Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160905 10:00:00 : vi

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160905 10:00:00

warrants. the ugly. call this the worst cycling fan ever capturing the moment someone runs through a barrier fence right before cyclists come riding through. some were able to swerve around but others were wiped out. >> have a great labor day. "fox & friends" starts now. hi, friends. good morning. it is monday, the 5th of september, 2016. this is "fox & friends." millions in the path of extreme weather this labor day. hermine crashing the holiday party with dangerous rip tides and the threat of severe flooding and the threat of severe weather isn't over yet. we are tracking it all. >> and does this sound familiar? >> not only in the states most heavily affected but in every place rightly disturbed are large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country. we will try to do more to speed the deportation of illegal aliens who are arrested for crimes. >> that was president bill
clinton 21 years before trump saying something like that said the same thing, similar things on immigration. will his past remarks on immigration come back to haunt hillary. plus, another sports star joining colin kaepernick in taking a knee during the national anthem in an unpatriotic protest. this as muhammad ali's ex-wife tells kaepernick to get off his high horse. he's benched anyhow. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ today is the last official day of summer, right? >> yes. which is why pete decided to wear his sear sucker suit. >> it's the most carolynian thing. >> as a northern boy, you've got
a mint julep in there, fried green tomatoes. >> good to see you. >> we're going to get straight to the extreme weather alert. millions of people are bracing for another day. hermine is gaining hurricane strength overnight. some passengers were sent flying. >> maria molina is tracking the destructive path live in atlantic city, new jersey. nice to see you, maria. >> reporter: nice to see you as well. i'm here in atlantic city, new jersey, where the community has been bracing for the impact of hermine. would we know dangerous surf and rip currents aren't just a concern here. ocean city, maryland, shows dangerous surf is a big problem. beach erosion is another concern as well. we have coastal warnings still
in effect out here in atlantic city and many other areas of new jersey as well as during high tide. here in atlantic city 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. because the water levels are higher than normal. we do anticipate some potential flooding concerns out there. tropical storm warnings in effect along eastern long island and southern new england. the reason for that is while hermine did take a track farther off to the east, that was originally anticipated. i did keep some of the impacts like in atlantic city, other parts of maryland, a little bit on the lower side. maximum sustained winds of 70 miles per hour and it could bring the tropical storm conditions to those areas. coastal flooding, beach erosion, dangerous surf, rip currents continue to be a threat here on labor day. stay safe if you're heading out towards the coast. let's head back to new york. >> stay out of the water. maria molina.
thank you very much. >> october 3rd, early voting starts in ohio. hillary clinton and donald trump are both heading there on this labor day. right now if you look at some of the polls though nationally, trump is now closing in with just 63 days left. >> yeah. let's take a look at the real clear politics average because clinton is at 46%, donald trump at 42.1%. so she's starting to lose that convention. bumps she has gotten from the dnc in philly and donald trump seems to be acting more and more presidential. >> that's right. a month ago those numbers were 48/40. there's even an "l.a. times" poll that came out two days ago that showed donald trump up three. he's clearly closing the gap. she's probably up a little bit. this is what trump said he wanted to do. in the last couple of weeks hillary clinton has been talking a lot about her e-mails and the foundation. donald trump has been talking about immigration leading some folks to wonder, is rhetoric sticking? >> there seems to be back and
forth this morning. if you watched rudy giuliani after he got off of our couch he went to talk to jay tapper. mass deportation, getting rid of 11 million immigrants. rudy giuliani said, no, no, no, he's shifted his position. he only wants people who have criminality tied to their record would be moved out. the campaign seems to be moving in a different direction. this is in contrast. >> if it had been managed the way it should have been, relying on the law enforcement officers and i.c.e. officers to do their job. they've been completely ham strung in their ability to do their job. he also has said he will triple the number of i.c.e. agents to help. if you look at everything he said in the ten-point immigration plan, martha, it goes beyond that. talks about stopping the jobs
and benefits magnet. it talks about securing the southern border, building that wall and having mexico pay for it, but at least you have a presidential candidate putting forth a ten-point plan and having it covered by the media. >> but you're right. the details are fuzzy on exactly what they will do with these illegal immigrants that are already here, 11 million. starting with immigrants. what do you do after that? maybe we'll wait and see after we try to shore up the border. >> saying yesterday, he's not going to want to break up families but that's in contrast to what he said earlier. >> yes and no, details are fuzzy. however, the contours are clear. you have the wall, no sanctuary cities, more focus on agents and deportations. with hillary you have cities, a pathway to citizenship. >> here's one way of looking at
the world and here's another. >> is that position good? will he be able to bring in some more of those independent voters if he softens his position? take a look back. we pulled out archive tape because what you're hearing from what rudy giuliani said, looks almost like what bill clinton said in 1994 in a state of the union address. >> all-americans not only in states heavily affected but in every case are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country. the jobs they hold might otherwise be held by citizens or illegal immigrants. the public service they use impose burdens on our taxpayers. that's why our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders more, by hiring a record number of new border guards, by deporting twice as many aliens as ever before, by cracking down on illegal hiring. by barring welfare benefits to illegal aliens. >> that's where it was then.
look, it's spun out of control now. the borders are like swiss cheese as donald trump likes to say. what was different was the reception. when bill clinton was saying this, there was applause. donald trump is seen as a racist and bigot for comments he made particularly in his opening speech. >> exactly. that's donald trump before there was donald trump. that is effectively almost exactly to a t what donald trump's position has been. listen to the words. criminals. illegal aliens, deportation. >> we are a country of immigrants and a country of laws. the left's position has moved not that donald trump has become extreme. >> and the left jumped all over him for saying it. does that include -- you're going to deport 11 unt 1 milliot includes dreamers, children born to families. that's where the weird softening has been. whether or not he's going to
look at those with criminal records only. i'd love to hear from our viewers. do you think this is what's moved the needle. >> is this independence. that's the important point. >> i think the immigration vote, he's already got those people. that's why when he was spending all of this time in arizona, he has those people in the bag. >> he's in a battleground state today. so goes ohio, so goes the nation. >> she's reappearing in ohio. she has been almost nowhere to be found on the campaign trail. >> 275 days since she held a press conference. i don't know if tim kaine slipped a little bit and put the cart before the horse. he was asked where is hillary clinton and he said this. listen. >> martha, she's had hundreds of interviews in the last year. >> so we can expect a press conference? yes or no? >> there's been one in the last month and you're going to see hillary very, very accessible to
the press as i will be from now to november 8th. >> are you talking about that press conference where the journalist students were practically throwing roses on the stage and giving her softball questions and hugs? >> yeah. >> i don't know. to me it's a smart strategy for her. i don't think she hates the press. when she has to answer tough questions she tries to keep away. there's no up side for her talking to the press. >> that's true. to use a sports analogy. when your team goes into the four corners offense, you might be ahead. that's when the other team can make a comeback and start picking you apart. it's not sure sitting on a small lead is good. >> rudy giuliani said it's death by a thousand cuts. we're going to turn our attention to your news headlines. jackie is in for heather. >> hi, good morning friends.
nice to see you on this labor day. fox news alert for you, the hunt intensifying for a murder suspect who vanished from an interrogation room while still handcuffed. alonzo perez was sitting cuffed to his chair while he twisted the restraints and broke them. it's not clear how much time had passed before police realized perez escaped. two police officers are clinging to life after an armed felon walked inside a jail and opened fire. >> all units in reservice respond. code 3. >> fresno one, notify crmc, advise them possible mass casualty. >> he tried cutting the communication lines in the jail in fresno, california. he was told to wait he pulled out a gun and started shooting.
two officers were hit, one in the head, one in the neck. he's now charged with attempted murder. overnight north korea at it again. firing three ballistic missiles into the sea. the provocative move as they meet 250 miles away. the u.s. quick to condemn north korea. it imposes a threat to the entire region. incredible action on the football field. check out texas upsets the number 10 ranked notre dame fighting irish in a wild double overtime victory. a 6-yard run scored the game-winning touchdown. the longhorns have patrick mcconaughey to thank. >> work ethic will eliminate fear. don't try to say you're not nervous, if you are, use those nerves. >> pretty good words. texas win over notre dame is the
first since the 1970s. very exciting. those are your headlines. >> wonder if he's available for motivational speeches. >> he came to our greenroom. >> that's why things are going so well. >> how did i miss that? >> not as motivated. >> saw you in that suit. >> all right. all right. all right. coming up on the show, hillary clinton's inner circle exposed. the brand-new e-mails you may have 34ised. >> no "god bless america" on this field. the moment that will make you even prouder is coming up. ♪ my home sweet home ♪ god bless america, my home sweet home ♪ i'm claudine and i quit smoking with chantix.
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good morning, everyone. the fbi's holiday weekend's document dub putting a spotlight on hillary clinton's some of the closest allies. the master mind behind a major coverup of her e-mail server. >> joining us from d.c. to weigh in, former general council to dick cheney, shannon w. coffee. thank you for joining us. >> good morning. >> what is the biggest take a y
away. it was the friday before labor day. what's the biggest thing this fbi report tells us. >> there's so much information in the report. what i wrote about this weekend in "the weekly standard" was the fbi and department of justice coddling of cheryl mills, the former chief of staff to hillary clinton who later apparently served as her lawyer and forgot whether she learned as chief of staff or later as a lawyer and then claimed privilege over everything. that's the sort of thing that the government, the fbi would try to get aside. in this particular instance the government did just the
opposite. they actually did their best to preserve hillary clinton's privileges which is unfathomable. >> according to samuelsson, they secretly rekreeld e-mails that was printed. i think this is showing that mills was giving material witness testimony during the investigation but there was also a lot of sitting in on hillary clinton's testimony. what would the d.o.j. normally do? >> normally wouldn't allow that to happen. keep witnesses apart and here you have a material witness who actually testified to the fbi also acting as a lawyer. it's just bizarre and, again,
d.o.j. wasn't simply going along with it, they were actively participating in protecting hillary clinton's privileges. >> and in each instance, in looking at the report, it appears there was almost no follow-up. there's a report in "the new york times" on march 2nd that there was an e-mail server. then there was a bunch of deleting that went on in march but everyone denies knowing it. how did this report not lead to the recommendation for charges? >> it's just hard to understand, pete, because cheryl mills, for instance, told the fbi investigators that she didn't know about this server until after she left the government when all of this hubbub came up. there are e-mails from cheryl mills saying hillary's coming back in town, is her server ready. >> well, the timing of the whole thing is quite varied. happening on a friday, holiday weekend. thank you for your time,
shannon. >> thank you. 20 minutes after the hour. caught on camera, a car going over 100 miles per hour and losing control on the neighborhood street. a crash so fast if you blinked, you missed it. labor day deals, the best deals right there on the plaza. ♪ ♪ (announcer vo) who says your desk phone always has to be at your desk? now, with one talk from verizon... hi, pete. i'm glad you called. (announcer vo) all your phones can work together on one number. you can move calls between phones, so conversations can go where you go.
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welcome back. some quick terror you. more will come. isis issuing a chilling new threat to europe as they claim hundreds of fighters are setting up sleeper cells ready to attack. upcoming attacks will be as deadly as those in nice and in paris. and to australia now where a
teenager who plotted to pack a kang kangaroo with explosives. the teenager planned to behead an officer. an yeah, give us some sunshine. watching your wallet. labor day is here. retailers are celebrating with absolutely huge savings. here is amy goodman. she's from >> pennies having 30% off large appliances and small appliances. this is a five in one plender. six different accessories. it can blend even your coffee beans in the morning. $24.99. normally $40. things like towels. from summer to the fall it's
nice to get some fresh ones. these are only $9.99 for the royal velvet towels. they come in 15 different colors. >> bleach marks, time to get royal velvet. >> this cooler is a chair and backpack. all in one. >> zulilly would love to bring you something special. this is great for tailgating, kids sports events. there's a sneak cooler for a 12 pack or juice packs. it's portable. and morphs into a backpack. personalized bunch box from also back to school items. it comes with all of the accessories. this is just under 30 bucks. such a great buy. >> dyson, we have the vacuum cleaner. we don't need the fan this morning. >> we have the hurricane winds here breezing us. these are great deals from
dyson. they are available on bed, bath and beyond. save up to $150 on particular items within the dyson collection. >> this is quiet? >> very quiet. speeds up the air up to 15 times faster. it's nice. there's no blades. really safe for kids. >> this vacuum, the dyson vacuum cleaner changed my life. >> cordless. great for smaller spaces. getting the dust bunnies under be the kitchen table. >> this is life changing for people with stairs or a condo or an apartment. we as ladies know we need to change out our bras every six months. great time to stock up on bras. this is from kirby coutoure. >> pretty colors. >> satty colors. seamless, you don't see it. great everyday support. >> comforters from k-mart, 25% off. seven piece comforter sets. biggest item in the bedroom is
the bed. instant impact if you want to switch things up this fall. give yourself a totally new look. a comforter set is a great way to do it. gives you shams, pillow cases, comforter. a bed skirt. >> can tie things together with the pillows. amy goodman, thank you for your time. clay, back in to you. >> thanks, anna. coming up on this labor day, we have an important question for you. caught on camera, a car going over 100 miles an hour and losing control on a neighborhood street. there it is. >> first, happy birthday to actor michael keaton. my favorite batman. he's 65 years old today. ♪ ♪ i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at
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♪ ♪ this is anna's last day on "fox & friends." >> great. i scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. camo ice cream. >> this color is kind of for you. this is blue bell ice cream, camo and cream. this is the newest flavor. >> pistachio almond ice cream, milk chocolate ice cream and cream cheese in a camouflage type. >> i'm so sad you're leaving i'm going to eat all of this ice cream. >> it's a limited edition that they're rolling out. you can grab one of these right now. >> that's solid. >> in honor of our armed services. >> camel and cream. how is it? >> it's delicious.
they had some issues because of that recall that they had. >> not anymore. >> they're back. that will do the trick. >> i had a chance to go to blue bell ice cream factory a number of years ago. they're oh, my gosh so good. i think i ate gallon after gallon. >> we have pizza and cake coming later. >> keep eating. >> jackie, take it away. she has some headlines. >> we'll save some ice cream for you. >> i will eat the rest of that. you're looking live at president obama summing up his g20 summit. he had a ground breaking face-to-face meeting with president putin. president obama also downplaying tensions on the tarmac when air force one first touched down. there was no staircase at the front of his plane there forcing him to exit underneath adding to the outrage president obama was the only national leader not to have a red carpet during his arrival. it's apple's app store picking sides. could it be in the presidential
election? listen. developers claiming apple originally rejected their hide it hillary app, a game based on clinton's mishandling on grounds that it could be defamatory and mean spirited. games like hunch trump and trump toss are all available to buy. hide it hillary is available for 99 cents. take a look at this jaw dropping video showing a lightning fast crash happening in the blink of an eye. check that out. a driver doing 100 in a 25 mile per hour zone. taking out a fence and light poll before smashing into a tree and two buildings packed with two people. it littered a neighborhood in debris. that driver is seriously hurt. yikes. breathtaking celebration honoring our armed forces and first responders. ♪ god bless america, my home sweet home ♪
>> they deserve that and a whole lot more. 1500 people coming together before a high school football game to sing "god bless america." mona shores high school holing a sailors salute. everyone wearing red, white and blue. those are your headlines. eat that ice cream. >> what we just saw there, jackie, was a perfect comparison to our next story. talking about colin kaepernick. someone is now joining in. it was not enough backlash but u.s. women's soccer star decided to take a knee and show her support with colin kaepernick during the national anthem. >> this comes on the heels of colin kaepernick not just sitting during the national anthem, but then on military appreciation night he decided to take a knee after he wore the socks to practice that had police officers depicted as cartoon pigs with police hats
on. and his reason for doing it, he says, he's protesting perceived injustices nierds new orleans hornets. >> he said he's owe prosed. he makes $100 million. >> this country allows you to play a game, a game for a living and do very well. >> but you can take a knee. >> interestingly enough, a lot of people have tried to compare kaepernick to muhammad ali who famously protested the vietnam war. the ex-wife of muhammad ali was asked by another network about how she feels about colin kaepernick. this is what she has to say. what he's doing right now is not heroic. i'd have him make a retraction for his actions against the american flag. he needs to apologize if he's willing to get off his high horse and humble himself. we could do a lot of good together. this is famously the woman when married to muhammad ali who counselled him against his protest against the war. later on going on to say you're
creating more division than solving problems. >> get off of your high horse. he has been benched. he's not starting for the 49ers. we haven't heard anything from the 49ers on this. he hasn't been fired. he has an employer. the employer could respond and do something about it. >> the nfl could respond, too. there's nine pages in their player conduct, how you wear your uniforms but nothing on whether you stand for the national anthem. >> after the police officers were killed in dallas, texas, and the cowboys weren't allowed to wear the decals on their helmets. >> no word for the nfl. >> double standard. >> fox you can weigh in on that. meanwhile, this, what happens when you put me, "star trek" nerd in the middle of a "star trek" convention? watch. >> oh, yeah. i could get used to this. not bad. not bad. needs a little bit more lumbar support.
>> still ahead, my sitdown interview with captain kirk, william shatner and the "fox & friends" secret that you've never heard before. >> what's that? >> plus it's labor day and you may be off work but which candidate is best to help you keep your hard-earned money. the answer to that is up next.
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[ala♪m beeping] ♪ ♪ the highly advanced audi a4. ♪ we're back with some quick sports headlines. tim tebow could be a major league baseball player after all. reports say the atlantic braves are showing interest.
after a workout in los angeles. the braves may be considering tebow for a minor league deal. and a nascar truck race capped off by a crazy fight. cole custer running and attacking john nemechek accusing him of racing dirty. here's a look at the finish. right here you'll get -- you can see the cars, they're door to door right there on the finish. nemechek says he raced clean. there was nothing clean about that fight afterwards though. that's a sport right there. look at that. those are your sports headlines. klayton. >> that's how you drive to work. >> that's right. >> thanks, pete. the race for the white house is heating up and the candidates are promising the best for the middle class. >> i will not raise taxes on the middle class. the middle class has to catch up before the great recession. >> i am cutting taxes very substantially for business and for the middle class. >> so which candidate would be
best if you're voting from your wallet perspective on this labor day? here to help us, certified financial planner, david ray. >> great to see you as well. >> let's break this down. a general idea and conversation about how you would fare if you're the working poor, let's break it down by classes. break it down by classes. working pore. >> >> if you're the working poor trump is going to cut your taxes, 100 or $200 a month. if you're higher income, it might be $1,000 a year. that's not going to change your life. it is a nice amount of money. clinton is going to do more things. taxes will be very similar to what they are under obama which is good or bad but then when you think of things like child care, social security, then we get closer. >> what do you mean by that? working poor, some of the services. so social security, child care. >> those types of things. trump wants to cut your taxes. for child care, they both want to help families, both want to
help people raising children. clinton is going to do it with tax credits and trump wants to give you cuts. if your income is low, credits give it back. a deduction is more valuable to someone with a higher income tax bracket. we're talking social security which, again, on the lower income side, social security is much more important part of your retirement and financial freedom if you are in the lower income. if you're a billionaire that social security is not going to mean that much to you. trump's about to expand social security or at least keep it as it is. he's vague. >> republicans actually criticizing him. >> yeah. >> trump doesn't want to touch social security. what would that mean? would that break down beyond the working poor so middle class would be affected by this? >> a couple of things to think about on social security. this is a big concern. trump said he's not going to cut it or pull it back. republicans do want to see cuts
on that. if he keeps it as it is. we do have trouble coming for social security in 20 or 30 years when it starts to not bring in enough money. clinton's plan will make it solid for the next 75 years. especially if you're lower income, it will be a big piece of your retirement. with that in mind, she's going to tax the rich. if you are making 250, she is going to tax it. >> let's dive into the middle class and upper class. everyone is focused on the middle class. who's best for the middle class here? >> it depends on your situation. it's not who's best. we want to prepare our clients for either candidate. we don't know who's going to win but we do know someone is going to be the next president. we want to change. i want your clients, my clients, viewers as well to be prepared. >> if they're going after $100,000. they want $100,000 as their goal for income, which candidate would be best at $100,000?
>> as you go up the income scale the tax savings under trump would be better. it would be $3,000 if you're making $100,000. clinton would be basically the same as you are. might go up a few dollars or down a few. when you take into account, again, some child care tax credits, social security, 1,000 or 2,000 bucks a year, 200 bucks a month. it will help your financials. if you look at what it might do to your retirement, it's pretty close to a wash. i think trump has the advantage. >> david ray, thanks so much for joining us on this labor day. >> thanks for having me. coming up here on the show, rapper sean diddy combs says president obama is short changing the black community. he's not stopping there. what did he say about hillary clinton? and william shatner revealing a tv secret he's never revealed before. >> when you were doing the first
three seasons of "star trek." >> i did. i wanted to be on "fox & friends" in 50 years. >> see? a dream. more of my amazing sit-down interview with captain kirk, william shatner, is up next. and is that scotty or a look alike? before taking his team to state for the first time... gilman: go get it, marcus. go get it. gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america
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space, the final frontier. these are the voyages of the starship enterprise. >> well, "star trek" is celebrating its 50th anniversary this week and thousands of trekkies are paying tribute over the weekend at the "star trek"
mission new york. >> that's right. "fox & friends's" own trekker, clayton morris. he was there and he got a chance to speak with original captain kirk himself. >> that's right. take a look. ♪ >> can you do an official live long and prosper? >> live long and pross per. >> you got it. the captain's seat. i have to get in this. oh, yeah. i can get used to this. >> yeah, not bad. it's not bad. needs a little bit more lumbar support. of all the original characters let me guess who your favorite character is. would it happen to be scotty? do you like to hit the scotch whiskey like scotty? >> used to. >> i know this ship like the back of my hand. >> we'll do a sit down with the
original captain james p. kirk. come on. i don't know how you managed to stay so busy. you have a brand-new book -- >> called "zero g." a pure science fiction read. it's a wonderful science fiction book. it's an exciting read about the fbi and space 50 years from now. >> we see you as captain kirk. we know you're into science fiction. but do you think about -- >> oh, the wonder of it is enormous. >> these are the voyages of the starship enterprise. and the five year mission to explore strange new worlds. >> "star trek" is such a phenomenon. when you were doing the first three seasons of "star trek," i know that you had no idea -- >> well, i did. i wanted to be on "fox & friends" in 50 years. >> 79 episodes. was there any one that stood out as your favorite? >> no. there were shows that had such brilliant ideas behind them that they're unforgettable.
race relations. guy's half white and half black here. half white and half black there and they hate each other. >> you were the product of our love. you repaid with murder. >> why should a slave show mercy to the enslaver? >> the stupidity of race confrontation is -- and yet, they were passionate about it. it was a great show. >> thinking about gene roddenberry the creator of this, if he were here today, what do you think he would think of the phenomenon, 50 years later? what do you think he'd say about it? >> you can put a square, a border around the character and this is what the character does. this is what his motivation is. and when a problem comes up, you would go -- you would face the problem with these characteristics and then this other character. i think those characteristics have been muddied from roddenberry's original concept.
but the fact that more people are going to see, for example, the movies and there's a new series coming out, the fact that what's still interest in this means there's something touching the audiences psyche. >> we would be remiss if we didn't talk about leonard nimoy and what his passing recently and what he means to this franchise. >> he's my dear friend. he was the friend. maintaining a friendship is very, very difficult in show business. making friends, so that's what leonard meant to me. he was a friend for 50 years. we shared so much of our background, it was the same. it was remarkable how similar we were. >> you're going to be in another "star trek" movie, they want you to make an appearance, will you do it? >> no, i don't think so. probably not. what do you do with an aging captain -- i said to nimoy who was doing a cameo in one of the movies and they went back in
time to get him. >> right. >> said to him, you know you're old. when you go back in time and you're still old. >> what a great interview. >> he's so great. and my kids had a chance to sit on -- last year, comic-con -- they still bring it up. we sat on captain kirk's lap. >> wow. i think we have a picture. >> there they are. i asked him about my favorite episode. what about one of the most famous episodes of all time, the tribls. do you know what it is? >> i don't know. sounds like chewbaka. >> if you make it happy, it will multiply like a rabbit. so the 50th anniversary, it aired thursday night, september 8th at 8:30 p.m. at the smithsonian institute, they're
doing a watch party. they'll watch the very first episode. 50 years ago. hard to believe. >> it was such ahead of its time. get that out of here. >> all right, coming up, does this sound familiar? >> not only in the state's most heavily affected but every place is rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country. we will try to do more to speed the deportation of illegal aliens who are arrested for crimes. >> no, that wasn't donald trump. that was president bill clinton saying the same thing as donald trump, just 21 years earlier. so why is the left hammering trump as a bigot? it was just another day at school, but this girl got the surprise of her life. the video guaranteed to make you smile, coming up.
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hi, friends. good morning, it's monday the 5th of september, 2016. i'm anna kooiman. millions in the path of extreme weather, it's not over. hermine is picking up stream and bringing severe flooding and we are tracking it all. does this sound familiar? >> not only in the state's most heavily affected but in every place in this country rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country. we will try to do more to speed the deportation of illegal aliens who are arrested for crimes. >> that was president bill clinton 21 years before donald trump started saying, well, pretty much the very same thing. so why is the left hammering trump for his plan on immigration? don't you dare try and swipe a trump sign from this lawn.
watch what happens. it's booby-trapped. >> wait wait wait wait. >> wait for it. yep. >> that's smart. >> like the dollar bill that, you know -- dollar bill on a string. >> "fox & friends," hour two, starts right now. ♪ oh, always an excuse to eat here on "fox & friends." >> he's showing us some good labor day barbecue tips. anna -- >> caught me red handed. the chips, new flavors. >> hot dogs on the plaza, i'm having food. >> we'll take care of pete's suit. we brought in a tailor, jacomo will be here to help pete out with a new suit. >> what do you mean?
i think it's handsome. >> my producer gavin told me to they. i think he looks handsome. >> can you take this away from us, so we don't eat it all? we have been eating pizza and cake. >> hot dogs, labor day, we're loving it. but first, we'll start with some extreme weather. hermine headed up the eastern seaboard. >> thunderous waves is sending water flying on cruise ships in the atlantic. >> maria molina is tracking the path in new jersey and that's why the cruise prices are so cheap right now. >> hermine remains well off shore and that's minimized the impacts here to places like atlantic city. but that said we're still seeing the impacts out here. we have very rough surf, rip currents are a huge concern. another concern as well is coastal flooding. we have a number of warnings that remain in effect out here. you can see a very quiet scene,
a lot of cloud cover. a little bit on the chilly side for your labor day. attendance has been lower than expected here and we know events have been cancelled here in atlantic city because of hermine. i want to show you panama beach, florida, on the tail end of the storm we saw a waterspout. several days ago, over the weekend, across panama city. the storm continues to churn northward. it brought dangerous rainfall and beach erosion and tropical storm warnings remain in effect across long island and across southern parts of new england. so we can be dealing with the tropical storm force winds out there and also beach erosion. that will continue to be possible. coastal flooding a concern because of the higher water levels in addition to the dangerous surf. we'll be pushing that water on shore. the high tide is forecast to be at about 10:30 a.m. eastern time to about 11:30 a.m. so we'll be seeing that water
rising in addition to those dangerous waves. that he's going to be -- that's going to be the story across other areas of new jersey. stay safe out there. back you in new york. >> all right. maria molina, thank you so much. we'll turn our attention to news headlines now with jackie ibanez, who is filling in for heather nauert today. >> good morning. the hunt intensifies for a suspect while escaped from the interrogation room still handcuffed. lorenzo perez was sitting cuffed to the chair and he twisted the restraints until they snapped and he walked out of the building. not sure how much time passed before they realized he had escaped. two police officers are clinging to life after an armed felon walks inside a jail and opened fire. >> units be advised, all units respond. >> mass casualties coming in. fyi, the suspect is in custody.
>> police say zhang tried to cut the visitation line in fresno and he pulled out a gun. one was hit in the head, the other in if neck. vang is now charged with attempted murder. north korea at it again. the communist country firing three ballistic missiles into the east sea as the most powerful leaders meet 650 miles away in the g20 summit. and an unexpected surprise at school. check it out. >> oh, my god! >> a sergeant home early from kuwait surprising his daughter. she burst into tears as soon as see saw him holding balloons and flowers in her classroom in
south carolina. sergeant carlos melendez served in kuwait for nine months. a big thank you to you, sir. those are your headlines. back out to you guys this morning. >> i think it's so cool when the military surprise welcome homes happens in school because it teaches about patriotism. >> but that kid gets out for the rest of the day. >> that's true. >> i'm going with dad. well, can you believe it, only 63 days left until the election. but who cares about 63 days because early voting starts october 3rd in ohio. the all-important state of ohio. that's where hillary clinton and donald trump are heading on this labor day. >> battle ground states. ohio, so goes the nation. so both are hoping to get some voters' support. let's look at the real clear politics average now. hillary clinton seems to be losing that post convention bump that she had. look at how tight this race is starting to become. 46% for hillary clinton.
42.1% for donald trump. >> those numbers have tightened from an eight point gap. in fact, "the l.a. times" poll came out on just three days ago that showed trump up up three. not a lot of people believe he's up. >> it's tightening in the battleground states. most real pollsters don't look at the nation polls but it's a gauge of the mood of the sentiment. virginia has tightened, wisconsin has tightened and ohio which is tightening which is really important to the battleground states. is the illegal immigration message resonating or did donald trump have them locked and loaded, is he getting the independent, when he came back and talked in arizona or is hillary clinton quiet, out of the mix. >> she's stepping in it. >> having e-mail scandal after other scandal, back-to-back-to-back. >> trump said he'll continue to build a wall and mexico will pay for it. >> they don't know it yet is what he says.
>> they don't note. but they're going to. the president said no, i told him -- nonetheless, trump laid out the ten-point plan. he wants to build the wall, end sanctuary cities and deport criminal illegal aliens. his rhetoric on immigration has caused a lot of people to call him a racist and a bigot. but if you look what bill clinton said in the state of the union address in 1995, you might see a couple similarities. listen. >> all americans, not only in the state's most heavily affected but in every place in this country rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country. the jobs they hold might otherwise be held by citizens or immigrants. they impose burdens on the taxpayers that's why our administration has moved aggressively to secure the borders more and hiring a record number of border guards and deporting twice as many illegal
alien as ever before. by barring welfare benefits to illegal aliens. >> criminal illegal aliens. so if you heard rudy giuliani yesterday, he seemed to be saying that the trump campaign was shifting the position. jake tapper pressed him on it. i don't think donald trump wants to break up families and deport 11 million illegal immigrants. which is a shift -- >> it would be a complete reversal. but that seems to be why they're being cagey about it. >> rudy giuliani one of his closest advisers, friends and supporters says he doesn't want to break up the families, he's go argue the criminal element first. >> much closer to the traditional stance of we'll enforce first and figure out later. it's not a focus on the wall or whatever it will take to prevent illegal immigration, that's where they want to have the conversation. >> well, you have to turn off the water going into the bathtub, right, before you figure out how to stop it from overflowing. >> meanwhile, donald trump has been talking about immigration. he has been talking about race
relations and what the black community needs to do and how we can bring more jobs and education. he was in detroit the other day talking to that decimated city. homes you can buy for $500 sitting next to burned out hovels. you know what's interesting, he was point ought the failures of the -- pointing out the failures of the obama administration while in detroit and now some celebrities are backing him up on this. >> that's right. we have p. diddy, who has supported hillary clinton in the past by the way was asked about whether or not the black community should be supporting hillary clinton by default. this is what he had to say. >> i feel like we put president obama in the white house and when i look back, i just -- i just wanted more done for my people because that's the name of the game. this is politics. put somebody in office, you get in return the things that you care about for your communities. i think we got a little bit
short changed. hillary clinton -- i hope she starts to directly talk to the black community. i just really -- it really makes me feel, you know, almost hurt that our issues are not addressed and we're such a big part of the voting bloc. >> so he's not saying that he's supporting donald trump but that the democrats need to earn his vote and earn african-american votes rather than banking on that bloc. >> i don't like that, you elect that and -- but his point is well taken. blacks have taken for granted that the democratic party or hillary clinton or barack obama are going to be good for their own livelihoods. you have to give trump credit for saying i want to talk to this community and see if i can earn their support. >> in detroit, he said i'm here to listen when he was talking to the african-american congregation.
but some people have said that he's pandering when he says, what do you have to lose, why don't you vote for me. but i think it's a winning message. >> is it too little, too late? early voting in other states. three weeks to early voting. >> a month out from early voting, but there's been so many missteps and so many problems with the way that -- problems in that community have been address and the way they have been taken for granted. a few more comments from folks like p. diddy saying you can't have it for granted. who knows? you never know. >> let's hear your thoughts, weigh in on our facebook page. another sports star joining colin kaepernick in his unpatriotic -- >> looked at that packed stadium though. >> they're out in force to see that game. plus three weeks until the first presidential debate. how are trump and hillary clinton preparing? we'll have an inside look from
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senator sanders did call me unqualified. i have been called a lot of things in my life. that was a first. he did say that he had to question my judgment. president obama trusted my judgment enough to have ask me to be secretary of state for the united states. >> i got along with everybody. you get along with nobody. everybody is laughing, we're all having a good time. you know, that's why i have much bigger crowds than ted because we have a good time. >> wow. can you wait three weeks? donald trump, hillary clinton standing out among the competition during the primary debates with 21 days away from the presidential debates. what can we expect? joining us with a preview is cathy lynn taylor and scott levenson. nice to see you. >> nice to see you. >> we know that both candidates are headed out the ohio. let's talk about debate prep. how is hillary preparing right now? >> i think she has the advantage of being able to use donald trump's words against him.
and as rudy giuliani spent most of his last 24 hours back tracking on what trump has previously said. she can work on statements he's made it through and holding him to that. i think part of the problem for donald trump is being able to explain his positions on issues and back track enough where he appears presidential. but doesn't sell out. doesn't appear -- you know, authentic. >> so donald trump -- so let's talk about the words and then we'll be throwing those things back and forth on stage. hillary clinton is going to be throwing things at donald trump saying you said this about immigration, back tracking. he's saying the same thing as her, you're the worst secretary of state we have ever seen. so how does hillary clinton prepare? >> get out the popcorn, everybody. actions speak louder than words so trump has an advantage there for sure. but this debate is going to come down to one four letter word and that's tone. both of them are easily agitated. they can be a little bit defensive. they've got to treat this debate as though they're having din we
are a loved one. maybe having an argument they want to win, but make up afterwards. this is a conversation with the american people. this not a classic college debate and you want to win at all costs. this is a conversation. you want not to win, you want to be approved. >> which is whyic -- why i think becausit's very difficult for d trump. because his tone has been so vitriolic throughout the campaign, that won't work in a presidential debate. >> so we know from reports that hillary clinton's camp is looking at ways to get under his skin. they have been bringing in like psycho analysts to figure out how to get underneath donald trump's skin during the debate to make him appear unpresidential in those moments. he's off the reservation. >> and that's her way, overthe does ied way, like she hasn't let the press near her for almost 80% of the campaign at the end of the day. donald trump is very genuine. he's very off the cuff and in the environment like this, that
can help him. >> if they start going after her and you know the reporters or moderators are going to be asking her questions about what she knew, e-mail. her devices. classified information. is she fit to be president of the united states. may even bring up her brain injury she used in her defense. how does she answer that? >> i don't think hillary clinton is going to have trouble answering any of these questions. the fact is what's true about both of these debaters is they're well skilled people. they're going to be debating at a very high level. the real question with the hillary e-mail issue is, show me in the e-mail that you have the greatest concern with. show me that e-mail because there isn't one. >> well, i want to talk -- you mentioned into. but sort of the visceral nature of it. the sigh, remember al gore sighing off camera, that was ab pro. then george h.w. bush looking at his watch. they have to make sure they don't pull those moments.
>> they have to be all in. this is a conversation with the american people and they each have positive points. they should have three or four points about themselves they want to get across over and over. the same thing about the other they want to attack on. >> being comfortable in your own skin is key. >> all right, thanks for the ebait. if she wins she'll be the first somali american to become a state lawmaker. wait until you hear about her past when we come back.
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rise and shine on your labor day holiday, time now for your "news by the numbers." first 150. that's how many syrian refugees have moved to indiana after a judge said governor and vp nominee mike pence couldn't block them from coming in. 45%. that's how many americans have gotten into a fight about the election this year that's with either a friend, a family member or a co-worker. and finally, 50 feet. that's how far a tornado through
a potted plant after ripping it up from its roots. this incredible video shows the twister going through a medical marijuana garden. pete, over to you. well, turning to the controversy brewing in minnesota over a candidate, her marriage status and allegations of immigration fraud. ilhan omar is poised to become the first somali-american lawmaker in history and now questions surround her alleged marriage to two men at once with accusations that one of the marriages is to her own brother. so that she could get into the u.s., that would be immigration fraud. here to help us make sense of this is a writer who has been following this story very closely. news site alpha news minnesota. good morning, and how are you? >> thank you for having me on. >> it's a big local story in minnesota. what is being uncovered? obviously it's historic that she's the first female somali woman elected. what have you found that could be problematic? >> first of all, we were able to
uncover that there were two marriage licenses. one in 2002 to her cultural husband by the name of ahmet heresy or husband one and it was a legal marriage. that was to a man by the name of ahmed norris saeed or who we refer to as husband two. as far as we know, there has been no attempts made to divorce husband two. and what we do know is that husband two did attend north dakota state university at the same time as ilhan omar. >> so you've got two marriages which is not legal and also allegations that the reason for the second marriage was to get her brother, so she would be marrying her brother if that is true, to help him come to the united states. was that how it's put together?
>> yes. we originally found a post by scott johnson of power line blog. where these allegations were brought up on a somali spot forum by a member of the somali community where he alleged that ms. omar did in fact marry her brother in order to bring him into the united states. >> ilhan denied this, a number of baseless absurd rumors have been made about my personal life and family. let me be clear they're categorically false. i know the people of district 60-b oppose trump style misogyny, anti-immigration, rhetoric and homophobe ya. and why isn't the mainstream media in minnesota really covering this. why not? >> i have to say that i think that mainstream media here in minnesota they're afraid of being referred to by those donald trump style tactics.
i have to tell you my investigation into the omar controversy has nothing to do with where she's from, the color of her skin, her color or her faith. she wants to run for public office and there are discrepancy in her background that do allege she married her brother to bring him to the united states. >> good old fashioned journalism at fall news, thank you very much for joining us. we'll be following this story more. >> thank you, guys. all right. coming up, another sports star joining colin kaepernick in his unpatriotic protest during the national anthem. and we're getting the labor day celebration started early this morning. yes, that's a hot dog. i already had one. i will have a few more. but these aren't your average, everyday hot dogs. the secret ingredient you'll never expect. stick around. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine,
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remember that time brian and steve got custom made suits right out of the back of a car right here on the plaza? >> book a tailor, brian and steve, 2016. >> wow! wow. >> i feel old italian. i feel like i have left my irish behind. >> well, this one of a kind company is tailoring to the future by upgrading from smart car to scooter. so you can get your custom suits in a new york minute. who knew? >> here he comes, jacomo hakim join us now. this is first time i saw that video, watching brian and steve up from my office watching the show. i had to do a double take. you made them look hand somer than they are already. >> that's what we do. >> you did it in five minutes too. >> i'm wearing one of jacomo's
suits right now. >> are you? really? >> this is a man with style. >> yeah. yeah. we did this on purpose. >> seersucker -- >> so our producers this morning said have you seen pete's suit, we need an upgrade. gavin our producer said it. so can we upgrade pete's suit from the scooter? >> absolutely. we have scooters roaming around the city, they roll up to someone's office. literally go like this, open up the luggage, put the tape measure around you and that's it. >> you're encouraging others to get started. >> sure. we're getting a ton of franchise requests all over the u.s. it's crazy. people who are contacting us to start this model because it's so affordable. it makes sense. >> i need suits. if i don't have time to look for it -- >> call and
we'll come to you. >> and you have a special labor day sale. >> this is the buy one deal, get the second deal 50% off. there's a link on the website and it's the most popular deal year round. >> give us an idea of what cities this service is in. >> we're in 16 different cities. actually a person on the show, ed bow towsky said, hey, i'm buying the entire dallas territory. >> a smart money man. >> so to book jacomo, head over to, and see if we can help out right now. >> we'll send it in to jackie while pete gets measured up. thanks, jacomo. >> steve is getting flak for that suit, but i like it. a live press conference that president obama is holding summing up his weekend at the g20 summit in china. >> we agreed to advance our cooperation across a range of
issues including climate change, global health and development. peacekeeping, counternarcotics and nuclear security. we also address our differences on issues like religious freedom, maritime security and the level economic playing field. >> the president just wrapping up a potentially ground breaking face to face meeting with vladimir putin discussing joining forces to take out isis in syria. president obama down played tensions on the tarmac when air force one touched down. there was no staircase and he was forced to come out underneath. another athlete disrespecting our american heroes. world cup cupper megan rapinoe taking a page out of 49ers quarterback colin kaepernick's playbook. rapinoe kneeling before the
game. she's the first athlete outside of the nfl to follow kaepernick's lead, protests against racial injustice here in the u.s., tweeting it's the least i can do. keep the conversation going. kaepernick's comparing himself to muhammad ali but his former wife doesn't agree. what he's doing right now is not heroic. i'd have him make a retraction. he needs to apologize. and this woman is busted in the act of trying to steal a trump sign. a homeowner in indianapolis said he was so sick and tired of people stealing his trump signs so he attached the sign to some fishing wire spray painted it green and put a camera on it on the tree there. then he waited. it wasn't long until he caught this woman in the yard.
she was forced to flee without the trump sign. good thinking. this one is for anna. are you drink several cups of coffee day to stay awake? >> this drink, i like it. >> it's great. >> another! >> well now a barista has created a coffee that promises to keep you up for 18 hours. i don't know if i want that. it's only available for australia, that's why it's for anna. it has five grams of 's about 8 than a shot of espresso. but health experts say it has close to a lethal dose of caffeine. those are your headlines. >> lead it to the aussies to have the expletive in the official name. >> they'd call it an arse kicker. and summer is shutting down.
the author of "take this dish and twist it" is here. >> i'm going to grill up the ill the snow starts falling. >> even when it snows, you shovel and you grill. >> it's snowing in minnesota. >> a hurricane is out. beautiful out here. >> what did you bring for us today? >> so we want to start with the premium quality hot dog. still stick with that, get something really good. this is ballpark angus beef steak. i used to eat this growing up in south america. it's all about the quality all-beef hot dogs. what i used to put on it is raw onions. just follow me with the kondz -- condiments for a second. raw cabbage, finally chopped up. and then the piece de la resistance, pop chips on top. you can have different flavors. so the beauty -- crush it in there. there you go. >> let it all out, steve. >> they're very, very crunchy
and flavorful. mayo in there. trust me you'll love this combination. mustard too. >> mayo -- hot dogs is the only thing i haven't put mayo on yet. i'm missing out. my wife hates mayo, but i love it. >> this is -- this is called a venezuelan hot dog. the combination of flavors with that premium hot dog is going to blow you out of this park. we have to talk about the buffalo dip. >> cream cheese, yogurt, chicken. mozzarella cheese, swiss cheese. then of course the buffalo wing. mix it all in. the beauty is you can bring it into the cast iron skillet, put it directly on the fire itself. mix it up. >> how long are you cooking it for? what's the cast iron for? >> you have to heat it only 20 minutes. when it gets bubbly. then dig in. dippy. dip it in.
>> you have a nice big dip in there. it kind of gets going there. >> the recipe will be on our recipe, so you can join in on the fun. >> i'm not just saying that because i'm on tv and i'm acting fake, but that's fantastic. >> i'll try on the break. >> george duran. >> sorry, "today" show! sorry. donald trump tells a black congregation this weekend he's here to listen, but that's not what you'll read in "the new york times." dr. ben carson here with the side of story that the mainstream media isn't telling you. and a news camera man at the scene of a horrible crash pulls a pregnant woman from the burning car. that hero joins us live, just ahead. >> should i go over to the "today" show and apologize?
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welcome back. we have a fox news alert. you're looking live at president obama holding a press conference in china summing up his weekend at the g20 summit that started with him walking down the staircase outside the aircraft that wasn't provided to him. >> no red carpet on it. >> right. we'll monitor this and bring you the news as we get it. of course, it looked like one of the chinese officials almost claim to blows with one of the u.s. officials on the tarmac. a contentious trip to start it off. >> we'll continue to monitor that. and we'll turn our attention to. donald trump tells a black congregation in detroit this weekend he's here to listen. but tell that to the editors at
"the new york times" who write this. donald trump who has campaigned for president as a blunt provocateur visited a black church for first time and tried to blend in. so will the press actually listen to the message or continue their attacks? dr. ben carson was in detroit with donald trump. he joins us now. thanks for being with us. >> good morning. >> good to be with you. >> you're the first to that little excerpt from that "the new york times." that was the beginning of their piece. >> well, unfortunately that's what i would come to expect from many in the mainstream media today. our country was set up in a way that the government was supposed to be there to respond to the people. we have a democratic republic. it would be impossible for hundreds of millions of people to vote on everything, so we put in trusted elected officials and how do they become trusted? because the media tells you who
they are and what they have done. but a lot of the media has now insinuated itself into that and tried to manipulate the narrative. on saturday, donald trump was very warmly received. a lot of people who had wonderful things to say. one of the things that he's doing as he goes to the various cities is meeting with some of the community leaders and finding out from them, what are their concerns and what have they seen that actually works? that's what we're interested in. not imposing things on people. but we don't have to recreate the will. let's use the things that work already. >> interesting point. we played sound earlier from sean p. diddy combs he's upset at the way that the obama administration has handled things in the black community and the same newspaper, young blacks voice doubts about clinton. so donald trump might be on to something here. >> i think he's on the -- but,
you know, i would love it if people -- particularly in the black community would look at "hillary's america." that gives you a lot of the history of the history and that's different than it portrays it as. they switched, not a clue what's going on. neat true. that's another falsehood. people need to know who they're dealing with. i want to see party that competes for everyone's vote. not just the black community, but everyone. america is supposed to be a place where we are united under one flag with a common goal. and it's supposed to be a land of opportunity for everyone. and the country cannot be great if our inner cities are not great. it all has to work hand in hand. >> dr. carson, he's criticized if he doesn't talk to black community and then criticized when he does talk to the black community. he said he was there to listen. is there something in particular
he took away from that or other visit, another angle in talking to the leaders of the black community, that's changed his view point? >> there have been things that have reinforced it. and certainly, you know, going through some of those blighted areas, talking to people who are clearly very intelligent and have the same aspirations as everyone else. i think that helps tremendously in terms of formulation of policy. >> is it enough to close the gaps, a few weeks to go until early voting. some said he should have started this a few months ago. what do you think? did we lose -- >> we had some audio thing flicker there. so we apologize. well, our thanks to dr. ben carson on that. and we'll get him back on show later this week. >> absolutely. coming up here, the video is incredible. a news cameraman at the scene of a horrible crash pulls the pregnant woman from the car. he'll join us live next, but first -- >> go ahead, nan. on this day in 1988, guns n'
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hi, friends. good morning, 52 minutes after the hour. well, a photojournalist becomes the story when he throws down his camera to pull a pregnant woman out of car on the side of louisiana highway. take a look at this. >> how close are we to 444? >> just a couple of minutes. >> a couple of minutes to 444. >> any kids in there? somebody tried to get them out --
yeah. are you by yourself? by yourself. we got her out. >> carries her all the way to safety that cameraman patrick perry and the reporter he was working with who picked up his camera to capture that dramatic moment, brittany weis, join me now. good morning. thank you for being here on a labor day weekend. patrick, tell me what story were you headed to and what got you diverted? what'd you see? >> well, i'll let brittany -- it was brittany's story that we were going to. >> we were on our way to cover a story about bridge repairs, given recent flooding that happened here in south louisiana. and patrick spotted this car on the side of the road on fire. and he says, oh, my gosh, we have to stop. we have to help this person. we didn't know at the time that there was a person inside the vehicle. but he walked up to the driver's
side window and he did see a woman inside and he helped her. >> yeah. a pregnant woman, nonetheless. patrick, what inspired you to go up to the flames? i mean, you didn't even know anybody was in there at first. were you scared? >> before all this happened, and we just had the flood -- we had a big flood, you know, here at wbrz, we're a family oriented station. we always put people first, stories second. so we rescue people, so this came natural for us to do something like this. you know, we saw the car. and then -- and the young lady -- i'm sorry? >> well, i'm just watching you carry her all the way to the road and you get her sat down. call 911 i presume. here they are taking her away. have you talked to her? how is she doing? >> she's doing pretty good. i've spoken with her fiance. he's very blessed that he still has his family.
>> and brittany, do you plan on trying to get in touch with them and do a follow-up story on this heroic story that you found yourself in? >> yes, we do. we heard yesterday that she is at home recovering now. baby is doing fine, she's doing fine. we do plan to meet up with them in the future to talk to them. it would be great to see them. >> person helping person. so often we do these stories where terrible events are unfolding and people have their selfie smartphones out, taking pictures of themselves. you did the absolute right thing. i'm happy to hear you did the right thing and her small baby is fine. thank you so much. brand-new e-mail bombshell for hillary clinton but is still giving the media a treatment. how will she support herself? miami beach mayor philip levine is coming up next. what happens when you put a "star trek" nerd like our clayton morris in the same room as captain kirk? tv magic you have to see. technology.
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hi, friends. good morning. it's the 5th of september. i'm anna kooiman. well, millions in the path of extreme weather this labor day holiday. it's not over yet. hermine crashing the holiday party, picking up strength and bringing dangerous riptides, even rocking cruise ship passengers with 90 mile an hour gusts. we're tracking it all. the left hammering donald trump for his immigration plan, but it turns out we have heard a lot of it before. >> our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders more by hiring a record number of new border guards, by deporting twice as many illegal aliens as more. >> clayton spent the weekends of
vhs tapes and pulled that out from 20 years ago. why the hypocrisy? >> i had them on some of the same tapes as the "friends" episodes. and a pint sized kid stops everything by saying the pledge of allegiance. "fox & friends," hour three, starts right now. ♪ this is anna kooiman's get away vehicle. this is her last day on "fox & friends" and she's leaving us in an rv and doing a road trip across the country -- >> not getting away fast, i guess. we'll drive that thing all the way to australia. >> are you going to be driving or your husband? >> we'll be switching off. yep, they'll make an appearance later on in the show. i'm sad i'm leaving but i'm excited about this. we'll make an adventure across
america and then fly out of california. my husband got a new job. >> first stop in virginia. >> and then follow me on instagram, twitter and facebook. as is only -- the only outlets, i'll be doing the #proud american the whole way. sea to shining sea. it will be great. >> you'll be missed. enjoy the final hour. >> i love you guys. >> jackie ibanez is in this morning, we're in for steve, brian and ainsley and jackie's in for heather. nice to see you. >> anna, we'll definitely miss you. but we can't wait to see your adventures. the hunt intensifying for a murder suspect who vanished from the interrogation room while still handcuffed. how did it happen? well, police in las vegas says alonzo perez twisted the restraints until they snapped and walked right out of the buildling. it's not clear how much time had passed before the police realized he had escaped.
he's considered armed and dangerous. two police officers are clinging to life after an armed felon walks into the jail and opens fire. >> all units, code three, officer down. >> possible mass casualties coming in. >> fyi, the suspect is in custody, still inside. >> police say thong vang tried to cut the visitation line and then he pulled out a gun and started shooting. both officers in critical condition. vang now charged with attempted murder. and a fox news alert for you. moments ago, president obama summing up his weekend at the g20 weekend in china. >> we agreed to advance our cooperation across the range of issues including climate change, global health and development, peacekeeping, counternarcotics and nuclear security. we also addressed our
differences on issues like religious freedom, maritime security and the level economic playing field. >> earlier today, a potentially ground breaking face to face meeting between president obama and vladimir putin discussing joining forces to take out isis in syria. president obama also down playing tensions on the tarmac when air force one first touched down. there was no stair case the front door of the plane, forcing him to exit underneath. making him the only national leader not to have a red carpet during the arrival. and you can never be too busy to honor your country. or god for that. with all of his peers around, a mom catching the precious moment stops in his tracks because he heard the pledge of allegiance. he took a little time to do something else. listen. >> i said a prayer. god, thank you, god. thank you for giving me a wonderful day. >> thank you, god.
the photo has been shared thousands of times online. is that not adorable? i give credit to that mommy. she raised a good little boy. >> that's true. very, very true. >> so those are your headlines, folks. >> thanks, jackie. well, to the race for the white house now. donald trump and hillary clinton heading to the battleground state of ohio today. >> this is a brand-new poll that shows just how tight the race really is. >> that's right. fox news senior political news correspondent mike emanuel is live in cleveland with the latest. >> reporter: pete, anna, clayton, good morning. it's been more than nine full months since hillary clinton did a full blown press conference in the range of 275 days. this morning the clinton campaign has a brand-new airplane for the final nine weeks of this presidential campaign. it has the hillary clinton "h" on the side of it, an american flag and the slogan, stronger together as well. clinton's running mate has hinted reporters will get better access to the democratic nominee. >> we're about to switch into the phase of the campaign where
we will be on planes and the press will be on the planes with us. which is something that donald trump does not allow. we are not banning press outlets from covering public events. and so, look, all the time as hill libertari hillary is out on the trail, hundreds of interviews, i'm doing the same. the labor day to election day stretch is going to ramp up even more. >> reporter: the battle ground tracker tracks a close race, 42% for hillary clinton, and 40% for trump. the real clear politic here's in the state of ohio, hillary clinton has a 3.8% lead and that's why you see hillary clinton and donald trump in ohio today. you can expect plenty more visits in the final nine weeks. back to you in new york. >> all right, mark emanuel, thanks so much. we want to head to miami
beach and hillary clinton supporter, philip levine. nice to see you, welcome do the show. >> thank you, good morning. >> you heard tim kaine saying that hillary will be made available and yet she hasn't been made available. 274 days until we have seen hillary clinton give a press conference. you know, i have said i think this is a smart strategy. hillary clinton does not like the press. she tries to keep the press at arm's length. arm's distance. this is a smart strategy for her. is it not? is this all part of it, keep the press away until election day? >> well, i don't think it's a strategy. i think secretary clinton has been available to the press and now she has a big brand-new aircraft you will see the press flying around with her. listen, she's been in public office for i think, you know, 30, 35 years. you know, when you have the press constantly asking you the same questions -- i mean, i can do the press conference right now. you know, tell us about your e-mails, well, the fbi alsolved here, no criminal intent. tell us about the benghazi,
well, congress did a hearing and that's no determination of wrongdoing. tell us about the foundation, of course the same question there is no pay to play. so i think that a lot of times when you get the same questions over a lot of time, you know, that gets very tedious. i think secretary clinton likes to focus on how could she make life better for average americans. you know, what are we doing about zika, what's happening with climate change, how do we raise the middle class? i think these are more pertinent questions. i believe going forward hopefully we'll get more into policy, which i think secretary clinton that is her real strength. what can she do to make america -- you know, a bert place for everyone to live. >> she's running as saying she's the most qualified candidate to ever run for president of the united states. yet, as secretary of state, what gierndzing from -- what we're finding from the documents that were dumped over the weekend on friday on this holiday weekend that many are saying, curious timing that she didn't understand what the "c" meant in her e-mails and may have mishandled classified
information. that she thought it was alphabetic, like a, b, c, that's what the "c" meant. how is she going to fight that off? >> well, as president reagan said, here we go again. once again, you're bringing up the old e-mails. but the republicans -- the fbi did a full investigation and there was no -- no charges. >> but you're not answering the question. i asked about not knowing. if she's the most qualified shouldn't she know how to handled classified information? >> i think she does. she was an incredible secretary of state but the fbi said there was no -- now, did she make a mistake? i think she said over and over again, she made a mistake. why do we have to talk -- >> let's talk about what's relevant to the american people. you said she was a fantastic secretary of state. what are her top foreign policy accomplishments? >> she put together that coalition to put the sanctions against iran.
and -- >> and -- >> that led to the nuclear deal. i think that was very important. the fact that iran has a deal, which doesn't allow them to have nuclear weapons -- >> but she's running on -- violating right now. she's running on the sanctions they violated? >> i don't think they're violated. i know there's no such thing as fact, but the fact of the matter, it was -- she's been a great secretary of state. >> mr. mayor, i want to talk about what she said in that fbi document. because this isn't new. what we just learned on friday is all new to us. 58 pages of what we just learned and one of the things that came out was this defense that she couldn't recall certain briefings because of a brain injury. now, the trump campaign has even gone so far as to claim brain damage for hillary clinton. and your response to that. she on the one hand said i don't remember and then trying to play it the other way and saying t t that, you know, my time in office was a fantastic -- i was
a fantastic secretary of state, can she have it both ways to lay claim to being a fantastic secretary of state? >> i think what she can remember, what is the policy for zika, policy change, how do we secure our country? i mean, come on, these are the relevant issues that americans really want to hear about. we can say that does trump remember when he was renting his dad's buildings and wouldn't rent to african-americans? he can't remember that and yet we have a lot of policies and statements that show that's what he was doing. i think if we focus on the relevant americans that american people want to hear about, i think she remembers that. she's focused on making the country better for everyone to live in. that's everyone that's here. >> mr. mayor, some of hillary clinton's supporters have called trump terrible words like a racist and a bigot partially for his plans on what to do with illegal immigrants in this country. but we dug out some tape of bill clinton back in 1995 and what he said about illegal immigration
and there are similarities between what the former president said, her husband, and what the republican nominee said. let's take a listen. >> all americans, not only in the states most heavily affected but all places are disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country. the jobs they hold might otherwise be held by citizens or legal immigrants. the public service they use imposes burdens on the taxpayers. that's why our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders more, by hiring a record number of new border guards, by deporting twice as many criminal aliens as ever before. by cracking down on illegal hiring. by barring welfare benefits to illegal aliens. >> what do you think about that, that tape we just dug out, mr. mayor? >> well, you know what's amazing, i think what's amazing is the fact that we're lit gating a policy for over -- litigating a policy for over 20 years ago when the country was in the different situation. that's when you had a real immigration issue coming from
mexico. today in 2016, we don't have those same immigration numbers of mexicans coming to america. listen, we can look at fdr's policy toward japan and germany if you want to go further. why are we litigating the former president's policies? >> it's a legitimate issue. you have more -- you don't think the issue of illegal immigration and whether we enforce the laws, whether there's a border is legitimate discussion today? >> i think everyone believes we need a strong border, but you're taking a speech from a former president over 20 something years ago and you're relitigating it today. and president clinton is not on the ballot. secretary clinton is on the ballot. we can't relitigate the prohibition policies from 80 years -- >> we're not talking about that. >> he's on in a way on the ballot because hillary clinton will put him in charge of the economy. >> i think everybody would like
to see that. >> front page of "the new york times," young blacks voice doubts about clinton as donald trump has been making speeches in detroit and other areas in talking directly to the black voters. lack of enthusiasm is worrying democrats. are democrats taking the black vote for granted? >> you know, i think the democratic party has done so much alongside the african-american folks since the civil rights act of the 1960s all the way until today. you know, when donald trump says what have you got to lose? if you look at the advancements of the african-american population, with the democratic party, they have a lot to lose. secretary clinton has spent her entire life helping african-americans. she has a long history of doing that. donald trump has a history since last saturday when he showed up at the black church for first time in his life. we don't want to get into the racial policies of him and his dad. when they owned real estate and they wouldn't rent it to african-american families. the african-american population, very, very smart.
they know who's for them and who will help them in their lives going forward. >> thanks for joining us this morning, answering some tough questions. >> have a great weekend. >> if you see hillary clinton, tell her we want her on the show as well. well, donald trump tells a black congregation in detroit he's here to listen. we'll talk about that next. a combination of products and customers. every on-time arrival is backed by thousands of od employees, ...who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. because od employees treat customer service... our most important delivery. od. helping the world keep promises.
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welcome back. donald trump appealing to african-americans over the weekend with a visit to the detroit church. >> the question is, will this help him with the black vote? >> let's ask pastor darrell scott who was with the nominee over the weekend. thanks for join us this weekend. a lot of people spinning this visit. what kind of reaction did donald trump get? >> i thought he got a very pleasant reaction. the members of the congregation, as well as bishop jackson and his lovely wife were all pleasantly impressed by mr. trump. they saw a side of donald trump that i have been seeing for years. they saw his sincerity. they saw his -- and this is a term that a lot of people don't expect, but they saw his humility and his graciousness and his down to earth demeanor. he had a wonderful time. in fact, he had a great time. i rode with him in the motorcade
afterwards. we went to ben carson's house he grew up in and we had a wonderful time. his reflections on the meeting were very pleasant. he remarked at how well the pastor's wife could sing and how much he enjoyed the church service. actually, almost stopped and got barbecue from one of the street vendors, but, you know, the entire motorcade would have had to stop so we could don't that he had a wonderful time in detroit. it was genuine. he didn't feel uncomfortable or uneasy at all. he had a great time at church. i mean, he was actually on beat when he clapped. >> who knew? donald trump has rhythm. we learn something new every day. i saw him on "saturday night live" doing the drake video. so we knew that. some of the critics ahead of his arrival there said he was pandering to african-americans and that he was about to do this speech or q&a with the pastor and that some of the questions were going to be scripted and the answers were scripted. how did it all play out?
you said he was very genuine while he was there. how did that part play out? was there controversy surrounding it on the ground? >> first of all, a lot of critics don't know what they're talking about. in december of 2015, i led a group of 108 pastors to new york to meet with donald trump at trump tower and terry arnold the president of the impact network was in attendance. and right there back in december of 2015, mr. trump made a promise to the impact network that when i do begin to engage african-americans on their platform i will engage impact, because impact is the largest african-american owned and operated gospel network in america. so he made that promise almost a year ago. so it was simply a fulfillment of a promise. when he found out that mr. jackson was having -- bishop jackson was having church that day as well, he was able to kill two birds with one stone. he said i want to attend service. so he did what is standard in broadcasting. they did a preinterview so to speak by providing him with the type of questions that would be
asked. and then, you know, he was -- he had been given advice by his handlers and team about what type of answers would be suspicious. >> we're going to lose our satellite here. thank you so much. >> mr. scott, thank you. >> we'll be right back. g like o real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there's only one place where real and amazing live. book a seaworld vacation package and eat free.
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hi, everybody. "star trek" celebrates its 50th anniversary this week. >> space. the final frontier. these are the voyages of the star ship enterprise. >> thousands of trekkers paying tribute over the weekend at "star trek's" mission new york. >> well, "fox & friends's" own trekker, clayton morris was
there and got a chance to speak with the original captain kirk himself. >> watch this. ♪ >> can you do an official live long and prosper? >> live long and prosper. >> you got it. >> the captain's seat, i've got to get into this. oh. yeah. i can get used to this. >> yeah, it's not bad. >> it's not bad. it needs more lumbar support. let me guess who your favorite character is. would it happen to be scotty? do you like to hit the scotch whiskey like scotty? >> used to. >> i know this ship like the back of my hand. >> we'll be able to sit down with the original james p. kirk. come on. i don't know how you managed to stay so busy.
you have a brand-new book -- >> it's called "zero g." pure science fiction read. it's a wonderful science fiction book. it's an exciting read about the fbi and space 50 years from now. >> we see you as captain kirk. but do you sit there -- >> the awe and the wonder of it is enormous. >> these are the voyages of the starship enterprise. the five year mission to explore strange new worlds. >> "star trek" is such an amazing phenomenon. i know you had no idea -- >> well, i did. i wanted to be on "fox & friends" in 50 years. >> 79 episodes. is there any one episode that stands out as one of your favorites? >> no. there were shows that had such brilliant ideas behind them that they're unforgettable. race relations. so the guy's half white, half
black here. another guy, half black and half white here. they hate each other because of their color. >> why should the slave show mercy to the enslaver? >> the stupidity of race confrontation is -- and yet, they were passionate about it. it was a great show. >> thinking about gene roddenberry the creator of this, if he were here today, what do you think he would think of the phenomenon 50 years later? what do you think he would say about it? >> you can put a square, a border around the character, this is what the character does. this is what his motivation is. when a problem comes up, you would go -- you would face the problem with these characteristics and then this other character. i think those characteristics have been muddied from roddenberry's original concept. but the fact that more people are going to see for example the movies and there's a new series
coming out, the fact that that's still interest must mean that's something touching the audiences psyche. >> we would be remiss if we didn't talk about leonard nimoy and what his passing recently and what he means to this franchise. >> he was my dear friend. he was the friend. maintaining a friendship is very, very difficult in show business. making friends -- so that's what leonard meant to me. he was a friend for 50 years. we shared so much of our background, it was the same. it was remarkable how similar we were. >> you're going to be in another "star trek" movie if that call comes and they want you to make an appearance, will you do it? >> i don't think so. probably not. what do you do with an aging captain? i said to nimoy who was doing a cameo in one of the movies, and they went back in time to get him, and i said to him, you know, you know you're old when
you go back in time and you're still old. come out. this thursday, september 8th, there's viewing parties popping up all over the country and in the smithsonian institute, where the original one still hangs. >> and your kids still talks about the time they -- >> my wife texted me and said, remember the time he wore a onesie. >> and number three is on the way. a car going so fast in one neighborhood -- whoa, check that out. what's so shocking is how fast the driver was going. on this labor day we have an important question in the race for the white house. which candidate will be best for your wallet? the answer coming up.
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good morning. when it comes to getting you a better job and a bigger paycheck, both candidates have made plenty of promises. but which presidential nominee can actually walk the walk and get the job done? >> let's ask travis brown, the cofounder of a marketing and lobbying firm and the author of "how money walks." nice to see you this morning. >> good to be back. >> all right, let's dive into the economic plans here. start with donald trump and what this would mean for top earners. tell us about the top. >> well, when you look at the economic plan or part of the tax reform plans, proposed by both candidates, it really gets down to what are you going to do about work? are we going to reward more work
in america or punish work? and our federal income tax rates proposed by both candidates you know do different things. donald trump wants to reward work for the top earners and middle income earners by lowering the income tax rate. so he wants to lower that for both corporate and individual earners where hillary clinton wants to raise it. >> what about the middle class? >> well, for anyone that's working, small business, they have a big difference in the tax plan as well. hillary clinton leaves that alone, and donald trump wants to lower that. essentially doing for small business income what he proposes for corporate taxes. lowering 39.6% rates down to about 15% rate. that's a huge change, big injection into the economy for work. >> is he going to get the support in congress to do something that dramatic? >> there's a big difference. when you ask tough questions in the weeks ahead with the debates
coming up, you want to think about what's the impact on overall work? will we -- when we raise the price of something we get less of it. if we raise the price of work at the state and federal level, then we can expect less work. if donald trump is lowering that price of work, then we want to see more of that. essentially donald trump's plan is very similar to speaker ryan's which makes it more likely that it could get through. at least element of the the plan. >> where do they stand on raising the minimum wage? >> well, donald trump leaves that alone and hillary clinton has specifically proposed raising it. there's been talk from both candidates about doing something about the living wage. but any time we're raising the federal minimum wage, what are we doing again? we are raising that price on work making it harder to jump on the lower rungs of the economic hadder. >> both have talked about going after corporations, keeping more
jobs here in the united states. hillary clinton and donald trump. where do they differ on this plan to keep the american jobs here? >> if you're going to reward reinvestment in america from profits overseas trump is proposing to lower the corporate income tax rate and hillary clinton proposes changing tax inversion law by creating greater penalties on that. >> wait a minute. be clear. not actually lowering the tax rate, but fining them. so keeping that same tax rate and penalizing them if they send jobs overseas. >> is that effective? >> yeah, on this labor day, you have to think, are we going to reward work or punish work? hillary clinton punishes that work. donald trump would reward that work by bringing it back. >> thanks for joining us today. all right, jackie has a look at the headlines this morning. >> good morning, guys. just moments ago president obama speaking out for the first time about colin kaepernick's national anthem controversy while answering questions from the press at the g20 summit meeting in china. >> when it comes to the flag and the national anthem and the meeting that -- the meaning that that holds for our men and women
in uniform and those who fought for us, you know, that is a tough thing for them to get past to then hear what his deeper concerns are. i don't doubt his sincerity based on what i heard. >> as you know, kaepernick created a firestorm two weeks ago by sitting down during the national anthem and he says he'll continue to do so indefinitely. however, local police have threaten toed boycott security at the stadium if he continues to do that. is apple's app store picking sides? developers claiming that apple rejected their hide it hillary app. it's a game based on her miss handling of government documents on the grounds its could be consider considered defamatory but mean spirited but toss trump is available to buy. you can now get hide it hillary for 99 cents. and look at this jaw
dropping video showing a lightning fast crash happening in the blink of an eye. so scary. a driver doing 100 in a 25 mile per hour zone, taking out a fence and a light pole before smashing into the tree and a building packed with people. it left smoke and littering the neighborhood in wisconsin with debris. that driver is seriously hurt. people inside the buildings were okay. remarkable. >> thanks, jackie. well, anna is leaving "fox & friends" to head down under. but she made a ton of memories right here. we're reliving our favorites straight ahead. hmmmmmm.....
hmmmmm... [ "dreams" by beck ] hmmmmm... the turbocharged dream machine. the volkswagen golf gti. named one of car and driver's 10best, 10 years in a row. hillary clinton: i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. vo: in times of crisis america depends on steady
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turning now to extreme weather. hermine -- hermine -- her myny grainger is putting the shores in the crosshairs. >> that's right. sending water flying up on some cruise ships in the atlantic. >> so some are reporting seasickness and some are being trapped in their rooms they feel like because they're so sick on board. maria molina is live in atlantic city, new jersey, tracking the very latest for us. good morning, maria. >> good morning and clayton, it's hermine. >> i know. >> hermine is well off shore up. yeah, you want to talk about "harry potter," but we want to talk about the threats out here because they have been very real. i think one of the biggest impacts we have seen is that attendance is very low. as you can see behind me, the beach is very quiet this morning. we do know that also several events have been cancel heard in atlantic city because of this
storm. even though it took a track further off the east, so we got saved from some of the worst impacts, one of the biggest threats are rip currents and people are being told here to stay out of the water. yesterday, there were two people in atlantic city that decided not to heed those warnings and got caught up by some of that very rough surf. so conditions are very dangerous in the water. this is the story up and down the coast even extending up into new england. beach erosion is another concern and coastal flood warnings have been issued because during high tide some of the areas can be experiencing some flooding. even some areas are major as you head out the north. i want to talk broader about hermine because it made land fall and ended the hurricane
drought in florida. on the tail end of that system we had a waterspout occur in panama city beach, florida. we want to share that video with you. this is another one of the threats with these tropical type systems. you tend to see some actively like that. otherwise now the storm has moved off shore. we know it's east of the northeast over the open atlantic. but those tropical storm warnings are in effect along alo long island and it can bend back over the coast. it has maximum sustained winds of 70 miles an hour and it could impact the regions so that's something to watch out for. in addition to coastal concerns like flooding. also beach erosion that will continue to be a threat. let's head over to you in new york. by the way, i want to talk to you, i'm not in new york city, i'm out here on the beach. by i'm going to miss working with you so much. i'm bummed i won't get to see you in person, but i'm going to miss you. good luck. >> i'll miss you too, maria. we started at about the same
time and got engaged and married at about the same time. maria, thank you for everything. >> now we're leaving at about the same time. best wishes. >> you should join her on the cross country road trip, maria. >> yeah. and we're celebrating all of anna's years here with us. >> in san bernardino -- >> clark summit, pennsylvania. >> chicago. >> staten island. >> in new york, anna kooiman, fox news. >> get all the hairstyles. >> hairstyles differences. dance moves, which she's got many. to her coverage of stories across the country. more of the best is next including probably some of anna singing i would imagine. a combination of see products.. and customers. every on-time arrival is backed by thousands of od employees, ...who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. because od employees treat customer service... our most important delivery. od. helping the world keep promises.
back with some quick racing headlines. did tony stewart intentionally crash into this car? the racer appearing to deliberately causing brian scott to spin out during the southern 500 at darrellington raceway. scott said it happened after he accidentally blocked stewart. and stewart is meeting with nascar over it. and a truck race capped off, check that out. custer attacking john nemechek, accusing him of racing dirty. here's a look at the finish. see the cars door to door and nemechek said he raced clean. looks like they're bumping up to finish line. we're reporting, well, you decide. well, it is anna kooiman's last day. the rv is set up outside because you're hitting the road, moving across country. but before anna loses it and starts crying -- >> moving across the world. >> moving across the world, but you're trekking across the country. we'll take a look back at some
of her great moments here on "fox & friends." take a look. >> in san bernardino -- clark summit, pennsylvania. staten island. in new york, anna kooiman, fox news. welcome to new york. >> i think i need a nap so i can wake up for "fox & friends." >> anna kooiman in her spot. >> thanks to anna kooiman for filling in for anna -- anna. >> welcome, everybody. you make the couch look good. >> thank you. >> here's anna. >> come over here. >> wake everybody up with a smile. >> thank you so much for joining us for the debut of "fox & friends" first. >> other stories making headlines. >> you're on "fox & friends," right? >> i'm anna kooiman, and this is a fox news alert. >> anna kooiman is live on long beach in new york where i'll
tell you it's supposed to hit hard there. >> tell me about the devastation that you experienced during the storm. >> well, you know, we lost a lot. >> this is what a tornado can do. >> we have fox team coverage of the worst terror attack in america since 9/11. >> this is condominium, which is owned by the gunman omar mateen. it reminds me so much of when i was in san bernardino covering the terrorists there. the best thing about your life you'll remember? >> everything. >> here at "fox and friends weekend," i'm anna kooiman. >> anna! ♪ >> everyone gets ready for the show differently. anna, you sometimes dance to get yourself -- >> i like to do some dancing. ♪ ♪ if it was a problem i'll solve it, i'll check it out revolve
it ♪ >> anna kooiman, a great singer. ♪ ♪ put some music on that's soft and slow ♪ ♪ down, down, until the flames get higher ♪ >> it's gonna be hot. >> wow. flies through the air with the greatest of ease on the trapeze. anna, thank you. >> here we go. >> i can start pushing for hazard pay. what do you think? >> you're going to teach me to drive. >> let's go. >> elementary. -- all right. ♪ >> trying to kill me? want to race me?
>> i'm anna. anna kooiman. >> pack your bags, anna, time for another road trip. >> here we go! yeah. >> i absolutely love your road trip, anna. i always want to go on them myself. >> we'll have a little fun. >> oh, my! this is really cool. >> it's the intrepid anna kooiman. anna kooiman does it all. >> i want to compete against anna kooiman, like i'm stupid? ♪
>> all right. quite the athlete. have you seen her arms? she has the best looking arms. >> she beat me in the arm wrestling. >> you're looking to be active. you don't need to get an expensive gym membership. just get a dog. >> brought along my baxter bear. >> they're as warm as you are. >> our friend anna kooiman, it's her birthday and she got engaged. >> anna got married last night. >> it was unbelievable. >> we'll start with some sad, but wonderful news. >> landed a big job in australia. he's from sydney. and we are moving there. >> anna kooiman is as sweet as she seems. >> you'll be sorely missed. >> "fox & friends" is a family here.
>> that's unbelievable. that's just a taste of the incredible experiences i had on this show over the last five years. thanks to the field producer, one of my best friends here at fox news channel for putting that piece together. i can't imagine how many hours that took you. >> he's travelled with you to so many of the pieces. >> and laura pettersen, you made me dreams come true. >> not a bad word about anna kooiman. >> wait until i'm gone. >> you know what we'll be overeating. because i'm looking at the exercise videos. you elevated the level here and we'll go back to being sloths. all right. we have more "fox & friends" as we say good-bye to anna. >> she is about to get into that rv with her husband, her family and her dog will join us in moments and head across the country. >> there's baxter and mom and dad. introducing new olay eyes.
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♪ ♪ feels like carolina >> well, we end our show on a sad way today as we say good-bye to one of our best friends. a person we love deeply, anna kooiman. >> she is about to embark on a journey across the world and start a new adventure in the land down under. >> who are these folks with us? >> well, you know p. daddy, he's here to celebrate. my mom and my dad. i'm going to miss you so much. so exciting for us. but gosh i'm going to miss you. >> what's the guy responsible? >> my husband. we'll be back one day. >> no, you changed my life, babe, i love you so much. i can't wait to spend some time with your family. this is baxter bear.
he's going to come too. >> yeah. >> you guys want to get on the rv? take the champagne. >> we're going to miss you. >> come on, baxter. >> take care of the -- >> all right. >> let's go. hey, anna. gregg: it's the buckeye state or bust this weekend. both hillary clinton and donald trump holding campaign events today. good morning, happy labor day. i'm gregg jarrett. abby: i'm abby huntsman. bill and martha are off. ohio is a bellwether state every blt year. and according to the real clear politics average, trump is

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Dance , Contact Sport , Choreography , Japanese Martial Arts , Kung Fu , T Ai Chi Ch Uan , Sports Training , Taekwondo , Tennis Court , Tennis , Racket , Soft Tennis , Tennis Player , Real Tennis , Racquet Sport , Tennis Equipment , Rackets , Tennis Racket Accessory , Tennis Ball , Strings , Unicycle , Daytime , Calm , Writing , Recreational Fishing , Hobby , Fishing , Boats And Boating Equipment Supplies , Blue Collar Worker , Engineer , Construction Worker , Construction , Construction Equipment , Engineering , Hard Hat , Industry , Electrical Wiring , Electrical Contractor , Electrician , Guitar , Plucked String Instruments , Guitarist , Acoustic Guitar , Military , Crew , Law Enforcement , Electronic Engineering , Scale Model , Mixing Console , Electronic Instrument , Naval Architecture , Cruise Ship , Basilica , Composite Material , Banknote , Currency , Mo Ney , Cash , Money Handling , Party Supply , Baggage , Sewing Machine , Playground , Luggage And Bags , Bag , Handbag , Hand Luggage , Suitcase , Baby Products , Astronaut , Selling , Baby Carriage , Massage Chair , Sofa Bed , Retail , Cake Decorating , Baby Shower , Playset , Birthday , Cake , Teddy Bear , Daughter , Barbie , Doll , Baby , Inflatable , Golf , Putter , Miniature Golf , Kick Scooter , Conformation Show , Dog Sports , Dog Agility , Pet , Food Truck , Brassiere , Basket , Present , Home Accessories , Gift Basket , Petal , Nail Care , Cosmetics , Nail Polish , Diaper Bag , Sugar Paste , Undergarment , Lingerie , Yoga Pant , Honda , Customer , Limousine , Car Dealership , Sign Language , Dessert , Tableware , Flavor , Dairy , Cup , Torte , Baked Goods , Icing , Birthday Cake , Buttercream , Video Game Arcade Cabinet , Pipe , Clothes Iron , Locomotive , Train , Railroad Engineer , School Bus , Automobile Repair Shop , Light Commercial Vehicle , Forklift Truck , Firearm , Research , Hospital , Medi Cal , Laboratory , Health Care , Medical Equipment , Research Institute , Jigsaw Puzzle , Puzzle , Symbol , Toilet Seat , Medical Technologist , Chemist , Medical Assistant , Pharmacy , Scientist , Pharmacy Technician , White Coat , Health Care Provider , Physician , Medicine , Patio , Sitting , Bed , Outdoor Play Equipment , Rally Obedience , Sash Window , Bridal Clothing , Collage , Dollhouse , Nativity Scene , Log Cabin , Painting , Dog , Canidae , Dog Breed , Golden Retriever , Retriever , Carnivore , Sporting Group , Labrador Retriever , Companion Dog , Working Dog , Ancient Dog Breeds , Animal Shelter , Acura , Acura Mdx , Hotel , Plaza , Resort , Inn , Motel , Outlet Store , Publication , Magazine , Comic Book , Comics , Turquoise , Jeans , Denim , Shorts , Outdoor Shoe , Walking Shoe , Athletic Shoe , Boot , Hiking Boot , Hiking Shoe , Pendant , Locket , Jewellery , Necklace , Silver , Cuisine , Kitchen Appliance , Dough , Dish , Ingredient , Recipe , Vegetable , Leaf Vegetable , Local Food , Carrot , Vegetarian Food , Produce , Natural Foods , Vegan Nutrition , Diet Food , Salad , Cruciferous Vegetables , Herb , Legume , Root Vegetable , Baby Carrot , Superfood , Broccoli , Side Dish , Asparagus , Still Life Photography , English Cuisine , Muffin , Chocolate , Cookware And Bakeware , Snack , Finger Food , Cookies And Crackers , Pastry , Home Door , Chip , Shirt , Junk Food , Pot Pie , Fast Food , Asian Food , Comfort Food , Burrito , Mediterranean Food , European Food , Mexican Food , Staple Food , Breakfast , Pie , American Food , Bob Cut , Layered Hair , Bangs , Gluten , Blackboard , Calligraphy , Ball , Chef , Lobster , Outerwear , Blazer , Portrait Photography , Professor , Lecture , à La Carte Food , Meat , Culinary Art , Appetizer , Charcuterie , Seafood , Centrepiece , Triangle , Grass Family , Plain , Prairie , Grassland , Evening , Theatre , Ice Cream , Stomach , Astronomical Object , Gmc , Bodyguard , Air Force , Police Car , Cadillac , Multimedia Software , Web Page , Fire , Sidewalk , Marching Band , Running , Cross Country Running , Marching , Musical Ensemble , Soccer Player , Football , Knee , Pool , Government , Transformers , Bike , Rickshaw , Cart , Marketplace , Road Bicycle , Carriage , Cycling , Racing Bicycle , , Pedestrian Crossing , Marathon , Long Distance Running , Fast Food Restaurant , Take Out Food , Street Food , Fried Food , Fried Chicken , Crispy Fried Chicken , Chicken Meat , Chicken Nugget , French Fries , Kids Meal , Deep Frying , Fish And Chips , Frying , Potato , Southern United States Food , Canadian Cuisine , Medicinal Mushroom , Baklava , Korokke , Mcdonalds Chicken Mcnuggets , Karaage , Chicken Fingers , Chinese Food , Ultramarathon , Duathlon , Half Marathon , Triathlon , Clam Cake , Prepackaged Meal , Water Transportation , Ferry , Channel , Waterway , Passenger Ship , Peach , Teacher , Meeting , Office Chair , Collaboration , Lifejacket , Dress Shirt , Closet , Warehouse , Shooting Range , Metro Station , Brewery , Corporate Headquarters , Smartphone , Portable Communications Device , Feature Phone , Mobile Device , Data Storage Device , Icon , Alley , Column , Afro , Flash Photography , Jheri Curl , Computer Monitor , Desktop Computer , Laptop , Computer , Stuffed Toy , Plush , Rabbit , Rabbits And Hares , Prison , Felidae , Cat , Pembroke Welsh Corgi , Snout , Bear , System , Computer Hardware , Scientific Instrument , Tattoo , Optical Instrument , Gun , Server , Telephony , Pda , Cellular Network , Christmas Lights , Clothing , Elbow , Fruit , Cranberry , Superfruit , Berry , Dietary Supplement , Hair Care , Sweater , Cardigan , Coat , Nebula , Viola , Violet Family , Lavender , Vitis , Christmas Ornament , Christmas Decoration , Ornament , Christmas , New Year , Bottle , Glass Bottle , Liquid , Plastic Bottle , Purple Mangosteen , Acerola , Nutraceutical , Grape Seed Extract , Bodybuilding Supplement , Apple , Family , Comfort , Flesh , Kiss , Reading , Sleep , Dalmatian , Great Dane , Guard Dog , Carmine , Nightshade Family , Aeolian Landform , Desert , Dune , Monument , Foot , Swimwear , Sun Tanning , Underpants , Model , Briefs , High Heels , Toe , Pilates , Calf , Swiss Ball , Lens Flare , Underwater , Waterfall , Rapid , Smoke , Acrobatics , Aerialist , Outer Space , Universe , Fractal Art , Watercolor Paint , Cg Artwork , Binoculars , Telescope , Camera Accessory , Monocular , Toothbrush , Chemistry , Infielder , Softball , Baseball Positions , Baseball Equipment , College Baseball , Pitch , College Softball , Baseball Player , Catcher , Baseball Uniform , Motorcycle Speedway , Motorcycle Racing , Auto Race , Grand Prix Motorcycle Racing , Road Racing , Horse Racing , Freestyle Motocross , Rallycross , Off Road Racing , Drag Racing , Formula One , Endurance Racing Motorsport , Stock Car Racing , Touring Car Racing , Group B , Datsun 510 , Folkrace , Autocross , Modern Art , Paint , Acrylic Paint , Astronomy , Star , Celestial Event , Constellation , Unidentified Flying Object , Moon , Street Sign , Fan Convention , Cosplay , Bodybuilding , Shipping Container , Bowling , Parade , Actors , Pleased , Angry , Aerostat , Water Park , Aviation , Takeoff , Flap , Airbus A380 , Airbus , Wide Body Aircraft , Aerospace Manufacturer , Jet Aircraft , Aircraft Engine , Boeing 747 , Fighter Aircraft , Birds Eye View , Luxury Yacht , Yacht , Marina , Dock , Harbor , Ocean Liner , Port , Bouquet , Creative Arts , Cockpit , Duck Meat , Turkey Meat , Roasting , Thanksgiving Dinner , Butcher , Bread , Soda Bread , Turducken , Loaf , Pork Loin , Pork , Sourdough , Coffeemaker , Bakery , Sweetness , Gas , Gyro , Sandwich , Sandwich Wrap , Sabich , Flatbread , Greek Food , Taste , Coffee , Mattress , Recliner , Bedding , Pillow , Bedroom , Bed Sheet , Pasture , Farm , Split Rail Fence , Ranch , Canal , Zoo , Home Fencing , Village , Picket Fence , Cherry Blossom , Curtain , Window Covering , Window Treatment , Engine , Vehicle Audio , Fish , Concert , Musical Theatre , Bassist , Bass Guitar , Electric Guitar , String Instrument Accessory , Guitar Accessory , Acoustic Electric Guitar , Jazz Guitarist , Ukulele , Microphone , Headphones , Sports Commentator , Artist , Jazz Club , Ford Motor Company , Mitsubishi , Mitsubishi Endeavor , Dust , Fell , Track , Jacko Lantern , Flame , Plant Stem , Bmw M5 , Full Size Car , Suspension Bridge , Bmw 3 Series , Bmw 3 Series Gran Turismo , Bmw 3 Series F30 , Bmw 3 Series E90 , Bmw 5 Series , Bmw 335 , Rolling Stock , Railroad Car , Exhaust System , Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution , Fireworks , New Years Eve , Sparkler , Fête , Volkswagen , Model Car , Electric Car , Porsche , Rolling , Shelby Mustang , Automotive Fog Light , Maserati Quattroporte , Grille , Bmw 320 , Fog , Swing , Robot , Lego , Banana Family , Banana , Buffet , Grilling , Middle Eastern Food , Bake Sale , Barbecue , Outdoor Grill , Motorcycle Helmet , Goggles , Airport , Solar Energy , Public Utility , Helicopter , Rotorcraft , Military Uniform , Military Officer , Army , Military Rank , Soldier , Kindergarten , Troop , Non Commissioned Officer , Funeral , Press Up , Planking , Beige , Tabletop Game , Compact Van , Taxi , Blouse , Waist , Leggings , Artificial Hair Integrations , Sleeveless Shirt , Lace Wig , Cocktail Dress , Frozen Dessert , Cream , Frozen Yogurt , Gelato , Whipped Cream , Meringue , Sundae , Cream Cheese , Cheese , Meatball , Strawberry , Strawberries , Oliebol , Malasada , Sata Andagi , Pizza , Pizza Cheese , Tarte Flambée , Zwiebelkuchen , Sicilian Pizza , Focaccia , Quiche , Italian Food , Chocolate Brownie , Mousse , Chocolate Cake , Smoothie , Milkshake , Juice , Batida , Non Alcoholic Beverage , Tour Bus Service , Hair Accessory , Tractor , Field , Agricultural Machinery , Plough , Agriculture , Outdoor Power Equipment , Planter , All Terrain Vehicle , Dirt Road , Crop , Plantation , Steppe , Savanna , Endurocross , Mythology , Brickwork , Chimney , Rain Gutter , Hardware , Mower , Lawn Mower , Farmhouse , Groundcover , Riding Mower , Cornales , Hydrangea , Botanical Garden , Wildflower , Gardening , Tool , Lawn Aerator , Street Fashion , Longboard , Skateboard , Reflection , Tesla , Chevrolet Cruze , Windscreen Wiper , Chevrolet , Suzuki Kizashi , Iphone , Portable Media Player , Mobile Phone Accessories , Media Player , Chevrolet Malibu , Chevrolet Sonic , Chevrolet Agile , Brutalist Architecture , Output Device , Disc Jockey , Sound Engineer , Cdj , Neon Sign , Romance , Stairs , 3d Modeling , Bed Frame , Chest Of Drawers , Box Spring , Nightstand , Haute Couture , Fashion Design , Propeller , Hurdling , Lap , Stripper , Sprint , Middle Distance Running , 800 Metres , Heptathlon , 4 100 Metres Relay , Track Spikes , Multi Sport Event , Relay Race , High Jump , Steam Engine , Railway , Mattress Pad , Duvet Cover , Suite , Cushion , Duvet , Blanket , Loudspeaker , Figurine , Perfume , Balcony , College , University , Headquarters , North American Fraternity And Sorority Housing , Historic House , Cardboard , Tablet Computer , Home Cinema , Slot Machine , Arcade Game , Landslide , Red Hair , Handwriting , Goal , Barbecue Grill , Cooking Show , Iceberg , Glacier , Sea Ice , Glacial Landform , Aquatic Plant , Sacred Lotus , Hangar , Scaffolding , Attic , Transparent Material , Handrail , Wedding Reception , Banquet , Marriage , Supper , Tradition , Dinner , Center Console , Ford , Peugeot 3008 , Caribbean , Bay , Resort Town , Seaside Resort , Tropics , Cay , Lagoon , Street Stunts , Freestyle Football , Fencing , School Uniform , Lawn Game , Power Tool , Stage Equipment , Bocce , Competition , Goalkeeper , Field Hockey , Volleyball , Album Cover , Poales , Sedge Family , Insect , Cylinder , Muffler , Automotive Exhaust , Hardware Accessory , Lock , Vacuum Flask , Espresso Machine , Brazilian Food , Delicatessen , Picnic , Cardinal , Swedish Cuisine , Korean Food , Delicacy , Peruvian Food , Flea Market , Full Breakfast , Bazaar , Wok , Caquelon , Tomato , Solanum , Ceviche , Spanish Cuisine , Karahi , Pride Parade , Firefighter , Netbook , Bathroom , Plumbing Fixture , Pianist , Digital Piano , Boutique Hotel , Collar , Tartan , Plaid , Bedtime , Nap , Mother , Videoconferencing , Cathedral , Jaguar Xk , Nissan 370z , Watch , Lexus Is , Lexus Lfa , Roadster , Crescent , Cool , Wig , Fashion Model , Ringlet , Tights , Polo Shirt , Ophthalmology , Contact Lens , Eyelash Extensions , Mist , Haze , Marine Mammal , Killer Whale , Cetacea , Whale , Humpback Whale , Grey Whale , Dolphin , Shark , Lamnidae , Blossom , Pest , Sunset , Headland , Dusk , Promontory , Badlands , Dawn , Cape , Sunrise , Bird , Feather , Beak , Perching Bird , Tundra , Depression , Valdivian Temperate Rain Forest , Northern Hardwood Forest , Grove , Wetland , Swamp , Spruce Fir Forest , Natural Landscape , Deciduous , Livestock , Castle , Wine , Wine Glass , Birth , Sole , Popcorn , Egg Salad , Blender , Mixer , Food Processor , Juicer , Red Wine , Mp3 Player , Paragliding , Parachute , Air Sports , Canoe , Canoeing , Kayak , Wildfire , Ford Super Duty , Mud , Riot , Police Dog , Honda Ridgeline , Travel Trailer , Trailer , Rv , Microvan , Ambulance , Orienteering , Cheering , Air Hockey , Vizsla , Pointing Breed , Hunting Dog , Weimaraner , Liver , Chesapeake Bay Retriever , Gun Dog , Puppy , Whiskers , Pointer , Dobermann , Boston Terrier , Baluster , Pipe Organ , Molding , Rhodesian Ridgeback , Dogue De Bordeaux , Pet Supply , Billiard Table , Swimming , Bathroom Accessory , Toilet , Sink , Plumbing , Penthouse Apartment , Weightlifting , Ipod , Feathered Hair , Step Cutting , Food Group , Cosmetic Dentistry , Bruschetta , Goat Cheese , California Style Pizza , Tomato Pie , Plantago , Packaging And Labeling , Stretching , Yoga , Escalator , Little Black Dress , Air Show , Skin Care , Daitō Ryū Aiki Jūjutsu , Photocopier , Seminar , Loch , Arctic , Arctic Ocean , Lexus Rx Hybrid , Lexus Rx , Lexus Es , Porsche Cayenne , Mazda Cx 5 , Mazda , Mazda Cx 7 , Jeep , Range Rover Evoque , Kia Sportage , Jeep Grand Cherokee , Hyundai Santa Fe , Frost , Moraine , Bank , Backlighting , Tongue , Ankle , Tango , Bun , Chignon , Hairdresser , Personal Care , Precipitation , Caravan , Interview , Hockey Protective Equipment , Ford Five Hundred , Bugatti Veyron , Bugatti , Strongman , Boeing 787 Dreamliner , Boeing 737 , Boeing , Airbus A320 Family , Boeing 767 , Jet Engine , Airbus A330 , Boeing 737 Next Generation , Boeing 757 , Boeingc 32 , Airport Apron , Boeingc 40 Clipper , Boeing 777 , Landing , Runway , Business Jet , Twinjet , Management , Boxing Ring , Boxing Equipment , Peking Opera , Trailer Truck , Renault Magnum , Freight Transport , Video Game Console , Mural , Wine Bottle , Horse Trailer , Cargo , Carpet , Red Carpet , Quinceanera , Dancer , Folk Dance , Costume Design , Fluid , Drinking Water , Concert Dance , Fashion Show , Modern Dance , Disco , Strength Training , Indoor Cycling , Graphics Tablet , Ipad , Sledding , Volkswagen Touareg , Camping , Antique Car , Electronic Musical Instrument , Mixing Engineer , Drum Machine , Deejay , Cartilaginous Fish , Lamniformes , Great White Shark , Manta Ray , Requiem Shark , Carcharhiniformes , Rays And Skates , Stingray , Tiger Shark , Seal , Caving , Cave , Parachuting , Roller Coaster , Skyway , Aquarium , Coral Reef , Reef , Steller Sea Lion , Sea Lion , California Sea Lion , Walrus , Harbor Seal , Hippopotamus , King Penguin , Flightless Bird , Penguin , Emperor Penguin , Small To Medium Sized Cats , Savannah , Bengal , Veterinarian , Kitten , Spaniel , Manatee , Sea Cows , Open Water Swimming , Surfing , Surface Water Sports , Spring Break , Water Sport , Bodyboarding , Boardsport , Surfing Equipment , Swimmer , Surfboard , Pole , Ferris Wheel , Koi , Water Bird , Bony Fish , Fish Pond , Ducks Geese And Swans , Waterfowl , Smoking , Handgun Holster , Tachometer , Motorcycle , Gauge , Measuring Instrument , Odometer , Suzuki , Motorcycling , Electronics Accessory , Computer Data Storage , Payment Card , Football Equipment , Football Helmet , Six Man Football , Headset , Seabird , Membrane Winged Insect , Bicycle Motocross , Blizzard , Subaru , Subaru Impreza Wrx Sti , Subaru Impreza , Subaru Legacy , Slope , Kart Racing , Go Kart , Open Wheel Car , Carting , Race Of Champions , Indycar Series , Formula Racing , Formula One Car , Superbike Racing , Sports Prototype , Pit Stop , Ski Jumping , Curling , Overpass , Glacial Lake , Tarn , Fluvial Landforms Of Streams , Stream , Fly Fishing , Angling , Casting Fishing , People In Nature , Bicycle Part , Wakeboarding , Stand Up Paddle Surfing , Towed Water Sport , Waterskiing , Wakesurfing , Fishing Rod , Jigging , Precision Sports , Lake District , Cowboy Hat , Backpacking , Hiking , Sound , Floodplain , Carving , Drawing , Natural Material , Coach , Clown , Chinese New Year , Bouldering , Playground Slide , Beagle , Harrier , Basset Hound , Basenji , Scent Hound , Hound , Posavac Hound , Hamiltonstövare , Basset Artésien Normand , American Foxhound , Estonian Hound , Beagle Harrier , Finnish Hound , Treeing Walker Coonhound , Rare Breed Dog , Pocket Beagle , Artois Hound , English Foxhound , Serbian Tricolour Hound , Grand Anglo Français Tricolore , Schweizer Laufhund , Coonhound , Serbian Hound , Drever , Volkswagen Golf , Volkswagen Scirocco , Volkswagen Gti , Volkswagen R32 , Volkswagen Golf Mk6 , World Rally Car , Volkswagen Polo Gti , Volkswagen Golf Mk5 , Volkswagen Golf Variant , Russell Terrier , Jack Russell Terrier , Terrier , Rat Terrier , Brittany , Chevrolet Astro , Forde Series , Dodge , Dodge Ram Srt 10 , Dodge Ram Van , Fordf Series , Garbage Truck , Multicar , Truck Driver , Golf Course , Palace , Official Residence , Château , Presidential Palace , Courthouse , Stately Home , Manor House , Classical Architecture , National Historic Landmark , Seat Of Local Government , Parliament , Whippet , Fox Terrier , Lure Coursing , Sloughi , Obedience Trial , Freestyle Bmx , Segway , Flatland Bmx , Shooting Sport , Shooting , Citrullus , German Shepherd Dog , Obedience Training , Siberian Husky , Alaskan Malamute , Sled Dog , Wolfdog , Working Animal , Saluki , Tent , Convenience Food , Cheeseburger , Pocket , Belt , Navel , Active Shirt , Remote Control , Aerobic Exercise , Zumba , Aerobics , Shoulder Pads , Gear , Teleconverter , Mecha , Robot Combat , Military Robot , Tunnel , Beer , Atlas , Knit Cap , Drums , Drum , Twig , Passenger Car , Train Station , Pontiac G8 , Bmw 1 Series E87 , Office Supplies , Garden Buildings , Garage , Clay Pigeon Shooting , Trap Shooting , Shotgun , Rifle , Practical Shooting , Air Gun , Skeet Shooting , Gun Barrel , Airboat , Inflatable Boat , Bass Boat , Speedboat , Ford Freestar , Choir , Entertainment Center , Terrace , Professional Golfer , Cleat , Golfer , Pitch And Putt , Wedge , Match Play , Hickory Golf , Fourball , Golf Ball , Foursome Golf , Sand Wedge , Golf Cart , Lob Wedge , Vending Machine , Dirt Track Racing , Hyundai Genesis Coupe , Bicycle Racing , Muscle Car , Classic Car , Ford Capri , Ford Mustang , Kettlebell , Pilot , Infantry , Military Organization , Marines , Waste , Demolition , Scrap , Sculpture , Statue , Marine Invertebrates , Cnidaria , Applause , Striking Combat Sports , Emergency Service , Fire Department , Rescue , Water Polo , Custom Car , Saint Patricks Day , Energy Drink , Bow And Arrow , Archery , Compound Bow , Cold Weapon , Circus , Gliding , Trapeze , Flying Trapeze , Tall Ship , Ice Skating , Skating , Ice Skate , Figure Skating , Speed Skating , Winter Sport , Figure Skate , Short Track Speed Skating , Axel Jump , Ice Rink , Ice Hockey , Hockey , Long Track Speed Skating , Ski Cross , Skiing , Monster Truck , Tractor Pulling , Combat Vehicle , Ford Mustang Mach 1 , Ford Maverick , Volkswagen Beetle , Tvr , Carnival , Fighter Pilot , General Aviation , Aerobatics , Air Racing , Monoplane , Extra Ea 300 , Light Aircraft , Rocket Powered Aircraft , Ground Attack Aircraft , Propeller Driven Aircraft , North Americanp 51 Mustang , Trigger , Sniper Rifle , Assault Rifle , Airsoft Gun , Bounce House , Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game , Arm Wrestling , Wrestling , Combat Sport , Grappling , Street Dance , Lion , Big Cats , Pomeranian , Western Riding , Reining , Traditional Sport , Western Pleasure , Rodeo , Barrel Racing , Charreada , Balance Beam , Beluga Whale , Bulldog , Livestock Guardian Dog , Christmas Tree , Christmas Eve , Conifer , Pine Family , Indonesian Food , Meze , Stuffing , Breakfast Cereal , Pasta Salad , Southwestern United States Food , Naan , Coupon , Trampolining , Racquetball , Rolls Royce Ghost , Rolls Royce Phantom , Rolls Royce Phantom Coupé , Rolls Royce Wraith , Rolls Royce Phantom Drophead Coupé , Sandal , Place Of Worship , Chapel , Chandelier , Outdoor Table , Town Square , Boutique , Nissanx Trail , Nissan , Lexus Gs , Mitsubishi Pajero , Tints And Shades , Oak , Autumn , Saab Automobile , Mercedes Benze Class , Santa Claus , Infant Bed , Baby Activity , Baby In Car Seat , Car Seat Cover , Hyundai Veracruz , Canis , Tamaskan Dog , Spitz , Wolf , Alaskan Klee Kai , Skate , Eagleray , Electric Ray , Common Bottlenose Dolphin , Short Beaked Common Dolphin , Otter , Bearded Seal , Cheetah , Fair , Bullet Train , Dog Walking , American Pit Bull Terrier , Kangal Dog , American Bulldog , Dogo Argentino , French Bulldog , Pit Bull , Bully Kutta , Bull Terrier , Kennel Club ,

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