Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20180322 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20180322

Morning after we had the officerinvolved shooting after he detonated the bomb he had with him. I know everybody is interested in a motive and understanding why. We are never going to be able to put a ration behind the acts but what i can tell you having listened to the recording, he does not at all mention anything about terrorism. Nor does he mention anything about hate. Instead outcrying of a challenged young man talking about his personal life that led him to this point. Sean Authorities Say they identified all seven devices that he talks about in the recording but the residents should still remain vigilant. Local, federal Law Enforcement officers did an amazing, terrific job. Tracking this guy down. Joining us now from texas tonight our own fox news correspondent at large, geraldo. Great job last night. I know you have an exclusive interview for us tonight. Yes, brian manly, the police chief of austin who you just showed explaining the 25minute extraordinary confession by the suspected austin serial bomber will be joining us live at 45 minutes after the hour. Behind me mark anthony conditts house in the community of pflugerville. Its north of the capital city of austin terrorized for the last three weeks by the 23yearold punk. As the chief suggests, that confession is not an admission of race, hatred or terrorism. A narcissistic woe is me, my life is terrible. That is why please understand that is what compelled me to murder two innocent people, and grievously injure five others and absolutely terrorize the Texas Capital for the entire month of march. He has a threeroom home here. One room they have been searching all day long that contained bombmaking components. The kid had two roommates questioned all day today. Neither of them admits knowing anything. Although one as far as we know is still in police custody. Still being questioned. Im not certain on that. I will check on that with the police chief. But the bottom line is that it is over. Finally. It ended in an eruption of sound and fury and incredible courage shown by the austin city cops who charged that bombladen vehicle knowing that what happened could happen. One of them firing his weapon as the bomb exploded. Both of them captured on tape being blown backwards by the enormous concussion of the bomb with which mark anthony conditt, the 23yearold killed himself. Did so much damage. So much devastation. So much terror. You know it seems as if it is over. The 25minute confession as you reported at the top of the hour, sean, describing precisely the seven explosive devices created by the now deceased bomber. Back to you. Sean thank you. Amazing job by the f. B. I. , by the Law Enforcement. We will get back to geraldo later in the program. Also tonight President Trump is blasting the left wing Partisan Press for throwing a fit over the deep state leak about him congratulating Vladimir Putin on the russian president elect win. As it turns out, you do a little research, well, barack obama did the exact same thing in 2012. But of course, the liberal media didnt care then or call out the stunning hypocrisy. Also tonight, when will the deep state lawbreaking leakers be held accountable . Also breaking constitutional law expert Allen Dershowitz agreeing with President Trump that the special counsel should never been appointed and he is calling for the Mueller Probe to be suspended and for a nonpartisan commission be created. He will explain tonight. Plus we have andy gibbs and others demanding the report that lead to mccabes firing be released to you, the American People. Mccabe was canned friday for lying to the d. O. J. Investigates under ath multiple times and they are crushing the liberal talking points out there about mccabe being wrongfully terminated and ray is saying everything done by the book without bias. We have that and so much more in breaking news opening monologue. Sean tonight, more incontrovertible evidence that the deep state actors are doing everything within their power to damage, unseat duly elected president. President trump. What is worse that that the Partisan Press cheering them on and using this leak to bludgeon the president politically. Not surprisingly, members of the deep state ran to the favorite liberal media outlet the Washington Post with the latest targeted leak meant to smear the president. Here the headline trump, National Security advisers warned him not to congratulate Vladimir Putin and he did it anyway. But it contains fake news. Shocking. Fox news reporting Senior Administration official saying its likely that President Trump never saw the memo that contained the warning about putin because he was briefed about his conversation with the russian president over the phone. But just like always getting the facts right doesnt matter to the destroy trump media. They famed up the phony feigned outrage machine. Lets look. Its not just what he said. Its always what he did not say that has come in his party angry this morning. It would be like j. Edgar hoover and the director of the f. B. I. Calling out capone to congratulate him on bank robbery. Is it go too far to say white house failing america on world stage . President trump went out of his way to praise putin and not bring up extraordinarily important and controversial topics. Its the latest of what is a long pattern of behavior by the president. The president often congratulates leaders who are not democratically elected and often gives autocratic dictators congratulations. He is not the first. We will see if he changes his course. Another deep state actor john brennan continuing his baseless attacks on President Trump. Take a look at how brennan floats this Conspiracy Theory. Take a look. I think he is afraid of the president of russia. Why . One could speculate to why. That the russians may have something on him personally. They could roll out and make his life more difficult. Clearly its important for us to be able to improve relations with russia but the fact that he has had a fawning attitude toward mr. Putin has not said anything negative about him. He continues to say to me he does have something to fear. Sean all right. Isnt john brennan the guy lets see. He voted for a communist for president of the United States back in the 70s. He is supposed to be nonpartisan. By the way, how did he become the cyberdirector . Now in reality he is nothing more than an obama deep state stooge. He recently tweeted out a threat to President Trump sean andy mccabe got fired because the f. B. I. Recommended he be fired. That the Inspector General report recommended the same. It wasnt donald trump. That is the type of comment that now shows why a whopping 74 of you the American People are now saying that you think this group of unelected bureaucrats, deep state operatives are secretly trying to manipulate policy and opinion. Its more parent than ever that people like brennan, clapper and the rest of them, they are not trying to hide the abuse and the bias against trump. They want him out of office regardless of what he does or doesnt do. President trump like he always does is fighting back and he tweeted out sean the medias number one objective is take down the president. We point that out every night. We know the deep state knows this. They are trying to exploit this and trying to indoctrinate the American People. There were 125 deep state leaks in 126 days at the beginning of the administration. The goal is obvious. The media wont tell you that. Like they wont tell you in 2012 interesting, president barack obama did the same thing congratulating putin that the media is excoriating President Trump for. You cant make it up. That is how hypocritical, the media, the left wing in the country are. Take a look at the press release. I reads in part sean that is the same thing that trump did. Where is the outrage or thepedia condemnation . This is one big massive hypocritical double standard on display. Sadly we see it every day. The media is whipping itself into a frenzy acting like this is a major National Security crisis. Its not. By the way since the media wont tell you about the facts as it relates to president obama on russia we will give them to you. The russian reset and there she is presenting it to the counterpart. A photo top and a bad one at that and it accomplished nothing. Then you had obama on the hot mic whispering to dmitry medvedev. Tell vladimir i will have more flexibility after the election. More flexibility after. Well show you the tape. Tell him after the election ill have more flexibility. I transmit to vladimir. Sean how did that work out for obama . 2014, congressman devin nunes of the House Intel Committee issued explicit warning to president obama, the russians are coming and want to influence our elections and putin wants to create chaos in the United States and around the world. What did obama do . Absolutely nothing. Instead keeping an eye on russia he mocked candidate trump in 2016 saying its ridiculous that russia could rig an election. He saidstop whining. Remember this . There are no serious person out there who would suggest somehow you could even rig americas elections. In part because they are so do centralized and the number of votes involved. There is no evidence that it has happened in the past. Or there are instances that it will happen this time. I advise mr. Trump to stop whining and go try toic ma his case to get votes. Sean it doesnt get more pompous or arrogant than that. According to a new book, obamas own National Security aid adviser susan rice issued a standdown order because they were coming up with option to counter russia attempt at election interperience . Interference . That is a simple truth. Obama was warned and said it could never happen. Stop whining. The media wont report that. They would rather attack President Trump for something obama had already done. He is responsible for 2016. Not President Trump. Who paid for the dossier . Hillary. You are being lied to. This is the sad part. On a daily basis by the destroyed trump media and those in the deep state. This is on a scale and level we have never seen in this country. Harvard law professor dershowitz agreeing with President Trump that the special counsel never has been appointed. He couldnt be more right. Take a look. First of all, the president is 100 right. There never should have been appointment of special counsel. There was no probable cause to believe crimes were committed. I have seen no evidence to suggest that the crimes had been committed by the president. As i said from day one there should have been a special investigative commission, nonpartisan appointed by congress with subpoena power to look into the role of russia and trying to influence american elections and to try to do something about preventing it in the future. Instead of starting out with finger pointing and trying to criminalize political differences behind closed doors of a grand jury. That has gotten us nowhere. The president is right. The investigation never should have begun. Sean we will speak to him in a few minutes. In addition to the comments, the from fes somewhere is out with a professor is out with a new op ed where he says in this case the special counsel has done more arm than good. Its politicized it beyond repair and he ads public lost faith in leadership of the Justice Department and the f. B. I. They dont trust congressional investigative committees and they dont know who to believe. And there are leaks galore filed by the denials of leaks. A total mess. What do we show for it . A handful of low level indict ments based largely on alleged crimes that are totally unrelated or only marginally related to the russian attempt to influence president ial election in 2016. The professor is 100 right. Mueller is way beyond his mandate. This is what we call investigative creep. The entire investigation, remember it was supposed to be about trump, russia, collusion. It doesnt exist and now its a witch hunt. What does the professor get for telling the truth about the special counsel in the answer is to by attacked by fake news cnn. Take a look. I saw the tweet from the morning from the president talking about professor dershowitz. He will probably ask him to join hus legal team. Maybe he has declined. If he comes in at the end on the high profile situation. Knowing the president and dershowitz he is a closer. He may be joining the legal team at some point. Well soon find out. Sean commentary from a guy named wolf. That is what happens when you offer dissenting opinion that goes against destroy trump media trump russia, collusion, Conspiracy Theory and no evidence and it has been 14, 16 months. Brand new tonight a group of congressman, gates, meadows, bigs, they are demanding that the report that led to the disgraced former f. B. I. Director, Deputy Director Andrew Mccabe and the firing be made public. The congressmen want you, the American People, they want to be transparent. They want you to know the specific reasons for why mccabe was shown the door because they are arguing rightly so that what he did could have put this country in danger. You remember late friday night mccabe was fired at 9 59. Just before i went off the air. Why . For lying to investigators and leaking to the media and lying under oath. Even though the evidence is abundantly clear why mccabe was fired but the media tried to blame it on President Trump. He had nothing to do with it. The f. B. I. Director Christopher Wray is shooting down the liberal media lies. Take a look at what he is saying about mccabes firing. I want to be careful about what i can say about the process but i will tell you my commitment to making sure that our process is followed, that it relies on objective input and most importantly its not based on political or partisan influence is something im utterly unyielding on. Sean with with with reaction, congressman andy givens and congressman gates. Talk about the letter. This is important. Absolutely. In the swamp of washington, d. C. , mccain was a loch ness monster. There is a report in final reform prepared by the office of professional responsibility detailing the basis for firing andy mccabe and we believe the Judiciary Committee and the American People should see it. Because when we synthesize this report with what we have learned in the congressional investigation about the andy mccabes office being the very place that peter place they struck the insurance policy and we saw the emails that said the Hillary Clinton investigation is not conducted by the field office and is instead sent to headquarters for james comey and Andrew Mccabe to do the deep swamp activities. This is information we have got to know. It will help us find the other swamp creatures that need to be driven out of town, potentially in handcuffs. Sean you sound like a all right roer. Back to you sound like a rep. Im messing around with you. Congressman biggs, get to what you are saying. We have people indicted for process crimes or lying to the investigators in the mueller investigation. That is what happened here with mccabe. So not only is he the center of the whole thing going back to the hillary investigation but he is lying. Now the other side the press saying he needed a few more hours so he can get a pension. That is not important. Its important he is treated like any other person in mech. We are a rule of law country and he should adhere to rule of law like everyone else. Sean why is there the mysterious reluctance and resistance of Rod Rosenstein especially, why this resistance . He was begging when devin nunes had subpoenaed the documents, he is begging in the final hours oh, please, congressman ryan, mr. Speaker, dont turn over this information. Lets not let the American People see how corrupt the fisa warrants were in the case of carter page and the trump campaign. We didnt tell them that hillary paid for the lies and that was subsequent allegations on three occasions and by the way, Rod Rosenstein approved one at least, maybe two. Then he appoints mueller. If that is not a conflict, i dont know what is. There is a troubling allergy at the department of justice when it comes to transparency. They are fighting against every effort by the congress to show the American People what is really happening. We have requested more than 1. 3 million records in the Judiciary Committee and we have only gotten 3,000 so far. This should not be in dispute. This is not a draft work product. This is a final report that indicates the Deputy Director of the f. B. I. Engaged in Political Hackery he had to be fired before his esrig nation. Resignation. To suggest that is not a document the American People should see is ludicrous. This stonewalling eroded the trust of the American People and the folks we need to rely on most to keep rule of law sacred and preserved in the

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