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Im alicia acuna in denver. The president and his team had expected to see massive crowds at the rally. Instead, they now are touting the events digital reach. David spunt is at the white house with more. Hi, david. Reporter good afternoon to you. President trump is golfing on this fathers day at his club in sterling, virginia. But yes, the campaign is playing down some of the numbers a day after because over the past week they were really touting those numbers, Campaign Manager brad parskol said a Million People had requested tickets to actually come to tulsa for the event. That actually never happened. Vice president mike pence and President Trump were supposed to be on of that stage right there, you see thats outside. Thats the overflow crowd for people that could not fit inside the arena. That never happened. Crews took the stage down after it was clear that the crowds were not showing up. The campaign blamed protesters for keeping trump fans away from the arena and overflow crowd. The rally did receive 4 million views on social media platforms. We just found out from the fire marshal in tulsa, 6200 tickets were scanned. That does not include Trump Campaign staff and other people close to the president. Now, President Trump hit several topics yesterday at the rally including his rival, former Vice President joe biden, the economy, covid19, where he used a term thats receiving heavy blowback. Listen. Has more names than any disease in history. I can name kung flu, i can name 19 different versions of things. Reporter the president also announced that his team will refile their case to the Supreme Court on daca, the obama executive order allowing foreign born children to stay in the United States. The court ruled that daca can exist in its current form. Leland and allysia, on tuesday as you may know, former National Security advisor john bolton will release his anticipated book after a judge criticized boltons motivations for the book but ruled that the book can be released. The president spoke with chief White House Correspondent john roberts at the rally in tulsa last night. Listen. He talked about the libyan model on of kim jong un who i have a very Good Relationship with and had a very Good Relationship with. Once he mentioned that, it was not a good situation. I said how stupid can you be, because you know what happened to qaddafi. Nobody wants to die the way he died. Reporter the president said that he hopes bolton makes a lot of money, he wants all of that money to be returned to the United States taxpayer. You can watch john bolton with bret baier on special report tuesday evening. Alicia im looking forward to that. David, thank you. Leland a few minutes ago i talked to of Fox News Sunday anchor Chris Wallace about President Trumps rally, the election and wallaces new book, countdown, 1945, the story of the atomic bomb and the 116 days that changed the world. The campaign is spinning the low attendance from yesterday, saying who cares, we didnt fill the arena, look at how many people were watching on digital. Does that ring true at all . Well, if people were watching on digital, thats a good thing. But you know, the campaign has to be judged by the marks. They were talking all week about a Million People wanted to get in, that this was going to be a massive rally that was going to fill the arena and there would be so many people that there was going to be a big overflow crowd and then outdoor rally that the president was going to attend first and they had to candle that because there was no overflow. So, look, is it a big deal . No, is it an embarrassment to the president . Yes. Do i suspect that somebody at the campaign might lose their job over this . Oh, yeah. Leland you can almost see it on his face when he walked off air force 1, tie undone, did not appear to be all that happy. This in terms of a policy standpoint is probably getting the most attention this morning as relates to the coronavirus from the rally last night. Take a listen. Heres the bad part. When you do testing to that extent, youre going to find more people. Youre going to find more cases. So i said to my people, slow the testing down, please. Leland Campaign Says hes joking on that. Does he risk alienating part of his base, especially people who are older who really care about the coronavirus and are perhaps scared by it . I know that its a story. We included it on Fox News Sunday. But i have to say, honestly, i think its a bit of a cheap shot. I mean, it just seems to me, it was pretty clear the president was kidding when he said that. You know, he is irreverent. Hes not politically correct. I kind of think thats whats going on there. I dont think it will have much political impact. Leland it seems as though the Biden Campaign wants to make hay out of it. It brings up an interesting point. Back in january, we were all talking about how impeachment was going to define the 2020 election and it was going to define the primary that was then still contested. And little did we know you were going to have the coronavirus, the economic collapse, et cetera. Is it worth even now trying to predict forward whats going to define november . Well, you know, it is astonishing. I dont think a lot of people if you asked them when did impeachment happen, they would be hardpressed to say it even happened this year. I remember when tara reade came out with her comments that she had been sexually molested by the Vice President and people asked me was that going to be a big deal and i remember saying at the time and i got some pushback, you know, if theres no more allegations, its going to disappear. I hate to say this to john bolton, but i think his book is going to disappear. I do think the coronavirus and the handling of that is going to continue to be an issue in the campaign and the millions of people who lost their jobs, those were not washington stories, those were not inside baseball stories, those are stories that i think speak first of all, they affected millions of people, could well be still affecting us in the fall and really speak to the question of leadership and who you want running the country. Who knows. Weve got almost five months until november 3rd. Who knows what more new issues are going to come up between now and then but an awful lot of these things income and go and i think come and go and will pass very quickly, probably most of the stuff weve been talking about today. Leland from your experience, covering so many campaigns, the economic issue of how people feel when they walk into the voting booth about their own pocketbooks, is that the standard bearer of what matters throughout these decades . Well, yes, but not always. I mean, i think that with the coronavirus youve got the other its usually prosperity and security. So a war becomes a huge issue. A train sense dent issue. Trasendent issue. I think people to a large degree will be judging two issues when they go into the booths. Ione is how do they think the president has handled the coronavirus and the economic fallout. And doesnt mean it all has to be gone and all be the recovery has to be total. But do they think the president has handled it as well as he could have, yes or no. And then the other will be the comparison. Donald trump, whatever you think of him, and joe biden, and i think one of the things that the Trump Campaign is counting on is that once biden gets out of the basement and spends more time in public view, whether its on tv, whether its news conferences, whether its those debates, or whether its campaigning, that those are going to be big issues as you get to november. Leland john boltons book may not last through the year but yours certainly is. Best selling hard cover book in america. Countdown 1945, currently number six on the amazon list. Boy, of all the things that surprised me in it, eisenhower not being in favor of the bomb was the most. What were the other couple things that surprised you perhaps from your research that still have relevance today . Oh, you know, my favorite review is somebody called countdown 1945 a history trill thriller and said i know what happened in 1945 but this book reads like a thriller. In fact, there is tension and there is surprises on almost every page. Just to take day one, april 12th, the president is sworn in after franklin de delao roosevelt dies and hes taken aside by the secretary of war who proceeds to to tell him, now mr. President , i have to tell you about an immense top secret project to develop the most powerful bomb in history. I didnt realize until i researched the book that truman had no inkling of the Manhattan Project to develop the atom bomb until the evening of his first day in the office as president. That was a shocker to me. Leland i stayed up until 2 00 in the morning, reading it, to figure out what happened at the end. As you point out of, you know what happens but to watch you take it minute by minute as things go down towards the very end of the dropping of the bomb, i sent it to my father, so happy fathers day, dad. I bought a copy as well for him. As you think about this, take us to september 1945, go back to that date in your mind. If you could interview any one of the characters in your book in 1945, who would bit and what would be the top three questions . [ laughter ] wow. Like putting me on the spot. I certainly would like to talk to harry truman. I never met him. I think i know most of what he thought because we have access one of the joys when youre writing about history as opposed to covering as a journalist present time is you have access to so much of their inner conversation because you have their diaries and truman wrote wonderful diaries, he wrote letters to his wife and his mother and his daughter. So you have a lot of the sense of things that you dont when a president youre covering is in office. I dont think he necessarily would give me a straight answer but he said for the rest of his life he never had a Second Thought about dropping the bomb and during the deliberations he said i think the flower of American Youth is worth a couple of japanese cities because the estimates were there would be a half a million american casualties if they didnt drop the bomb and instead they invaded japan. But i guess if i had him in private i would say truth to tell, theres got to have been a moment when you thought to yourself, you know, it probably saved lives, dropping the bomb rather than invading. There was an estimate there would be a million japanese casualties but there have to have been moments when you had thoughts about dropping the bomb and introducing this weapon of mass destruction to the world. Im not sure he would have given me any straighter answer than he gave over the course of millions or dozens of interviews but id like to have had the opportunity to ask him. I would have liked to have asked robert one oppenheimer about die really think it would work. I would love to ask the lead pilot when they dropped the bomb, how worried were you that the shock waves would blow the plane out of the sky. That was a real concern. Leland you go through the minutes as they dropped the bomb and what they were thinking. Chris, thanks so much. Leland, thank you so much and i hope your father enjoys the book and has a happy fathers day. Leland thank you, sir. A lot more from chris including his interchange with Simone Sanders, Biden Campaign Senior Advisor and Trump Campaign Senior Advisor Mercedes Schlapp weighs in on the president s tulsa rally, the strategy moving forward and the number of people who showed up to the rally, all that and more, Fox News Sunday right after this show. Alicia federal prosecutor Jeffrey Berman is stepping down after a standoff with President Trump and attorney general bill barr. Lorne blanchard is live with more on the political fallout. Hi, lauren. Reporter after the back and forth between Jeffrey Berman and attorney general bill barr, now house judiciary chairman jerry nadler wants barr impeached for his handling of the justice department. Now, hee he admits thats not ly to happen but senator schumer wants a full investigation. Any investigation must examine the roles of President Trump, attorney general barr and anyone else who was involved. The bottom line is we need an answer to two simple questions. What did the president know . And when did he know it . Reporter despite being told to resign by barr on friday, it wasnt until last night berman officially agreed to step down as prosecutor in new yorks Southern District. It was after barr conceded that bermans deputy would take over for the time being. Rather than barrs choice. Berman saying in light of attorney general barrs decision to respect the normal on of on f presentation of law and have the deputy u. S. Attorney become acting u. S. Attorney, i will leave the u. S. Attorneys office for the Southern District of new york effective immediately. Barr had President Trump fire berman and said berman chose public spectacle over public service. On saturday, the president denied any involvement. Thats all up to the attorney general, attorney general barr is working on that. Thats his department, not my department. But we have a very capable attorney general r. So thats really up to him. Im not involved. Reporter democrats say they hope to bring in berman to testify this coming week. They say they want to know who and what berman was investigating and if there was any politically motivated reason for the removal. Now, as for a permanent replacement, President Trump wants to to nominate s. E. C. Chairman jay clayton who has never served as a prosecutor. Already Chuck Schumer is calling on clayton to withdraw his name from the nomination because this is a Senate Confirmed position. Alicia Lauren Blanchard in washington. Thanks so much, lauren. Leland. Leland Minneapolis Police are investigating a deadly shooting overnight that also of injured 11 people. The 911 dispatch call is capturing the moments as police work to figure out how many people were shot. You can see some of the aftermath pictures there. We need more resources down here. More victims. I have three gunshot victims outside of 2939 hampton. Were getting reports of two more shooting victims in the alley. Nobody is with them. Leland the victims were taken to local hospitals for treatment. Police believe more than one gunman was involved. Alicia and in syracuse, police are looking for a suspect who opened fire at a large outdoor gathering. At least nine people were injured during that incident. It took place in a parking lot late saturday night during what seemed to be a celebration. One of the victims is now in Critical Condition. Leland new and troubling numbers of spikes in coronavirus cases as you can see across the United States, from sea to shining sea. Where it could get worse this week when we come back. Hey, can i. Hold on one second. Sure. Okay. Okay safe drivers save 40 guys guys check it out. Safe drivers save 40 safe drivers save 40 safe drivers save 40 thats safe drivers save 40 . It is, thats safe drivers save 40 . Hes right there. Its him hes here. Hes right here. Hi hi. Hey thats totally him. Its him thats totally the guy. Safe drivers do save 40 . Click or call for a quote today. Si but what i do count on. Ts anis boost high protein. Rs, and now, theres boost mobility. With key nutrients to help support. Joints, muscles, and bones. Try boost mobility, with added collagen. Leland states around the country are reopening their economies. In florida, there are spikes in new Coronavirus Infection numbers many jeff paul in los angeles, since florida is not the only state to see these spikes. Reporter the numbers in Los Angeles County are going up with a single day spike of more than 2,000 new cases reported yesterday and 48 new deaths. Its a similar story playing out in some 27 states where some of the states reporting their highest numbers over the past few days. Florida again being one of the hardest hit. Just yesterday the Sunshine State had their Third Straight day of recordbreaking single day records and the rate of positive cases from testing in florida has more than doubled over the past 10 days. Governor ron de santis previously referenced increased testing as a driving force in the numbers spiking but hes changing his tune somewhat saying a lot of younger people arent social distancing. Were also seeing that not only are they testing positive because theyre testing more, theyre also testing positive at a higher rate, increasingly over the last week. But in terms of spread and in terms of some of the vulnerable pop of layingses, populations eventually seeping in there, certainly a cause for concern. Reporter the increased numbers are impacting sports. The nba reportedly said its closely monitoring the data as the league gets back to games possibly in july and the baseball season is also in jeopardy, players have yet to approve the latest proposal to return to the field amid the latest spike in cases. Training camps have been temporarily closed and some fans say they can understand. We all want sports to happen. But at the same token, whats best for the community and whats best for the players. If we just all buckled down and hopefully we get sports in the near future. Reporter a scary moment in the world of entertainment. Dl huguley recently collapsed on stage while performing and later announced he tested positive for covid19. He said hes not showing any symptoms but will quarantine in nashville for the next two weeks. Leland. Leland hopefully hes doing better. Jeff paul in los angeles. Jeff, thank you. Alicia. Alicia businesses are also working to rebound after months of economic hardship. For more on how Business Owners are trying to bounce back, lets bring in pwc partner and Business Development leader mitch roschelle. Thank you so much for joining us mitch on this fathers day, happy fathers day to you. Thanks so much. Glad to be here. Alicia id like to talk about how businesses are getting going again. Were seeing states loosening restrictions, were seeing more business activity. What are you seeing out there . Hows it going. Theres some challenges and some opportunities. Theres clearly a lot of pentup demand out there, maybe not as strong as some would of hope. Theres pentup demand and businesses are eager to get back to work and satisfy some of the demand. Theyre trying to figure out how to do it safely, how to balance restrictions and now with the news of increasing cases theyre worried about how to make sure that customers or whomever theyre doing business with feel comfortable doing business with them. Alicia we heard from correspondent jeff paul on the spikes were seeing around the country but the Trump Administration is still feeling pretty positive about where things are going and before we discuss that, id like to play a little sound here from Senior Advisor to the president , kevin hassett. Lets listen to that now. Right now, i think economists need to be humble and recognize when weve got so many states, i think 17 states where credit card spending is above where it was last year already, then it suggests that this economy is really, really coming back way faster than i thought. Alicia credit card usage, is that an indicator that things are going better or are folks trying to make ends meet . I think some of it are staples, no question about it. But theres clearly pentup demand. Last week we saw retail sales spike month over month basis 17 , the biggest increase in history of counting the data. The previous month it had fallen more than that. Clearly, Consumers Want to get out and consume. They are the driving force behind the u. S. Economy. However, its a balancing act and it will remain a balancing act of them figuring out how to consume and how to interact with businesses and doing it on a safe basis. Alicia a lot is about momentum the. You hear that things are getting better, economically you start feeling better about it. But theres also momentum with the coronavirus. So youre talking about this balance, its kind of difficult. But folks do need to continue to spend, dont they . Yeah, no question about it. I believe they want to. Ive talked on this show before about sort of the supply and the demand. One of the challenges that held back the economy from getting back to normal is the fact that you didnt have opportunities on the supply side to consume and as restrictions ease across the country, those opportunities are out there. And were seeing consumers being active. However, not at the levels they were in the past because they dont have as many opportunities. You cant go to a movie theater, for example. You cant stay in hotels. So its going to take a while for the consumer to sort of fill the void of what weve lost in the economy. Alicia some of the good news is that the unemployment claims, theyre flattening a bit which is a positive sign. However, i do know that theres so many Small Businesses that are closing for good, especially restaurants. Were seeing that definitely here in denver. What happens to those employees when they try to head back into the job market after the place where they worked for maybe years is now closed . I think ultimately theres going to be a need in this country to reskill employees. Folks who spent their entire career for example in the restaurant industry, if restaurants some of them dont come back or capacitys constrained in restaurants for a period of time, that job may not be there for them so theyre going to interest to figure out what skills theyll need for the jobs out there. I was talking the to somebody in the Construction Industry who said they have tremendous amount of Business Opportunities in construction but they cant find construction workers right now. So there are a lot of businesses that cant find workers, believe it or not, even with 20 plus Million People unemployed so i think its going to be a matter of reskilling our workforce pretty quickly. Alicia hopefully we can balance our way to 2021. Were all waiting for it. Mitch roschelle, thank you so much for your time today. Thanks for having me. Leland we know how theyre spinning it m washington, the biden and Trump Campaign, but what was it like in tulsa last night for the president s rally. Casey siegel was there. Hi, casey. Reporter we saw thousands of very enthusiastic President Trump supporters, hundreds of counsecounterprotesters and a e lot of Law Enforcement. Well take you inside the arena and let you hear from President Trump im self coming up in a live trump himself coming up in a live report from tulsa. Whoo. Im gonna grow big and strong. Yes, you are. Im gonna get this place all clean. Ill give you a hand. And im gonna put lisa on crutches wait, what . Said shes gonna need crutches. She fell pretty hard. You might want to clean that up, girl. Excuse us. When owning a Small Business gets real, progressive helps protect what you built with customizable coverage. And im gonna eh, eh, eh. Donny, no. Oh. 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Casey siegel was there, as were about 6200 of the president s biggest fans. Hi, casey. Reporter hi, leland. As you know, this was the president s first rally in more than 100 days, since the whole pandemic began. And so you had an awful lot of people who drove from states from all over to come see the president s first event out of the gate. The overarching theme of his speech saying that voters are essentially going to have a choice in the upcoming 2020 helelection, a choice between t he described as National Heritage or left wing radicals. Attendance numbers were ultimately lower than advertised ahead of the event. It was not at the full capacity of about 19,000 people. According to the fire marshal, just under 6200 tickets were scanned. They point out that figure does not include the booked suites or the Campaign Staff members inside. Bear in mind, former Vice President joe bidens primary events have not drawn large crowds either. President trump did blame the media for scaring people away over Covid Concerns ahead of this rally and also had something to say about counterprotesters outside, alleging they blocked fans from entering the arena. To our of warriors, ive been watching, ive been watching the fake news for weeks now and everything is negative. Dont go, dont come, dont do anything. We had some very bad people outside. They were doing bad things. Reporter there were hundreds of counterprotesters gathered outside the main entrance. Then also marching around the perimeter before, during and after the event. Many were part of the Defund Police movement and the black lives matter groups. While things did remain mostly peaceful, Law Enforcement did deploy pepper balls at one point. It was after the rally when they were trying to clear a very large group that was blocking traffic on a major thoroughfare. But the good news out of that is, again, things relatively peaceful, no Major Property damage was reported and no mass arrests of any kind. Now tulsa quiets, the cleanup has started and the barricades are going to start to come down and the city is hoping to get back to normal a little bit after a bit of a lot of people and action over the last several days, for sure, leland. Leland much bigger security footprint yesterday in tulsa than what we normally see at rallies. Casey, thanks. Alicia Presumptive Democratic president ial nominee joe biden outraising President Trump last night, bringing in more than 80 million in may. Jacqui heinrich has the latest on the Biden Campaign. Reporter may was the first month the Biden Campaign has worked in connection with the dnc and they outraised the trump money machine by about 10 . The biggest news out of that, more than half of bidens donors were new to his campaign and the dnc said theyre doing well with big and small donors alike, represents new momentum for biden who has struggled to bring in cash. Despite high unemployment from the coronavirus pandemic, although the trump camp still has more cash on ofhand overall. This happens as biden widens his lead over trump in polls, the latest poll shows biden ahead by 12 points. He continued to hit President Trump hard on the Coronavirus Response and this morning sent another email about slowing down testing at the rally. Bidens surrogates are shutting down claims that biden struggles with mental acuity and has been hiding out in his basement because his handlers run a Better Campaign with him out of view. This is just despicable. It really is. The fact that folks are taking these lies from the president and his campaign, that Vice President biden isnt up of to the challenge. Hes absolutely up to to it. Vice President Biden would tell you if he were sitting right here that he cant wait to see donald trump on the debate stage and cant wait to campaign with him. Reporter bidens Campaign Slammed trumps rally as irresponsible amid the pandemic, saying the heads of the White House Coronavirus task force should not be ignoring the advice of Public Health officials. Simone sanders who you just heard from rejected the notion that the George Floyd Protests represent some sort of a double standard saying those events were organized by the American Public as opposed to the Biden Campaign or the likes. Alicia. Alicia thanks, jacqui. As we celebrate fathers day, we want to give a special thanks to all the dads who serve our country. Well talk to one military father after the break. [shouting] [clapping and shouting] [cymbals clanging] [knocking] room for seven. And much, much more. The firstever glb. Get 0 apr financing up to 36 months on most models, and 90day firstpayment deferral on any model. 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Alicia as you know, today is fathers day and we here really want to highlight military fathers who have served our country as well as their families and we have reestablished our of connection. Weve gotten the technical gremlins out of the way. We now have with us air force Master Sergeant chad kinevil. Thank you for joining us here. Are we all set . Yes. Alicia good. Were so happy to talk to you today and happy fathers day to you. Thank you so much for your service. We are wanting to talk to you today because you have submitted to a mosaic, that is being put out there by this Great Company called hunt military communities. They work on housing for families and you submitted a picture in addition to other families for this mosaic, didnt you . Can you tell us why you did that . My wife actually works for hunt as an Operations Support manager. So she works closely with them. Alicia can you tell us a little bit about your family and how youre going to be celebrating fathers day today . So, i got three kids, 16, 8 and 12, all three of them are actually in illinois with grandma right now. So its just me and the wife today. Im going to relax in the pool. Alicia that sounds like the way to do it. What folks may not realize or even think about too often is that on fathers day often there are fathers and families who are separated because of deployments, families are serving their country. I want to put up some numbers so folks can bring it to mind. We were able to collect this. Since 2001, more than 2 million American Children have had a parent deployed at least once and more than 900,000 children have experienced the deployment of one or both parents multiple times. That means that also of, 37 of children with a deployed parent reported they seriously worry about what could happen to their deployed caretaker. That last piece of information there really stuck out to me because i was thinking if youre away from your family and youre serving your country, how difficult is that to know that your family is also worried about you at the same time youre trying to do your job . It can be challenging. The families of the military really sacrifice more in my opinion than the Service Member themselves. I mean, we go and do a job but theyre left to pick up all the pieces. Theyre forced to switch schools and move across country and make new friends constantly. Theyre the ones that do a lot more of sacrificing to allow me to serve. Alicia and of course youre also honoring your family here northbound all the other families and all the other families here as well. Thank you so much. What is it you would like folks the to know about the importance of fathers day especially when it comes to military families . Just when you know that people are deployed and people arent with family, they miss events, first birthdays, fathers days, things like that. It just really makes you appreciate the time that you do get when everybody is back together. Alicia as were talking, were watching some of these wonderful reunions that we get to see. Theres just so much joy when you see these, just so wonderful. Can you just kind of express and explain to people who dont understand what its like when you have that moment of reunification when youve been gone so long. Its just theres words cant describe it. Its definitely something that you are you cant wait for it to happen and theres really no words for the moment itself. Alicia well, we honor you today and honor your family as well. From what we understand, you also have an angel looking down from heaven today, happy fathers day to you and our blessings to your entire family. Thank you so much, sergeant. Thank you. Alicia leland. Leland and we add a special fathers day surprise of our own when we come back. I waited to get treated. Thought surgery was my only option. But then i found out about nonsurgical treatments. It was a total game changer. Learn more about the condition at factsonhand. Com theyre going to be paying for this for a long time. They will, but with accident forgiveness allstate wont raise your rates just because of an accident, even if its your fault. Cut sonny. Was that good . Line the desert never lies. Isnt that what i said . No you were talking about allstate and insurance. I just. When i. Lets try again. Everybody back to one. Accident forgiveness from allstate. Click or call for a quote today. Leland new video from inside the seattle chop zone gives a clearer view of how police were blocked from responding to that murder and paramedics who couldnt come to save one victim because of the crowds. Dan springer is there outside of chop with the video. Hi, dan. Reporter hey, leland. Were 13 days into this occupying protest and which is really kept police from going back inside their east precinct. And what happens the very first time theres a shooting, who do people call . Well, dozens called 911 and what do police do, well, they showed up. Heres how they were greeted. Please move out of the way so we can get to the victim. Reporter Police Body Cam shows officers asking the crowd to let them through. One victim had already been transported to the hospital by a protest volunteer medic where he was pronounced dead. A second victim was later discovered a block away. Police and fire never got there. The crowd was angry and far outnumbered the police who have been stripped of their crowd control tools like pepper spray and tear gas by the city council. As cops retreated they were followed and taunted. You can easily see bottles being thrown at them and the crowd chanting whose streets, our streets. Seattles mayor who described the occupation as a block party made no comment yesterday or today. Her Office Issued a statement saying police and fire must ensure Public Safety in all parts of the city. Another example of wanting it both ways, a guy who calls himself the armed enforcer of the camp, put a video on twitter showing himself asking for them to help the victims. Both of the shooting victims are black men. The youngest was 19 years old and he had just graduated from high school. Police have no suspects at this time. Leland. Leland unbelievable. As you point out of, only a matter of time before the Police Department is suddenly needed and who does everybody call but 911. What about residents in there . As i understand it, this is an upper middle class neighborhood. What happens if one of their houses catches on fire or somebody has a heart attack or theres a burglary and the police need to make it in there . What are they saying . Reporter its the same problem. How do they get in . Depending on the time of day, depending on how many people are there, they cant safely go in all the time. We talked to a number of residents around here who say theyre trapped inside their own apartments. They want to get out, they want to move. But the Fire Department brokered a deal with the protesters last week to allow for a smaller chop zone, about seven blocks down to three, and they allowed for traffic to go in but it does no good from the traffic gets in but when they try to get to a crime scene theyre blocked by the protesters. Thats exactly what happened early saturday morning. They were not able to get to the victims who were still inside. One of them was still inside bleeding. He is in Critical Condition and well have to see his condition as it goes on. But yes, its a terrible situation for the residents, wondering if when they call 911 if theyll get the help. Leland. Leland the mayors summer of love having a dangerous turn as many predicted. Dan, youve been there since the beginning. Keep up the great reporting. We appreciate it for both you and your crew for under what we know has been difficult circumstances at times. Reporter you got it. Alicia we want to take a moment to thank the amazing dads who helped raise the americas news Headquarters Team this fathers day including our line producer, gabbys dad, frank. There with her mom naomi. And our media buzz producer, laceys husband with their son. Happy fathers day, jared. Leland and we see a picture of our associate producers dad with her about the full mom, pretty. Great picture there. And we see a picture of our associate producer mallory with her dad, chris, out on his boat in the close pee chesapeake. Heres a baby picture of our of producer niko with his father, david, from 1995 when niko was about a year old. Alicia then we are looking at a picture of our associate producer on the desk with his family and father, hector. And here we come with associate producer alvin catmer with his father jamal and his mom. It is also her birthday, so happy birthday to her. Leland happy birthday. Alicia absolutely. And here we have my family, i want to say happy fathers day hey, its of the moment, right. My husband there just above me with the green mask, brian boyd, my father, robert acuna with my siblings, hes in tucson now watching. Happy fathers day, dad. Leland happy fathers day. Happy fathers day. Theres your dad. We wanted to find a picture of my father where he had more hair than i do so we had to go back quite a few years. [ laughter ] leland and there we go. Alicia thats you . Leland thats me. Thats dad. I got the looks from my mother, clearly, otherwise i would be in radio. Happy fathers day, dad. Appreciate the hair. And kind of comed it the way i do back then as well. Great news alicia coming out from yesterday when we talked about lucky dog animal rescue, all the dogs they brought up on that private charter from puerto rico, a number of them have already been adopted. Thanks to our viewers going to luckydoganimalrescue. Org they raised over 8,500. That pays for vet care, more transports for dogs from high kill shelters and more Adoption Services so a big thank you to all our viewers and by the way, happy fathers day to the two dogs that you have and their dog father as well. Alicia thank you so much. We appreciate that. Leland there we go. Its been fun. Alicia, great having you from the rookie mountain high, the im Leland Vittert in washington. We talked to Chris Wallace earlier. Hes coming up next, hes got Mercedes Schlapp and Simone Sanders from the Biden Campaign. Take care. President trump returns to the campaign trail in wallace, President Trump running stirring support from critics. You want to stand up tall and proud as americans. Chris thousands fill indoor arena for the president s first rally in months in a statement where coronavirus cases are spiking. We will ask dr. Tom inglesby about the potential health risks. Then the rally coming at a tough time for the country as protests over Police Violence have changed the narrative in the

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