Transcripts For CSPAN Voters With Disabilities And Campaign

CSPAN Voters With Disabilities And Campaign 2016 August 13, 2016

Before i say a prayer, i just want to say that i have seen an shot wounds in the hospital. Ive had to been be with family members, and it is such a dramatic thing. Any kind of hate is dramatic. Ask for everyone to bow their heads. God, you come to us in many forms and many voices. We know that you are sophia, wisdom. We know that you are a rock, our rock in times of desperate needs. I pray for all the people here today that serve a common purpose. I pray for all those that have lost family members to gun violence. That arer all those subjected to any kind of violence to any kind of hatred. Scripture and in other faiths and religions that span the world, the one thing that we know you are is love. We know that you accept all of us, no matter who we are. That you love each of us so dearly. You guide a speech day in our lives. , pray today for everyone here for families, for the world. , pray for our Nations Capital and the hatred we are experiencing right now as a result of this president ial campaign. We ask that you help us overcome everything, and that we lean on one another. But we know to be true is that he begins in the home. We come out loving, loving creatures. Help each of us to raise our children, friends, family and love. Love conquers all. I ask all these things in your name. I asked you guide everyone as they leave this place today. , back homeome safe to our family and friends. Help us to spread but we know you to be, and that is love. Amen. [applause] [no audio] gentlemen [applause] thank you. Good afternoon. My name is aurora sexton. I am a writer, performer, a newfound activist. I am a american. Like you, i am here because there is something profoundly wrong happening in our society. I can no longer bury my head in the sand, hoping someone else will find a solution. I grew up in the picturesque state of colorado. Not very far from the columbine massacre. Inntered my teenage years the wake of the Denver University campus shootings. I began finding out who i was as a person, as i dared witness to the murder of matthew shepard. Growing up in the Lgbtq Community, isolate my own eyes the pain and violence and foot i saw with my own eyes the pain and violence that my friends experienced. Push theirs that children into conversion therapy or push them out onto the street. My community is a bright, vibrant tapestry made up of people of every age, color, creed, gender, orientation, and walk of life. Seeking nothing more than a place of refuge, love, acceptance, and a family. That is what made the shooting at pulse nightclub so horrific. 49was not just a beautiful brothers and sisters that we lost. It was not just the shattered feeling of safety. Aftermath that some people praised the worst mass shooting in modern american history. 49 less sodomites in the world. I think that is a good thing. Wish he had killed more i think all homosexuals should be lined up and shot. What kind of country are we living in where that disgusting display of heartless vulgarity is ok or acceptable . What kind of country are we living in where our conservative electorate officials cannot even acknowledge that the pulse victims were lgbtq . Senate majority leader mitch any number ofted days when top rate talking about the massacre. , pam bondi, and rick scott of florida jumped in front of the cameras before the bodies of our brothers and sisters had gone cold to stain their sadness and concern for the gate immunity that they had Gay Community that they have worked against for the entirety of their political careers. To them i say, shame on you. [applause] these pop these people have fostered an ingrained the belief transgender women like myself and the many odb qqq people i represent our creditors and would be many lgbtq people that i represent our [erd rs are predators. If i have been, on a long flight, and i and running to the bathroom, i am not going to look under stall. It is the same politicians that continue to ignore the need for background checks and Mental Health evaluations. The same that ignore the mountain of evidence and dead bodies. The same that refuse to acknowledge that semiautomatic weapons of war that modem people like blades of grass do not belong on our street. That the elected officials do not speak for america. We speak for the country, and we demand reform now. [applause] i want to make something perfectly clear. I am not against owning a gun or the right to defend yourself. I live in nashville, tennessee. As commonere guns are as biscuits and gravy. I will admit, they made me nervous at first until i was trained to fire one. If i so desired, i could lead to sleep legally purchase one. I would have no problem submitting to a background check or Mental Health evaluation to get one. Just like what 90 of the American Public are asking for. Dismantle theto second amendment. I am not here because i want to be. Im here because i want must be. [applause] i have the honor and distinction of serving my community this year as miss gay usa. I can afford transgender women how toortunity to see make a positive impact on the algae bt q communities we work with lgbtq communities we work with. I cannot stress enough, there is a lot of work to be done. Last year was the highest murder rate on record for transgender people in the United States, specifically transgender women of color. Thanks to heightened visibility in mainstream society, lgbtq people are now disproportionately [no audio] orlando was a shocking wakeup call. A painful reminder of the long history of violence and hate that our community has endured for decades. Didvictims of that night not ask to be martyrs for a cause. They did not have a gay agenda. They did not want to shove their lifestyles down anyones throat. Theirimply wanted to live lives as who they were born to be. To live in this incredible country where we are taught that you can be anything you want to be. No matter what side of the aisle you sit on, i think we can all desk at a were in a point in our nations history that we can plunge into the that we are in a point in our nations history where we can plunge into the hate that we see , and still remind ourselves what make us decent and good. We cannot solve our problems we can startt being a little more kind to each other. Having an open mind to people that we do not agree with or understand. We can put the lives of our fellow man before party and profit. That is the america i know. That is the america i love. That is the country i am proud to be a part of. We are all in this together. Thank you so much for your time. Got bless america. And you. Thank you. [applause] thank you so much for your time. Everyone am a grab some water and ice. Grab some water and ice. Look out for each other. Make sure the heat is not getting to you. That you so much. Please welcome to the stage emy. An chronic jer jeremy good morning. My name is jeremy. Im a student at ohio state university, and i and a founding chair of the students united against gun violence. We are a Young Organization in our recent formation and demographic. After the tragic that took place june, ido, florida in felt as though i could not hear the news of any more violence and not take action. In talking with other students, we realized that our voice had to be represented in this fight against gun violence. That we needed to do something. So we did. E founded students united even before this coming school year has begun, we are engaging thousands of students, their peers, family members, and friends. Activefocused on being participants in the National Dialogue of making change, while also working on local initiatives where we havent students on the ground. We are not a token youth voice. We are an equal voice in this conversation commanding change on this issue. This is so important. It is so important, because students and young people are disproportionately affected a gun violence. We experience this on college , andses, in movie theaters nightclubs, and in the intercities around our country. Rarely a part of the conversation and doing something about it. The youth need a voice at the table when it comes to solving the issues that bring about gun violence. We are making that happen. We are incredibly proud of so many students here today from all across the country, joining you at disarming hate 2016. Young people do not ask for change. We demand it. We demand it, and we think big. Some people would call this naive. Some would call it childish. I call it hopeful. We do not accept the notion of the status quo. We work to break the fixation on how things have always been in order to find better ways to solve the problems of our world. This is so vital in our work on preventing and violence. We are consistently told by politicians, gun lobbies, that gun violence is too complex to solve. While i agree it is a complicated issue, we know that we can change mindsets on opponents about gun reform could. N doing so about gun reform in doing so, we can change the nation. Sadly, that is not the reality we live in today. It is not hard to see that guns ourletting the streets of cities. It is not complicated to understand that 33,000 americans will die at the hands of firearms this year. It is not complicated to see that there are politicians in the pocket of the nra, and that they care more about their Campaign Donations then keeping their own constituents alive. We must work every day to convince the hearts and minds of all americans that we can come together and find solutions. Most young people look to the future with hope. We must cap into this sentiment in order to inspire action with look, i am standing here today as a heterosexual white male from the suburbs. The gun violence of the inner city will most likely never reach my doorstep. And, the gun violence of hate will most likely never reach my doorstep. But, this does not mean i will turn a blind eye to injustice. Happenseeply about what in our country and i care deeply about the right to live free of fear for all people. Through my leadership with students united against gun violence, im willing to make that a reality. Such a Diverse Group of people together today, im reminded of a scripture about the fight against injustice. Willys, the good in us win, over all the wickedness, over all the wrongs we have done, we will look back at the pages of history, and be amazed, and laugh, and sing, and the won. N us will have our hearts beat with certainty that there is a mountain called zion and all the suffering will gather there and become song. Wringing out from every corner from and to end, the nations full spirit. Ike the caravan in the desert disarm hate 2016 on this august morning, i ask you, do our hearts beat with certainty . Yes i believe that day and hour is now. We will look back at the pages of history and be amazed that, today, gathering here today we started a movement that will rank out into every corner of f the earth from end to end. Today, gathering here our nation and elected officials us. Hear it is not time to despair, my friends. It is time to hope, for we have too much work to do. [applause] gentlemen, cathy. [applause] position quilt takes its from the aids quilt. The aids quilt moves our country from fear to connection. Since 1987, 54 tons of aids quilt has been made and are exhibited. Quilt us. Ids , it is a encourage effort to policymakers to change. Invest in one year, panels have been made by people ages three to 96, including survivors of violence and even by the men in the san quentin prison and San Francisco. 60 views and veterans youth and veterans in chicago are. Aking panels when people share their visions vent gunw to pre violence, they make an investment in change. They move from hopelessness to action. Vision quote inspires action. A gun owner from generations of gun owners made this panel. Be the change, together we can prevent gun violence. Panel whichte this in the suffering on both sides of the trigger. After orlando, someone wrote, disarm hate. Panels are made in the town, they stay there. They are exhibited in community centers, schools, libraries, places of worship, and used in marches and rallies like this one. So, members of a church in San Francisco are wearing these panels when the two silent protest outside gun shows in the day area. We need to move our country from fear to connection. We have a crisis of imagination in this country. Hat we imagine, we can create we can change or country. The power of art brings people together. We invite all of you to embrace quotes. Beginning in your town or city. The panels will do the work for you. Can prevent gun violence. Join us. Bless you all. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, mrs. Spears and family. For joining so much us. I am here, audit today to speak of behalf of my family print i am a d. C. Public School Teacher and so honored to be speaking for you today. This has been a heartbreaking summer for nation. We have seen people of color continue to be the victims of police violence. We had seen police shot by a sniper while working at a peaceful protest. It should not be this way. Has enough guns for every Single Person to have one. That is enough. Tos does not even begin include the devastating massacre and ourn a landowner brothers and sisters at a nightclub in orlando. Not include the everyday gun violence we see in our communities. As a queer woman, the orlando massacre shook me to my core. My like sina and queer heritage more shaking. E afraid to share in the open about who i am and who i love until now. Attack on therst Gay Community in my lifetime. We are not afraid to take a children to queer evans for fear that there may be willing to harm us. It should not be this way. The simple truth is it is far too easy for violent people to get guns. We now live in a country with over 300 million guns and circulation. That is enough for every man, woman, and child to have one. It is more than enough. As far as im concerned, we should stop there. Permeated every space of our society. I have to worry, as a teacher, School Experience the School Shooting . Will my Young Children have to shooting aschool well . It should not be this way. We have fear when we go to a movie or out dancing. We have to be afraid that we may be the target of someones guns. We may be found on the other side of someones guns. It should not be this way. Shooting as well . Im scared, heartbroken and angry that this is where we are as a country. More than anything, im determined that we have to speak implement stronger background checks. Get military grade assault weapons out of the hands of dangerous individuals. Profiling stop racial that makes black people in our country fearful to want on the street. Aboutd to be ineffectual our solutions. We will not stand for islamophobia, homophobia, racism as we work to make our communities safer. I want to live in a world that respects diversity and knows that love is love. Of whoshould be afraid they are. We can create a safer and better world for our families and communities. We have to start now. Who is with me . [applause] ladies and gentlemen, dr. Kelly. Good afternoon, everybody. I am a new physician. 40,000esent over physicians in training. We stand for health equity, a quality, and we fight for patients rights. We believe in the universal declaration of human rights. All human beings are created free and equal. Act towards one another in the spirit of personhood. Just as we have done, we will legislationurge regarding gun safety and prayer gun violence. As a physician in training, we will continue to stand in solidarity with the Lgbt Community recognizing that we mentallyion opposed he mentally oppose vehemntly oppose all dissemination. We will stand for our patients and our communities and proves that love wins always. Thank you. [applause] i would like you to please turn to the video monitor. Peek of ae a sneak forthcoming television commercial. It was filmed and edited by m r b films. We consider this a special preview. We believe that love will always trump hates. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage of very dear friend from california. After Matthew Shepards death, she wrote a beautiful song matters. Ve she has been raising money ever since. She is here today to sing a brandnew song for you today. It is called, we can do better. Hello, how are you . You are beautiful. Im so glad you are here. Heat. Ies for the i did not do it. Ive known jason for a long time. When i first saw his post that he dreamt this up, i said, this is going to happen. I was sitting in my apartment months ago, watching the news, trying to make sense of it all, trying to think how to process minend the dear friend of who helped arrange my piece rode me and said, have you written anything . I said, no, i have not been able. Kept gettingld worse. He could not have the television on if i knew my daughter would be anywhere near the living room. About upstairs when i had 10 free minutes, and i said, if something comes, i have something to say, if nothing. Omes, that is ok too what i have is the fungi would like to share with you today. Honored to be surrounded by people who are committed to change. People came from a long way to be here. I stand with you. I will sing for you now. There we are. [applause] amen. [piano] ive got a daughter five is close to in four hours she sings she loves her dollies, fireflies, ponies she likes to run in the park and stay up after dark she knows the colors of the rainbow. She likes the leaves on the trees she thinks monsters are just in the movies. , itou hide under the sheets will be out of reach we all know the monsters are real can we do better . Otheran, by each it is one hell of a road if we go alone can we do better . I think we better be better try there is a mother she has a son and a lifetime of fear there is hatred, fighting, sorrow. There is no time to pray fighting andiots, bullets dyinge is suffering and it might take a while to learn we are all someone child we all know the monsters are real can we do better . Otheran by each can we do better . God knows we better. Area thatt you hate and do better i think we better try dallas baton rouge Falcon Heights new town Blacksburg Portland huntsville fresno wakefield chicago jackson london paris ferguson charleston stanford bangladesh columbine memphis istanbul new york tucson phoenix ft. Hood Colorado Springs ft. Worth S

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