Transcripts For FBC Lou Dobbs Tonight 20160123 : vimarsana.c

FBC Lou Dobbs Tonight January 23, 2016

Finish. American industry is thriving, unemployment is on the decline, and people are moving here in record numbers. Charleston has also suffered unimaginable tragedy. It has lived the nightmare that has haunted too Many American communities. But its citizens have come together and they look toward a brighter future. There are just 18 days until the iowa caucuses. 37 days until the South Carolina primary. Tonight the Election Year officially kicks off. With the very first debate of 2016. [applause] moderator it is 9 00 p. M. Here at the north challenges ton coliseum and Performing Arts Center in charleston, South Carolina. Welcome to the sixth republican president ial debate of 2016 campaign. Here on the fox business network. Im neil cavuto alongside my friend and comoderator maria bartiromo. Moderator tonight were working with facebook to ask the candidates the questions voters want answered. And according to facebook the u. S. Election has dominated the global conversation with 131 Million People talking about the 2016 race. That makes it the number one issue talked about facebook last year worldwide. Moderator now the seven candidates on the stage tonight were selected based on their standing in six National Polls as well as polls in the early voting states of iowa and new hampshire. Those standings determining the position on the stage of the candidates tonight. And here they are. Businessman, donald trump. [cheers and applause] texas senator ted cruz. [cheers and applause] florida senator marco rubio. [cheers and applause] surgeon ben carson. [cheers and applause] new jersey governor Chris Christie. [cheers and applause] former Florida Governor jeb bush. [cheers and applause] and Ohio Governor john kasich. [cheers and applause] moderator tonights rules are simple. Up to 90 seconds for each answer, one minute for each followup response. If a candidate goes over the allotted time you will hear this. [bell ringing] so lets get started. Candidates, jobs and growth, two of the biggest issues facing the country right now. In his state of the Union Address earlier this week the president said, quote, we have the strongest, most durable quon economy in the world. According to our Facebook Research jobs is one of the biggest issues resonating across the country, including here in South Carolina. The president is touting 14 million new jobs and Unemployment Rate cut in half. The president said that anyone who claims americas economy is in decline is pedaling peddling fiction. Senator cruz, what do you see that he doesnt . Well, maria, thank you for that question and let me say thank you to the state of South Carolina for welcoming us. Let me start, i want to get to the substance of the question on jobs but i want to start with something, today many of us picked up our newspapers and we were who are fried to see the sight of 10 american sailors on their knees with their hands on their head. In that state of the Union President obama didnt so much as mention the 10 sailors that had been captured by iran. President obamas preparing to send 100 billion or more to the ayatollah khomeni. I will tell you, it was heartbreaking, but the good news is the next commanderinchief is standing on this stage. [cheers and applause] and i give you my word if i am elected president no serviceman or servicewoman will be forced to be on their knees in any nation that captures our fighting men and women will feel the full force and fury of the United States of america. [cheers and applause] now on to your substantive question, the president tried to paint a rosy picture of jobs. You know hes right. If youre a washington lobbiest, if you make your money in and around washington thinks are doing great. The millionaires and billionaires are doing great under obama but we have the lowest percentage of americans working today of any year since 1977. Median wages have stagnated and the obamaclinton economy has left behind the working men and women of this country. The reason all of us are here we believe we should be fighting for working men and women of this country, and not washington, d. C. Moderator thank you, sir. [applause] moderator governor kasich, we are not even two weeks into this stock trading year. Think about it investors have already lost 1. 6 trillion in market value. That makes it the worst start to a new year ever. Many worry things will get even worse, banks and financial stocks are particularly vulnerable. If this escalates like it did back when barack obama first assumed the presidency, what actions would you take, if the same thing happens all over again just as in this example you are taking over the presidency . It takes three things to basically grow jobs. I have done it when i was in washington when we had a balanced budget. Had four years of balanced budgets. Paid down half a trillion in debt and our economy was growing like crazy. It is same thing like i did in ohio. It is a simple formula. Common sense regulations. Why i think we should freeze all federal regulations for one year, except for health and safety. It requires tax cuts because that sends a message to the job creators that things are headed right way. If you tax cuts cut taxes for corporations and cut taxes for individuals youre going to make things move, particularly the Corporate Tax which is the highest of course in the world. But in addition to that we have to have fiscal discipline. We have to show we can march to a balanced budget. When you do that, when youre in position of managing regulations, when you reduce taxes and when you have fiscal discipline, you see the job creators begin to get very comfortable with the fact that they can invest. Right now you dont have, you have taxes that are too high. You have regulation, i mean come on, theyre affecting everybody here particularly our Small Businesses. Theyre in the position where theyre smothering people. I mean are you kidding me . Were nowhere close to balanced budget or fiscal discipline of the those three things put together will give confidence to job creators and you will begin to see wages rise. You will begin to see jobs created in a robust economy. And how do i know it . Because ive done it. I did it as chairman of the Budget Committee working with senator domenici and ive done it in the state of ohio as the chief executive. Our wages are growing faster than national average. Were running surpluses and we can take that message and that formula to washington to lift every single american to a better life. [applause] moderator we know that recent global events have many people worried. Iran detaining american sailors, forcing them to apologize. North korea and its nuclear ambitions, aggressive china and middle east that continues to deteriorate. Not to mention isis is getting stronger. Abovegovernor christie, sometimt seems the world is on fire. Where and when should a president use military action to restore order . Well, maria im glad to have heard from you in the summary of that question about what is going on in the world because tuesday night i watched story time with barack obama. I got to tell you, it sounded like everything in the world was going amazing, you know . [applause] the fact is a number of things the next president will have to do to clean up this mess. First thing we have to strengthen our alliances around the world. And the best way to do that is Start Talking to our allies again and have them be able to count on our word. Lots of people say lots of Different Things about me in this campaign and others but the one thing they have never said about me im misunderstood. And so when we talk to our allies and we give them our word in Christie Administration were going to keep it. Next we have to talk to our adversaries. We have to make sure they understand the limits of our patience. And this president given what ted said right at beginning he is absolutely right, it is absolutely disgraceful that secretary kerry and others said, in their response to whats going on, in iran, that this was good thing. It showed how relationship was getting better. The president doesnt understand and by the way neither does secretary clinton. Here is my warning to everybody out in the audience tonight. If youre worried about world being on fire, worried how we will use our military, worried about strengthening our military and youre worried most of all keeping your homes and families safe and secure, you can not give Hillary Clinton a third term of Barack Obamas leadership. I will not do that if im not nominee. She wont get within 10 miles of the white house. [applause] moderator just to be clear, governor, where and when would you use military action . Military action, maria would be used when it was absolutely necessary to protect american lives and protect american interests around the world. We are not the worlds policeman but we need to stand up an be ready, the problem, maria the military is not ready either. We needrebuild the military. This president let it diminish to point like tin pot dictators like mullahs in iran taking our navy ships. It is disgraceful n a Christie Administration they would know much, much better than to do that. [cheers and applause] moderator governor bush, the president told the nation two nights ago that the our enemies are getting strong other this country is getting weaker it is rhetoric and hot air. Now the democrats go even further, sir, saying republicans even suggesting such comments actually embolden our enemies. I guess they would include you. What do you think . Well, first of all the idea that somehow were better off today than the day that pupil obama was inaugurated president of the United States is totally alternative universe. The simple fact is the world has been torn asunder. Think about it with grandiose language the president talks about red lines, with nothing to follow it up. President talks about being a jv team. They form a caliphate the size of indiana with 35 or 40,000 battletested terrorists. He is missing the point. Americas leadership in the world is required for peace and stability. In the crowd today is Major General james livingston, who is cochair of my campaign here in South Carolina, a medal of honor recipient. I learned from him is peace through strength. In this Administration Every weapons system has been gutted. We cant even go down to level where we cant project force. Our friend no longer think we have their back and our enemies no longer fear us. Were in much different position than we should be. For the life of me i have no understanding why the president thinks that everything is going well. Terrorism is on the run. China, russia is advancing their agenda at warp speed. And we pull back. As president of the United States i will be a commanderinchief that have the back of the military. We will rebuild the military to make sure it is a solid force. Not to be the worlds policeman to make sure in Peaceful World people know that the United States is there to take care of our own National Interests and take care of our allies. [cheers and applause] moderator take it from that you do not agree with the president . No. Worst yet, to be honest with you Hillary Clinton would be National Security disaster. Think about it she wants to continue down the path of iran, benghazi, russian reset, doddfrank, all the things that have gone wrong in this country. She would be a National Security mess. And that is wrong. You know what . Heres the problem. If she gets elected she sunday investigation with the fbi right now. If she gets elected her first 100 days instead of setting agenda she might be going back and forth between the white house an courthouse. We need to stop that. [cheers and applause] moderator senator rubio, the president says that isis doesnt threaten our National Existence like a germany or japan did back in world war ii. That the terror gripe is nothing more than twisted souls plotting attacks in their garages. But, House Homeland Security committee recently said over 1000 ongoing investigations of homegrown extremism in 50 states. So how do you define the threat . Germany then or dangerous nutcases now . I would go first of all one step further in this description of Hillary Clinton. She wouldnt just be a disaster. Hillary clinton is disqualified from being commanderinchief of the United States. [cheers and applause] someone, someone who can not handle intelligence information appropriately, can not be commanderinchief and someone who lies to the families of those four victims in benghazi can never be president of the United States. [cheers and applause] on the issue of barack obama, barack obama does not believe that america is a great global power. Barack obama believes america is a arrogant global power that needs to be cut down to size. That is how you get a Foreign Policy where we cut deals with our enemies like iran and we betray our allies like israel and we gut our military and we go around the world like he has done on 10 separate occasions and apologized for america. He doesnt understand the threat in isis. He consistently underestimates it but i do not. There is a war against isis, not just against isis but against radical jihadists terrorists. That is war they win or we win. When im president of the United States we will win the war begins isis. Most powerful Intelligence Agency will tell us where we are, the most powerful military in the world will destroy them. If we capture them alive, they are getting oneway ticket to guantanamo, cuba, and well find out everything they know. [cheers and applause] moderator thank you, senator. Moderator dr. Carson the president says he does not want to treat isis as foreign army but isis neither a country nor a government. How do you attack a network that does not respect National Borders . Well, i am very happy to bet a question this early on. I was going to ask you to wake me up when the time came. [laughter] you know, i find it really quite fascinating some of the president s proclamations. The fact of the matter is, he doesnt realize that we now live in the 21st century, and that war is very different than it used to be before. Not armies, massively marching on each other and air forces but now we have dirty bombs and we have Cyber Attacks and we have people who will be attacking our electrical grid. And you know, we have a whole variety of things that they can do and they can do these things simultaneously. And we have enemies who are obtaining Nuclear Weapons that they can explode in our xo atmosphere and destroy our electric grid. Sympathy about a scenario like that. They, they explode the bomb, we have electromagnetic pulse. They hit us with a cyberattack simultaneously and dirty bombs. Can you imagine the chaos that would ensue at that point . He needs to recognize that those kinds of things are in fact an existential threat to us, but, heres the real key. We have the worlds best military, even though he has done everything he can to diminish it. And the fact of the matter is, if we give them a mission and we dont tie their hands behind their back they can get it accomplished. [applause] moderator mr. Trump, at the state of the union the president pointed to a guest who was syrian refugee you might recall whose wife and daughter and other family members were killed in an air attack. Now he fled that country seeking asylum here. Ultimately ended up in detroit where he is now trying to start a new life. The president says that that doctor is the real face of these refugees and not the one that you and some of your colleagues on this stage are painting. That you prefer the face of fear and terror. And that you would refuse to let in anyone into this country seeking legitimate asylum. How do you answer that . Its not fear and terror. Its reality. You just have to look today at indonesia, bombings all over. You look at california. You look frankly at paris where theres a strictest nogun policy of any city anywhere in the world and you see what happens. 130 people dead with many to follow. Theyre very, very badly wounded. Some will follow. And you look around, and you see whats happening and this is not the case when he introduced the doctor, very nice, everything perfect but that is not representative of what you have in that line of migration. That could be the great trojan horse. It could be people that are going to do great, great destruction. When i look at the migration, i look at the line, i said actually on your show recently, where are the women . It looked like very few women. Very few children. Strong, powerful men, young and people are looking at that and theyre saying whats going on . You look at the kind of damage that two people that got married, they were radicalized, they got married, they killed 15 people, 14, going to be probably 16, you look at that, and you take a look, good strong look, and thats what we have. We owe 19 trillion, our countrys a mess and we cant let all these people come into our countries and break our borders. We cant do it. [cheers and applause] moderator senator cruz, the New York

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