Transcripts For CSPAN2 Book Discussion On White Rage 2016081

CSPAN2 Book Discussion On White Rage August 14, 2016

Hello and welcome to lefty books for her book with Carol Andersen. This is of course not left the books i am host for Left Bank Books i would like to thank our cosponsor for the evening, the ferguson public library. Their work and activism is incredible and inspiring. They are wonderful partner to have. leftparen both postoperative infinitives with your help that we were able to continue bringing in your favorite authors. When you support us, you reinvest in your community because tax dollars are going into schools, streets, libraries and give credibility to higher rates. Get back to our community by partnering with charities and organizations im also doing a summer fun raising for this program. The river city readers served single Public School children died building their own home library and encouraging literacy. The students get to keep five books each year in meet the authors of culturally relevant new books. I would like to ask you to make a donation tonight if any now. You can do so at the sales table you can ask me about sponsoring a child. It is wonderful and i will tell you all about it if you would like to hear. I would like to especially thank u. For all of your continued support for us. For information about her upcoming events, information on our Reading Group and much more, please visit our website. Grab one of our newsletters. Im very proud to introduce Carol Andersen for Left Bank Books. The ferguson iraq did across the spec and then referred to the angry response of africanamericans back rach come andersen wrote a remarkable oped at the Washington Post showing that this was instead weybridge of work. Carefully historical flashpoints for africanamericans was countered by a deliberate cleverly crafted opposition. It is long covert actions in the names of protecting democracy. Lonnie cobb says that you historians write with the greatest clarity and intellectual in this book. There are a handful of writers whose work i consider indispensable. Professor andersen is high up on this list and the editor of white rage also says that this is one of the most important books that he has worked on. Carol andersen is professor of africanamerican studies at emory university. Shes the author of many books including the naacp and the struggle for colonial 1941 to 1960 in numerous articles. Andersons opinion article from the Washington Post will appear in the fire this time and new generations edited by National Book award winner which comes out in august and i highly recommend that book as well. The article shaped and help define this book and a movement. White rage is inspiring, maddening and necessary. From the epilogue and matching, it is time to diffuse the power of white rage. It is time to finally truly move into the future. Tonight, carol will be discussing white rage the unspoken truth of our racial divide, answering your question and signing copies of her book available for purchase from Left Bank Books. But you please help me join me in welcoming Carol Andersen. [applause] and thank you. Thank you for coming out on what day is this . I really truly appreciated. I appreciate the ferguson Public Libraries has done and is for this community. Thank you. And i appreciate Left Bank Books as well. Thank you. I wanted to spend some time for us kind of talking about how i got to white rage, while white rage isnt meant to move into several excerpts from the book and open it up for q a. When i first began to wrestle with the concept of white rage, it wasnt ferguson. It was in fact in february 1999 when a black man in new york city stepped out on his doorstep after a long hard days work to go get something to eat. And he was greeted with 41 bullets. 19 of which hit him. His name is, do dlo and he was gunned down by the n. Y. P. D. He was unarmed. That was bad enough. As we know from this killing, it is the response that begins to tell you what is happening in society. So i am sitting there and i am listening to mayor Rudy Giuliani in an interview with ted koppel on nightline and ted koppel was talking about the n. Y. P. D. , the amadou diallo killing. Talking about 41 bullets. Hes talking about stopping frist. Hes talking about Police Brutality and Rudy Giuliani says i have been most restrained and best behaved police force you can imagine. Okay yeah, i had one of those scooby doo moments. And then he began to talk about how his policies were working, that what he is put in place in new york city has brought down crime. New york city is a safer place because of his policies and he has flow charts and graphs and bars, everything. What you dont hear is that an unarmed lack men step up for this porch and was gunned down. I am sitting there going something is fundamentally wrong, structurally wrong. I didnt know what to call it. I didnt know what to label it, but i knew something was wrong. I began working in thinking and working and thinking and then august 2014, the television is on and im watching an icy ferguson and then i hear the pundits talking. What they were talking about was black rage. Why are black people bringing up where they live. What is wrong with black people . How can they burn up where they live . Why are they burning up . It didnt matter what ideological stripe, it was all centers, the baseline from this starting point was black rage. I found myself in this moment shaking my head. And at the moment when you shake your head something is going on and you dont even realize thats not right. And that is when it hit me. It is white rage. What were really seeing is that we have been so focused in on the flames we have missed the kindling. We have missed what has stoked the fire. We have missed the disfranchisement of the black community in ferguson that through all kinds of shenanigans and rigmarole had created wherein the 2013 municipal election in a population that is 67 of fergusons population community 6 black voter turnout. Uconn to work really hard to make that happen. We missed in ferguson schools that had been on probation for 15 years 15 years for a state has an Accounting System that is a great accreditation of 140point and they were getting 10 points a year. We have allowed that to happen for 15 years. We have allowed an entire generation of students to go through from kindergarten to graduation with the school of the School System that we know doesnt work. Kindling. We have a police force that didnt see that its role was to protect, but saw africanamericans as a matter of new generating sewers that could provide 25 of the budget, kindling. What all this kindling does as they started wrestling with white rage, i began to understand that what we are really looking at are the policies. As a nation we are so drawn to this circular. We are so drawn to what we can see that we miss those to whom it plates that are actually moving. White rage move subtly, almost in of the, corrosive way through the courts, legislatures , government bureaucracies to the white house, through congress and he wreaks havoc and perceptibly so its hard to discern what is the source of what you are see. And so, i set out to make way reach physical pit the first thing youve got to do is the trigger for white rage is black advancement. It is not the mere presence of black people that is the catalyst for white rage but blackness with drive, with purpose, with aspirations, with demands for full and equal citizenship. It is blackness that refuses to accept subjugation, blackness that refuses to give up after a formidable array of policy assault and legal maneuvering, white rage consistently punishes black resilience and black resolve. How else can we reasonably explain why government after government fought so hard to keep black children from getting an education. We saw it after the civil war. We sought out the way way through the brown decision. We see it now. Why is it so difficult to educate black children . Why do we have this even when at least since 1967 when the u. S. Said we had a National Security crisis, we must educate as many of our citizens as we can to be able to effectively wage the cold war. But brown was not going to get implemented. So even in the face of a National Security crisis, even in the face when we say this is what our nation needs, white rage that i dont think so. Why . What this nation designer warren drugs that incarcerates most, those who sell into drugs. Why . Were a particularly after the triumphs and the successes of the Civil Rights Movement for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 the Voting Rights act of 1965. Why would we incarcerates communities . Why would we overwhelm the state budget . Why would we destabilize families . Why would we do this to those that are the primary users of narcotics . Why . Why would state after state develop receptors to keep american citizens from being able to dodge and to have a say in their own democracy . Why . When we say we value democracy, when we say this is why we fight, then why would we have such mass Voter Suppression . Understand that none of this was done with the mirror on tranmere clan cross. There werent any that just made this happen. All of this was done coolly, methodically, systematically. And so would my new book, white rage, i traced this historical pattern with reconstruction, the great migration, the brown decision, the Civil Rights Movement and the election of barack obama. And i also trace it through three key sectors. Education, the criminal Justice System and the right to vote. Said i went to the syrups. So as you do in 1954 the u. S. Supreme court ruled that separate but equal was unconstitutional. Overturned plessy decision and says that the best integrate. Jim crow was no longer the law of the land. The south rose up inside with massive resistance using this series that in fact drag this process out for a fall, long time. Well, it in 1973, the Court Battles are still going on. In 1973 combat there was an area in san antonio called the edgewood district ended the edgewood neighborhood, it was 96 mexicanamerican and africanamerican. It was the poorest neighborhood in san antonio at the lowest Median Income of the lowest property standings. They taxed themselves at the highest rate in order to try to find their childrens education. By taxing themselves at the highest rate, theyve garnered 21 per capita. Meanwhile, in the hyatt, a predominantly white neighborhood in san antonio taxed themselves at a much lower rate. Theyve garnered over 300 per student. Lower rate 1500 more and funding. Now what we know is that Property Values have a lot to do with it but policy. Where governments choose to put the landfill, where they choose to put the highway, where they choose to sell certain types of businesses and not others have a lot to do with property value. So the parents of the edgewood district took texas to court and said this violates our childrens 14 but that the rights to have equal protection under the law. It violates brown. The u. S. Supreme court ruled in a 5for decision. For the justices were appointed by Richard Nixon and one was appointed by eisenhower, dwight eisenhower. The quote there is no fundamental right to education in the constitution. They said that the states funding scheme did not systematically discriminate against all four people and that because districts across the United States used property taxes that this method was not so rational as to be invidiously discriminatory. Thurgood marshall, this is his descent and that is what im going to read. Fully recognizing the implications of rodriguez, the name of the case. Justice Thurgood Marshall was apt to place it. More than 40 of black children, 14 who lived with families below the poverty line as compared with about 10 of white children. Under those circumstances, Marshall Field feared african americanism wouldnt understand. The decisions he wrote in his dissent could only be seen as a retreat from a commitment to equality of Educational Opportunities as well as an unsupportable capitulation to a system which deprived children of the chance to reach their full potential as citizens. He was simply dumbfounded that the majority would acknowledge the existence of widely disparate funding for schools across texas. But then, instead of focusing on the cause of that disparity compared to whites to all of the state suppose it efforts to close the gap. The issue, marshall explained is not whether texas is doing its best to ameliorate the worst features of a discriminatory scheme, but rather whether this scheme at south is in fact unconstitutionally discriminatory. Moreover, he found at the height of absurdity that texas could actually argue that there was no correlation between funding and school quality. You cant make this up. And then, from a faulty premise deduced that there were no discriminatory consequences for the children of the disadvantaged district. He was equally unimpressed with texas tendency to parade before the justice, the stories of children who had expelled despite living underresourced districts as some sort of proof that funding was irrelevant, that the child could excel even when forced to attend an underfunded school with poor physical facilities, less experienced teachers, larger classes and a number of other deficits compared to a school with substantially more fun is to the credit of the child, not the state. Rodriguez placed solely on the backs of the most vulnerable while falling off access to the necessary resources for quality education and place beautifully into the colorblind civil rights languages substituted economic race, yet achieving similar results. The simple truth was that by virtue of the sheer demographics of poverty, rodriguez would not have only a disparate impact on africanamerican children, but also a vast influence. I know, sobering. And i then moved into the war on drugs because it has so warped American Society in ways that are so profound. So i walk us through how the war on drugs emerge. I then walk us through the court cases, the Supreme Court decision that Michelle Alexander and the new jim crow so beautifully laid out. And then i began to lay out some of those consequences. As i go through the court cases, i then say, taken together, those rulings allow indeed encourage the criminal Justice System to run racially about and that is exact only what happened on july 23rd, 1999 in texas. In the dead of night, local police launched a massive raid of a major trafficking ring. At least that was how it was built by the local media which after being tipped off to get the most humiliating photograph of 46 of the towns five residents handcraft in pajamas, underwear and uncombed bad hair, pervaded into the jail for booking. The local newspaper ran the headline. Streets cleared of garbage. The editorial Law Enforcement were dealing scumbags. The raid was the result of an 18 month investigation by a man who would be named by Texas Attorney general has outstanding long man of the year. Attached to the federally funded Panhandle Regional Narcotics Task force, based in amarillo about 50 miles away, tom coleman didnt lead a team of investigations. And that, he singlehandedly identified each member of the massive operation and made more than 100 undercover drug purchases. He was held as a hero and his testimony immediately led to 36 38 of the 46 00 p. M. Convict did with the other two sisters waiting to get into the clog court system. Joe moore, a farmer was sentenced to 99 years for selling 200 worth of to the undercover narcotics agent. Kinsey white received 25 years while her husband, william cash loved landed 434 years for possessing an ounce of cocaine. The case began to unravel when his sister tanya came to travel. Coleman swore that she sold him drugs to tanya how other had proof that she was at a bank in Oklahoma City 300 miles away, cashing a check at the very moment he claimed to have bought cocaine from her. Billy john wayfarer had timesheets and his boss eyewitness testimony that he was at work and not out selling drugs. When the outstanding long man of the year swore under oath that he had purchased cocaine from your bryant, a tall bushy haired man, only two of bryant fall, appear in court. It finally became very clear that some did was awry. Coleman in fact had no proof whatsoever that any of the alleged drug deal had taken place. There were no audiotapes, no witnesses, no other Police Officers present, no fingerprints but is on the backs of drugs. No record. Over the span of an 18 month investigation, he never wore a wire. Now he claimed to have written each drug transaction on his leg, but to have washed away the evidence when he showered. So id be very thinking he showered one and 18 month. Additional investigation led to no collaborating proof. When they vigorously searched their homes and possessions, no drugs were found. Nor were weapons. Money, paraphernalia a rainy other indication at all that the housewife, farmer or anyone else arrested were actually using drugs. But was discovered however was judicial misconduct running rampant in the war on drugs and julia, texas, with a clear racial bias. Coleman had accused 10 of the black population of dealing and cocaine raced on his word alone, 50 of all of the black man in the town were indicted, it incentives to present. Randy credit growth of the william of this conflict fund for Racial Justice calle

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