Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal 20160531 : vimarsan

Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal 20160531

Ok if you do not vote this year. What about you . Do you think americans are up against vote come especially this year . 2027488000 for democrats. 2027488001 for republicans. 2027488002 for independents. If you want to give your media on social here are the opeds in the obligation of voting. No, you do not have an obligation to vote. One thing you commonly here, it is your civic duty to vote. Argue thatable to people have a fundamental moral duty to vote. Reason the pages of magazine. Daily kos, voting is not a personal choice, it is a. Cial obligation again, your thoughts this morning on voting and if the act of voting is an obligation. You may agree with the thoughts expressed or disagree with them. Democrats, call in at 2027488000. Republicans, 2027488001. Independents, 2027488002. The pages this morning take a look at Donald Trumps campaign, toing a look at his efforts support Bernie Sanders. , you thoughts on voting as an obligation. We start in Washington State this morning. Democrats line. This is janet. Good morning. How are you yea . Caller good. Host do you think voting is an obligation . Caller it is not a law, but to be a good citizen come everyone should vote because it makes our country better if we get somebody who is doing good by the country. It is important, if you do know about the country, what it needs and who would be better, it is important that they do vote. Thought from the time president clinton was in, hillary always did good for us. When she ran the first time, i wanted her to be president. She never met anybody wrong. Shes always try to help everybody. I think she will help everybody and put her whole heart into it. Has there ever been an election where youve said im not voting this year . Caller no, i never said that. I always wanted to vote and i always did when i had the chance to vote. Right now, im going to vote for president. Host the question is if you think voting is an obligation. 2027488000 for democrats. 2027488001 for republicans. Independents, 2027488002. Ted in west virginia, democrats line. Good morning. Caller thank you very much. When we go into america, when we live in america, we enjoy all ae things we get, just like person going into a store and getting things off the shelf. Every two or four years, we go with a votes to make sure that store is what it is supposed to be. Our government is what we make it with our votes. Voting happens at the come at the checkout, where we decide what we are going to make america b. We only get one chance every once in a while. We have to say we are not going to put a person in the white house who is going to start another war. Hillary clinton has spent enough time in the middle east and knows we need no more wars. Bernie sanders has no intention of starting violence that is not necessary and donald trump is more than an unknown. He shown that he has is a loose cannon. Host have you run into people saying they are not going to vote . Caller not so much. Now wrapped the Republican Congress has been taken over by a cancer, the tea party. It has to be removed so the congress can function again. Host lets hear from a republican. Mike in north carolina. Good morning. What do you think . Caller i would say no. No, it is not we live in a free country. We are allowed to make choices. Would it be nice if everyone was , the speed on the issues candidates and how our as anment is structured Constitutional Republic . Instead of waiting until two weeks in front of the election it just cant be. There are some countries that mandate voting. Short answer, no, it is not an obligation. It would be nice if everyone participated fully. A lot of things would be nice. Felt have you ever compelled not to vote . Caller no. A lot of us this year are not terribly enthused. The phrase lesser of two evils has been around since i was young. 1976 whenvoting since they dropped the voting age to 18. Ive been participating in the process since ive been allowed to legally when they lowered the voting age. I havent always been enthused. Not all candidates or causes are going to be what i believe in or what i feel compelled to go out and vote against. This year is going to be a tough one. Regardless of who finally ends up, it will be a hold my nose type of election. Will participate regardless . Caller no, im not there yet. I will let it play out over the summer. Y guy was rick perry i thought he was a true conservative, military experience, governor of texas. I thought he had the credentials. Unfortunately, he made some gaffes in the 2012 primaries. He never got any traction this year. , butnk he is a good man this is the year of the outsider. Choice, butlican by i dont know i still do not know what to make of mr. Trump. Opeds. Le of give us your thoughts. 2027488000 for democrats. 2027488001 for republicans. Or independents, 2027488002 gainesville, florida, democrats line. Debbie, good morning to you. Caller i used to talk to you a lot when i lived in alabama. I dontt answer is no, believe voting is an obligation. Thent think we need to be obesity of election. If you are not interested or informed, you should not go because someone said you need to go and vote for this person. This year pleased that for the first time we have candidates talking about are rigged elections, Bernie Sanders and donald trump it what we have right now with this Corporate Funding of elections, we have the worst government that can be bought. We have legalized theft, billions of dollars going into campaigns. The donors our legislation, not our citizens or congresspeople. Basically, we have legalized theft. They put several Million Dollars in two campaign and they can still many trillions from us. We have two candidates willing to stop about the rigged system. Elect our governors, we do not have delegates or superdelegates or electoral college. The people vote for them. Its about time we talk about how we fund our campaigns. These donors are robbing us blind. Our infrastructure is eroding. Good,time that we have a honest discussion about how we fund our president ial campaign. Host you do not think it is an obligation, but personally, will you participate this year . Caller i participate every time i have an opportunity to get informed on the issue. Im quite interested to see how they treat Bernie Sanders. We need to have more than this duopoly. We need more than just a republican and democratic party. Year, its been about an oligarchy. Much. Thank you so debbie mentioned more candidates. Later in the program, we will hear from the Libertarian Partys candidate. Gary johnson joining us to talk. Bout his recent nomination debbie also talked about the funding. In the pages of usa today, a story about super pacs. An analysis of newly filed reports found 182 super pacs with three or fewer donors in the 2016 election cycle. More on that story on the pages of usa today. Lets hear from mike in florida, independent line. Caller good morning. Host hi. Caller hi. I dont think voting is an obligation. Host why not . Caller we have basically a fascist government in washington that already imposes too many obligations on us. By an executive and judicial i do not believe voting is an obligation. Host theres times when you dont vote or do you always vote . Caller i normally vote because theres usually a candidate somewhere in the political spectrum, usually one of the thirdparties i can vote for. This time around, i dont think theres anybody right now i can vote for. Host maria up next from savannah, georgia. Democrats line. Caller good morning. I do not think voting should be an obligation. This is the first year im not going to vote for anyone. Im tired of the system the way it treats people. Im not voting anymore. It is going to take a pretty good person to convince me. What led you to that conclusion, what made you decide this year you were not going to participate . Caller i do not believe in hillary. Im tired of voting. I saw my ancestors do it, not much of a change, the same thing over and over. You are going to tell other people not to vote as well . Caller they are trying to convince me to vote. I tell them its my right, you should vote if you believe in somebody, do not vote just to vote. Theres nothing really getting done. Host are these family members or friends of yours convincing you to vote . Caller family members, coworkers. Host what kinds of arguments do they use . Caller you are forefathers just becauseis you do not vote in one election, you can still vote, but do not keep voting and voting and you dont see nothing getting done. Youve been hyper about this party for years. When i look at the judicial system, i look at minimum wage and stuff, i cannot vote anymore. Host maria in georgia. Berkeley, california come independent line, bill, hi there. Caller im a libertarian and i always vote. Some libertarians believe it is a moral to vote for a corrupt system that excludes as from the ballot. Immoral to vote for a corrupt system that excludes us from the ballot. Host you are breaking up a bit. Some libertarians think al to vote for a corrupt system because we are excluded from ballots come excluded from the debates because of the republicans and committees who kicked out the league of women voters. To stayage everyone tuned to cspan and listen to gary johnson. You will find some interesting things. I feel sorry for my many liberal friends. I think bernie is going to get screwed, to be perfectly honest. Facebook friends are 50 to one in favor of bernie. Gary johnson sides with bernie 70 percent of the time. Host what should we ask gary johnson . Voters should consider him as someone different, someone who can actually make a change. Host john in texas. Republican line. Go ahead. Caller you should be a requirement to vote. Should be a requirement to vote. Just like in australia. Fine for not voting. You ought to get registered to you get a drivers license. What taxes heon will raise to eliminate the debt. The winning for candidate every election and i. M voting for hillary this time the two worst decisions i ever ronaldre voting for and georgel bush. Hillary is the most qualified candidate. Georgia. Caller you should feel obligated to vote. Being obligated to vote, you always have a choice not to come but once you are obligated to vote, changes take place. Every four youre scum of the election is a catastrophe. Know what to do. , theery four years election is a catastrophe. Voter,ould know every who they are voting for, republican or not. Won in a lot of states werese independents primary. From the is,uestion for mr. Johnson what does he think about Bernie Sanders dropping from the it to get and running andn independent ticket running as an independent. He sanders is for your rights. Bernie sanders is for your rights. Host thank you. That is nathaniel in north dakota. Hillary clinton originally scheduled to campaign in new jersey, will be in california as of thursday. Bernie sanders has barnstormed california, not leaving the state in more than a week. Recent polls found the race closing significantly. Clintons lead over sanders has narrowed to just two points. She will probably secure enough delegates to clinch the nomination before voting closes that day. Is voting an obligation . For democrats. 2027488001 for republicans. 2027488002 for independents. Off of twitter, a viewer says vote saying e next in virginia. Caller hi. I believe it is up to the individual. However, the individual does not accept it as an obligation, they are not performing a duty, a moral duty and a patriotic duty to vote. Asyou do not vote approximately 70 of the people in the country who could vote to do not vote, you are only represented by 25 of the electorate, you get what youve got. Weve got a mess in washington. This mess can only be straightened out by people accepting and knowing that they ire obligation the obligation is that they should vote. I am leaving to Bernie Sanders. Ning to Bernie Sanders. If he does not get the nomination, he should run as an independent. System is not fair to the people. People should get out and vote and the more people that get out and vote, the less possibility systems for the voting i question whether this Voting System is actually as honest as it should be. Host ray is in ohio on our republican line. Caller i think a person ought to go and vote. I would not say it is an obligation. You have senators and congressmen and governors going out to run. They ought to take a leave of absence. As long as we pay these guys to go out and run, they cannot lose. Im a vietnam veteran, but Hillary Clinton is crazy. Shes done everything wrong you can think of over the years. This is the first time ive ever voted republican, but im voting for donald trump. Host richmond, virginia. Independent line. I think it is an obligation. Born in the man early 1950s. I remembered the jim crow laws. And billlary Clinton Clinton united against in the 1990s. I stand on the shoulders of many people before me, black and vote, for the right to people have died. I think hillary and bill clinton have misled the black community. They should have been investing back into cities with education, social programs. They have devastated the black community. I feel the bern. Im so torn apart about who im going to vote for this time. The black constituents like elijah cummings, cory booker, theyve lied about what hillary has done for our communities. Up next, houston, texas, democrats line. Caller i voted for obama last time because i thought he had a better chance to beat mccain. This time, i think hillary is the best choice. It is a duty and responsibility to vote for hillary. She is the only choice for rightthinking people in this election. Host what makes you think it is a duty . Aller the old saying about it takes for an evil man to succeed is for good men to do nothing. Trump is running a negative campaign to lessen the turnout among minorities. A white to see this election in november and in that case, he will win. He does not want the minorities to show up. On this,r thoughts voting is an obligation. The lines on your screen. The Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell talks about the president ial campaign, but also the senate as well, especially tough elections, many seats up for grabs this november. He is quoted as saying if you go to usa today, talking list of senate campaigns. This is by kristina peterson. Louisville, kentucky. This is keith, democrats line. What do you think . Caller i think it is an obligation. You should vote if you can. Go out and vote. I dont understand a lot of your callers, especially male allers talking about hillary. They dont like to see women with power. Have a republican governor now. We havent had a republican governor in 40 years. , theeason we got this man Democratic People did not come out to vote. 60 of the democrats did not vote that election day. So, we end up with him. Im telling the whole United States of america, you can talk , i liked mr. Ders sanders, but his problem is he wants to give something he cannot deliver. A lot of people know out there that he cannot deliver this. If youe you this do not go out and vote, i dont want to hear your mouth come next year talking about you aint got no jobs, no health care, because that is what you end up with. This reason magazine ed if someone says if you dont vote, you dont have a right to complain you can republican line. You all keep asking if its an obligation to vote. Everybody keeps talking about how their rights are being infringed upon and how things are being taken from them. This being the day after memorial day, i believe its an obligation to get out there and vote. Died were people who toing to protect your rights come out and elect their leaders. Host olympia, washington. Elaine is up next. I think in a free society, it is a privilege to vote. I know a lot of people want to vote for Hillary Clinton. D thoset ig report cite emails she cannot hold at any level. U. S. I think she is in trouble. Host when you hear arguments that soldiers died for this saying if youers do not vote, you do not have a right to complain. Caller it depends on that persons state of mind, where they are coming from. Everyone has their own opinion about voting and what it means. I would much rather have people vote only if they really know the candidates. So many people dont even know who the Vice President is, let alone who is running and what they stand for and what they have done in the past. I think they are ignorant. Host have you ever approached an election where you dont know a lot about the people involved and said i will not participate this year . Caller i do it on a per person basis. If i do not know enough about the person, i do not vote at all. Kevin in colorado. Independent line. Caller hi. I think it should not be an obligation. It is a shame how many people about. You have a right to be stupid and a great in america. Ignorant in america. You do not think it should be mandatory. Know if yount would check up on it every four years or every two years. We talk about our freedom, you have the freedom not to vote. In kentuckyler said , the democrats lost out because got aid not vote and they republican governor. Im an independent leaning towards republican, but i think hillary should be at least barred from running for office again, maybe put in jail for six months for the email thing. All the different laws she has broken through the years. Host that is kevin in colorado. The front page of the New York Times looking at the efforts to syria. N refugees from more about that in the New York Times today. James in new jersey. Democrats line. You are on. Caller good morning, washington journal. It should not be an obligation, because we are a free country. But if you do not vote, it does not make any sense because it is about your life. It affects your life. Whether you are a democrat or republican i would never vote for a republican. Ronald reagan left us with a big deficit. Bush, left usge with a deficit and his son was a total disaster. For a republican, i will go to see a psychiatrist. T on twitter pam in georgia. Republican line. Caller hello. Not obligation and a duty as a citizen of this country to vote. I did not realize that until later years in my life. In taking a government class, i realized that the primaries is where you choose your government. That is where you get your final candidate. If you do not like who is write somebody in. Host as far as this election, are you planning on partic

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