Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered 20180806 16:00:00 : vim

FOXNEWSW Outnumbered August 6, 2018 16:00:00

A news show featuring the top headlines of the day from pop culture to politics, which are discussed by a rotating panel of four women and one man. Union and the president has to go in there. I dont know what the outcome is going to be but if he loses, it will be very bad for republicans. He went on that note, this is what congressman peter king thought about his appeal to voters. Rankandfile people, they identify with President Trump. Hes able to connect with them. He cuts through a lot of the washington talk and strikes a very responsive chord. So hes out there, people may not agree with everything he says, the fact is he is able to connect and its a ability to have paid Judge Napolitano i dont like anybody can dispute what congressman king just said. The race is going to be decided not by the base of republicans. Jessica , we cant dispute the president s ability to connect when hes having a rall rally. Troy balderson is an interesting republican because he has trump in case it can endorse rarely happens. He was on the sunday shows yesterday and he pointed out actually that balderson didnt even invite him, that trump just said he was coming and then said i guess i should show up at this thing. So he was really going the more moderate route there because columbus is obviously a big liberal bastion there and he is trying to protect the suburbs were a lot of white women actually have been moving away from the president and independents are really where this race is going to be won. But Danny Oconnor is very similar to connor lam in the pennsylvania Special Election. Medicare for all. Judge napolitano prolife democrat like connor lam . Jessica we are all prosecond amendment, just for responsible. To be what i dont want to get off topic. Dagen this car just drove in a ditch. Melissa it is wonderful deniability to say i didnt even invite president trent, he just showed up. That would make moderates feel good while those who support President Trump would love to have President Trump there. Maybe there threading the needle dagen pelosi puppet, genius way to try to label Danny Oconnor, whoever he is. Because with connor lam, connor lam smartly distance himself from nancy pelosi because again it comes down to the numbers. And i pushed back, i dont think in a Special Election in a relatively wealthy district in ohio has anything to do with the way people will vote in Southern Virginia or North Carolina or any of these other areas. It is all about ask somebody in two weeks to won that Special Election in ohio. It is and about how people feel at home, particularly is not about independence, its about women. Its about how women and mothers eating at home feel about their pocketbook, feel about their family finances. Kennedy i want to ask you something about that really quick because i think youre right and thats what it boils down to you but where does the president put his weight . Does he continue to talk to the base and get them excited because its a very different strategy than trying to go for some of those independent voters and some of those educated suburban women. Dagen is not the talk, its a walk and hence the policies and what theyve actually produced in terms of Economic Growth in this country. I can go through all the numbers. Job growth on average this year every month is at a faster pace than it was last year. So it is about how people feel and is the numbers theyre putting up. And i will say this, lee carter who works for me did some testing and said enthusiasm has gained among republicans in the last month but also independents are maintaining support because of many of trumps policies. Judge napolitano shows up uninvited and loses come hes going to feel the sting. Melissa he never feels the sting. Jessica the republicans will file for him. Dagen is going to turn around and say nancy pelosi in every single democrat in washington, you know that tax cut that almost everybody in his country has felt . They didnt vote for it. So they dont get credit for it. What are they going to do, raise your taxes if you put them in n the house . Jessica a few points there, i believe nationally speaking the independents are actually starting to move away from republicans towards democrats. They are part of that Enthusiasm Gap that is shifting and Danny Oconnor has been adamantly against nancy pelosi. If you look at his twitter bio, it actually says we need a new generation of leadership. He is following the connor lam thing there. He was pushed and pushed about whether he would support your leadership again. Kennedy is at the very loud progressives going to talk about later in the show could generate so much enthusiasm but the Unintended Consequences of their policies will lead the country. Dagen all republicans are toothless smelly people at walmart. Kennedy the Trump Administration at midnight tonight reimposing the first stage of an economic sanctions against iran after President Trump pulled out of the nuclear ligament stop back calling at the worst agreement ever negotiated. Ambassador john bolton see me already seeing u. S. Pressure impacting irans economy and regime. Watch. Weve already seen some of the implications, the pressure on the iranian economy is significant, the value of its currency is going through the floor, we have seen public reporting of massive flights of capital out of iran, the elites are getting nervous, we continue to see demonstrations and riots in cities and towns all around. Kennedy the president this weekend saying the ball is in irans court waiting i read in this economy is going very bad and fast. I will meet or not me. It doesnt matter, its up to them. Meantime the European Union and u. S. Allies Great Britain france and germany announcing what they call a blocking statute to take effect tuesday. That would protect european firms continue to do business with iran. So what do we do here . Are there sanctions you can impose that make a difference and bring iran back to the table to renegotiate his deal or do you let Western Europe run all over the country . Judge napolitano as it was about the best youre going to get at the time under barack obama. I dont think what we are going to get thats better short of any violence. I dont know anyone that really wants to violence. This was an Executive Agreement between the president of the United States and the leaders of iran, this was not a treaty ratified by the senate. Therefore, though i may disagree with president trent, he has every lawful and Constitutional Rights to aggregated but hes got to face the consequences. Its divisive in the e. U. , the e. U. As you just pointed out is going to protect the businesses that continue to do business with iran, i dont know how theyre going to do that protection, knowing donald trump is going to retaliate against countries that permit their companies to do business. Melissa i dont think that he wants a balance. What we are seeing is a Regime Change, that theyre being squeezed so tightly economically and we are not hearing a lot about the riots in the various things that the only other way to battle back other than an agreement is to put so much economic pressure that the death grip on their own population is overthrown. Kennedy is interesting because its so tough with a theocracy. How do you do that . The last thing americans want is Regime Change in the middle east. We dont want another protracted war, we dont want more death, a thriving economy is fine. That benefits everyone. But how on earth do you encourage that sort of an up rising so they overthrow that horrific system . Melissa for sure obviously, but if you look at saudi arabia on the next generation of leaders that have come in, obviously they have a million miles to go in that country but it is a population where 70 of the population is under 30 and they are looking for a more modern way forward just because they realize. Kennedy is a generational shift. Dagen the messaging coming out of Secretary Of State mike pompeo has been brilliant. If you listen to that speech he gave at the Reagan Library in late july, he painted the iranian leadership as mobsters. Has a bunch of members of the mafia. The money that iran got because of the Iran Nuclear Deal was directed to Terrorist Dictators and militia rather than the welfare of ordinary iranians. Mike pompeo said the United States hears you talking about the iranian people who are dealing with soaring unemployment and soaring inflation, the United States supports you, the United States is with you. In the protest weve seen, they are not against the United States. They are against the iranian leader and what is happening within that country. Kennedy they want what everyone else wants. They want flexibility, they want to take care of their kids. Judge napolitano we should not have laws in this country that permit the president of the United States alone without an authorization from the congress to ship 400 million in cash to the iranian dictators. Mike pompeo is rate, what barack obama did was lawful, it shouldnt have been lawful. Kennedy that was not something that was ratified by the senate, you can think President Obama for that. Jessica thank you, President Obama for that. Kennedy dont complain about the consequences from President Trump acting lead unilaterally. Jessica i was just doing that to make you happy. We are in an awful mess here. I do agree with the judge that the deal was the best we are going to get at the time. I am hopeful that we can get a better deal and that the economic and is often how we get to a better place because people just measures things based on their pocketbooks and thats true of europe and is going to be true of a place like iran as well. In terms of another uprising, you are seeing a little bit of the same vibe that we had prearab spring, the young people out they were agitated. We are working to make sure they have a Free Internet for instance. That is one of the most important things that we can do. It goes in and out obviously with how much they allow and what they cut off. Dagen i want to answer one thing that the judge said. As evidence that the real world never saw this iran deal would stand, American Companies for the most part did not start breaking deals in doing busines business, erupt, they just dove in headfirst we have incredible energy production here, Strategic Petroleum reserve that has 650 million barrels, and then also cutting out access to the Swift Financial work, a Messaging System that facilitates Financial Transactions around the world, you caught iran off, you cut them off from the outside. Kennedy also, it will be u. S. Technology and the free market. President trump continues to ramp up his feud with the socalled fake news as several reporters raise alarms over his rhetoric. But the white house defending his criticism saying its the media thats been launching this attack. We will debate. Plus, we could be just days away from learning if trump will agree to an interview with special counsel Robert Mueller. What will happen . Im comfortable in saying this, if there was strong evidence of collusion, i guarantee it would have been leaked by now but lets wait for the process to play itself out. Come here, babe. Ok. Nasty Nighttime Heartburn . Try new alkaseltzer pm gummies. The only fast, Powerful Heartburn Relief Plus Melatonin so you can fall asleep quickly. Oh, what a relief it is decide to sit for an interview with muellers team against the advice of lawyers, watch. At the end of the day come hes the president he gets to make that decision. We are going to give our advice. But if you get a subpoena, you file whats called a motion, it would go to the District Court and the Court Of Appeals and in the Supreme Court of United States and from the Supreme Court, goes back down to the lower courts again. So if the special counsel makes a determination and gets the authority, they have to have the authority to seek that subpoena, a subpoena for live testimony has never been tested in court as to a president of the United States. Melissa meantime, republicans editor marco rubio says it appears that mueller has nothing when it comes to Finding Collusion between President Trumps campaign end. Watch. I believe it is in the best interest of the president and of the United States of america and the American People for that investigation to run the course for all the truth to come out and the best thing that can happen for him in the best thing that can happen for the country. Obviously, he is annoyed by that investigation continuing to go on because its about him. And he believes and has said repeatedly and emphatically that he did not collude with the russians. Im limited in what i can say because a son is still doing our investigation but im comfortable in saying this. If there was evidence of collusion, i guarantee you it would have been leaked by now. Lets wait for the process to play itself out. Melissa house until democrat adam schiff says there is evidence of collusion and the president continues to Cast Doubt On Whether Russia Meddled in the election. The biggest thing the president could do was confront moscow, establish some kind of deterrence but instead exactly the opposite messages being being sent and that is and i think this was delivered in helsinki, as long as the russians interfere on Donald Trumps side and the midterms, Vladimir Putin can count on the president to never call him out. And that leaves us all to vulnerable. If melissa the president s lawyer Rudy Giulianis as a final decision on a mueller interview is likely by this sunday. I know we had this new tweet from the president over the weekend talking about the fact that the meeting was about that they have dirt on the opposition. Im confused because the democrats paid a Foreign Government or foreign entity. Judge napolitano your confused because they were investigating the wrong side. Melissa im confused what is or isnt legal. Judge napolitano there is no such a lot and there is no such word in the law as collusion, thats a hollywood and media term. The legal term is conspiracy. At the Trump Campaign and the russians Work Together, but was there an agreement to Work Together . The crime is the agreement. Whether the agreement was put into place or not. Thats what bob mueller is looking for. Melissa s are paying for the dossier, thats an agreement. Judge napolitano except that hes not investigating that, hes investigating whether or not the people from the Trump Campaign entered into an agreement to receive dirt from hillary, Whether The Dirt was received or not. The crime if there were a crime is receiving anything of value from a foreign person entity or government. If there is an agreement to do that, the dossier was prepared by a person looking for a law firm hired by Hillary Clinton. Kennedy youre basically just wandering guilt at that point. Judge napolitano you may argue and ive argued that unsuccessfully in agreement that ends up not being carried out shouldnt be a crime but it is. Its the prosecutors favorite crime, its called conspiracy. Its the easiest to prove, all you need to know is who agreed that one of them took a step further. Melissa if you hire someone to kill someone, that the crime even if they arent successful. Judge napolitano two people hire someone to kill someone whether that killing takes place or not, they can be prosecuted for conspiracy to commit murder even know there was no murder. The reason he so looks upset is that he told bob mueller of the meeting with the russians was about russian adoptions and the lawyers made misrepresentations like that, than other lawyers stop believing them. He said this is what i was told by my client at the time. And his client, the president initially said it was about adoptions over the weekend. He acknowledged what it was truly about which was whether or not theyre going to get dirt from hillary. The president was also worried about his son because his son testified under oath that this was not about dirt from hill

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