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A look at the days latest news and headlines. Moment. But first, ed henry joins me live tonight with the back stor story. Congressman hunter has temporarily stepped down from his three Committee Assignments and congress under pressure from p chris Speaker Paul Ryan who l forcibly strip him of those assignments and thats a sign of how much political hot water hes in right now. Stepping down from the Armed Services panel had to be particularly hard for hunter and for a man who quit his job after 9 11 to serve as a combat marine. Also ps stands accused of misusing Campaign Money in some cases, intended for wounded warriors. The congressman and his Wife Margaret who serves as his Campaign Manager pled not guilty to some 60 charges of stealing a quarter Million Dollars in Campaign Funds. The couple today greeted with those chance of, lock him up. The use Campaign Cash for private school tuition, and spend big money on personal went to Hillary Clintons fundraisers before they did this know that they had all the records on my son a year and a half ago. Now they are waiting until a few weeks before the election and its going to be very hard for him to get a trial finish to clear his name and they are hoping that this charge itself takes his republican seat and moves it into their column, the democrat column. Chris collins of new york for the first two members endorsed into president and they were each indicted on separate charges within days of one another. The current use the training should note who brought the charges against the hundreds was a Trump Employee so the congressman was just a few weeks away and will try to explain why he spent 600 in Campaign Money on a plane ticket to fly the Family Rabbit across the countr country. Martha many questions, and here to answer some of those, our country never made it back from the battlefield. I think washington chewed him up and spat him out and he lost his way. I think people are looking for someone who will lead with their values, somebody who will not only pass laws but follow the law. Martha strong words, what do you say to him . I would say thats what my socialist democratic opponent would say. He will have his turn when we have the election in a few months. Martha do you think you will still win . I think you will i will still win. Martha thank you very much for answering those questions and coming on the story tonight. Coming up next, Another Story Exclusive this evening. The attorney for Cristhian Rivera, the illegal immigrant charged in the murder of Mollie Tibbetts. There is no premise in the history of our country where a man in that position, a sad and sorry tromp should be even commenting on it until we get past the Presumption Of Innocence. Drive safely. With drivewise. It lets you know when you go too fast. And brake too hard. With feedback to help you drive safer. Giving you the power to actually lower your cost. Unfortunately, it cant do anything about that. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . The first survivor of alzis out there. Ase and the Alzheimers Association is going to make it happen. But we wont get there without you. Join the fight with the Alzheimers Association. Who would have guessed . An Energy Company helping cars emit less. Making cars lighter, its a good place to start, advanced oils for those hardworking parts. Fuels that go further so drivers pump less. Improving efficiency is what we do best. Energy lives here. Impi decided thatncy is i wanted to got. For Electrical Engineering and you need to go to college for that. If i didnt have internet in the home i would have to give up more time with my kids. Which is the main reason i left the military. Everybody wants more for their kids, but i feel like with my kids, they measurably get more than i ever got. And i get to do that. I get to provide that for them. Breaking now, we now know that Mollie Tibbetts was killed with Sharp Force Injury. Cristhian rivera, an illegal immigrant charged with carrying out that brutal murder claimed that he blacked out and he has no recollection of the attack. Joining me now is mr. Allen richards. Thank you for being here tonight to answer some questions. He described what happened in pretty great detail in in the police report. He talked about running behind her and then along side of her, then she said she was going to call police and she panicked and got mad and he said he blacked out after that. It is now known that he and she died from Sharp Force Injury . I would have no comment on those reports until i see the reports. Martha you havent seen the medical examiners report from your case . As far as the death, i am real sorry about the death. Im not going to make any comment on a report until someone testifies in more detail concerning the matter. Martha so you havent read the medical examiners report with regard to your client that came out today. Anyway, i just filled you in on the headline there, she was killed with sharp force trauma, blunt force trauma, essentially hit hard enough to kill her. We also have pictures today of the corn field where her body was found and he described to the police in detail that he brought her to a secluded location, carried her over his shoulder couple took her 20 meters into the cornfield and left her covered in corn leaves and left her there face up. Thats a report according to your client. Do you want to comment on that at all . That is what the investigators were stating. As far as you asking, im in tema county and in Court Proceedings most of the afternoon here. I havent had the opportunity to review that. Martha i want to play something that got attention yesterday about your case. The law includes a Presumption Of Innocence and due process before the critical mistake of saying the outrageous things that the sad end of sorry President Trump has been saying. Theres no premise in the history of our country for a man of that position, tromp should be commenting on it until we get a Presumption Of Innocence. Martha why did you get President Trump into it . People are buying into the concepts and notions that mr. Trump is bringing forward, and at this stage in the process, its not proper. I think there is a misconception of what the role of a Defense Attorney is. My role is to vigorously represent Cristhian Rivera and my obligation is to the administration of justice in a manner that seeks out the truth in a manner that helps people and societal problems in a rational and peaceful and efficient matter. Martha the employer verified today that they consider him an illegal immigrant from mexico. And i fail to see how that fact if he was from colorado and lived there for 20 years, we would know that. But we know he is an illegal immigrant that arrived in iowa and was therefore between four and seven years. How is that not part of the facts that surrounded the case . How is it not . That his rhetoric. The United States constitution provides, if you are not a citizen, you are still entitled to the jurisdictions of the court, entitled to equal protection under the law. Martha i dont think anyone said it wasnt. I think people are wondering why he arrived here illegally 47 years ago. Thats your rhetoric. The one he is a false name to work for an employer, they thought he was someone else. These are the facts that are being dug up in the case, no one is making judgment on them themselves. They are saying, this is what we have learned so far about this individual so why wouldnt that be relevant, this is his background . You want to jump to say they are facts. At these people been under oath, i have they provided the opportunity for Cristhian Rivera to present his views on the matter . Martha its not a Point Of View question Companies Either here legally or illegally. Its not rhetoric sir. Thats may be your Point Of View, martha. We have an Agrarian Society where these individuals are welcome here. They are accepted by the wealthy individuals running these companies and they are a bio part to the community. Martha you are talking apples and oranges. They may be accepted by the community, the company that hired him said that he gave them a fake i. D. And they ran that through the system, the Social Security system they ran it through, and they gave him e gave them a fake i. D. To say thats bringing politics into it, i think you are putting rhetoric and Point Of View on i it. You are trying to say that his State Of Mind was in such a way. We are dealing with an individual that has a middle school education, so his perception is entitled to equal protection and due process. Now you could jump to it and say these are the facts, but that doesnt make them facts because you say so, martha. The man is entitled to an issue trial martha It Doesnt Matter, these are the facts and this is the background. I dont understand why you are trying to put Something Else on top of it, whenever you have a case, as you well know as a Defense Attorney, you try to nail down what happened and what the situation was, no . The situation he was involved with concerning his status has nothing to do with the situation that unfortunately happened over there on that road in brooklyn. Im sorry. Hes entitled to a hearing on the immigration issue. Martha which he will get, exactly. Alan richards, thank you sir, and thank you for your time. Its an awful situation and we hope that justice is served for this beautiful young woman who should still be alive today if it were not for her killer. When we come back, Geraldo Rivera response to that interview, and up to this. The cnn, the msnbc, most of the print media and the democrat are all accomplices in the death of this young girl and the death of everyone else. And even Geraldo Rivera. Ive never met the guy. Insurance that wont replace the full value of your new car . Youd be better off throwing your money right into the harbor. Im gonna regret that. With Liberty Mutual new Car Replacement well replace the full value of your car. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty jushis local miracle ear t at helped andrew hear more of the joy in her voice. Just one hearing test is all it took for him to hear more of her laugh. And less of the Background Noise around him. 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I am far more annoyed by the Lieutenant Governor dan patrick of texas who defamed me by suggesting that i dont sincerely feel the pain of Mollie Tibbetts family over the tragic loss of their daughter. Its absolutely outrageous. Martha i have something for folks at home and then i want you to continue. American citizens and people who genuinely want to come here arent criminals, they are playing with their lives through politics. They are all accomplices in the death of this young girl in the death of everyone else. Even Geraldo Rivera, and ive never met the guy, i like him, it seems like hes got a good heart. And you hear them on fox saying, i feel badly about this, but theres nobody. Id be glad to debate him anywhere, anyplace on this issue. Martha we heard what he had to say about that. To be called essentially youve known me and my wife erica for more than 18 years. To be called by that Bottom Feeding Politician an accomplice to this young ladys murder, that something i cannot abide. He is stereotyping 11 Million People in our country here without documentation. They mow our lawns, they pack our meat, they process our poultry. To characterize that entire group of people come all of them as murderers, and then in colorado you had this millennial guy, with the beard, a white guy. Kills his pregnant wife, the unborn child and two of his babies. Do we then say the millennials with beards are a threat to society because of this case . This case in iowa is an awful case. This person should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But what i was doing, and what im doing right now is, im begging people. But im begging you to have compassion and not brand of this entire population by the deeds of this one person. Martha thats what i was getting out with the attorney. The fact of the matter is this person came here illegally. No one is saying that 11 Million People are capable of what this person is capable of, but put yourself in Mollie Tibbetts families she was right now. Its bad enough to know that someone it working her neighborhood murdered your beautiful daughter, but its worse that you find out that they cross the border illegally. As a process of coming into the country, and there are many people waiting in line to go through the proper process. The fact is he shouldnt have been here and that adds to their pain and how awful the situation is. The family of Mollie Tibbetts. They have gone out of their way, the cousin is now on social media, the friends and family are all saying that Mollie Tibbetts would be half horrified with the that this news is being used as a case to argue about unlawful immigration. She wasnt that person. Anyone could have done this, they do it on a daily basis. White people, black people, read people, yellow people. They do these crimes. Martha i respect the family obviously on whatever they want to say on this matter, they are free to say and speak out obviously in any anyway they want. But the fact of the matter is that he was here illegally and for some people, they look at that and they say, this is just another indicator. We have a Terrible Lax Process at our border. It doesnt work and this person shouldnt have been here. We at this network are putting that spin on the story. This is a murder story, not an immigration story. It is its a fact that from the Pew Research Center and every other objective story, and in todays New York Times for example, its proven that it is undocumented immigrants commit fewer crimes per capita. Martha it adds to the pain in, and to the misery of the situation to know that not only did this happen, but it didnt have to happen. If we had a system that allowed people to come and go and he didnt have to work under a name that wasnt his name. This is feeding the false impression that this population increases violent crime. Im glad you are here to make the point and i would like to hear you debate dan patrick on this and i hope that we do hear that and i respect your opinion on it and im glad youre here. You know i love you. Martha i love you too. Have a great night, geraldo. Byebye. Lets talk about the Playboy Bunny and the publisher of the National Enquirer who now has immunity to tell what he knows. Hes also apparently got a safe with a ton of documents in it that he is been keeping over the years. Howie kurtz weighs in next. Much, much better toys. Introducing the 2018 cclass sedan, coupe and cabriolet. The thrills keep getting better. Lease the c300 sedan for 399 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. As moms, we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. And we dont want Something Like meningitis b getting in their way. 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This is the man who publishes the National Enquirer. Theres a lot of history here. He obviously has immunity now, what does all this mean . David packer for those Who Dont Know is a very good friend friend, a longtime friend of donald trump and so thats a big headache for the president. According to the wall street journal, packer has already told prosecutors that donald trump knew that he was buying the rights to Karen Mcdougall story, the former playboy model, at 150k. And that was in order to bury that. They could then buy the rights directly from the inquirer, and trump says on that tape, what if david packer gets hit by a bus . So where do we think this is going . There are also reports that he has been keeping under lock and key documents for many years. This is an interesting form of friendship, right . Oh, yes. The alliance between the Supermarket Tabloid and the now president has been kind of an open secret. Hes done a lot of cheerleading for donald trump and gone after his rivals, whether it was 2016 hillary six months to live or others, i dont know that this puts donald trump in legal jeopardy, but politically speaking, its another confidant like omarosa who is turning on the president in order to get leniency. It could lead to some landmines here and it tarnishes the Media Operation because its not a good luck to have your ceo have to be in such fear of legal jeopardy that you have to make a deal with the feds. Martha i know you say that they do occasionally break stories that are real stories, but they also put a lot does this really hurt their reputation, is my open question to you . It does because part of the cash for trash, but there are also those oldfashioned gum shoes that knock on doors and they did break the John Edwards Sex Scandal story in 2008. Trump said the inquirer should win a pulitzer so its kind of a mutual admiration society. The question is, does pecker no additional secrets involving donald trump or other tabloid type episodes that could be of privilege to federal prosecutors . Martha well and maybe he will trade some of that information he has under lock and key so it doesnt make it to him. There are probably lots of secrets and that safe in boca raton. Martha everyone seems to be recording each other and keeping their communications locked up in their house. Most friends are not made this way that thats what we got. Store next week seen the word impeachment thrown around an awful lot lately but oddly enough, not by many democrats. So why do they appear to be backing off of that idea . Democrat Eric Swalwell joins me next. Mr. Giuliani, is it is inevitable now that President Trump will be impeached . Hardly. I think its inevitable that he wont. To be their best, kids need good nutrition. And practice. Lots of practice. Get them started right with Carnation Breakfast essentials. 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This is the end of the commercial where i walk off into a very dramatic sunset to reveal the new esurance tagline so that youll remember it. Esurance. Its surprisingly painless. Ainsley earhardt, that aired this morning. That as the Special Counsel probe heats up, but aside from the headlines there is one group that remained surprisingly silent when it comes to the letter i word these days. Democratic congressman Eric Swalwell, member of the House Judiciary Committee joins me this evening. Good to see you congressman, thanks for being here. You tweeted this as sort of a retweet of President Trump saying, i dont know how you can impeach somebody who has done a great job and you said, we wont. And then you have Maxine Waters who likes to talk about it an awful lot, and she was on chris hayes last night. I know some of the democrats are saying dont mention the word impeachment, dont worry about the investigation, Let Mueller Take Care of that. We got to talk about our issues. While we can do both. Martha so why are you against it given the fact that you seem to think there was so much egregious and potentially illegal behavior . When i said, we wont, i meant we wont impeach someone who is doing a good job. If youve broken the law, It Doesnt Matter if you are democrat or republican, you are not above the law. But we should lead with the problems he said he would address. Rising Health Care Costs, rising paychecks, he has not done that. America is in a trump slump where Health Care Costs are going up and paychecks are going down and corruption continues to spread. We shouldnt look the other way on impeachment but until we are in the majority, we should focus on those issues and if we do win in november, conduct all the investigations of republicans have been completely unwilling to do. Martha thats interesting. So what im hearing is you do not want democrats during the Midterm Election to use the word impeachment, is that true . You want them to not focus on that, not ask for that, not say that if we take over the majority of the house, thats what we will do . I think we should promise the American People that we wont look the other way. When it comes to what he did with the russians, we should conduct a thorough investigation. We shouldnt be as reckless with the truth as he is being a just say that hes it should be impeached right now because republicans wont allow them to look at that evidence. I think the best thing we can do is address those core issues that americans who work very hard and hope that hard work mean something, and he basically thinks he has done a good job. He thinks that will support his reelection, and also support the reelection of republicans. When you take a look at this quinnipiac poll, 58 say they would not want to see President Trump impeached. 36 say they would. Its also interesting when you look back at the times when america has sort of gone down this road before, and in 1998 after president clinton was impeached by the house, by republicans that were obviously leading that investigation, it was not a good time for them after this. They lost five house seats and seats and Newt Gingrich resigned shortly thereafter. Go back to 74 and richard nixon, and the opposite happened. Democrats took up 49 seats from republicans. Is this a political calculation from democrats that its not going to work well if they go down this road . Of the families that i talked to in my district and across my country come right now they are seeing that nearly twothirds of americans have less than A Thousand Dollars in their savings accounts. They will see premium increases this fall and they want to know how hard you are going to address how they work. Martha so why are they spending so much time talking about that issue and pursuing it so hard, every day you can look across every newspaper, and look at how powerful and how illegal these activities are in the trump administration. So now you are telling me what people really care about is their savings account. It seems weird that there is so much oxygen taking up the story and then all of a sudden its like, why would you back off . To me as a former prosecutor, i would want to approach this to bring witnesses is in, Subpoena Outside martha so you havent seen yet what you would need for that. Is that what youre saying . Ive seen enough to warrant an investigation. Martha has been an investigation going on for two years. They are not investigating what the president and his team have done. Im on the house committee, we saw it shut down months ago. We would like to actually subpoena people and actually look and probe who they work with. Until we are able to do that, lets talk about what Americans Care about and also promised them, no one is above the law and we are not going to look the other way. If he has broken the law, he will be held to the account. Martha it will be very interesting what happens. Coming up tonight, hold the phone on kavanaugh as democrats are revolting. A lot of folks are wondering and he confirmed to me that door is still wide open. Martha he said he confirmed to him, that door is wide open. I guess we wont know exactly because we werent in the room to hear that conversation. We have marie harf live in their studios when we come back. Raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty little things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. 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Martha you saw this here a few minutes ago, Duncan Hunter claim in the indictment against him is nothing short of a political witch hunts. Here now, guy benson and marie harp. Hi you guys, good to have you here. You heard Duncan Hunter and an exclusive interview on the top of the show, he claims that he has paid back what he sees as violations of Campaign Finance law that the rest he feels are legitimate expenses. What do you think . There was a lot of evidence in this indictment. If you read through it, deciding how much they outlined. He look at his day in court like anyone charged with crime. This notion that it is a political witch hunt, that he is using a lot of trump language, but he is no donald trump. I just dont think that will work when he is in court if the evidence that has been laid out in this indictment holds up. It is very serious. Martha you cant help but think, is this when i write does it kind of thing . Perhaps he went too far. That might be part of his defense. I think it is clear that he finds some political utility and trying to make this about a political prosecution. What have you. I did read through that indictment and there were certain details where they had apparently emails and records of very clearly wrong conduct, illegal conduct. One particular snippet allegation, there is an email from the congressmans wife from him encouraging him to use Campaign Funds to buy clothing for himself and then listed as golf balls to bring to wounded warriors. At that assuming that you are lying about or misrepresenting, that looks really bad. That is not a good look. Before we asked about that and he said he didnt remember. He did say probably referred to that because it is like locker room talk and he is in the military. We will see where that goes. I want to play this rorschach chuck schumer. In my view the senate Judiciary Committee should immediately pause the consideration of the cavanaugh nomination. Here we go. This is desperation by chuck schumer, it is groundless and baseless, to silly it is part of sun. The effect of the matter is the president of United States is duly elected, he is legitimate, it is constitutional role and prerogative to fill some preimport vacancies. The events of this last week which is what he is referring t to, cohen and manafort, all of that noise has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Brett Kavanaugh, with his qualifications and his integrity. If the democrats want to ask questions at the hearings about his views on Executive Privilege and whether a president can be indicted, by all means, ask the question. That is the point of a hearing. He is saying we need to posit. The entire point here is obstruction. It is a hail mary and it is ridiculous. Martha it seems on unfair. Because of these legal situations with paul manafort, cohen that it somehow makes the president illegitimate so therefore that is. This man, he spent his entire life working hard in his profession, moving up to the small bents. Why should he be robbed of that moment by senators who say, now does not even worth meeting with you . Martha are you asking about Brett Kavanaugh . The irony. I make good points. The irony of republicans being upset that democrats are stalling on their Supreme Court nominations, when ours couldnt even get a meeting. There is a lot of spilled blood over that still. You will move forward. These tough questions will be asked. Martha it is pretty tense right now. A quick question, all of these go find meat patrons, michael cohen, it cut out of him at the end that yes, some of the money might go to him. To pay his legal fees. Wont everybody please feel sorry for cohen and peter strzok and please send them your hardearned money so that you can help support their legal fees. This is a pretty tough plea. I will mention that peter strzok at 450,000. Maria will start with you. The democratizing part of the internet means people can do this and if they want to give money, have added. Some of these people deserve to be defended in court but not all of them. I will see to mix a pandering to the dumb dumbs is big business. Martha ill leave it there, thats a pretty good line. Thank you guys, always good to see you. That is our story on this thursday night, follow me on

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