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Minutes and length will be calling in town, the president wants to assure the nation the federal government in conjunction with the private sector has things well in hand and he will say we are at an Inflection Point and how this goes will depend on what we do now. One of the things the president will address, new possible travel restrictions, advisers for European Countries and getting ahead of it by restricting travel from china brought valuable time for america in comparison to what european nations did, who are having a difficult time with this but local communities need to take more aggressive action. In addition to having that, the president will call for unity and optimism. Sean john roberts, we now go to the oval office where the president is prepared to address the nation. I want to speak with you about our nations unprecedented response to the coronavirus outbreak that started in china and is now spreading throughout the world. Today the World Health Organization announced this is a global pandemic. We have been in frequent contact with our allies and we are marshaling the full power of the federal government and the private sector to protect the American People. This is the most aggressive and comprehensive effort to confront a foreign virus in modern history. Im confident that by continuing to take tough measures we will significantly reduce the threat to our citizens and ultimately and expeditiously defeat this virus. From the beginning of time nations and people have faced unforeseen challenges including largescale and Dangerous Health threats. This is the way it always was and always will be. It only matters how you respond and we are responding with great speed and professionalism. Our team is the best anywhere in the world. At the start of the outbreak we instituted sweeping travel restrictions on china and put in place the first federally mandated quarantine in over 50 years. We declared a Public Health emergency and issued the highest level of travel warning on other countries and the virus spread its horrible infection. And taking early, intense action we have seen dramatically fewer cases of the virus in the United States been are now present in europe. The European Union failed to take the same precautions and restrict travel from china and other hotspots. As a result a large number of new clusters in the United States after consulting with our top Government Health professionals i have decided to take several strong but necessary actions to protect the health and wellbeing of all americans. To keep new cases from entering our shores we will be suspended all travel from europe to the United States for the next 30 days. The new rules will go into effect friday at midnight. These restrictions will be adjusted subject to conditions on the ground, there will be exemptions for americans who have undergone appropriate screenings and these prohibitions will only apply to the tremendous amount of trade but various other things as we get approval. Anything coming from europe to the United States is what we are discussing, these restrictions will not apply to the United Kingdom. At the same time we are monitoring the situation in china into south korea as their situation improves we will reevaluate the restrictions that are in place for a possible early opening. Earlier this week i met with the leaders of Health Insurance industry who have agreed to waive all copayments for coronavirus treatments, extend Insurance Coverage to these treatments and to prevent surprise medical billing. We are cutting massive amounts of red tape to make antiviral therapies available in record time. These treatments will significantly reduce the impact and reach of the virus. Additionally last week i signed into law and 8. 3 billion funding bill to help cdc and the Government Agencies fight the virus and support vaccines, treatment and distribution of medical supplies. Testing and testing capabilities are expanding rapidly day by day, we are moving very quickly. The vast majority of americans, the risk is very very low. Young and Healthy People can expect to recover fully and quickly if they should get the virus. The highest risk is for Elderly Population with Underlying Health conditions. The Elderly Population must be very very careful. In particular we are strongly advising Nursing Homes for the elderly suspend all medically unnecessary visits. In general are americans should also avoid nonessential travel in crowded areas. My administration is coordinating directly with communities with the largest outbreaks and we have issued guidance on school closures, social distancing and reducing large gatherings. Smart action today will prevent the spread of the virus tomorrow. Every Community Faces different risks and it is critical for you to guidelines of your local officials are working closely with federal Health Experts and they are the best. For all americans it is essential that everyone take extra precautions and practice good hygiene. Each of us has a role to play in defeating this virus. Wash your hands, clean off new surfaces, cover your face and mouth if you sneeze or cough and most of all if youre sick or not feeling well, stay home. To ensure that americans impacted by the virus can stay home without fear i will soon be taking Emergency Action which is unprecedented to provide Financial Relief. This will be targeted for workers who are ill, quarantined or caring for others due to coronavirus. I will be asking congress to take legislative action to extend this relief. Because of the economic policies we have put into place over the last two years we have the greatest economy anywhere in the world by far. Our banks and Financial Institutions are fully capitalized and incredibly strong. Our unemployment is at a historic low. This fast Economic Prosperity gives us flexibility, reserves and resources to handle any threat that comes our way. This is not a financial crisis, this is just a temporary moment of time the we will overcome together as a nation and as a world. However, to provide extra support for American Workers and businesses, tonight i am announcing the following additional actions. I am instructing the Small Business administration to provide liquidity to firms affected by the coronavirus. Effective immediately the sba will provide economic loans in affected states and territories. These low interest loans will help Small Businesses overcome economic disruptions caused by the virus. Im asking congress to increase funding for this program by an additional 50 billion using Emergency Authority i will be instructing the Treasury Department to defer tax payment without interest or penalties to certain individuals and businesses negatively impacted. This section will provide more than 200 billion of additional liquidity to the economy. Finally i am calling on congress to provide americans with immediate payroll tax relief. Hopefully they will consider this very strongly. We are at a critical time in the fight against the virus. We made a lifesaving move with early action in china. Now we must take the same action. We will not delay. I will never hesitate to take any necessary steps to protect the lives, health and safety of the American People. I will always put the wellbeing of america first. If we are vigilant and we can reduce the chance of infection which we will we will significantly impede the transmission of the virus. The virus will not have a chance against us. No nation is more prepared or more resilient than the United States. We have the best economy, the most advanced healthcare and the most talented doctors, scientists and researchers anywhere in the world. We are all in this together. We must put politics aside, stop the partisanship and unified together as one nation and one family. As history has proven time and time again americans always rise to the challenge and overcome adversity. Our future remains brighter than anyone can imagine. Acting with compassion and love we will heal the sick, care for those in need to help our fellow citizens and emerge from this challenge stronger and more unified than ever before. God bless you and god bless america. Thank you. Sean donald trump in his second Oval Office Address wrapping up the address about the coronavirus, the World Health Organization calling a pandemic. In my opening monologue in a moment, first we go to john roberts who is at the white house, senior white house correspondent, a lot of what we have been hearing, the president taking it to another level. He did within 3 weeks put in a travel ban, quarantined, in place, now save for the protection of the American People we have taken additional steps. This is bigger than i imagined or any of my colleagues imagined, we thought there might be new travel advisories involving travel to europe but the fact the president said a lot of the cases we see in the United States, europe did not put in the same travel restrictions from china that the United States did in january that the president is suspending all travel from europe to the United States with the exclusion of the United Kingdom beginning friday at midnight for the next 30 days. That is a huge move that is sure to shock a lot of people in the European Union who were planning on making visits to the United States in the coming months. You will probably get some reaction from european leaders as well as the president reiterating the country despite what is going on with the stock market is not in a financial crisis, he said this is a moment in time that we will get through. And address and to addressing the health aspect of this which the president s coronavirus taskforces been doing, the president addressing the economic side of this, the Small Business administration will make available to Small Businesses that are suffering because of this low interest loans and called for immediate payroll tax relief. We should point out this is the 12. 4 combined, 12. 4 combined employer and employee tax that is paid into social security, this does not include medicare and unemployment insurance. This is the same withholdings addressed in 2010 for the 2 point cut, the president cut the whole thing until the end of the year. Not a lot of support for that in congress at least at the moment in the president also saying he wants to make sure people who are either in quarantines, people who are ill or taking care of someone who is ill are still receiving a paycheck, the president plans on addressing that was the president called 50 billion to be added to the pot with the Small Business administration which may cause consternation from some people that the price tag for this is beginning to mount quickly but residence is how we address this now will have an impact on our future goes and with democrats calling so loudly for the president to do Something Different than he has been doing and criticizing him so roundly the president called for everyone to put politics aside, for america to come together on this saying we can beat this thing but we need to pull together, take prudent steps to limit infections, with special admonition to elderly people to not go to places that there are large crowds of people, it has been found the elderly are the most susceptible. Sean thank you. Facts, truth matters. More Decisive Action and leadership from donald trump as we begin our monologue, full coverage throughout this hour. Here is something the media will not tell you, democrats are been playing politics will not so you we should all listen, this is not about politics, this is there will be plenty of time for politics down the road. From day one this president took aggressive and even unprecedented steps to prevent the spread and mitigate the impact of what is now a global pandemic. We have pandemics from time to time. In 200910 in the Obama Biden Administration can we will give you that information in a minute. The president s mission to protect the lives of the American People. This should not be a partisan issue, this is not a political talking point. The coronavirus does not discriminate, republicans and democrats, conservatives or liberals, a moment we should all work together. A lot of people scared, protect American Workers from this disease and those that are most susceptible and get back to normal. In serious situations truth matters, facts matter and there has been too much politicizing of this, too much untruth being sold and even some weapon arising a global pandemic, that needs to stop. I hope it will. Heres what you need to know. There are around 120,000 individual cases of coronavirus worldwide including an estimated 81,000 in china where new cases are steadily declining. China did not do the world a favor by not acting sooner. They should have acted earlier, they should have been more forthright, they should have been more honest, they were not. There are 10,000 cases in italy, 8000 in iran, 8000 in south korea, 4300 people in the world have died from the disease. As we now speak there are 1200 cases in the United States including 30 american deaths most of which were from one noticing home in the state of washington was the average age of mortality is 80 according to officials, the death rate estimated at one . Those most at risk are people with underlying medical conditions, the elderly, those with compromised immune systems, people going through chemotherapy or immune diseases of some kind. So far this season there have been 34 million cases of the flu, 20,000 deaths just in the us alone. There have been 1200 cases of corona versus 34 million cases of the flu. As a senior director at Johns Hopkins pointed out, the flu is having much more impact than coronavirus. These are facts. For perspective we go back to 2009. That year more than 1000 americans died in a 6month period from h1 n one, swine flu. 20,000 americans had contracted the pandemic before president obama declared a national emergency. One of his Health Officials said it was an emergency, they released some funding. Got to tell the truth on all cases. Ultimately that disease killed 12,000 plus americans in its first year. Our current President Donald Trump is not leading from behind. More facts, more no president has acted more quickly to prevent the spread of the disease, the coronavirus wasnt identified in china until they gave it a name on january 7th, december 30th of last year, we see there is a virus that is showing symptoms of pneumonia, we labeled on january 7th, on january 30 first of this year, three weeks later the Trump Administration declared a Public Health emergency. No president ever acted that fast. Americans returning from areas most impacted were subject to mandatory foreign teams on military bases, the travel they went into effect, the president ordered that on february 2nd for all nonus citizens who recently visited china even though most officials feared it was too soon for travel restrictions on the political side joe biden suggested that ban was enough of it, cnn said we are stigmatizing people from other countries and in the following days the president formed a task force field with top scientific, medical professionals, the best in the world and led by the Vice President , mike pence and every day has been updating the country. On 320 ninth the state departments new travel restrictions for italy, south korea and iran. At the same time the fda cut regulations allowing more Rapid Testing capacity for coronavirus. On march 2nd donald trump met with pharmaceutical executives to discuss treatment and vaccination plans. On march 3rd the administration ordered the cdc to lift all restrictions on testing. On march 6th the president signed an 8 bon to be specific. On march 10th the president met with the Insurance Industry representatives who agreed to waive copays for every american as relates to corona related treatment. This afternoon the president met with banking executive to discuss plans for coronas Economic Impact and potential economic and tax relief for workers, businesses that are directly impacted by this virus and just moments ago we had the president announced that a temporary travel ban will be extended to the continent of europe excluding the uk. That means there are not restrictions, travel restrictions on continental europe, south korea, iran and china. Will we see new cases of corona in the United States . Absolutely. We need to take it seriously. Ive been saying we have to. I want to cure cancer one day. Amazing how great our medical researchers are but lets be clear, this administration, their actions in spite of what many have been saying, they have taken unprecedented steps to slow the spread of this disease. Doctor fauci symmetrel been save thousands of lives, that one act, unprecedented probably literally save thousands of americans from contracting the disease and probably some, the elderly, those with Underlying Health issues, compromised immune systems facing potential death, china are to be held responsible for the spread of this disease, the dishonesty, government secrecy, outright lies the coronavirus is able to spread unchecked around the world, thousands are dead, markets are down, businesses are suffering in part because china lied, suppressed scientists and tried to cover up the disease instead of alerting the International Community which would have been wiser thing to do. At the end of the day another important reminder that china is ruled by selfinterested dictator for life with little concern clearly for the rest of the world. But fear not, back here in the us we have the best doctors, best scientists, the best medical researchers, the best technology and the president committed to doing as he said tonight whatever it will take to save american lives, we are in the midst of a serious situation, people are nervous, people are panicked. Before long we will be back, stronger than ever before. We have faced pandemics before and when we have what has happened . We find ways, we always do. The judiciary chairman lindsey graham, your overall reaction. Its very hard, i guess, everything for the next 237 days is going to be viewed through the prism of politics in the president ial election, that is the nature of politics, this should be something that is not political but it has been politicized. No president ever acted faster, the president was criticized for the travel ban, criticized for the quarantine, criticize no matter what he did on this particular thing. Immediately gave 8. 3 billion, set up the task force, i gave a rundown of the timeline of all things and still get hit. If you want to play the criticism game almost every democrat came out hard against donald trump when he shutdown travel on china, the strongest decision he has made, the most important decision was that early when he saw what was happening in china but the president said tonight this is about us as a nation, not me as a president , not party, about all of us. So he gave an economic vaccine, we will follow his lead, not sure about the payroll tax yet but Everything Else he said made sense, to stabilize the economy and prevent the spread of the virus, the president was incredibly president ial tonight, he was reassuring, he is doing everything he can to stop the spread of the virus, we are taking it seriously but we are not going to go crazy. He will put the wellbeing of the American People first, we are vigilant, will significantly impede the transmission of the virus, no nation is better prepared than the us. We are all in this together, put politics aside, but the travel ban in europe in 30 days with the exception of the uk, Emergency Actions for providing Financial Relief for businesses directly impacted, the cruise industry, the Airline Industry and workers wont lose their jobs, they will have some Financial Relief if they have to stay out. Anything else he should be doing in your view . I cant think of anything. President obama gave the same speech they would be applauding all over the country for decisive leadership, clear eyed view of the problem, taking action to bring about economic stability before it gets worse, trying to prevent the spread of the virus. I hope that everybody listening tonight saw a president who was in command of this issue, in charge, ready to do whatever is necessary to stabilize the economy and protect the American People. Of all the economies in the world we are the strongest. Of all the places in the world to provide quality healthcare america is the senior spot on the planet and it will stay that way. Is there a need for some perspective . Ive been trying to get it. In a year, 12,000 americans with h1n1 in 200910, 12,000 americans died, 20,000 contracted the disease, there was never a travel ban, there was never any type of quarantines put in place, there was not this level of alarmism, even the markets didnt react this way. I have never seen a president instinctively put a ban in place, take a lot of heat for it. Why, if the flu is by pure numbers much more dangerous why do you think there is this reaction we see everywhere which weve got to take everything seriously. I want to cure cancer and heart disease, the flu, the common cold and corona. It came out in china, nobody understands exactly what it is all about yet. Coronavirus case is like an airplane crash, the flu is like a car wreck. We have a lot of car wrecks but it doesnt get much coverage. Every time somebody gets infected with coronavirus is like an airplane crash and thats just the way the media has treated this. They treat the coronavirus like a series of airplane crashes. All i can say about the present, if youve got a better idea come forward. What i hope sign off of a democratic package come out of the house that will not grow the economy but will grow the size of the government. We dont need it in a mixed meal us for the federal government, we need economic the meal us for the American People and day are going to want to grow government and the president wants to help the economy. Sean the president is right, bringing bankers in, wall street guys in, we have had the greatest a, growth we have had, we see jittery markets reacting day by day to what is going on. The added factor of an oil battle between russia and the saudis and opec does not help things, but at the end of they we have unprecedented economic growth. The question is if we can keep these numbers low, local cities, local states, the municipalities doing their things, people taking the precautions they can take. At the end of the day what we have is a virus that is very scary like every other virus but is unlike h1 in one that impacted younger people, this seems to be impacting our put it at real risk only the elderly with Underlying Health issues and some type of immune disorders. How do you interpret that data . What i understand is this is targeted to the people, older people with preexisting conditions, dont think we had anybody in the world die under 30. The president is meeting with the private sector. Is asking banks to be involved, he wants to increase the amount of money the Small Business administration can loan to people to get back on their feet. Look at what democrats do tomorrow, they will grow Government Programs which they havent talked to anybody in the private sector what we can do to stabilize the economy. The reaction is going to be to grow the government, the president s action is a partnership between the government and the private sector to stabilize the economy and he realized more than any president in my lifetime that the strength of the American Economy and American People is in the private sector, not our government. Tonight the president made a major announcement including the suspension of travel from europe in the next 30 days excluding the uk. This is on top of the previous travel restrictions ordered against china, iran and south korea and italy, the president also warned the Small Business administration to provide economic loans to Small Businesses that are impacted by this virus and his tax deadline has been pushed back to those that are impacted, the president also calling on democrats to support a payroll tax bill but hes putting forward. Is House Minority leader kevin mccarthy. Is there any appetite here at all for the benefit of the American People. Any democrats, to say these are good things to do for the American People, maybe we shouldnt politicize a virus that impacts everybody . I hope so. What we watched tonight is the type of leader we need in the white house, his tone, his leadership, his actions, that action that he took early on the people criticized, walling of china, italy done that they would be in a different position today, talking to doctor fauci you could correlate any case from europe, that is why he is taking the action he did and i hope Americans Trust him because we have the strongest economy in the world based on the policies for the last 3 years that he let us. Of democrats to what theyre trying to do i dont know that that will help the economy. It will just cost us so much more money. Remember what democrats just past today, a rule to bring the bill up tomorrow that says no ban meaning it would make the president even weaker in his ability to do what he asked to do tonight, that he was going to ban from china coming in to keep us safe. This is what they are bringing up. That is a contrast with where we are today. I want to go over the timeline, within 3 weeks of identifying the virus, the president of the travel ban into effect, widely criticized. Bernie sanders said he never would have done that and joe biden said the president was seen in public, that we see unprecedented money being spent, 8. 3 billion, then we see the president expanded the travel ban as necessary for the protection of americans was at this point hes doing it even further. I get criticized foring out, we lose tens of thousands of americans every year from the flu. I wish we didnt lose anybody. I went every american to be safe and secure but perspective does count and perspective matters. If you compare h1 and one, we lost a near 12,500 people worldwide the we lost half 1 Million People according to estimates and there was not this level of panic we are now seeing if thats the right word among some sectors and wondering why. China understand it, when you look at those at risk of really dying from this virus in particular it is very clear that it is people that are older, Underlying Health issues and those that have immune issues to deal with, very clear at this point. If you are over 70 and a smoker with lung problems you should keep yourself inside, dont go to big gatherings but remember what this president did, something no one has talked about. In 2019 he created the Infectious Disease Rapid Response fund, the national stockpile. He increased cdc and nih funding, we are better prepared today, thats a study by john hopkins telling us where we are. What he is also doing, he has been briefing congress, theyve been bringing everybody together. No one heard about it because democrats were impeaching the president at this time but he was leading the nation, had china allowed this president what he requested, are scientists, researchers, doctors, we could have contained this in china as we did with ebola in africa. The ingenuity of america will overcome this and that is what i heard from this president. Gilead and others that actually have a treatment today, you have Johnson Johnson and others looking to create a vaccine. You streamlining the process to create a vaccine. Regardless of all the politics, this president has been leading first to keep us safe, to prepare us for the future and economically this is hurting the world based on chinas action, the denial of what was going on as early as november, not allowing them to help because we have the very best but what hes doing now is not only to protect us, make it as policy can be and contain as well as we can, if it comes back, make sure the economy continues to grow, he looked too Small Business. This is a man who has built jobs before, understands what it takes and that is why we have the strongest economy in the world and we will continue and we will get through this. Sean thank you, appreciate it. Doctor Anthony Fauci did confirm the outbreak of the wuhan coronavirus would have been far worse, we would not be able to calculate the number of americans but did not contract the disease because the president acted in unprecedented ways and within three weeks. We have breaking news, moments go actor tom hanks, his wife rita wilson tested positive for coronavirus. They are in our prayers tonight. 2 or 3 minutes ago. What is happening, tom hanks and rita wilson were in australia filling the new movie about Elvis Presley and tom hanks is playing the part of the famous colonel who took care of elvis for many years and we were working the story earlier. Now tom hanks has just tweeted moments ago, hello, folks, rita and i i dont here in australia. We felt a bit tired like we had cold and body aches. Rita has some jewels that came and went, light fever too. To play things right as is need in the world right now we were tested for coronavirus and were found to be positive. The question now is what happens to them . The answer appears to be for medical officials, they will have to follow all the protocols meaning they will be tested, they will be observed and isolated as long as australian Public Officials want them to be. It is unclear if they will work down there and what the process and the days that they will be under isolation or quarantine in australia and what this means. As far as their health and how they are right now that is also unclear but because of the ten the tone and tenor of it appears that they are upbeat and we are still looking for more information on this. I want to continue the breaking news here. The nba is now suspending the season because of coronavirus following tonights game and this comes, the nba announced a player on the utah jazz has preliminary tested positive for covid19. The test result was reported prior to the tube off of the game, we heard earlier the Oklahoma City game was canceled in the nba wouldnt give us any explanation as to why was canceled, they just cut the game off, now we know one of the jazz players has preliminarily tested positive for covid19, goes on to say the Oklahoma City thunder at Chesapeake Energy arena at that time the game was canceled, the affected player was not in the arena at the time, the nba suspending gameplay following the conclusion of tonights scheduled games until further notice. It is unclear if they are canceling the season or until further notice. The nba has 12, 13, 14 games left in the season,s could be lengthy. It goes all the way until june so were talking about several months, the question now becomes is the rest of the season canceled . Are they going to take a break for two weeks . We dont know the answers. A lot of breaking news. Medical truth here we now know. If you are otherwise healthy, if you dont have underlying conditions, if you dont have a compromised immune system the vast majority of cases we are seeing people recover. Of the 81,000 cases in china that have been identified, we know the overwhelming majority of people recover but out of an abundance of caution the president took the additive first, now he has put money behind those industries, those specific industries impacted by the coronavirus, the Airline Industry, the cruise line industry also taking care of hourly workers so they are not going to be negatively impacted if they stay home. The fear of coronavirus is having wideranging impacts across the us. We see universities moving to video classes, major Music Festivals have been postponed and even the upcoming antiaa march madness tournament will be played with no fans as of now. Joining us for reaction to the president s address and the latest analysis doctor mark siegel with us, or medical a team and nicole safire, former white house physician Ronnie Jackson is with us, good to see you all. Let me start with you. Weve never seen anybody put a ban in effect more quickly. We never have witnessed a quarantine this quickly. I dont think we could calculate in any way how many people probably did not get the virus as a result of those quick actions. Lets talk specifically for those americans that are fearful, just getting truth to people is important, perspective is important. I dont think most people know tens of thousands of americans yearly die from influenza. I dont think most americans know that when we face a pandemic known as swine flu in 200910 with a near 12,500 americans died and tens of thousands contracted that disease. We ended up losing 500,000 people worldwide. We are not seeing those numbers here but out of abundance of caution the president has taken more unprecedented steps. Your reaction, talk to the people at home, bring your medical expertise, tell people what they need to know. This is not the first time we have been tested with Something Like this. That is what leadership looks like. s leadership on this didnt start when we found out about this. For the last three years we had a robust Pandemic Planning Team in place since his administration started led by National Security staff, Infectious Disease experts and other physicians on that team, as soon as something comes up like the new Novel Coronavirus everything goes into action on what we are going to do, he has been quick, decisive, reacted appropriately according to what the situation dictated and he saved lives in the country and kept it from getting out of control. What are we seeing especially from those who might contract this virus, very fearful about contracting the virus. What would you say if you are otherwise healthy, with no Underlying Health issues, if you dont have a compromised immune system in any way, tell us what the likely, what will likely happen to you . The likelihood that you will contract the virus is pretty small, very small. If you fit into the category just describe your otherwise young and healthy you can go about your life for the most part, you need to be a little more cautious about washing your hands using Hand Sanitizer and things of that nature, those are things we should do anyway. If you have no Underlying Health issues and dont have a compromised immune system. A good chance you will never know you havent. Some people be completely symptomatic and go on, develop some type of immunity, some people will get it and get mild symptoms like cold or mild flu and recover completely. That will be the vast majority. It is the elderly people that need to take extra precautions. I think we are doing everything we need to do as a nation. We are going above and beyond. It was used as a Political Tool early on. I hope were getting past that but the president is doing what he to keep our country safe. We need to not worry, this will be okay. Sean as a point of comparison, h1 in one in 200910, americas response then and the total number of americans who died and what we did, i see what the president has done never happened before. In the swine flu outbreak we had 60 million americans are infected and 300,000 were hospitalized, at least 13,000 deaths, 60 Million People were affected and the response wasnt as quick as this, we didnt have any travel bands, cutting off travel to china was a huge move. I was so affected by what the president did tonight. 9000 cases in italy and not under control at all, spain over 2000 cases, france 2000 cases, we are talking 13,000 cases that Health Officials have been studying this and seeing a lot of our cases are covering from there. This travel ban is old and very president ial and leadership. Number 2 with tom hanks getting this, 63 years old, he is in very good health and a role model for recovering from this. decca the nba, i want people to know this isnt about fear. Locker rooms are close together. Players are close together. It would be impossible to sanitize a locker room. That is why they are suspending play. The risk when you are that close together with all the sweating is a risk. We cant keep spreading fear messages here. Sean lets talk about the average american watching all of this. There is always a natural fear of the flu or any new pandemic. They do pop up time to time. I have been criticized for saying it, but the truth is it does and doctor siegel is an expert on swine flu but very specific question, for the individual family, the american family, we dont want family members said, what can people on their own do . We see state acting, municipalities acting, schools canceling, the nba and the ncaa and what i just heard from doctor siegel, probably suspend that tournament. What should people be doing themselves to protect elderly members of their family and themselves and their children . Great question and exactly what donald trump addressed tonight in addition to the members measured we discussed, he called person responsible it, and attempt to put up a draconian message, saying individual responsibility will help us change the course of the pandemic and what that will take is aggressive testing, we have to isolate the sick and we have to make sure those people get tested. From an individual standpoint that means you should not go to crowded arenas a big gatherings. Take some social responsibility and a little bit of selfsacrifice, this can be delivered elderly people, tom hanks is 63 years old but i believe he has type ii diabetes which puts him in a high risk category. He may seem healthy right now but this can affect him in the long run. A lot of americans are living with chronic disease, whether it is you yourself are healthy will likely have contact with someone with a chronic illness. The fact is continue to live your life, do not live in fear but practice good hand hygiene, avoid big heavy crowds, dont start living your life, dont become paralyzed. If you have someone a menu immunocompromised in your life make sure they are okay, check in on them, check in via phone, dont go see them. Make sure they have the medications they need. Sean why is this impacting, h1 n one, this proves im not a doctor and wont play one on tv. Why did it seem to impact younger people and this one seems to go after and impact a much higher rate the older people . Every virus is individual. There are a lot of things we dont know. The influenza virus affects the very young and the very old, this current coronavirus we are seeing half of that. The use are being protected and their theories as to why, whether because they are constantly around coronaviruss and rhinoviruss, children have colds all the time, the older population, living in years and decades of pollution that is weakening the immune system, we dont know right now but it is certain that it is significantly more severe in the Elderly Population, children do not seem to be the vectors. We have a lot of closings right now, we see that with the flu because children are absolutely vectors when it comes to the flu. The reason to close schools is to protect those around them, our children are seemingly healthy through this. Sean thank you for being with us, joining us to discuss the efforts on capitol hill to combat the impact of the virus republican senator john kennedy. One of the things that has a lot of people nervous is the impact on the economy and there will be some shortterm ramifications, a lot of money will be going out to medical research, protecting americans. You see a jury stock market, the president addressing the strength of our economy which we now know we have unprecedented growth for three years. How do you see that aspect of it playing out . I have watched the administration over the past three weeks, i talked to the president yesterday. I listened to the president s speech tonight. Here is my conclusion. He is on it. He is on this like wet on water. He is on it in terms of Public Safety and he is on it in terms of the economy. Let me answer your question about the economy first. We are going to have a slowdown in our economy. It will be temporary. The president is addressing it. He is addressing it, income tax relief, he is addressing it in terms of sba loans, in terms of payroll tax cut. As i said, it will be temporary. The economics of this economy, the fundamentals are sound, this is the strongest economy in all of human history. It will be okay. In terms of the Public Health side i know people are scared. It is okay to be scared. It is human nature to fear the unknown but you know how americans deal with their fears . We face them. And here is what we know, heres what the doctors have told us. We are not all going to die. Number 2, most americans are not going to get the virus. Some will. Of those who get the virus, 99 of them are going to be fine. Those who get the virus, 80 of them are not going to even know they have a virus or arent going to be sick enough to have to go to the hospital. If you do get sick enough and have to go to the hospital weve got the finest Healthcare Delivery system in the milky way. This is not china. This is not iran. Congress has already appropriated 8. 3 billion at the president s request to fight the coronavirus. A third of that is being devoted to developing a vaccine and medicine to treat people who get the virus. Already there is one drug that is being used that is being used on americans that are sick and it seems to be helping. The final point i would make excuse me, there are some politicians, not all but some politicians who earn their living by playing on peoples fears. Ignore them. Listen to doctor fauci , use your head. We are going to be okay. Thank you for help and insight. We appreciate it. Tom hanks, his wife rita wilson, they did announce they tested positive for coronavirus. The nba announced it was suspending the season after one nba player tested positive for the virus. We are back to Trace Gallagher with the latest on that. Reporter tom hanks and his wife were in australia for the production of initially Elvis Presley phone, littlest the socalled untitled. Tom hanks plays Colonel Tom Parker and he confirmed in a tweet rita and i are in australia, we felt tired like we have cold and bodyaches, rita has some children came and went. To play things right as needed, we were tested for coronavirus and found to be positive. Hanks goes on to say now, what to do next, medical officials have protocols that must be followed. We will be tested, observed and isolated for as long as Public Officials and safety requires. Not much more to it than one day at a time. We will keep the world posted and updated. Take care of yourselves and he signs it hanks. Tom hanks, rita wilson in australia. We do not yet know what their health is. They seem upbeat but we havent gotten word on that. The nba suspending regularseason games, this all comes after utah jazz player tested positive for coronavirus before they play the Oklahoma City thunder tonight. We were told the game has been canceled, the nba wouldnt say why. Now we know why. Players tested positive for coronavirus was not in the arena at the time which should give the people in Oklahoma City a little bit of comfort but the nba canceling, we think in perpetuity at least, for the next several weeks the nba season. It is unclear if they will pick up when the virus ends. Sean joining us with reaction congressman jim jordan from the great state of ohio, tammy bruce. I see the president taking unprecedented steps. In retrospect the fact the president was willing to be colonies enough of them being accused of stigmatizing china with his travel ban and quarantine, amazing lightning speed. That has never happened before, unprecedented amounts of money being supported by the president , he has taken into another step tonight which was travel bands, no european travel ban, with the exception of great britain, when you look at it, why is it we lose tens of thousands of americans the flu every year and h1n1, 500,000 estimated died there, you are the numbers from doctor siegel, the number of americans impacted, the number of americans died in this country. I dont remember this reaction, what is the difference . This president has taken the right steps when it comes to travel bands and reaching out to Health Insurance companies in the pharmaceutical industry, doing things that make sense. What i also liked about his speech was the tone he took. You want you wont a compass anything of significance, any worthwhile goal, it takes work, effort and sacrifice and some time and he conveyed that to the American People but he also conveyed an important concept, america and americans always rise to the challenge and we get things done and get to the goal in the end. That is the message that should be communicated and he demonstrated that by actions he and his administration have taken to deal with this issue and i think the American People appreciate all that. This is what leadership is. Americans should be incredibly proud. Just like for us as individuals, typically healthier if we have to get healthy toward off Something Like this, it becomes a surprise for the last 3 years. Donald trump has gotten this nation back on her feet, has made her healthy, specifically, not only so we can live the good life and off of the good life to humanity around the world but so that we cannot just survive a black swan like this but even thrive, become the vector for the vaccine, become the example of what is possible, how you can survive it and overcome it even stronger. That is what leadership is and you dont understand why it would be necessary but always it is better to be healthier, as the president noted in his address tonight, the fact is we have never been stronger economically and what Perfect Timing to be able to have that strength, physically with assassination so we can deal with this and then theres leadership in the midst of a crisis, in the moment, being able to handle the pressure, being able to deal with congress, reach across the aisle, request nonpartisanship participation and cooperation because that is what leadership doesnt americans appreciate that and it is going to make the difference, it already has. Sean the president of these unprecedented steps immediately, the democrats were in the middle of impeaching him, not the president said i would agree this ought to be something we work on together. We dont want anyone to get sick and die but do you think congress is capable of that, we are 237 days from president ial election, do you think the media is capable that will we have seen for 3 years his rage and hate toward the president . Less then a minute. They are not. In a hearing in the oversight committee, they want to criticize the president and the administration instead of pointing out what we talked about in the actions as president has taken and further actions on behalf of the American People. We appreciate the president s leadership and we will get through this because as i said before americans know how to rise to the challenge and get things done. For the American People they are seeing leadership, well the pushback danger in washington who are patriots, who care about the country, this is what it matters, and we stick together, we will get through it. Sean the greatest medical team honors took steps to keep the American People safe. Our prayers, everybody stay safe, do things for your family, take care of the elderly. That is alltime we have left. Let not your heart be troubled, laura is next, see you tomorrow night. This is the most aggressive and conference of ever to confront a foreign virus in modern history. It is thursday march 12th. Happening at 4 00 am on the east coast fox news alert. And unprecedented travel ban to contain the coronavirus. We are live with drastic new measures to protect americans with the nba says game over, suspending the rest of the season. Stunning decision as social distancing groups the country and two american soldiers killed in a rocket attack in iraq

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