Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20200410 : vimar

FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle April 10, 2020

Work and expose what was done to this administration and this president at the hands of these outrages, so fantastic job as always. Sean great show, thanks, laura. Laura im laura ingraham, this is the ingraham angle from another busy washington night. This just happened. Cdc director, you know, the agency that kind of screwed up testing for about six weeks in the United States, he was on cnn tonight essentially dismissing trashing a backhanded slap and hydroxychloroquine despite all of its success stories. Unbelievable. If it was actually a government agency, real agency, he probably would be fired for that, but my medicine cabinet sets the record straight. And democrats want to use the pandemic to totally restructure voting in the United States. Congressman matt gaetz and chris hahn are here to debate and is biometric tracking relieving answer to containing and defeating the coronavirus . How we can reopen our government, our country. What does it mean for your privacy . Victor davis hanson will explain it all. Plus, were going to show you part two, sean just referenced it of my exclusive interview with attorney general bill barr. He reveals what he really thinks about trumps firing of that intel Inspector General and about john durhams investigation. But first, this is america and shut down day 24. Some important developments. And some emails that i must share with you. As new york remains the covid cauldron of america, 799 more folks in new york died yesterday, bringing the state total to a staggering 7,067. Now, thats 43 of all american fatalities, to get your mind wrapped around that. The Public Hospitals especially remain battlegrounds, but the state overall continues to make some progress against the virus. We had 200 net increase in hospitalizations, which you can see is the lowest number weve had this nightmare started. A change in icu admissions is the lowest number weve had since march 19th or so. The number of intimations is down. Laura thats all good new news. New york city is stretched and hurting, the system, the health care system, what we were worried about, its going to bend, but its not going to break, thank goodness, its not going to collapse. With this in mind, it is truly shocking to see how far off almost every model was that informed the draconian response of a nationwide shutdown, a onesizefitsall kind of shutdown although the president gave the states some flexibility, which is really smart. First, new york covid bid projections were totally wrong. Look at this graph. The purple dotted line is where we are today, about 18,000 beds needed. The red line is the ih and the model by bill gates. The greenline is columbia universitys estimate. Look at where that was. Another was from the mckenzie group. Look at that dotted line below, that is where we actually are. This is great news but these estimates were off by a factor of 6 the highend mortality predictions is even worse and as weve spoken about before, that was off by a factor of 33. Thats not that graph, its a different one. New orleans is going through a very tough time, but things are even looking up there. We do believe we are beginning to see the flattening of the curve, but we then have to come down on the other side and we know the cases can spike. We will be easing back towards life as we lived it before covid19. Laura well, everyone normans looking forward to th that. Philadelphia is showing modest signs of new cases leveling off as well. Thats good news. So they say that its the social distancing thats flattening the curve, but its also causing another horrific decline, the ongoing isolation, especially among our elderly, is taking its toll. Alexandra saw her father in early march, the coronavirus was in the early smoldering stage of its wildfire spread across the country. Soon afterwards, his nursing home in the suburbs of washington, d. C. , was closed to visitors. Not long after that her father, dana, 75, was confined to his room along with all other residents. He sleeps probably 18 hours a day. I call him every day when im able, she said. But he doesnt always pick up. Since he has parkinsons disease and now no access to physical or speech therapy, its increasingly difficult to understand him. And she worries that ongoing isolation could accelerate his decline. Thats heartbreaking. We have to bring me stories to light as well. I also got this text from a friend who runs a Landscape Design firm in south florida. He said this paycheck Protection Plan is a mess. I know a large crosssection of Small Business owners across the country in many different fields and with a variety of banks. No one i know seen a dime, were just dying out here, we just got twothirds of our staff and put the rest on halfpenny. Nothing is moving on by the time sba loans are processed we will all be in 2021. What pelosi did today is unbelievably dispiriting. A Small Business owners lives matter. Cannot wait until things are back to normal. Ill say. So what did pelosi do today . What is he talking about . She made it clear i know this is harsh to say but it seems like democrats and Congress Almost want as Many Americans out of work on election day as possible. Schumer and pelosi held up a new aid package for Small Business because it doesnt contain all the leftwing goodies they want. All the g. O. P. Wanted to do was literally change one number. At the 250 billion in the stimulus for Small Business would become 600 billion. Add another 250 i think it was at 350, it would become 600 billion. What they are saying, in other words, the democrats, is our agenda is more important than your survival, the survival of firms like the one i just referenced. Plus, the unelected medical bureaucrats, what are they keep doing . They keep moving the goal posts for when they think the economy can reopen. Trump was right a month ago when he said this. Dont forget, the doctors if it were up to the doctors they may say lets keep it shutdown, lets shutdown the entire world, lets keep it shut for the couple of years. Laura dr. Fauci himself has dismissed as anecdotal, cheap, scalable, decadesold therapies that are already vital weapons in the battle against covid19. They show real promise in keeping people not just out of the icu, but out of the hospital altogether, just like the cdc director, they are like this on the issue. On this subject, big news today, french president Emmanuel Macron made a surprise trip to marseille today to the Infectious Disease institute a renowned epidemiologist. He was handed the results of a followup study of more than 1,061 Covid Patients that were put on a regimen of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin. The pulmonary report contains some very good news. The results are still being analyzed, but the healing was achieved in 973 of the patients in ten days. For an efficacy rate of 91 . But what about the critics who cited possible serious complications of these drugs . Well, the professor found zero cardiac complications in any of his subjects. America has some Clinical Trials of its own going on right now, but this french Data Confirms what our own dr. Stephen smith, hell be on in a few moments, found in his Infectious Disease practice as well. This is good news, and thank the good lord we have a president who recognizes the importance of advancing these medical solutions as fast and as safely as possible. A stark reminder of how far we have fallen because of this virus and of course the shutdown. In early february we had long lines to get into clubs and neighborhood hot spots. But in early april americans are now lining up for basic necessities. Over 1200 cars lined up at the stadium in san diego over the weekend. When they see that box of food coming into the cars, some of them smile and some of them cry. Laura is the president said, the shutdown, what its doing, what its obviously done to the income earning potential of people, we have record numbers of people at food banks, even in boston, a friend of mine told me the other day, he couldnt believe what he saw. The president said the state that we are in, this is like suspended state of animation, is unnatural. It cannot continue indefinitely. Certainly can continue much longer. We have to adapt to new information, new data and when the projections are off, as theyve been off, we demonstrated, actually almost for two weeks now, our response to that crisis has to be smartly adjusted and also safely. Some new realities, new protocols, a phased in reopening. Measures that work for new york where things are still very tough might not be necessary in nebraska. Thats okay. But unless somehow money really just does grow on trees, we need a reopening soon, a date certain where we can continue protecting the most vulnerable and at the same time reclaim our lives and our godgiven freedom. Those are my thoughts at the end of day 24, america is shut down. My next guest is a recovered coronavirus patient who says his life was saved by the drug hydroxychloroquine, which is why first learned about apparently right here on the ingraham angle. Billy joins me now. Billy, tell me about what happened, what your wife saw and what happened to you. Good evening, laura, thank you for having me on the show. So on march 16th, my wife was watching your show, i was already in quarantine, i had started showing symptoms exactly one month ago today and she saw the story on your show about the hydroxychloroquine. She took a shot of it on her phone and sent me a text while i was on the other side of the house and said, you know, heres a medication, it looks like it really works, you have to tell the doctor, your doctor, to get this prescription for you. At the time my fever was going up and down so i didnt get it right away but a few days later i got very bad symptoms and i had a very bad upper respiratory issues and at that point in time i got my doctor to prescribe the medication. I was in touch with my doctor every day. He was monitoring my symptoms but my symptoms only started to my doctor at that point prescribed the medication. At the day after that i wound up going into Hackensack Medical Center i had a chest xray, i had bilateral pneumonia. I was admitted and at that point in time i also wound up receiving the azithromycin through iv, 48 hours after that, i was on the mend after ten days of having this terrible virus. Laura that picture that she sent you was actually i couldnt really see it because its small, but that was a screenshot was that a screenshot of our show . It is i thought they were joking with me when i said it was a screenshot. Thats actually of our show. Yes, she took a picture of your show with her phone and sent it to me on my phone so that i could see it. Laura okay, now im putting two and two together. It takes me a little while, weve been shut in for a long time here, billy. So [inaudible] were bad. You went in, you went on a hydroxy, how long were you on it for . I was on it for five days total, 15 pills. Laura so when you hear the cdc director tonight just basically giving it a backhand saying we dont have the full clinical testing at and she was just very just very dismissive of the drug. What are your thoughts . I strongly disagree. This is why im here, im trying to get my story out. I firmly believe that just by timing, which is everything, if my wife didnt see the story on your show, she didnt tell me about the story. I didnt get the doctor to give me the prescription, you didnt believe in the prescription that it would work, if i did get the treatment of the hospital, if all of those things didnt go the way they planned, i firmly believe i would not be her speaking with you today, i was really [inaudible] at the end. Laura im glad youre oka okay. I hope the president is watching. I hope the cdc folks are watching and i hope people who are in distress can get tested, find out their status and with their doctor describe whats best for them but we keep hearing story after story like this and nothing is 100 , but that is really great news. Im glad youre okay, you look great. Keep in touch with us and stay safe out there, billy. I will. I appreciate that, thank you. Laura tell your wife i said hi. Shes smart. After hearing all of the stories were hydroxychloroquine is credited with saving lives, it is amazing that the left and the medical establishment is still in total denial about the potential of these decadesold drugs. Continue today to push hydroxychloroquine. In a way that is baffling to medical professionals. Ive looked at all the data. The one where the probes are President Trump should be president , what is it . Hydroxychloroquine. Laura joining me now is dr. Steven smith, founder of the smith center for Infectious Diseases and urban health, who actually treats Covid Patients with hydroxyl chloroquine. Also with me is a cardiologist and ceo of fox called cardiology. Just wrote a terrific piece, dr. Smith, have to start with you. Were you surprised by the cdc directors just snooty response to hydroxy tonight over on cnn . Dr. Redfield response . Laura yes. We have the sound bite. Let me play it for you and then you can react. Here we go. Would you recommend it to a patient . Yeah. Im not going to recommended and im not going to not recommended. I think you and i are very similar. My friend dr. Fauci, i mean, we are very comfortable in responding when we have data. Laura dr. Smith, go ahead, take it away. Hes a nice guy. Hes a beltway guy. Hes about beltway fights about im not about that. He hasnt seen anybody with covid. My team and i have treated over 115 patients now. This drug works, they all believe it. I know at least two arent in my team of six. It has nothing to do with politics. The death thing, its not a democrat thing, its not a republican thing, covid is a death thing in this drug helps. I mean, its clear. I dont know why there is so much of this hullabaloo about it not working, the data are strong. We have data the french have amazing data, even the Small Chinese study showed it works human beings. We know this drug works against covid. Thats something im working on. I assume the french are working on dosing it correctly. The french use a much higher dose that a lot of doctors who do use hydroxychloroquine, the United States. The drug builds up, so its a total dose that matters. The dose that allows doctors who do use it in the United States, only 2400 milligrams. The french dose is 6,000 milligrams. Thats over twice the dose. And thats important, especially for people that way more than 190200 pounds. Laura let me get into Something Else thats happening here, which is one of the doctors working on a Covid Vaccine said this about how long that process could actually ta take. People forgot how long it really takes to develop an effective and safe vaccine. I think the worlds record is around five years for ebola and i was talking to my salai, four euros per month. Saying that we are going to do it in a year to 18 months, it would be unprecedented if that were to happen. Laura dr. Oskoui, doesnt this just underscore why we need to find treatment and validate treatment like the one dr. Smith is prescribing, the professor has done a thousand patient study, finding great success. Why those are so important and why these people are so adamantly opposed to it and dismissive and frighten people about it is stunning. I agree. I think that any real solution has to be cheap, effective, safe and scalable. Vaccines are not going to be any of those things. It will be lucrative to the investigators trying to invent these vaccines, but 18 months, we will be lucky. The reality is we try to make vaccines to coronavirus for years. The closest we ever came was a feline vaccine that actually caused lethal cytokine storm. We need to stop talk about vaccines as though they are equivalent. They are false hope. We need to think about the possibility of herd immunity, we need to think about hydroxychloroquine, continue these studies and one thing i would add to steves comments is i think its also important to start this earlier in therapy. When these people are going into the icu and are deathly ill, youre not going to get as much benefit as you do if they have mild to moderate disease and initiate therapy earlier, but i will defer to steve on that. Laura steve, a lot has been said, dr. Smith, about the africanamerican death rate in some of these hot spots especially. Really, really quickly, we have little time, what else can you tell me about what youre seeing with these comorbidities and how that might relate . We are seeing a High Percentage of africanamericans in our population, i think 50 of our cohort, 115 now, is africanamerican, but duties that are from diabetes and poorly controlled diabetes is another story. Has to do with the ethnicity of the person or does it have to do with their diabetes and how thats been either not diagnosed or how its been managed by the patient. So thats a story that has to be teased out by epidemiologists, but there still almost all [inaudible]. Laura we will hit more of that next week with the medicine cabinet. Thank you so much. Dr. Smith, stay safe, thank you for what youre doing, dr. Oskoui, democrats are trying to figure out a new argument to push a radical agenda. Well, vote by mail or get covid and die. Congressman gaetz and hahn next. By the end of my world tour ill turn you all into rock zombies. Rock and roll [ screaming ] if were gonna save the world we need to unite all the trolls. Like country. The country trolls look friendly. Get em. [ screaming ] hip hop. Tiny diamond is my name peace and love tiny and daddy out. And techno. Get ready for the drop. Wait for it. Come on man one more time the World Premiere is in your home friday. Go to watchtrolls. Com for more. This thing in wisconsin was one of the most awful things in ever seen in my life. The extent that they will go to to hold onto power, its all about what Supreme Court seat they will kill people to stay in power, literally. Laura joining me now is florida congressman matt gaetz and chris hahn, former aide to senator chuck schumer, most of the aggressive progressive podcast. All right, congressman, that was james carville

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