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Reports that negotiation are issue way for release of only remaining p. O. W. In afghanistan, taliban demanding release of a gay da Guantanamo Bay terroris tonight, president orders epa to develop new fuel efficiency standards for heavy duty trucks. Mr. Obama took a moment to brag about his recent actions. Over the past 3 weeks ive requed federal contract or to pay their eloyees a fair wage of at 10. 10 an hour, i directed treasury secretary to crade my ira. Werought together Business Leaders who committed to help more unemploymt americans fine work. So poin is, i am eager to work with Congress Wherever i can. But whatever i can act on my own, to expand opptunity for more americans, i will do that. Lou what is unclear how thi helping growhe middle class, white house admitting they h no idea how many employees federal conactors have earning the minimum wage, at the same time claiming they were helping quote hundredsf thousands of American Workers without any evidence of the kind. We know ts, only 2 of labor force, earnings minimum wage or less. And Congressional Budget Office today reported that raing minimum wage for all americans to 10. 10 an hour would kill job, not create them, the report reading, once fully implemented in second half of 2016, the 10. 10 option would reduce total employment by about 500,000 workers. And we should pointout that the cbo acknowledged this a estimate, a rough one at best. Joining us author, radio talk show host monica crowley, and michael goodwin, fox news contributors, it is great to have you here, monic i mean the idea, we have seen a flurry of communiques from various offices on capil hill in particular. Saying that cbo is out of its mind on this estimate that ffled a few feathers. Yeah, the democrats loved the cbo. Ey love the then now not so much, now they are papering everyone with condemnations, this latest report on minimum wage comes on heels of last report two weeks ago saying that obamacare would cost 2. 5 million jobs, so it all ties into this same general policy. Lou michael, this administration committed to this rule by fiat now, other president s have used, some of them, executive action and orders. But there is a declaration on this president he means to go around congress with these orders and acts that sets him aport from previous president s. Where are we headed . Im struck by president same im eager to work with congress when i can, meaning, when theyy do what i want, this is the greatist failure ielieve of the obama presidency, the policies are rotten, but his refusal to even negotiate with things he cannot get. If he either my way or the highway on everything, he is now actively looking for areas that he can use executive order. Some of these things may be thrown out by courts, but in the meantime were now passing througg to a new presidency, where acting as though congrs really is not there. If the president does notant it to be there. This is something thawill come back toaunt democrats. Lou and this future is approaching as Midterm Election year. The sides are pretty well delineated. I dont see after the retreat by both parties, a clear plan coming from eher democrats on how to rebut their flu with obamacare or republicans with how to deal with a forward strategy, about what they stand are. To you . No, i agree, i dont think you are seeing any anticipated strategy on aiculated strategy on both sides. They dont they are grappng with how to handle it. They dont really know how, on other hand, republican have put all their eggs in the obama care basket, which might be dangerous, because i media starts running stories about of people benefitting from obamacare, this is working, then the republicans will find themselves in a rl fix. I think a lot ofhat president s strategy is to change the conversation away from obamacare, to talkbout anything else, a lot of these president ial orders, they fit into his ords, heooks to them so he does not hav talk about obacare, it look like he dog something for somebody as opposed to obama, which is doing things to people. Lou you kw, kerry is the most confounding charaer in the Obama Administration, he leaves the big obama pit to asia then talks about Global Warming as a vo volcano is interrupting his travel plans. It can be coming a farce . Y though . I thought that the indonesians were police to him after that. He is scoing the russians, they are doubling down with assad ask syrians, and scolding syrians ass for not resigning he wags his finger, and long face. Just. Lou scolding seems to be the job requirement. He is plows in a out of middle east. And o of asia, the problem circumstance you are right, that problems, he is pointings finger but no one is listening to this commander in chief, ty dont fear orespect him. Lou he is done, he is a true lame duc dont you agree . I do, and if kerry is so fools errand we suld talk about the fool who sent him on this errand. These arebamas policies, thi is obama on the international stagee whater john kerry is doing is justort of dancing to the sg of the puppet. U i said john kerry was confounding, not a fool but just confounded to what in the world . I am trying to assess what she trying to achieve. We thank you both. Thank you, lou. Lou onica crowley, mike add goodwin. The oba adminisation may behanging positive policy on syria quickly, peace talks remain deadlocked. Two weeks ago spokeswoman said this. We have never taken the option as it relates to syria off the tab. B what wre pursuing now is the diplomatic path o removal of chemical weapons and geneva conference process. Lou during they surprise visit in tunisia today, secretary of state kerry said this. Let me emphasis, there is no military solution. Well agree on that, you have to continue to pursue a litt political path if you are going to find a way to solve the problem. Toug as it is. Lou see what i mean, about confounding . Desm a secret means reportedly took place, in washington it discusow to ship more arms to syrian opposition. The United States still trying to resume talks with the taliban to negotiate the release of Army Sergeant bo bergdahl. Only american solder in captivity according to u. S. Official say swap would launch derg dol bergdahl for 5 tal bega5 taliban members in Guantanamo Bay. Now youre looking at ukraine. 18 peoe kild as protesters clashed with riot police. On edge of kiev independent square. And u. S. Officials say that last years iranian hack of a u. S. Navy computer nwork, was more extensive than believed. Ckers stuck aund during the months of september. October, november, and december. Before they were somehow scared off. Were in aot off trouble. Were coming right back. A dop secret meeting of so call friends of syria has concluded, diplomacy may be at an end,men. An end,men. K tmcfarland in the new new york, we dont back down. An end,men. K tmcfarland we only know one direction up so were up eay. Up late. Thinking up gamechanginlike this dozens of tax free zones across new york state. Ve here. Expand here. Or start a new business here. And pay no taxes for 10 years. With new jobs, new opportunities and a new tax free plan. Theres only one way for your business to go. Up. Nd out if your business can qualify at startupny. Com lou were going to talk to k t mcfarlanebout end of monroe stock rent in a moment could butirst wall street stock finished mick, dow down 25, s p up 2, nazdaq up 29. Drugmaker act va is buying forest labs, carlcahn cheering, one of the biggest beneficiariee with a 11 stake in forest. Companyby huge the game canny crush,ing digital filingor an ipo. Target data breach costing banks and Credit Unions estimats there are to00 million in card replacements. 200 million in card replacements. Diplomac effort to off the out of assad has failed. Who would have guessed . My next guest, k t mcfarland. There is no surprise in these failures in those talks, where do they go. Here . Were not in the drivers seat, w knows. That is up to russia, iran and assad. Syria, we have gotten ourselves in this position, where iran and nuclear talk or syria red line, and chemical weapons, and ukraine or in venezuela. We are no locker in the drivers year no longer in the drivers seat, we have given away every leverage we have, if you dont have leverage, you are not negotiating, you are begging. Lou comparing what happened to this administratios foreign policy, there is no successes y more, you look at prospect. Of the Ayatollah Khamenei saying, it is not hapning, there is no evidence of any vance in those talks, there is an asian pivot, and john ker starts talng about Global Warming, it is hard to make sense of this. Then in our own hemisphere, benghazi, brazil venezuela, brazil, argentina, and our secretaryftate against announcing to organization of american states in november, that Monroe Doctrine is dead as far as this administration is concerned, what sense do you make of this . No sense, i find, you know at fit i thoht justin competence they are new, no, i think we have gotten to poin where all feign policy successes of both Political Parties whether nixon and kiss injee kissinger opening to east, and china, carter, reagan, all of those achievements, seemed to be tossed away by this one administration that flips from crisis to crisis, with no answs, so they flit to the next crisis, the take aaay from this leading from behind, has meant were not leading anything, were now the really buffetted about by t winds of change, that were no longer in charge of. Lou does the idea of ending Monroe Doctrine, make any sense what so of sneer. So ever. I worked for president reagan, we had a littlear, to talk about month crow doctrine, id no other great power is coming to our hemisphere, now, we have cuban missile crisis, and grenada over tt, we spent a large amount of energy, Political Parties over there was 200 years to make sure that united state was soverei in this hemisphere, now have you secretary kerry, and president saying that oes not matter any more. Really not important tos. Lou you know, i tnk all of us as schoolkids learned about the Monroe Doctrine. D i think it is interesting that national mi media did not give that story that statement by secretary of state much corage, hardly any, and you wonder about why. You wond irwhy the republicans have that theddreed it, it does not mean that republicans agree with this. Lou i think that one tng that sping now with Republican Party, peoe are talking about civil war, Republican Party having over immigration taxes, i think there is another civil war that republicans party, they are not sure where they want to be on foreign policy, on one hand you dont want to be with dodge Obama Administration is, but on other hand, the two wars, the are discredited. People say we want to pullback home, well that is unrealistic. So repubbican party i think ha not come up with a respond, because there is no one single unifieding principle. Lou it is more complex than a civil war to which most commentators, assigned what is going on in Republican Party, this is a divergence of view, and values, between conservatives, and the chamber of commerce. First time there is an acknowledgnt that businesses not going to hold sway over the Republican Party, there are a oup o strong, intellectuals, that are saying issue we have a nation here, who is destiny we to achieve. And there has to be a National Interest not a u. S. MultiNational Interest, there has to be a interest in a middle class. In preserving the american dream, in some ways the conservatives and Republican Party, are far more poll plus than pap hous populous than the left. That is why your book is so imrtant, you are one of the only people who hazard ti has articulated what it means to support the middle class, you talk about starting from nothing, and hard work, and delayed gratification and values that make america great, an individual can make something of his sim, as a resul of nation is something again that a debate that missing in Republican Party. Substance of debate, and foreign policy, economy policy, particularly the values. Lou and values, are critically important. Im not talking about wedge issues but fundamental values of this nation that have guid to us or where we are today, it has been a hick of a journey. We make certain we continue it. You dont thr that away. Thank you. Lou thank you. Up next, hhs secretary Kathleen Sebelius ignoring a recent congressional budget was on the report on obamacare. You will not believe this, she wanted to avoid the facts i know it impossible to think it might have happened b any member of that administration, wessure you, that is what occurred, evidence here next lou the Obama Administration choosing to ignore comal budget was on report, demonstrating that obbmacare will cost equivalent of 2. F 5 million jobs over the next decade. Listen to health and Human Service secretary Kathleen Sebelius. There is no edence and every economists will tell you, ther i any jobless, related to the Affordable Care act, i know that a possible myth that continues to be repeated, it is not accurate. Lo joining us now, senior fellow at manhattan institute. Great to have you here, what do you make of a hhs secrery who said such things . The opposite of what she said is true, all economists agree that obamacare is reducing employment in certain areas, for example the fact that ittraises taxes by 1. 2 trillion over 10 years that cuts dn on labor force and jobs. Er mandate cuts down on employer mandate cuts down on jobs, people are oping out of the workforce. Lou have to to say, i think that Congressional Budget Office reasserted their inttgrity. They perform a Performance Service by being a referee, there are always deficiencies and inadequacie inadequacies. Lou luckily not for the rest of us. They have reasserted themselves. Iatched you know, try to reassert that. I want to give him great credit for it. Well, as we look at obamacare, it a disincentive for work. There should be understanding of view onhat but there not. That has been mos surprising element in this not that t the o said there would be a depression of labor fce, but Obama Administration has been saying that is an achievement to be celebrated rather than a problem to be mitigated. Most people would say, no, have id, no this not good, ts a problem, we want universal at health care but we have to take care it does not depresshe labor force, but Obama Administration, i dont know if it is political spin or ideology or both. Lou maybe fear in this Midterm Election year . It could be both. There is an ideal crew that does not matter if people work. Were headed to a accounting, but that has been said, literally for decades over 17. 2 trillion in national debt, that is the same size at our economy now. And people have to understand. There will be consequences, but the problem for republicans, they always harp on debt, always harp on entitle. Ams, team important them off it will be same result,. There is a solution, wha slug solution is to leapfrog the left, showing that conservative and republican policies will do more for low know come people, do more for people at bottom of ladder working their way up. That is what republicans have not been doing. Lo i thinkhat the democrats have done good job of taking care of the pr in this country country. A long with help from republicans. But they have. But i dont understand why republiccns refuse to look to the needs and issues of the middle class, working men were watching conservatives, push back against the chamber of commerce, the back of the hand to business round table. This stuff is over, were going to see a true divergence herd rd t if it wants people in the tent who work, and sweat. And build this country of day. That is the middle class that is working people. Small business people. Single greatest inren shi inventtion that our crewed poverty isapitalism, that curered poverty is capitalism they have to make that connecte. Our ideas will be one that help you the mos most. Lou democrats dont go to elections toay to a bunch of folks, you know what we really believe in redistribution, and we are going to build the greatest eitlement system ever. They dont use those terms. Lou right, they connection. You are going to have a benefit program. Republicans are not good out talking about things in that concrete way. Lou republicans, lets change the language, they are great at connections with working men and women in middle class, how about at. Thank you. Thank you. Lou a crackdown in china on worlds oldest pfession, that could cripple a cornerstone of the chinese enomy. Believe it or not, that and much morehead. Y with us, were coming right back. President obama using his pen andhone to rule by fiat. Attorneys lis wiehl, and mercedes call nguye next. E in standards were joined by our attorneys, fox news legal analysts, ferocious. Gat to be here. Lou our fox news poll shows that by a large majority, that americans hate it, this rule by fiat, by dece or whatever you would like to call it, how is this legal . It legal because article ii did you not give expect power but it allow president to have executive order, but there are three branches of government, that our check and balances, when the economitiv theic the executive branch starts to make law you encroach on legislative branch of government that is why u. S. Voters are offended. We have the structure, for a reason. Lou you mentioned article ii, second three reid reads President Shall take ce that laws be faith fully executed. They can take the word executed. And get executive order out of th. Lou are you kidding me . We are lawyers, we spin for a living. Lou i admire you so much to do that. Almost like carnivals that came to town. Thank you, but here a problem. By time that gets through to court. It is a executiverder that may be so overreaching, it takes years to get in front of supreme cot, last decision was in 1950s, look, were going to have all sa sawmills under legislative order, Supreme Court said you cannot do that that is how long is took. Ho the process takes so long to get through Supreme Court. Lou this is so screwed up, this is a president who said, you know, been signing executive orders and actions, but the things that gives mee concern, s he said the reason he was doing it, was to go around congress. Didnt say he was doing it because of this historical pro precedent or necessary or within parameters of previous president s issue he said it to defy, and avoid engagement with the congress, which is envisioned by that constution. You are right, his platform in 2008, repeated again since 2012, im not going to be like former president bush and create executive orders, you can rely on me on up hold the co the constution, he has signed 170 executive ordersnd counting. To be fair, bush with 291, clinton 364. But he has not finished his term, at int of 8 years. Lou here is the thing, i curious, how many did George Washington sign . I dont know. Thomas jefferson. Because it became common place, and in the urgent years of the great depression, and world war ii, i can understand some. At but this is a different time. That is what irked people so much about what president obama did, it was n those urgent circumstances, it was, i he the pen, i hae the power of the pen, i hav the power of the phone, that irked some because it is wait aminute, you are threatening us something that is not in the constution, you are threatening with the power of the pen. Thai think is what to say it deliberaty to circumvent congres it is flng in the face of the three branches of government. Lou congress can they do anything . They can see he abused his discretion, but it will be a problem. You have to bring someone a voter, coming forward say there has been been i have been abused by this somehow. With the nsa thing, a class action. That could say ive been abused and hurt. Lou the Supreme Court itself . Could they not say . It has not been dught to them. Lou they cant reach out it has to be brought to them. It goes through a process. Back to three branches of governnt. Lou we have a passive Supreme Court, thank god we dont worry about activist judges, and justices, and congrrss that is bemuddled. Mccain has said about this particular executive order, perhaps he can start the movement. You said it right, starting theovement. It will take time. Lou i think best thing is to win a few elections. Chang it up a bit. Lou mercedes, thank you lease there thank you. Chinese government widening a major crackdown on prostitution, arresting me than a,000 people over the last feways. Chinese police have their work cut out. Experts say that prostitution in china accounts for as much as 8 of that countrys economy. And that prostitution is in words of one, a cornerstone of the chinese economy. Up next, number one and number two Cable Companies in the nation, may merge, sparks fears of monopoly. And a big anniversary for Sports Illustrated infamous swimsuit issue. What does this have to do with sports . Well find out next. [ female announcer ] who are we . We are thinkers. The job jugglers. The up allnhts. And the ones who turn ideas into action. Weve made our passions our lifes work. We strive for the moments where we can s, i did it we are entrepreneurs who started it all. With a sigture. Legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses, turning dreamers into business owners. And were here to help aryours. [ female announcer ] youre the boss of yr life. Incharge of long weekends and longer retirements. Ask your financial professial how lincoln financial can help you take charge your fure. Lou the 45 billion proposed merger time te warner and comcast. Here to tell us whether deal with getone, david. Great to have you with us. I think that the idea, i love what bri robbers, ceo of comcast said. When talking about hurdles, it pro comtitive. Which i sort of of took me pack, i thought, i remembered how smart Brian Roberts is. What are your tughts . Lou, tha. I dont think there is a chance this merger will happen, i think that fcc and department of the justice will realize that merger is a bad deal for consumers they will go to court to block the deal. Lou you think that Obama Justice department will go to court to block it, can i just put fward a new considerations for you. Among them, fact that comcast, ceo, Brian Roberts, is a supporter of barack obama. The chief lobbyist for comcast raised over a million for the obama campaign. I mean there are close ts, lets say good feelings between comcast, and obama white house, you dont think that will extend to Obama Justice department. I dont think so, antitrust is not aolitical sport. Political correction, rarely if ever get interject themselves into antitrust matters, these officials know how to call balls and strikes fairly, it is clear based on evidence that past mergers have led to higher prices, these people, comcast cannot make assure as or promises of lower prices, this deal is bad for consumers, it will be challenge lou what about other mpanies . Providers, including netflix or amazon . Who are competing through streaming with the Cable Companies, are they part of the equation as well . They are, lou, that is why the deal has to be blocked. Comcast, who the deal will become the king of castle, it will be ab to deny access to those firms that challenge its cabl monopoly, that is a vital form of competition to be protected. Lou and let me ask you, why have we seen such a conctration, in industry after industry, we have 30 seconds ft, where a seriesf administrations seems unamerin in Teddy Roosevelt since . Ther that have to be turned around, obama antitrust divisn is turning that with more aggressive antitrust enforcement. I call them the Seattle Seahawks of antitrust. They are getting tougher, they need to be. Lou thigh got a fan in you david. They got a fan in you david. Thank you lou. Lou david battla. Orts illustrated marking 50th anniversary of its iconic swimsuit edition, with a companion web site launch today, were investigating what it has to to with sports, but well let you know as soon as weind out it has a lot to do with money, more than a bilon dollars sociatedith this one issue. As i sa, were still trying to figure out how it works. Up nex my commentary of how soaring costs of Higher Education are so bad they influenceegatively our Housing Market be. We tie it together, well also have your thoughts and comments ahead. Listen to my Financial Report three times a day on sal Salem Radio Network coasttocoast. Stay with us, were coming rht lou we americans can be real hoots, sometimes we me and are through a mental thicket before we can see what should below obvious, a number of us have gotten excited about a fall off in firstime homebuyers. And down turn in formation of new households, then we discover that rising studentoan debt has become so large, such a burden on backs of our College Students and their families, that is one of major factors in preventing many of First Time Buyers from buying homes. Now were awakening to latest. Least reported on inflation bubblesn our economy, middle class parents nd their kids ot theills, helped out by our federal government, and state kick in. So just how much debt are we talking about . How much debt can a bunch of college kids runup . Turns out it is a massive amount. 7 in 10 graduates leave college owing on studen loan, each walk out saddled with 30 tow30,000 a piece in debt, school loans total 1. 2 trillion worth of debt. As of lt year, Student Loans are biggest category of consumer detroit afteconume debt, after mortgages, we just keep borrowing. Higher education costs have soared therein 65 over that time disploo hav. Have soared 165 percent, it time to rein in this spiral of Higher Education cost. Greater goverent lending and larger debt on the backs of our middle class, and their children. It means we have to acknowledge it is time t en the Government Support of Higher Educational cost which create greater burdens for next generation of college graduates. We have focus on those issues now. Here are a few of top comments from our viewers, joh tweeted boo secretary kerry statement on global wmerring, might want to focus on ira and syria, middle east is about to glow in the dark. Climate . Really . Steven in oregon. I have no doubt when end of march arrives there are an insufficient number o obamacare enrollies, president obama will move the enroll a enrollment date, and peter tweeteds aaout obamacare, is the administration moving us to a single payer system, as answer to a problem they created . A few people think so, email he at loudobbs. Com. Foow us on twitter, or facebook page. Wer giving all of you who messages and posts and tweets are read here, free copies my new book, upheaval, keep those comments coming. That is it for us, well see you tomorrow vo you are a business pro. Seeker of the sublime. Yocan separate runway diculousness. From fashionhat flies off the shelves. And u. Rent from national. Because only national lets you choose any car ithe aisle. And go. And only national isanked highest in car rental Customer Satisfaction by j. D. Power. natalie ooooh, i like your style. O so do we, business pr so do we. Go national. Go like pro. 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