Transcripts For CSPAN Washington This Week 20150510 : vimars

CSPAN Washington This Week May 10, 2015

Senator cruz if you say you support the Fourth Amendment our privacy, when have you stood to protect it . [applause] senator cruz if you say support the 10th amendment, if you say you oppose common core, when have you stood and fought on those principles . [applause] senator cruz if you say support life and marriage, when have you stood and fought to defend life and marriage . [applause] senator cruz if you say you support israel, when have you stood and fought alongside israel . [applause] senator cruz when have you stood and fought to stop iran from Getting Nuclear Weapons . [applause] senator cruz you know, many of you may hear this and say, i agree with all of this, but how can you make it happen . Let me tell you, it is not going to come from washington. Washington is broken. I have seen it firsthand. It will only come from millions of courageous conservatives rising up to say we want our country back. [applause] senator cruz i am inspired, i am hopeful, i am optimistic because of the men and women in this room. We are building an army, a Grassroots Army of courageous conservatives. For each of you that have your cell phones. I want to ask you to do something if you have your cell phones. Would you pull it out and text the word constitution to the number 33733. Let me give you that again. That is the word constitution to 33733. The hope for this country will come from the men and women across this country like the reagan revolution, pulling us back. You know, it was a century and a half ago. That South Carolina sent we promise to the state of texas William Barrett travis to the state of texas. He drew a line in the sand and said do you stand with freedom or do you stand with that . Death . Youve me liberty or give me death. Youve me liberty or give me death. [applause] senator cruz many of you know my father, pastor rafael cruz. My father saw freedom taken away in cuba, i will tell you what he said to me. I lost my freedom once. I will die before it happens again. [applause] senator cruz im going to close with just telling a quick story. On january 20, 2017, an elderly man walks up to the front gate of the white house and asks the marine there, says excuse me, is barack obama here . The marine says, im sorry, barack obama is no longer president of the United States. [applause] senator cruz the next day the same elderly gentleman walks up to the gates, the same marine is stationed there, and he says, excuse me, sir, is barack obama here . The marine sighs and says once again, im sorry sir, barack obama is no longer president of the United States. [applause] senator cruz the next day the same elderly gentleman walks up to the gates, the same arenas there and he asked the question one more time. This time the marine size heavily and says, sir, i have told you three days in a row barack obama is no longer president of the United States. The little old man with a trickle in his eye, he says, i know that, i just love hearing you say it. [laughter] [applause] senator cruz hold the marine salutes and says, see you tomorrow, sir. Change is coming. God bless you, god bless South Carolina. [applause] Governor Jindal thank you for the warm reception. It is great to be back in softer a lot of. Ive thought long and hard about what to talk about today. I decided to talk about what i think is the greatest threat we face from the obama administration. There are a lot of things we could put on the list. I dont know about you but i worry about 18 trillion of debt. [applause] Governor Jindal i worry about obama care between patients and their doctors. I worry about a president who seems intent on signing a deal that will allow iran to become a nuclear power. [applause] Governor Jindal i worry about a president that is trying to force common core into our classrooms, i worry about a president. I worry about a president today by day finds new ways to change our country. But the greatest threat i think we face from the obama administration, because a lot of what i just listed can be undone by conservative in the white house. We can lower tax rates, we can draw back the epa, we can get rid of the regulations strangling our economy. We can stand with israel proudly again as she fights off hamas hezbollah, and other terrorist groups. But the greatest danger is what he is doing to redefine the idea of america. The idea of the American Dream. What do i mean by that . If you listen to his policies , you listen to his speeches, you see what he is trying to do. Hes trying to redefine the American Dream. Hes trying to redefine it for one of dependence. The more you listen to him hes trying to redefine it fortrying to divide us by race and gender and geography against each other. He wants to make us more and more like europe. I dont know about you but that is not the American Dream. When i see his policy he is trying to turn the American Dream into the european nightmare. And i want to tell you why the American Dream is so important to me that i want to talk to you about an external and internal threat to the American Dream. The reason this is so important to me is that my parents have lived the American Dream. What do i mean by that . My daddy is one of nine. He grew up without Running Water and electricity. He was the first and only one in the family to get past. I know because we heard the stories every single day growing up. [laughter] Governor Jindal im sure you have a dad like that. Good luck trying to get an allowance out of a dad like that. Here is the amazing thing. My parents got on a plane, travel halfway around the world to come to baton rouge louisiana. The first time they got on a plane, they were going to america. I tried to explain that to my children. There was no google. They couldnt search and see what people were like in baton rouge. They did not even know anyone that have visited baton rouge that could come back and tell them what the temperature was like. This is what they knew. Even though they have never visited or knew anybody who came to baton rouge, they got on that plane my mom was pregnant with me and they left behind their parents, families, and friends. What they knew was that they are coming to an idea as we are coming to a place. They were coming to an idea of freedom and opportunity. They were coming to the American Dream. The land in baton rouge. My mom goes to lsu. I realized or maybe clemson and other fans there may be clemson and other fans in the audience. And the university of South Carolina, i dont want to play favorites. My mom goes to school in lsu. My dad, he needs a job. They are in student housing, running out of money. He does not know anybody so he opens the yellow pages. He starts calling company after company after company for a job. I do not know how many days or weeks it takes. I do not know how many people hung up on him. Laugh in his face. But finally he convinces a guy from a Railroad Company to hire him sight unseen. My dad hasnt even met his new boss yet. As it started work. The guy says, you can start monday morning. My dad says thats great. He tells his new boss, look, i dont have a car, i dont have a drivers license, you are going to have to pick me up on the way to work monday morning. [laughter] Governor Jindal who tells their new boss that . It is like the top 10 things not to do in a job interview. The guy was so taken by his enthusiasm he did exactly that. Six months later i was born at bowmans hospital. I was what you would politely call a preexisting condition when i was born. Insurance would not cover me. It is a great hospital, we have three children. Two of our children were born at that same hospital. The third child was born at home. I didnt come here to tell you that story but since tomorrow is mothers day, i will cut you a few things. The first son, he was born at home. 36 hours of labor. Second child, 24 hours of labor. Third child, 34 minutes of labor. So this was not on purpose. It was my wife and me on the bathroom dfllor, floor. Things i learned. Tomorrow is mothers day. You think your mothers, wives you saythank your mothers wives, sisters, daughters, there is a reason god allows women in not men do have babies. Dumbest thing i ever heard was next week we were in church. The exact same thing happened to me. I said, what do you mean . He said i have a kidney stone that is exactly the same thing. Unless it was a nine pound kidney stones it is not the same thing. This would be our 18th year of marriage. I have lied to her exactly once. And it was that morning. Our baby was coming out. In the movies, theyre beautiful and their pink. There is a reason in the hospital the nurse takes the baby pretty quickly. That is not how it happens in real life. My wife is like, how does it look . [laughter] Governor Jindal if im honest it doesnt look like hes done. Lets put them back in there for a little longer. [laughter] Governor Jindal what i am really, really thinking is he looks like your side of the family. He does not look like any of my relatives. [laughter] Governor Jindal i like being married so i told my beautiful bride he looks beautiful. 10 fingers, 10 toes. That is all that counts. I will tell you the moment i gave my baby son it was our third child i fell in love with her all over again. She didnt worry about the pain or her discomfort. It was just mom and child and you just knew you are witnessing a miracle. During back to womans hospital, when i was born, when my dad was there with the doctor he went and heres the amazing thing. It took us hours to fill out the paperwork and we had good insurance. My parents insurance did not cover me so my dad went to the doctor, no contracts, no government work, no paperwork. My dad went to the doctor and said, im going to send you a check every month until i paid this bill in full. Then two men stood there, they shook hands, and that was it. [laughter] [applause] Governor Jindal that is just how things were done back then. You know, it was a simpler time. I asked my dad, how would that work exactly . How do you pay for a baby on way away . Layaway . If you skip a payment can they take the baby back . Do they repossess it . He said, you were such a bad little baby we made it we made sending you back an option. The reason i tell you all of that, i want to share with you two things my dad would tell my brother and me every day. Mark twain says the older we get, the smarter our parents become. You know, there is a lot of truth in that. I do not know about you, but i hate the fact that as i get older i am turning more and more and my father. I say things he used to say to us and i hate it. He used to tell us, if your friends jump off a bridge which would you jump off a bridge . I hated it when he said that, i say it to my kids. One of the things he would tell my brother and me every day, im not leaving you a famous last name or inheritance. But i will make sure you get a great education. He said if you are willing to work hard, there is no limit on what you can do in this great country. The second thing he would tell us boys, you need to pray and give thanks to god that you need that you are born in the greatest country in the world. The United States of america. [applause] Governor Jindal now i will be honest with you i did not appreciate that as a child. Everybody i knew was born in america. What does it really mean to give thanks and be grateful for this great country . Now i think i understand better as i try to teach my own children. But i want to describe to you two threats that threaten the ability of our children. To say that same prayer every night as they go to bed and one day our grandchildren. The first is an external threat, the second is an internal threat. We as a nation have to take a take seriously the threat of radical islamic terrorism. [applause] Governor Jindal for some reason we have a president who doesnt even like to use those words to describe the enemy that we face. Unfortunately, this is not just a threat in syria and iraq. Not even paris oral struggle. The recent or australia. The recent events in garland texas show us. I was thankful those two tourists were sent to their afterlife. By the way, maybe there is a lesson in there. Maybe texas and louisiana, those arent the best places. I do not know about you, but in our states, we think of gun control. We think that means hitting the target you are aiming at. [applause] Governor Jindal back in january and gave a speech in london that the left just got hysterical about. I talked about the threat of m\ radical islamic terrorism and i said this. Muslim leaders have a responsibility. We need the president of the United States, we need our leaders to demand and say to Muslim Leaders and clerics across the world, they need to do two things. The first, they must announce these individual terrorists. It is not enough to condemn generic acts of violence. By name they have to condemn these individuals and make clear these are not martyrs. They are not going to enjoy an afterlife but rather they are going straight to hell. Where they belong. [applause] Governor Jindal the second thing i said more recently is that Muslim Leaders must also do this, that they tolerate and respect of those with different believes than their own. [applause] Governor Jindal i will warn you, when you say things like that the left will call you racist, they will call you antimuslim. It is not racist, it is not antimuslim. To demand that they condemn these evil individuals. It is mindboggling to me that as we face this threat we have a president , a commander in chief who likes to spend his time at the National Prayer breakfast warning us about the threat of the crusades. I have a deal. For president obama. If he will do his job as commanderinchief and kill those radical and islamic terrorists and keep us safe, i will make a deal with them, i will be more than happy to take responsibility. I will be on the look out for those medieval christians in case they make a come back. [applause] Governor Jindal the second threat we face to this American Dream is an internal threat. This second threat is an assault on our liberties at home and the most important and most recent is the assault on religious liberty we see taking place across this entire country. [applause] Governor Jindal i gave a speech over a year ago at the Reagan Library saying they assault was coming. The assault is no longer coming, it is here. You saw this first of all in the obama administrations assault on the green family. Remember the hobby lobby case . They were trying to threaten them with millions of dollars of fines. They didnt want to violate their own sincerely held religious believes paying for abortions for their employees. How many of you were happy the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the green family . And not the obama administration. [applause] Governor Jindal my question is why was that a court ruling . Why wasnt that a 90 ruling . On the side of religious liberty. [applause] Governor Jindal but it wasnt just the obama administration. Then we saw the assaults in indiana and arkansas for corporate america. Corporate america joined up with the radical left to bully those lawmakers, those leaders. I have a warning to corporate america. You are now a lying allying yourself with a group that wants to regulate you out of existence. You cant have economic liberty without religious liberty. They are two sides to the same coin. I also have a warning for the republican party. We are not the party of big government. We cannot become the party of big business. [applause] Governor Jindal but i will also save this to these corporations that have told me and louisiana they dont want us to pass our own bill protecting the rights of individuals and businesses to support the traditional view of marriage. Dont even waste your breath trying to bully the governor of louisiana. We are going to come down on the side of the First Amendment. [applause] Governor Jindal the third example you may have remembered, Phil Robertson of duck dynasty fame. They wanted to cancel his tv show. You may have noticed the governor, i was one of the first to defend him. You might have thought i did that because he is from louisiana. You might have thought i did that because i know the robertsons. You mightve thought i did it because my boys are big fans of the show. How nice is it to watch a show as a family where you are not worried about the languages and images that you see . [applause] Governor Jindal no, the reason i defended phiulls right to speak is that i am sick and tired of the left. [applause] Governor Jindal bhutto was that they are tolerant and they respect differences of opinion that they tell us that they are tolerant and they respect differences of opinion. The reality is this. They tolerate everybody except those who have the temerity to disagree with them. [applause] Governor Jindal enough is enou

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