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The obstructionists versus the ideologues. With the Government Shutdown looming one mow from today assistant senate needing 60 votes to pass an emergency budget. The obstructionists vow to block any plan thats involves a great wall. Ill build a great wall on the Mexican Border and mexico will play for that wall. Mark my words. Its not best way to protect the border, everyone agrees on that. And its very expensive. Republicans on the border states are objecting. There is eminent domain. Kennedy now in know it all the has developed scepticism. Where was that in 2006 when you voted for the secure defense act of 06. The president needs 8 Senate Democrats to jump on the trump train. The problem is, democrats will never agree to a u. S. Paid wall because their parents, pelosi and schumer tell them how to vote. Democrats are statists who live to increase the size and scope of government and they want to invade every orfice in the body politic. Senate republicans are happy to tear count wall to further fund the richest, biggest military in if the world. Can i just have some of my money back any never wanted to spend so much of it and on stuff i never wanted. And i never wanted to be a pawn in a congressional game show where so far everybody loses. The deadline to make a deal to avoid the shutdown is april 28. Last weeks healthcare mess has thrown an enormous Monkey Wrench into the budget. Joining me is kat timpf and andrew levy and rich lowry. Welcome, everyone. In this big looming budget crisis, who holds the cards . Lls republicans are united the democrats do. The border wall, mexico is note going to pay for it, mexico is not going to pay for it and thats a problem. Kennedy Lindsey Graham would rather take the 40 to 50 billion it will take to build the wall and funnel it toward the military. Rich i support the wall and the military. Kennedy thats when republicans sounds like statist Big Government democrats. Lets increase and have a tax cut. Military and the borders are core responsibilities of our government. The other things are relative luxuries. The wall wont solve this. Hes selling it to secure or border which isnt going to happen. The whole point was mexico was going to pay for it. Kennedy he said mark my words. Im the best budget talk in the world. How do we consciously uncouple the wall from the april 28 deadline . And can that be done . Can a budget be passed if you take out what cluck schumer is calling a poison pill . And now that you need 8 democrats, they will have a say here. The only way i might be wrong about a government shoulddown, the democrats need a victory they can call their own. Trump care, gorsuch will get confirmed. Stopping construction of the wall would give democrats something to go home to their constituents and say this is what i did. I think they can find a way to do that without a shutdown because a lot of republicans arent crazy about the wall either. Kennedy i think there are enough republicans who dont want the wall now. They may say they will defer it. How important is the victory for this administration. Rich they will get one on gorsuch. Thats an enduring victory. He will probably be there for 30 years. A Government Shutdown would be very bad. And as those things happen the first year the looks like a legislative nullity or worse. Whats happening with the republicans is when you argue with someone about where you are going to eat, by the time you are done the on thing thats left is toothless waitresses. Kennedy President Trump signed a new sweeping executive order to roll back Energy Regulations he claims will bring back Energy Sector jobs in places like coal country. But critics say those jobs are never coming back and the order will lead to more pollution and accelerate Climate Change. Are they bringing back the coal miner jobs . It may bring jobs back tell fairly. But the coal industry is dying due to regulations. More and more coal jobs have become mechanized. So you wont bring back thats jobs. This is one of those feelgood things. The president can say got your jobs back. Kennedy the coal market has shrunk, automation has made those jobs obsolete anyway. And it forced the whole thing to an early grave. So why does the administration hate coal so much . They think it dirty and represents the past. They think its contributing to the destruction of the planet. On a cost benefit analysis even if you think Global Warming is man made, it makes some no sense to lose one job. Why would you do that on some far off bet of getting. 1 off the global temperature 100 years from now. Kennedy thats the argument a lot of people on the left dont want to have. If you grant them yes Climate Change is man made, how much of gdp are you willing to sacrifice on a bet that may not pay off. If you do win, its even better for the economy. Kennedy in West Virginia well have a bunch of wind farms . This is what Hillary Clinton said we are going to put a lot of coal miners out of business. Kennedy i know someone whos very upset about this, and that persons name is Leonardo Leonardo dicaprio. Watering the arid land with his aftertears. I hate it when people say its going to destroy the environment and everyone is going to die. But i agree with andy, you cant help the way the world is going, and its not going in terms of a lot of coal miners keeping their jock because of automation. Kennedy there is a lot of automation in manufacturing. Some of the second towards which employed a big percentage of people for 100plus years, there are not a lot of butter churners anymore. Jobs do go away. You brought up with Hillary Clinton did. That was one of the few times in the campaign she was actually honest and it hurt her. And she was honest and actually correct. Kennedy what do you do . She wanted to do everything she could to put a take through this industry. How does our economy grow . You make it more productive. You lose jobs in certain second towards and pick them up in others. Thats bent history for 200 years or more. Kennedy it appears the white house is looking to bounce back in a big way from last weeks healthcare fiasco. According to a new report the president wants to push for structure now instead of next year because it could be an area where he can grab some support from Big Government democrats. White House Press Secretary sean spicer said the combo deal is possible. Each of them will have different constituencies. Well work with members from both sides of the aisle to see where we can find agreement and move forward. But i dont want to prejudge the outcome at this point. Kennedy lets prejudge always. Another failure to further derail the president s agenda. Is it wise to double up or should the white house do one thing at a time . This seems like a big risky gamble unless there is certain victory combining infrastructure and tax reform. One of the challenges with the Health Reform was the size of it and all the different issues even twined in that that they couldnt unravel. If you combine infrastructure and tax reform. Its a huge issue equal to the Health Reforms. Kennedy it seems contradictory. If you are talking about cutting taxes and growing the economy, that makes perfect sense. People will have more money in their pocket and the perception they have more economic flexibility and freedom. Therefore they will spend money and create jobs. But then if you have a trillion dollars in struck were spending, you are spending money you dont have. So thats where you have to look at how trump during the Campaign Cycle was talking about infrastructure spending. He was talking about stimulating the private sector to do the spending by tax credits. Kennedy which are subjects does and you have to look for tax revenue elsewhere. But you lowered the Corporate Tax rate, lowered the middle class income tax and lowered taxes also on the top 1 . How did that math work out . The reason to possibly combine that with tax reform and infrastructure, if you lower the Corporate Tax rate and get them to repatriate all the dollars from overseas kennedy which is not a guarantee. Thats right. Trump talked about putting a sweetener inth, if they were to invest that money in the United States on infrastructure, they might get a better deal from the government. Does that translate into growth. The other big debate is the democrats will call this corporate welfare. Thats how they responded to it. And they wont necessarily be on board. Even though donald trump thinks he can reach across the aisle on this issue. Kennedy you talk about private roads and toll road, and a lot of taxpayers say im paying for it twice then. Im paying for it with offset tax credit or the taxes that come from the general budget and go to infrastructure spending, then i have to pay 9 a day whenever i have to pay on one these toll roads. In place whereas they had tolls there have been challenges on the legal front and the financial front of were they profitable . They can work. But they tend to take a long type to get off the ground. Kennedy they are better maintained than the public roads we see. It sounds like socialist utopia, im dubious of it, but i love the tax reform. I think they should separate them. I will defer to you. I think it lesson from the healthcare reform that didnt pass is you have got to take these things in smaller slices you can have the support for. Kennedy i love slices because that means pie. Ford is investing a billion dollars to have more plants in michigan. Mike rowe joins me after the break. Is donald trump the first punk rock president . One legendary punk singer thinks so. Who is the punk singer . He walked out on me on two he walked out on me on two interviews. You cant predict the market. He walked out on me on two interviews. But through good times and bad. At t. Rowe price. Weve helped our investors stay confident for over 75 years. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Kennedy welcome back. Ford announcing it will be investing more than a billion dollars to update three michigan factories. President trump was quick to applaud the plan claiming its proof his Economic Strategy is work. But is there a better way to bring back the million millionsf manufacturing jobs . There could be. It begins with pushing Vocational Schools. Mike rowe is the host of dirty jobs. And hes the ceo of the mike rowe works foundation. You my rowed right into my studio. Kennedy exploring it. Its a logical progression. Mike rowe, you have a generation of people that other generations, baby boomers and gerks nxers think baby boomers are entitled to go to college. But thats not the most fruitful path because you end up with a lot of debt and few employment opportunities. You have been pushing Vocational School because you make more money. It was porgy who said it aint necessarily so. There is a ton of opportunity in the country. In my humble view the big divide is between the people who are convinced opportunity is dead and those who do not. I think 75 of the skills jobs dont require 4year degrees. And i would say the student loan debt. Kennedy it keeps sucking more money from government and family. These are not stem jobs or engineering jobs. How do we make it sexy. Stem gets a lot of press. Why not put stems, skills on the end of it. Or steams. When you take it art out of vocational art you have left with vocation. You say to people, there is a whole category of consolation prizes we call these types of jobs. Which ironically are tied to the same kinds of education we call alternative education. From a very, very early age parents and Guidance Counselors make it clear there is a path for people who arent cut out for that which is most desired. Kennedy the desired path is real joint one, that most kids are forced into who arent ready for college. If you are running for office, you have to deliver a macro message. You have to Say Something that makes the most possible sense to the Largest Group of people. But the problem is a microproblem. A cookie cutter approach to education is killing us. Kennedy not only on the primary and secondary level, its outdated, thats why parent want school choice. Essentially in higher education. How did tuition get more expensive than energy, food, real tells state and healthcare . The answer is because we told all generations the best path for you is the most expensive path, then we freed up endless money. Kennedy it feels lining endless money, you have a half Million Dollars and you are telling kids come. Take my money, please. You know how hard it is to give away work ethic scholarships . Every year we get a modest pile, half a million. And they are not big allotments. It could be between 2 and 15 grand depending on the applicant. But we want to focus training money on jobs that currently exist. Half the welders who went through our program are making six figures. Kennedy my necessity nice one of these kids who was not cut out for school. Hes in Vocational School where hes learning carpentry over 2 1 2 years and hes a year in the program and hes building houses and getting on the job training. This kid will have skills and a job and a future. And no debt, or very, very little. Every time i have this conversation what comes back over the net is your anticollege or antieducation. If i could look into the camera and say for a moment there is no hope without education, you have to have some sort of useful skill. But this idea that the only place to get the best education is the most expensive place its killing us. Kennedy its a bunch of hot malarkey. Kennedy its so nice to see you in person. Please go to my website and apply for a scholarship. Go to mike rowe works and you will find it. Kennedy as allegations swirl around the president with his ties to russia. Hes launched his own allegations. Buck is here and he will break down the drama next. I realize that ah, that 100k is not exactly a fortune. Well, a 103 yeah, 103. Well, let me ask you guys. How long did it take you two to save that . A long time. Then its a fortune. Well, im sure you talk to people all the time who think 100k is just pocket change. Right now were just talking to you. I told you we had a fortune. Yes, you did. Getting closer to your investment goals starts with a conversation. Schedule a complimentary goal Planning Session today. Kennedy the calls to lock her up are back. Donald trump called on investigators to stop bothering him and tweeting, why isnt the committee look into bill and hillary. The praise of russia by hillary or the podestarussian company. Devin nunes secretly visited the white house a day before announcing the trump team was secretly scres investigated. Where should the feds be shining that light . Let me ask buck sexton. His radio show america now is legendary. If you had a comprehensive list there would be just as many republicans as democrats. When you look at the connections they are so flimsy to be laughable. But there is so much coverage of russia. If there is a russian bank that did a deal with somebody else. You are talking about people involved in International Business or government employees, International Relations for a long time. Somehow devin nunes says some jawdropping stuff and we have seen days of Media Coverage not whether it was true or not kennedy which should be the real question for those people interested in protecting civil liberties. The chairman of the Committee Said he had reason to believe that improper spying was done on a president elect and his top aides. That would seem to be a walltowall coverage story. Nunes did say seems like. So he wasnt saying definitively. But that seems to be the story you would track down. But instead, anyones was on the white house grounds. Kennedy it drives me crazy when people get hysterical about one party but dont apply it same outrage to another party. Did the president of the United States or anyone at the white house brief a democrat . According to nun else this is a regular occurrence for both parties to meet with the white house. But even if there was the passage of classified information which is what we have been reporting, fit is true, however it came from, it doesnt really matter unless we are going to suggest there is fabricated classified making its way across the top echelon. I dont understand the white house is saying here is information, then they seem surprised. The white house gives nun else the information. The white house grounds are different than being in the white house. It includes the sold executive office building. Thats a really important point. You have got a bunch of journalists all about source protection. They will never reveal their sources even under pain of imprisonment, but they keep saying to anyones, who is your whistleblower. All after sudden source protection means nothing. Kennedy i want to know were there spy agencies gathering information illegally on trump operatives. Nunes has to clear that up. The other thing is the fact that hes not saying enough to clarify his information, he doesnt have to say who got it from, do you agree with john mccain he has become a big distraction . No. I think the press is making nunes a distraction. You have people are an r. Or d by their name investigating. Is anyone going to pretend schiff isnt the partisan that nunes is . So people acting like you have open partisans, of course there are allegations much partisanship that can be leveled at any point in time. Nunes handled this in a strange fashion. Its not a well kennedy hes not doing enough to make it seem like hes not protecting the president. If this was a cloak and dagger meeting, they are not doing a very good job of putting this information out there. But you have the narrative now. I saw a gal of reporters following him into the bowels of the capitol. Kennedy thats his failure. If he has the cluster cuts everywhere he goes then has somehow failed. They keep asking the same questions, will you recuse yourself in who is your source in they cant point to any activity that indicates he should recuse himself. No hes not going to disclose his sources. Kennedy buck sexton thank you for being here. Donald trump rose to the top of the political pile by torching the status quo. But does that make him a punk rock president . Rock president . Johnny rock saysysysysys im going to the bank, to discuss a mortgage. Ugh, see, you need a loan, you put on a suit, you go crawling to the bank. This is how i dress to get a mortgage. I just go to lendingtree. I calculate how much home i can afford. I get multiple offers to compare side by side. And the best part is. The banks come crawling to me. Everything you need to get a better mortgage. Clothing optional. Lendingtree. When banks compete, you win. Okay . Awkward. Kennedy is done report first punk rock president . According to johnny rock, the punk icon told Good Morning Britain that our 45th president shares a lot of the quawlts. Should the president get a spikey mohican hairstyle . I think hes an attentionseeking blowhard. Hes a brand at this point. Punk is an arctic. Trump is authoritarian. There is nothing punk rock about donald trump. I love when donald Trump Supporters call themselves the new punk rockers. There was a time a year or two or three or four ago when people started saying im a libertarian. You ask what they believe, and they are not a libertarian. Kennedy you never compromised yourself on immigration. Rich i understand the phenomenon. They thrive on controversy and outrage. That was a huge element of how donald trump got where he is now. Kennedy the easiest way to upset people, a writer for the New York Post walked around wit hat. And he documented the outrage he saw throughout the day. There is no way to make people more angry. If i were on a College Campus i would do that. If you like trump. Your friend. Everyone else is very, very cool with it. But i agree. Just because trump is different. There is a libertarians for trump movement. The idea is they like to see the twoparty system crash and burn, even though he did run as a republican. Hes the antilibertarian. Kennedy those are the narco cab tallists. You could walk down to the middle of times square wearing a clown hood and robe. And it just makes you a jerk. Rich in my neighborhood one piece of trump paraphernalia was on a child. I thought thats brave. I thought, no, its ironic. Kennedy coming up. One of the stars of discovery channels ucon yukon man is. Two become one. Then youre a couple. Think of all youll share. Like snoring. Does your bed do that . The dual adjustability of a sleep number bed allows you each to choose the firmness and comfort you want. So every couple can get the best sleep ever. Does your bed do that . Only at a sleep number store, right now save 400 on our most popular mattresses. Ends saturday its rough out there, but its all in an attempt to get trapping. Because time is money. Too much time goes by and we dont get some snow, it could impact the entire season. It will have a devastating effect on me. Kennedy thats from the hit show yukon man. Their struggles to preserve their hardscrabble way of life. Defending their Hunting Ground to survive in harsh terrain are almost impossible. Here to discuss life in the alaskan wild, the star of discoverys yukon man. We are visiting family and here i am. Kennedy do you miss alaska when you are gone . Not for this short period of time. Kennedy you are from massachusetts. How did you make that transition . Long process. Many different stops along the way. But i ended up in northern canada, then northern alaska. Kennedy you were trying to outrun your problems or the ultimate wilderness was a magnet for you like the book into the wild. I always say i was running toward something rather than running away from something. Kennedy when do you know you found it . It wasnt until i got into the north woods of canada and british columbia. I thought this is the life. I could live this life it wasnt my country so i had no legal status there. So i said ill go to alaska, its my country. Kennedy how did you discover trapping . Thats what everybody does up there. At least anybody that lives up there that want to live a subsistence lifestyle. There are School Teachers in our village that come in from outside and never do that kind of thing. But all the young guys that are up there, they trap, they fish, they haul wood for money and stuff like that. The lifestyle. Kennedy you said you have a 5gal jug of water that you heat on a wood stove that you use for a shower. Have you ever burned yourself . Do you ever get the water too hot . Oh, yeah, yeah. Kennedy what happens if you have a medical emergency . Do you know how to perform surgery on neighbor . Like the time i got called out of a tree by a grizzly bear and once i got into the hospital they stabilized me and flew me into fairbanks. Kennedy show me your bear claw really quick. This is just something i happen to have in my pocket. Kennedy did you cut that off a bear . This is the last joint. Its a small black bear. Its something i carry around. Kennedy good luck with the show. When you are in the village we dont feel the fame. I always say everybody has my number up in the village. They know who i am and we hardly ever talk about. Kennedy thanks for stopping by. Continued success in the future, and may many animals fall into your house. Coming up, are secret growth ill never find a safe used car. Start at the new carfax. Com show me minivans with no reported accidents. Boom. Love it. [struggles] show me the carfax. Start your used car search at the allnew carfax. Com. At crowne plaza we know Business Travel isnt just business. 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Never mind a drink problem, i have got an easing problem. He already land his first evengoersment deal. I have fallen and i cant get up. Im surprised they replaced that woman with a hedge hodge. Hopefully i will get my viagra from canada. Topic number 3. Olivia newton john and john travolta, imagine if they married he would be johnjohn. They are considering a reunion to celebrate the films 40th anniversary. This one takes place in the modern world where he left the tbirds to join a rival gang called the scientologists. But instead of a hatch yinlding, this end up with sandy moving back to australia and danny dying in an alley after a knife fight with a scorpion. Kennedy why did this life end. Topic number 4. This beard bro set out for internet glory with a deathdefying pushup stunt. But instead of breaking the internet, he was upstaged by the old man behind him who was breaking the tbree throw record at the same time as the shirtless man was reminding the world his parents didnt give him enough attention. I know, five free throws doesnt sounds like a big deal. But there are a lot of knicks fans out there. I should also mention the video was sent to us by tom mclachlan. Now back to the storm. Topic number five. Told you i could count. Have you ever gone the so plastered that you passed out cold and your friends drew all over your face . So far as i know, this baby hasnt. I hope not. But his dad is no better than your drunken pals. Thats so cute. Thats not snapchat. A south the african man said he put the makeup make feeding time more fun. Nothing screams fun like transforming your kid into a weightlifter. All he needs are a couple protest signs and a couple hundred thousand in debt. The future, it sucks. Thank you for watching the show tonight. Email kennedyfbn foxbusiness. Com. Tomorrow night on the show, chris stirewalt, dr. Ron paul, and comedian jim norton right where he belongs in mamas arms. See you tomorrow night. Goodbye. The following is a paid advertisement for time lifes music collection. the mamas and the papas and the sky is gray ive been for a walk ive been for a walk narrator it was the dawn of a new age filled with long hair, bell bottoms, tiedyed tshirts, and new attitudes. Innocence gave way to a new consciousness about ourselves and the world we lived in, and there was a new music for the new times. Dont you want somebody to love dont you need somebody to love its the time of the season when love runs high aint it beautiful

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