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Center. It involves eating only fruits from fruit sources, drinking from bottled water and washing your hands in chlorine solution virtually everywhere you go. You go through your day at the , end of the day every time you come back into the compound at the end of the day where wherever youre going to get your temperature taken again to ensure that you stay ebola free. Will the u. S. Military personnel have zmapp or other experimental drugs on the ground . Im not aware there will be any zmapp available on the ground. The equipment will be issued to them depending on their level of expected exposure. For the vast majority of people that will include gloves, boots, a suit. Obviously for the medical personnel would be more along the way for lines for the Health Care Providers. Doctor lurie, in 2005 the Bush Administration proposed a rule change that would allow the cdc power to confine individuals believed to be infected with deadly pathogen like pandemic flu. Two you the cdc should have authority over an infectious . Isease like ebola thank you for the question. I think with every situation we are always reviewing and taking a look at whether we have the authorities we need to do the job. Our system now that it rests with the states and they have authority to do that when they think its necessary. The cdc shouldnt have that authority and it should be flexible . Dont you think that would be a valuable authority to have . We are always learning and based on our experience that is what we will be looking at going forward. I hope so. Im not sure that we are adjusting as rapidly as possible and im certain we are not giving any type of security to our medical workers, nurses including our citizens out there that we have a solid policy in place that is first and foremost protecting our citizens against these type of problems and i think its evidence of either hearing today and hearings that will go on but youre not bringing a sense of security and as a member of congress representing a district im expressing the point of view who believe that we are less secure than we ought to be if we could use the policies that we could put in place. Mr. Chairman, i yield back. I will now recognize the gentleman from virginia for six minutes in the spirit of equal time. I thank the chair. It seems to me based on what we know in the hearing that United States objectives have to be twofold. Domestically it is to protect and prevent. And that goal cannot be successful if we dont address the second goal which is to deal with the disease at the source in west africa. And especially given the fact that we are potentially looking at an explosion of infection that is exponential in a very short period of time in the next two months it seems to me there is enormous urgency in the latter not to diminish at all the need to address the former. We have some good news today. Ms. Pham has been declared a ebola free. But dealing with the first part to protect, it wasnt thanks to the protective gear and the guidelines that were in place at her hospital. While the cdc was giving us assurances of how hard it was to contract the disease we are pretty confident we have things in place and so forth. Two of the Health Care Workers including ms. Nina pham came down with it. Doctor lurie, do you think that perhaps the cdc missteped . They said some missteps have been made that theyve taken a quick look at the experience and doctor lurie, im asking a Public Information Health Question on how to deal with event when i was the head of my county. One rule i had was never reassure the public when you dont know. Never do that because it is your credibility. As youve heard from some of the questions on the other side to gave them an opening to attack the credibility of the administration by extension. Because the cdc wasnt capable of saying not yet. We dont know. Its a work in progress. Whats so horrible about doing that . I think right now as we look at the situation we see that it is a work in progress and we can see that its taking constant steps to just a just as we learn more. Ms. Burger, you indicated he would welcome a law establishing if not executive order preferably a wall that codifies establishing uniform guidelines, uniform protocols so we dont have this up and down. Is that correct . Excuse me, you left out one critical word which is mandatory optimal standards for the personal protection created the cdc guidelines are merely guidelines and all 5,000 hospitals in the usa gets to pick and choose what part of the guidelines they implement. I take your point. Doctor lurie, would the administration welcomes such legislation and is the president contemplating such executive action . One of the things to keep in mind is the federal government does not license or regulate hospitals in this way. They are regulated primarily by states but i think its fair to say at this point no hospital wants to see its healthcare workers infected. The cdc guidelines provide options for safe protective equipment in large part because theres probably not a onesizefitsall solution. Its important for people to be able to practice in the equipment that they are using comfortably daytoday provided that it meets the Safety Standards the cdc has articulated. Not sure what that means in terms of whether the administration is contemplating executive order or you would welcome the legislation that would make it mandatory as suggested, but we will be in touch im sure. Final set of questions mr. Torbay. In the United States there are 245 doctors per population and in liberia, 1. 4. In guinea one, sierra leone, 2. 2. Health spending per capita, 8,895 here in the United States and 65 in liberia. 32 in guinea. The cbc says if we dont achieve 70 of the isolation of existing ebola victims in the affected before i gavel this to a before i go from 10,000 or so, jawdropping. Thank you for your question. There are steps that could be taken and are being taken to contain this, and to hopefully never achieve that 4. 1 million number, and that includes the isolation of patients the minute we know they develop symptoms, and treatment for ebola you, theould interrupt cdc says that if you isolated 70 now, you would achieve ebola,e abatement of then we are on a path to a complete reversal of the virus and the disease. But if we dont do that, we are headed in the opposite direction. Sorry. Awareness and education is critical. But also, we cannot forget the need for regional preparedness outside of these countries. One twoyearold girl was taken to a hospital in mali and so regional preparedness is critical. Inamed includes burial teams and consistent Community Messaging so there are no two conflicting stocking of well as supplies that are needed in case of an outbreak. This is critical and it is an area being ignored. Mr. Chairman, thank you for your generous nests generous ness. I want to thank the doctors of the soldiers for their courage and their sacrifice. Very few people are willing to run towards us, so i want to start by thanking that group of people. Lurie, i want you to listen to a quote. I wait atomically you think the author of this quote is. Want this country to be in preparation of any Adverse Health situation that comes in. Do you said that . Who . You did you conducted 30 to tabletop a ball, botulism, plague, etc. Another story about your career says that you want to make sure what we are in in preparation for a pandemic, an earthquake, shes got it. Yep. She has a communication strategy. So here we have a doctor with an incredible background in medicine who also happens to have planned for crises like ebola whose Job Description also includes communication strategies, so why in the hell did the president pick a lawyer to be the ebola czar and not you . Questions,iate your and i want to make some clarification. The cdc has ample authority to do but it needs to do. And its use to those Authority Many times. The proposed regulation would have refined the process but the underlining statute already gives the cdc the authority that is needed. The record is now complete with respect to door position on the quarantine. Now i want a record to be complete on why in the world of the president pick a lawyer to head the ebola crisis instead of somebody with your varied background. And i appreciate the vote of confidence. The role of the coordinator in the white house is a whole of government coordination role. I appreciate that, doctor lurie, but mr. Klain is not a doctor, he is not an osteopath, hes not a nurse come hes not an epidemiologist, he doesnt have a background in communicable disease, he doesnt have a background in Infectious Disease, he doesnt have a background in west africa so how in the world is he the best person to be the ebola czar and not you and i dont want to hurt the secretarys career and i fear that i will by complimenting her but she is an incredibly bright person, one of the more capable people ive met in the last ten years is your boss, the secretary of hhs. We disagree on fairness on a lot of policy, but she actually has a background through her work in the foundation in global health. Youre a doctor if this were an outbreak of people that dont have a role in west africa or if this were an outbreak of the contested elections in west africa, then i would say yes go hire mr. Klain. But its not. Its a medical crisis. So why not you . Right now i have a fulltime job in the the department of health and human services. I appreciate the vote of confidence and i have a lot of confidence in him. How about another doctor . Whos an expert in Infectious Disease or an expert in west africa or the delivery of healthcare . God forbid we pick somebody with a background in medicine instead of a lawyer. And in the interest of full disclosure, i am one. With respect i think the will of the coordinator role of the coordinator of the white house doesnt require a doctor it requires someone that is able to bring part of the government together to enhance the covert nation. Im going to make you this promise and i want you to hold me to it. The next time theres an opening on the Supreme Court i want you to see whether or not the president considers a doctor or a dentist for that job. And we actually are about to have a vacancy for the attorney general. And i want you to consider or be mindful of whether or not he considers maybe like a tattoo artist to be the next attorney general. I promise he will not. He will pick a lawyer for the Supreme Court and to be the head of the attorney General Department of justice. Im just lost why he wouldnt pick someone with a medical or healthcare background to be the ebola czar. Can you understand why people might possibly think that this could perhaps be a political pick instead of a medical Science Health pick . Can you understand how people might be a little bit suspicious . I can understand a whole variety of issues. Despite the medical background. I was going to let you go. With aneed Someone Health care delivery background. One of the things that is the great thing about im going to take that answer that he has none. He has me, doctor frieden, doctor fauci. We could go on and on. We had access to those people before he hired mr. Klain so why pick a lawyer to head up the response for ebola . Color me cynical cynical it just appears to be political. But but with that, mr. Chairman i would yield back. Will my friend yield . Of course i will yield to the gentleman from virginia. I just want to join my friend and colleague from a nonlawyer its the healthiest thing weve had in the last 50 years. Thank you. Are you applying . Are you interested . I thank the gentleman. I now recognize the gentlewoman for five minutes. I thank the chair. Doctor lurie are you trying to say someone needs to be good at coordinating and managing and cutting through a lot of the bs . That is exactly right. I think the panel for meeting with your committee today to our committee today to discuss this issue and i want to let you know my thoughts and deep appreciation are with all of the Health Care Professionals dealing with this crisis and those in the audience and because i represent illinois a special shout out to those from the chicagoland area. My questions are about the dods role in west africa. Secretary lumpkin, i know some commented that there is no reason to involve the u. S. Military in this kind of humanitarian crisis. Why is the u. S. Military so critical to getting that but they are under control in west africa . Thank you for the question. Again we are in direct support of usaid and their whole efforts, and the government efforts. Usaid came to us because of our speed and scale of response. We can mobilize quickly, we can and still command and control but we have to keep in mind think about 200 inches of rain a year. When we were there it was raining six to eight hours a day sometimes and many of the roads are impassable except by foot and what goes by foot is the ebola virus as well, so there was an accessibility to the various areas. We have the ability to reach and get those areas and to support usaid. We have the ability to do construction and to build the ebola treatment units. When i was there i had the chance to get on the ground to talk to some u. S. Navy individuals building the monrovia medical unit and working through the rain with the equipment to get what looks to be impossible they make it possible. The final piece that we can do is scale to training for up to 500 workers per week to staff these treatment units. So we bring the capacity in order to do that. So, again, we are an interim solution to support usaid into the International Community to mobilize in order to take over our efforts. So you feel you have extensive experience in conducting humanitarian efforts like this . Usaid onpported numerous occasions. Weve done it in places like japan several years ago, the philippines most recently, the team on the ground we worked with from the Disaster Assistance Response Team has extensive experience working with the department of defense and we are very tightly lashed up and i would say that its seamless. Thank you. General can you provide general can you provide a status update on the operations in the region and let us know what your Biggest Challenges are . Yes maam, thank you for the question. As mr. Lumpkin said we were asked to do this mission because of our unique capabilities. As we are here today we have 698 personnel on the deck, split between liberia and senegal. We are expecting the next 24 hours to 121st Airborne Division will complete its move in the country and we will begin a rotation for them to take over the command and control piece of this equipment continues to flow through the staging base in sen egal. As mr. Lumpkin said, we were asked to do engineering. Usaid asked us to be prepared to build up the 17 ebola treatment units and weve been asked to build 12 since we are currently under construction and as for the training effort, we have identified the National Training center in monrovia where we will bring in the military trainers to begin training healthcare workers in the next couple of weeks. This question is for both of you, if this epidemic is not contained and it spreads over a continent do you agree that this affects International Security . To reiterate my comments, this is a National Security priority for the United States that truly has global impacts. So, we have an opportunity right now to flood the zone to make sure we have the capabilities in country working as a whole of government to mobilize the community to respond. While it still is at a point while it is dire if it gets worse it is good to be hard to manage, so we need to take this opportunity that we have right now. General, did you have anything . Nothing further. Thank you both for your testimony and, again, a deep appreciation to all of the Health Care Professionals. Thank you. I thank the gentlewoman and i will now recognize myself for five minutes and i want to thank the six of you for your continuation and your efforts in the United States of america and the men and women that serve on the front lines of the workers and First Responders i join in thanking all of those that run to the sound of the guns into the graces that have been that they are amazing individuals and have our thoughts and prayers and hearts behind them. On the military side of things i dont know whether to start with mr. Lumpkin or the general, but help me understand the proximity to the challenge how many usaid personnel are they supporting . I dont have the number off the top of my head. Do you have a range . Is that hundreds . It is so integrated. We can get back to you on that. I would be happy about that. It is my understanding, doctor, is there is a 21 day window in which a person who may have been exposed to ebola will actually potentially come down with ebola and starts to show signs of having this virus is that correct, 21 days . Thats correct. So general, why do we only hold the troops for ten days before we release them to bring them back to the United States . Yes sir, thanks for the question. I can understand the confusion on this but let me see if i can make it clear. To start the 21 day period for monitoring has to take place outside of the infection zone. For us, that would be in the United States. Out of an abundance of caution, prior to departure in order to reduce the risk, commanders will be allowed to remove their personnel from whatever jobs they were doing for up to ten days prior to the departure from liberia in case of to limit their exposure and provide an extra layer of protection. However im going to need further explanations because i dont understand about ten days the science is 21 days. That the 21 day monitoring for the military personnel will take place stateside after theyve left in order to ensure that they are ebola free just as it was described previously for other healthcare workers. Let me understand dr. , of the written material that i see out there, talked about talk about fever which is monitored twice a day, in the case of the military, what are other symptoms . They might include nausea, diarrhea, red eyes, muscle eight, fatigue. So anyone of the symptoms could be happening and not have a fever and you could have the virus, correct . You could have fatigue for instance before you have a fever. That is correct that you only transmit the disease when you have a fever. If you have one of these symptoms and your coming through customs and Border Patrol for instance we have about a Million People a day that come through the United States border. We have these custom order patrol agents and officers that are wonderful people. They are dedicated and committed in the tough and difficult job and we are asking them to make an assessment of somebody in about a minute or so as to whether or not this person potentially has ebola. How would the world are we going to train them so they have these assessments . Lets be clear about whats happening. First, all travelers from west africa are funneled to five major airports where people are specially trained to do tight screening. If in fact they have symptoms of ebola or they have a fever, then they get referred to secondary screening. And then in addition are you telling me that it worked . Did it work in the case of doctor spencer . We now haveason moved active monitoring for people to come back to the countries from the United States is exactly for this reason. So if people dont have a fever when they come through customs and Border Patrol stations we still believe they need to be very actively monitored for 21 days. That is exactly what happened. Doctor spencer took his temperature at the earliest moment as i understand it. He called authorities and was isolated expeditiously. So you dont think he was contagious in the 48 hours before . From what we understand, people are in sections when they have a fever, and not beforehand. So why did you close the Bowling Alley . Why did they come and you know,o shut down the Bowling Alley . It is a good question that gets your issue of confidence. We want to move and adjust abundance of caution. The Bowling Alley has been closed so that it can be cleaned in did you decontaminated an abundance of caution. Sweaty, right . N this can be transmitted via sweat . That secretion could hold the virus for some time, correct . The cleaning of the Bowling Alley is an abundance of caution , yes. I just dont have the confidence that we are dealing with people who have we are talking about people who have come into direct contact with ebola patients. Why we would not hold them for a 21 day. There loved that ones, themselves, the people of this country, i dont understand why we dont get more strict in putting up the quarantine. The self quarantine did not work in the case of dr. Spencer and he is one of the great people on this earth who went to go help save peoples lives. He is an emergency room physician, is my understanding. So, that is the concern. Will the gentleman yield . Sure. I would like a clarification from the major on one of your responses to the chairmans questions. You said that the quarantine cannot happen in the country of origin or infection and that you would quarantine, as i understand from your answer, for 10 days in say liberia before you would allow them to come to the united dates. My first question is, why cant you . Clarification. Clarification. Why can you not quarantined in the country of infection . Particularly if we are sending the military over to bill the quarantine units . Doctors, refer to the but to be absolutely certain that everyone is ebola for the it needs to be outside the zone of infection and for all intents and purposes the country is an infection zone, but i will refer to the doctor. The cdcs guidelines right now indicate that if you have no risk, if you have not been exposed to other people, if you have not this question was about military personnel in the zone who had contact. Sick ebola patients. And you have not had a breach of personal protection in your equipment. Depending on the category, you are at low risk or no risk. I am not buying it. I am just not buying it. Your time has expired. The gentleman from pennsylvania. Thank you, mr. Chairman. I want to follow up on that. Today,ou for joining us secretary lumpkin and Major General riviere. Know, the expression, abundance of caution, has been used in this room today. What i am specifically wondering and i will open this up to either of you gentlemen is there any reason why this lynch brought it up. Mr. Connolly brought it up. Mrs. Maloney brought it up. We wouldany reason why not just want to use a 21 day waiting. Before we bring people back to the United States . Our 21 day monitoring process is done at the unit twice per day as far as having direct contact with the Health Care Professional for everyone who comes home. It is commensurate with guidelines that other organizations are following. We are following the same recommended by cdc and others. When you say in the unit, you mean in the unit in west africa or the United States . There is in country monitoring and monitoring once they return home. Once they return back to the continental United States or their port of origin, so to speak, they will go through a 21 day process where twice per day, but i was apart, they will report to their unit and do discussion with Health Care Providers and have their temperatures taken to see and make sure that they do not become febrile or show any symptoms. Keep in mind, going back to the risk as according to the department of defense personnel in country, we are not providing direct health care to the ebola patient and our risk is much, much lower than those that do to begin with. All right. You are answering my question with what we are doing and i am asking you why you could not do it you from late. Why did you not do the 21 day waiting in country . Just to be extra careful that we are not bringing this virus back to the United States . Yes, sir. Again, everyone in country will be monitored twice per day for their temperatures. We are basically doing what the cdc recommends every single day while we are in country by having their temperatures taken twice a day and immediately prior to departure we will have personnel go through questionnaires to find out if in the last few days they have been could have possibly come into contact with anything other than a low risk category. Is causing, which the confusion, was merely a from whateveral jobs they were doing if they were out and about on the town to further reduce their possible risk. Thank you for the answer, general, but you are again telling me what the man is right now and i am asking you why you could not be just a little more , a littleth the plan more go a little more overboard with the protection and extended the in country waiting to 21 days rather than 10 days. It seems silly that you gentlemen are deferring to the cdc on this. Are you . Sir, it is the cdc, but it is also the u. S. Military Infectious Disease doctors who are in constant consultation with interagency partners. May ask you, gentlemen, to please consult with those sources and ask them to consider a 21 day in country waiting. Just to be in a real abundance of caution . Do that. L thank you. We have also heard about this terrible potential for the spread of this disease in west africa. What did we say . One million infections by january . The suffering . The horror . One question that i have, number 1, 3200 american servicemen and women, is that enough to properly train and defeat this enemy . Based on the requirements that have been asked of us from usaid in country, the answer is yes. The next question is are there enough trainees and healthcare workers in west africa that we can train . Enough people to take care of the problem . Wax that is a question i would have to defer to the usaid. Anyone on the panel that could take a western . There are Health Workers not necessarily from sierra leone and liberia, but from other african countries, from asia, that we bring into the country as well to help with treatment and containment. We are helping hoping that with the training and supplies provided and the momentum ongoing that that should be sufficient. That being said, for the time being it is still really difficult to encourage people to go and work in west africa, given the conditions underground and given the conditions that they might actually stay in west africa for longer periods of time. This is what we tried to balance in terms of going there at the same time to make sure that we can leave and go back home when they can. My time has expired and i thank you. Thank you to the gentleman. Quickly, mr. Lumpkin, are there thatnited dates personnel have any symptoms of ebola . Not to my knowledge. I recognize the gentleman from texas. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Before i go into my mind lessening, you talked about an overabundance of caution as being why we closed the Bowling Alley, reupholstered andrea carpeted. Standpoint,health would an overabundance of caution not including air travel ban complete to the affected countries . Believe that it would. I will respectfully disagree. I am glad that we are having this hearing today. This is my second hearing on ebola and i was really disturbed during the first hearing that the Homeland Security committee in dallas had the cdc pointing and thatt each other the National Institute of health. It is one of the reasons i said we needed to appoint someone to be the point person, someone for whom the buck stops here you president joined mr. Clean, i will join in and be skeptical of putting a lawyer instead of a doctor at the head of this. Reporters that it would ultimately be his responsibility to make sure that all the Government Agencies responsible for all aspects of this response, but those efforts are carefully integrated. He will also play a role in making sure that decisions get made. One of the key things in that role is decisions with congress and i think that he should be here today or in hearing to be called very soon. We already signed the checks. We have already signed a 170 million check to fight this and i think he needs to be here. Part of the fingerpointing that we saw was the cdc saying that the nurses in texas broke protocol when i think that they were following to the best of their ability what they were able to do. I think it was entirely inappropriate to throw them under the bus. My wife was a nurse, we were both hurt and offended by that. I think that these nurses were doing the best that they could. Any bowl of patient is not always going to present in a center. They are going to show up at a local hospital when they have symptoms. They all need to be trained. Am i correct in saying that your testimony is what was the percentage of those who were not wasared . I believe it 85 86 , but remember that these notvoluntary guidelines, mandates. Until there is a mandate from congress or the president we love you and you to have i am not a big fan of Big Government regulation. Maybe the joint commission or the state. I would also like to enter for the record a statement from texas health resources, they were also thrown under the bus and this was one of their responses. We have talked about who is not here, but instead you have mr. Lumpkin near i wanted to ask a couple of quick questions about our military involvement. General, why did you join the military . To serve my country. My dad was a marine. Traditionally the job of the military has been to serve and protect this country with guns and bombs. I understand that this commission is expanding and you are all out there now Building Health facilities in ebola plagued areas. Very laudable, but is this really what the military was designed for . It seems that if you wanted to build health care facilities, you would have joined usaid and not the military. As mr. Lumpkin stated, this is a National Security threat. As has been stated previously, the idea is to fight this overseas so that it does not further comeback. Is the military the only organization that can build hospitals, morgues, and Treatment Facilities . Are there not hundreds of thousands of contractors worldwide who can do that . We werelutely, but asked to use our unique capabilities to jumpstart this process. Are these facilities going to be near existing facilities . Are they going to be greenfield or biofuel . Are those locations nearby where the patients will be congregating . Asked for been treatment units and locations. Etween very possibly you could be working on an expansion to an existing hospital treating ebola victims . Within those guidelines . Of the ones we have been asked to construct for usaid, none of those are expansions area they are all unique and new. A little bit about ppe. What personnel would be worried about that . You have got 80 degrees plus highly humid conditions in these countries. The Natural Inclination is going to be where this type of suit. That is a great question. Protocols that will be followed are that all u. S. Military personnel are issued a basic set that they will have with them in country, and because, frankly, the jobs that they will be doing, they will not your wired to wear i have one quick last question there has been a lot andonfusion between 10 days 21 days. Afterwards are they going to come back and monitor the unit . Between the 12 hours they are not being monitored, will they be able to ride the subway, go to their girlfriend, take a car . On the military facility. They will be allowed to go home to use the barracks or to their families, but we will obviously limit their ability to trap it much further off base than you could go to get back into formation. Right, thank you. My time has expired. We now recognize the distinguished gentleman from illinois. Thank you very much, mr. Chairman. I would like to thank the chairman for calling this hearing. I think it has been very instructive, very helpful. I want to thank all the witnesses for appearing and being with us. With Ohare Airport meeting one , ande busiest in the world where chicago, where i live, being an absolute transportation hub, where millions of people come to and through our city each and every week, i first of all want to commend our Public Health officials under the leadership of the Illinois Department of Public Health and our city officials and Homeland Security for what they have done in terms of preparation to ,creen individuals as they come to have places that they can go uld anything be detected our hospitals have been fully cooperative. I commend all of them. Commend all of our Health Workers who are the frontline individuals. While others can stand in sheer from the sidelines and in the arena, you are actually there. You are not spectators. I have heard a great deal of information, and i am delighted that isin a country willing to use some of its resources in order to be available in such a way that it does play an understanding in the international role. To thank our military for being in west africa. I agree with those who recognize that we do not have enough resources there to actually do all that we can and all that is needed to be done, but i have commendations for the effort and indeednd those who are doing something. I think i would have more confidence and work theyve in the cdc in our health everyday,als, because as i understand it, our protocols are under review. That whatever has been established, that is for right now, but with every incident we are learning new approaches, new techniques, and we are putting those into play. Sure that i have as much gloom and doom, because we have had crises before, we found a way then and we will find a way to stay ahead of this one. Dr. , let me ask you notwithstanding the advances we ,ave made in medical science Infectious Disease continues to cause millions of deaths every year. Throughout the world. We know that the primary vaccination,been developing vaccines. Are there other strategies or other approaches that are being used relative to Human Behavior activity . I always remember my mother, who did not have any medical training, but she always told us that an ounce of prevention was worth much more than a pound of qr. Are we able, are we doing things that can help to prevent and arrest the impact of these Infectious Diseases . I very much appreciate your question, congressman. As of primary care dr. , every time i see a patient, we know how important communication is with my patients and community. One of the challenges of dealing with the outbreak in west africa has been that there are a lot of deeply held beliefs and not enough sufficient information about how a person contracts this disease or how to prevent ones self from getting it. And i believe that there has been a tremendous effort in Public Education and i suspect that that will continue in the days, weeks, and months ahead. Here at home as well there have been efforts to educate the public, but many of those have centered on the populations whose heritage is in west africa. In the areas of the country where those populations exist, state and local Public Health departments have shown tremendous leadership in reaching out to those and helping them to understand part of recognizing and protecting themselves here and, importantly, helping them to provide information for their families in west africa. Whether it is on the internet, through guy, through text, what ever. There is certainly much more Public Education and outreach to andboth in west africa here, but i applaud your observation as it is centrally in order to do anything we do in medicine or Public Health. Thank you. I know my time has expired but i would like to say to my colleagues who have concerns about the bizarre it occurred to me that there are those of us who know things, and then there are those of us who know how to make things happen and how to get things done and i think that the president may have had that in mind as he made the appointment. Coverages 2014 continues today between nathan deal, jason carter, and andrew hunt. Here is a look at some of the Campaign Advertisements running in georgia. He came into office with millions in personal debt. After four years as governor, hes worth millions. How did he get rich . He sold his chart to a company that owes georgia 74 million in back taxes. He made 3 million. The country still owes 74 million dollars. The middle class has fallen further behind. Putting money in his pockets, not hours. Big ambitions, but his big promises fall short of the truth. He claims the beaver education and the middle class, but carter would cap and restrict middleclass access to the hope scholarship. His big plans increased spending by 12. 5 billion dollars, requiring higher taxes from Small Business and the middle class. ,ason carter, all in short dishonest and untrustworthy. We dated for five years before getting married. After five months more years we had our first run, henry, and then a few years later we had thomas. Been the adventure of our lives. He is the best dad. He is a Parent Teacher at preschool on friday. He reads to them. I dont have the stomach for politics, but jason is courageous, strong, and unafraid. He is never afraid to do what he thinks is right. First place, the pinnacle, number one. How do we get there . The governor lowered taxes on job makers, giving georgia families a real future. He brought real appeal to the economy, creating 200 94,000 jobs. Now the georgia Business Climate is leading the nation for the first time in history. Georgia, the number one place to do business. Georgia. I am andrew hunt, libertarian that wants to leave you as governor. Why . There is a clear ethical choice and all you have to do is vote to take government back. We want to move away from being the top in prisons and the bottom in education. Lets reduce regulation and gate jobs putting georgia back to work. Vote libertarian this november. Today the 2014 cspan coverage continues with a live debate in the georgia governors race between nathan deal and and therter, independent, andrew hunt. The live it begins live at 6 p. M. Eastern. Monday night, on the communicators, Meredith Atwell baker. Remember, i was at the commerce department. This was repurchasing from the sector of the department of defense. This process has really been learned and is going wonderfully. It is paired and internationally, and internationally harmonized. We are so excited. We are going to turn around with broadcasting options. The session is going well. The greenhill report put out by in termsthose numbers of discussions have been turned into a business decision, which is where the discussion needed to turn. We are excited about those options and certain that are carriers will come in with a big checkbook and it will be a winwin situation for everyone. Monday night, at eight a. M. Eastern. Newsmakers,n rob angstrom. So far 30 million towards the campaign. What are the spending strategies and the ultimate goals . You for being here. Let me introduce our political reporters. An associate is reporter for the associated press. Ken is at politico. I understand we are starting with you. Thank you for having me. You guys are going all in this cycle, spending an unprecedented amount of money for a midterm. I wonder if you are comfortable with the Republican Party having effectively dealt with or minimize the instruction is tea party influence that led to the shutdown that so concerned you. Thank you for the question. To stated goal is reestablish a governing middle in the house and the senate, which means finding candidates with the ability to win and to have the ability to do something when they get there. It is the debt ceiling, looking at extreme the immigration system, it is not just the status quo, it is commonsense democrats and republicans agreeing that the system needs to be fixed. I wonder what role you think you played into some extent changing the tenor of the Republican Party to the primaries. Last cycle we learned that candidates matter. The most important thing, though, is to govern, and we will be measured alternately over the next few years i dealing with issues like the debt ceiling, immigration, fixing this Health Care Law, creating a commonsense Energy Policy for this country. We will be measured after the elections but we are confident thate substantive debate we find ourselves in shortly before the election. The tea party has been crushed . It means Different Things in different places. Comprehensive Energy Policy, fixing the Health Care Law and creating a commonsense framework, there is no one at the u. S. Chamber who disagrees with those tenets. What matters is you have the ability and the courage to govern. We have always dealt with big issues in this town and it has always been done on a bipartisan the basis. We have always been encouraged by the basis by the debates we have heard. Can i ask about one specific race . You have spent a considerable amount of money boosting Republican Senate candidates. Absence,one noticeable especially as we get closer to the election and this race really gets tighter, the georgia senate. Why are you not therefore david perdue . The first point, back to the question on the republican the first point about the republican primaries in finding ways against folks who are aggressively flexible. In regards to the Democratic Party first, they walked away at the federal level. That has led to our involvement in the republican primaries. In georgia, we backed kingston in the primary. We surveyed our members in the state of georgia and advice to us was that we stay neutral in this race. We should be measured by what we do not do. Were going to reflect the will of our membership, who has more Board Members than any other state

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