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Harris john roberts now on the north lawn. Great to see you and healthy, sir. Lets start off with the last hour of television with rudy guliani and we can catch everybody up quickly. He said some things twice in interviews on this Network Today that seemed to show a shift. I want to get your terminology for what we first heard and now what we just heard. Good to be back, by the way, harris. Good to see you. Weve been talking to guliani and his outside team for weeks. I developed some information that while theres discussions going on between the president s outside attorneys and Robert Mueller, that those talks dont seem to be going anywhere and the greater likelihood is that very soon, because a decision is about to be made, im told maybe within the next week or two weeks that the president and his legal team will tell Robert Mueller no, were not going to sit down for an interview. There seems to be a growing consensus among the president s legal team on that ultimately as rudy guliani reported no, dont do it. The reasons are many fold. The president s attorneys dont believe that Robert Mueller has made a compelling case as to why he needs to interview the president and given all the news recently about how the mueller investigated was initiated, theres no desire on the part of the president s legal team to have him sit down in what could be a perjury trap. As you mentioned at the top, the president revving up his attacks on mueller and the investigation a flurry of tweet saying is Robert Mueller ever going to release his Conflict Of Interest with respect to President Trump, including fact that we had a nasty an contentious Business Relationship . I turned him down to head the fbi one day before his appointment to Special Counsel and comey is his personal friend . Why is he appointing only angry dems . Why isnt mueller looking at the criminal activity and real russian collusion on the democrat side, the podesta dossier . At the same time, the president is trying a tried and true tactic about his former personal attorney, Michael Cohen. We have the news that rudy guliani was talking about regarding the recording, possibly one other recording what theyre doing is shredding cohens credibility so anything he says or tells Robert Mueller, if he does an interview with him is suspect. Guliani also suggesting that cohens taping of the president and other people shows an absolute lack of ethics, going so far to call him on Fox And Friends this morning a scoundrel. Listen here. Theres numeral recordings of other people having to do with trump, the trump organization. To give you an idea what a scoundrel he was. I didnt know this about him. Up until a month ago, two months ago, i said nice things about him. My opinion turned on a dime when i found out hes a Lawyer Recording his client. Thats a disbarable offense. Harris, on the mueller interview, when the president s attorneys tell mueller no, there will not be an interview with the president , mueller could issue a subpoena to try to compel the president to sit down and testify. The president s outside attorneys are confident that mueller wont pull that rabbit out of his hat. Harris and what rudy guliani described on outnumbered more than once, Michael Cohen is a scoundrel, what he said is theres 183 unique recordings. Of them, theres about 12 that are on point with certain issues and topics and legalities. He pointed out theres a ask the president during the press conference. One of the questions will be, can you say here and now can you say you will not sit down with Robert Mueller. Stay tuned. Harris absolutely. If you get anything, come back. Well make room for you always. Glad to see you. Thank you. Good to be here. Harris my first guest, hans is a senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation and former doj official. A handy guy to have along on a day like this. Were you able to watch rudy guliani in the last hour with the team of outnumbered . Yeah, i had you on. I always watch you in my lunch hour. Harris thank you. Lets start with you can of an idea of a definition for collusion. Rudy guliani wanted to clear the record, he wanted to get correction on live with us on outnumbered. He absolutely believes theres no evidence that the president had any collusion with russia or his campaign team. If there were any collusion Interviews with newsmakers and roundtable discussions cover the top news stories of the day. In this, what are you looking for legally to move forward . Theres been some talk on outnumbered whether the investigation is ramping up, heating up, cooling down. Rudy guliani says it has a natural feeling of an ending. Look, after 1 1 2 years and the tens of millions of dollars theyve spent, they pretty much talked right to everybody they could have talked to and interviewed that might have known something about this. Like i said, so far no evidence of any kind of collusion. So unless theres some kind of surprise witness that we dont know about with solid evidence, it would seem like theyre coming to the end of their investigation. Harris hans, it was a moment of levity when rudy guliani said we hear on your air that it would be a bad idea for the five on previous interviews which it seems like rudy guliani was moving the goal posts as far as what the president believed or what collusion was or was it a crime. He wanted to clean that up to make it clear. Harris you think he cleaned it up . Listen, he said if there was collusion, it wouldnt be a crime. But theres not collusion, so he wanted to make sure that got out there. You know, technically hes right. The crime in statute i talked to james comey on special report about this is not collusion. Its conspiracy to work with a foreign power to steal an election. Theres a number of technical ways to get to a crime there. The second thing that i thought was fascinating is the Second Trump Tower meeting that comes Out Of The Blue from rudy guliani, preempting what i guess he thinks that cohen is going to know about the meeting in trump tower. Thats what don jr. Testified to. Now theres some debate whether he did or didnt know. Rudy guliani said he didnt attend the meeting. Now theres talk of a second meeting. Now we have to sift through that and see where that is. The next thing is this Manafort Trial starts tomorrow. I think youre going to start to see some of at least that piece of the Mueller Probe unfolding before our eyes about what theyre trying to do or pinch Paul Manafort as far as getting him to testify. Harris it is interesting. You know, rudy guliani said that he was talking about that second meeting when he said that the president was not there. Again, Telegraphing Information that is coming down the pike that were not privy to. And we followed up on that point. It was information that we didnt have yet about a meeting that apparently did not happen. But i want to move on to this aspect of what guliani said. Five cocounsel but its the president s decision. Back to that Political Landscape now that seems to be shifting. What is the reporting on that . I think john roberts has some really good sources telling him theres a strong lean that the president is not going to sit down with Robert Mueller. Harris guliani says it wont happen. That tells you everything you need to know. Then it becomes this loggerhead, whether mueller is going to push forward and test the constitutional bounds of whether the president Cannot Answer and if mueller files a subpoena, where that heads. Likely to the Supreme Court. Harris its so interesting what Robert Mueller has right now is no path to indictment according to the doj expert that i just had on, hans, saying theres no direct line based on the evidence hes seen thus far. If you put it in the category of the president pushing into the subpoena, now youre into legal ground and gets tricky. And tricky for the midterms. It comes as important 99 days out that this president holds on to both chambers of congress. Harris want to get back on the record with this, too. I dont know if you caught it, but in that conversation with rudy guliani, apparently theres a recording of Michael Cohen making the decision to stop recording on another device and stick that in his desk. Where are we going with this one might wonder. Bret baier, the last word from you. Let me say theres a lot to the Michael Cohen story that is yet to play out. Youll see trumps lawyers push for disbarment or whatever theyre going to do to question his credibility. A quick pitch. Im going to interview the italian Prime Minister today after his meeting with President Trump. So there could be some interesting tidbits from that. Harris ciao to jessipi. President trump is expected to get questions about some of the material that we just covered with his personal attorney, rudy guliani. Well take you there live. And red state senator joe manchin is the first democratic senator to meet with Brett Kavanaugh. It happens today. What will that look like . Will manchin and other vulnerable democrats get behind the president s choice . Stay close. man managing my type 2 diabetes wasnt my top priority. Used to control High Blood Sugar in adults with diabetes. Dont use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Dont share needles or insulin pens. Dont reuse needles. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. 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Bush white house. Mike emanuel has more details. Mike . Harris, good afternoon to you. Certainly Brett Kavanaugh would like democratic support. Manchin is a possibility. Manchin has head meetings to get his colleagues take. Meanwhile, democratic leadership is pushing for more documentation from when kavanaugh worked in the george w. Bush white house. This is one of the most important positions in the world. We need to know everything. Not just some of the stuff and some of the stuff the white house wants us to know but everything. Some republicans see that as a stall tactic. I think when he was associate counsel to the president , his 200 opinions are very important. But chuck, to go on a Fishing Expedition to millions of documents that he had nothing substantive to say about is a mistake. Now kentucky senator rand paul says hes a yes after meeting judge kavanaugh and reviewing his record. I decided to support his nomination. I believe he will carefully adhere to the constitution and will take his job to protect individual liberties seriously. Fellow republican senators now sound quite confident. When it comes to Brett Kavanaugh, i have zero doubt he will be on the Supreme Court before the end of october. Hes highly qualified, welldeserving. Were going to break the back of every democratic effort to stop this good man from being on the Supreme Court. Many republicans believe its not a question of if judge kavanaugh will be confirmed but when, maybe just a few weeks before the midterm elections. Harris . Harris quickly before i let you go. Are there any republicans that would put this in jeopardy that we know of . Not everybody is on the record saying theyre a yes but a lot of people are sounding like theyre getting there, waiting for his hearing here on capitol hill before the judiciary committee. So far, no red flags going up in terms of republicans leaning no on kavanaugh. Harris red flags for the democrats who may have to fall on a plastic fork for their party. Mike emanuel, thank you. Thank you. Harris Roman Martinez was a former clerk to Brett Kavanaugh. Thank you for your time today. Thanks for having him. Harris are there any surprises that you think democrats would find in terms of your former boss that might get them to vote yes for him . You know, i think, harris, one of the interesting things weve seen the last few weeks is efforts but a few senators to try to demonize judge kavanaugh. Senator schumer has said before the pick was made that he would oppose anyone that President Trump picked. Senator booker compared voting for kavanaugh to being complicit with evil. Theres going to be a lot of wonderful surprises in the record because the record is outstanding. Judge kavanaugh has been a judge for 12 years on the d. C. Circuit. Written 300 opinions, been vindicated by the Supreme Court 13 times. When people take a close look, he stands for individual liberty and faithfully applying the constitution and doesnt impose his own views on what the law is. Harris roman, you join a distinguished group of people that have clerked for kavanaugh and have had fabulous careers. Were you aware always of how he would vote or what his politics were . You know, one of the nice things about clerking for judge kavanaugh is the extent to which he brought his clerks in to the discussion process to Decision Making process. He would want to look at every brief, read every Law Review Article and check the precedent and encourage his clerks to debate the issues in front of him and with him. What i was impressed by, his openmindedness, fairness and attention and care that he gave to every litigant in every case, whether a big case or small case. Thats the kind of thing that will make him a great Supreme Court justice. Harris one of the things the democrats have criticized him about, they want to get their hands on every document. We can talk about that in moments. They question whether or not he would be legally separate enough from the president as you have investigations going on right now. What is your take on it . That criticism or critique is totally overblown and without foundation, frankly. Judge cavanaugh has a very distinguished record. He investigated president clinton, been on the record saying no one is above the law and hes committed to independent and apolitical law enforcement. I dont think anyone should have any concerns. Harris what is interesting what you just said, it was at the time that he investigated former president bill clinton that he came up with the wording that has been troubling to some conservatives about how protected a president should be. Im paraphrasing that. I lean on you for legality. What can you explain to us . Whether he was in that investigation or later in his service as a judge, hes just taking the law and tried to apply the law fairly to whoever is before him. Whether hes been as an investigator or as a judge. That is exactly the kind of approach hes going to take on the Supreme Court. One of the things thats been interesting the last few weeks is to see a couple of prominent democratic lawyers, including don verilli, president obamas chief lawyer in the Supreme Court talk about judge kavanaugh. He said that kavanaugh was a brilliant jurist, exemplary and that hes gracious on and off the bench. Thats the kind of endorsement that wont come lightly and will reflect a legitimate view that judge kavanaugh is fairminded and will be do the right thing. Harris interesting. It would behoove democrats to sit down with him and get their own take on him action we would expect any lawmaker to do with any candidate. Ramon martinez, thank you. Thank you. Harris were awaiting the president s News Conference. We hear he will take questions after going after robert muellers investigation. Well talk more about the hour rolls on. President trump threatening to shut down the government if he doesnt get enough money for his Border Wall System. How could that effect the midterms . Well bring on John Garamundi of california. Stay close. To be their best, kids need good nutrition. And practice. Lots of practice. Get them started right with Carnation Breakfast essentials. It has protein plus vitamins and minerals to help kids be their best. Carnation breakfast essentials. Which can be lifethreatening. Stop chantix and get help right away if you have any of these. Tell your Healthcare Provider if youve had depression or other Mental Health problems. Decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. Use caution when driving or operating machinery. The most common side effect is nausea. My favorite role so far . Being a nonsmoker. No question about it. Talk to your doctor about chantix. Harris Breaking News in california. 10,000 people are being order to evacuate their homes. 17 wild fires raging across the state. The largest burning up north near the city of redding. It has killed six people including two firefighters. Seven other people missing. Jeff paul joining us live from redding. Jeff . Yeah, cal fire just releasing plans for some people that evacuated to return to their homes. We take a look here. This is what some folks are bracing for when they return to find. Their house has been destroyed. Take a look here. This house pretty much reduced to just ash. Look deep. You can see what looks like a washer and dryer and in front of that, a Filing Cabinet and over here, this looks like what was once a garage. We take a walk over to this area. Look at what all of these flames and the smoke did to this truck destroying the entire vehicle leaving just the metal. The fire is 20 contained. A day ago, it was 5 . The threat is still very real. Only takes a few embers to pick up into the air and create another fire in an area that has already been extinguished. Last night we had embers coming on just from a spot fire across the street. Firefighters tell us what made this fire so difficult is that it is very unpredictable and very large. Over the weekend, it was at 40,000 acres. Its now more than double. Nearly 100,000 acres. Back to you. Harris jeff paul, thanks very much. President trump threatening to shut down the government if he does not get enough money for his Border Wall System. That raises the stakes ahead of the September 30th government funding deadline. Here we go again. Top democratic congressman adam schiff said this president has no meaningful legislation to show for his presidency. John garamundi sits on the Armed Services committee. Can we take a pause for a second . I know the wild fires are happening in your state. The largest, the carr fire, is just outside your district. The river fire is in your district. Exactly. Its not a new situation. Lake county area has had major fires every year. This is the second major fire in lake county. Small county, rural, very poor county. Devastated by these series of fires. Obviously redding and across the state, were in a very difficult situation. I was thinking about it as you said, the threat of shutting down the government. All of us depend on the government. Firefighting is the most obvious. They say with the exception of Emergency Services usually. But all of the support behind the Emergency Services get shut down. So the kind of foundational support that is necessary to really protect americans, whether its a fire in california or floods or hurricanes or tornadoes or whatever and by the way, it is Hurricane Season also, we really need a functioning government in every single way to provide the necessary support for our safety. Harris i want to be delicate in pushing back here. I would say this. We do not live in a country that would let the city burn without us helping. I dont want people to understand the politics youre saying to mean that that would happen. Lets move on. I want to talk about the idea i do want to talk about government shutting down over the idea of a Border Wall System. Congressman, this could be easy. You know that money was allocated in 2006 for a Border Wall System under a different president. This is something that democrats could work with the president on and work with republicans on. Well, weve been more than willing to do that. The problem is that many other things have been added to the border wall including a Big Beautiful Border Wall that is 25 billion. I dont think anybody really believes that we should spend 25 billion on a border wall harris what portion do you believe . Theres certainly places where the border walls need to be repaired and rebuilt and also extended. We see that some of that in the south texas area. Along california, the border wall in san diego, which is now 30 years old, actually older than that, is in need of repair that is good. We also need to use modern technology, drones, other devices to monitor the border, which are very effective. All of that including personnel. These are all things that are important. I would add to that list the biggest border of all are the oceans. Thats the role that the coast guard plays. We need to make sure theyre funded. Keep in mind that the Appropriation Bill that is in the house of representatives, the Homeland Security bill, removes nearly over A Billion Dollars from the coast guard. So we need to be thoughtful about the totality of this system. Once again with regard to a shut down, threats are always going on back and forth in washington. If it becomes real, yes, we always provide for Emergency Services, continuing harris absolutely. I want people to be clear on that. Theres no question. Its the foundational issues, its the other kinds of services that provide the foundational information. Harris i also hear some points where you might have negotiating to go on. When you talk about rebuilding and extending certain areas, shoring up with more people that sounds like a lot what the president has been calling for. Its a Border Wall System. Some areas you cant put more structure on. Theres water there. The coast guard and the money for that. Sounds like theres an area. I dont want to be pollyanish about it but theres some time before September 30th. There is. Theres two months that were back in session. We have the month of august. I know that staff, the house and the senate staff are working diligently throughout this month to put together at least a frame work and clarity about what the differences are between the two houses and the bodies within the houses. So yes, we do have time. And you know, bluffing and, you know, laying down harris dont lean too hard. Chuck schumer did more than bluff. You have it on your side, too. I have to let you go. Thank you. Harris president up plans to campaign six or seven days a week for vulnerable republicans. Thats a lot of energy. Can he help the party maintain their majority in congress . Stay close. Itin and relief from symptoms caused by over 200 allergens. Like those from buddy. Because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. Feel the clarity. And live claritin clear. No mathere are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. Call one today. Are you in good hands . The winter of 77. Uring i first met james in 5th grade. We got married after college. And had twin boys. But then one night, a truck didnt stop. But thanks to our forester, neither did our story. And thats why well always drive a subaru. The nations largest seniorliving referral service. For the past five years, ive spoken with hundreds of families and visited seniorcare communities around the country. 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We talked about many issues surrounding Michael Cohen and Robert Muellers russia investigation. Mayor guliani clarified to me his stance on whether the president would sit down now with mueller for an interview. Watch. Two things. First, im no on a sitdown until we get ironed out exactly what they want to do. And then the process is, we have five cocounsel, senior people, who will advise the president. He decides. Hes always leaned in favor of doing that. Harris what are you telling him about that . Right now im telling him no way. As a politician or as a lawyer . As a lawyer. Harris the mayor went on to say that he takes off his politician hat because he thinks the Political Landscape now is in the favor of the president on the issue of the russia investigation. He says theres a natural ending that he senses and even some democrats including one sitting next to me says that. Guy benson from townhall. Com and a Fox News Contributor on during that conversation with guliani. Adrienne elrod, a former Hillary Clinton for america senior adviser and democrat strategist also on during that hour. Adrienne, i told the mayor that you were there on the couch. You chose a question not to ask a question. I curious about your thoughts. A lot to unpack. I have a couple thoughts. First the fact im looking at my notes here. First of all, the fact that there are now more tapes that we didnt talk about. More tapes could be troubling nor trump. In the second meeting that guliani referenced june 7, heres what we have to keep in mind. Rick gates is a cooperating witness. He was cooperating with mueller. He was also in the june 7 meeting that has been disclosed. Harris two years ago. Correct. If there was a send meeting, which it sounds like there was according to what mr. Guliani just said harris lets start with this. Well get to the recordings in just a moment. I want to start with the meeting and your takeaway, guy. So it seemed like what happened was, we were discussing Rudy Gulianis interviews this morning on a couple networks including our own where it looked like he was shifting the goal post. Saying if there was collusion, it wouldnt be a crime and also the president or then candidate trump did not attend that trump tower meeting with the russians. I said nobody is saying he attended it. We would his lawyer be denying that . So rudy guliani rings on outnumbered. What he said was, there was another meeting or a harris that Michael Cohen said happened. By Michael Cohen prior to the trump tower meeting which rudy wept on to say never took place. He was referring to apparently in the interviews this morning the thing that trump never atenneded was this second meeting that cohen says took place which rudy says never happened, which again to me continues to raise the question of if the meeting didnt happen, why would you deny harris i got the answer to that. We drilled down on that more than once with him. I really wanted to get clear on this point. Heres what he said. He said look, none of this is out yet. None of this is out there per se. So hes giving us information and now putting it in the blood stream of america real time. He said the president didnt attend the meeting that Jared Kushner and don jr. He said the meeting didnt happen. Harris then he says it didnt happen. Hes telegraphing what happened down the pike. Were awaiting the president s News Conference where he is expected to take questions. Maybe this will come up. Some of the stuff we covered with rudy guliani. Stay close. Youre turning onto the street when you barely clip a passing car. Minor accident no big deal, right . Wrong. Your Insurance Company is gonna raise your rate after the other car got a scratch so small you coulda fixed it with a pen. Maybe you should take that pen and use it to sign up with a different Insurance Company. 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It has come out publicly. Harris guy benson and Adrienne Elrod back with us. There were a few wow moments while we were sitting there. He went on to describe how at times Michael Cohen apparently or allegedly would go to great lengths to pretend that he was not recording something. He would take one device and turn it off and somebody else would be reporting. Rudy called this subterfuge. If that happened, it would make sense by the trump team is Going Nuclear on Michael Cohen and why president would feel so betrayed. Harris it brings up the issue of Attorney Client privilege. If you tell somebody, no, i turned off the device and you do it again, that is a little different of legal stakes. Yeah, of course. Michael cohen is not a good guy here. This is these are two bad guys going at it in a public manner. Ultimately i think what youre saying here to the point that you just made is the trump administration, Trump Legal Team knows that theyre Going Nuclear for a thousand different reasons. Theyre trying to preemptively get in front of some information that will come forward. Harris its interesting. Im going to give you a chance to get back on the record. Two bad guys. The president has no evidence against him of anything in terms of a crime. You called him a bad guy. I just importantly dont like the president of the united states. Again, youre seeing the two harris wow. Two men play out their grievances against each other on social media. The president s legal team knows they have to get in front of something some of this debate will come out to he said he said probably. Michael cohen doing what he did with faking the recordings and that stuff undermines his credibility. Even if hes telling the truth of trump, im dubious of that because he seems sketchy and the an ticks that he engaged in were super sketchy, especially considering his role to have his clients best interest at heart. If you want to represent your client and have their interests at heart, you dont secretly record them and lie to them. Harris not to mentioned the fact that so much has leaked out now as rudy guliani said. Well start to get a clearer picture of what went on and it looks to vindicate the president of anything. Adrienne and guy, thanks very much. Were keeping an yeah on the News Conference there where is president will take questions from the media. Stay close. Allergies with sinus congestion and pressure

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