Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Story With Martha MacCallum 201

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Story With Martha MacCallum 20180801 23:00:00

A look at the day's latest news and headlines.
the president has watched this process play out. he wants to see it come to an end as he stated many times. we look forward to that happening. >> bill: there are so many headlines going back and forth today. we have been here many times before. you get to the end of the day and you ask yourself what changed? has something changed today fundamentally or not? >> no, not a lot. we heard the president say this stuff a lot. we know that the president vents on twitter. but he is the president of the united states. he was today talking about a subordinate the attorney general of the united states. the more the president tweets sound like a directive, the crazier everybody gets. that's why the trump team said no, he is just venting. he has the first amendment right to do it. he didn't say sessions has to do this. the closer it sounds like the
coming up next? you get to the end of the day and nothing changed. byron the fact he moved some of these cases to new york. is this a significance in that? >> i think there is. the significance is these are things that the special counsel uncovered that he believes are not in the core mission of his office, that is searching for some sort of conspiracy and contacts between russia and the trump campaign to influence the 2016 election. we have seen him spin off a number of cases. the michael cohen case. a person very close to donald trump. gave that to federal prosecutors in new york. >> bill: why? because it doesn't deal with manafort? what is the legal reason for doing that? >> mueller hasn't said why. most experts interrupted this as meaning whatever they discovered about cohen doesn't involve the trump and russia affair.
we heard a lot about cohen and stormy daniels or other women. cohen's own personal business. we have not heard some of the spectacular acications we heard earlier with the trump dossier with cohen going to europe to meet with russians. if that were true, it seems mueller would be prosecuting cohen himself. >> bill: giuliani talking a lot in the last few days. i want you to react to this. >> it's an opinion. that's the medium he uses for opinions. twitter. one good thing about using that he established a clear practice that he expresses his opinions on twitter. he used the word should and not must. there was no presidential director. >> bill: there it is again. i know the left will go nuts. i don't know if there is cause for that right now.
>> well, it's funny what caught my eye is he was in new hampshire. >> bill: how come? >> [overlapping talking]. i am an out lier in the democratic party on rudy giuliani. i think he is doing a bang up job for donald trump. i think he is nuts and lying and flit flopping. -- flip flopping. he is an extension of the president creating so much noise you forget what we are talking about. >> bill: we won't forget. thanks. see you soon. in a moment the somber ceremony they begins in hawaii with the vice-president pence set to receive the possible remains of 55 u.s. troops from the korean war. we will go there live.
first. >> we need health care as a right for everybody. >> bill: there is a new socialist hoping to repeat that alexandria ocasio-cortez hopes to duplicate. sarah smith's message and movement coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ let your perfect drive come together at the lincoln summer invitation sales event. get 0% apr on select 2018 lincoln models plus $1,000 bonus cash.
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♪ >> i am for singe payer medicare for all and free education and abolishing ice and investigating in your infrastructure and getting us out of the 9 to 11 different military occupations we are in. >> bill: if that sounds familiar, it is. it's a different mess anger now. that's sarah smith running for congress. a democratic socialist. running for congress in the state of washington. ninth district. modelling her campaign after new york associate alexandria ocasio-cortez who shocked the country knocking off the democratic incumbent. her similar task to unseat a fellow democratic 11 year incumbent. sarah smith, you are brave. good evening. we have been trying to get
ocasio-cortez on the air for months and getting critics -- crickets. i have the list. free health care, free education and open borders? >> right now people talk about costs when it comes to these things. they talk about costs for a single payer health care system. the system now costs taxpayers 47 trillion dollars. a single payer system would reduce that cost. >> bill: are saving us money, right? >> single payer systems save money. they allow better bargaining costs in hospital. with free education. in the presidential election 2016 bernie sanders talked about a wall street tax. that's 2/-10ths of a percent off
every dollar traded on wall street. that would generate 370 trillion dollars. >> bill: give me a chance to get in here. give me a chance here. i don't know where you got the 47 trillion dollars figure. i have not seen that before. you saw the study yesterday: 32 trillion dollars for free medicare over 10 years. do you know where you get that money? you only get it from raising taxes. i know you have worked hard climbing the ladder at different jobs. when the businesses are taxed, they take it out on the employoees or pass it on to consumers. you can't get around that. you worked hard and want to keep a job? >> of course. that's what i have been doing. i talk about being a working
class woman. we are already paying for med area. we just don't have access to it. all we are doing is to fulfill the intention. paying for things. no ones and where we get the trillion dollars spent in iraq. >> bill: that's a debate we can have also. why double that the government can do a better job of taking care of people than people can actually do on their own? >> because that's the point of government, to empower people to self-determine. the point of government is to make sure that people can choose their own fate and future without having to worry if they can go to doctor. it's about the government stepping in to care for the most basic needs of people. the sick and people that need education. >> bill: that sounds good. but it comes with a price traing.
you talked about health care. free college? that's not talked abo. free college? that's not cheap. i know you are inspired by bernie sanders. do you think the democratic party had it in for bernie sanders in 2016? >> i think they might have. it's what it looks like. they were trying to shoe horn him out. election. >> bill: i apologize for the interruption. standby. here's the vice-president mike pence live at pearl harbor. >> lieutenant brown. distinguished members of congress and honored guests, members of our armed forces, and
most of all veterans from our korean war and the cherished families of our missing fallen. thanks for joining us. for this historic occasion. allow me to extend greetings and great respect to all of those gathered here from our commander and chief whose leadership and compassion brought this day about. the 45th president of the united states of america, president trump. the good book says if you owe debts, pay debts. if honor, then honor. if respect, then respect. we are gathered here at this honorable ceremony to receive 55 flag-draped cases which we trust include the remains of american heroes who fell in the korean
war. some have called the korean war the forgotten war. but today, we prove these heroes were never forgotten. today our boys are coming home. president trump asked me to be here on this day on his behalf. honestly, i have never been more humbled to be asked to represent him. you see, as the admiral just said, my dad lieutenant ed pence fought in combat in the korean war. he came back with a medal on his chest. but my dad, gone now 30 years, always told us the real heroes of the korean war were the ones that didn't get to come home. i just know there is no place
dad would rather have me be than here with all of you welcoming these heroes home. 65 years ago last week, the armistice was signed to bring the korean war to its close. from the moment the guns fell silent american soldiers returned home to families and futures and some to their eternal rest. more than 8,000 americans did not come home at all. our nation worked tirelessly it keep our promise to leave no man behind. while several hundred of the missen fallen have been returned, for more than a decade, as a result of north korea nuclear threats and escalations, search, rescue and recovery efforts have been suspended until today.
on june 12th. president trump traveled to a historic summit in singapore with kim jong-un of north korea. as our president entered into negotiations with north korea, he also had our fallen on his heart. as he secured a commitment for the complete denuclearization of the korean peninsula. he secured a promise from kim to return the remains of all fallen u.s. serve members lost in north korea. i know that president trump is grateful that chair man kim kept his word. we see today as tangible progress in your efforts to achieve peace on the korean peninsula. today is just the beginning. our work will not be complete until our fallen heroes are
accounted for and home. we will see to it in the days ahead that these heroes will be the heroes who led the way to many more homecomings in the future. etched upon the wall of the korean war memorial is a tribute to the brave americans who fought there. it reads, our nations honors your sons and daughters who answered the call to defend a country they never new and a people they never met. at the time they answered that call, america was weary from war. less than 5 years before we had emerged victorious from the flames of world war ii. at the end of that struggle marks the beginning of a new one. a war between the forces of
freedom and the forces of communism. 68 years ago in the korean peninsula the battle was joined. on june 25, 1950, at dawn, communist north korea invaded the free republic of south korea and stormed across. in just a few short days they nearly succeeded in driving freedom from that peninsula. america knew this march would not have stopped in south korea. embol ended by a victory communism could have spread to every corner of the asia pacific toppling nations one by one. america resolved to stop communism's advance in korea. we sent our best to do it. over 3 long years, 2 million
american patriots took up the fight. more than 100,000 were injured and 36,574 gave their all. to defend our freedom and secure freedom for south korea. their act of courage were no less heroic than that of those brothers who stormed the beaches in normandy. they beat back enemy attacks for 6 straight weeks and saved south korea from being driven in the sea. they came ashore and pushed inland to retake seoul the capital of free korea and opening a crucial new front. they made their stand at the chosen reservoir. outnumbered 4-1 for 17 days and nights as temperatures plunged to 35 degrees below zero, they
kept fighting, until they broke through the enemy lines. and became legends. from heartbreak ridge to pork chop hill and foxholes over mountains and rice paddies, they soldiered on. they drove back the enemy. they held the line. and the armed forces of the united states together with our allies defended our freedom and won a lasting freedom for the people of south korea. that prospers to this day. in just a few moments, the remains of some of those same american heroes will finally return to american soil, draped in the colors of the country they served. today, they are known but to god. but soon we will know their
names. and we will tell their stories of courage. they were soldiers, yes, but they were also husbands, fathers, brothers and neighbors. long-gone but never lost to the memory of their loved ones. for generations their families had only a black-and-white photograph to cling to, a faded letter. the precious memory of an embrace on the day they left. we don't know who will come off these planes today. but we do know they are heroes all. heroes with stories like army sergeant a world war ii combat veteran from ohio who went
missing after a fierce battle. he was awarded the silver star and the purple heart. or they could be heroes remembered like major charles lorring who was held a prisoner by the nazis. less than a decade later he returned to battle. above enemy territory near sniper ridge, his f-80 was hit by anti-character fire. in -- anti-aircraft fire. he directed his plane into the very enemy artillery that was threatening american soldiers. they could also have stories like first lieutenant downs. hal trained for combat as world war ii came to a close.
got married and had a son and took a job at a car company. on his first day as he said before he even had a chance to sharpen a pencil, his wife called and said he was recalled to the u.s. air force. he went without hesitation. on a night bombing run over north korea, lieutenant downing was lost and left behind his wife and unborn daughter and a 3-year-old boy name rick who worked to honor his father's memory and support the families of the missing fallen from the korean war. rick, we are honored by your presence with us today. or they could have source like
first lieutenant frank who volunteered to leave his duty station to serve in korea. he was shot down on new year's eve in 1952 over enemy territory. lieutenant salazar's daughter was just 4 years old when he shipped out from travis air force base. we met diana last night at that very same air force base. the base where she saw her father depart for the last time. it was the first time that she had been back there. diana, you honor your father and all of us by your presence today as well. whatsoever emerges from these aircraft begins a new season of hope for the famous of the missing fallen. hope that those who are lost
will yet be found. hope that after so many years of questions, these families will have closure. and hope that as president trump said just yesterday, that these and those that follow will in his words finally come home to lay to rest in american soil. so they shall. some in arlington national cemetery. some in national cemeteries across the land. some in a church yard along side loved ones long gone and some in a fumble family plot on a lonely road. wherever they go, these and all of those that will follow shall
be remembered with honor. the bible says no greater love has a man than this, that he should lay down his life for his friends. as these heroes are laid to rest, so we pray they will rest in peace. to the families of our fallen here and looking on, know that our hearts are with you today. we share your hope that some day soon your loved ones precious remains will be restored to your tender care. we pledge to you, we will never stop striving until every hero lost in the korean war is home. to the veterans of our korean war, brothers and sisters in arms, thank you for your
service. we hope to end this ceremony and end this promise kept, you see once more the deep gratitude that every american feels for your service. and that you leave with the absolute assurance that the korean war is forgotten no more. to our honored dead, who gave the last full measure of devotion for their families and our freedom, to these great american heroes fallen so long ago, today as a nation, we breathe a word of thanks for your service and sacrifice. we say to you, as one people
with one voice, welcome home. may god bless the memory of our fallen and their families. may god bless all who have served and served to this it day in the uniform of this great nation. may god continue to bless the united states of america. >> [applauding]. >> bill: touching stories from the vice-president. all of this part of a bigger story. the on-going effort to get north korea to give up nuclear weapons. the human remains believed to be forgotten soldiers from the korean war. with me is tom and mark.
gentlemen, good evening. tom, i will start just to reflect on what this means for the families of the fallen who have lived for decades now wondering. >> yes. i think vice-president pence eloquently outlined how important and powerful the return of the honored dead is. in that sense, american diplomacy in the moment can bring real and significant gains from the past. as much as the vice-president spoke about the people like jesse brown who shot down, there are few words that the families could find comforting. hopefully in this sense, all of those who loved someone in korea
can take pride in what has been accomplished today and hopefully what this means going forward. the notion of hope is powerful for the vice-president. >> bill: mark, you watched this with me in new york. what are your reflections? >> absolutely. a somber moment. that level of oratory from vice-president pence is something we miss in washington. this will give a sense of close our for families and symbolic gesture from a geo-political standpoint. this doesn't change much. we are -- it is good to be mindful of what happens there in the ceremony. earlier this week we learned there are 1 or 2 liquid fueled ballistic missiles being built.
if this can become more permanent is an open question. >> bill: mark and tom, as we wait for these remains to come into view. it appears now that the flag of the united nations has been changed to the flag of the united states of america. tom, that's how they came out of north korea several days ago. there were questions as to why there was a u.n. flag draped on the casket or box of remains. the thinking was that there is no confirmation these are american men. that process symbolically the stars and stripes changed before our eyes at the moment. >> yes, and i think whether that is forensic analysis that was done or a reflexion of the men american dead who never came home and hopefully will come
home in greater numbers now, it's obviously very special. i think vice-president pence drawing that line in terms of the continuing service of those who wear the flag of the nation. i think of my grandfather who was a pacific marine who is still around. i know he will be very moved by. that it's important to remember as much as we have this continuing crisis with north korea, there are still tens of thousands ever americans standing watch today. >> bill: my sense is you do this, and we do that. we do this and you do that. tom, that's a process i believe from what was established in singapore? >> exactly. again, there are challenges in terms of north korea covert development. the re-entry vehicles for different platforms. there is a sense of urgency from
the trump administration putting more pressure on china significantly. i think the tariffs on china are constructive in pressuring beijing to take american concerns about north korea seriously. i think as north korea watches this image of how much pride america has in those who wear the flag in life or death, there is an understanding that they better play ball here. because america, some americans are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice if necessary. >> play ball for sure. what that ballgame looks like and the rules of that ballgame are is an open question. i am looking at those flags and the caskets. we have no reason to think that north korea is trying to trick us. that they are acting out of anything other than good faith with sending these remains back home. it will take i read reports of years to decades to determine,
forensic analysis and dna to confirm these are american soldiers. one report there was dog tags between the remains of one. >> bill: but only one? >> only 1 out of 55. where we see this going. what the united states's objective here is denuclearization on the korean peninsula. kim jong-un acted in a rational and predictable way in sprinting towards obtaining nuclear weapons. we's done it because he knows that's the ultimate deterrent for regime change. the only way he clinches power is nuclear weapons. there is a quid pro quo. the beginning of a transactional relationship. that's a good thing. a dialogue. that's a good thing. whether or not it's realistic that kim jong-un would give up
the thing we want him to give up, the nuclear weapons it's not clear. >> bill: this is quite an image, gentlemen, to watch this live out of honolulu. this is a remarkable time. the vice-president flying 14 hours overnight to be there and receive the remains. i think both of you gentlemen are spot on about the message the administration is sending to northwestern wildcats. they take -- north korea. they take this very seriously. sending a strong military message to north korea they are not messing around. when you get reports like we have been talking about about the establishment of more missiles in north korea, you wonder whether or not that message is getting through. you have to ask yourself at what point does chair man kim say, i will follow-through on what you assume that i am doing to further the peace effort? >> i think some of the
constructive pieces here are the sense that the u.s. intelligence penetration of north korea is far better than it was 3 years ago. there is an understanding what north korea is doing even when they say they are not doing something. i think there is an understanding about the north koreans. kim jong-un strategy hopefully reflects a rationality on his part. and the competency of the american military power and deliver overwhelming force on to north korea if necessary. president trump's unpredictability in his tweeting in terms of deployment made to south korea and the surrounding area and the build-up to the singapore summit. these things are things that north korea pays attention to. i think as we come towards the end of the year, it will issbe
clear whether north korea will dismantle things that would be hard to rebuild. at that point president trump will make a determination about how to go guaforward. >> bill: why do you say the end of the year? >> because when you talk about north korea dismantling and frankly at least i think over 10 sites instead of just 1 or 2 missiles launch sites and talked about the factory. we know where that is and a lot of scientists. there is a measurable way to see if north korea is back away from that stuff. if that is not happening by the end of the year, i think there
is an understanding that north korea is not being participating. >> bill: very interesting. >> the defense department's onus has shown the only way to know with certainty where his nuclear weapons are would require a ground invasion and that would cost tens of hundreds of thousands of american lives. this is not something any peace loving american is interested in. the intelligence is getting better. i agree with tom on that. >> bill: he is arguing that the visibility into north korea is better than it's ever been. >> it is but not as good as it needs to be to guarantee we are wiping out nuclear weapons with certainty. with near certainty. this is a master, somebody who
hides very well. look, i think that this is a victory for people like vice-president pence mentioned. down's son rick downs traveled with the vice-president to honolulu. he's been trying to get these remains going back to the obama administration. the obama administration all they needed to do according to rick downs was write a letter notifying north korea this would be a humanitarian exercise. they didn't do that because they thought it would be a publicity win for north korea. what we see from the trump administration is the ability to be more flexible when it comes to giving the other side a publicity win and taking one for themselves. trying to make everybody save face here. when you are dealing with somebody like kim jong-un, that's not a bad strategy. >> i think it's good he is talk
to our adversaries. he is talking to the taliban in afghanistan. i think that president trump's strategy of diplomat engagement over more conservative regime change or prevent war is quite a departure. >> bill: it's a departure in deed on. that you are watching to the viewers at home who may be joining us just now, the vice-president pence flew to pearl harbor, hawaii. he is receiving the remains of 55 serve members believed to be americans who didn't come home after the forgotten war in korea. the president asked the vice-president to participate in what you are watchering now. hundred honorable carry ceremony to receive the remains. when they left north korea and traveled to japan and into hawaii. earlier this week, all of these
remains were in smaller boxes. they were draped in a flag that represented the united nations. what we watched 10 minutes ago. when the vice-president finished his speech and the remains were transferred to the caskets you see now. draped in the red, white and blue. the stars and stripes in pearl harbor. the vice-president said we will never forget the sacrifices these service members made for our nations and our freedom and he said welcome home. there will be a long process now. dna testing in the u.s. to determine the identity ever all of those in these coffins you are seeing now. general james madison, the other day. soldiers from france and australia who did not have men return home. there has been a similar process we have watched over the past 10 or 15 years. sometimes they were fruitiful ad
many times they were not. the trust factor can't be stated more. the trust in this relationship appears to be just beginning over the past six weeks. mike pence was chosen for a reason. he had family in the korean war and talked about the bronze star his father earned and his own son's service in the u.s. marines. the kreern korean war was brutal coming out of the world war ii where many people wanted to turn an eye the other direction. away from war and away from the violence that was brought to tens of thousands if not millions of people around the world. the korean war was brutal. it went deep into the territory of north korea along the chinese border. they reached the armistice in
1953. there was brutal and it was bloody. it's until now, it's been largely forgotten for those who have yet to return home. the numbers are staggering. 7,700 u.s. soldiers missing from that war. and the remains of 5,300 u.s. soldiers still believed to be in north korea. the music continues. so does the ceremony in pearl harbor. tom and mark with me. tom, in washington, as you watch this and try understand what is next in the process? what does chairman kim do? what does president trump do? how do you answer that? >> well, the importance for the trump administration, is to remain focus on the issue: the ability of north korea to
deliver nuclear weapons against the u.s. homeland. there are as much as there are cock plexii iare complexities how do you do that? taking apart the human infrastructure that creates a threat to the united states. you need that sooner rather than later. when it comes to the idea of what north korea is willing to give up. i think there are more opportunities sometimes than people think. one example that i have been thinking about is the idea as much as north korea relies on nuclear war heads for regime survival. one thing you could do as part of the deal is get rid of the icbm's and they would be held on
a u.n. facility on its soil so there is monitoring there. >> bill: thanks for being with us. we watch the ceremony play out in pearl harbor. you are watching american history perhaps for the fallen so many decades later. we'll be right back. you'll ask... what bad shoulder? what headache? advil is relief that's fast strength that lasts you'll ask... what pain? with advil liqui-gels
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about something entirely different, but the way cable news is, events like these play out in ways you cannot predict and no one predicted the images that we are seeing. >> i don't think you can understate the contrast of what's going on now and what went on in the fall i believe in hawaii when that state believed that they were under missile attack and it was essentially the beginning of an apocalyptic war and here we are months later in pearl harbor going through a startling transformation and a negotiation. it is true, we are clear eyed, we are sober i do. we don't trust them and they don't trust us and everybody is waiting for the grand gesture to put the ring on it so we know this is real. this is part of that negotiation and this is part of that step. and if you want to be skeptical or cynical about this, find, but just remember nine months ago or
whenever that happened in hawaii, nobody was cynical or skeptical, they were absolutely terrified. my wife was in hawaii at the time. she saw families crying and screaming. what we are seeing now is a transformation. >> bill: a saturday afternoon. the alarm went off and everybody ran as if they were under attack. >> exactly. >> bill: same situation for guam. you talk about the trust and i talk repeatedly about a relationship that is just getting underway. maybe this goes somewhere. >> yes. >> bill: but we've been in a stalemate for a very long time. >> what are the alternatives? it's so funny how conservatives and republicans are now the peacemakers and those that talk about peace are engaging in cold wars with so many people. the alternative to negotiation, or conversations with enemies' only conflict. isolation, then ultimately annihilation and starvation if it's north korea. so the option is to start a people and then end up in a war or have an open channel with people we don't trust with the
possibility of progress. this is progress. solemn progress and i'm telling you you've got to go back in time. our attention spans are so short. it got to remember that saturday. saturday. you have to remember. >> bill: good to be with you. >> always a pleasure. >> bill: thank you for being patient as we watch the images come out of pearl harbor. i mentioned a minute ago just how many men we lost in the korean war. the numbers are staggering, the number missing well over 7,000. the number remains that never came home well over 5,000 and today we see what could be the beginning of a very, very long process. the remains of 55 believed to be americans coming home for one final time from that war. 1953. as we leave you tonight, want to play the images from pearl harbor and let you know we will see you again tomorrow morning. greg will be with you at 5:00 and not a moment before. i will see you at 9:00 a.m. with sandra smith on "america's newsroom." we leave you with the images of

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Donald Trump , Bob Mueller , Team , Message , Report , Put Up Or Shut , Bill , Trial , Paul Manafort , Anything , 2 , Manafort Trial , Pieces , Everyone , Briefing , White House , Some , Investigations , Conspiracy , Democratic , Obama , Russians , Wasn T , Record , Radar , Times , End , Process Play , Headlines , Happening , Lot , Something , The End , Stuff , Great American , More , President , Attorney General , Tweets , Directive , Twitter , Vents , Subordinate , Everybody , Amendment , He Didnt Say Sessions , Things , Cases , Counsel , Significance , New York City , Byron , Fact , Nothing , Trump , Campaign , Mission , Contacts , Core , Office , Sort , Doesn T , Prosecutors , Reason , Number , Deal , Election , Person , Michael Cohen Case , 2016 , Cohen Doesn T , Experts , Meaning , Affair , Mueller Hasnt Said Why , Mike Cohen , Personal Business , Spectacular , Women , Trump Dossier , Acications , Stormy Daniels , Prosecuting Cohen , Europe , Thing , Opinion , Opinions , Medium , Practice , One , Word , Director , Cause , Nuts , Left , Eye , Funny , Overlapping Talking , New Hampshire , Bang Up Job , Extension , Flip Flopping , Flit Flopping , Rudy Giuliani , Out Lier , Ceremony , Thanks , Noise , Remains , Korean War , Hawaii , Vice President Pence , Troops , 55 , Health Care , Socialist , Right , Hopes , Ocasio Cortez , Movement , Sarah Smith , Alexandria , Models , Lincoln Summer Invitation , Drive , Apr , Bonus Cash , Lincoln , 1000 , 000 , 2018 , 0 , Flight Doesn T , Hands , Mathere , Priceline , Allstate Agents Riding Sweep , 10000 , Flight , Savings , Place , Flights , Trip , 40 , Blade Maker , Making Blades , 20 , World , Nobody , Blades , Market , Innovation , Precision Machinery , Materials , Man , Best , Gilletteondemand Com , Gillette , Boston , Sleep , Heartburn , Nexium 24hr , Reality , Dream , Acid , Night Protection , 24 , All , Education , Infrastructure , Ice , Singe Payer Medicare , Congress , State Of Washington , Military Occupations , Mess Anger , Democratic Socialist , Sarah Smith Running For Congress , 9 , 11 , Country , District , Incumbent , Task , People , Air , Borders , List , Crickets , Critics , Single Payer System , Costs , Payer , Health Care System , System , 47 Trillion , 47 Trillion Dollars , Money , Cost , Bargaining Costs , Payer Systems Save Money , Bernie Sanders , Hospital , Wall Street Tax , 10 , Chance , Dollar , 370 Trillion , 370 Trillion Dollars , Study , 32 Trillion Dollars , 32 Trillion , Businesses , Raising Taxes , Ladder , Jobs , Medicare , Job , Doing , Consumers , Course , Employoees , Working Class , Area , Intention , Woman , Med , Government , Ones , Care , Debate , Double , Iraq , Point , Fate , Needs , Price Traing , College , Abo , Vice President , Mike Pence , Interruption , Standby , Shoe Horn Him Out , Pearl Harbor , Members , Guests , Jesse Brown , Armed Forces , Members Of Congress , Families , Veterans , Fallen , Most , Occasion , Greetings , Respect , Commander , President Of The United States America , Compassion , Chief , Leadership , 45 , Honor , Debts , Repay Debts , Book , Heroes , Boys , Behalf , Coming Home , Combat , Ted Pence , Admiral , Medal , Home , Dad , Chest , 30 , 65 , Soldiers , Close , Armistice , Brest , Futures , Guns , 8000 , Promise , Nation , Missen Fallen , North Korea , Efforts , Recovery , Threats , Result , Rescue , Escalations , Kim Jong Un , Negotiations , Summit , Singapore , On June 12th , June 12th , 12 , Korean Peninsula , Heart , Commitment , Denuclearization , Loving American , Progress , Beginning , Work , Way , Homecomings , Tribute , Nations , Wall , Korean War Memorial , Sons And Daughters , Call , 5 , World War Ii , Forces , Flames , Struggle , Freedom , Battle , 68 , June 25 1950 , 25 , 1950 , Republic Of South Korea , Peninsula , Communism , Victory , Sembol , Corner , Asia Pacific Toppling , Advance , 3 , 2 Million , Fight , Patriots , Injured , 36574 , 100000 , Brothers , Courage , The Beaches , Normandy , Act , Enemy , Capital , Sea , Seoul , 6 , Front , Stand , Reservoir , 35 , 17 , Zero , 1 , 4 , Lines , Pork Chop Hill , Fighting , Legends , Rice Paddies , Mountains , Foxholes , Heartbreak Ridge , Line , Allies , Armed Forces Of The United States , God , Colors , American Soil , Yes , Names , Stories , Fathers , Neighbors , Husbands , Memory , Letter , Generations , Photograph , Loved Ones , Planes , Embrace , Army Sergeanta World War Ii , Ohio , Charles Lorring , Silver Star , Prisoner , Major , Purple Heart , F 80 , Enemy Territory , Sniper Ridge , Nazis , 80 , Artillery , Fire , Plane , Anti Character Fire , Hal , Downs , First Lieutenant , Wife , Son , Pencil , Car Company , Us Air Force , Lieutenant , Hesitation , Downing , Night Bombing Run , Father , Daughter , Name Rick , Presence , Frank , Duty Station , New Years Eve , 1952 , Air Force Base , Base , Diana Last Night , Travis Air Force Base , Salazar , Time , Diana , Hope , Season , Famous , Aircraft , Questions , Closure , Words , Soil , Cemeteries , Land , Arlington National Cemetery , Church Yard , Fumble , Road , Family Plot , Life , Friends , Bible , No Greater Love , Hearts , Hero , Tender Care , Striving , Arms , Brothers And Sisters , Service , Gratitude , Feels , Dead , Assurance , Measure , Devotion , Sacrifice , Voice , Welcome Home , Uniform , Part , Story , Effort , Applauding , Weapons , Tom , Mark , Human Remains , Gentlemen , Is , Return , Sense , Diplomacy , Gains , Someone , Shot Down , Who , Pride , Notion , Reflections , Level , Oratory , Our , Gesture , Doesnt Change , Geo Political Standpoint , Missiles , Flag , Question , United Nations , View , Permanent , Process , Stars , Stripes , Confirmation , Men , Thinking , Casket , Box , Analysis , Preflexion , Eyes , Men American Dead Who , Numbers , Terms , Pence Drawing , Grandfather , Crisis , Pacific Marine , Tens Of Thousands Ever Americans Standing Watch , Platforms , Vehicles , Urgency , Challenges , Covert Development , Administration , Pressure , Concerns , Tariffs , China , Understanding , Image , Pride America , Death , Caskets , Flags , Ball , Ballgame , Rules , Faith , Forensic Analysis , Dna , Dog Tags , Objective , Sprinting , Regime Change , Deterrent , Relationship , Power , Whether , Dialogue , Quid Pro Quo , Honolulu , 14 , Wildcats , Both , Spot , Military Message , Establishment , Kim Say , Intelligence , Penetration , Strategy , Rationality , Force , Competency , Military , Attention , Singapore Summit , Tweeting , Build Up , Deployment , Unpredictability , Determination , Guaforward , Sites , Dismantling , Factory , Scientists , Defense Departments Onus , Certainty , Tens Of Hundreds Thousands American Lives , Ground , Invasion , Visibility , Somebody , Master , Wiping , Pence , Son Rick Downs , Down S , Ability , Publicity Win , Exercise , Everybody Save Face , Side A , Adversaries , Diplomat Engagement , Taliban In Afghanistan , Viewers , Departure , On , Deed , Didnt Come Home , Carry Ceremony , Japan , Speech , Boxes , White , In The Red , Blue , Identity , James Madison , Coffins , Dna Testing , France , Australia , Fruitiful , 15 , Trust , Trust Factor , Six , Family , Bronze Star , Us Marines , Violence , Kreern Korean War , Direction , Millions , Tens Of Thousands , Territory , Border , Chinese , 1953 , Music , 7700 , 5300 , Chairman , Importance , Issue , Homeland , Cock Plexii Iare , Human Infrastructure , Idea , Complexities , Threat , Example , Opportunities , Icbm , Nuclear War Heads For Regime Survival , Facility , Ceremony Play , History , Advil , Headache , Strength , Relief , Spain , Advil Liqui , Teacher , Tech Vo , Safelite , Students , Student , Windshield , Science Papers , Volcanoes , Auto Glass , Kids , Tech , Kids Vo , Honk , Pascal , Science Project , Safelite Repair , Hotels , Hotel , Wmust , 120 , 120 Dollars , 60 , Room , Hotel Room , Mistake , Gratest , Liberty Mutual Won T , Rates , Accident , Drivers , Liberty Mutual Doesnt Hold Grudges , Accident Forgiveness , Images , Cable News , Events , Play , Ways , Missile Attack , State , Contrast , Negotiation , Transformation , Trust Us , Step , Ring , Find , Nine , Alarm , Screaming , Situation , Somewhere , Attack , Guam , Conservatives , Talk , Peacemakers , Republicans , Alternative , Stalemate , Wars , Alternatives , Enemies , Channel , Starvation , Conflict , Option , Conversations , Annihilation , Isolation , Dont Trust , Saturday , Good , Pleasure , Possibility , Attention Spans , Patient , 7000 , 5000 , Greg Gutfeld , Sandra Smith , Americas Newsroom , 00 ,

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