Confirmed to the Supreme Court so give us a call. Democrats, 202 7488000. Republicans, 202 7488001. Ndependents, 202 7488002 you can also catch up with us on twitter and facebook. A very good morning to you. Leading up to yesterdays hearings in the Senate JudiciaryCommittee Democrats had question of whether judge gorsuch could be sufficiently independent of the man who nominated him. Chuck grassley used his first question to address that and he asked judge gorsuch if he could rule against president donald trump. I have no difficulty ruling against or for any party, other than based on what the law and the facts in the particular case require. I am heartened by the support have received from people who recognize that there is no such thing is a republican judge or a democratic judge. We just have judges in this country. I think of what Judicial Independence means, i think of byron white. That is who i think of. I think of his fierce, rugged independent. He said, i have a job. People asked what his judicial philosophy was and i will give the same answer. I decide cases. It is a pretty good philosophy for a judge. I listen to the arguments made, read the briefs that are put to me, listen to my colleagues carefully, and i listen to the lawyers in the well. This experience has reminded the what it was like to be a lawyer in the well. It is a lot easier to ask the questions, i find as a judge, then to have all the answers as a lawyer in the well. I take the process, the judicial process very serious way. And i go through it step by step in keeping an open mind throughout the entire process as best as i humanly can. I leave all the other stuff at home. And i make a decision based on the facts of the law. Page just two of the front headlines this morning coming out of yesterdays Judiciary Committee hearings on judge gorsuch, gorsuch asserts he will be able to buck trump, has made no promises. On usa today, gorsuch fans off political probing. High court pick shares view on abortion. One of the many pictures on many front pages around this country of judge neil gorsuch. We want to hear from our viewers this morning, should judge gorsuch reconfirmed . Democrats, it is 202 7488000. Republicans, 202 7488001. , 202 7488002. Rosemary is up first, independent. Caller i love cspan, all three channels. I listened to six hours of the judge gorsuch confirmation hearing. I had an open mind. I listened to his heart and his legal mind. I have 16 years of legal experience. Personald to his feelings. I think he was straightforward and honest, but i take issue with what schumer said yesterday that he is avoiding answering questions he is a democrat and of course he is supposed to act like that, but i think it is a disservice. The more the democrats do the things they are doing, and answering and behaving the way they are behaving they are just not going to win in 2018 and my answer to is yes, he will be confirmed. Host if you want to keep watching those hearings, they begin again this morning, day three on cspan3 and on cspan radio beginning at 9 30 this morning. We will show them to you in their entirety and you can also stream at cspan. Org. Kelly is up next on the line forst for democrats democrats in california. Caller i agree with a lady before. Schumer was a shame yesterday. The day before. Right off, made him look good. Mean, give him a it shamed me as a democrat, a miso said. Made me so sad. Host why is that . Caller because they would not let gorsuch answer. He is a good judge. He will make a great Supreme Court judge. And they just made it shameful, shameful. They should reach use themselves. Recuse themselves. Host kelly mentioned senator sheldon, member of the judiciary community. Here is a tweet he sent out yesterday after his line of questioning involving rules about Financial Disclosure in elections. He said, why are groups secretly spending millions in dark money to get judge gorsuch confirmed . Judge gorsuch told me id have to ask them. Wish i could. Some other tweets from other senators on the committee, democrat richard blumenthal. He said, judge gorsuch must say whether he meets trumps litmus test for Supreme Court. Decades of progress on Womens Health is that break. At stake. Another democrat, judge gorsuchs accidents show actions show that he would fit right in this courts pattern of putting corporations before people. We especially want to hear from you, phone numbers are on the screen. From herecalling in in d. C. , one for republican. Caller can you hear me . Hello . Host go ahead. Caller i was calling to certainly, as a black american male, africanamerican male, and i feel that judge gorsuch would make a good judge. I listened, as one of the previous caller said, to his inner voice, his character. He certainly has the temperament of a good judge. I do take deference as some of the senators have, with some of his record decisions. Disciplede will of he is obviously a strict originalist when it comes to jurisprudence. He seems to be very adherent to that, but i think when he says that there are not republican nor democratic judges, there are ed judgesjudges moni throughout the system. Jurist, he is certainly an excellent technician. He is very adept, has a good recall ability. Host what told you the most about his . Most about his character . Caller it is most about being a human being. He does not approach jurisprudence from the position of sterility and complete separation from the human experience, so that is what i mean when i i hear his inner voice. When i say i hear his inner voice. K is a republican in alabama, good morning. Caller good morning. I absolutely believe gorsuch would be a very good judge, and i am so sorry to see that the democrats, i think they need to get the pacifiers out of their mouths and get on with the programs and get this man in. They have given him nothing but trouble, every single one of them that has asked the question. They do not even want to listen to him. Like they are going to want to catch him in something so they can dismiss him, and he is cool. He is just levelheaded and he goes by the law, and that is what we need. We do not need anybody bought, paid, or made promises. Host a democrat in westminster, maryland, amy, good morning. Caller my concern with gorsuch how hely not so much would judge. I think he is going to be very conservative and that is not that my views. Fit my views. We did not know until the fbi investigation is done if there was collusion with the Trump Campaign manager russian. Trumpt occurred, should be able to nominate a Supreme Court justice . I think we should wait until we get the results of that and follow through so there would not be any question. Host President Trump certainly hanging over some of the questioning, especially on the democratic side of the aisle yesterday during judge gorsuchs confirmation hearing, including President Trumps pass comments about judges. Here is what judge gorsuch had to say when asked about those comments. When you intact attack the integrity or honesty or independence of a judge, their hear,s, as we sometimes senator, i know the men and women of the federal judiciary, a lot of them. I know how hard their job is, how much they often give out to do it, the circumstances in which they do it. It is a lonely job too. I am not asking for crocodile tears but im just saying i know these people and know how decent they are. When anybody criticizes the honesty and integrity, the motives of a federal judge, i find that disheartening. I find that demoralizing because i know the truth. Anyone including the president of the United States . Anyone is anyone. No person is above the law including the president of the United States . That is right, senator. Host we are hearing from you asking whether judge gorsuch should be confirmed, asking that for our first hour. Brian is on the line for republicans, lafayette, louisiana. Did you watch the hearings . Go ahead, brian. Caller yes, i did watch it. Good morning, america. Yes, i did. Host what did you take away from those hearing . Caller i really enjoyed every single moment. It was really good. From blumenthal to senator patrick, really hit on some good stuff. I think it really brought out what needs to be brought out. , i guess you got to take i guess the purpose of what he has discussed and talked about host what are some examples of things you thought needed to be discussed . With patrick and blumenthal, i think they got to the root of what i guess they are trying to talk about. Ashley improvising and trying to get him into the position of what actually improvising and trying to get him into the position of what he wants to look at. There was a lot of discussion, continuing to shoot out old cases or suits that, i guess they had importance to them. On the they were still decisive decided what measures should be told. Gwen ok, we will go on to in michigan on the line for democrats. Caller thank you, cspan, can you hear me . Host yes, maam. Caller we never did get a chance to hear how the other nominee was that president obama selected. I am sure he would have sounded like a decent person, but we never got the chance and for almost a whole year. Then, you know, they waited until they got trunk in chop suspiciously and we just learned that he is under investigation by the fbi not him, his campaign, for possible criminal activity. He has set himself on the campaign trail before he became president that we could not elect hillary because she was investigation, and that disqualified her. I feel that now we are experiencing a president who is under investigation of the fbi. If not him, his campaign. We just learned about that yesterday. So we are seeing now all the chaos that is going on with this president , and the seat was stolen so it is not legitimate. It would be a sitting Supreme Court judge who has a seat that was stolen. Selected by a president who is not qualified. , theyhink the senators should get up and walk out and not hold a hearing, just like they did with obamas pick. Just let it be with the republicans. They are pushing through everything as fast as they can anyway. If they do not get enough votes, they are going to change it over to where they only have to go by 50 or 51 vote. That is how i feel. I feel that this is not where we should be right now because everything is in question, and he should not have the ability or the honor of select the next Supreme Court judge. Host you bring up the push by republicans for their repeal and replacement dell when it comes bill when it comes to the Affordable Care act we want to keep our viewers updated on the latest. Joining us is molly hooper from the hill newspaper to talk about the latest on that push by republicans to pass the American Health care act. We are now just hours away from a rules Committee Markup on that legislation. Trump gop struggle to find health care vote. Give us a sense of where we are. Guest that is where we are. They are playing with about 22 no, meaninghat are no. They can only afford to lose 21 votes on the floor. For passage through the senate. The conservatives, many from the House Freedom caucus, seemed pretty intractable. We have had President Trump on the hill tuesday morning. He was there tuesday morning, warned,y, and cajoled, someone say threatened to try to these republicans corpus when the house takes it up. After many meetings, especially House Freedom caucus meetings several times together and separately with various many are stills, no votes. Host you say President Trump warning members yesterday, so he is focusing more on the stick than the caret when it is trying to move out. Guest it is interesting because President Trump is a businessman. He has not been in politics and is one lawmaker told us, he is a new yorker. Stickrsons threat and might be another persons reality check and bluntness. Said, you willp lose your seats in 2018. You have been running on repealing and replacing obamacare since it was even an idea. Do not take action could be your come 2018. Doom mark meadows said last night, listen, i dont answer to the president. I do my district and my constituents and this bill is not the answer. Host take us through the next 24 hours here. We have a rules Committee Meeting coming up today at 10 00. What will happen and is there any chance that republicans do not have the vote, that this legislation might be pulled before tomorrows scheduled vote . Guest republicans will have the vote in the rules committee because the rules committee is largely an extension of the leadership. So they will have the votes in the rules committee to get the vote to the floor. That said, if it comes to the time on thursday when the vote is about to happen there is a very good possibility it could be pulled and renegotiated if that its to happen. Still if that needs to happen. The one group we have not been talking about, the democrats. Nancy pelosi and Democratic Leaders are organizing a flood the zone in the rules committee and they want to be there offering amendment. Former Vice President joe biden will be on the hill today to speak for the anniversary of the Affordable Care act. To talkbe on the hill about what the republicans are doing, so this is obviously a big deal for the democrats. They did not have the votes to stop it, per se, however we will see a big push from the Democratic Party this morning and aroundtheclock, opposing the measure. Host molly hooper with the hill newspaper, appreciate your time. Some scheduling notes on some of events that are happening today, that rules committee happening at 10 00. You can watch it online at the in that streaming live rally with former Vice President joe biden taking place on capitol hill, you can also watch that online today at the span. Org. A very busy day cspan. Org. Very busy day on capitol hill we are focusing in our first hour on judge gorsuchs confirmation hearings. 9 30 is where they are set to begin, cspan3 is where you can watch that. Should judge gorsuch be confirmed . Glottis is in chicago, illinois, democrat. Good morning. Caller good morning, how you doing . Host doing well. Caller the girl that talked before you, the lady come in, she was right on the money. She was right on the money. I am going to add just a few things to which she said, is that republicans, whether they be in congress or whether they be in the world, are silly people. Now why in the world would you think that democrats, or just obamamocrats, president which i still call president he offered someone, they would not do anything with him. Hereow they got trump in and this lady that called before talking about, democrats should not be like that how should they be . That person was not even now we got this man in here that they wanted because they got control of the house and senate. We supposed to be so happy about this man but frankly, i think he obvious i think he will be confirmed but i do not care too much for him. Dont trust him. Al franken, when he asked him about that case and that person , he wasd and he agreed to me totally wrong. Niceey, being so,. Being so cool. The act like butter wont he act like butter wont melt in his mouth. Host if you want to watch all 11 hours, available at cspan. Org. Another round of hearings beginning today at 9 30, day three of the hearing on judge gorsuch. Tony in person bill, virginia. Personnel, virginia. A twentysomething white male, no disrespect to democrats. Of seeing People Living in Northern Virginia so totally upset with their president that it is restricting their life. They get so focused and these political views that they are not working, they are not going to work. They are so strong out on what is going on that it is giving our country a bad view not a bad view, a bad rap. That do you think democrats focus too much on President Trump in yesterdays confirmation hearing as opposed to the record of neil gorsuch . Caller 100 . He was without a doubt one of the most eloquent speakers i have ever heard. 100 , their views on trump are stopping this wonderful person from becoming a Supreme Court judge. Those are my comments, and thank you. Host grace, quincy, massachusetts, independent. Caller i feel that judge gorsuch should be confirmed. I have dismissed donald trump. I think he is an independent thinker. You might not always agree with these stands for in some cases but that is the same with the liberal functions of the Supreme Court. I remember what all of her Wendell Holmes said. Iver Wendell Holmes said. Forone said, thank you doing justice and he said, i am not here to do justice, i interpret the law. I think the justice are not doing their job of changing the law and it is not really up to the Supreme Court. It is up to the Supreme Court to interpret the law. When you go back to judge souter, he was reported appointed by republican president george h. W. Bush. He did not always vote conservatively, he votes moderately as well. I think he would be a good Supreme Court judge. Host a few tweets have come in. Donna writes hope democrats come together and block. Chris says the only reason i do not support gorsuch is because his name is not Merrick Garland. Chelsea rights even though whenall loved him confirmed for the 10th district,libs love hypocrisy. Confirmed june 20, 2006 by voice vote. Jerry is in huntington beach, california, a democrat. Good morning. Caller good morning, john. Good butnee, he sounds you have to remember that judge garland probably would have sounded good as well an