Transcripts For CSPAN2 Book Discussion On Hillarys America 2

CSPAN2 Book Discussion On Hillarys America August 7, 2016

Sellers area and many of these will appear in book to be and you can watch on our website, booktv. Org. Of morning everyone. Thank you students, staff and supporters for attending Young Americas Foundation 38 National Conservatives are in my name is jim and ill be transferring from to the university of utah after having spent two years at the university of miami. Had the privilege of interning with Young America foundation this summer and we are honored to start the day with the notable activists in the conservative movement. The foundation is dedicated to conservative outreach striving to inspire americas youth to uphold the conservative ideals that built this country. We use programs like this conference to promote ideas of individual freedom, free enterprise, Strong National defense, and traditional values to people across the country. Each are the foundation succeeds in introducing thousands of people to these ideas during numerous conferences, entering ships, lectures, freedom chapters and center for entrepreneurship and the national journalism. In 1998 the foundation stepped forward to save Ronald Reagans ranch in the Ronald Reagans ranch in the sky. His ranch has been fundamental in helping with our ability to pass on ideas to future generations. For more information on our mission or our programs, you can visit our website or call 1800, usa 1716. Our first speaker today is wanted the most greatest speakers. Dinesh dsouza is a writer and scholar music producer. A a former policy analyst at the Reagan White House he also served as a fellow in the American Enterprise institute and the robert and karen fellow at the Hoover Institute at stanford university. He he served as president of the Kings College and from 2010 2012. In 1995, he published the end of racism which, he published the end of racism which became one of the most controversial books of the time. His 1997 book, ronald reg and how ordinary men became an extraordinary leader was the first book to make in 2002, he published the New York Times bestseller whats so great about america, and it was critically claim. His letters to young conservative has become a handbook handbook to a new generation of Young Conservatives inspired by his style and idea. He stands out among our distinguished credible speakers, not only has he encountered Great Success in literature, he has managed to infiltrate liberal hollywood. His most recent endeavor, the critically acclaimed documentary that will change the landscape of the new cycle from now until november launch nationwide on july 15 and has become the highest grossing documentary of 2016. Before we bring them to the stage take a look at this. Who are these democrats . Dinesh dsouza was sentenced on tuesday to spend eight months it all began with the Obama Administration tried to shut me up. What did i learn . All crime is about healing. The criminals are still at large. The system doesnt go after them. Time to go behind the curtain and discover the souls of the Democratic Party. [inaudible] the democrats support slaves. The Civil Rights Act has a lot the men to sit at the same table is like us. The Democratic Party, why has all this been swept under the rug. To coverup the tracks of the Democratic Party. Were not even talking about ancient history. The racism continues well into the 20th century. As long as black men continue to ravish white women we will continue to lynching. You have to give him a little bit. The democrats went to slavery to enslavement. Corrupted city offices that i get corrupt unions. What is is progressive actually mean . Social engineering, social control. A large family judge, one of its members the opening video with the democratic convention, government is one thing we all belong to. Government longs to us, we dont want to eat. What are these democrats hiding . When you follow the light what is the goal of the Democratic Partys most valuable thing that the world has ever produced. Who will stop them now . [applause]. Thank you very much, for me it is an honor and privilege to be here at the Young American Foundation Conference im thrilled to be accompanied by my wife debbie, we are both, debbie from venezuela and me from india, whenever i look at you i always think of when i first came to america. I was 17 years old i was Exchange Student from india going to Public School in arizona i remember the airplane descending on new york city and i looked out the window and i saw the skyline of new york. I saw the statue of liberty and kind of a strange feeling came over me. I realized that my life from that moment on would be totally different. I realized that without being political intuitive leap that i was moving from the margin of the world to the center. I realize ill be able to do things with my life that i would not be able to do if i had stayed back to india. If america i have experience the american dream. Which is not just a dream of economic success or opportunity, its really the dream of being able to be the architect of your own destiny. It is a dream of being able to write the scripts of your own life. So here in america if your parents say to you hey young billy what you want to when you grow up, they can advise you at the end of the day they know it is you that will supply the answer to that question. Now password about 25 years is about one year ago that i found myself locked up in a federal Confinement Center under the supervision of the Obama Administration with 120 seasoned hoodlums. I was going to say season of them like myself, but they were certainly seasoned hoodlums and this was for my crime of exceeding the campaignfinance limit. Ive actually given 20,000 dollars to a College College friend of mine who is running for the senate. Normally this is an offense when there is not any corruption you are not trying to buy favors or to any kind of underhanded dealings, normally this is something to the federal election commission, its not a federal matter at all, maybe a finding community service, but in my case the administration unleash fbi agents on me, and that and there was with United States of america versus Dinesh Dsouza. Kind of a chilling feeling down my spine. Kind of a chilling feeling when you are an immigrant. Did i exceed the campaignfinance law . Yes. But no american has been locked up for doing what i did. In fact read about the same time that my case was migrating through court another guy, whose fellows name was and asian indian guy, we Asian Indians appear to specialize in the campaignfinance violation area. In any event, this dude gave 180,000 in donation to Hillary Clinton and a group of other democratic candidates. He he was also found guilty of witness tampering and he openly boasted about his corruption about trying to buy these politicians. The sky gets no prison, no confinement. So i mention this because justice is not simply a matter of did you break the law. Justice is also a matter of Death Penalty fit the crime. Did other guys who did the same thing get roughly the same penalty. I think we can see from my case that the progressive justice that i was subjected to was a sham. This was actually a kind of selective prosecution. While while i think that . Because just a few months earlier i had made the film 2006 she Obamas America in which i got not only into obamas world but obamas world but also got into obamas head. People say, g what do you make makes you think the president the united United States we care what you did . The reason i know that he did this because right after the film came out the attack on me in the movie began to appear on a website called barack obama. Com. These attacks these attacks were onsite, but if you actually read them closely in their peculiar mixture of arrogance, incoherence, one could recognize the unmistakable signature of the man who currently is the white house. So, this was why i found myself in federal confinement. The Confinement Center. Initially i was jubilant. The Obama Administration wanted to lock me up for up to two years. By the way had they succeeded there is no way i could i could have made this movie on hillary. In fact, ill be locked up now. But instead i got this eight month Confinement Center in which i was spend the night in a dorm, about the size of this room with 120 other guys who serve prison who served prison sentences. These were not whitecollar guys. There may be five to eight criminal stress were drug smugglers, rapists, the whole gamut initially i was terrified the majority were hispanic so everybody seemed to be in some group or gain. So even the hispanics were not in one game. The american who are calleds outsiders were in one gang and the mexicans had their gang. So i thought i cant talk to this guy can affect as you want to kill me. I did consider starting my own gang, the asian indian gang but after about a month i thought to myself, look im in a strange place, and sort of like an anthropologist lunch anthropologist in strange land. This is not not a place where you normally find conservatives. I would like to talk about that briefly this morning. Now we will talk to route the Democratic Party. Ion the creature of the reagan revolution and reagan used to say i didnt leave the Democratic Party, it left me. You get the idea the Democratic Party was a good party it was coming along pretty well until the late 60s with the Mcgovern Campaign when it went off the rails. It left him. But i regret to say this is one area that rated was wrong because as i began to dig into this objective research realized had a stream that define the party from the very beginning. And the reason we didnt know about it or reagan didnt know is because of the success of progressive historiography the progressives have been ingenious that covering their tracks. I will start by giving a small example because it is one of their horrific events of the 20th century, the holocaust. In the 1930s the Democratic Party was fascinated natalie by fascism but by also not see is some. It seems little hole believable but kennedy went to germany in the 30s and came back super excited about hitler and full of praise calling him a legend. There are some people that dont like to but they are jealous of him as the nazi claims the nordic people are better than everybody else and that is because they are. This is jfk. By the way i should tell you that nothing i am about to save this morning is controversial in the sense it is debated whether not it occurred you can actually google jfk thirties nazi germany and in 30 seconds you will see it is true. Fdr was enamored by mussolini. He actually dispatched members of his brain trust to go to italy to study i italian fascism because he thought that was more progressive than the new deal. He thought he could import five ideas to america and mutual admiration and mussolini and viewed his book in an italian magazine and loved it. Upon the conclusion is he is one of us. He is a fascist. Now after world war ii progressive historians look at this and says fascism carries the order of the holocaust and the gas chambers and dachau and we cannot have this in the textbooks because people may find out selfie that out we will not lie but we just would not say anything about it silly small but telling example that to the great progressives leaders have been protected by the progressive left. Lets continue with fdr because when elected he wanted to push through the new deal. But it was difficult because he needed the support of other democrats and the Democratic Party was racist to the core. He needed the racist and democrats to get the new deal through. So he goes to them and says basically please support the new deal i will give you all kinds of benefits we will build the Tennessee Valley pride project in your neighborhood but they said that isnt enough but only if you agree to block all antilynching laws proposed by the republicans. For he agrees and that the two main occupations of occupation no new deals for blacks and fdr agrees again so here is the progressive hero of the 20th century in bed with the worst racist in america that were a critical part to get the new deal through. Once again this is a fact. Now back up to the big picture. They can be summarized as follows the Democratic Party , who founded it . Me who started it . Maybe Thomas Jefferson . No. His party was called the Democratic Republican Party is split later became the Democratic Party Andrew Jackson was the founder of the Democratic Party. He is a controversial figure because of his indian wars known as a savage indian fighter but i want to highlight a side of Andrew Jackson that is never mentioned somebody who figured out how to profit greatly from Public Policy policy, so here is what he would do. He would get ready to have the fight with the indians to push them off their land than they would be auctioned off to sellers but he knew which land would become available before the fight he would send in the private surveyor who would determine the value that would be reported privately to him then he would contact his buddies in before theyre even thrown off the land. Un from dead broke to becoming one of the richest men of the country. And bought a big slaved plantation. I tell you this because the roots of the Clinton Foundation can be found in the policies of the Andrew Jackson. While we see today that the clintons can market policy think about the clintons if i can fastforward but it is true they did it come into politics with money. We had residents who were rich but they were rich before they didnt have a whole lot of money saudia go from zero at 300 billion on a government salary . How is your foundation accumulate 3 billion when you havent done anything . You didnt start the i felt our a business how do you do that . Is that even not plausible way how that could legitimately occurred . No. In other words, people who have learned how to market policy for private benefit. Back to the Democratic Party they begin natalie as the party of the Indian Relocation but also slavery. This requires the explanation because clearly the democrats did not invent slavery. That has been around since the dawn of mankind. But it is the positive good that they invented the idea that slavery is good only for the master but also for the slaves. It is a function of regrettable necessity. The democrats came up house lavery benefits the slaves. And there is an echo today the way democrats rand urban plantation this is the echo of the pro slavery argument they defended consistently in the civil war is understood better as a fight not between the north and the south in the antislavery Republican Party. We think of the civil war of a fight but it is a triumph that they took their own crimes to say lets play with the south. Was make the south the bad guys and make that antislavery north and prose slavery south. Did most owned slaves . No. 3 4 did not provide the same token the northern democrats protested slavery to with the same aggressive enthusiasm is the southern democrats. Console right away you can see that northsouth divide that this actual argument is between the two parties. They lost the biggest feeling project because slavery is best we can call say you work i. E. To steal a behans labor his whole life. After slavery the democrats came up with new stuff. Segregation, jimcrow lynching and the kkk. Before a landmark Democratic Party policies after slavery then every segregation law without exception was passed by it Democratic Legislature side by it democratic governor there is no exception to the rule. The clown the kkk and for 30 years this served as a domestic terrorist arm of the party. To revive the klan in the midwest in the west. Has for sterilization is did eugenics later progressivism became a metamorphosis of a new scheme. But the genius of progressive historiography is to take the crimes of the Democratic Party to blame them on the south or the Republican Party or america as san philadelphia. America is responsible for slavery and segregation. But america was the responsible if ameritech did those who would still be going on. So the americans did those things others stopped them. Who did them . The democrats. But the storytelling to take the stuff that we did to believe that on america. That is like poisoning though well then showing up to be the water commissioner. How can anybody get away with this . Have y

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