Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20190221 :

FOXNEWSW Hannity February 21, 2019

Major decision by the prosecutors and it comes as a newly uncovered surveillance video, look at this, shows the two brothers that allegedly testify before the grand jury today paid by smollett to stage the assault. They are purchasing multiple items that were used and what now looks like a hate crime hoax. Including glasses, a ski mask, even a red hat, and earlier today the two men, literally testified before the grand jury against smollett. Smollett is in serious legal jeopardy tonight, and it could get far worse. Federal charges could also be on the way. But tonight smolletts attorneys are pushing back in a statement that says like any other citizen mr. Smollett enjoys the perception of innocence, particularly when there has been an investigation like this one where information both true and false has been repeatedly leaked. Given the circumstances, we intend to conduct a thorough investigation and to mount an aggressive defense. We believe in the due process of innocence here on the show, but the two brothers on the Surveillance Team had this message for the actor. They say that you are lying, what you stated that . I think that Jussie Smollett should come clearer because the truth will set him free. Sean powerful statement, we will take you live to the ground in chicago, april report coming up in minutes and a lot more coming up, what we see with smollett is absolutely nothing new in terms of the media buying a hoax. Hook, line, sinker. They go all the way in. The top story tonight, hannity watch and this abusively biased hateful mob media in america. Remember not so long ago countless socalled journalists pundits from all of the other outlets threw caution to the wind in order to support Jussie Smollett and his very flawed story. I was warned early on, we were waiting for the facts to come in. Despite the glaring red flags, they desperately wanted these wild claims, and his narrative to be true. According to the Mainstream Media, all Trump Supporters are racist, sexist, homophobic, zoom in a phobic, islamic, we are all monsters that want dirty air water to kill grandmas and kid. It is only a tiny tip of the iceberg and what is a medium mob coordinated character assassination that takes place so often, they are wrong so often. That fake news is abundance in this country. Remember the outrageous, despicable treatment in the media of now Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh . What about the duke lacrosse case . What about the db ua rate case . What about baltimore, what about the Covington High School kids . Now famed attorney, somebody i have known a long time, linda wood has filed a massive 250 million lawsuit against the Washington Post on behalf of Nicholas Sandman, a brutally devastating 38 page lawsuit, you can see it on hannity. Com. And will be here in just a few minutes. 115pound Covington High School student who was absolutely vilified by this medium mob after he was videotaped standing saying nothing, smiling, and trying not to react to all that was going on around him. As you can see, a 64yearold native american activists drumming right in his face, and screaming rather loudly in his face, despite showing incredible amazing great restraint in staying calm and doing absolutely nothing wrong, Nicholas Sandman was repeatedly smeared, slandered, his character assassinated, over and over again and again on a national stage. They falsely reported that Nicholas Sandman approach the native american activists, it was the other way around. They falsely reported that he was a racist and disrespectful and meanspirited and even physical, all of that is not true. They did all of this based on what was only a short inconclusive 152nd clip that showed absolutely nothing. But from printed media, hollywood actors and actresses, democrats, cable news, major networks, nonstop absolute complete pile on. Fake news, character assassination against a 16yearold kid and it turns out he did nothing wrong. Extent may be where a maga had to. Some students harassing an older native american man, a vietnam vet in the midst of a special ceremony. The native american say that the video speaks for itself. He got caught doing something incredibly racist and disrespectful. It sounds like the main one who was standing in the face of the native american leader is already regretting some of those actions. A lot of people said build a wall, build a wall, said that that was shouted. These actions of our students are in consensus inconsistent with the teachings of our church. They were jeering and dancing, he has a smug look on his face. And everybody sees the smug look wants to punch that kid. That young man does not look like somebody who is appreciative and considerate of of the culture. I blame that [bleep] kid. What a little [bleep]. Smirk face. Sean while the medium mob was besmirching the character of this young Covington High School student, they essentially ignored the group of black hebrew israelites, we have it on tape. They couldve found it in 5 minutes. That were shouting at the kids vile, racist, homophobic, comments at Nicholas Sandmann and his classmates. Nicholas sandmann never responded under the most difficult response as part of the only thing he did was to encourage his fellow classmate not to respond. Watch and listen. Thats what makes America Great again. A bunch of child molesters. [bleep]. Look at all of these dusty [bleep] crackers. With that racist garbage on pair to look at these dirty [bleep] crackers. Sean all the media had to do was a little bit of work and asked a few questions. They had easy access to the tape, but the medium mob, they chose to rush to judgment, and vilify and destroy the reputation of a 16yearold kid and others. After all, he is wearing a red lets make America Great again hat, and attending oh, he is prolife, in march for life rally, which according to so many in the media is a vile, bigoted act. Watch this. It has become an invitation for confrontation, some refer to the hat as a modernday version of the confederate battle flag. The hat in some ways represents for many of us a kind of racial animus. The maga hat carries a certain connotation that provokes a conditioned reaction for many people. Especially from marginalized people. Think about the symbol of the red hat, when i see them make America Great again hat, chris, i am triggered. Sean Nicholas Sandmanns public persecution was widespread, all on the various almost all liberal Media Outlets, but the Washington Post, they were one of the ones that led the way. And the suit affirms that. A38 page brutal takedown. The post bullied an innocent child with an absolute disregard for the pain and destruction that these attacks could cause to his life. The post wanted to lead the charge against the child, because he was nothing but a pond and a political war against their adversary. Alan dershowitz believes and i agree with him that to this is a very reasonable case with a really good chance of coming out in favor of Nicholas Sandmann against the post. In i predict others. Theres a ton of precedents in this. What we see with Nick Sandmann is nothing new. I meant lindenwood who is going to join us in a minute, before e Fox News Channel, i started in october 1996 when the olympics was in atlanta, he was representing jewell, and the immediate aftermath of the bombing. Richard jewell was heralded and considered a hero after he says force spotted a suspicious bag, he push people away from the scene, he literally singlehandedly saved countlesse process. But then the Atlanta Journalconstitution they pointed the finger at Richard Jewell writing that they hero guard may have planted to the bomb. The medium mob all piled on in that case too. Why . Because they said that he fit the vision or the profile of a loan bomber. Single white man and he lived with his mother. I happen to be on the air at that time in atlanta, i found out later, i did not know it at the time, Richard Jewell was listening to my radio show. He told me later that i was the only person that did not to rush to judgment, because i thought that it was ridiculous. Well, just because he lives with his mother does not make him out to be a terrorist. I learned a valuable lesson. It has served me so well ever since. In the end, it turned out that the media rob mob, was dead wrong. I was right, and Richard Jewell was innocent and he was a hero. Lind would likely made him a rich man. I have not seen the settlements, but i believe that he died, at the age of 44 from a heart attack. I guarantee you, stress contributes to heart attacks. I strongly believe that in my heart, no medical assessment that is so devastated Richard Jewell data probably increase the stress load that led to an early death. We cover every controversial case, that lesson taught me to not rush to judgment in the duke lacrosse case, ferguson, baltimore, trey von, and george zimmerman, even the russian collusion hoax. The Cambridge Police acted stupidly, even vetting obama with the medium mob who loved and refused to do, i did what they would not do. Time after time this mob gets it wrong again and again. In the media and their friends on the left are always happy to smear, slander, besmirch anyone and everyone as long as it fits into their Divisive Political narrative. This has been the case for decades, but it has never been this bad in the era of trump it has become obvious more than ever. Lets take a look. This president trying to impersonate hugo chavez . Vladimir putin, he is he is not of sound mind. That is somebody that clinically you look at and you say theres something wrong there. Donald trump, up again, being a smoke. We can say that his words have an bold and white supremacist. He has given oxygen to racists. You are elevating trump to evil where as having raised three kids, i just think he has a giant toddler. Is it possible that he is not concerned with the mistresses, because she was one of them . Is that possible . We can no longer say that trump is a bad guy. If you vote for trump, you are the bad guy. Every second, every minute, every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year since President Trump has been president. Former cba journalist larry logan summed it up perfectly. The media everywhere is mostly liberal, not just in the u. S. , but in every country, 85 of journalists are registered democrats. So that is just a fact, right, nobody is registering democrat when they are really a republican, so the facts are on the side of what you just stated, most journalists are left or liberal or democrat or they have whatever word you want to give it, i always joke that the other 14 percent were too lazy to register. And there is maybe 1 of that is on the right. Sean she went on to say that she is probably committing professional suicide, she will join us in this show tonight, first before we talk to attorney lynwood, it appears that the Mueller Probe is finally wrapping up, sources telling the Fox News Channel that the investigation is near the end game. While the department of justice, the special councils have declined to comment, cnn, maybe they got something right, they are reporting that mueller could submit his findings to the attorney general bob barr as early as next week. Earlier today the president had a lot to say about the release of the report saying that it is all in the hands of his new attorney general, not him. And Justice Department rules that he decides. According the special counsel regulations mueller will provide a confidential report to the attorney general bob barr explaining the decisions reached by the special counsel. Next the attorney general will notify the chairs and ranking members of the house and Senate Judiciary committees upon the conclusion of the special counsels investigation. It is totally in the hands of the attorney general and his alone to decide what if any details can be released and in compliance with the law. It can control the timing of the notification over legitimate investigative or privacy concerns. They were presented to congress to decades ago. By democrats, janet reno, the ag, deputy ag eric holder, after the star investigation. If they were designed to make the special counsel more accountable to the public. And now ironically, the same people who are outraged at stars authority and the release of that report are the same ones wanting to give mueller free reign over President Trump, by the way, the next week the president and we will be with him about an important summit of the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and kim jong un paid would it not be wholly inappropriate to actually release the findings when the president is out of the country . Participating in these highstakes negotiations on such an important topic . We also know, and i have always suspected, maybe i will be proven wrong, that muellers team of democrats would love to undermine the president in any way that they can. We will have more on this later in the show. Also, huge breaking developing news by sara carter and john solomon. Her first joining us now with more on the lawsuit and what is a medium mob, i got to know him in 1996, one of the most tenacious attorneys in the country, as he sent me a letter of cease and desist, i would beg for an apology, lind would is with us. Good to see you. Thank you for having me on. Sean i meant what i said about Richard Jewell, it has served me well. Let me say this to you, Richard Jewell always appreciated what you did for him, sean. And the mob went after richard, you are the sole voice in the media that urged caution and said, stop investigate, get the facts, get it right. Nobody else did that. Sean i looked at nicholas the sandman. He was always grateful for you doing that. Sean i think the stress killed him. I know it did. We look at the story, this kid, you cannot teach somebody to act more perfectly than he did under the circumstances, and it would have taken all of seven seconds to get the truth out. Your reaction . Well, let me tell you what to the Washington Post dated two nicholas, and other members of the Mainstream Media. You have the era of social media now, twitter, facebook, thank goodness that did not as exist back in 1996 when Richard Jewell was under attack. So the video goes viral, the mob attacks, and you would expect that the Mainstream Media would be responsible enough to pause, recognize that they are dealing with a student, investigate, and make sure that they have the facts accurate. That the story that they tell is accurate. But they did not pause when it came to nicholas. Because they wanted to rush out and they wanted to jump into the mob and give the mob a megaphone. So that they could attack this boy, because he was white, catholic, and he was wearing a make America Great again cap. If nicholas had not purchased that souvenir cap that day at the mall, if he was not wearing it, none of us would know who Nick Sandmann is. He would still be living his life privately, going to School Without worrying about how his school and his classmates and the world feel about him. Here is a 16yearold kid, sean. It is tough being 16. Think about what this young boy is having to deal with at age 16 when the entire world saw him the way that the media portrayed him as literally the face of evil. It is inexcusable, reprehensible conduct by the media. In the Washington Post led the way. Sean welcoming you also telegraphed my interpretation, i have read every word of your 38 page complaint that cnn is not far behind, and bc is not far behind, but i have to imagine if you add up all Media Outlets in this day and age and include hollywood actors and actresses, with the power of the pulpit that they have. Hundreds, thousands of potential lawsuits here . Certainly hundreds. To the good news is that we have two and a half years to identify and File Lawsuits against the wrongdoers. Because he is a minor, nick will turn 18 in july of 2020. We have two and a half years. We have a lot of work to do. Because the social media and mainstream mob of bullies was extremely large in number. And they were very vocal. In the Mainstream Media like the Washington Post gave them a megaphone. To go out and to shout to the world that this young boy had instigated this event, which he did not. Had engaged in behavior swarming around mr. Phillips, which he did not. Had blocked mr. Phillips ability to leave the scene, which he did not. Nicholas sandmann as you said, he did not do anything wrong. He exhibited the most respectful behavior of anyone involved in this incident. He was a child. He was accosted by adults. The black hebrew israelites as your clip shows yelling the most obscene slurs at these boys. Homophobic, racist slurs. And then you have this character, phillips. I say character, because i have watched what he said prayed he does not tell the same story twice, because he is a liar. Sean can you sue him . Intervie

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