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Congresswoman over what critics call antisemitic language. One of her fellow democratic members of congress who says he is deeply alarmed by her comments joins us live in minutes, will the house discipline congresswoman omar. The africanamerican Lieutenant Governor deny new allegations of Sexual Assault as the governor is fighting for his political life, he learned from his mistake and is not going anywhere after blackface controversy. I am shannon bream, Fox Team Coverage tonight, jeff paul and Kristin Fisher live from el paso, texas, the president versus beto and chad program and the late breaking news over an agreement in principle on the wall and ice detention beds. Reporter a meeting between the 14 members of the house and Senate Appropriations committees. A funny moment when the top democrat Patrick Leahy from the senate side stuck his head into the hall and so theres no white smoke yet but it 8 30 there was. Something they agreed to is 1. 375 billion for 55 miles of wall along the texas border with mexico, the rio grande valley. Richard shelby, came up and talked about the tentative accord. Worked it out in principle. Do you have signoff from the white house . We talked from time to time as you well know from white house representatives. This is one of the key problems on capitol hill they think they have a deal with the president and he doesnt sign something or backs away, that was the case in december. They had a problem with that in march with the deal the president signs but will donald trump sign . He was on fox earlier tonight. A lot of things have changed and we will see what happens. I cant going to the exact deal, i heard it very quickly, between the deal and you, i had to choose you and im happy i did. We will see what happens. Reporter one of the biggest issues is the number of ice beds. There is no limitation, it did go as high as 52,000. Ice bed occupation is at high numbers, 40,000 but what this bill will provide for us to get that number down on a glide path to 40,000 by the end of the fiscal year. One of the issues is the president can use limited executive authority to go in and move around millions, money inside these Appropriations Bills for individual beds or wall funded or whatever they think they need. Not an executive order or executive action or National Emergency but limited scope that might take off the democrats but the president can go there. Chad program, thank you for uptotheminute, up to the second updates on this, come back if you have anything more. Donald trump pitching his border wall in el paso before around the crowd of thousands. Kristin fisher was there in texas, good evening. Reporter this news about possible deal made its way to the president in el paso when he told the crowd he only learned about it as he was walking to the stage but no matter what it is he says he will get this wall built no matter what. Probably have some good news but who knows . We are setting the stage. You know what it is called, setting the stage, setting the table, doing whatever we have to do. The wall is being built, it will continue, going at a rapid pace. If we cut detention space we are cutting loose dangerous criminals into our country. I will never sign a bill that forces the mass release of violent criminals into our country. Reporter if you look at the banners behind me you can see donald trump has changed his slogan from build the wall to finish the wall because he says the border barrier already in el paso which was built a decade ago is working and crime has dropped because of it but if you talk to a lot of local politicians including the citys republican mayor he says thats not true, crime started dropping before the wall was built and a lot of politicians have been making rounds ahead of the president s be so he had a message for those politicians, he told them they are full of crap. Those few people out there on television saying it didnt make too much of a difference, people from el paso. Am i right . Reporter surprisingly the are searching theme of the rally was not immigration, it wasnt the wall, it was democrats and a lot of progressive policies some of his 2020 contenders have been pushing. Because the Democrat Party has never been more outside of the mainstream. They are becoming the party of socialism, lateterm abortion, open borders and crime. Reporter we got our first taste of what donald trump is going to be like on the 2020 campaign, first rally of 2019, rally headlined by beto orourke and a lot of disruption, protesters had to be removed. This felt a lot like the early days of the 2016 campaign. He missed having that automatic feedback and interaction with the crowd. He was in his element tonight. Thank you. Nearby, former congressman Democrat Beto Orourke had a counterrally, reports of a mexican flag condemning the president for hateful rhetoric, make tacos, not walls. Good evening. Thousands of people gathering for a rally against any new walls along the us mexico border, they gathered at a baseball field just 200 yards from where the president is speaking but headlining this country event democrat and former texas congressman beto orourke. All of us together are going to make our stand here, in one of the safest cities in the United States of america. Safe, not because of walls but in spite of walls. The evening started with some speeches from outside a nearby high school where beto orourke took to the stage and went on a march, went for a mile through the streets, ending up out here at this baseball field, once they arrived you could hear them cheering no more walls. Reportedly 7000 people here. He took shots at donald trump, for describing el paso as his characterization of migrants being hardened criminals. Orourke called for the government to make more room for asylumseekers and help dreamers never fear deportations in the presence of immigrants makes the nation safer and smarter. One thing that didnt happen some suspected could happen was he did not announce he was running for president. Time will tell whether he decides to join what is becoming a very crowded field of democrats hoping to challenge donald trump in 2020. Shannon we want to get reaction from the hill from republican congressman mark meadows from the House Freedom caucus. Thank you for joining us. What do you make of what we are hearing about this potential consort of a deal, 1. 75 billion for 55 miles of border wall but potentially 17 increase or decrease, dropin beds for ice . What is your reaction . Thank you, good to join you, candidly for what has been outlined tonight, is not a serious attempt at securing our borders and when we look at what the president has promised, what members of congress have been advocating for for such a long time, just follows very short of where we need to be. It does not even address priorities Border Control agents and chiefs have outlined for us and while we can applaud their efforts and know that they were serious at negotiating democrats failed to offer a real compromise tonight so it is not adequate. It is not something that will be received well by most republicans in the house for sure. Shannon of it comes down to voting for the are facing another Government Shutdown where does your vote go . My vote goes for continuing resolution, lets continue to negotiate even if we do a short term, one week cr which would be continuing resolution to keep the government open. None of us want to shut the government down but if we are at 1. 37 billion, we are at 1,300,000,000. 02 or three months ago. To go through all of this and say we were willing to negotiate in good faith as the democrats have promised i dont see the result tonight, compromise being an earnest attempt to meet the president halfway in terms of securing the border. Shannon of the president signals he is okay with this deal because the white house is looking at other potential ideas to make money from elsewhere or declaring a National Emergency, any number of options, if you signals he is okay with this deal is that good enough to get your yes vote . Its not. We are looking at a reduction in retention beds. Its not a serious attempt. I doubt very few conservative republicans will be voting for this regardless whether the president votes for or not. He may take the attack to keep the government open but i dont see many conservatives voting for this because it is not a real effort to meet the president halfway. Congressman mark meadows, head of the House Freedom caucus, whatever moves forward or doesnt on this, thank you for calling in tonight. More reaction now to what we are hearing is in principle a deal reached on capitol hill, lets bring in someone from the frontline to met with donald trump today, sam page, great to have you with us. I know one of the big concerns you expressed is this idea of reducing the number of ice beds. People are talking about this is where they can detain people in the country illegally. There has been debate, democrats say we dont want to hold people who are here when theyre only crime was coming here illegally but not committing murderers or homicides or any number of crimes, reducing the number it jeopardizes public safety. If we put a cap in my jail at a local jail so you cant house more than 200 where are these persons going to be . Out in the community with an opportunity to rethink demise persons in our communities and i gave the letter to the president , 72 of persons are being hailed for crimes, 92 of persons being detained are charged or convicted of criminal offenses or deportation status. What is the democrats reasoning that you can only certain number of people going to be turned out and what the president said these are people who are dangerous. The problem is they are not listening to the people on the border. They are not listening to experts in the field and our Congress Needs to be receptive to listen to the citizens who serve. If i have a question i call a border sheriff. We dont into the border, we asked the questions, they know what works best and they need to listen but reduction in beds and, responsive immigration is to identify persons coming to our country and provide removal of this persons wall. I want to read you something from a piece in the new york times, the other says democrats should tell their voters who want more open borders and reframe the immigration debate by rejecting the notion that the border needs more security making it clear the real problem is denial of migrants rights. There is plainly no need for more security on the border. Thats crazy. We have a first obligation in america to protect our country and our citizens, the president took an oath, Congress Took an oath, we took an oath to protect and defend the persons in our communities and by open borders, the reason was because all persons in our community being affected by Illegal Drugs coming in not staying at the border but coming into the interior of the United States, two travels to the border but two years ago we had 44 people die because of overdoses, last year 54 people died. How many more are going to die across america because we are not making an effort . Congress has the opportunity to do their job at the National Sheriffs association, 3000 shares from across the country, we gave a letter to the president to let him know we oppose any reduction in these beds because it can affect ices ability to do their job and we partner with ice to secure safe communities. We will see what is in the final deal once it shakes out the next 2 days but thanks for coming in. The embattled governor launching his apology tour amid scenes the call for his resignation. Democrats giving him a pass hoping they can hold onto power in the commonwealth, democratic congresswoman omar ignites a new antisemitism controversy. Will she be punished by health leaders. The actions of the other people involved in the world, terrorist act. Why she, democratic congressman who says he wants to meet with her. clients voice oww, it hurts. danny . That youre not using smarter tools to manage your business. You work too hard to work this hard collecting receipts . Is it the 80s . Does anybody have a mixtape i can borrow . You should be chasing peoples pets. Not chasing payments quickbooks gives you a sweet set of business tools. That do all the hard work for you. You may groom corgis, but you dont have to work like a dog. vo you earned it, were here to make sure you get it. danny its time to get yours. vo quickbooks. Backing you. 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As he hit the interview circuit in what is being called an apology tour virginias democratic governors wellpositioned for the onset of criticism over his racially insensitive pass but his Lieutenant Governor is facing new trouble tonight as his law firm put him on leave. A number of staffers resigned over Sexual Assault allegations. Reporter the dynamic in virginia is changing with pressure on the governor rising and the pressure on governor northran is easing. The governor gave his first interview to cbs and gail king who said this. I talked to many black people and white people in virginia who say he has a lot of support in virginia. Look at his history is what he has done. They do not believe he is racist. Reporter new numbers back that up. Washington post poll found 40 want him to resign but 47 want him to stay and effort in a residence African American residents, 50 want him to remain, 37 think he should leave. He has more support from africanamericans in virginia than white residents and with that some prominent virginia African American leaders and clergy members are vowing to forgive northran for the blackface controversy. We do not follow those who cater to the exaggerated claims that rises to the level of resignation. Proportionality has its place in judgment and the crimes must fit the punishment. With that he is set to attend a forum on race next week. He is also billing himself as the man who can bring virginia to the next level. Right now virginia needs someone who can heal. There is no better person to do that than a doctor. Virginia needs someone who is strong, who has empathy, has courage and a moral compass and that is why i am not going anywhere. Reporter northram says the allegations against Justin Fairfax are true he would have to step down and even though Virginia State lawmaker backed away from his plan to begin impeachment proceedings against the Lieutenant Governor, one of the women accusing fairfax of Sexual Assault thinks impeachment is the answer and there are other troubling signs including four fairfax Staff Members of resigned and fairfax has been placed on leave by his law firm until these allegations are dealt with. Shannon what is next for congresswoman omar . On the Democratic Leadership they criticized her of antisemitic comments. Will they take action against her . The latest from capitol hill. Reporter depends on what republicans want to do. Republicans may look to sanction her. More on that moment that the congresswoman has been walking these halls a little over a month and always caused this controversy, she had something to say on camera but shes from minnesota outside minneapolis and came here at the beginning of january and came under fire after critics say her tweets were full of stereotypes of jews and money. A follower asked who is paying american politicians to support israel . She responded apack, american is republican can be. And another tweet criticizing numbers of congress, taking a hard stance she tweeted it is all about meeting 100 bills, money. Omar has afforded sanctions movement, a Nonviolent Campaign that aims to but economic and political pressure on israel, treatment of palestinians but after repeated condemnation from republican and Democratic Leaders omar issued an apology this afternoon. Antisemitism is real and im grateful for jewish allies and colleagues who are educating me on the painful history of antisemitic tropes. My intention is never to offend my constituents or Jewish Americans as a whole. We are always willing to step back and think through criticism just as i expect people to hear me when others attack me for i identity. I apologize. At the same time i reaffirm the problem of lobbyists in politics whether it is the nra or the fossil fuel industry. It has gone on too long and we must address it. Gop leaders are looking to sanction representative omar and congresswoman tlaib, who called donald trump the f word last month. Gop leaders say this is similar to what they did for steve king who made antisemitic remarks and stripped him of all his committee assignments. We will find out more by house gop leaders. Shannon a newspaper says forget about freshman lawmakers, they say is really leaders are more worried about the democratic 2020 frontrunners. Lets bring in josh scott hammer. You said you were alarmed by congresswoman omars comments that you are seeking a meeting with her. We reached out, i hope it happens and today was the result of weeks of comments many of us are concerned about in the Democratic Caucus, why we spoke out andrew to leadership saying is time to condemn comments like the one that came out last night which was so offensive. And antisemitic tropes, there was with action from our leaders, there was a positive step but we have to make sure. Shannon do you think there should be some punishment . Video pieces look what we did wisconsin steve king . A pretty strong punishment, the speaker of the house. Shannon the house Foreign Relations committee. People will disagree on policy. Congress is about having different opinions. The key is making sure we were clear, the antisemitic language is an acceptable and you saw that in a strong way from our entire leadership and we draw the line there. Heather she did apology but not of liberty thought it was a great apology. He retweeted her apology and said i apologize for the antisemitic comments, now i shall double down on my antisemitic comments or word them slightly differently. Did you feel i thought she apologize. Im eager to have the conversation and the discussion. This is the point. There have been comments i have been very concerned about we. We talked about it in the Democratic Caucus and our leadership and that is why today was very important, to say this is unacceptable. She came out and apologized for her comments but now it is understanding why certain language is unacceptable and whether does democrat or republican, there is no place for in congress or american discourse. It is up to us to call it out and that happened. Heather they highlighted a tough couple weeks for democrats with accusations and admissions related to blackface, i think he has the right to due process like anybody does, the antisemitic situation, is it tough for democrats to take the high moral ground with all these accusations . Im not going to leave a i can talk to myself and what i think, when you see these incidents and hatefully was or action you speak out against it and it is important, you can disagree and we need to do that. We cant except when people decide to use divisive which, hate field language, antisemitic light which, democrat or republican is up to us to Say Something and thats what the country expects us to do. Heather you work to find commonality across the aisle. More breaking news over the wall. The number of spots ice will have to detain criminal Illegal Immigrants, more information about that. Stick around for john gabriel and our power panel next, ready to weigh in on how donald trump is likely to receive this deal on capitol hill. We know that when youre spending time with the grandkids every minute counts. And you dont have time for a cracked windshield. Thats why we show you exactly when well be there. Saving you time, so you can keep saving the world. Kids safelite repair, safelite replace take prilosec otc and take control of heartburn. So you dont have to stash antacids here. Here. Or, here. Kick your antacid habit with prilosec otc. One pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. Time for the power panel. Democratic strategists, editorinchief of ricochet. Com, john gabriel, first, some new information in this agreement on principle reached on capitol hill. We are getting information from people plugged into these negotiations who want to clarify what is happening with the ice detention beds number. There is no technical limitation a number of beds. They can go as high 52,000. Ice beds are at a pretty high number in terms of building 49,000 but keep in mind this bill only fund things through the rest of the fiscal year so through september 30th so what they are going to spend here is to get that number down on a glide path to 40,000. The president can go in and try to expand that number, maybe using some executive power but at the end of the day this is something democrats want to push, to move that number downward and democrats might say they got a victory and nancy pelosi can present that to her caucus, those numbers are going to hours republicans can go to their members and say theres no capitation on how many beds. They will be able to argue the numbers are not a reduction of 17 per se. There is some wiggle room about funding and how many beds you can have but it can still be north of the number where they are now so democrats will want to claim victory there so thank you for coming back for double duty, we will dig into details as we know more. Lets get to our panel now. Some reaction, i will start with you because if the president gets 1. 37 1. 37 billion, that will not be what he wanted. Nobody can say he has started the process, finish the wall, he said today. The deal seems to try to let both sides claim victory to some extent. That is the main point blues not sure what the president is going to do. He has gotta jampacked rally. The white house has thousands more who could not get in. In contrast to a smaller rally with beto orourke who may challenge the president until in 20. There was a contrast in a lot of ways but clearly this discussion over the border is not going to be resolved anytime soon by this dealer anything we see in the future. He needs a Campaign Issue 22020 to continue on with his stick and you saw tonight even lock her up came back. It is very much what was happening in 2016 campaign. The El Paso Fire Department has weighed in about a out size for donald trump, 6500 person capacity, no doubt immigration is an issue he needs to rail on. I agree with david this is something for everyone and i would note democrats didnt get everything for Daca Recipients or those who are here illegally that we know of so far, something nancy pelosi want to clean will on but the president to go back and say that and say i didnt do a dreamer deal. I got money, i will continue to have the beds and this is a jumping off point for something more at the end of the year. Shannon we know the white house is looking at other potential legal avenues and ways to trigger other funding and potentially National Emergency, looking at everything, all on the table at this point but the deal is so far from what the white house said they wanted, is anybody going to be happy with this or will everyone have to hold their nose and say this or a shutdown . That is pretty much what it is. I dont take a shutdown helps either side right now. They want to put this issue behind them. A lot of Trump Supporters are frustrated he didnt get more money but hes going to start to finish the wall and as he noted in his rally he is setting the table for 2020 and once again it will be an issue in the next couple years. It felt like a 2020 campaign rally. He missed being out there with people and he loves the energy of being out there and being in campaign mode. As we look ahead to 2020 this is what matt walsh had to tweet about, the Democratic Party hates christians, jews, men, white people, southerners and the list goes on, they accuse everyone else of bigotry because they are bigots what, like the cheating husband who become suspicious of the white is cheating on, nothing but projection. That may be too much. Not sure they hate people but their policies are clearly undermining religious liberty, theyve move far left on abortion and that is a big issue for many christians as well as border issues and other issues. The poetic truth in that is yes, the left is moved even farther left in recent years but i dont know that it is about hatred. Bill mitchell saying is there anything even remotely american or American Values in anything the Democrat Party is proposing for america . The majority of our platform is about things that are traditionally american, if you pursue life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, you need a good wage, healthcare and to have access to it. These are things democrats are talking about and how we won in the midterms which of republicans continue to slander the Democrat Party is abortionists which is a made up term or discussing terms like lateterm abortion or value Illegal Immigrants over americans thats not going to sit well. Have an economic message, that is what people vote on and see how it pans out but what matt walsh says doesnt reflect the reality of the Democrat Party. Are you saying there is no such thing as we torment abortions are they are overplaying the concerns about that . Actual people who work in this field, gynecologist dont use that term. It was created by the prolife lobby to scare people about this. But there are abortions that occur. There are no no infants up to your due date that it goes by doctors use the week you are at 38 weeks, 39 weeks or whatever it is, the later abortion then gets used in polling questions which is why support drop to 13 . What do you make of the context . If you can still have an abortion at 38, 39 weeks of pregnancy and a number of states where that is allowed that is an actual thing. Of the mothers life is in danger, absolutely. It is a fallacy. Not to get off on a different trail but there are some states that defined mothers help broadly to include dental health as well, not just a physical situation, not the only limit. Another thing altogether which i would love to come back. Lets give don the final word. What weve seen with ralph northrans comments and legislation the past in new york, some democrats are pushing third trimester abortion, fourth trimester, it is alarming to most people including Many Democrats who think theyve gone too far. A lot of Democratic Candidates running in 2020 assume trump is in trouble and they are going to win so go as far left as we can but they are pretty sure they would win in 2016 as well and we know how that turned out. Jessica mentioned the game in 2018 as well so that is we can talk about it. We will take that about when he talks about a baby coming out and already being born, thank you. Democrats linking the north from race issue to donald trump. Cant forget about the person who is inviting us and himself is injecting this into the country. Phil thompson debate a strategy to pass along the blame to keep democrats in power in virginia. What is it all about . Shannon i democrats adopting a strategy to keep region you have stopped democrats in power, telling virginians to reflect on their own past . Lets bring in the endeavor abc executive, members Phil Thompson and chair of the state services, candidate for the surface district, bj jordan, great to have you with us tonight. I went to read something a lot of us have been thinking, the wall street journal peace, democrats identity meltdown. Imagine the cognitive democratic dissonance if Mister Fairfax who is black is forced to resign because of improved allegations of Sexual Assault he denies while the two white men survive despite racial offenses that they admit. That is the conversation a lot of friends brought up this week in. Im a republican, Justin Fairfax is a democrat, we dont agree a lot of policy or politics but i think hes getting a raw deal. The accusations made against him are very serious and deserve to be heard but he deserves to be heard as well. Due process is not just a legal construct but a societal one that must be adhered to in this case. He has spoken out about that and in the Washington Post as everyone deserves to be heard even when faced with allegations, im standing up for everyones right to be heard but also due process. Despite the things going on with the governor and attorney general, which issues about racial insensitivity in the past it seems the Lieutenant Governor is in danger of losing his job. It is distressing to think of the northram are the more serious from the standpoint of how we feel. Everyone gets up over blackface but is klansman he standing next to. There going to try to push him out, there will be pushback from African Americans make up a significant part of their base. We let them know this is an issue we are not going to let them get away with. Lets play a little of what he is talking about, his remorse and where he stands, this is what he told cbs. Virginia need someone that can heal, virginia need someone who is strong, has empathy and courage and moral compass and that is why im not going anywhere. Hes not resigning. If he wants to help virginia heal he can stop democrats from using race as a political weapon. Today there was a debate in richmond about tax reform and democrats called a racist bill. Weve seen in politics that it is weapon ice, the issue of race and our country wont move anywhere or improve until race is no longer used as a political weapon. Governor northrome, best he can do is resign. That will show that kind of behavior is not accepted, for him to sit there, almost in an absentminded way and say im the person who can heal after he caused the problem. It is astounding. Heather he took responsibility and said he wasnt in the photo. There is more to this story. Democratic senator Kamala Harris passed herself off as an advocate for Illegal Immigrants but skepticism by progressives where he of her record is a law and order prosecutor. And other prominent democrat vows to into the ring, stick around for 2020. Vicks vapocool and vaporize it. Ahhhhh shhhhh new nyquil severe with vicks vapocool. The vaporizing, nightime coughing, aching, stuffy head, best sleep with a cold, medicine. Shannon the race for the white house is in full swing. Race to the white house in full swing, heres your 2020 update in 60 seconds. 2020 candidates Kamala Harris facing new scrutiny of the decisions she made as californias attorney general. Cnn reporting see supported a policy that turned over young illegals to ice. She is one of Many Democrats trying to put up a fire on their past. Cory booker grilled judicial nominee naomi row on her religious beliefs president to admit if she thought gay marriage was a sin raising consent from republicans is a questions in 5 person can be rejected from Public Service based on their religious beliefs and not their actual track record. Another democrat i a chance to the white house, bill diblasio reportedly headed to the early primary state of New Hampshire to test the waters for president ial bid. Democratic senator amy club at char klobuchar accused of a toxic Work Environment sending demeaning emails and throwing Office Supplies but she is defending what she called standards and says she loves her staff. Watch bret baer tomorrow, she will join him on special report at 6 00 pm eastern. Stick around for our midnight hero, she won the internet with liberace as crystal piano on the National Stage but theres more to this ivory tickler next. When we started our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. I remember setting up shipstation. One or two clicks and everything was up and running. I was printing out labels and saving money. Shipstation saves us so much time. It makes it really easy and seamless. Pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and its ready to go. Our costs for shipping were cut in half. Just like that. Shipstation. The 1 choice of online sellers. Go to shipstation. Com save and get 2 months free. Something important. Its not going to be easy. Quicksilver earns you unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. Actually, thats super easy. My bad. Shannon Grammy Awards had record low ratings but tonights midnight hero worth pointing out because performed at grammys, soul the show in a virtual unknown. In addition to historical impeachment, chloe partners with organizations that encourage childrens interest so she is killing it on the keyboard but as a philanthropist etiquette is raising awareness of Human Trafficking and rescuing children from sex trafficking. You are our midnight hero. As we get more details on what is in the bill, the agreement they worked out on the border. Mostwatched, most trusted, most grateful you spent the evening with us, good night from washington, i am shannon bream. Thank you very much, el paso, thank you very much. We are setting the table, doing what we have to do, the wall is being billed, going a rapid pace. Illegal immigration hurts allamericans. If we had proper Border Security including a very powerful wall we wouldnt have to work so hard and it would be a lot safer and a lot better. We are one united group, when United People and one United States of america and we will make America Great again

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