Transcripts For CSPAN2 Republicans 20240703 :

CSPAN2 Republicans July 3, 2024

Please welcome to the stage. Congressman Adam Kinzinger Reince Priebus, karl rove with ari melber. Thank you. Its good to be back. Yes, maam. All all. Good afternoon. Hows everyone doing . Good afternoon. Welcome. Come on and sit down. If youre still getting settled. My name is ari melber. Im an anchor at msnbc news and we a really special panel. Everyone here has been a writer and a thinker. But first and foremost, theyre known for really being at the helm of government, the National Political parties both and so in that sense, were going to get a really inside here Reince Priebus was President Trumps chief of staff, and before that, the rnc chairman for many years. Adam kinzinger, a military veteran who was member of congress in the party, cast many noteworthy votes which we can discuss and served on the january Six Committee. And then you all know bushs brain right, karl rove has had a very distinguished career in politics, including serving both in the Campaign Apparatus at the highest levels of the white house. For president George W Bush. Please welcome our esteemed panel. Hey. I like to be very transparent. So heres what going to do with our time. I think were going to start with up politics. We have some very knowledgeable people here, and youre going to us about political things. Then i wanted to talk about the direction the party and then finally the crisis of democracy versus in our country where there may or may not be more disagreement. Well find out, but starting with politics. Karl rove what do you coming down the pike in the president ial and for both parties, who do you see as the nominee that they would be most afraid of . Yeah. Well, first of all, thanks for having me. And yes, once again, you insulted George W Bush by suggesting he hated exterior brain. Hes a yale history major and a harvard mba. And i graduated from college. So whose brain is one . So, look, this is going to be the most president ial election. I think, ever seen, because neither one of these people i mean, theyre the two most unpopular people ever to run for president. And thats a fact. I mean, go back to the 1936, which is the earliest date we really have polling on president ial candidates and no parties, frontrunners been as unpopular as these two men are. And the real politics average, i think it was day yesterday, biden was 55. 8 unfavorable rating. And donald trump was 55. 3, the most words used to associate theyre associated the joe biden in peoples minds are old not to it and the most common phrase used to depict trump as corrupt and criminal. So these are not exactly the warm and fuzzy people we had and a result you know theyre both theyre both the person who could lose to the other and you know were going to end up having the election decided people who dont like both of them and they decide whos the lesser of evils and as a result third parties are going to play an outsized role to 1. 8 of the electorate voted for third party in the last election, and the votes won by the libertarian candidate in arizona, georgia and wisconsin are bigger than Donald Trumps losing margin. And in the previous election, 6 of the electorate voted for a Third Party Candidate and the green numbers in wisconsin and pennsylvania are bigger than hillary losing margin and four, potentially 4 3 Party Candidates running. We may come close to having eight or 10 of the electorate as a vote for a Third Party Candidate. This time around. And how that falls out is anybodys everything. Both of these men and theyre likely to be the two nominees unless unless nature intrudes or lightning strikes. You how they conduct themselves is going to affect how people vote. And the question of a debate, if we have a debate, it will be the most concerned credential debate since 1980, when we had one and we had a large number of undecided voters and after that debate in which Ronald Reagan handled himself well, the undecideds moved his direction. If we have a debate that debate will have huge consequence for the outcome of the election. And if we have a debate how the american react to the absence one and who they blame for it could also have consequences. Thats a great overview that i wont repeat, but Party Chairman welcome to a few as Party Chairman what i really want to stress here is how the Campaign Apparatus looks at an election. This election is not a national election. Its election where 100,000 people in five or six states are going to decide the outcome of this election. To carls point in 2016, donald trump won wisconsin by about 22,000 votes. Jill and green Party Candidate got about 25,000 votes. So these tiny margins make a difference. So back to the 20,000 in wisconsin last time. I think we had 11,000. And in in michigan or excuse me in georgia, we know everything about every person in those states. So were in pennsylvania we would know what beer you drink, car you drive, how many kids you have with your mortgages. Right, set up or upside down, what color your truck. And after a thousand points, a consumer data and every one of your heads, were going to message to you. And so were going to find out what you believe, why you believe it. Knock on your door if you look like youre a voter for us, were going to give you a form fill out so that you send it in to the clerk and sign an absentee ballot at early vote. And were going to knock on your to make sure you turned it in. And once you turn it in, were going to go to the next person. The point is, is that when you think about the of dollars that are raised in an election like this, its not billions of dollars thrown around all over the place. Its of dollars spent six states to influence the outcome of 100,000 people. Your pool is a little than that, but its 100,000 that are going to make or break you. So the question then is not so much whether you like trump you love trump, you like biden hate biden. What really matters is what are those people in the middle there that were targeted in thinking so today the battleground polls show that would beat biden in every battleground. Between three and eight points. If you believe these polls. But it really doesnt matter because what matters is what are people going to do after that level of targeting, turnout, persuasion and 6 billion drops on top of their head. And so thats what the parties are doing, thats the campaigns are doing. And so it matters. Yes are you better off today than you were four years ago . Right now, independents say, no, theyre not off today than they were four years ago, but theyre down to the candidates and this is anyones guess where its going to come down to. I do think and i agree, karl, that the democrats want to make this about donald trump. And i would say that is. But it also comes with an enormous risk because when you introduce choose third parties so you get Donald Joe Biden and joe bidens message are to be im not for trump. We dont want trump. We cant have the chaos of trump. Hes going to be here and up over and over and over. And theres a lot of out there that would go for that. But they also look at joe biden and say, yeah, but the economy not good enough. Crime everywhere. The border is out of control. The worlds falling apart or whatever it is. Maybe they think hes too old, whatever it may be, hes he has some unpopularity. My point is then you have other choices. Once you have said no to trump and you cant buy biden. Well, what about cornell west . What about jill stein . What about our are kennedy jr . What about no labels . So when you dilute yourself, the democrats are opening up to an enormous infrastructure failure i think and how theyre what theyre allowing to have happen around them. I dont need to add anything because i think they hit that well but let me just say this like as im listening to this, i agree with being said, im just like, how did a country of 340 Million People end up here . Like, how is it that we are not happy with our candidates and and how is it that you know really 100,000 people are going to pick our president and i think from a long term perspective, thats something we ought to think through because the only way democracy survives is if everybody feels like they have a voice in. And when people start, this is why the election narrative was so dangerous is youre convincing a third of the country up to half of the that the election system doesnt work well selfgovernance does not survive if people believe their vote doesnt count because will speak out. Thats what i about long time long term i think the analysis is 100 correct and its coming down to six states in 100,000 people and let me worry about that. And carl, you ducked the first question because youre good at what you do or didnt think was a good question. But i was curious. I bet a lot of people maybe maybe i didnt hear the a lot of people would want to know for the democrats who you think they should fear most. And for the republicans, who should they fear most . In other words, yeah, people in the room. We wonder if biden whatever reason was the nominee got it real quick. One, one, one thing to follow up on what adam said, the battleground states change from election to election in 2000, the battleground states were kentucky, tennessee, west virginia, which at last voted a republican in an open race for the presidency in 1928, as well as colorado, oregon, new mexico, missouri. No. Yes. So my point is, is every election the critical elements change. George and arizona were not battleground states until the 2016 or 2020. So, you know, things change. Virginia used to be a reliably republican state until 2008. So, yes, these elections be narrowly settled. But we have a strictly been in a period in periods where every election is close. Nobody in in the last quarter century, of the eight of the 1800s gets 50 of the vote. And we have three elections out of that in which margin between the two candidates is less than 1 . So close elections changing battleground states, thats a fact of life. Now, as to the question of who they should fear, which Party Figures out that a new face is their candidate is the that gets an advantage to take these polls matching. And nikki haley whos the out of him why because people are desperate for a new face. They say we may not know much about her, but she seems to handle herself. And i dont want biden. Similarly, if if we had polls on the on the other side and, we had trump versus whitmer or polis or murphy or cooper or Mitch Landrieu or klobuchar or booker. Maybe not newsom. Maybe not pritzker. But we would have the democrat ahead, particularly somebody like gretchen whitmer. Congressman, same question. Oh, yeah. I mean, i 100 agree. I mean, i think i think 2024 is going to be and im not bitter. I actually texted rove earlier like just see, now im going to be the bitter one up there. He goes. Oh, be optimistic. Im like i actually am long optimistic. In the short term, im a little pessimistic. But so i think 24 is going to be rough. 28, i actually think has the real potential to be an amazing year in this country because both parties will have new faces and new as long as the fake ramaswamy not in it. Thats the only thing. But like. So i think any of those i agree with what karl got any new face. Thank god have somebody standing up against the great debt threat that our country faces. Taylor i mean, thank you. So ryans you love numbers very hard to give anyone on this Panel Numbers they dont know but there was a numerical positive for donald in the 2020 results among. People who had voted before the existing electorate it was actually dead even at 4949, as you may recall. And in 2020, if you just rerack 16, it would be very similar but practically tied as you as you know. And im curious for you to apply this to 24 and your former bosses challenge. Even if donald trump becomes the nominee, 14 of that electorate were first time voters. Its big and they broke 64 for biden. Youre your view of that and is it key donald trump to not just hold whatever that losing electorate was, but to find some compact with new or first time voters this if hes the nominee . Well, i mean, aside from the mechanics in not getting blown out in early vote and absentee ballot voting, i think covid was wild in 2020 and presented a lot of new opportunities for voters that were not available in 2016. And and that dynamic, i think, changes a lot as compared to 2020 and 2016. Just the level of first time participation. What could change, i think bidens popularity i mean, was 20 points higher on the on and the Approval Rating in 2020 than he is today. Thats number one. Number two, independents. By 47 to 29 on average say that they were better off under trump than they were under biden. And and they said that the world was a safer place under trump. Biden so the other thing to keep mind is that, you know, i, i think that 2024 is a replay of the electorates mood. More similar to 2016 than it was in 2020. I, you know, trump was in he was fresh to the electorate. The know to some people they didnt like his tactics. Biden was going to be the guy to bring us all together things were going to go back to normal but it didnt happen. Their thing, i tell you, is that, you know, people are angry out there. People are upset. And as i describe donald trump in 2016, he was the biggest middle finger that the American People could find. And they found it. And i actually think people are more angry today than they were in 2016 for some of the things i listed before about crime about the border, about where theyre at the economy and you name it. And so i just think and then you add the third parties in where youre talking about tiny margins. I think all of that together means weve got a tossup means that no one can tell us really definitively, obviously, how going to turn out until it turns out and well get into kind of maybe why mood is like that around the country later i would love talk about that my opinion on but things will be different i think voting will be down and the options will be more plentiful. Im going go to carl and i have some numbers for you and then to the congressman on democracy. There are some things that youve been very right about and and a lot that ive been very wrong. I need to make confession. I gave money to adam, and shortly thereafter his career ended. Im sorry, i contributed. Reagan reiner. Congressman, do you have a response . Yeah. Yeah, they got their rhino on me. Yeah, well, this is what you said, which overlaps with this part of the discussion. Reading from from you a few years back, you wrote trump didnt win because he expanded the gop but because clinton lost significant chunk of the Obama Coalition and you compared her 16 to obama reelect. She dropped wrote 1. 8 million African Americans 1 million voters age under 29. 1. 8 million voters aged under 44. 2. 6 million catholics. And nearly point 5 million voters in. Families that make under 300,000 excuse me, under 30,000. Families that are struggling and you document all of that, how does that apply today and to what ryans would say . Yeah, well, both candidates faced the likelihood of losing part of what they had last time around. There are two ways that you that think shift. One is i go from being for somebody to being against same person or for somebody else. And the other way is i dont show or i show up on bidens side. Hes got a problem in that he, first of all, is lacking enthusiasm among black, hispanic and young voters. A 1 decline in africanamerican turnout in georgia. And he loses georgia, a 7 decline in voters under the of 35. And turnout in arizona, even if he gets the same overwhelming, he loses arizona. So the lack of enthusiasm is problematic for him and. For trump, the problem is is that last time around, he lost percent of republicans and it was 7 million votes short in the popular in june on the National Opinion Research Council for ap did a survey said, do you think are the four indictments . Do you think theyre legitimate . Not 16 of voters said that. At least one of those or more of the indictments were legitimate. 16 of republicans. And they also said, you know, do you think theyre legitimate . Legitimate, but politically motivated . Not legitimate. Do you not have enough information order to form an opinion. 24 to 31 of republicans said, i dont have enough information to tell you whether or not i got an opinion about new York Business case. Jack smith georgia or classified documents what was happening was they were saying im talking to somebody dont know represent an Organization Never heard of and im a republican and theyre asking me to Say Something bad about the leader of my party in a travel moment. And i dont feel comfortable saying that. So im going to take the easy way out and say, i dont have enough information. Well, let me counter you and ill let you finish. One out of five voters in the republican primaries in these first two states say if hes convicted and they view that as disqualifying. Yeah look, thats the thats the next thing. I mean, if you got if you got 60 , are you saying was legitimate and another 24 to 31 who say, im not going to tell you where i fall down on this thing, i can believe that that number is accurate. So if he is found guilty in something, even if the new York Business case, its to have an effect. So let lets bring robinson and then and then the congressman promised rights. You served the highest level for this individual when he was president. There are investigations that the second highest the guy who was in charge of the twitter feed was the highest ranking. So you say and there were investigate sessions that did not find wrongdoing. Donald trump, in fairness, the Mueller Probe was a long running investigation. It found a lot of wrongdoing, had a lot of fair convictions by peoples juries of their peers. But bob did not find wrongdoing that the president , while president other than the arguments around obstruction, wh

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