Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal 20140312 : vimarsan

CSPAN Washington Journal March 12, 2014

And senate voted yesterday condemning russia for ukraine intervention and calling for sanctions on russia. Live coverage as well on cspan three this afternoon at 2 30 p. M. We begin this morning with the senator feinstein accusing the cia of spying on his staff. We want to get your thoughts this morning. Send us a tweet, post your comments on facebook and you can also email us. Ay is on our news desk this morning. To help us better understand the story. Lets begin with what happened here. Guest we are still trying to parse out very much of what appears to be a he said she said. It has to do with reports that the Senate Intelligence Committee Work for worked on for years, costing 40 million reviewing 6. 2 million pages of topsecret cia reports. Under the Bush Administration, the cias interrogation and detention program. A program that involved the use of techniques like waterboarding to interrogate suspected terrorists in an overseas prison run by the cia. The cia required the Senate Committee staff to use a secret electronic reading room somewhere in northern virginia. In which to review all these documents. They review these documents on computers and a network that was provided to them by the cia. According to senator feinstein, under the agreement that said that there is a segregated part of this Computer System that was to be accessed only by the Senate Committee staff and cia i. T. Personnel, but that any personnel to cia obtain information that and get involved in any way on the drive was tomputer be cleared by the senate staff first. There was twohat occasions in 2010 when the senate staff was going through this massive dump of documents that were provided to them by the cia and some documents, suddenlyof pages, were unavailable to the staff and removed by the cia from these computers without the permission of the senate staff. This is according to senator feinstein. The cia at first misled the senate staff about what happened to these documents, including telling them that they had been withdrawn at the orders of the white house, which denied it had ever done so. Senatehe cia Committee Staff finds in their , copies of summaries that were part of what was known as the panetta review. It was an internal review by a team of cia analysts of the documents that were being given to the senate staff. Apparently, in the summaries, they were personal notes of these analysts about the contents of the documents they were reviewing. In these personal notes, according to senator feinstein and other members of the committee, these analysts were essentially concurring with what eventually were the key findings of the report that the Senate Committee produced. Produce veryues little intelligence that was useful at all in tracking down al qaeda. The cia then misled both the Bush Administration and congress about the efficacy of these methods. The staff have these documents as early as 2010. We fastforward to late last where, according to a letter that was obtained that was written by the cia director to senator feinstein, she informed the cia and send a a copy ofking for this panetta review document. Said theser documents were not supposed be accessible by those staff. He went to see her about the fact that the staff apparently had these documents and is close to her that the cia had in fact what was supposed to be this restricted, segregated Computer Network that was supposed to be accessible only by this staff. We found out that the staff, because of concerns that the cia in the past had in fact destroyed evidence connected to the interrogation program, the staff decided to print out these documents that the cia said they should never have had. And took them up to their secure spaces up on capitol hill. Was actuallying raging behind the scenes in terms of a power struggle between the Senate Committee and the cia over the Senate Committees oversight role and powers. We published the findings last week. Host why is this just coming to light now . There has been lots of backandforth behind the scenes here it nobody has disclosed to reporters or the public. Found out about it. The New York Times found out about it last week as well. I can only say that there was obviously an effort on the part of both parties to try to keep this under tabs. , according to this director tothe , whenr feinstein, the cia confronted by the Committee Staff with these accusations that their computers had been spied on, referred their accusations to the cia i. T. Office who then conducted an investigation and to thecriminal referral Justice Department. It was a request to the Justice Department for a criminal investigation. By what isllowed known as a crime report that was sent to the Justice Department by the cia general counsels office in connection with the removal of alleged unauthorized topsecret documents the alleged removal of unauthorized topsecret documents. That was referred to the justice wepartment and reported that there is now an fbi investigation. It is a really messy situation. Battle thatgoing has been going on for as long as we have had the political system abilityhad over the of congress to exercise its constitutional oversight powers on the executive branch. In this case, on an Intelligence Agency whose business is done in the dark. Therefore comment seems both , it seems both sides you have senator feinstein coming response icly in this stunning speech on the senate floor in which he said the cia may not have only undermined the constitution but broken the law. Host i want to show our viewers of what she had to sand the floor. She came to the floor and spoke for 40 minutes. Go to our website if you missed the speech. We have the whole speech on our website. You can watch the whole thing in its entirety. We want our viewers to weigh in on this. We will get to your phone calls and your comments here. But first, a little bit of the intelligence chairman speech on the senate floor yesterday. The legal and constitutional implications of the cias actions. Based on what director brennan ave informed us, i have gr concerns that the search may have violated the separation of powers principle in the United States constitution, including the speech and debate clause. It may have undermined the constitutional framework essential to effective congressional oversight of intelligence activity or any other government function. I have asked for an apology and a recognition that this cia search of computers used by its sversight committee wa inappropriate. I have received neither. Besides the constitutional applications, the cia search may also have violated the fourth amendment, the Computer Fraud and abuse act, as well as the 33, which order 123 prohibits the cia from conducting domestic searches or surveillance. Days after the meeting with director brendan him of cia Inspector General learned of the cia search and began an into the cias activities. I have been informed that mr. Buckley has referred the matter to the department of justice. Host the Senate Intelligence the cia upaccusing several different possible violations. What about executive privilege . Guest that is one of the things at the center of this debate. There are a bunch of documents i dont believe they are the documents that are the ones shes talking about in terms of the panetta review but a separate set of documents that the cia had originally given access to her staff and then drew and claimed these documents were covered by executive privilege. Been able toave determine, there has been no official claim of executive privilege at the white house over these particular documents. That is an issue that is separate from the issue of the panetta review documents. Host here is a couple of tweets from viewers. Kept the secrets until they came to light and cia isnounce them. The not allowed to spy domestically, so i am concerned. Lets go to john in pennsylvania. Independent caller. Nutshell,is, in a feinstein was complicit in covering up the whole torture business and the reports on torture. And then obamaem is complicit in this, too. Feinstein was just trying to protect the cia, which has become the praetorian guard of the United States. A tweak here from if you were saying that and now this first phone call. Anst there has never been official airing of this sad chapter in American History. And lloydcia interrogation methods that many employed interrogation methods that many experts have decried as torture. The Bush Administration and the cia denied that these were torture him insisting these methods were legal and they had passed legal muster with the Justice Departments office of legal counsel. There is a question about whether or not all of the methods that the cia used where with the office of legal counsel. It has emerged that there were methods that the cia used before having its program reviewed by the Justice Department. We know that at least, from the beginning of the program in 2001 until it was stopped in 2006, the number of lawmakers that were read into this program was extremely limited. Just the chairman and vice chairman of the two Intelligence Committees who were absolutely restricted from being able to disclose anything about this because it was so classified and so secret. The former chairman of the Senate Intelligence committee has railed publicly about the restrictions that he was subject sayn terms of being able to anything about what they were being told and briefed by the cia on this program. Feinstein did in fact move forward with an investigation, albeit not until 2009 when she managed to get the votes to authorize this investigation. It is a sweeping investigation ands four years covers four years worth of documents. It has not been released since it was approved in 2012 by the committee. It has been the subject of an ongoing battle. It is part of this whole battle over the cias response to this program. We have known that the cia has said that they agree with some parts of this report and disagrees with others. That is where the importance of the socalled another review coming. Other lawmakers, the notes by the analysts who reviewed the same documents that the Committee Staff reviewed it agreed and concurred with the findings of the Committee Staff. That appears to be the reason why the staff decided it was theseant enough to print documents out and take them back up to their secret space because the ciay said was that in its official response to this report was actually misleading. He committee internally, some of its analysts agreed with what the committee had written. Host after yesterdays speech on the senate floor by senator feinstein, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee who has been in the senate for four years, he said he never heard a speech like that. Sayingu have this tweet im very disturbing information from senator feinstein about cia searching Intel Committee computers. This is a serious breach. Why is the chairwoman asking for just an apology . The Justice Department is very much involved in this. I dont think she wants to go beyond that given the fact that there appears to be at least one afghan investigation at least fbi investigation. Gatio that is the explanation. Host here is ron on twitter. Bill and st. Louis missouri. Democratic caller. When did the cia go from intelligence gathering to a drug pushing, money laundering, assassination, kidnapping people . ,s far as Diane Feinstein goes welcome to police state america. To thehat does this do cias relationship with the American People . This is a key moment in that, there is been that, for the last year or so, this ofmoil over the revelations Edward Snowden of the fact that the National Security agency has been running these bulk collection programs on American Communications data. There has been that outcry going have this,t. Now you where you have a very Senior Member of the u. S. Senate accusing another key Intelligence Agency of essentially spying on congress. Have these two episodes coming together and reinforcing this idea that the government is big brother. The cia did get involved in activities that were requested and authorized by its political masters in the former Bush Administration. Yes, those activities that include the socalled renditions of the kidnapping of suspected terrorists in europe where they were taken to secret sites or. Iven to allied governments we know of a case where a terrorist suspect was rendered libya. Government of some of these people who were rendered were in fact not terrorists. They were mistreated and were kidnapped and taken to secret sites. A gentleman was kidnapped from a macedonia and held at the cias behest and then flown to a secret prison in afghanistan, where he was allegedly tortured. When it was realized he was the wrong guy, he was put on a secret flight and dumped in the albanian countryside. This is a chapter in the history of the u. S. Intelligence community that has not been fully aired, that we still dont know many facets about. Years, thehese exercise did in fact and oversight function that had tried to exercise earlier and put together this report. A report that is a 6300 page report with thousands of footnotes. Because of whats going on and because of this fight that has now broken out into the open, theres a question has to how man much of that report the public will see. Theres a 300 page executive summary that chairman feinstein has said that she wants to try to get declassified. That work has not been done. She claims the cia has dragged its feet on doing a classification review. That theirector denied agency had received a copy of this report for declassification. Senator feinstein is going to be asking one of the members of has written to the president of the United States saying he ought to take away from the cia the task of declassification review. Host from what john brennan had to say that she did address this issue yesterday in washington. Concerned about how feinstein is more upset about cia spying on her then nsa spying on all americans. For joe in georgia. Democratic caller. Caller a quick question. Would you rather jumped from the world trade the center or get water boarded . It would be interesting to see how senator feinstein and her husband could close post offices for personal gain. Youre talking about old history. Host what was your original had a caller if einstein choice, whether to jump off the top floor of the trade tower or , which wouldrded you rather do . Host this is a necessary evil, if you will. The United States had to do it in order to find out the information that they were seeking after the september 11 terrorist attacks. Guest according to lawmakers who have read the investigation, even though it has not been made public, they have gone public about the major conclusion. The major conclusion being that the use of waterboarding and other harsh interrogation methods did not produce valuable intelligence. Letterve there was a that was written by senator tonstein and senator mccain the makers of the film zero dark 30 complaining about the fact that the film left the impression that the use of these harsh methods led to the pinpoint theto hideout in pakistan of osama bin in may of 2011. They say that no such information was gained through the use of these methods and that it was in fact gained through the use of traditional interrogation methods. There is also a great concern this is a concern that is expressed on the part of very senior military officers using these methods like waterboarding and methods that are considered torture the United States has declared waterboarding a method that can be used. The risk that these methods will be used on american soldiers were captured by the enemy. Host here is john in North Carolina on twitter. The founders are spinning. Liberals want to see personal freedom to the government. Mike in washington. Independent caller. Caller good morning. Im an iraq vet. My life got changed completely after 9 11 when i saw what happened in new york. Me so much that i enlisted in the army at the age of 32. My time in iraq affected me. I still have to deal with things today, but thats another story. My point is, i dont have a problem with the nsa, the cia or any other organization that wants to collect data and information about the enemy. If people dont have anything to hide, they should not worry. Im not an advocate of waterboarding, but i am an advocate of information. We are in a different world now. That is just the way it is. The peoplee that clamor about all this information and all this noise would be the same people that would be complaining when we get attacked again. Trust me, we will get attacked again. I dont want us to, but the people over there that one instead and what the people in israel dead, they are not going to stop. Host we will leave it there. We want to show our viewers the cias response from john brennan. He was asked about this yesterday in washington. First of all, we are not in reportssupporting this progression release. We want this behind us. We know that the committee has invested a lot of time and money and effort into this report. We have engaged with them extensively over the last year. We have had offi

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