that you're a u.s. citizen. they should have to get a warrant for that. it's not too much to ask. and yet the united states senate passed this just a couple days ago without any warrant requirement. that's are very unfortunate. maria: well, wait a minute. because critics of your upset on this say that there were 56 reforms and restrictions on the fbi to fisa warrants in the bill that would stop future crossfire hurricane and put criminal penalties in place. they say that this is critical to stopping terrorists that are likely in the country now, and they say almost 100% of what we knew if about the cartels, the drug cartels and fentanyl producers working with china is because of fisa's 702 and this program. >> yeah. look, these are fake leaves -- fig leaves as far as reforms go. they put some reforms in place. do you know who they put in charge of them? fbi leadership. so if you're comfortable with how fbi top brass will be