Heather december 12th and this is fox and friends first. Happening right now at 4 00 am a fox news alert, donald trump rallying in el paso as lawmakers reach a possible deal on Border Security. What it means for the wall is democrats digging on a new sticking point. The former lawmaker taking a stand against the president and his old district, how the president fired back. Up in smoke, Kamala Harris setting social media ablaze with her take on legalizing pot. Fox and friends first starts now. Good morning to you. We want to wake you up, time to get up, you are watching fox and friends first tuesday morning, dont want to miss it, thank you for starting the day with us. Lets get to that fox news alert. An agreement is reached in principle to avoid a second Government Shutdown as donald trump takes his National Security message straight to the southern border. Walls save lives. My administration has put forward a compromise. It is compassionate and it is going to solve our problem. The clock is ticking for lawmakers to hammer out details of the deal before fridays deadline. What does it mean for the wall . What does it mean for ice detention beds . Griff jenkins joins us in washington with breaking developments. Good morning. Agreement in principle. If that sounds delicate it is because it is and the devil is in the details. But for now at least they are talking, negotiators have reached Common Ground that could avert fridays deadline. Patrick leahy had this to say. Not a single one of us is going to get every single thing we want but we are going to get what is best. What is in this . Lets take a look. 1. 375 billion, for 55 miles of border wall. Any the poor design they want including steel slats. It will all be in the Rio Grande Valley sector, the heaviest trafficked area of the entire southern border. Then there is this, democrats claiming 70 decrease in ice detention beds. Currently there is funding for 40,000 ice beds. This would curb that funding down much closer to 40,000 but there is wiggle room with additional funding elsewhere for dhs funding to use should they respond to a third surge in illegal immigration and democrats dropped one proposal that may have moved the talks and that is a proposal to the total number of detainees caught in areas away from the border, 16,500. The other question is whether donald trump will sign this. News reached him quickly in el paso. Progress is being made with this committee. Just so you know. We are building the wall anyway so we probably have some good news but who knows . It is not the 5. 7 billion the president asked for so we will see what the language is in this bill, looks like it will be released on wednesday, possibly late today but very fluid, good that they are still talking. Down from 5. 7 billion, down from the original 25 billion. You were here in the area, this 25 miles of new border wall. Is that enough for them . If you talk to the Border Patrol official they will take anything they can get but theres always need for more because of the track record of having some sort of structure. They say three things, infrastructure, technology, manpower. This is one step forward in getting the big picture tools they need. Heather the democrats plan to limit the number of detention beds, the latest development in their mission to abolish ice was mark morgan, former Border Patrol chief of the Obama Administration says less beds means more criminals on the streets. Significant step towards abolishing ice the of the check point and there are two elements to the plan, they want to reduce overall been space for ice and interior enforcement so basically we already know that if you are a child or family unit you are going to be allowed in the country, that is catch and release 1. 0, this will virtually mean catch and release 2. 0. As been space goes down illegal immigration goes up, Border Patrol turns everybody over to ice and bed space goes down, you have to release more dirigibles into the United States. Catch and release 2. 0. From a common sense standpoint that means people that are here illegally and have committed an additional crime and or charged with additional crime ice will be forced to release them. According to ice statistics, 86 of the 110,000 Illegal Immigrants detained under the Obama Administration. In 2016, have, records and of the 160,000 illegals detained last year, 66 had confirmed criminal past. Beto orourke taking part in a dueling march and rally against donald trump in el paso, democrats painting a different picture of safety to 1000 supporters in his former congressional district. Save . Not because walls, fight the walls. Because we treat one another with dignity and respect. Donald trump mentioned orourke who lost his senate race to ted cruz. A young man who has very little going for himself except he has a great first name, he challenged us. Orourke will decide if hes running for president by the end of the month but no announcement last night. Donald trump slamming congresswoman omar for her apology after she accused a lobbying group of paying members of congress to support israel, the president telling members, quote, i think she should be ashamed of yourself, it was a terrible statement and i dont think her apology was adequate. Doug mcelway has the latest on this story in washington. Reporter representatives apology came after criticism, we have to step back and think through criticism. This is why i unequivocally apologize. It stemmed from her tweets the critics say were loaded with stereotypes about jews and money, quote, it is all about the benjamins baby, when asked who is paying american politicians to support israel . She responded apack, the americans Republic Affairs committee accused by opponents of hatred of iran. The House Democratic we should called the tweets deeply offensive and demanded she apologized which one republican critic suggests it is an evolution of the democrat partys embrace of racial identity politics. When he tried to cultivate groups on the basis of race, religion or culture you will run into the conflicts among those groups on the basis of religion and culture and heredity. Reporter analytic resizing omar house judiciary chairman Gerald Nadler accuser critics of advancing their agenda by distracting those committed to equality and social justice and recently tom perez offered only the mildest of rebukes of omar. The Democratic Party platform has been very clear about his real, about dignity for israel and the palestinian people. Reporter she added this, quote, at the same time i reaffirm the problem of lobbyists in politics whether it is apack, National Rifle association of the fossil fuel industry. It has gone on too long and we must be willing to address it. Shannon lets stick to washington, family and friends will say goodbye to the longestserving congressman in history, john dingell. His funeral is this morning in his hometown of dearborn, michigan. His wife, Debbie Dingell getting emotional as she greeted hundreds of people paying respect in their community. On thursday a funeral mass will be held in washington dc before dingell is laid to rest at Arlington National cemetery. The michigan democrat died last week at the age of 92. A story you need to know about, powerful winter storm slamming the us from the northwest to the northeast. Rain mixing with snow in the seattle area causing a slushy mess on the road, the storm prompting a ground stop in the airport overnight and in iowa a driver losing control on a snowy road crashing into a police cruiser. No one was injured. In the northeast snow expected to disrupt the morning commute for millions, new jersey under a state of emergency, upstate new york could see two feet of snow. We need janice dean to give you more details, she will be coming up later. The time is 11 minutes after the top of the hour, donald trump says the wall will save lives. Lawmakers reach a deal to prevent another shutdown. Our next guests son was killed by illegal immigrant, why she says the president s message was so refreshing to hear and watching netflix could cost you, the plan one state has to tax the streaming service, that and more coming up so dont go away. Take the money and run go on take the money and run go on take the money and run we want to stop criminals from coming in, walls save lives, walls save tremendous numbers of lives. Safety is the birthright of every american which is why we must finish the wall. The president making his case at a rally in el paso, texas, the border Wall Committee another a potential deal, a deal in principle with less than half the money the president wanted for barrier. Will this be enough . She joins us live, thank you for joining us so early this morning, we appreciate it. Begin by sharing a little bit about your sons story. In 2012 he was killed by illegal immigrant who was driving drunk. He was driving without a license, two previous felonies, placed on probation and turned he was riding his motorcycle to work, and killed him instantly and only received a misdemeanor for gross negligence and served only 35 days. He had such dreams, dreamed of he was a licensed pilot and wanted to become a deputy. He wanted to become a helicopter pilot in the sheriffs department, his ultimate goal. I want to go to your story, what bob menendez had to say. I want your take on it. The president decided to criminalize everybody who was an undocumented immigrant. If a person has a driving under the influence violation, hes making that, saying that is a criminal. Heather is he trying to say driving under the influence shouldnt be criminal . Having a double standard so americans get locked up for duis and illegal aliens dont, they shouldnt be here in this country, why wouldnt they come . If they get leniency. I want to go back to what the president had to say in el paso. What are your initial thoughts . Did you hear what you wanted to hear . Yes, i did. Im disappointed with the deal but building the wall like he said, hes a brilliant man and to see him live and feel the energy of the crowd and people that voted for him, better excited with what he does for the country. That was one of the concerns so interesting to hear you say youre disappointed in the amount of money that does end up being true that he is agreeing to significantly less amounts, only 55 miles of new border in the Rio Grande Valley area of texas but you still believe in him. I still believe in him. I dont think it is over yet. I want to talk about what is happening with you, the governor said he would remove National Guard troops from the border. The governor of new mexico doing the same thing, doing this after setting aside 20 million for asylumseekers in that state. What is your reaction to that . What a slap in the face of californians but im not surprised, the nephew of nancy pelosi, his stance is much like hers, they place illegals before americans, when he calls the amnesty seekers that is a code word for illegals, the Homeless Population that is there, people in need. For me for any politician, other politicians, they show their true colors and it is not red, white and blue. And heather the loss of your son the time is 19 minutes after the top of the hour. Former pot prosecutor, senator Kamala Harris opening her mind to legalizing marijuana. It gives a lot of joy. Carly shimkus here with the reaction that is lighting up social media as you can imagine. This isnt just any moving day. This is moving day with the best inhome wifi experience and millions of wifi hotspots to help you stay connected. And this is moving day with Reliable Service appointments in a twohour window so youre up and running in no time. Show me decorating shows. This is staying connected with xfinity to make moving. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Stay connected while you move with the best wifi experience and twohour appointment windows. Click, call or visit a store today. Heather the president pushed for the border wall showing love for Law Enforcement and revealed his love for something else. There is Nothing Better than a good oldfashioned german shepherd. How what i look walking a dog on the white house lawn . Carly shimkus is here with more on the huge resolution . The president was talking about the best way to secure the border. A good oldfashioned wall and Border Patrol dogs are most effective in his opinion but these off tangent moments always go viral on social media and a lot of people were talking about this. One person saying thank you for the shout out for german shepherds, mike says german shepherds are the best dogs and something we can agree on. A lot of commentary about the dogs and i am sure he will like that image, the first twitter user showing his image with trumps make America Great again. What would he name his dog . Bow, president obama, barney was president bushs dog if he sticks with that theme. Let us know, what should he name his dog if you were to get one . Lets talk about Kamala Harris who wants to legalize marijuana because it gives people joy. He wants to legalize it on a federal level and talks about her own personal experience with marijuana. I believe we need to legalize it. Have you ever smoked . Yes, and i did inhale. It gives a lot of people joy. Heather she posted her thoughts on the legalization of marijuana saying it is time to legalize marijuana on the federal level, laws are not enforced, many whose lives have been ruined by regressive policies, we must change the system. Her past as an attorney general and prosecutor, something to overcome when it comes to progressive votes and you can see that on social media. How many did you imprison as District Attorney of California Attorney general . Another saying hearing her talk about criminal Justice Reform is pure hypocrisy so this will be a hurdle for her when she wants to get those far left votes. Heather voters can tell when someone is being authentic. Was she being authentic before or now . Thank you. The time is 26 minutes after the top of the hour. Isis nearly wiped out as a fierce fight wages near their final foothold in syria. Our next guest says it doesnt end on the battlefield. Former commander of the uss cole joins us with what the us and its allies need to do to finish the job. A short circuit for burger flipping robots. The new plan to punish companies who hire robots instead of humans. Walls save lives. My administration has put forward a compromise. It is compassionate and going to solve the problem. Heather donald trump doubling down on the need for a southern border wall in texas as an agreement is reached in principle to avoid a second Government Shutdown, the tentative deal, funding for 55 miles of a new barrier. Lawmakers need to hammer out details border the for the midnight deadline. Beta or work painting a much Bigger Picture of safety. Telling supporters at a rally against the wall a mile away that el paso is safe in spite of walls not because of them. He represented that area in congress. Winter storm slamming the northwest in the us to the northeast, and causing a slushy mess and on the east coast snow is expected to disrupt the commute from millions. New jersey under a state of emergency in upstate new york could see two feet of snow. One of the women accusing the governor of Sexual Assault calling for open hearings. This happening is several members, an attorney for one of the accusers saying Meredith Watson asked the Virginia Legislature to hold hearings and reject a secret and delayed proceeding. Fairfax denied allegations and called for an fbi investigation. One of his accusers, vanessa tyson, will speak at a symposium at Stanford University tonight. Donald from weighing in on the controversy around the democratic leadership in virginia. The president said the state may be ready to flip red. I think republicans will do well in virginia. Virginia is ready to flip to something. The News Conference was pretty sad. Virginia governor northrom, a yearbook photo how many blackface, he denied being the man in the picture and vowed to stay in office. A venezuelan gets much needed humanitarian aid from the countrys opposition leader. Juan guaido who the us and dozens of other nations recognized said it was the first shipment of a bigger aid package, president madero threatened those involving the us. Today venezuelans protest in the streets demanding maderos resignation. Lets talk about this, isis could be defeated as soon as this week according to donald trump. The United States military, coalition partners, the Syrian Democratic forces have liberated virtually all the territory previously held by isis in syria and iraq. Heather why is the Mainstream Media talking about this . We break down what a defeat would mean. Thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. Lets take a look so everyone can see the drastic difference. This is the amount of isis territory they held in january 2015, we can compare that to isis territory controlled in february 2019. A dramatic difference so something has been working. Definitely working. We have taken isis, brought it down, been able to put it down to where it no longer has military capability to hold onto its caliphate territory. That is a positive development. We need to put in place as we withdraw our forces, ability of those who have fought isis, the kurds, Syrian Democratic forces and others, to make sure they have the intelligence, logistic support, training if necessary to make sure isis fighters cannot regenerate, cannot reconstitute as a fighter. If they suspect one village is taking over, to send a signal that this will not be allowed to happen. Heather what would that entail to ruthlessly stomp it out . Keep the intelligence on the ground, to make sure we not have an active presence with troops but an ability to monitor, gather intelligence, listen to the fighters, ensure that the kurds who bore the brunt of this fighting are protected from turkey and allowed to continue to exist and ensure that isis cannot work with iraq and keep them logistically supplied and trained to keep a pulse on things that are going because it will only be to intelligence that we will conduct the precision strike necessary to keep isis down. Are you concerned about the influence of russia and iran in that area . Absolutely. I have been for years. A lot of people in the intelligence and military communities worry about the expansion of iran into the area. They are surrounding the countries there that have been our allies and friends. They have been influencing iraq. They are supporting the rebels in yemen, surrounding a lot of these people, given the many toehold in syria that has allowed Bashar Alassad to remain in power, not good for the us and interests and we need to work to degrade that influence. Heather when you talk about isis losing 95 of the territory they controlled, controlling two square miles in syria why arent we hearing more about it from the Mainstream Media . The Mainstream Media wants to rely on supercautious with not give trump credit for anything attitude when weve made tremendous strides in eliminating isis as a physical founding force. Its leaders to live. The fighters doing these last battles are the hardcore radical islamists, many of them formed and continued to fight for isis, they may disappear and if they do they will wage the war by influencing others. Ideology is not going to die, their physical and military capability to exist so we need to be vigilant. Heather we appreciate your expertise. Have a great day. The time is 20 minutes until the top of the hour, americans feeling about their finances as optimism reaches its highest level in two decades. What that means for the economy up next. Heres something you dont see every day. Two camels on the loose. How police handled the unusual seen. Heather watching fox and friends first, georgia is the latest date to consider taxing streaming Services Like netflix, users would pay a 4 sales tax to subsidize internet lines in rural areas, georgias governor would like to propose the oppose with reachess desk, four states have netflix. A robot tax could be on the horizon, chicago lawmaker in the windy city, company would be find an employees celery to every job given to a robot, this is parked by the possibility of chicago supporting amazon, the company considering a plan to move to new york. Americans are feeling more optimistic in their personal finances than they have in 16 years. Tracy carrasco here with the latest on the growing confidence. Reporter a new gallup poll, 69 of americans say they expect to be better off at this time next year. There optimism over their personal finances is at an alltime high, something we have not seen in 16 years, 50 say they are in better shape than a year ago. The numbers say they are worse off than a year ago, dropped to 20 , the lowest level in since 2000. Despite the economic ups and downs, that partial Government Shutdown, americans feeling about personal finances which means they could be spending more or buying more, that is good news for the economy, if you are putting it back into the American Economy so something weve not seen in a while, feeling pretty confident. They could be spending that money towards us again. They could be making a comeback. Former Senior Executives with the bankrupt retailer trying to revive toys r quote us, details are scarce but theyve opened up this Country Company under the entity true kids, looking at a number of different things, freestanding stores or toy stores, expanding their ecommerce, they estimate 50 of toys r quote us market share is up for grabs despite bigbox retailers like walmart, target, expanding the toy aisle and there is skepticism with toymakers who are burned by toys r quote us, some of the moment he from the liquidation process, theyre waiting to see if this happens and if they open up toy stores. You need to go to mcdonalds and they have a new breakfast item. Mcdonalds adding cafe donut sticks nationally starting on february 20th. The donuts are sprinkled with Cinnamon Sugar and served warm in orders of 6, 12, the only served during breakfast hour. You can only get them until 10 30 in the morning. The first time we have seen mcdonalds adding suite treats to the menu option even though they have been toying with the idea of adding things like button chops and coffee cakes. Heather is it a donut if it is a stick . I dont think it is a donut. Thank you so much. The time is 15 minutes until the top of the hour, donald from rallying supporters as he pushes for a border wall. We are building the wall anyway. We probably have some good news but who knows . Heather kyle bierman tells us about his plan to finish the wall next with your patriotism caught on camera. Hoo want to take your next vacation to new heights . Tripadvisor now lets you book over 100,000 tours, attractions, and experiences in destinations around the world like new york, from bus tours to breathtaking adventures. Tripadvisor makes it easy to find and book Amazing Things to do. And you can cancel most bookings up to 24 hours in advance for a full refund. So you can make your next trip monumental. Read reviews, check hotel prices, book things to do, tripadvisor. Welcome back. A woman convicted of texting her boyfriend and encouraging him to commit suicide is in jail. A judge ordered her to begin her prison sentence after being convicted of Involuntary Manslaughter in 2017. Lawyers plan to appeal to the supreme court. Carter was found guilty of persuading conrad boyd iii to kill himself when she was division 2014. Talks expected today as teachers walk off the job in denver. Teachers are demanding higher base pain as they strike for the first time in 25 years. Them students join the educators on the picket lines. These students chanting and dancing, schools are open despite the teacher strike. Donald from rallying voters in el paso promising to finish the wall, and here to talk about it, at the rally, and we appreciate it. Huge crowd. The crowd was huge and was very peaceful, at the rally 5 hours earlier, visiting with the crowd to see all the young people which was a good thing to see and all the families and people excited about being at the rally and have their voices heard that they support this president and support his concept and things he is doing including the wall. Heather the president was informed there is an agreement in principle on details of the border wall that was breached by a Bipartisan Group that would include 1. 7 billion, almost 4 billion, significantly less than the president had been asking for. And the rio grande area, at the same time democrats are claiming this would included 17 reduction in ice detention so what do you think about this . It doesnt make sense. If youre adding more walls we are taking away detention stations was the important thing is to take care of human needs of those coming to this country but that is not enough money for the wall. Donald trump was clear and consistent that walls work and bring safety and in the state of texas my constituents are looking for leadership in bringing safety and Border Security. Heather i want to talk about your plan which would offer more money, in border wall construction, then texas would pay for, tell us about your plan. Since you see the impassioned all the arguing and lack of leadership in washington, this is the state of texas, we could do things if we have to and the wall is so important to us that we would be writing a bill right now to put in an extra 2. 5 million on the mexico border. That would include roads, technology and surveillance and other things we need, not just the physical barrier and physical wall. If they are not going to take us in washington dc we will take care of it. Heather things get done in texas. Thank you for joining us. Let us know, we will follow it as well. Have a great day. 6 minutes until the top of the army. Heres something we dont see every day and it is not about take from a geico hump day add. The wild chase one committee didnt see coming. Pure patriotism on display. The story behind this powerful photo. Guys, its that time. And nothins happenin. Well now theres score , from force factor, to rev your libido and maximize physical response. Its no wonder walmart offers score in more locations than any other performance enhancer. Unleash your potential in the bedroom, with score . Heather jj watt will be the first nfl start to be grand marshall of the daytona 500, the defensive lineman will give drivers the command to start their engines, raising 41 million to victims of hurricane harvey. The Great American race is this sunday on fox. One lucky pooch will be declared top dog in the westminster dog show. It seems like bourbon, pulled an upset over whiskey advancing in the competition in new york city but was later beaten in the hound group and eliminated. Cute dog. Time for the good, the bad and the ugly. A heartwarming photo of two young boys stopping to honor the flag has gone viral. The kids put their hands over their hearts and said the pledge of allegiance when they saw the Fire Department raising the flag. It has been shared on facebook for thousand times. The bad, these camels running loose in arizona and it wasnt even hump day. The Police Safely corralling the pair, they are trying to find the owners. Lotto winner hoping to scare people away from knowing his identity, the man wearing the mask from the horror movie screen hiding his face as he collects 1 million in jamaica, the wing numbers came to him in a dream. I wouldnt want people to know who i am either. Thank you for joining us, fox and friends first continues right now. Have a great day. We are doing what we have to do. The wall is being built a rapid pace. If we had proper Border Security, we would be a lot safer and better. We are one united movement, when United People and one United States of america and we will make America Great again. Rob a fox news alert, the president heading into the Immigration Crisis with strong words about Border Security in el paso, texas. Lawmakers have a deal they are confident in but what is in it . We are live in washinas

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