Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal 20131031 : vimarsan

CSPAN Washington Journal October 31, 2013

Uscretary Kathleen Sebeli repeatedly told lawmakers to hold her report filed to hold her responsible for the heard the rocky start. We are asking viewers whether you think it is appropriate to holder to blame, and who should be held responsible and what should happen next. Republicans can call in at 202 5853881. Democrats 202 5853880. Independents, 202 5853882. If you are outside the u. S. , it is 202 5853883. You can also catch up with us on all of your favorite social media pages, on twitter and facebook or email us journal c span. Org. A very good thursday morning to you. Halloween morning. Lots of stories, lots of front page stories about cap lanes of bilious about Kathleen Sebeli us. Websitesfor the flaws. Hold me accountable, she tells the panel. The story in todays wall street journal, sebelius apologizes for the health sites woes. Top health care official prefers employee or plan. I want to start by reading a bit wrapupe politico yesterday, what they called a split screen day, that story by Jonathan Allen and kerry buddha brown. The story notes that sebelius apologized to the American Public but her bosses not. Ooking back host we are taking your thoughts and comments on entsleen sebelius comm yesterday to the house energy and Commerce Committee. Julieg us to do that is rovner of npr. Julie, thank you for coming on. Guest good morning. Host i want to start by the two pictures up politico was pointing out was being merged. What was the president trying to do . Guest the president was trying to take a little heat off of secretary sebelius. The committee tried to have her up earlier, and she had deferred saying that she had a calendar conflict, try to keep her away from the hearing. When the pressure got too hot, she agreed to go up and testified before the committee, although she really kept her hours of a lot of frustrated and democrats and republicans talking about the website and this new controversy that has emerged about these cancellation letters going out, whether or not people really can keep their health plans. I think they sent the president to boston so they could kind of have another front it, if you will, for the news media, so the president was giving a speech yesterday so there would not just be the hearing for the news media to cover. Host we will start by showing our viewers a little bit of cap lane sebelius opening testimony in that hearing yesterday and then come back to you. [video clip] in these early weeks, access to healthcare. Gov has been a miserably frustrating experience for way too many americans. Including many who have waited cases theirme entire lives, for the security of Health Insurance. I am as frustrated and angry as anyone with the flawed logic of healthcare. Gov. Let me say directly to these americans you deserve better. I apologize. I am accountable to you for fixing these problems, and i am committed to earning your confidence back by fixing the site. We are working day and night, and we will continue until it is fixed. Of npr, therovner help the Health Policy correspondent there, was Kathleen Sebelius setting herself up your to take the fall for some of these problems . Guest clearly to your have the trifecta of apologies on tuesday. Marilyn tavener at oversees the website for medicare, medicaid services, she went up and her and personally apologize. Kathleen sebelius apologized. The president in his speech apologized. Yes, we messed up, this did not work right, it is still not working right, we are working as hard as we can to fix it, but they definitely have all gone hat in hand to congress, to the American Public saying we know this is not the way it is supposed to be working, we are working as hard as we can to get it right. Host we showed you Kathleen Sebelius. We want to show you a bit of president obamas speech in boston last night feared we will come back to you, julie rovner. [video clip] right now, the website is too slow, too many people have gotten stuck, and i am not happy about it. And neither are a lot of americans who need health care, and they are trying to figure out how they can sign up as quickly as possible. So there is no excuse for it. Full responsibility for making sure it gets fixed asap. We are working overtime to improve it every day. If you had one of these substandard plants before the Affordable Care act became law, and you really like that plan, you were able to keep it. That is what i said when i was running for office. That was part of the promise we made. But ever since the law was passed, if insurers decided to downgrade or cancel these what weard plants, said is you have to replace them with quality, comprehensive coverage. That was a premise of the Affordable Care act from the very beginning. And today, that promise means that every plan in the marketplace covers a core set of minimum benefits like Maternity Care, preventative care, Mental Health care, Prescription Drug benefits, and hospitalization. They cannot use allergies or pregnancy or a sports end of a sports injury or the fact that you are a woman to charge you more. [applause] this issue because of the president s past statements. Is this going to continue to be a problem for him . Guest i keep calling it a shiny object for everybody to focus on. These Insurance Companies who are telling people that they are going to stop offering their they areolicy, offering them new policies, they are required to offer the new processes or they can go into new exchanges and find replacement policies. Certainly no one will be without insurance, but a lot of people are frustrated, saying that they will have to pay more. Of course, some people may pay less, and some people have pet insurance that really does not cover very much, although if they are healthy, they may not know that. It is kind of a confusing situation for a lot of people, but a lot of people are complaining to their members of congress that they had insurance and they have been paying a certain amount and now they are getting letters and being told that theyre going to have to pay more, so it is not a good political situation. The president did say when it was running for office, when he was trying to get the bill passed and afterwards that if you like your insurance, you can keep it. That is not strictly speaking be case. Before you we let you go, a couple of hearings on the healthcare law. What is on tap next week and on the road . Guest we have hearings this week in the house and ways and means and energy and Commerce Committee. The head of cms and secretary sebelius head off to the senate to the Senate Health committee and the Senate Finance committee, so we get to do it all over again on the other side of capitol hill. Host julie rovner, we will be looking for your work on that subject from ntr, Health Correspondent there. Thank you for getting up with us this morning. Guest thank you. Host we want to get our viewers thoughts, yesterday that Kathleen Sebelius is responsible. The president saying that he takes full responsibility. Is it time for us to start assigning blame for this, and if so, who is responsible . Johnny is up next from west virginia. Good morning. Caller good morning, how are you . Host good. Town here,my little first of all, we are like the second poorest state in the United States. My insurance for my children went from portal 450 to 621, and i cannot afford that, so i had to cancel it. So now my children do not have insurance. I can understand why our leaders would do Something Like this to people. Another thing is, the only thing i hear on here is about upper class and middle class. What about the lowerclass . Ever mentions the lower class in west virginia. It is unacceptable. I sure appreciate your time. Host johnny, he went for the call this morning. George is waiting on our democrat line in memphis, tennessee. Good morning. Caller good morning. Thank you for cspan and thank you for taking my call. I think everybody is responsible. The democrats are responsible for not getting out and testing the thing, and the republicans have been fighting against it tooth and nail since day one. And now they are mad because it is not going right. You dont put these exchanges and all the state and utah on the government to put these exchange is up, it is not fair to the American People that the republican states are not going to put the exchanges in, and then when it goes back, the first person they want to lean on as president obama. It is has filed a little bit though because he should have been on top of what is going down on the website. And then everybody wouldve had a chance to enjoy something that is going to be cheaper, and everybody that is talking about canceling their policies, that is because they are dumped policies. They put these policies out after the lock them out, low price, and then when they go to the hospital, they are out of pocket for over 1000. So sebelius needs to get on her job, too, because everybody is responsible. Host ok. On twitter this morning, radical rights and that the blame goes to democrats in the general. They passed this train wreck. Different view from bill king on twitter who writes who is responsible for the problems and rollout of the aca . The republicans 42 attempts to dismantle it and lack of support. Comments,ebook page, talking about sebelius tes timony. I think it was the right thing to do. Buckook start the stops with her. I have more respect for her for stepping up than i wouldve to pass the blame elsewhere. Even though she is not 100 responsible. Send us your email, facebook posts all morning for the next half hour or so on this subject. Fixedashington post column, the headline from the post earring wrap up yesterday how cap lane how Kathleen Sebelius may have sealed her own fate. She did two things. One, she won the undying loyalty of many democrats, including those in the white house, for taking all of the incoming without trying to deflect blame. Remember, part of the job for the cabinet official is to be a shield for the president. Two, if she was already, and she probably was, sebelius became the face of obama care for every Single Person who does not like the law. By bear hugging responsibility for the problems, sebelius set herself up for the wait for being set herself a perfect way for being the sacrificial lamb if and when obama and his senior team decide that a public move must be made to show he understands the depth of the problem. We will go to our independents line. John is waiting from emerson, new jersey. Good morning. Caller good morning, and thank you very much for cspan. Sebelius, what she did not apologize for, and mr. Obama did not apologize for our the millions of people, i am one of them, whose health care they liked was canceled, but more importantly the doctor that they have been seeing, the doctor that they have had for years, on ahey trust and like new socalled lands that are available, once you get your plan canceled, many cannot see their doctors. My wife is extremely upset about this. This is outrageous. It is unamerican to take away someones rights to see their own doctor. It is unacceptable. It is not right. It is not right. Host john from new jersey this morning. New jersey having its new senator, cory booker, sworn in this morning at the capital. That is happening today. John is bringing up some of the folks who are losing their Health Care Plans, their coverage that they currently have. That is the subject of several stories in a lead editorial in todays wall street journal. You can keep your health plan is the headline. President obamas promise had a secret footnote. Who knew . Karl rove, republican commentator, also wrote about this in a column the president s broken healthcare promise. That is the headline also from the wall street journal. The subject was the topic of fact checker in todays Washington Post. He says that obamas healthcare vials were unequivocally wrong host host and the one set lack essential protections, and that many people may qualify for tax credits host Glenn Kessler in todays fact checker column in the Washington Post. We go to lucy now in virginia on our line for republicans. Were talking about Kathleen Sebelius statements. Your thoughts on that. Caller good morning and thank you for taking my call. Think it is something that we are all looking, first of all, i think the general public has become so much more aware of what was in this very massive bill in the last month. What i heard computer experts website did on the not begin until eight or nine months ago, in other words, after the 2012 election. Because as we are seeing this , we are becoming aware of all of the problems that are in it. So someone had pointed out well, you had 3. 5 years to make it, this website, and the computer person said well, actually, no, it has only been eight or nine months. I think if all of these problems had been articulated prior to the 2012 election, who knows, maybe it would have gone another way. Host ok, we will go to carol now from same, from st. Louis, missouri. Is it time to start assigning blame for some of the early problems with the Health Care Exchange rollout . Caller actually, i hold the president responsible. Here is what i hold him responsible for my grandchildren that are under 26 are covered. My granddaughter, who is 27 with a preexisting condition, can now get insurance. She had one of those inferior policies, and they paid nothing when she needed it. He closed the donut hole for me on medicare for the Prescription Drugs, and the man who said it is on acceptable not to be able for his wife to have her own doctor, what is really on acceptable is for millions of people not to be able to have a doctor period. Our republican line, richie is waiting in on vernon, new york. Good morning. Caller good morning. The problem that i find is how the president said what he said now, it would have been a big different picture because people would have been started asking questions. Listen to what he said. He said you cannot lose anything period. That is why we have this political problem. People would have started asking questions. Under what condition . He wouldve had to explain himself. He is the one is possible for everything. The media is not responsible. Sebelius is not responsible. She is a competent, but she is not responsible. Person responsible is the president of the United States. Host all right, little but more from a hearing yesterday with Kathleen Sebelius. This is her sparring yesterday with House Republicans vice chair of the energy and Commerce Committee marsha blackburn, a republican of tennessee. [video clip] nbc news, his us millions are going to lose their coverage. Well, in all deference to the press corps, many of whom are here today, i think that it is important to be accurate about what is going on, and i would differ, again, to the president break limey they will have ongoing coverage. Wille markets are now qualify. What you say to mark and lucinda in my district who have a plan, they liked it, it was affordable, but it is being terminated, and now they do not have Health Insurance . Cancelrance companies individual policies in your in and youre out. They are oneyear contracts individually. Year in and year out. Let me move on. I will remind you, some people like to drive a ford, not a ferrari, and some people like to drink out of a red solo cup and not a crystal stem. You are taking away their choices. Host Kathleen Sebelius yesterday. A few comments on her appearance. Does notsays sebelius blame subordinates, takes on her chin herself. How many in these hearings do . Filee same subject, boring clerk says just because she took the blame does not mean that she will be reprimanded. Nothing will come of this. We will be talking about this subject for about the next 25 minutes or so on the washington journal. A few other headlines to point out for you this morning. Fresh start in budget talks, taxes are so the rub, talking about the negotiations of the budget wednesday that began. ThatWashington Post notes lawmakers began by opening negotiations to avoid another Government Shutdown and adopt lasting changes to rein in the national debt. Notice that the issue of taxes continues to loom over these budget talks once again as the biggest road block in a path to compromise. On that same subject, todays wall street journal notes that any impetus for a bold deficit reduction deal was stifled within hours of the budget meetingors initial yesterday when the administration announced that the paper. Hat is todays were talking with our viewers and callers about the hearings yesterday. Anceleen sebelius appear before the house energy and Commerce Committee, and her statement was i am responsible. She said i am responsible for the problems with the rollout of the healthcare law. We will go to bob now from philadelphia, pennsylvania on our line for independents. Good morning. Caller good morning. I want is a health fair and balanced you guys are. I was watching charlie rose on cbs, and they were talking about obamacare and sebelius being questioned. They never mentioned if she would ask if she would enroll in obamacare, but you did this morning and you mentioned that, and i just want to congratulate you for being fair. Thepe the realize i hope viewers realize how biased they are. My policy was quincy was canceled. When people call in, when you asked them, if they had their policy canceled and they are unhappy, ask them if they voted for

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