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Kavanaugh. A lot of people should vote for kavanaugh. If you are looking for a conservative president to pick a nominee, hes on the top of everyones list. Hes one every republican would see as the most of qualified of their generation. Arthel what are democrats trying to do to block judge kavanaughs nomination . Reporter they are going to try. But there is not a lot they can do. Republicans will need a simple majority. Once senator john mccains replacement is appointed the republicans will have 51 seats. And thats the goal for democrats. To find something in kavanaughs past that will pressure lawmakers to vote against him. Kavanaughs work on the starr report, his five years in the Bush White House and 12 years as a federal judge. But all of those documents have been released. The national a skies says it wont be able to vote and produce all the documents until late october. Senator dick durbin complained the white house isnt releasing 100,000 document claiming executive privilege. They are suppressing these documents. If we are lucky, well see 6 of all the document that could be produced to reflect on kavanaughs true position on issues. Reporter judge kavanaugh has spent the last few days going through brutal mock hearings, just to insure he doesnt have any kind of a slipup democrats are hoping he would have. Arthel who would you say are the senators to keep an eye on . The two to watch on the republican side are Susan Collins and lisa murkowski. They said they would vote against the nominee who would overturn roe versus wade. On the democrat side six senators were from the states that President Trump won. Alabamas doug jones is another one. Hes not up for reelection. Those six who are expected to face a lot of pressure to support the president s nominee a little more than a month before their own reelection. Arthel . Arthel high stakes, no doubt. Garrett tenney, thank you. Mike President Trump calling on mueller to wrap up the investigation before the elections. Reporter its Labor Day Weekend and there was much speculation this would be the end or beginning of the end of special counsel Robert Muellers special investigation. There have been reports for months that his team hopes to wrap up before the end of summer. Rudy giuliani called for some end to the investigation in view of the special elections coming up. One Senate Republican says hopefully sooner rather than later well know what he, mueller, find. Mueller will be allowed to do this job. Here is what i will tell the public. Ill look long and hard about the fbi abuse of the fisa warrant and how the department of justice just really were in the tank for clinton and out to get trump early on. Mueller has not said when a final report will be out. Senate democrats say they want to know how the president S Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, he starts his confirmation hearings tuesday, how he views the special counsels work. There is a serious question as to whether this president given the opportunity will end the Mueller Investigation. Something most of republicans and the overwhelming majority of americans say would be a serious mistake. We asked judge kavanaugh what do you think and he said its handoff when it comes to his term in office. I think it one of the reasons people have misgiving about his nomination. Reporter President Trump called the investigation a rigged russia witch hunt. Mike arthel . Arthel [ ] senator john mccains 81 81year journey is coming to an end as the procession makes its way to his final resting place at the Naval Academy in annapolis. There was a Memorial Service yesterday at the National Cathedral in washington. This was a treasure. To have the friendship of john mccain and Lindsey Graham that it was blessed to have had and continue, i say goodbye and my heart will be heavy. I will shed a tear but thank god i knew a man like john mccain so well. Arthel lucas is live outside the Naval Academy with more. Reporter its notable that senator mccains father and grandfather, both four star admirals are buried in arlington cemetery, not annapolis. Mccain instructed his family to have him buried alongside his long time class mate charles larson. Larson tall and distinguished, the brigade commander. Mccain known for his mischief, but had Leadership Qualities that did not rear rank. He would become one of the youngest admirals in u. S. History. A lot has been made about mccain finishing fifth from the bottom out of 900. But 25 of mccains class washed out. He wouldnt accept parole or special favors from the enemy to get him through 5 1 2 years of torture in vietnam. The ceremony yesterday at the washington National Cathedral, but todays service is private. Mark salter, senator Lindsey Graham, and general patraeus. Also speaking, jack mccain a 2009 naval graduate and senator mccains oldest son doug. The body of senator mccain is expected to arrive at the Naval Academy at 1 45. Well have live kompleg all day. Mike President Trump appearing to hit back at criticism at john mccains Memorial Service writing make America Great again. John believe in honest argument and hearing other views. He understood that if we get in the habit of bending the truth to suit political expediency or party orthodoxy, our democracy will not work. The america of john mccain has no need to be made great again because america was always great. Mike dave, great to have you. No surprise, President Trump and senator mccain did not get along. Mr. Trump talked about mr. Mccain, the war hero and said he likes people who were not captured. Any surprise Meghan Mccain and others grabbed at the president. Meghan mccains shot and it was surprising to see applause. President bush and obama were critiquing the politics of trump. Obama referred to politics buy fear. They didnt refer particularly to trump. But they compared the kind of politics mccain practiced and the kind the president practices. She is her fathers daughter. If you Say Something bad about her dad, you will know it, whether hes the janitor or the president of the United States. She is grieving for the father she adored. I think most of americans understand that and im proud of the young lady she has become. Mike does it end there . I recommend people watch the entirety of the eulogy in were touching moments that had nothing to do with politics. This was a beautiful speech, a beautiful tribute. She did obviously decide to take that one shot at President Trump and thats something people will remember. She is on television, she is a public figure. I am sure that my color the way certain support ishes of President Trump view her going forward. But it wasnt the central theme of her speech. Mike the president s daughter and soninlaw Jared Kushner were at the service. Bomb past and insult, phoney controversies. And manufactured outrage. Its a politics that pretends to be brave and tough but in fact is born of fear. Mike then the 43rd president george w. Bush made reference to immigration. He loved freedom. With a passion of a man who knew. He respected the dignity inherent in every life. A dignity that does not stop at borders and cannot be erased by dictators. Mike do you think those comments made jared and ivanka and other white house officials uncomfortable . I would be surprised if they were surprised by the comments. John kelly and john bolton were also in attendance. These are not people who were supporters of President Trump, im talking about president s obama and bush. They werent going to celebrate the alliance with President Trump. What they were going to do was honor the service of john mccain. Mike some people get very turned off when watching sports and politics enters into it. Might you imagine mr. Might be some people who support President Trump who save they wanted to watch the funeral of an American Hero but didnt want all the jabs at the president. The speeches were always going to touch on politics. Its very, very difficult in the current climate to discuss politics without it seeming like a commentary on the current president. President trump looms so large over our political discourse currently that it was always going to be interpreted that way. I do think these president s with were intentional in the veiled shots they took sat trump. I can see pushback from people who might honor john mccains service. It would be difficult to give a eulogy where President Trump is obviously not present. Mike we have seen bipartisan praise for john mccain. Bipartisan former president speaking, his former political opponent. Any chance mccains passing will lead to some attempts at working in a bipartisan way . No, i dont think. Just because we had several of these moments that brought us together as a country the last couple of years. We mad this question discussed. I was asked this question at different moamentds, mass shootings. And it lasted, it has been momentary and gone back to the divisive brand of politics. I would love to Say Something more optimistic. But i dont see it happening that way. Mike dave lawler thanks very much. Arthel the accusations of putting process over safety. The owners of the missouri duck boat that sank and killed 17 people in july is facing legal action from the state. Judge Brett Kavanaugh faces a fierce confirmation battle in the senate. More on what we can expect from those two big hearings coming up next. You i have known Brett Kavanaugh for a long time. He was an inspired choice. He is a man who has a lot of humility. And by waving bye to byproducts. So you can get back to loving them. For the love of hot dogs. wienermobile horn we really pride ourselves on temaking it easy for youass, to get your windshield fixed. Teacher lets turn in your science papers. Tech vo this teacher always puts her students first. Student i did mine on volcanoes. Teacher you did . oh, i cant wait to read it. Tech vo so when she had auto glass damage. She chose safelite. With safelite, she could see exactly when wed be there. Teacher you must be pascal. Tech yes maam. Tech vo saving her time. [honk, honk] kids bye tech vo . So she can save the science project. Kids whoa kids vo safelite repair, safelite replace now i know youre thinking, i dont want to hear about insurance. Cause lets be honest, nobody likes dealing with insurance, right . Which is why esurance hired me, dennis quaid, as their spokesperson because apparently, im highly likable. I like dennis quaid. Awww. And they want me to let you know that, cue overdramatic music, theyre on a mission to make insurance painless. Excuse me, you dropped this. They know its confusing. I literally have no idea what im getting, dennis quaid. Thats why theyre making it simple, man in cafe. And they know its expensive. Yeah. So theyre making it affordable. Thank you. Youre welcome. Thats a prop apple. Now, you might not believe any of this since this is a television commercial, but thats why theyre being so transparent. Anyways. This is the end of the commercial where i walk off into a very dramatic sunset to reveal the new esurance tagline so that youll remember it. Esurance. Its surprisingly painless. So that youll remember it. I decided that i wanted to go for Electrical Engineering and you need to go to college for that. If i didnt have internet in the home i would have to give up more time with my kids. Which is the main reason i left the military. Everybody wants more for their kids, but i feel like with my kids, they measurably get more than i ever got. And i get to do that. I get to provide that for them. Mike a suspected ms13 gang member is facing charges after police say he raped a child. They say he broke into the second floor bedroom of a sleeping 11yearold girl in brooklyn and raped her. Police say he then fled the scene through the window as the girl cried for help. The 18yearold alleged attacker is facing charges of rape, burglary and sexual abuse. Police say they believe hes an ms13 gang member from el salvador. Arthel just days before Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaughs confirmation hearings get under way the white house says it will with hold 100,000 pages of white house records. Chuck schumer said we are witnessing a friday night document massacre. President trump hiding judge kavanaughs records from the american. You is unprecedented and has all the makings of a coverup. So i want to go here, the it would house is citing executive privilege to with hold the 100,000 pages. How does that fit juxtaposed to president george w. Bush, advising his attorneys to release kavanaughs documents and err on the side of transparency and disclosure. This is exactly the process that the executive order president obama come 10 plates for president ial records its exactly the way its to proceed with the former president doing the initial review and the current president make the call. Contrary to schumerss outrageous rhetoric, this is not unprecedented. The same thing happened on john roberts record and senator schumer protested that. On elena kagan they are documents were never obtained. And Senate Documents never produced the documents from her time working as a special staffer working for senator biden. Everyone recognizes that there are privileged document that need to be carefully reviewed and cant just be made public. And senator schumer is playing games, trying to bamboozle the American People because democrats have no case against this nominee. They will require wanted to hear for a moment. To your point you are saying President Trump gets the final edit. But there are still questions as to what could be in those 100,000 pages and why would a white house want to keep certain information from the public. And if there are no ethics violations, could there be a perception problem . There has never been a practice for the senate to demand everything in a nominees governmental records. You have had Supreme Court companies who had long years as judges. No one demands internal case files. The senate did not obtain elena kagans documents for her years with the attorney general. Democrats are concocting new standard for this nominee that makes no sense and would be obstructive of deliberations in government. Arthel amongst the democrats and trump, people who dont support the president , figuring kavanaughs past history on executive privilege, saying a president should not be subject to criminal or civil litigation while he sits in office. Perhaps might that be the concern they are possible any trying to redact from the record . I think you are overstating what judge kavanaugh said. Arthel clear up the record then, please. The position that a sitting president should not be criminally indicted and instead the process should be invoked is one of impeachment is a conventional position that as harvard law professor held up, if its its ludicrous. Arthel you understand the only reason its such a point of contention is only because at one point as you well know, judge kavanaugh was instrumental in writing the legal papers to have president clinton impeached, and in 2009 he wrote for the law review changing his position to that which i just stated, saying he doesnt think a sitting president should be subject to such legal liability. Who would be the immediate beneficiary of his change of view . Barack obama. The democrats made scorched earth demands to obstruct and delay this nomination and claim when their unreasonable demand isnt met, people must be hiding something. If democrats wanted to make targeted requests for specific documents, senator grassley would have accommodated those requests. Dont be suckered by the game being played here. Arthel based on what you are tilling me now, do you believe the system of choosing, nominating and confirming Supreme Court justices is still on track following the necessary guidelines or has this process been guide and tainted too much by politics . The process is inherently a political one. Its impossible to remove it from politics. I think the process is never going to be perfect. You have a judicial nominee, Supreme Court nominee with 12 years of judicial record. Hundreds of opinions. And the idea that democrats wrathered than addressing his record are going to complain about some documents that arent being produced i think shows you they have no case against him. Arthel well leave it right there. Ed whelan, thank you very much. Stay with us at Fox News Channel all week as the Senate Begins confirmation hearings for judge kavanaugh. Mike the white House Counsel is leaving the administration. Why now . And what does the departure mean for the russia probe . Our next guest, the Deputy Assistant attorney general shares his thoughts. The president renews his attacks on canada over trade. President trump canada is ripping us off. The whole world is ripping us off. Pen to sign up for new insurance instead . For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. If youre 65 or older, even if youre healthy, you may be at increased risk for Pneumococcal Pneumonia a potentially serious bacterial lung disease that can disrupt your routine for weeks. In severe cases, Pneumococcal Pneumonia can put you in the hospital. It can hit quickly, without warning, making you miss out on what matters most. A single dose of the prevnar 13® vaccine can help protect you from Pneumococcal Pneumonia. Prevnar 13® is approved for adults to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause Pneumococcal Pneumonia. Dont get prevnar 13® if you have had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. Adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. The most common side effects were pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, limited arm movement, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, less appetite, vomiting, fever, chills, and rash. Prevention begins with prevnar 13®. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about prevnar 13®. Arthel President Trump with stern warning to canada over nafta, threatening to leave our neighbors to the north out of a revised agreement with mexico. Thats if they dont agree to his terms. The u. S. And canada are set to resume trade talks later this year. Heres lee zellden earlier on sunday morning futures. The president feels good about the deal that was cut with mexico and it feels like he is, and he is in a good position negotiating with canada with really important goals. I would fall under the side of being able to enter into a deal that includes canada the United States and canada, that trade relationship is vitale important. Arthel lets go to Allison Barber live at the white house with more. Hi, allison. Reporter the u. S. Reached an agreement with mexico but not with canada. As you alluded to, President Trump says that canada is not a political necessity when it comes to nafta. He warned congress not to interfere. He says nafta was one of the worst trade deals and it hurt american workers. The president of the nations largest federation of unions agrees with mr. Trump, at least in part. But he says the nafta deal needs to include canada. The three countries in north america, the economys pretty inintegrated. Its pretty hard to see how that would work without having canada in the deal. Theres a lot of work to be done, even on the mexican deal, because the language isnt drafted. We havent seen whole chapters of the thing. Were anxious to move forward with it and anxious to have all three countries involved because nafta has had a devastating effect on the working people of this country for the last 25 years. Arthel. Our starting point waa place where canada and the u. S. Were quite far apart in their proposal but what we found is negotiation on is canada and the United States shared a concern for our workers in the car sector. Reporter the u. S. And canada missed the deadline for a deal on friday. As you just heard from canadas trade representative, she did seem to suggest that the u. S. Trade representative and their team were working in good faith despite leaked comments that came from President Trump where canadian and u. S. Officials reportedly canadian officials reportedly confronted u. S. Officials at a high level meeting on friday. Some sticking points for canada in regards to the nafta negotiations have to do with concerns regarding requirements that could impact drug prices, sticking points that still remain for the u. S. Which weve heard quite a lot our self from President Trump are those dairy tariffs, the president has made clear he doesnt like canadas dairy tariffs. Thats something they want to rework. The negotiations are set to restart this week. Arresarthel. Arthel thats something the Prime Minister says no go on our dairy system. Well see what happens. Thank you, allison. Mike. Mike white House Counsel don mcgahn will leave the Trump Administration later this year, the announcement comes after news broke that mcgahn set for some 30 hours of interviews in the Robert Mueller russia investigation. The president made it official in a tweet last week, quote, white House Counsel don mcgahn will leave his position in the fall, shortly after the confirmation hopefully of judge Brett Kavanaugh in the united stateS Supreme Court. I worked with dan for a long time and truly appreciate his service. John malcolm is at the heritage foundation, also a former Deputy Assistant attorney general. Great to have you. Good to be with you. Mike how much do you assess the lengthy interviews don mcgahn with special counsel mueller played into the president announcing his expected departure on twitter . Im not sure there was any connection. Don mcgahn, its an exhausting job being white House Counsel. Of course, he was his counsel during the campaign as well which also have to have been exhausting. Hes been an outstanding white House Counsel, giving political and legal advice to the president. What hes done on judges is spec tack spectacular. He is the lawyer for the office of the president , hes not the president s personal lawyer. His conversations with the president clearly could be subject to executive privilege, depending on what they discussed. Im sure when he went in with his discussions with special counsel he did it in consultation with the president and the president s personal lawyers. The Mueller Investigation is ongoing. I dont see it wrapping up any time soon. Im not sure there was a connection between the two. Surely whatever don mcgahn was going to share with the special counsel, he has shared with the president and his legal team. Mike we knew mcgahn was planning to leave, the White House Team had been reporting it for some time. The abrupt tweet seemed to take a lot of people, including mcgahn, by surprise when it comes to this very senior position of white House Counsel. Is that right . I dont know whether he had a heads up or not. I read the same reports you have. This president certainly likes to tweet in the dead of night and sometimes surprises come out of those tweets. I dont think there was any secret that don mcgahn was preparing to leave. He has decided for good and sufficient reasons to stick it out through the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh. He will have two Supreme Court justices under his belt, outstanding nominees both of them, and so whether he was surprised or not i dont know, but i dont think anyone else was particularly surprised that don mcgahn wants to return to private sector and perhaps have a better life work balance. Mike with mcgahn gone, when hes gone, does that remove the guardrails in terms of the president s dealing with the Justice Department and the Mueller Probe . Well, there will be another white House Counsel, whoever that is, who will give advice to the president. The president is the person who has a constitutional duty to take care the laws be faithfully executed. He could still and still could fire Jeff Sessions if thats what he wanted to do. He obviously received some political advice, whatever that was from don mcgahn and acted in accordance with it. Whether that will change with the new white House Counsel remains to be seen. Mike you worked in the Justice Department. I did. Mike how big of a loss is this to the white house . I know its a really tough job but how big of a loss is this to the white house and also to the president personally . Well, don mcgahn has done an outstanding job and knows the president well. He has served ably. But i have no doubt that the president will replace him with somebody whom he trusts. So the rumor at the moment is that emmett flood may be that person. Hes the president s personal lawyer. By all accounts they have a good relationship. There are other people im sure who will also have the president s confidence, who will be considered for the job. Mike some folks on capitol hill like Chuck Grassley are unhappy about mcgahns departure, probably because of the work on those judges, right . That could be. It could also be hes a reassuring voice in terms of maintaining a buffer of some kind between the president and the Justice Department and perhaps theyre fearful that moment tule will stop. But im not that momentum will stop. But im not sure that will stop. Mike thank you for your time and expertise. Arthel a slain North Carolina family laid to rest two weeks after their bodies were found on the property of a Colorado Oil Company. How family and friends paid their respects. Plus, the owner and operator of the duck boat that capsized in july, killing 17 passengers is facing a new lawsuit. What the Missouri Attorney general is claiming the company did that led to that tragic accident. Ment. So youll still be here to help me make smart choices . Well, with your finances that is. We had nothing to do with that tie. Voya. 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The states attorney general, josh holly, filed a lawsuit against the company, alleging the owner and operator ignored weather warnings to avoid giving refunds. The boat sank in a Missouri Lake during severe weather, killing 17 passengers. In a statement, the attorney general added, quote, my hope is that this lawsuit will ensure that the unsafe duck boats and companies who put profits ahead of safety will not continue to operate. Robert bianch is a criminal defense attorney, and a attorney. Lots of questions for you. First of all, why did the states attorney general file the lawsuit and what route will prosecution take and if possible is it possible for prosecutors to ask for too much in terms of penalty and payout . Arthel, youve got two things going on with a case like this. The first are the civil ramifications and then the criminal law ramifications. The attorney general doesnt have jurisdictions over the criminal law because its maritime and the u. S. Attorneys office is currently investigating the potential criminal violations. The attorney general here filed a civil suit under a false or fraudulent and deceptive practices. He made a statement there were decades of problems and safety violations with respect to this company, that the owners knew or should have known, that they went out there when winds were reported just a half hour before being in excess of what was allowable as well as the wake that was two feet as opposed to three feet and essentially 35mileanhour when it was predicted a half hour it would be 60 miles an hour on that lake. So hes basically saying that they fraudulently misrepresented to people that safety is there number one priority, they violated that and hes holding them accountable under the civil law. I think its an excellent thing to do we need to go a step further with these companies and there needs to be criminal prosecution. Arthel whats the likelihood of that . I think its very likely, given the facts that are known here that these people went out there with a weather advisory and weather conditions that are past what theyre supposed to be doing. The fact that they didnt have proper safety jackets there. The bottom line was, if you are negligent under maritime law, not even reckless or if you commit an act of misconduct, certainly the captain and pilot will be responsible for the violations of that. It goes beyond negligently jens. These companies bosses, ceos, cfos were making a lot of money and are aware of repeated safety violations, cannot do a hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil, blame the captain. This needs to go up to the top. Arthel i agree with you and that was one of the questions i wanted to ask you. Listen, the owner and hope oper, Ripley Entertainment revenues estimated between 34 million and 54 million a year. Theyve got 225 employees. So again, the owner and operator, Branson Duck Vehicles and Ripley Entertainment, i want to know whats their legal liability and can any individuals from that company be held negligent, if they can Face Criminal Charges and be held for negligent operations, and i want to know do Companies Like this, bob, do they have this limited liability in place to where their damages are capped . Well, no, they dont. They have insurance policies that are usually typically pretty good so they can pay out. If not, they can be sued personally. Most of these Companies Make sure they protect themselves from any kind of lawsuit. So arthel, you asked two questions. One, civil. If you run a company, you are responsible for the safety and wellbeing and making sure the proper protocols, procedures and policies are followed. If you dont do that and somebody acts negligently, especially the a. G. Indicating there had been decades of violations, well then youre going to be responsible on the civil end of that. On the criminal end, as a pros prosecutor i can tell you when i prosecuted companies, if you had knowledge of the fact that protocols and policies were not being followed routinely and or if these people say, which happens with Many Companies that were forced to go out under bad conditions because its about the bottom line, then they could be held criminally responsible. Arthel okay. And finally, you know, bob, that the suit claims the boat owners and operator, Branson Duck Vehicles and Ripley Entertainment, they had, quote, decades of ongoing safety hazards that posed a present and deadly danger to everyone who boarded a duck boat. Now, heres a question, though. Shouldnt they have been required to pass periodic safety tests and who would have been responsible for conducting those safety tests and enforcing compliance . Thats funny you ask that. I was saying the same thing. What government jurisdiction is there that should be monitoring if theres decades worth of violations, it would subject that people were aware of this ahead of time. That doesnt necessarily let the owner off the hook, criminally or civilly or anybody underneath him. You have to wonder what governmentalen at thigovernmente of this did not cite or sanction or shut them down. In my experience, sorry to say as a prosecutor for many years, running an agency, sometimes people are kind of in bed with one another, theyre friends with one another, they contribute to campaigns, theres violations and slaps on the wrist. Arthel thats unfortunate. Very unfortunate. Bob, thank you very much. Right now, we would like to read the names of the 17 people who died in that accident. Nine people from the cole man family were killed, irvin, horace, belinda, angela, max and glen, glens three young children, res, evan and aria also died. Tia coalman and her teenage nephew, donovan hall are the only family members on the boat survived. Five others who died are bob williams, bill asher, rosemarie hammond and william and janice bright. Three others were killed, illinois resident leslie dennisson and steve and lance smith. Our condolences sincerely to those families. Well be right back. When my hot water heater failed, she was pregnant, inlaws were coming, a little bit of water, it really it rocked our world. I had no idea the amount of damage that water could do. We called usaa. And they greeted me as they always do. Sergeant baker, how are you . They were on it. It was unbelievable. Having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa now thats a privilege. Were the bakers and were usaa members for life. Usaa. Get your insurance quote today. door bell rings its ohey. This is amazing. With moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, are you okay . 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I never thought id say this but i found bladder leak underwear thats actually pretty. Always discreet boutique. Hidden inside is a super absorbent core that quickly turns liquid to gel. So i feel protected and pretty. Always discreet boutique. Mike fox news alert on two misses children. Police in phoenix issuing an amber alert for an 8yearold and his 5yearold brother. The two are believed to be with their father after the boys mother was found shot to death in the family home. Jeff pole is live in the west coast newsroom with the late e. Hi, jeff. Reporter hi, mike. We just confirmed new information that the mother who died was pregnant which now makes this a triple murder. Police got the call early saturday, shortly after the mother returned home from work. Investigators discovered her shot inside her home. The roommate was dead but no sign of the mothers two boys. Theyre looking for the 5 and 8yearold as well as their biological father. That man, 47yearold demos cor cornodo. The pickup truck was found six blocks from the scene but no sign of cornodo or his children. Anythingis possible at this point. Were not ruling anything out right now. There has been documented reports of domestic issues here between the couple at this location in the past. Reporter this is a description of the vehicle authorities are searching for, an aqua green ford truck with a white camper shell with a mexican license plate zud7164. Police say he is a mexican national. His immigration status is unknown. Theyre worried he is headed to the border and consider him armed and dangerous. They had been married for nine years but had become estranged recently. Mike that does it for us. Well be back at 4 00 eastern. Arthel more now from washington. Feel the clarity of nondrowsy claritin and relief from symptoms caused by over 200 allergens. Like those from buddy. Because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. Feel the clarity. And live claritin clear. Leland President Trump tweeting on jobs and trade all weekend as canada debates joining the u. S. And mexico on a new nafta deal. What it all means for your pocketbook and the midterms. Gillian the attorney for President Trumps former lawyer, Michael Cohen, talks to fox news. Well hear from lanny davis who once served as special counsel to president clinton. When Michael Cohen came to me, it took me quite a while to listen to him as to why he had changed his mind about donald trump and i took on the representation because he was ready to speak what he felt about donald trump. Leland senat

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