Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20171128 : vimar

FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle November 28, 2017

According to politco, rabid open borders zealot. Congressman Louise Gutierrez will not run for reelection. The reason is not clear. Its odd. Surprises me if its true. Well update you if we learn later on. The last time i saw him, he was arrested at the white house in august representing Illegal Immigrants. His community, the Illegal Immigrants that he says he represents. Thats great news. In another story, another shocker, racializing the royals. That is the focus of tonights angle. Harry and meghan blew brexit off the front page by announcing their engagement. They traveled to africa and found true love. Usually refreshing to get to know someone who isnt necessarily in your circle, doesnt know much about me, i know much about her. So the start afresh from the beginning, getting to know each other and taking the huge leap of two dates and getting together in the middle of know where and sharing a tent. It was fantastic. Laura how sweet. When Buckingham Palace announced the harry markle engagement, Prince Charles couldnt be more pleased. Theyre very happy indeed. Thats all i can say. Laura i feel like i need a translator. He was happy. Expecting a proud father. It was the reaction on social media. I read this on the way in to work. I was screaming, laughing and scribing. It was a shocker. Moments after the engagement was announced, the social media was awash in racial overtones. This is all because Meghan Markles father is white and her mother is black. So tweets and facebook posts were harping on her racial identity. Warning, you have to forgive me here, a lack of basic grammar and punctuation as in many tweets. Here we go. Some folks in england are about to lose their minds. Meghan markle is biracial. Shes older than she is and shes an american actress. Blackroyalty. Another one. Good time to remind everyone that Meghan Markle is black. Since i know youll try and whitewash the out of her. Another. Meghan markles mother is a black African American woman, social worker from l. A. With sista locks. Man look, if thats blank, dont make you smile big. Congrats to the royal fam bam. You couldnt be more lucky to get both. Another one, Meghan Markle is white passing. She looks white. Shes not someone that likes Jasmine Sanders who has light eyes and very light skin, but you can tell is black biracial. I straight up thought that was a tanned white woman. Another. How much black is Meghan Markle . I just want to know so i know how much blackness to expect from the wedding. Is she black enough for the cupid shuffle waddle . Royalengagement. Another to torch. You with. Yall, Meghan Markle is a mixed race. We have a black princess. Actually, Meghan Markle will not be a princess. Shell be a duchess. I know were fascinated by royalty, but must we transfer our racial hangups on this young happy couple . Cant we just celebrate and be happy for their engagement and leave it at that . As for the racially obsessed and point of fact, markle will not be the official black royal in europe. That would be this woman. The beautiful princess angela lickenstein that married in 2000. Meghan markles race is probably the least interesting part of this story. Why am i saying that . It turns out the queen is permitting harry to wed not only a divorcee, but a woman that was raised catholic. So lets forget about the race and how she identifies. Weve had a biracial president of the United States about now to have a biracial part of the royal family. It doesnt always have to be around race. Lets get back to my cyber monday shopping. A Royal Wedding medallion and plate that i can order. Its apparently 75 off. I dont care about the color of the plate. Thats the angle. Joining us now to analyze, horace cooper. The cochair of project 21 and from new york. Clay king, from sirius xm radio. Horace, lets start with you. The morning, going to work, going to do my radio show. I start seeing there were some tweets that were so profane as is twitter is want to be that were so over the top. Like get ready, bees. This is our bee who will be in Buckingham Palace. Getting things wrong about that. Why does everything have to be about race here . Why is it relevant to this . Its not relevant. Its actually sad and pitiful. Heres the thing. If this were 1955 and i saw some of these kind of comments, id go, which segregationist racist said this today . They noticed in the 1940s and the 1950s every single aspect about anybodys race as their primary attribute. It wasnt is this person going to pay their bill, is this person going to buy this house and be a good neighbor. It was what color was their grandmother . That kind of weird fixation. And we got away from it, but all of a sudden progressives have brought it back. Too many times i dont hear anybody on the left saying stop that. Dont do that. They condemn a lot of white americans and many republicans who werent even around actively Holding Office in the south for their silence while this misbehavior was taking place. Were here now. People are around. Why arent we seeing condemnations . Some of the things you said, that was outrageous. Not just bad, outrageous. Laura clay, lets go to you on this. The future duchess actually has said before when she was dating harry, she said she found it disheartening and discriminatory that some in the media were focusing on her racial identity and not just on their relationship because it centered on her racial background. Why the obsession with her race when its just a happy couple . Arent we supposed to be about the content of our character, not the color of our skin in arent we there yet . What youre talking about is a comment she made to the British Press. They called her like an l. A. Gangster, straight out of compton. The British Press made her race an issue. Prince harry said stop doing that. I feel like horace is saying that were post racial. That race doesnt exist. For a lot of black mixed race people in britain, this is something to be about. I can find tweets that are calling meghan horrible names. Its a good thing. Its to be celebrated. If you know the history of the royal family, this is a bit of history like when you have somebody breaking ground, you can celebrate that. Pulling out random silly tweets from somebody, whoever they are, is ridiculous. Horace always acts like racism is over. It doesnt exist. It does exist. Its celebrating progress. Laura what does this has nothing to do with racism. Thats the point here, at all. Its a happy couple. So you say your breaking ground. She wasnt elected. She fell in love with someone. Why is that breaking ground . If you know the history of the royal family, you dont see many black or mixed race people in the royal family. Again, youre laura thats not why harry is marrying her. Its still symbolic. Laura no, its not. Its important. If you dont think its important, youre not a black or mixed race person laura okay. I have to ask both of you a question. I want to be fair and balanced here. Horace, theres a sentiment here that certain black people arent authentically black. Ive seen it directed at my old boss, justice thomas, other African Americans that dont think a certain way about race or act a certain way. Is there something about being authentically black . Is she not authentically black . I saw that all over social media today. That is the nasty idea that race is who we are and not simply an attribute of who we are. The fact is, if there were some tweets that happen to say we like the fact that this wonderful woman has this background and we have read that, we might have said there were several tweets like that, horace. My point is, theres no condemnation of the kinds of comments that have no basis in reality and show a fixation on race. Were never going to get to the point where people are human beings as long as we revel in this fixation. Laura ill give you the last word. Acting like race doesnt exist is not going to make race go away. Its not going to make racism go away. We have to see color and sack september it. See color and talk about it. Acknowledging that shes a black mixedrace woman is not a bad thing. I dont why that threatens you or scares you. Its a good thing to be celebrated. Its progress in the royal family. For a lot of mixed race people in britain, its a good thing. Maybe you cant relate to that. I cant understand a racial fixation celebration is not fixation. No, its not. Saying shes a black mixed race woman in the royal family is not fixation and cant compare it to 1950 laura i dont think thats what she wants. I dont think so either. Laura shes a young woman getting married. Why are we why is so much a lot of this came out of america. And the British Press, too, laura. Laura a lot of these people are in the al sharpton, Jesse Jackson mindset. Al sharpton didnt say anything. Laura why are we placing our hangups on this happy couple . I imagine prince harry is in love with her, doesnt have to do with her skin color. He fell in love with her. Its a celebration, its not fixation. Laura all right. Great to have you on. Well have another conversation about this, im sure. Coming up, democrats are mostly staying quiet about john conyers Sexual Harassment scandal. What is that about . That debate ahead. Ancestrydna is the gift of the season. And its now just 59 but the real gift isnt whats inside the box. Its whats inside the person who opens it. Give ancestrydna, the only dna test that can trace your origins to over 150 ethnic regions and open up a world of possibilities. Save 40 at ancestrydna. Com. The lowest price of the year ends monday. When youre close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment . 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Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Laura welcome back to the ingraham angle. As the john conyers Sexual Harassment engulfed the Democratic Party, nancy pelosi is trying to put out the p. R. Disaster by gasoline. Was it one accusation . Is it two . There has to be. John conyers is an icon in our country. He will do the right thing. Is the right thing what . Resign . He will do the right thing in terms of what he knows about his situation. That hes entitled to due process. Women are entitled to due process as well. Laura i cant even diagram those sentences. I try every day. Sean laura pelosis comments are creating blowbacks. Democrats are fear a party with politics and protecting women. Lets face it. For the war on women talk, their message is always talk. As the president declared in a state of the Union Address when women succeed, american succeeds. Thats not just a phrase. Its a statement, a fact. House democrats agree. When women succeed, america succeeds. Thats our agenda. We know one thing for sure. When women succeed, america succeeds. When women succeed as my colleague said, the world succeeds. Laura thats nice. Now pelosi put out a statement late today trying to walk some of those other comments on meet the press back. The question is, do the democrats stand behind women or only when its politically convenient . Joining us, scott bolden of the Democratic Party and congressman steve russell, a republican from oklahoma. Even Gregory Meeks thought that john conyers should step down. Even nancy pelosi, i couldnt follow her on meet the press. She said and we cut this out of the sound bite, she said shes not really familiar with the cases. She gets really familiar really fast with allegations against republicans, this is john conyers who has been in congress for 52 years. Yet nancy says he needs due process, all due process. Nice to hear that men get due process. The republicans and the democrats on the hill believe it as well. I think when nancy pelosi in her inartful way is trying to say, he can be the icon, he can fight for women and have the sexual allegations. None of it is good, none of it is appropriate. I think that behind the scenes before the deal was cut, she was really she knew that he was going to step down. If she walked back, its because shes inartful about it. She supports resources to investigators and supports nondisclosures going away and supports the public funds shouldnt go to settle lawsuits. Thats the important things. Laura congressman, nancy pelosi never talked about this shush fund as we called it her, the settlement for the bad actors. Dont know who these people are still. Now its getting traction. We talked about it first on cable and now its everywhere. John conyers has been in there 52 years. This is like a lifetime appointment in congress. Thats a separate issue, obviously. Nancy pelosi is willing to give iconic status to him. If youre an icon, you can get away with this stuff and resign away your ranking position . It didnt matter much with justice thomas. Im glad to see that we have miss pelosi, that cares about due process now rather than just statements. Thats very important to establish. Look, where the American Public is outraged, theres allegedly 16 million of government taxpayer money that is going to hide laura did you know about this . Absolutely not. Laura its only 17 million. Even if that money were set aside, you cant use your mra office funds to pay off somebody for some allegations. This has laura my question is, why arent if hes admitted these settlements already, al franken admitted his conduct well, the photos laura yeah. And were concerned about women in general. Womens reproductive rights. Were for women. Violence against women. Here we have Sexual Harassment against women. Why arent both parties getting together and saying, guys, you admitted to this conduct. Thats it. I mean, thats it. Thats it. You admit it. Thats it. Both parties should this is the party of bipartisanship that should be obvious at this point, shouldnt it . Ill let you go on this. I certainly think laura its the context of iconic status. Laura, the fact that hes iconic status, he can be iconic and be a sexual abuser . Clarence thomas is the only second black Supreme Court justice. He never got he just not got into the African American laura hes got no context, he got another time, another place. Lets be transparent about it, right . All democrats, all republicans, sent it to the Ethics Committee or not. Lets start with donald trump. Why arent they investigating he denied his misconduct. He admitted it on the air. Went isnt he laura its not going to happen. The world of reality went are the democrats and republicans like joe we can take a typical play out of the communist playbook that says admit nothing democrats or republicans . Here we have senator franken with photographs before he was elected okay. Now were going to use a double standard with other people seeking election that are allegations. Wrong is wrong. Were in agreement there. But you cannot use taxpayer funds to hush people up. Laura weve established that. I think theres a raging double standard. There is. Laura a lot of Congress Women and congressmen that are pro women. I hear the old war against women. When theres individual women that have been in situations where they feel powerless and they feel like they cant act on theyre stuck, who they have no voice except through this ridiculous panel that was set up. Congressman, you didnt know about it. Im not blaming you. We didnt know about it. Its insane. Makes people wonder watching fox, what else doesnt Congress Know about . Its crazy. Its unsane. Needs to be investigated and we need to get to the bottom of it. Democrats and republicans have to have credibility and that starts with both of them being investigated, including donald trump. Laura you want trump investigated . I do. He has 19 sexual accusations against him and admitted it on the air. No what hes going to do but what hes done to women . Laura were out of time. The press likes to say the president s ratings are low but theyre not as low as the mainstream media. Well tell you about that when we come back. Guess what i just got . Uh i used to be spellbound hello again. I used to be spellbound hi. I used to be spellbound thats a big phone. In your arms. [screams] ah, my phone. You built the flame that warms my heart, but lying and cheating has torn us apart and im moving on. I want ycome on mom t easy. Go slow. Lets go mom slow down for the ones who keep pushing. Always unstoppable. Were on a mission to show drip coffee drinkers, its time to wake up to keurig. Wakey wakey rise and shine oh my gosh how are you . Well watch this. 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