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An hour south of tucson. Chief Border Regions of the tucson sector revealing pulmonary details just two hours ago, the fbi will lead this investigation to the shooting and more information will be released later as the Border Crossing grows for a fourth straight month in august, authorities making 50,000 arrests. Heather nations set to honor Ruth Bader Ginsburg who will live in repose at the Supreme Court tomorrow. Jillian the battle over her successor reaches a fever pitch while donald trump has names on his short list. Joe biden stays silent on his potential nominees. Reporter the president says he is confident there is enough time and we will know who the nominee is. I will be announcing the pick, five women are being looked at and that it very carefully and we will make a decision probably saturday, friday or saturday. Among the 5 women frontrunners include amy barrett, barbara logo are and allison rushing. All confirmed a federal Appeals Court bench but whoever it is despite previous confirmation they are in for a brutal fight in the senate. Already some of the same individuals who tried every conceivable dirty trick to obstruct Justice Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh are lining up, lining up to proclaim the third time will be the charm. By a modicum of decency and honor leader mcconnell and the Republican Senate majority have no right to fill it. The big question does mcconnell have the votes, he says he does but only two democrats need two additional, to defect, which you see. Cory gardner who is in question now says i have and will continue to support judicial nominees will protect our constitution will not legislate from the bench and uphold the law, if a nominee puts forward i will vote to confirm. Shook grassley signaling his support saying once the hearings are underweight is my responsibility to evaluate the nominee on the merits just as i always have, joe biden continues to refuse to list his own potential candidates as his running mate wade enduring instagram interview. Whoever is elected to make the decision about the Supreme Court period. Period. That is how it should be. Today it is all lies on mitt romney was very much in question, the gop has the tuesday luncheon so we will see if we learn more later on today. Lindsey graham taking heat for his apparent flipflop on filling a scotus vacancy but the senator says the Kavanaugh Hearing changed everything for him and he is confident they have the votes to confirm a new justice. We have the votes to confirm Justice Ginsburg after placement before the election. We will move forward in the committee, report the nomination out of committee to the floor of the United States senate so we can vote before the election, that is the constitutional process. After Brett Kavanaugh everything changed with me, they are not going to intimidate, not one local justice had their life ruined, they are talking about chasing the electoral college. If they keep the house, the senate and the white house this country will change fundamentally. The only thing stopping them is use voter. Protesters that senator grahams home demanding he and fellow republicans hold off on confirming a new justice but showing up outside is some good too far . Giano caldwell says hes not surprised by the lefts upstream actions, he joins us live later this hour. As donald trump considers his topics ahead of his announcement later this week senior political analyst britt hume says after the Brett Kavanaugh hearing some may not even want it. The character assassination we saw visit on robert bork, and even greater extent, more recently to horrible extent toward Brett Kavanaugh, something any person in his right mind would fear, might just be something they dont want to run that goblet. I think thats a distinct possibility. Republicans have 42 days until election day to act. Two people facing territory charges after being arrested prior to Donald Trumps ohio rally. Police say john vicki davison, found walking on Railroad Tracks 20 miles from the rally site, had a gun, shovels and 200 rounds of ammo. It is unclear if they were targeting the president. The fbi and secret service are investigating. Shannon Tropical Storm beta make landfall on the texas coast unleashing heavy rains and massive flooding, stranded drivers force police to merge in water, some areas could see 15 inches of rain. Beta is the ninth named storm to the continental us this year. That ties a record set in 1916. Meantime hurricane teddy causing lifethreatening recurrent on the east coast as it heads north to canada. Shannon the second activity hurt in an ambush attack is out of the hospital, the la county Sheriffs Department says still a long road to recovery. Donald trump spoke with both of them last week as well. Deputies were shot sitting in their patrol car 10 days ago. The gunman has not yet been found. Ago fund me for the deputies raised 720, 000, legal, 750, 000. Shannon donald trump summary High School Football players who work suspended for carrying a thin blue line flag and a red line flag on 9 11. The president calling Jared Bentley on stage at his around ohio rally. Two High School Football players come up here. You are doing great and everybody here loves you and appreciate you. Jared and brady, thank you for supporting the heroes in Law Enforcement, great job. Reporter williamss father is a shift if you, deadly is the son of a firefighter. Todd talk about horsepower, take a look, how this activist wound up on a major chicago highway. Jillian changing body camera policy to bring more transparency after daniel proveds that . Could this backfire . Former nypd lieutenant derek porter, anthony napolitano, join us live, next. Until now the release of footage has been to the discretion of local authorities but this has caused confusion, delays and tampered transparency, to prevent instances where the public has been kept in the dark too long such as what happened in the prude case. New york police will no longer decide when body camera footage is released to the public and the District Attorney announcing the move in response to this footage of the rest of daniel prude, will this help with transparency or could it hurt the department . Joining me to discuss is doctor Darren Porcher and anthony napolitano. Thank you for being here, appreciate it. We talked at length over the past few months about the need for body camera on officers. Do you think this video should be made public so quickly by people outside the Police Department . I am in wholehearted agreement with transparency in policing but by releasing this these types of video it sets forth a precedent where Public Opinion would be the presiding opinion to what is happening in Police Encounters where the investigative body should investigate first prior to this being rolled out and it is problematic and speaks to the state attorney general posturing to the sentiment of the extreme left, shes never been a proponent of Law Enforcement and this is really a result of what she stands for in connection with reduction of crime as opposed to trying to do something that is positive for police and reducing crime, shes a person that is on board. Shannon would it be fair to say you have an investigation after an incident but after that it is understood that all body camera footage can become public so the public can see exactly what happened but with the investigation done first . Yes. Im in a wholehearted agreement the investigation should be completed and then it is okay to roll out this footage but not before, Lakisha James never focused on a strategy that is proLaw Enforcement. It has been antiLaw Enforcement. Shannon where do you stand on that . Couldnt agree more. If you are pushing for transparency there is more transparency there than having a body camera strapped a Police Officers just that is running all the time. The move shes making, the gentleman stated, these are investigations that are ongoing. If you start releasing body came information immediately you could be hurting ongoing investigations. Thats not a direction you want to go. It is not going to work well for the victim or the offenders or the city with the Police Department. Lets talk about what is going on in chicago, chicago postal workers will stop delivering mail after multiple employees are shot on the job. This is devastating, when you see, this is on a lot of street corners going on across this country, postal workers what do you think of this, you have National Association of letter carriers responding saying any letter carrier does not feel safe in any of these communities are not to deliver mail, customers have to pick up their mail. We want to have another situation where the letter carrier is shot down. Do you think people, more people are going to feel the effects of this . This is going to be devastating and leave it to chicago. Of letter carriers dont have hazard pay, leave it to chicago. After i was a Chicago Police officer i was a chicago firefighter for 10 years and a lot of our paramedics were on the street and still are wearing bulletproof first, that is how dangerous it is in chicago. Two people you would probably love to see more in your life, the mail carrier bringing you a check, they have to worry about being shot dead in the street. Thats where we are in chicago. Shannon it is really sad. I think about my mail carrier where i grew up, he was so friendly, we know him, give him cards, he gave us cards on the holidays, your mail carrier and some neighborhoods becomes part of your friend or family circle, they are in a job where they didnt ask for this, just devastating. Absolutely and the double standard in chicago, mayor lightfoot has an extreme fortification of Police Officers surrounding her house. When you look at letter carriers delivering mail, on the south side of chicago they clearly are not afforded that Police Protection and it is really necessary to put forth that agenda of Public Safety in chicago and donald trump has spotlighted chicago as a city that has been incapable of providing Public Safety for its citizens so we go back to what is necessary. We need more solutions and not statements from mayor lightfoot, this is a result of failed policies of Public Safety in connection with chicago. Thank you for joining us, appreciate it. Jillian the doj deems 3 cities anarchist jurisdictions after violent arrests, but the cities are firing back calling the move a cheap political game. Did you see this . A touchdown fitting for the season, were not talking fall but covid19 season, the Hand Sanitizer celebration in the end zone. A party in the usa shannon the Justice Department declaring three us cities anarchist jurisdictions were failing to condemn widespread violence. New york city, portland and seattle losing millions in federal funding. Jackie ibanez joins us. Reporter leaders in new york city, portland and seattle threatening legal action against the doj and Trump Administration calling the move unconstitutional after months of violence, destruction and riots. William barr threatening to pull federal funding from the cities labeling them anarchist jurisdictions and claim that Democratic Leaders failed to stop the unrest. He released a statement saying in part, quote, we cannot allow federal tax dollars to be wasted when the safety of the citizenry hangs in the balance, donald trump taking a hard stance in his push for law and order. The democrat partys war on cops has led to a surge in vicious murders in democratcontrolled cities, i am the left gain power they will dismantle Police Departments nationwide. As president i will always stand and i will always stand with the men and women of Law Enforcement. New york city mayor bill diblasio claiming the president is motivated by race. It is all about race and it is all about attempts to divide and to enthrall his base by attacking the other. This is what this guy does. Bill diblasio joined the mayors of portland and seattle in a joint statement saying, quote, what the Trump Administration is engaging is more of what we saw all along, shirking responsibly and placing blame elsewhere to cover its failure. New York Attorney general Letitia James says shes prepared to file a lawsuit against the dojs declaration. Certainly going to be monitoring this, thank you. To keep protesting check in history for Governor Ron Desantis has proposed a new law to crackdown on looters and rioters. We are also concerned about watching minnesota, minneapolis, where the mayor applicators responsible, had the police stand that giving these folks the ability to run them up. If that happens in florida we are waving sovereign immunity, you can sue the local government for damages for anything that happens and we revoke bail if you are arrested for one of these offenses and once you make your first appearance the presumption is you dont get fail beyond that. In oregon they get their mug shot taken and go back in the street doing the same thing. Reporter anyone found guilty of throwing objects of police would be subject to a minimum 6month jail sentence. It imposes felony penalties for anyone who blocked roads, topples monuments or harasses others. Todd a man on a horse galloping along a chicago expressway facing multiple charges including reckless conduct, the dread had cowboy snarling traffic and deliver a shower yesterday, police making the arrest after he exited the highway. He rode his horse to multiple black lives matter rallies, the mayor calling it a stunt, police say the horse was injured, they took to animal control. Probably shouldnt ride a horse on the highway. Jillian democrats like jerry never vowing to pack the bench if Donald Trumps Supreme Court nominee is confirmed but one Attorney Says those are empty threats. He explained next. Todd reaction to the media slamming the top contender for the job after the break. Reporter one of the leading contenders opposes abortion rights. Is about catholic. He would energize antiabortion activists and the religious right. Guys, are you tired of frequent nighttime bathroom trips . Well, force Factor Prostate helps reduce urges to urinate, plus fully empty your bladder and promote a normal prostate size. Dont settle. Choose force Factor Prostate, from the 1 fastestgrowing mens health brand at walmart. Jillian we are back with a fox news alert, Border Patrol agent went to the hospital after being stabbed trying to do the job, Border Patrol says he was trying to arrest a group of suspected Illegal Immigrants near the border in arizona. One took out a knife and stabbed the the agent, it is unclear how the agent is doing at this hour. Todd senate gop leaders will meet to discuss the next steps to fill Ruth Bader Ginsburgs Supreme Court seat, donald trump doubling down on his promise to nominate a woman giving us his timeline on fox and friends. We should wait until the surfaces or order for Justice Ginsburg. I will announce friday or saturday and then the work begins. Todd john hsu joined me now. So much going on. How do you see it playing out . It will be an interesting weekend, the president has the right to nominate whoever he pleases and the senate is where the real work happens. Mitch mcconnell and the majority whip john flew in from south dakota have their work cut out for them to keep the Republican Caucus together. All the threat on both sides you see trump at the of the day getting his nominee into the court . Will be a hard fight. It depends on whether mcconnell and susan can keep the Republican Caucus together. There have been two senators that have expressed real reluctance to go forward, senator collins from maine, 9010 points behind in her reelection race and senator murkowski from alaska. We will have to depend on those two and an interesting one from arizona, mick sally is behind in her race. If she happens to lose on november 3rd, the winner, mark kelly, if he takes the senate on november 30th, not january 3rd, that is another wrench soup. You need to move this along of your Mitch Mcconnell that cory gardner did say i am on board and i will vote for it and we are waiting on mitt romney to decide. Democrats threatening to pack the court if the president s nomination goes through. Here are some of those threats. I wont read them verbatim, jerry nadler, ed marky, joe kennedy. What would it take to increase the number of justices from a procedural perspective . Right now the democrats, i dont think they will be able to do it right now because they have to pass a bill through the house, pass a bill through a republican the senate and pass the bill through the joint conference or joint committee and then they have to convince donald trump to sign it so i dont think they will be able to pack the court. They are probably waiting and hoping they might win everything in november but even if they hold onto the house, even if joe biden wins the presidency, that is a big if, they will still have to win 13 republican seats, have to flip 13 seats and keep every single one of their own, highly unlikely that will happen. Court packing, even Justice Ginsburg in an interview said Court Packing is not a good idea and wasnt a good idea when fdr tried it in 1937 and joe biden himself has also expressed publicly a deep reluctance for Court Packing so i think if democrats really want to do that, congress is entitled from the constitution to name and specify the number of justices available but it is going to be a hard hard road for them. You mentioned 60 votes to defeat the filibuster, one more question on this topic, you mention the way it sets up right now even if democrats take all three chambers, all three parts of government do you expect at some point in our lifetime we will see the Supreme Court expanded . It is possible. The Supreme Court started with 6, in 1789 George Washington had six and it went to five and this changed quite a bit but ever since 1869 we have had nine justices and that is a long time, the longest anything has been stable in the federal government. It is hard because even democrats do not want to look like they are politicizing the Supreme Court. That would be quite a , Supreme Court kicking off its new term on october 5th with cases, this situation going on with only 8 justices, what cases are capturing your attention . The two biggest cases coming down the pike, first, the emoluments cases, where people have accused donald trump of benefiting or having a monument from his property such as the Trump International hotel in dc. A second one will be google versus oracle, the clash of the titans with respect to copyright and Software Code and a third case is faulty versus the city of philadelphia, the question as to whether the city of philadelphia can ban or permit Catholic Social Services from participating in foster care and the Catholic Church is arguing, the violation of the First Amendment and discrimination against them but i will tell you the biggest case todd i know where this is going. Continue. The biggest case is the one we dont know, whether the Supreme Court has to get involved with the election as they did in 2000. That is the mother of all cases. Shannon citizens around right now but it could be and we will be watching. Thank you for your insight this morning. Jillian Mainstream Media going on offense on whoever donald trump nominates claiming it will be a staunch conservative. Whoever donald trump nominates would move the court firmly to the right making it solidly conservative. One of the leading contenders clearly opposes abortion rights. A devout catholic is a favorite among religious conservatives. 7 children, devout catholic, she would energize nancy antiabortion activists and the religious right. The 48yearold barrett is a favorite of religious conservatives for antiabortion views. Mike johnson went to high school with amy barrett and gives a resounding endorsement of her character. This is a person who is extremely talented but also gracious and humble and that is the kind of leadership that is recognized and not impose, shes had a phenomenal career, a brilliant constitutional scholar and ive spoken to the president about amy on a couple occasions the last couple years because we wanted her to have this position, to sum it up she is a female scalia. Tony barrett was under consideration last time around, the seat also will be filled by Brett Kavanaugh. Police searching for two suspect accused of nearly running over a Police Officer in a stolen car, police say the officer pulled him over and they rammed his patrol car, police shot at the car the suspect drove away, the injured officer will be okay. Jillian Florida Police declaring a state of emergency ahead of a possible grand jury decision in the briand a taylor case. Officers will be on 12 hour shifts and time off requests are canceled. Taylor was shot by police in march, the three officers have not been charged, no word when the grand Jury Announcement will happen. Jillian todd a federal judge accepting mailin voting 6 days after the election. The obama appointed judge ordering them to accept ballots received on or before november 9th as long as they are postmarked on or before election day. They expanded the deadline for mail in registrations october 21st. In nevada the Trump Campaign challenged mailin voting expansion which is rejected, the law requires mailin ballots to be sent to voters and for ballots to be accepted three days after the election. Jillian michael jordan, nascar, the basketball legend partnering to form a new Team Starting next year, the next driver will be bubba wallace, this makes jordans the first black ventilator the team since the 1970s, releasing a statement saying the timing came perfect as nascar is embracing social change more and more. Todd could the pandemic of been prevented at the outset, a new report says yes, those findings next. Jillian in a report says it is over but will it last . The forecast for 2021 and beyond next. Todd donald trump set to send a message to china at the un general assembly. Jillian a new congressional report on covid19 calls of the communist party. What is the latest . The un general assembly, he is expected to call out china for their handling of the covid19 outbreak. Chinese president xi jinping will address the assembly at the unconventional virtual gathering as a new report details how china could have helped prevent the outbreak. The 96 page document authored by republicans in the house foreign affairs, he shows china covered up early covid19 data. The report says it is beyond doubt the ccp actively engage in a coverup designed to change data, hide relevant Public Health information and suppress journalist to attempt to warn the world. Despite yearly missteps by the Chinese Government covid19 transmission has become one of the hot button issues of the 2020 election. As donald trump promised a vaccine would be ready by the end of next month, joe biden says trump the virus was too big for him. With 200,000 americans dead the focus does continue to be on treatment and Vaccine Development as the cdc clarified a position, a draft report published on the website not being clear about how covid19 could spread, they since updated that report saying covid19 can indeed spread through airborne transmission even beyond six feet. Jillian that was the information they posted friday that they have updated and corrected yesterday. Thank you for that information. As donald trump touts a vaccine only weeks away, medical contributed doctor nicole safire will join us with her take on a timeline. The Trump Administration opposing new sanctions on Irans Defense Ministry and those involved in their Weapons Program prompted by an impending end to the United Nations arms embargo on iran. The us is others will face similar sanctions if they buy or sell weapons with iran. The un and european allies reject the unilateral decision saying it is not legally binding. Irans foreign minister says his country will not reenter Nuclear Talks even if joe biden wins the election, biden intends to readopt the accorded iran follows the rules. For National Security adviser general hr mcmaster says iran is wielding power over the middle east and the uss right to intervene to an extent. If you really wants to do is hegemonic control and influence across the middle east. The first step in doing that is to force the us out of the region. The second step is to place a proxy army on the border of israel. That is what they are trying to do by applying the hezbollah model across the region and it is something worth getting in terms of stopping them from pursuing their hegemonic designs. The us and iran remain at odds, the countrys foreign minister says iran is ready for a full Prisoner Exchange with the us, the us long demanded the release of the father and son being held as political prisoners. Jillian wall street declares the recession over. Current forecasts show sustained Economic Growth through 2021 and beyond, in april epidemic forecasters predicted a bounce back of 13 . By junior forecast is 18 . Now they expect thirdquarter gdp to grow to 25 . Brian brandenberg will join us to break everything down. Nfl throwing a costly penalty flag at three head coaches for not wearing masks. Espn reports Seattles Pete Carroll and san franciscos Kyle Shanahan each hit with a 100, 000 fine. The teams then find an additional 250, 000. More find could be coming, at least we the other coaches were seen breaking the leagues mask protocol. Lets get to some football action. Raiders making their las vegas debut with an upset on monday night football, the team playing its first game in their new stadium. The death star. One player celebrate a touchdown in fashion for 2020. Why wouldnt you . It is a touchdown. Wide receiver jones giving teammates Hand Sanitizer. The final 43224. Shannon we do it all the time sometimes 15, 300 times a day. Jillian liberals taking the Supreme Court fight to the extreme protesting outside the homes of Mitch Mcconnell and Lindsey Graham. Todd the far left getting crazier and crazier, joins us live. Re mile look reply all look own your look. With fewer lines. Theres only one botox® cosmetic. Its the only one. Fda approved. To temporarily make frown lines. Crows feet. And forehead lines. Look better. 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Except about that. Xfinity home. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Hey look, i found the tent get xfinity home with no Term Contract required. Click or call today. Jillian the Justice Department denying Jerry Nadlers request for testimony from top officials, the doj responding democrats are using the opportunity to air grievances. The department citing poor treatment democrats gave to william barr during an oversight hearing in july. In this Justice Department the president s enemy will be punished at his friends will be protected no matter the cost. What enemies have i indicted . Could you point to one indictment under the department that you feel is unmerited . Reporter the hearing was seen by republicans as an allout democrat assault against the attorney general for accusing of having too close relationship with the president. Reporter ed markey facing backlash over comments to disarm officers after protesting portland, oregon. The head of the Massachusetts Police association demanding the senator resigned, the union saying, quote, the police do not attack Peaceful Protesters and have been battling disrespectful, outright lawless writers might be in portland and throughout the country. Senator marky, you should be ashamed of yourself, senator marky claiming please use weapons of war urging a nationwide ban on teargas and rubber supports. Reporter look at this, dozens of people surrounding homes of top gop Senate Leaders protesting Donald Trumps upcoming Supreme Court nomination. Get out of the way reporter has the left crossed the line . Here with his take fox news political analyst giano caldwell. Great to have you on the show. Great to have you. Is this something we have to accept as the cost of doing business in this hyper politicized world . November 1st, 2018, a poll by pbs and npr showed 80 of americans now fear Political Violence and fast forward to september of 2020 and we are seeing in real life when americans feared for two years, this isnt something we should accept. The fact we saw so many riots, looting of liberal towns allow it, shows us as a country we must do better and considering we are going to an Election Year and americans are intimidated on both sides, changes that need to happen, criminal penalties, they need to be imposed immediately, in the state of florida, just imposed some new rules to show if you get six months minimum jail and that creates an environment to feel safe and offices across the country can properly do their job. Jillian multiple people on both sides of come out flipflopping there opinions whether a Supreme Court justice should be nominated, Lindsey Graham is one of them, we saw video of protesters outside his house lets take a listen to what he had to say. We got the votes to confirm Justice Ginsburgs replacement before the election, the constitutional process which after Brett Kavanaugh averaging changed with me, they are not going to intimidate me. Mitch mcconnell or anybody else. Jillian is that fair where he says after what happened to Brett Kavanaugh has changed his opinion, im sure it changed a lot of peoples opinion. Weve never seen anything to that extent. New information, a fool wont change their opinion if new information is provided. Certainly you can change your opinion, if we are looking at what democrats said during the time merit garland was being nominated, they said there should be a vote. The president s job doesnt change in an Election Years that should say consistent and this time, especially considering the fact we are going to run into an election more or likely to be contested where the Supreme Court will have to get involved, it is absolutely a necessity that we confirm, try to confirm a Supreme Court justice because there will be a lot of legal issues ahead. Democrats have said they would mount legal consideration when it comes to what is going on in the selection and other groups will do the same. Republicans may do the same. With that consideration in mind, it is absolutely the we appoint a Supreme Court justice to determine the issues this year more than any other. A minute remaining as you know and as we reported there have been a number of antitrumprelated attacks this year. We will scroll them on screen for the viewers so they can take a gander at these. How worried should we be the the violence will only escalate every time they dont get their way . Almost like kids in the crib, you dont get the bottle, it is unfortunate this is the place we are in this country but we can name people like Maxine Waters who said if you see a trump official get around, make a crowded push back, think about former attorney general eric holder says when they go high we go low. Many officials have said things that have encouraged violence and it is a problem, certainly is a problem, one in which the, Justice System really should come into play and the law should be used to the fullest extent to punish those who choose to do things meant to disrupt and be destructive when it comes to the american people. Thank you for joining us, appreciate it. Coming up in the next hour of fox and friends first prosecutors Digging Deeper into Jeffrey Epsteins past, details about his private island the rich and famous want kept secret. I promise you this. Joe biden spent the last 47 years shipping your jobs to china. Reporter who has the edge on the economy. Professor bromberg shares his analysis in the next hour. Here . Nah. Here . Nope. Here. When the middle of nowhere. Is somewhere. The allnew chevy trailblazer. Feeling heavy . Probioslim promotes healthy digestion and helps you lose weight. Patented probiotics ease constipation, gas, and bloating, while powerful egcg burns fat and calories. Unleash your potential with probioslim, the 1 probiotic fat burner at walmart. We will announce the nominee, somebody will have Great Respect for. That is a big thing. They set the course of our country for many years to come. Reporter it is tuesday september 2, 02, donald trump meeting with his Supreme Court front runner as Top Republicans say they have the votes to confirm whoever he picks. Jillian could the pandemic have been prevented . A new report says yes, the president prepares to send beijing a message on the world stage. Espionage bombshell, nypd officer accused of being a chinese spy. Fox and friends first continues right now. Jillian we start with a fox news alert. Arizona Border Patrol agent fighting for his life stabbed multiple times while doing his job. Jillian todd Carley Shimkus joins us with breaking develops overnight

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