Its a phrase that stuck out from the inaugural address, the theme for tonights address is going to be the renewal of the american spirit. President trump has really been influenced by all the listening sessions hes been holding at the white house with Health Insurance ceos, Law Enforcement officials, coal miners, union reps. The two big themes, economy and security. He is expected to start with a look at what he is already accomplished, promises cap and promises made, reviving those two oil pipelines. Even though he ran into problems in the courts, its still promises kept to his supporters. He is expected to lay out his agenda. Hell talk about tax reform, infrastructure spending, health care, hell also have to explain how he plans to pay for the 54 billion increase in defense spending and he gave us a preview of where he thinks the money will come from this morning on fox friends. I think the money is going to come from a revved up economy. You look at the kind of numbers we are doing, we were probably gdp of a little more than 1 , and if i can get that up to three or may be more, we have a whole different ball game. Its a whole different ball game. President trump has also invited special guests to attend tonights address, that includes the widow of two California Police officers who were killed in the line of duty of an illegal immigrant. And if the widow of the late supreme for justice, and two months glia. Justice and immigration will certainly come up tonight as well. Jon as we await the president s address, he admitted yesterday it is not an easy issue. I have to tell you, its an unbelievably complex subject. Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated. Jon House Speaker ryan said it will cut costs for consumers. We ran on a plan last year. But you didnt give us a planet can be voted on now and you know republicans within their own party have deep disagreements, so do the American People have a right to say weve heard the criticism for year after year and yet we still dont have something that can be put on the president s desk . Thats exactly what were doing right now. Were not writing some bill in the back room like obamacare was written, we are going through the committee process. Where having public hearings, were having committees work on legislation. This is how the legislative process is supposed to be designed. Jon joining us now, bret baier, the anchor of the special report. Bright, its my understanding that after your breakfast this morning, you come here with a little more clarity of what will be hearing. I had a breakfast with several anchors and reporters with speaker paul ryan, some of that would us off the record, some was on the record. It mirrored what he said on the today show, that is going to be a marketbased solution. When you are republicans talk about the death spiral for obamacare, that comes out of conversations theyve had with insurers who say they cant see themselves getting through these companies, getting through 2017 without pulling out, because they are in such dire straits with how this law has been structured from the Insurance Companies point of view. The secretary is going to have to do something to keep them all in the tent, if you will. I think you are going to see some specifics, i dont know how much President Trump is going to get into the specifics about the health care solution, but in the coming days, as the speaker mentioned, these committees will be firing up with these different plans. One thing that i thought was pretty newsworthy, and on the record quote, where speaker ryan talked about i asked him how do you pay for everything, especially when you have tax reform, youve got health care, you bet infrastructure, whenever thats going to happen, plus you might have some inflation thats going to cause Interest Rates to go up, we are paying more interest on the national debt. Theres just not enough putting their thats going to make up for that without exploding the deficit. He said, there is an open question on longterm entitlement reform. President trump doesnt want to change entitlements for those in or near retirement, the baby boomers will explore the equation, and this is a conversation we are going to have to have. Longterm entitlement reform. I pressed last night on this and it was a similar answer. A wait for the in may. We may see a semantics change when it comes to entitlement reform on the long term. Not the people who are in or near retirement right now. Jon theres some people who are thinking with the budget talk with former members of congress along with tom price, the director of health and Human Services now, that there might be a push toward tightening the budget and coming up with budget cuts that might be palatable to the president. Is there any indication that thats happening . I think it is happening behind the scenes. I dont think we have of the details yet, but i do think its going to happen. Think about it from speaker ryans perspective. Heres a guy hes worked with for years on budgets, on health care, on entitlement reform, on how to turn the ship of state to avoid exploiting national debt, this is mick mulvaney, tom price, good friends from wisconsin, he has tentacles inside inside this administration to be able to at least get the communication open on these big issues. I think youre going to see a lot of that develop in the next two or three months. Jon an article in New York Times today talks about how the president and speaker ryan are heading for a clash over the budget and it included this note, which i thought was interesting. This is not simply a fight for an ideological core, essay question what can pass congress. A budget with no entitlement cuts in one bed is not balanced most likely has no chance of passing the house, and could be rejected by Senate Republicans as well. Mr. Trumps proposals are too far to the right in terms of domestic cuts and too far to the left in terms of balance. He my point in this quote i read is that the messaging and what is communicated behind the scenes is different than whats being communicated in public on these big issues. When you see longterm entitlement reform is still on the table, it sounds a lot different than what President Trump has talked about, but i think that is the place they are going that young people are probably going to see some changes to those big programs. One other piece of news, thats on the russia investigations. Speaker ryan said that the russian investigations are continuing about possible connections or communications between the Trump Campaign or Trump Administration and russian in both the house and the senate. However, he said that former dni and former cia director scrubbed the investigation from november and december and provided a report and in that report, there was no evidence, says speaker ryan, of any collaboration, pollution, or communication beyond Michael Flynns communication with the russian ambassador. They havent found no evidence yet, he says, of any american complicit with any russian efforts to interfere with the election. He did say, that its clear the russians try to come about so far there is no evidence, even as these investigations continue. Jon fascinating. Big day for you bret baier, thanks for spending some of your time with us. We appreciate it. We have a powerful primetime lineup for you tonight. Brett is picking things up, then Martha Maccallum on the first 100 days, bill oreilly takes over at eight and then brett and martha continue special coverag coverage. They will take you through the president s address in a special edition of hannity heirs at 11 00 p. M. Eastern. Jenna in the meantime, lawmakers from both sides of the aisle have plenty to talk about. This could give them peter doocy is live on capitol hill with more. Jenna, speaker of the, paul ryan is going to be over President Trumps shoulder for the entire speech tonight. And an interview this morning, the speaker suggested hes not going to be looking to the president for granular details about how things are going to get done, because he says is not President Trumps style, but its not a bad thing. I see him as more of a chairman then a president , much like many successful president s have been. He gets people or detailed people and can execute this pla plan. You hired jim matus to be her secretary of defense to up with a plan to defeat isis. You take tom price who has been working on health care his entire adult life. There is some level of confusion around health care. Kevin brady says that drafting an obamacare replace replacemes underway. At some of the drafts that have leaked out have not impressed the gops most conservative way more conservatives are threatening to vote no on the replacement package unless it rolls back more of obamacare. Tonight, everyone is excited to hear a lot about this from the leader of the party, President Trump. Stay tuned for that. It Democratic Leaders, however, do not expect President Trump to follow through on much, if anything, of what he pledges to do tonight. The focus should be on the president s actions rather than his empty words. As weve seen, the things he talks about usually dont happe happen. Tomorrow night, the president will use populist rhetoric in his speech, but he wont back it up with real action. House Democratic Leaders told us at a press conference that we should not expect to see members of their party disrupting the address this evening because they say they respect the office, so theyre going to sit there politely and did not show any enthusiasm. One lawmaker on the left joked that if the president wants to get a standing ovation from democrats, all he has to do is announce tonight that he is going to release his tax return returns. Jenna will wait and see. Anything can happen. Peter, thank you very much. Jon a deadly plane crash in southern california. Plus, wall Street Investors will be watching capitol hill closely tonight as President Trump lays out his agenda during a joint session of congress theres nothing more important than your health. So if youre on medicare or will be soon, you may want more than parts a and b heres why. Medicare only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. You might want to consider an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare Insurance Company. Like any Medicare Supplement insurance plan, these help pick up some of what medicare doesnt pay. And, these plans let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. You could stay with the doctor or specialist you trust. Or go with someone new. Youre not stuck in a network. Because there arent any. So dont wait. Call now to request your free decision guide and find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan that works for you. Theres a range to choose from, depending on your needs and your budget. Rates are competitive. And theyre the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. Like any of these types of plans, they let you apply whenever you want. Theres no enrollment window. No waiting to apply. So call now. Remember, Medicare Supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay. Youll be able to choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. Whether youre on medicare now or turning 65 soon, its a good time to get your ducks in a row. Duck quack call to request your free decision guide now. Because the time to think about tomorrow is today. Jon take a quick look at the markets right now, stocks are up after President Trumps call for boost in military spending. The market down pretty much for points right now. If the dower to close higher today, it will do something that is never done and that is close at a record high for 13 consecutive days. Investors also will keep a close eye on the president s address tonight. Mr. Trump expected to strike an optimistic tone and to lay out his legislative agenda as well. Jenna breaking now, a trip to disneyland turned to tragedy is a Small Plane Crashes into several houses in southern california. Five people were on the plane, three of them killed. It Jonathan Hunt is live in los angeles with more. Did jenna think, the plane was a cessna 310, it took off from riverside you municipal airport. Within minutes, it was plummeting to the ground. As you can see in this cell phone video, dropping very quickly and exploding as it crashed into two homes. At the intense fire destroyed those two homes as firefighters rushed in to try to rescue any survivors. Remarkably, they found two, both from the plane. They were injected into the house and that was where the firefighters were able to make an interior attack and extricate them from the house early on in the fire. Miraculously, no one on the ground was hurt, but three people on the board the plane were killed. We dont have any names yet from officials, but we are told the planes passengers included a husband and wife and possibly three teenagers. We are told they were flying to san jose, heading home after taking part in a cheerleading competition over the weekend at disney where the junior usa nationals for girls 15 and under were held. It was raining at the time of the crash, although visibility was still about 3 miles. At this point, we simply dont know the cause of the crash, although that almost vertical drop will give investigators some clues. The National Transportation safety board leading the investigation. We expect to get more information at a news conference, that is scheduled for 2 00 p. M. Eastern, 11 00 a. M. In riverside. Jenna jonathan, thank you. Jon some frightening moments at Rio De Janeiros carnival as a float collapses and two women, accused of killing kim jonguns half brother to be charged with murder. As tensions increased between north korea and several other nations. Now, possible calls for the Trump Administration to set in n jon a dozen people hurt when a float collapses at Rio De Janeiro carnival parade. At the event was stopped for half an hour as rescue workers pulled the injured dancers off the float. The cause of the crash is not known. 20 people were injured when another float crashed into a fence. Jenna right now, malaysia is charging two women with the murder in the case of kim jonguns halfbrother. A police say a death sentence, if convicted. This is just the beginning of all this. This, as a south korean intelligence Officials Say the north korean regime was behind the murder, and they also have other news as well. We go to korean news and alanis there was an additional assassination within north korea as the five top, using antiaircraft guns. What is that about and what does it tell us about the regime . Not only were those five senior officials executed, but their officer was also demoted. We learned about that beginning of this month. Also, this comes in conjunction with the killing of the 27, which is a serious event in north korea, because it is challenging the kim bloodline. When the North Koreans launched Ballistic Missile on february february 12, that is the head of Strategic Forces was an onsite. There is instability across this regime right now. Jenna how do you take advantage of that instability . I think its going to be very difficult, but one thing we may be able to do is convince china that their support of north korea over the decades is counterproductive for chinese interests, and one way we can do this is to say kim jongnam was a chinese asset. He is under the projection of beijing because they wanted to have a kim in reserve in case they wanted to change the top of the north korean leadership. We have to remember that right now there is this spat between beijing. At the end of the day, the chinese and support the North Koreans, not because the North Koreans are friendly and helpful to the chinese, its because the North Koreans do things that are in the long term strategic interest of china, which is basically keeping office offbalance. Jenna interesting. We have talked about north korea for years now, its something that has plagued our affairs in north korea, plagued a variety of different administrations. It president bush, and 2002, had this to say about north korea. I want to play a little bit of that for our viewers. North korea, as a regime armed with missiles and weapons of mass destruction while starving its citizens. Estates like these and their terrorist allies constitutes evil. Harming to threaten the peace of the world by seeking weapons of mass destruction. These regimes pose a grave and growing danger. They can provide these arms to terrorists, giving them the means to match their hatred. To protect our allies, or attempt to blackmail the United States. In any of these cases, the price of indifference would be catastrophic. Jenna 15 years ago. Its hard to imagine that. 15 years ago president bush made that address and he famously said the axis of evil. Whats changed since then . The only thing thats changed is that north korea has been able to detonate Nuclear Devices and perfect its longrange missiles. Its been selling both missile and Nuclear Weapons technology to iranians and of the North Koreans have links to terrorist groups. Clearly, the