere with e. P. A. s work. Consider epidemiology. This is the science that investigates the patterns in disease and health like trying to understand the spread of diseases like ebola or an understanding why smoking causes cancer. Now, not surprisingly collecting these epidemiological data requires getting information that is legally prohibited from disclosure under the Health Privacy legislation. Data about illness and dream and Family History and so forth. In h. R. 4012 says e. P. A. Must use studies where the information is public, it is saying e. P. A. May not use, many, perhaps most epidemiological studies because researchers are prohibited legally from making their data publicly available. So there is no question that h. R. 4012 strips e. P. A. The ability to use best available science. May i have another minute . The chair the gentleman is recognized for an additional minute. Mr. Holt were it to become law, studies that might be used on regulations to keep Drinking Water safe or to prevent exposure to dangerous pesticides or other chemicals would be null and void. Lets be honest. The not so hidden motivations behind this are to restrict the aof academic independent science and to strengthen the hand of bias industry input. Its entitled to secret science act, which is a direct aspersion on science and the peer review process. It suggests that scientists are conspirators in lab coats. Trying to pull one over. And bring in unnecessary regulations. Everyone wants transparency. Reproducibility. Accountability. The science community, the publications, the universities, the funding agencies. Are working on this all the time. They dont need this help, so to speak, from congress. Science is a system of progress toward knowing whats right. It is better than the private marketplace or industrial manipulation. Lets let science work. The chair the time of the gentleman has expired. The gentleman from arizona. Mr. Schweikert id like to yield three minutes to the gentleman from kentucky, mr. Massie, and my brother who went to myth and knows something on the m. I. T. And knows something p on the subject. The chair the gentleman from kentucky is recognized for three minutes. Mr. Massey i rise in support of h. R. 4012. Before i came to washington i spent six years studying science, math, and engineering at m. I. T. And we were taught there, and we learned very well that transparency and reproducibility are the basic tenets of science. In fact one of the favorite things i learned this comes from engineering where you apply science, its without facts, all you have is an opinion. And thats what the other side needs to learn today. They are hiding behind this false narrative. Unfortunately, that the e. P. A. Will be unable to use certain data because they would have to release confidential or private information. This is patently untrue. Cfpb, census bureau, which one of these organizations does not collect data that has sensitive and private information it . Yet they still use the data. They can still disclose the data and its transparent and we can look at it. This is a solvable problem. The National Academy of sciences in 2005 said, nothing in the past suggests that increasing access to Research Data without damage to privacy and confidentiality rights is beyond scientific reach. In fact, id like to introduce into the record a memorandum from the president s own o. M. B. On to the executive heads of departments and agencies that encourages more transparency, this is a may 9, 2013 memorandum. The chair the gentlemans request will be covered by general leave. Mr. Massie clearly we have the same goals as the administration so i dont understand why the other side is against this. This member yum from the president s own o. M. B. Says making information resources accessible, discoverable, and usable by the public can help fuel entrepreneurship, innovation, and scientific discovery, all of which improve americas lives and contribute signaturely to job creation. Are they worried . Are they worried you cant release data . That youll violate somebodys privacy or confidentiality . They are not. The president s own o. M. B. Director references the standards that we have. This is where science is. Its about standards. Its about units of measure. Its about numbers. We have standards for this. The nist has standards for guidelines and definitions for releasing data while maintaining confidentiality, integrity, and availability. So they are clearly hiding behind a fault narrative. The e. P. A. Administrator, ms. Mccarthy, said in march, 7, 2014th letter, to congress, that the agencys efforts ultimately resulted in the c. D. C. Reaching the conclusion that all the Research Data could be reached out the identification. There is a false narrative here. I dont know how the other side who purports to be for science and i am for science, this is my background, i dont know how the other side can make these arguments with a straight face, mr. Speaker. I would just say the American People would be better served with access to this data. I support the bill and yield back. Thank you. The chair the gentlemans time has expired. The gentlelady from texas. Ms. Johnson thank you, mr. Chairman. I yield three minutes to the oregon, ms. Om bonamici, who is Ranking Member on the environmental subcommittee. The chair the gentlelady from organizeon is recognized for three minutes. Ms. Bonamici i rise in strong opposition of h. R. 4012, the secret science reform act of 2014. A short bill with a long list of problems. I applaud the sponsor of the bill, mr. Schweikert, the chairman of the environmental subcommittee, for his goal on transparency. Transparency is something our constituents care about and deserve. But transparency is something we should accomplish through collaboration with and input from the scientific community. This bill, unfortunately, passed out of the Science Committee on a partyline vote and is opposed for good reasons, by Research Institutions and scientists from across the country. As a cornerstone of its regulatory process, the e. P. A. Relies on Peer Reviewed science conducted by the brightest minds in our nations universities and other research organizations. The e. P. A. Already publicly discloses the studies that support regulatory action. Large cohort studies like the American Cancer Society and harvards sick city studies which made an association between air pollution and mortality. Are vital to the agency. These studies that were Peer Reviewed have, since they were conducted, been subject to reanalysis with their findings confirmed. This secret science reform act, which looks simple on its face, will actually encumber if not eradicate the e. P. A. s ability to perform its most fundamental duties. Protecting americans from significant risk to human health and the environment. The e. P. A. Would only under is bill be able to rely on publicly available data and studies that are reproduceable, making it virtually impossible to use many reports and other sources of scientific data. I want to add that this act also perpetuates the incorrect notion that the science relied on by the e. P. A. Is somehow hidden. Its not. This misconception is based on conflated meanings of secret and confidential. One thing should be made clear in this debate. None of the information used by the e. P. A. Is secret. Some information may be confidential if it includes, for example, the personal Health Information of millions of americans who participated in a study about air quality. Finally, another concern about this act is that it attempts to block access to good science in part because the Science Committee majority has not been able to obtain data it requested through a subpoena. Data containing the personal Health Information of millions of americans that was part of the harvard sick and american cancer studies. The e. P. A. Responded to that subpoena with all of the information in its possession that it was legally authorized to provide. Boxes and boxing and stacks and stacks of data and information and apparently that was not enough. Now the secret science reform act is going farther. With killing consequences for the e. P. A. And for every american who deserves to enjoy clean air and clean water. Lets bring back common sense. Using the personal Health Information of americans is a bargaining chip is unacceptable. I strongly urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to oppose this legislation. Lets go back to the drawing board, work collaboratively to make this a better bill, and let the e. P. A. Go back to protecting the Public Health of americans. I yield back. The chair the gentleladys time has expired. The gentleman from arizona virginia tech. Mr. Schweikert may i inquire into time remaining . The chair the gentleman from arizona has 15 minutes remaining. And the gentlewoman from texas has eight minutes remaining. Mr. Schweikert i would like to yield two minutes to the gentleman from ohio, representative johnson. The chair the gentleman from ohio is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Johnson thank you, mr. Speaker. Today i rise in strong support of h. R. 4012, the secret science reform act of 2014. This much needed legislation will finally start to shed light for the American People on the underlying science that the e. P. A. Uses to justify their new rules and regulations. Not only would the e. P. A. Have to share the evidence they are using on the science they are using on the rules, but they would have to specify the need for the rule. But most importantly, the results. E. P. A. s analysis would have to provide enough information so that the public can independently reproduce the results so that we can check the e. P. A. s work. As travel up and down my district, i hear a common theme over and over again. At almost every stop these companies are telling me they are dealing with new or proposed rules coming out of the e. P. A. Whether its a mom and pop Brick Manufacturing company in International Steel manufacturing company, or coalfired power plant, they are all dealing with new and very costly new and e. P. A. Rules. If the e. P. A. And the environmentalists get their way, some of these companies will simply go out of business because the rules are unattainable and they apparently dont move the needle toward improvements in Public Health. I say apparently because we dont have all the facts and data that the e. P. A. Is using to justify these new rules and we cant validate and verify what they are telling the public. Thousands of direct jobs and tens of thousands of indirect jobs are at risk because of these proposed and pending rules. We owe it to these hardworking men and women to share the science with the public so we can verify what the e. P. A. Is saying before they lose their jobs over unverified studies. I urge all of my colleagues to vote for this legislation and with that i yield back the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentlewoman from texas. Ms. Johnson i reserve at this time. The chair the gentlelady reserves her time. We go back to the gentleman from arizona. Mr. Schweikert thank you, mr. Chairman. I would like to yield two minutes to the representative, mr. Cramer the chair the gentleman from north dakota is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Cramer you thank you, mr. Chairman. Thank you for yielding. My colleagues and the sponsor have done a good job of describing what the bill is and what it does and what and why its necessary. I want it talk a little bit about whats at stake. I think the first thing we have to consider thats at stake is the unilateral disarmament of the american economy. By virtue of destroying our global competitiveness. Its an interesting time to talk about it. Our president just came back from making a deal in china, a climate deal in china where the chinese are allowed to continue to pollute for 16 years, create more jobs of their own, and take some of ours while we put standards and requirements, emission requirements on our industries that wont be able to keep up and put our jobs at risk. In my own state of north dakota there are 4,000 wega watts of low megawatts of low cost electricity and the jobs it creates and the competitiveness that that electricity provides for our economy thats at stake. All based on e. P. A. Rules, they are based on some 1970s decades old data and studies that are only available to the bureaucrats. We have, for example, in a brick plant in hebron that is subject to the mack rule a. Rule based on studies that are tightly held again and only visible to the bureaucrats. Acres of ntless private farmland and ratchland in our state and the states around us that have been owned its ely for generations, up for grabs if this waters of the u. S. Rule continues to go forward, a rule that inquiry by the science and Technology Committee to find, to get, to repeal the secret maps that the e. P. A. Was creating as part of this massive land grab. It comes down to this, mr. Chairman, we are at a time in our country when there is very, very low confidence in the public. In our government. Lets restore americas confidence and americas government. And lets provide the one great

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