Transcripts For FBC Risk And Reward With Deidre Bolton 20160

FBC Risk And Reward With Deidre Bolton April 8, 2016

Perhaps last novembers paris carnage. Under arrest 31yearold belgian moroccan, Mohamed Abrini, trained by isis in syria and smuggled into europe with refugees. He was on europes mostwanted list for his presumed role in the paris attacks last november which killed 130. Police are looking whether he was third suspect in the airport bombing. Seen as you mentioned with two others pushing carts loaded with suitcase bombs. His bomb didnt go of and he fled. According to fox news contacts in brussels, it almost certainly is him but not yet confirmed. His dna, his fingerprints have been found at a couple of apartments used by the terrorists. So, today in total, five people were arrested, including a man who authorities think might have had something to do with the brussels metro bombing. That was the bombing at the subway station which left another 16 people dead. So, deirdre, lots goingson and news coming out and moving towards solutions on this horrible story. Deirdre gerri, thanks so much for bringings up to speed. Gerri willis with the very latest from the press conference in europe. Later in the show, former cia Senior Intelligence officer tony shaffer will be with me. Well talk about the arrests and how europe and the u. S. Are working together to fight terrorism. Shifting to political theme closer to home, days before the New York Primary, democratic president ial candidate Bernie Sanders will travel to the vatican next week. There are conference with topics including social justice and environmental concerns. Fox newss ed henry with me. To be clear, the pope has not endorsed sanders and not even clear sanders will meet with the pope . Reporter thats right, deirdre. There is odd story coming out of nowhere. There is big dispute back and forth between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders who is qualified to be president and who is not. Out of nowhere, we learned turns out Bernie Sanders next friday will go all the way to the vatican, leave new york. There is a debate in brooklyn on thursday, remember. Friday, go to the vat can. This is week from today. Then the following day, a week from saturday, he will come back to the campaign trail in new york because that is just a couple of days before the New York Primary. Obviously a lot of catholic voters in new york who could be important. The bottom line is, that im told by a vatican official that Bernie Sanders was invited but not directly by the pope. There was a Bloomberg News report suggesting, quoting another vatican official suggesting that Bernie Sanders invited himself. Had broken protocol in some way. What my source from the vatican is making clear, it is not a direct meeting as you say with pope francis. Yes, this pope as well as Bernie Sanders have a shared agenda perhaps on the economy in terms of income inequality but there are obviously sharp differences between the vatican and Bernie Sanders on abortion, on samesex marriage. A whole host of social issues. So it is being made very clear to me, it is highly unlikely Bernie Sanders will have oneonone with pope francis. Last thing he want to do get in the middle of this hotlycontested u. S. President ial campaign, deirdre. Deirdre that would be seem to be diplomatically wise. He had henry, got to see you as always. Good to be here. Deirdre wisconsin radio show Charlie Sykes will be my guest later on in the show. I will will ask him what he thinks of sanderss trip. Obamas campaign in a race to finalize regulations that affect all kinds of businesses. In is first seven years president obama issued close to 400 regular regulations deemed major. They are expected to have economic effect of 100 million annually. Steve forbes, is with me. What do you think of a lastditch effort to influence the way industry, it goes beyond businesses, actually, the Way Industries are running themselves . Hi, deirdre. Not uncommon for a president in the 8th year after twoterm presidency to start using executive actions because you cant get anything through congress. That is not that unusual. What is unusual about this president almost all these dictates and regulations and orders are antibusiness. We saw two big ones where we saw the stopping of energy merger. Of course we saw what happened with these new regulations on taxes that prevented after the fact a merger that was supposed to happen between pfizer and an irish drug company. Deirdre steve, do you mind if i stop you there. You will see a lot more of those, you will see a lot more of those in the months ahead. Deirdre indeed but what kind of message does this send, well, to our own economic participants and to the world . We are supposed to be the symbol of capitalism, free markets and the reason that pfizer was interested in pairing with allergan because ireland has Corporate Tax rate of 15 . The u. S. Has 35, 36 . There was a great piece in my former newspaper the wall street journal yesterday by the ceo of pfizer, basically saying the government is changes the rules in middle of the game. Were supposed to be a country believes in rule of law. Pfizer spent hundreds of millions of dollars trying to finalize the deal. Government comes in says no, sir, you cant do this. This is detablizing a free market economy. Basically sending message all over the world that america is not probusiness country any longer. I dont want to too much dramatize this because were still more probusiness than many other countries but these regulations one after the other send a negative message. Deirdre, i think this one of the things last three or four years that held back economic growth. Investors are reluctant to invest and businesses are reluctant to spend when you have a government you dont know what theyre going to do next. Deirdre steve, as you know better than anybody, it is really confidence, exactly what you just said, Business Leaders have to feel to be able to go forward and to be able to make decisions. Right now it is very confusing landscape for them . It sure is. You talked about the pfizer deal. You know, the solution to that where youve got these companies leaving is just cut the business tax rate to make america more competitive. I think most democrats believe that and almost all republicans would be there. This president simply is more interested in being punitive to these Companies Rather than solving a big problem which doesnt just mean the companies are leaving, deirdre. As you know, it means the jobs are leaving with them deirdre so, steve, i have to ask you something that has very little to do with the economy but it may won day because if sixth time is the charm. Spacex, elon musks company, did it, they delivered this dragon, socalled dragon spacecraft to orbit and made firstever water landing on an autonomous drone ship. So essentially, this was to resupply the missile, rather the International Space station, and this basically means if you can reuse these rockets, space travel gets cheaper. It is all relative. And easier, right . You know, the interesting thing about it story is that spacex is doing this as a private company and, ive always believed, you know with private Space Exploration we may be able to proceed faster in terms of exploring these new horizons than if the government did it. Hats off to elon musk for real breakthrough here and you know, my children may be able to visit mars or the moon. Deirdre part of the cargo went up, we were talking about this, was this 12foot wide inflatable space house, and i mean elon musk said, listen if it works on International Space station, it could work on the moon, it could work on mars. So maybe we we will take our future vacation there is. I think this is something that will happen sometime in the 21st century, whether the first half of the century or next. Elon musk is a real pioneer and pushing the frontiers of this. By the way when you said you would ask me a noneconomics question i thought you would ask me about that putt ernie els missed from eight ian inches away. Deirdre have to go down to augusta with a drink with ernie els. Steve, have a great weekend. You too. Deirdre new poll says seven out of 10 people dont like donald trump. Wisconsin radio host and never trump supporter Charlie Sykes knows why. He is going to tell me in his own words. Mr. Trump, before you called into my show did you know that im a nevertrump guy . That i didnt know. Its the Little Things in life that make me smile. Spending the day with my niece. I dont use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. Before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. Even well fitting dentures let in food particles. Just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so youre more comfortable and confident while you eat. So its not about keeping my dentures in, its about keeping the food particles out. Try super poligrip free. Great time for a shiny floor wax, no . Not if you just put the finishing touches on your latest masterpiece. Timings important. Comcast business knows that. Thats why you can schedule an installation at a time that works for you. Even late at night, or on the weekend, if thats what you need. Because you have enough to worry about. I did not see that coming. Dont deal with disruptions. Get Better Internet installed on your schedule. Comcast business. Built for business. Deirdre it may, it may hurt Hillary Clinton. Keep in mind the fbis criminal investigation is not a coincidence. This is coming through in intelligence source. So this hacker allegedly accessed the email account of Hillary Clintons confidante, sidney blumenthal, one of clintons most prolific advice givers when she was secretary of state. Through the attack much blumenthals account clintons use of a personal account first came to light. Charlie sykes, wisconsin conservative radio show host and never trump supporter is with me now. Glad to have you on the show. Thank you for your time. What do you think the chances are that the fbi is actually going to question this hacker . Well i think it is very, very high they are going to question this hacker. This is not going away. There is no good news for Hillary Clinton for email scandal. This will hang over the democratic nomination flight. Reality she is deeply flawed candidate and she doesnt have momentum and always possibility this story will blow up. With possible exception of donald trump i think any republican will be plausible and electable. Deirdre plausible and electable. Before we move on to donald trump. Sitting with my colleague ed henry, talking about senator sanders going to the vatican, to be clear not at the popes invitation. Sanders will be there for a conference, maybe meets the pope, maybe he doesnt, what do you make of that trip a few days before the New York Primary . It is pretty obvious what he is trying to do there. Having read transcript of interview with New York Daily News he should spend time with finance people and people who know banking and economics because deirdre that is surprising because its a big issue. It is sus pricing. You would think he some substance there. Remarkable you have two leading candidates for president in the last two weeks have been exposed for not knowing stuff that should be in their wheelhouse. Deirdre so, charlie, speaking of people not knowing stuff that should be in their wheelhouse, many people across this country replayed part of the conversation you had with donald trump where he didnt realize that you were a never trump guy. You had to tell him that live on your show. We want to just play a quick clip for people who havent heard. Mr. Trump, before you called into my show, did you know that im a nevertrump guy . That i didnt know. Because, i thought it was interesting. People were wondering does donald trump know what Charlie Sykes said about him in the past. No. I give you credit either way, but i was wondering no i understand. I didnt know that but i assume youre also a intelligent guy. I know youre intelligent guy. Is that your standard, if supporter of another candidate, not the candidate himself does something despicable it is okay for you personally a candidate for president of the United States to behave in that same way . I expect that from 12yearold bully on the playground, not somebody who wants office held by abraham lincoln. But he started it. You just said is fine with me. Were not on a playground. Were running for president of the United States. I agree with that 100 . Deirdre i do give trump credit for staying with you because you were grilling him as is your job to do so but there is this new poll out that shows that seven out of 10 americans hold an unfavorable view of him. I know for you as a never trump person, that is not particular surprise but you do have to give him credit for honesty. He said clearly i doesnt know you were never trump and he stayed on the line and engaged with you. Does he get any point for that . Yeah he gets some points but what you saw, starting with that in next two weeks, kind of perfect storm of boarishness, bad judgment and incompetence. I think this is starting to catch up with him. Boarishness, juvenile taunts. Refusal to pivot to be more president ial which would be good idea before the wisconsin primary. Incompetence not doing basic vetting. Seeing story after story how the campaign is not doing some of the basic blocking an tackling in state after state, the origination. Then the bad judgment, bad judgment at lashing out at womens looks. Number of offensive things he said. Decision to come in to wisconsin and attack scott walker. All of these things. Answer to questions about abortion. Answer to variety of questions that really kind of expose the fact, whether you think he is liberal or conservative that really donald trump has not spent 30 seconds thinking about some of these issues. And i think you kind of had the perfect storm coming together over last couple weeks. It is starting to be reflected finally in some these national polls. Deirdre charlie, i want to ask you though, people still love him. They say he is honest. They are pleased that he is not a career politician. And they feel like he is reflecting whether it is their frustration, their concern. There are a lot of people who say that is my candidate, singularly. Do you not have some sort of respect at least bringing more people, as he has claimed under the tent . Okay. Now, this is in context of noting that 70 of americans disapprove of him including half of republicans. Yes, he has got a base of support. It is very solid base of support but i think what we saw in wisconsin where you have smart, engaged, conservatives who actually understand what a real conservative looks like, they were not buying what donald trump was selling. When he brought his clown car into wisconsin it did not go well for him. So youre looking at, numbers that, ive been around for a while now. I dont think i have ever seen a major president ial candidate with these kind of disapproval numbers. When youre talking about, huge numbers women, conservative women, who are just repelled by the guy. Yes, he is tapped into something but he is tapped into something that, i think more people are paying attention, to whether or not he has got substance behind some of the rhetoric, theyre realizing okay, the circus was entertaining for a while but at some point we have to elect a president of the United States. That is what is being reflected in these numbers. Deirdre charlie, one last question. Even for people who feel so strongly as you do, nevertrump, is ted cruz, senator cruz likeable enough to compete against whether clinton or sanders or anybody else . That is to say the is the disapproval of donald trump enough to help cruz . Yes. Ted cruz is likeable enough in a campaign in which nobody is particularly likeable. By the time we get to november, nobody is going to like any of these candidates. What ted cruz will at least bring is, he will be able to intelligently articulate conservative ideas. I think that is going to be a contrast to the kind of incoherent buffoonery we get from donald trump. Deirdre Charlie Sykes, we are glad to have you here. Thank you for your time. Congratulations on the success of your radio show. We know it has numerous, hundreds of thousands of followers, millions actually. Well New York Times is hitting National Border Patrol Council for endorsing donald trump, going as far to call it, just a big mistake. One of the Border Patrols members is here to respond. I just got the endorsement of 16,500 Border Patrol folks. Nobody ever seen anything like that. At ally bank, no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like bill splitting equals nitpicking. But i only had a salad. It was a buffalo chicken salad. Salad. Put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists. Polidents unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria. For a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. Deirdre New York Times Editorial Board criticized National Border council es endorsement of trump interest. Calling it bizarre choice. The times wrote, mr. Trumps immigration views are embraced by defiance ignorance, the taxpayer paid members are face of immigration policies of the United States is appalling. Despite the unions apocalyptic warning, the border is more militarized as ever and

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