Lou holtz on the disappearing border between sports and politics. But we begin with a shocking allegation that a New York Times reporter has been in bed with a source of accused of leaking sensitive information. The New York Times has the department of justice has seized phone and email records of ali watkins. And according to the paper, she has been in a 3year relationship with the former director of security for the Senate Intel Committee james wolfe. He was arrested yesterday and the doj charged him with lying for denying that he even knew the reporter. And for denying that he gave her information on former Campaign Adviser carter page. The times said that it appeared that the fbi was investigating how watkins learned that russian spies were trying to recruit page back in 2013. She reported that in an article for buzz feed. There is reporting tonight to that there was an effort to buy this to senate intel stafford to purposefully target carter page. That is a move that couldve been insurmountable in starting this entire probe into the trump presidency. Here is how President Trump reacted to the news. I know that i believe strongly in freedom of the press. Im a big, big believer in freedom of the press. I am also a believer and classified information. It has to remain classified, and that includes comey and his ban of thieves who leaked classified information all over the place. Speak to the of thieves, thats what they are. Lets ask the guest from the difference of obamas crackdown on ap, former fox News Reporter james rosen. Chief political correspondent, and former attorney joe dev jen above. Is this the white house announcing freedom of the press, but now the doj is going after this poor reporter. I am for it, they should go after the reporters. I hope they are doing the same thing with the leaks of the private conversations with foreign leaders that were leaked at somebody at the nfc or cia. This is a legitimate tactic. At least this administration did not label the reporter a criminal coconspirator like they did with james rosenstein. That was outrageous. This is legitimate stuff. If they want to leaked classified information he should be held accountable. Carter page has a new defendant for the civil suit. Laura how ironic for the Senate Select committee. He is the guy who ensured that to the rules are followed on secrecy and walking people in and out of the special meeting rooms where no one else can go in. He locks it down. And he is the guy who is trading secrets for a little on the side. I dont know what was going on with the gal pal. We should point out to that the reporter is not expected of any wrongdoing. Nothing like that. This guy was in charge of all of that. And there have been terrible leaks in this administration. To the leak of Michael Flynns phone calls with the russian ambassador. And the leak with the president s actual conversations with foreign leaders. This carter page leak was a big deal. There was a court case in which some russians have been suspected of trying to recruit page, and page was referred to as mail number one in the courts pages. The court papers. He could be viewed as a confidential fbi informant who was outed and in the press. And page confirm that yes, he was male number one, but this is something where his identity was kept a secret to protect him and to this Senate Staffer is accused of being the one who revealed it. Laura is there any sense that they were doing it for political purpose, wasnt at republicans and democrats, is there any political intimacy. Sean he was there for 29 years, working for the democratic control of it. But clearly a lot of the leaks seem to concern carter page for whatever reason. Laura the reporter seems to have lied to the fbi, she knew him and i believe that she was not quite candid, i do not think that they will go after the reporter. About four reporters total, joe, receive some type of contact from this james wolfe. So it is not just this one ali watkins to buzz feed, politico and New York Times reporter, there were others as well. We do not know more about what they received if anything . No, not yet, but i can tell you whether he served for 29 years with republicans and democrats, this is part of the trump derangement since dumb. He did that because he does not like donald trump. But the bottom line is, also was obviously having an affair with the reporter from buzz feed. So there is that. But the bottom line is this is all part of a pattern. If it involves donald trump you can do anything you want. Good, bad, indifferent. This guy went over the line and every way. He is going to do time. He is going to prison. To be going according to the indictment, he was in his 50s and she was an undergraduate. This is a bad idea on his part, shows terrible judgment. And she breaks a big story which was really a big story about the cia spy on the Senate Intelligence committee. When she is an intern, because she is beginning to have this relationship with the staffer. Laura buzz feed and the New York Times both knew about the relationship. Apparently they knew about it. Yes, she revealed it to them. Laura thats one way to get sources. They were happy as clams that they had somebody feeding the information. They did not care about the genesis. They quote a note to saying that he was very happy, they broke up in december 2017 right when the fbi was beginning to bear down on him that he was happy that she had been able to get all of the scoops. Laura heres something that i would like to get your take on, Alan Dershowitz told fox news why he believes key details in the upcoming ig report were leaked. Somebody leaked it because they are afraid its going to get changed. And they want People Like Us to see the original. And i hope that they hold onto the original draft, it proves that we never needed a special counsel all of this could have been done through the Justice Department regular lawyers, you do not need to bring in a multimillion dollar group of people with a target on the back of specific individuals. This proves conclusively that you do not always know what is going on. And when somebody leaked Something Like this it helps you get a perspective on just how significant this is going to be. It is also a cautionary tale for the speaker of the house mr. Ryan and trade gaudi. They have never seen the documents for the beginning of the investigation, yet they made idiotic public statements that everything is just kosher with the way that the fbi is using the staffer. They got duped and outwitted by rob rosenstein. If they were never shown the papers, they were supposed to be shown yesterday and now put off until one . The singapore summit. Lottie dog. Laura its like the timing with the eagles. They are idiots. Laura flake, and everybody is at the door like unloading on trump. They are called believers. Laura the leaders in the subpoena. I do not think that there is a worry that it is going to be changed at the last minute, this is a manipulative leaking. The people who covered it, the major figures covering the report have been given a draft to look at. And to offer their input. And what has happened is that you have had some leaks so that when the news actually comes out laura did james comey see it . So they have seen it, so what about comey leaking it because then it is out there. Get it out. They want to get the word out there so that when the report comes out and it uses that word everybody says, oh, okay, no big deal. Laura but what about the fact that the interview with peter strzok in this ig investigation and apparently he asked about the fisa warrant, thats came out today. He asked about the fisa warrant on carter page. This is expanding beyond the hillary email investigation. It better. Because it was not being investigated, my question would be to mr. Rosenstein, if you are not investigating the fisa warrant, why the hell arent you . They go together and the same people are involved in all of this, peter strzok is the guy who interviewed michael flynn. He is involved in all of these things. And we do know that Michael Horwitz has already started his next investigation. Which is the trumprussia investigation. Laura he is on to the next term paper, right . It is already underway. Laura when he interviewed on strzok was it multiple times . No, no, strzok has been cooperating period he will be interviewed three, four, five, six times. To the interview him and then interview somebody else. He did not answer a question a certain way. He will be interviewed multiple times. He may even be given immunity at certain point but the criminal proceedings against james comey and others. Laura i want to play something from james clapper, he was on with hugh who it, and they were talking about whether or not information was leaked to cnn and participation of the new job. Lets watch. I had no idea that i would end up working for cnn. In january, i had not thought about it. And the only reason i was appearing on television immediately after i left the government was the main motivation was to defend the intelligence community. You did not tip it off . Laura that seems to conflict with what he said. They are talking about the wrong thing. They are being taped on the contents of the dossier which all of the news organizations already had. The news was on january 6, the end tell had reached the select about it. That gave the news organizations the hook to them report it. They had the dossier, they could not reported, it was unverified. The head of the fbi briefs the president elect, that is news. Heres james clapper, you are watching him. This is what the American People need to realize, this man was the single most Senior Intelligence official of the United States government. He is a liar and in and confident. What a combination. You feel safe with that clown in charge . Laura no, i dont and i did not. He is not only a bumbling idiot, he is a bumbling liar. Laura had better be a lot of money, thank you so much. Adam schiff is accusing a former president ial adviser of lying. He is a ranking dam on the intel house committee. You see them on cable news, but not the show. The Committee Last september conflicted with the established facts. Here to respond is roger stone. Author of the new book, i have it in my living room, stone rules and it is hilarious. You are apparently a liar says adam schiff. I know that you are in your crying towel all day and night. I hate to say it, but it is more [bleep] from the congressman of california. If he is referring to the twitter direct messages which were leaked to the atlantic, a proof that i had no collaboration with wikileaks. I turn those over to the house intelligence Committee Last september. If he is referring to the emails that were cited by the wall street journal that proved that i had no direct contact from the source and was using a back channel, why those fell out the precisely worded scope of the Intelligence Committees request. A scope cosigned by mr. Schiff himself. The real issue, laura, very clear. He has said that he has seen significant evidence of russia collusion in the 2016 election and has produced none, zero. He would like to change the subject. My testimony before the House Intelligence Committee was entirely truthful. Laura this is what he said, he said that testimony of don jr. , and others is inconsistent with the reports of meetings, conversations and other facts that have been established and to the public reports are accurate, then clearly they were not telling the truth. Dont you love how he words it . If the public reports are well, again. I think that they now, roger know that there is no there there. They are trying to cap it into carter page and he has seen his fortunes go down there too because of all of this. Fighting in court, they have all of the convictions of the figures except for the deal with Paul Manafort. We will see where that goes in his associates. But i think that they are coming up empty. They have to keep it in the press somehow. They have to keep it going somehow with the little sparks of suppose that interest. But i do not think that it works. You may remember, laura, i wanted him to testify in public in a public hearing so that everybody could see it. Ive been asked to testify for that Intelligence Committee on the senate side. And i request that that is in public, let the tv cameras roll. Laura you just want to sell your book, roger. Lets be honest. What is possibly going to be involved. I think that they know, they know that they have come up with goose eggs and they do not want to be humiliated. You cannot get between them and a camera usually. Because if they do not wanted to be on camera, it is not because of classified information. Also wanting to testify, he said that he would testify, did not claim that he wanted immunity, he wanted to do it in public. The billionaire who they tried to get roped into the collusion think that he said, you are ridiculous. And they would not have him testify. They have not brought the russian lawyer in, but she said im happy to come. They will not talk to her. Either the key figures like this lawyer, why would they not bring the russian lawyer in, it is curious. Coming up emptyhanded with any evidence of russia collusion, and empty handed of any hijinks regarding allegedly hacked emails with wikileaks, now they want to concoct some new crime, or new offense in an attempt to get me to testify against the president. This is not only ridiculous, but it is very expensive, laura. This threatens to bankrupt my family. Ive had to set up stone defense fund. Com, because i can no longer bear the legal expenses. Laura that is what they do, dont they. They turn the screws on people they say will ultimately destroy your family and not so many words. And then they get these lowlevel figures and say, okay, stop, i will tell you whatever i want. If i have to say it then they get 1,001 conviction and then a plea and then it is over. Thats how it works. That is the game that is always played. And there is a political animist involved. And President Trump is driving the media totally nuts with his approach to big trade at the summit. And of next we will reveal the method behind the trump talk that is very tough. Ca do not go away. Like flag tshirts for only 5. And an igloo 120 quart cooler for under 50. Laura the headlines from the talking heads scream this morning. President trump had angered and a a and alienated the trading partners. Is a Trump Administration ruining or damaging relationships with our allies in the process of trying to put America First . It could hardly mask of the rift between the u. S. And the closest allies. Increasingly there is a gap between the United States and the rest of our allies in the g7. Those distinctions are widening, not closing. And that is greatly, greatly to be feared. Laura i just went into rem cycle again. By the president did not seem too concerned heading into the g7 summit in canada. We have massive trade deficits with almost every country, we will straighten that out. I will tell you what, it is what i do. It will not even be hard. Laura that might be a little bit of an exaggeration. President trump has proven naysayers wrong on Foreign Policy at every turn. So might as tough trade strategy bear similar result, we will ask Mike Pillsbury at the Hudson Institute and michael malice, the author of dear reader. Great to have both of you on, Mike Pillsbury, where are we with the wild hysteria . We finally have a president who is standing up for American Workers and American Companies and he is getting nothing but grief from our allies. They want everything to be the way that it was. Why do they want everything to be the way that it was . It is great fear that President Trump is going to succeed. He has actually made some elaborate preparations from the singapore summit and the china trade near the trade deal. If he succeeds, you realize what this means from the last three president s, theyre showing up has been failures, all of the experts who are criticizing President Trump will equally be embarrassed. Reputations will be shredded, there is a lot at stake for the talking heads. So, i do think that President Trump is going to succeed and when it happens, we have to do more than just drink champagne. We should be talking about who was wrong. Laura who was wrong, and the policy that did not work and the policy that did. It is a big if, but we have seen canada dumping lender, subsidizing the lumber industry into the United States. And the prop up their bust of boeing, and hundreds of millions of dollars from boeing over the years. This happens with automobiles in germany, and across the board on so many products. Donald trump said we want to trade with you, we just want to do it different. Michael i want to play a sound bite for you from President Trumps day before he boarded that helicopter for the g7 on russia and the g7. Lets watch. Russia should be in the seating, why are we having a meeting without russia being in the meeting . And i would recommend and it is up to them, but russia should be in the meeting, it they should be a part of it. Whether you like it or not, and it may not be politically correct, but we have a world to run. Laura michael . I think it is absolutely wonderful, he will be attacked over russia regardless, so he might as well drag in his opponents for apoplexy. For our own amusement. What is going on is that the italian elections are causing the problems here. Yo