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To insure states and cities comply with all federal laws, including all Immigration Laws. Charles emily, we knew President Trump was really serious about this particular topic. I think it sound the sound bite from attorney general sessions caught people flat footed. I agree but this is something President Trump campaigned on. So it shouldnt be surprising to us its something hes talking about. Hes clearly focused on it, and i think its right thing for the American People. There are angles to this. There are 30 0 sanctuary cities and sanctuary states. What is the draw creating a sanctuary haven. People dont trust Law Enforcement to follow pro seizures. We have already a case in portland yesterday that a young man, 25 years old was brought here five years old. Volunteers at his local church. Coaches on the little lying soccer team, he works at a food pantry, he was detained last night. So i think that sanctuary cities are the response by compassionate 8 and local officials saying the only way we are going to make sure that immigrant community are willing to cooperate with local Law Enforcement is if they can come forward. Charles going to hold americans hostage. They come here illegally and in some cases commit additional crimes. They are somehow going to dictate terms with america. They are going to do right by local Law Enforcement. Whats happening right now is local Law Enforcement is expected to to do the jobs of immigration customs enforcement. They are there to Police Community and make sure local community are safe. Charles michael, you are one of the top Immigration Attorneys in the entire country. Attorney general sessions mentioned kate steinle. We had the situation in maryland where there was a rape. And the cases go on he single day. You are likely to open a newspaper or read something online where someone was violated. Its got to stop. Why are these sanctuary is allowed to exist. This is the theater we are in. We have to preserve the federation. We are the United States of america with one federal system. We have one uniform immigration code, one sovereign, one constitution and the rights of foreign nationals only start when they come to america. When these individual are in the United States and you have 11 million through our back door that have not been removed and are not leaving, what do local mayors and educators do. Who will pay for it . Local taxpayers. What has he involved out of saipgary cities is the locals government not doing their job. No issues, when it comes to hardened criminals they should never see the light of day. Deterrance and i. C. E. Taking them by their ears out of this country if they are criminals. They are here to make sure we dont unlimitedly hold people and do not take on more than they can do. They are being asked to do more with limited resources. Charesources. Charles there are also Police Departments that want to do their job. Compounding the issue of the multiple acts of violence and additional crimes that have been committed, this looks liar the first salvo. Well see what ultimately happens. How do you see it playing out . I think thats the key. Whats going to play out is well hear a lot from the opposition. If you really listen to what attorn general sessions said today, they are focused on people committing crime. We have pockets of vulnerability in american cities. Thats what the administration is targeting, committing crimes in this country, people convicted of committing crimes in this country. Thats what we are looking at here. You can hear the humanitarian argument on the other side. The American People have started to realize there are pockets of vulnerability and there is a problem with the safety of the American People. Charles michael . Getting rid of the hardened criminals, they will never have an issue. But the greatest risk takers are americans who originally hailed they are conflating. Legal immigration and ilLegal Immigration, it makes the rest of your argument speeches at best. We have let this problem fester. And we have created all sorts of habitability issues, food issued. Get rid of the hardened crimes. The 11 Million People who are here, this is america, we have got to get this right. Charles arent you concerned that living in these socalled sanctuary cities when they are preyed upon by people who come here illegally. Its so crazy, that the main victims from a violent criminal aspect are the ones 0 seem to protect these folks. There is nothing that keeps me up more at night than the people preying on undocumented immigrants. But people are falling through 9 cracks. We have Danielle Vargas. Her parents were detained and put into a deportation hearing, she went to a press conference and she was detained at the press conference. Up an immigrant and i appreciate so much to be on your who today to keep it fair and balanced. Ultimately the brand, the immigrant brand in this country is under siege. Those of us who havent committed crimes and paid taxes are being lumped in with a couple of bad characters. Charles unfortunately though when the argument comes up, one of the defenses is immigration and its melted into Legal Immigration. The watters arent muddy when it cometo pple trying to protect these sanctuary cities. Wasnt Danielle Vargas here illegally . If you are 5 years old and you show up in this country, all you know is this country. You are going to blame a 5yearold for the actions of his country . We do conflate illegal and Legal Immigration in this debate. You are not a criminal if you are here illegally. Its a criminal mall act to have entered or overstayed. Its a different measure of prosecution. Charles is it werent purpose view of i. C. E. D is it werent per view of i. C. E. Remove someone who came in illegally . Yes. But we are conflating the issue that everybody here unlawfully may be a criminal. Thats the wrong narrative. What if it was beyond your control. Charlescontrol. Control . Charles i think if we are honest with where we start from it will be easier to find real solutions. We dont do that tonight, but i appreciate everyone passion and expertise. President trump tapping his soninlaw. Well talk about the trump agenda and getting the big ideas to fruition. Charles the white house looking to make the governments run more like a greats american country. Jared kushner will lead the new White House Office of innovation. Joining me to discuss is. Shelby hole dane chris bedford. I think its a great idea. President trump with all these major ceos, you need someone to herd them and make sure they dont fall through the cracks. There is a lot he may be able to do by bringing in new technology. Even at the pentagon, a lot of technology they are using on a daytoday basis is so behind its holding everybody up. To november humans to compete and perform without an inventive for profit, its going to be difficult to have a broad effect on the efficiency of government. Charles maybe establishing new ideas and new departments. The department of Veterans Affairs is one of the things they are look at. Bust bureaucracy is a tough one. If i were Jared Kushner i would ask for a raise. Hes doing this for no additional pay. He does have Chris Christie helping him. It could be a good idea. We always criticize government because it tends to grow. In this case is it growing to be slim and more efficient . They creating a new office to address this issue. Bust things they want to address are great ideas. It shows Donald Trumps management style. He wants to be busy working with congress, maybe healthcare. He knows he may not have time for these other issues which is very important. Charles early today Newt Gingrich was on and one of the things talked about was the order of things. First thing they ought to do is open up the whole issue of infrastructure. You can get at least half the Democratic Party to work you to pass an infrastructure bill. You start to build a trump majority which is bigger than the republican majority. Charles after the healthcare debacle, the talk about bringing democrats in, there is talk about getting some of these things done. Infrastructure is at the top of the list. This an area where the president can easily take his eye off the ball. He thought he had a deal, they sent the money to the states and it all vanished. Donald trump cities not ideological. He would be willing to reach across the aisle and work with democrats on this stuff. They are democrat i activists and their base is panicked. They were calling donald trump a hitler and a fascist. I dont think they will tolerate cooperation. They are slamming the black caucus for even speaking with the president. Paul ryan said to a couple donors, healthcare is still on the automobile. We have to figure this out probably before we can figure out tax reform. Charles i wish he hadnt said that. Charles President Trump won over i guess you would have called them reagan democ the jobs reports have been great. The construction jobs, mining. It would be unwise for certain democrats to not try to get something done. You also have democrats in republican states, in trump states feeling the pressure and are openo rking with donald trump. Senator schumer said we arent going to just reject things that have trumps name on it. Its about striking a deal. If he comes to the middle and isnt pulled fit Freedom Caucus. They want to work on these issues in the a by part and way. Well see how these things pan out. Charles originally bannon was going to be in charge this. As far as Chuck Schumer is concerned, i dont believe a word he says. President trump met with 8 female business owners. Well talk to one of them when we come back. I mean wish i had time to take care of my portfolio, but. Well, what are you doing tomorrow 10am . Staff meeting. 3 45 . Tai chi. 6 30 . Sams baseball practice. You are busy. Wouldnt it be great if you had investments that worked as hard as you do . Yeah. Introducing essential portfolios the automated investing solution. At crowne plaza we know Business Travel isnt just business. Theres this. a bit of this. Why not . Your hotel should make it easy to do all the things you do. Which is wt we do. Crowne plaza. Were all business, mostly. Charles President Trump laying out his vision of how to boost Business Opportunities for women. He said the administration is work on among other things making childcare more affordable and accessible. Empowering and promoting women in business is a priority in the Trump Administration. I know how crucial women are as role models and leaders throughout tour community. Charles one of the Business Leaders who met with trump is here. Congratulations on the meeting. Walk us through and tell us how it all went. It was a small intimate room of only 11 of us. And i was proud to be one of four hispanicowned issues to talk about the barriers we face that we can work on together as women and minority driving the growth in new firms in this country and making us the lead job creators as we look into the future and the american prosperity. Charles if you are in a meeting like this, what was so distinctive about your group as opposed to any group you might have already met with . Our unique journeys and the diversity around the table clearly is a portrait of america. As women we face challenges that come with the responsibilities we have in the household, challenges and access to capital and network and opportunity. And we have to address the unique challenges. Especially since we are the ones driving the Small Business growth. Therefore the future of america depend on us achieving our full potential as Small Business owners so we can have the full force of job creation and revenues this country needs to see. Charles during the campaign President Trump was inspired by ivanka in many things butting childcare. Most economists say its a fact there is a function of women leaving the workforce to raise kids. Women should be able to have that choice to go home and come back into the work world. So its important. But the broader economic picture here, i think the interest womens forum which im part of, we want to improve opportunities for female business owners. You do that by removing regulation and implementing progrowth policies. Charles once they start providing financial incentive for childcare, there is no turning back. There are a lot of ways this could go wrong. Its important to women to be able to do both these things and do them well. One ways is to teach women to negotiate. Charles we have seen many studies where many women dont ask for a big raise even if they are the best worker there. And men we dont care how sloppy we are, we think we are entitled. You met with ivanka trump, too, so you are starting to understand this white house. The mess and was clear today this is the beginning after journey, a marathon, not a sprint, to move forward with policies that impact to remove some of the barriers for Small Businesses. You have heard about deregulation already. There is tax reform. There is access to capital and improving the training of a highly skilled workforce, with a lot of us, moms of young children. And a career in technology is what we need to be a winning economy in the global place. Thats all of the thing that were discussed. Ivanka clearly explained an active role in all things women empowerment. The president and Vice President were clear in their support of women and Small Businesses. Also the head of the Small Business administration was in the room. Charles i hope the sba starts giving out loans to Small Businesses. Before now, you could only get a loan if you didnt really need a loan. Ladies, President Trump pivots to tax cuts. But is it still a layup after last week . Well be right back. If you take medication, you may sometimes suffer from a dry mouth. Thats why theres biotene. And biotene also comes in a handy spray. So you can moisturize your mouth anytime, anywhere. Biotene, for people who suffer from dry mouth symptoms. After becoming one of the largest broadband these are the places we call home. We are centurylink. We believe in the power of the digital world. The power to connect. And thats what drives us everyday. Were driving the train on this, were going to work with congress on this, but the president as you heard through multiple times, the president has been clear this a huge priority for him. Charles sean spicer addressing the big abov pivot, going from health care to taxes, after the Republican Health care bill was pulled from considerations on friday. Joining me to discuss this gabi, i think it can be done. I think you use the failure of the replacement bill as something of a guideline to get it done. Well, im a bit more cynical than that. We know that Freedom Caucus will not be a rubberstamp for this administrations agenda. I think that there is going to be some battle to be had between g. O. P. Ldership and more conservative members of coress. If they move directly to tax reform without taking into ecount the lessons that should be learned from the health care battle. Charles hopefully, they get everyone in a room before they roll it out. Kevin. I think with the freedom ca caucus saying were not going to be sticklers over this deficit thing, was an olive branch of sorts. I think they have to bring republicans together on this particular issue, former speaker Newt Gingrich talking about tackles infrastructure first, because it easier to accomplish. The problem, if you get a bunch of democrats on board and you lose Freedom Caucus, you run the risk of ale ye alienating them over the next year or so. That is how donald trump gets a win under his belt. Charles reminding audience, they did obamacare first to lower taxes to work with a baseline, when they do this new bill, have you lower rates have you revenue missing. That means more deficit and debt, they are trying to sidestep that. I think it will hurt middle class folks, but how else do they get around that . You can get around it in a reconciliation bill, saying this thing will sunset after 10 years, that is very likely, i dont think that president cares if this is revenueneutral, i think hes tax cuts and he wants to win, he will say if we have to sunset it in 10 years well do that, i think hell say lets just get a win, or get forget about the border tax. Charles i think that people say, you will keep more of the money you make, as a consequence you spend more, you get velocity of money coming in. Supply side of economics will play a role, weve seen this be successful tomorrow, where conservatives look the other way, if it means near term our debt goes up. Well, if you look at the white house and some key policy advisers who are working with President Trump and paul ryan on tax reform, there is adamant opposition to raising the debt ceiling and making sure there is is not an increase in the federal deficit caused by nonrevenue neutral tax cut, i think there is pressure for them to look into their options, but, you know, you talked a little bit about opposition to border ar just am tax and whether there flectbility, i think that President Trump has been will to be flexible, that one thing he has come around on. In interview published this weekend we said im the king of bat taxes. To hopefully get Something Like this through. Charles kevin, i dont know, we know it is complicated, how do you see this playing out . Do you think it would include a border adjustment tax. I dont know whether that will happen. I think that is the issue, a lot of people are frustrated with speaker ryan. At the end of the day this is something President Trump needs to lead on. He needs to bring the parties together and makes sure that deal gets done, if tax reform does not happen, it is not going to be on ryan it will be on trump. He wants something he can explain to the American People, the vanilla tax cut where he says this is good. He wants to get the couldic going, i think he will equipment he will come back message there. Charles all right. Thank you. Dow ends its losing streak. There was a message to the market that should give you hope, my market commentary is next. With e trades powerful trading tools, right at your fingertips, you have access to indepth analysis, level 2 data, and a team of experienced traders ready to help you if you need it. Its like having the power of a trading floor, wherever you are. Its your trade. E trade. Start trading today at etrade. Com charles nfl team owners today voting to allow Oakland Raiders move to las vegas, playing 2017 season. But it will not be ready until 2020. Charles i lining like the hand holding part, some investors are too skittish to be in the market. I say, be careful of the losing in mass panic. This was a pretty impressive session. It proves there something of a strong bid in underlying support for the market. It is not just stock markets the reversals were encouraging. Dow jones industrial average, and crude oil, and 10 year yield, the problem that basis has shifted do to the down side. One thing that shifted. The question is, how do we get the train moving again with a full head of steam . For break out points upside, dow has to form a double top, 2121215, alltime 21115. Crude must reestablish a range that sees 50, and support, that dollar index. Dxi needs to get above 102. Even as dow has stumbled for 8 straight, nasdaq composite powered by technology, many names that are not household names have done well, the nasdaq up 10 in last 13 sessions. Today 13 some of health care was a winner today. The most compelling sector material, a lot of trump stocks came off their lows, a lot are oversold on thunderstorm basis, you shortterm basis, your risk reward ratio is shifting to a point where you can nibble on the key names. I am updates the list right now the. Well talk the money angle. Well be right back. Liberty mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe. Yeah, my dad says our insurance doesnt have that. What . you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. Or how high the pollen count, flonase allergy relief keeps your eyes and nose clear. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances that cause nasal congestion and itchy, watery eyes. For relief beyond the nose. Flonase. [phey dad. G] hey sweetie, how was your first week . Long. Itll get better. Im at the edward jones office, like sue suggested. Thanks for doing this, dad. So i thought it might be time to talk about a financial strategy. You mean pay him back . Knowing your future is about more than just you. So lets Start Talking about your longterm goals. Multiplied by 14,000 financial advisors, its a big deal. D its h edward jones makes sense of investing. Charles the showdown starts, it is going to be a moral war as well as economic war, attorney general Jeff Sessions. Warning noncomplaint jurisdictions dont bite the hand that feeds you. I strongly urge our station states and cities and counties to consider carefully the harm they are doing to their citizens, by refusing to enforce our Immigration Law and to rethink the policies. Such policies make their cities and states less safe. Public safety and National Security are at stake, and put them at risk of losing federal dollars. Charles were talking abo 4. 1 billionf those federal dollars, sanctuary cities, will they risk that . Do we have statements here now from de blasio . Bill de blasio . I want to read a statement that just came out from new york city mayor de blasio. President trumps latest threat changes nothing. We will remain a city welcoming of immigrants who helped make our city the safest big city in the nation, any attempt it cut nypd funding will be aggressively fought in court all right, amy what do you think . I think that mayor de blasio, my mayor in new york city, is contemplatin con2 different issues. These are magnets for wrong doe eric shawnses, where do i want to go to america to not get arrested, i am glad that President Trump is instructing department of Homeland Security to publish the stories of illegal imgraps that are committing crimes that we can see, there are real victims. Charles 4. 1 billion is the grant, new york city get 2 billion from federal government. Ily we knothere lle several lel batts, but one thg sides with attorney general sessions, u. S. Code, that says that you must notify the cities must notify federal officials about a persons immigration status, that the launching pad with respect to go after more money. That section of the code is free. To be fair the issue of sanctuary cities is a complicated legal mess, administration has to be careful moving forward in what in which area they choose too revoke funding. One thing i will challenge, i agree with everything that amy said, but challenge conservative like myself in general, to be careful of, we sort of always prioritize local rule, lowality, in this battle over sanctuary cities we need to be careful to be consistent. Immigration policy is set by federal policy. If you have been committing crimes on our soil, and you are not an american citizen, you need to get the heck out, that not up in San Francisco or california, it is america. Charles they are rolling out red carpet saying come to our city and run amuck. The most vile, heinous things you could consider. And i think that illegals believe it is under the cloak of approval. This is, the cities are literally saying we will not arrest you even though you are a keller, if you are a rapist, a drug dealer, and a murderer, we will not kick you out. This is why mayor de blasios statement is just rich, saying we will not back down, in a statement saying they are going to back down. He is making his city less safe, this is a magnet like amy say, and a pocket of vulnerability, you are talking about sanctuary cities for people who are going to commit crimes, this is not good to wrap at humanitarian language does not make the policy humanitarian. All right, thank you very much. I have a programming alert, more in dep coverage on sanctuary cities and attorney general Jeff Sessions warning to cut funding stay tuned lou dobbs is going deep this at 7 p. M. Coming up, u. S. Ramping up its fightanc against isis, well be right back. No, im scheduling time to go oto the bank to get a mortgage. Ugh, youre using a vacation day to go to the bank . I know, right . Charles now Major Development in the fight against isam isis. Mosul iraq, to bolster security and help forcing liberate the city from isis control, fighting has become more intense. On hes of u. S. Backed syrian rebel forces seizing an isis control airbase south of raqqa. Joining me now is discuss this jesse jane, bootinon the ground as we circle in for the kill. You okay with this . I think we just about had enough of isis, this has dragged on for years, albaghdadi took over mosul about three years ago declared it his caliphate. Right now we are assisting to drive with iraqi coalitions to drive them out. Sadly, they are using civilians to protect their targets, they are in their homes and using then as shields,y we have to be careful if we alienate the largely sunni population of the city, shiite government of iraq is right back where it started from and causing nothing but distrust between the two sanctions within the iraqi communities. Looking at the news over the weekend, this feels tough to avoid not somehow doing some harm we dont intentionally mean to do or with the door on door fighting, that say risk, is that a necessary risk to take at this time . Well, i think that differentiating fact under obama administration, there were such tight ruling of engagement that are soldiers were not able to call that air or call the targets, they are getting that information from intelligence from our allies on ground. Now some of those allies have went well trained,i except the scope of this fight, if our soldiers are allowed on that battle feel, their own eyes on the target to make the judgment call, is Collateral Damage worth it, can they have clear judgment about actual target, hopefully those rules of engagement would be peeled back a little bit, and we could see a reduction in civilian casualties. Charles jesse jane, it feels like weve seen this movie before, not just a matter of winning but also keeping the peace. Do you think that the iraqis are up to challenge to be able to secure this victory on their own . After its achieve. After its achieved, i hope so, but we need to be there to assist them, right now with airstrikes, approximately 200 casualties have occurred, that would be largest loss of life since the u the invasion, that government is run by shiite, and sunni population is in mosul, they cannot slaughter them 99l innocently, this city is difficult to navigate through, the old city of mosul, comes from back decade ago, and navigating is difficult with alleyways and tunnels, they could be ambushed and killed, they are trying to flush them out, and circle expen sure thaand ensure that isis cannot escape. They are trying to flush them it will be very difficult, they will sweat, there will be a lot more death toll. Charles ben, russia today, lavrov, they issued a warning to america to be careful. Almost laughable considering how recklesshey were particularly in syria, nevertheless, the world is watching us. Yes, and like you said, laugh able, this is russian are those who bombed you know a convoy filled with medicine and food. Look at raqqa today it is destroyed. But i will say, look i think it will be very tough if we have not learn our lesson from the first go round, you know we not the ones capable of being the stabization force. Not with turks and shia and sunnis, we have to think about how that war will end without us in the middle of it. Charles thank you very much, at home if you for watching, now here is lou dobbs. Right here on fox business. Lou the Trump Administration cracking down on sanctuary cities, attorney general sessions announcing that sanctuary cities will lose billions of dollars in federal grants if they do not ep o force enforce Immigration Laws. When cities and states refuse to help enforce Immigration Laws our nation is less safe. Lou best testing author Michelle Malkin joining us, and President Trump announces forming a of a new office of american innovation, headed by his soninaw, seni adviser

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